Saturday, November 8, 2014

sharing.:::SALUSA_ Greetings From AA Michael’s Sanctuary in the Rocky Mountains

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Greetings From AA Michael’s Sanctuary in the Rocky Mountains 

by Georgi Stankov Posted on November 8, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, November 7, 2014

Yesterday we arrived at the heart of AA Michael’s ethereal place of retreat on this planet – in Banff and the near-by Lake Louise in the Rocky Mountains. We were asked by him to make this tedious journey during the yesterday’s storm (November 6, 2014) and drive more than 840 km in rain, dense fog and poor visibility. I do not know how we made it, but we arrived on angels’ wings in time for another massive ascension peak after we cleansed this part of Canada during our trip. Each time we are on the road, we operate as huge trailblazers cleansing vast swathes of land and their population.

This time the source waves that hit us, the light warriors of the first and the last hours, cleansed the deepest cellular memories in our and all human earthly vessels meant for ascension. For me it felt like a complete mental and emotional depression coupled with physical exhaustion, where all meaning of my human life on this earth was wiped out and left me with nothing else in my hands, but pure desperation. Carla felt the same way, in addition to our severe headache due to a massive cc-wave yesterday and today.

It was obvious that this feeling came from the collective subconscious, as there were no objective reasons to feel like this, quite on the contrary. It has always been our intimate desire to visit together this famous winter resort and feel AA Michael’s energies in his retreat on this planet. Carla has visited many times Banff and the surrounding Rocky mountains since her childhood, but this was my first visit and I was eager to compare the energies of Banff with that of my sanctuary and current 5D world center of healing in Lofer, Austria.

Indeed there are many parallels, but also some outstanding differences that can only be explained if one knows both mountain resorts. Both sites emanate such huge and pure crystalline energies that it is as if one wants to climb Mount Everest without oxygen tanks. One gets really dizzy by only breathing these energies. Otherwise the historic background can’t be more different between Banff and Lofer, although both places have began their history as famous winter resorts around the same time at the beginning of the 20. century.

While I am writing this report, AA Michael has already established contact with Carla and is giving her some intuititive visions related to our visit in his sanctuary in the Rocky mountains. As soon as I know more, I will let you know. In the meantime I would like to express my profound gratitude for your overwhelming response to visit interesting Google advertisements by clicking on them and thus contributing decisively to the financial support of our website, which obviously should remain an ongoing tradition among all PAT members in order to yield the desired results. Thankyou very much for your apprehension and help in this respect. This is one effective way how the Orion economic system could be harnessed in service of higher spiritual goals. In this manner you are actively contributing to the alchemical transformation of the current pecuniary system into a new, just numerical form of payments and abundance that will dominate life on the upper 4D worlds, we have already created.

Before Carla comes up with her message, let me give you my actual assessment. We are since October 12th in a huge upward spiral of ascension that has not stopped since then. The opening of the second wave of ascension candidates for the LBP and the cleansing of the collective dross of the New Age last week set free some very chaotic energies, which you all had to process and this cleansing is still ongoing.

It makes a lot of sense that the current high frequency energies from the Source will affect in the first place the old souls – the star seeds and crystalline children – who account for roughly 5% of the human population. Until now most of them were staying idle on the sideline of the ascension process and had barely commenced with the cleansing of their personal issues and the collective human dross. Now they have been opened for the LBP, which means in the first place beginning with the massive cleansing on behalf of Gaia and humanity and this is an enormous support for the PAT. As soon as this second wave of ascension candidates fully resumes its light work duties, we shall be free to leave this uppermost mother planet.

The opening and the beginning of revelations can only start with that population of incarnated old souls, who are energetically ready for these events at the level of their HS, even though their ego-minds still betray them. But these effects will trickle down to many, less perceptive human entities and these energies are now profoundly felt by the dark cabal and their stooges such as the internet trolls. The latter have already started to respond to these massive waves of revelation and truth by resorting to some desperate and stupid actions in their last ditch effort to preserve their dwindling power. The ruling cabal will however miserably fail and only reveal their heinous nature that will lead to their demise.

This is already happening on a global scale. In his despair Obama has sent a secret letter to the Iranian supreme leader, his worst enemy together with Putin, begging for help in his hopeless war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. He knows very well that he will never win this perfidious war, just as he lost his proxy war against Russia in Southeast Ukraine by using shamelessly the odious Nazis in Kiev.

And the USA government has already shot twice in his leg. With the help of the Saudis, with which they are now in big quarrel, they tried to crash the oil price as to harm the Russians (In fact, the oil price dropped essentially because of the world recession and diminishing demand.). What the Americans actually achieved, is to crash their own shale fracking industry, which can only operate within a very narrow profit margin when the oil price is above 100 $ a barrel. This was the only economic asset of this dying former economic giant. Now the last illusion of energy supply independence of the USA has been shattered in these days.

This is how the dialectics of the new Source energies operate in the End Time. Or as Mephisto says in Goethe’s “Faustus”: ” Ich bin die boese Kraft, die stets was Gutes schafft” (I am the evil force that always creates something good.). While the Russians can live very well with any oil price above 50 $ a barrel due to their cheap production sites and infinite natural resources, the USA has depleted all its major oil fields and expensive shale fracking was their last hope. Now they have sawn the only branch, on which they sit. These latest examples only illustrate how the ruling cabal will oust themselves from power very soon. This is the divine plan for the End Time and now the drama has visibly entered its final act.

Watch carefully for other similar processes and events at the political and economic stage that will show you how far advanced the ascension process is on this uppermost mother planet and how quickly the dark ruling cabal will lose their power by triggering the final events on the ground that will be the igniting sparks for the MPR and our ascension.

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– October 17, 2014

Posted on Oct 17, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa
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Unity Consciousness

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

If ever you needed proof of the weather changes that are taking place, you only have to look back at the difference now to what it was just some 50 years ago. The changes are dramatic and do not appear to follow any particular pattern and at times seem chaotic. Yet the changes are not random happenings, but leading to a more acceptable pattern and one that ensures that the extremes you usually experience no longer occur. Around you the chaos is another sign of what is happening, although much of it is karmic as old problems between people and even nations are sorted out. Yes, it is an unsettling time but it is necessary as you might say, to clear out the rubbish that will have no place in the higher vibrations. Your individual role is to clear out your own “rubbish” to enable you to your place in the New Age, and enjoy all of the changes that will lift mankind to a higher level. If it is your desire to be part of the changes, your intent will carry you along and attract Guides who will assist you.

We have often told you that nothing happens by chance, and it is worth bearing in mind as you might otherwise feel that you are at the mercy of random events. Where your own life is concerned there is always a plan that will enable you to evolve, so no opportunity should be wasted. You proceed at a rate that is agreed with your Guides who will help you to achieve success, however you are always have freewill and the final decision is yours. Clearly if you desire to evolve you will do what is necessary to be successful, and that often means following your intuition without necessarily knowing the purpose. Of course some experiences take place to clear any karmic debts that you may have, so with this in mind it would serve you well to accept such situations with good heart. Nothing happens without good reason so make the best of such opportunities. This is a time for forgiveness for all perceived wrongs against you, and bear in mind that all experiences are of value.

Good news rarely features in your media’s reports, and we can assure you that there is a trend for more people to help others who are in need. The feeling of Oneness is spreading with the realisation that you “are your brother’s keeper” although some beliefs are so powerful that the differences are totally maintained. In such circumstances souls with such pronounced beliefs are born into countries where they can best learn their lessons and that “All Are One”. This is why wars still continue and would only normally cease when peace is seen as the only way forward. As one who is more aware, your presence can be very helpful when by example you live life as it should be, in peace and harmony with all living Beings. Indeed, by living your beliefs your are helping others simply by being amongst them. Your Light will most likely attract others to you who desire to know how you can live at peace, when often chaos is all around you.

As you have become to realise, we are keeping a close eye on those who could destroy the Earth if their activities were left unchecked. The Illuminati and their minions are carefully monitored and they cannot do anything without our knowledge. You can therefore be assured that there will be no major incidents of destruction, and certainly no wars other than small disputes. Our role is to lead you safely to a peaceful conclusion, and then circumstances will allow us to openly come to Earth. It will be a great time of rejoicing and revelations that will clear up the mysteries of your past history. You have been deliberately kept in the dark, and held back from advancements that would have immensely improved your quality of life. It is as if you have been locked in a time capsule where time has stood still. This will all change in the near future and you will be amazed at how quickly you will make up for lost time.

Think big where your future is concerned, as you will find your consciousness expanding more quickly as you enter the higher vibratory rate. You will be astonished at the extent of changes that will see you enter a New Age of peace and prosperity. The fruits of the Earth will be more than ample for your needs, and sharing will become normal and there will be sufficient for everyone’s needs. New inventions that are being held back will be released, and the drudgery and hard work to survive will become a thing of the past. The world will open up to you and travel will become quite normal, where distant places can be easily reached in next to no time. It will of course mean that new forms of travel will have been introduced, and much of your present means will have become obsolete. It is going to be an exciting time for everyone and the changes will happen quite quickly with our help.

At a time when it is difficult to comprehend where events are leading to, we hope we have lifted you up by giving you an insight into the future. Nothing can stop the plan for your future and we are as you might say, raring to go and looking forward to bringing you into the New Age. Previous cycles have ended in major changes that have put Humanity back to commence another new one. This time you have completed a Solar Cycle successfully, and those of you who have lifted up your vibrations will continue to evolve as you enter the New Age. Every soul will find itself exactly where it is best placed to continue its experiences. We know that such statements cause some concern within family groups that wish to stay together. We would like to assure you that there are usually strong ties within them, and it would be unusual if they did not progress as one unit. However, you will find that as you evolve you will be drawn to groups of a like vibration, where you will continue to evolve until you find the need for a different experience.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I enjoy my time with you and look forwards to meeting many of you in the near future. Time itself will not have the same effect on you as now, and in a manner of speaking will no longer rule your life. There are so many welcome changes that await you, and once we are able to introduce ourselves we shall all go speeding along into the New Age that holds so much for you. Keep looking ahead and know that your life is one story that has a happy ending.
Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

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Putin’s Epic Battle Against the Dark Western Cabal to Save “Russia’s Soul”
by Georgi Stankov Posted on November 8, 2014

by Georgi Stankov and Bill Mee, November 8, 2014

Bill sent me today the following article below, which excellently summarizes what we have discussed in the last months with regard to Russia and the role of Putin in this final epic battle between the forces of light and darkness before our ascension and the MPR can come. Putin and Russia stand for the forces of light, while the AAA (Anglo-American-Axis) and its European minions, Germany and France, stand for the dark forces that want to drag humanity and this planet into total destruction, by unleashing a new world war. Only today Kaherine Milstead sent me a link how this war can possibly commence.

My response to this article was: “Tomorrow we shall know more about this probable attack. If it may not happen, and my HS tells me that it will not happen, there is still no doubt that such dark ops are constantly prepared by the dark ruling cabal to save their skin in the very last minute and trigger a new WW3.”

And here is what Bill Mee wrote to me and my response to him concerning this excellent overview article on Putin, Russia and the Western cabal of the AAA:

“Hi Georgi,

In light of what Sananda had to say about Russia in “Mandate for This World“, this is a very revealing article about Russia and how Putin is contributing to the defeat of what remains of the Illuminati or dark cabal that currently controls the U.S. and Western Europe (UK, Germany, Italy, and France) and Australia and why we are seeing so much demonization of Vladimir Putin by corporate controlled Western mainstream media. It is a rather long article but worth the read to get an accurate understanding of history. IMO, the term Anglo-American Axis (AAA) used in the article is just another term for the remaining minions of the Illuminati or dark cabal. In other words, AAA = dark cabal. It is a great article and the subtitle is best title.

Secret History Revealed: Putin Played Critical Role In The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR
Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’” …



Dear Bill,

This overview article on Russia and Putin is excellent and written with a lot of understanding of the historical processes, which I observed and experienced first hand as co-founder of the Bulgarian opposition party at that time (since 1989), where the same events which happened in Russia also took place in Bulgaria on a smaller scale, but equally devastating. I will re-publish this article today as it sums up many topics which I have discussed in previous articles…

Thank you very much for this information.

With love and light



Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’

State of the Nation

Why is the Anglo-American Axis so afraid of Putin and determined to bring him down?

No world leader has been so demonized by the West over the past decade as President Vladimir Putin of Russia has.

No other president or prime minister has been subjected to so many outrageous personal attacks and unrelenting false accusations.

Clearly, Vladimir Putin represents a genuine threat to the World Shadow Government(WSG) in a way that profoundly unnerves those who reside at the peak of the global power pyramid.

Why are they so afraid of him?

Before that question can be answered, the hidden history of the preplanned collapse of the USSR must first be understood and properly considered. Only by understanding the true historical context in which Vladimir Putin operated at that time will his actions and pronouncements of today take on great meaning. This unknown history is also quite important if one is to comprehend the reactions of his countless detractors throughout the leadership of the Anglo-American Axis (AAA). As follows:
Ultra-Secret Deal Made Prior To The Engineered Collapse Of The USSR Following The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

One of the best kept secrets which predicated the inevitable collapse of Soviet communism and the subsequent breakup of the USSR is that it actually occurred in a manner not too unlike a carefully controlled demolition. Only in this case they were bankers and politicians, investment brokers and power-brokers who actually pressed the buttons. All of the plans toward that end were fastidiously laid by these stakeholders, all of whom had the greatest interest in exploiting the vast wealth of the Russian motherland.

The fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the USSR was not the spontaneous series of major events that the Mainstream Media (MSM) would have us believe. Neither was it the result of President Ronald Reagan’s request: “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall”; although his Hollywood background made for some great (and convincing) political theatre. “Perestroika” and “glasnost” were simply buzzwords bandied about to present the appearance of a fundamentally changed USSR. Yes, Russia did become liberalized especially in contrast to Soviet Communism, but only so it could be neo-liberalized by the banksters.

In fact, the entire dissolution of the USSR was the product of numerous top secret meetings which took place with very high level (as in highest level) representatives from the USSR, USA, UK and other major AAA nations and WSG controllers. By and large the most important of these meetings concerned the meticulously engineered business and commercial, banking and investment aspects necessary for an orderly breakup of the USSR republics and its eastern European satellites.

By 1989 the pendulum of power had swung from those who wished to see the USSR and her satellites controlled by communism to those who wanted to directly control her prodigious natural wealth, industrial base and other national assets by way of naked predatory capitalism. Toward that end the many notorious Russian oligarchs were each selected and appointed by the Western coalition of bankers to oversee the outright theft of all major assets and natural resources from the Russian people. This unique form of corrupt predatory capitalism was at first hidden from public view as it was implemented to strip everything of value from both the state and the citizenry.

This jointly blessed transitional process was the only way in which the Soviet Union was ‘permitted’ to be liberated from those who secretly controlled her destiny throughout nearly 75 years of nominal Soviet Communism. Leaders such as Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin were chosen to rubber stamp the entire state-coordinated theft by the oligarchs. As political leaders are usually kept in the dark, neither of them, nor their inner circles, were privy to the details of this scheme to steal Russian wealth. They were merely frontmen whose primary task was to usher the process along with the veneer of legitimacy. However, because of their positions of political power and unique vantage points, both were grimly aware that “a deal had been made with the devil” behind their backs.

Boris Yeltsin bore the greatest burden because of the timing of his term as President as he watched the oligarchs steal everything in sight. His well known drinking problem and heart condition were surely the result of having to go along with the whole charade. Nevertheless, he knew that in the future stewardship of Vladimir Putin, Russia would be “protected”. For just as the vulture capitalists from both Russia and the West executed their plans (and contracts) to strip Russia bare, so, too, had an ultra-secret group of Russian patriots and nationalists, loyal politicians and government officials made an even stronger compact to take it all back … when the right time presented itself.

The CIA, also known as The Company, was directly involved in this CON of the century.

The following headline portrays exactly what did not occur just prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall and subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union.

Director Admits C.I.A. Fell Short In Predicting the Soviet Collapse – New York Times

Can anyone believe that the CIA tried to present itself as having failed to predict this monumental and unparalleled collapse, particularly when it was The Company that was actually pulling the levers and pushing the buttons of what was essentially a controlled demolition?

The CIA even went so far as to take a lot of bad press to convince the American public (and the world-at-large) that they had ‘truly’ failed miserably in this regard. Such was their intent to hide the actual scheme perpetrated against the Russian people, as well as against all the former republics that made up the Soviet bloc, that the CIA was made the subject of various political dramas acted out all over the ‘Washington, DC theatre district’ in an effort to cover up any US involvement.

The Company does after all bear the direct responsibility of seeing to it that all Anglo-American Axis international agreements are strictly adhered to. In reality, contract enforcement of this nature has always been the CIA’s primary duty. In the instant case of Russia, however, their long range assessments and strategic analyses fell WAY short of the mark. So mistaken were they that it can now be safely stated that it was really the CIA that ultimately got conned. Perhaps there were also those well-positioned CIA ‘whistleblowers’ who played the game so as to alert their Russian counterparts of the various schemes and scams being run from Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok by the Western banksters.
It should now be clear why all the Russian oligarchs ran to London, Tel Aviv and New York City.

What better way for the oligarchs to shield themselves from Russian indictments than to seek the full protection of the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD crime syndicate deep within theAnglo-American Axis (AAA). Even the recently freed ex-president, Mikhail Kodorkovsky[1], of the now defunct Yukos Oil has been spending more time in the good ole USA stumping for a new Russian revolution. The CIA’s other Russian political plant, former world chess champion Gary Kasparov, has also been working overtime to supplant Putin as “Protector of the Realm” as he preaches incessantly to the American political establishment about the ‘grave danger’ of Putin’s truly enlightened leadership.

It seems that neither of these Western dupes understands that this is not 1917. And that Vladimir Putin is not Czar Nicholas of Romanov fame. They also fail to realize that many of their fellow oligarchs abroad, as well as political pawns at home, have met with disastrous fates; such are the forces from on high which have aligned with Putin’s master plan for a strong and sovereign Russia. Each one of the many oligarchs, acting out of extreme self interest as they have, cannot even hope to touch Putin now that state power has been irreversibly consolidated to administer the Kremlin’s will.

The Ukraine: Another CIA-Coordinated Coup d’etat … For The USA And Israel

What is particularly surprising, in view of the very dynamic moves being played on the current global geopolitical chessboard, is that the West is so transparent in regard to both their method and motive toward undermining Russia. The recent Kiev coup and ongoing Ukraine revolution provide a perfect example of yet another nation collapse executed within the historical orbit of Russia. Here, again, Zionist oligarchs with ties to the US, UK and Israel have been appointed to all the key national leadership positions, as well as to the governorships of all the regions known as oblasts. Once again, the AAA game plan has been executed according to the same playbook as that utilized during the USSR collapse, with the billionaire oligarchs taking total control of the wealth of the Ukraine.

Most do not know, but there is a plan afoot by the Modern State of Israel to set up a return to its original homeland in the Ukraine. The Eastern Ukraine was once a part of the kingdom of Khazaria during a time when Judaism was chosen by the king to become the official state religion. Those Khazarian adherents to Judaism would go on to constitute what is now known as Ashkenazi Jewry. Over centuries of migrations throughout Russia, as well as emigrations to all parts of eastern, central and western Europe, the Ashkenazim have evolved into the richest and most politically powerful religious group in Eurasia.

In fact the Modern State of Israel (MSI) was formed by the Zionist movement which derived its power and wealth from Ashkenazi Jewry the world over. However, the MSI experiment is not going so well. Most of those Jews who emigrated from Russia and the Ukraine, as well as many who fled Europe during pre World War II persecution, post WWII chaos and right up to the present day instability now understand that they jumped right from the frying pan into the fire.

Furthermore, many Jews have now come to realize that the cultural PTSD[2] generated by both WWI and WWII was purposefully inflicted so that they would be more amenable to taking up residence in a foreign patch of desert land surrounded by Muslim and Arab nations which were forced to watch the outright theft of Palestine in broad daylight from their brethren. Not a good way at all to move into the neighborhood, especially when the neighbors can very easily lob mortars and missiles into your midst.

This is where the plot to repopulate the Ukraine comes in. Most Israelis of European descent are naturally more comfortable on “the Continent” completely out of range of such mortar and missile attacks. Hence, the Ukraine was chosen by the Zionist leadership as a new fallback position. Not only is the brazenly apartheid regime of the Modern State of Israel untenable in any civilized world, it has shown itself as the thoroughly rogue nation and criminal state that it is today. In fact, the Modern State of Israel has ignominiously distinguished itself as an unprecedented and peerless international pariah.

Particularly in light of their recent destruction of Gaza, Israel has essentially sealed its fate. Consequently, the Middle East has morphed into a HUGE powder keg ready to blow whenever Israel decides to cross one too many red lines for the umpteenth time. Any normal person living in such a volatile environment would only want to far remove themselves from such a precarious state of affairs, which is why there is now a very quiet movement of Ashkenazi Jews back to the Ukraine, their ancestral homeland.
The US-UK-EU-Ukraine coalition has telegraphed its misguided intentions from the start.

From the very beginning of the manufactured civil war in the Ukraine, the Western powers have revealed their intentions of creating a new “European Israel”. Removing the Russian language and substituting Hebrew as the second official language of the Ukraine is just one quite obvious move toward the establishment of a new Israeli enclave. All the while the Anglo-American Axis accuses Russia of having designs to create a new region –Novorossiya — known literally as New Russia. Such a red herring has accomplished the goal of not arousing suspicion as to the real plot to take over the Ukraine, just as Palestine was in the late 1940s. Furthermore, witness Israel’s extraordinary silence regarding the whole AAA misadventure in the Ukraine before and during the ongoing, fabricated civil war.

Not only would such a “European Israel” provide a highly strategic geopolitical location from which to continue their efforts to destabilize Russia, the AAA would also use the Ukraine to run interference throughout the European Union. Just as Israel has been used to disrupt the entire Middle East for decades, the new Ukraine state being constituted for Israeli resettlement will serve a similar function throughout a Eurozone that is slowly becoming hostile to Jewish populations and their interests.

When the neofascist leadership in Kiev turned the military loose on the urban and rural areas of the Eastern Ukraine, it became apparent that a much greater agenda of ethnic cleansing was at work. Many authoritative reports have indicated the wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians, as well as the wanton destruction of infrastructure/places of worship/homes/businesses of the Russian-speaking populace. Some have even insinuated that a slow motion plan of systematic genocide is at work.
Old Empires Must Die To Make Room For The REAL Global Transformation That Putin Promotes

If the Anglo-American Axis is distinguished by one pursuit above all, it is its unquenchable thirst for oil and natural gas. So addicted is the AAA to hydrocarbon fuel that the Petrodollar quickly became the world reserve currency. The strength of so much sustained worldwide demand for oil as an energy source has now reached a critical point however. Both the AAA war machine and economic juggernaut require LOTS of oil and gas to run its tyranny across the planet. Not only is the Anglo-American Axis terribly wasteful and inefficient in the utilization of these energy resources, which Russia possesses in great abundance, it expends considerable amounts of time and energy, money and capital in the process of further acquisition of the hydrocarbon fuel needed to maintain sole superpower status.

Herein lie the seeds of its own destruction, for the Anglo-American Axis can no longer bear the costs necessary to maintain its empire. The extent to which war and other forms of conflict have been relied upon to secure additional sources of oil and gas no longer makes sense. All the nations which have walked down this path of perpetual war have been exposed. Some, like Israel, are now considered anathema to an overwhelming majority of nations worldwide. Likewise, the USA is vilified all over the world as a bully bent on self-destruction, just as the UK is universally known by its City of London bankster MO.

In light of these commonly held perceptions, the fortune/fate ratios of both the BRICS Alliance and Anglo-American Axis, are soaring and plummeting respectively. While the European-American-Japanese economic model continues to go bust in real time, the BRICS Alliance is at the very least setting itself up for a future boom. Clearly the trajectories of the BRICS nations are poised to shoot toward the stars, as the Western powers are precariously plunging toward an unprecedented “crash and burn”. Ironically, it is only through the cooperation and collaboration with the BRICS allied nations, and especially Russia, that the Eurozone and American sphere of influence can be saved from almost certain economic collapse and financial breakdown.

When the smoke and mirrors that define so much of the Western economic mirage begin to fade, Eurozone countries will profoundly regret imposing such counterproductive sanctions on Russia. It is they who now suffer tremendous economic consequences, right in the middle of a resurgent recession, from Russia’s much more debilitating economic sanctions. Even the vaunted economic engine of Europe — Germany — has lost its capacity to jumpstart the rest of the EU, all because they chose to side with the real perpetrators of the Kiev coup d’état.

The battle for the Ukraine is not so much about the AAA geopolitical gambit gone wrong, as much as it is a litmus test for those who will be allowed to join an authentic global movement defined by economic justice, social equality and political stability. Furthermore, it is respect for national sovereignty — above all else — that Putin’s Russia, Jinping’s China, and Modi’s India expect from the world, as the rest of the world ought to receive from all the BRICS nations.

Enter Vladimir Putin, The Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis

First, it is critical to understand that it is not just Putin the man who they’re afraid of. It is not even Russia as a nation that scares the living daylights out of the AAA. It is theFORCE behind Putin which they have not seen occupy a major political office since John F. Kennedy. Surely, the AAA must wonder how they all got so tricked into believing that Putin was one of them in the first place. He was, after all, a KGB functionary with all the right credentials to be trusted to play their game, only their way, all the time.

However, just like JFK back in the early ’60s, once Putin saw exactly how the AAA game was being played on the people — EVERYWHERE — he flipped on them and has never looked back. Because his predecessor Boris Yeltsin, who assisted the Russian oligarchs in the plundering, pillaging and raping of the Russian motherland, gave his firm blessing to Putin as political heir, no one ever thought Putin would perform such a ‘radical’ 180° turnaround. In both the formulation of state policy and administration of the federal government he set about the process of taking back Russia from those who misappropriated her wealth. So dramatic was his conversion against the rapacious oligarchy that he is now spoken of as a veritable reincarnation of Peter the Great who also saved Russia from enemies both within and without.

President Putin’s close alignment with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church — His Holiness Patriarch Kirill – has become the cause for the deeply religious and traditional people of Russia to become enamored with him. His socially conservative agenda is much more in sync with Russian sensibilities as it is protective of a refined culture that is at odds with the permissiveness of an ever-coarsening Western society. In this particular area of divergence, Putin’s Russia has served as a countervailing force to the AAA modus operandi of sewing seeds of social chaos and political disorder wherever they set their sights.

It is significant to point out that the Russia that Yeltsin inherited was one that the thoroughly corrupt oligarchs were promised. In other words, the emancipation from Communism only came with the understanding that the Russian oligarchs would be permitted to steal the nation’s assets — natural resources, industrial plants and whatever else they could get their hands on. This little known fact is why Boris Yeltsin freely admitted at the end of his career to some historic mistakes, especially those related to the systematic transfer of Russian wealth to those now infamous oligarchs.

He knew that it was the key to Russia’s eventual freedom from those Western powers which were integral to orchestrating the fall of the Berlin Wall in a relatively orderly manner.

History has now shown us that Boris Yeltsin had great foresight in his choice of Vladimir Putin as Prime Minister. His final words to Putin in his capacity as President were: “Take care of Russia.” They have likewise been translated as “Protect Russia.” In Putin was the perfect vessel found to ensure that Boris Yeltsin’s last wish would be honored. Putin himself uttered the following words a couple of days prior to Boris Yeltsin’s funeral.

“We will do everything we can to ensure that the memory of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, his noble thoughts and his words ‘take care of Russia’ serve as a moral and political benchmark for us,”[3]
Of course doing so meant that the oligarchs either went to jail or into exile.

Which is exactly what Putin set about to do, regardless of Western reaction and/or threats from all the usual suspects. Putin would not, under any circumstances, allow predatory capitalists to destroy Russia. He quite deliberately — under cover of “national security” — initiated all of the necessary legal process and governmental procedure to reclaim that which had been stolen from the Russian people. This particular tact was especially effective, and foolproof, since the AAA has used the same pretext to take over nations large and small for centuries.

Nevertheless, the West could only recoil in utter shock that a President would actually protect his nation in this fashion. That Putin put the interests of Russia and its citizenry before the bankers … and the industrialists … and the powerful oligarchs was seen as the ultimate betrayal. After all, his actions ran counter to the back room deal that was cut by the real power-brokers who negotiated the “fall of the Wall”. Communism was to be eradicated ONLY if the oligarchs were granted unfettered access to Russia’s wealth. And so they were … … … for the time being.

Little did anyone know that Boris Yeltsin — and especially Vladimir Putin later on — tricked them all. Unfortunately, such a benevolent deception ultimately took a great toll on Yeltsin’s health in the form of death by heart disease. As an extremely patriotic and self-sacrificing Russian leader, Boris Yeltsin knew that he had to play nice with the Western leaders (and their oligarch agents) if the nation was to be liberated from their predatory claws. In the end he did a superlative job, particularly in ensuring a smooth transition to Putin upon whom fell the weight of the benign double-cross.

The main reason Vladimir Putin is so despised by the Western Powers is because he totally tricked them for the benefit of the Russia people.

No one understands Russian history of the 20th century better than the justifiably resentful citizens of the USSR. These folks suffered great trials and tribulations at the hands of Communist thugs who were put into power by Western bankers and the Anglo-American political class. They know exactly what happened to their motherland in the wake of the totally fraudulent Bolshevik Revolution. They also know precisely who was responsible for such a catastrophic social, economic and political cataclysm.

“It has been said that the Russian steppes has born many a philosopher. That great expanse of land runs on seemingly forever with wide open sky and unbroken winds that stir the soul … to know the truth … and nothing but the Truth.”[4]

Only by understanding the temperament of those Russian peoples who lived through the disaster of Communism, which was foisted on them by foreign agents with a surreptitious agenda, will the forces that stand behind Putin be correctly understood. In this regard, it is not Putin, the President, that the Western Powers are dealing with. It is a proud and patriotic Russian movement that sprang up with the awareness that the Anglo-American Axis was responsible for their lost century. This truth cannot be erased from history by airbrushing a few internet sites which are controlled by the CIA. Nor can the many odious and therefore inconvenient historical facts be eradicated from the Russian psyche when so much pain and suffering was caused to so many.

Truly, the forces which support Putin in his quest for genuine national sovereignty are much greater than any US President or UK Prime Minister, NATO Supreme Allied Commander or European Union Leader. In fact the power behind Vladimir Putin is Russia herself, a force quite determined not to be held prisoner by the Anglo-American Axis ever again. And no amount of saber-rattling by Washington, or economic terrorism by the European Union, or financial sabotage from the City of London will alter that determination.
Nuclear Weapons Have a Way Of Serving As The Great Equalizer

Unlike every other country that has recently fallen to naked Anglo-American aggression, Russia had substantially developed much nuclear weapon technology during the Cold War. Little did the West ever imagine that Russia would then use the prospect of not only nuclear weapon technology, but also far more advanced and destructive weaponry which has never been utilized before on Planet Earth, as as a powerful deterrent to unprovokedAnglo-American Axis acts of war.

Nor did the same Western predatory capitalists ever dream that the richest man in Russia — Mikhail Khodorkovsky[3] — would be imprisoned for 10 years. Being their point man for the further looting of Russia’s oil and gas reserves and related assets, the whole misguided AAA scheme went completely bust. However, once the oligarchs were stripped of their power, money and influence, all the West could rely upon was brute force, as they continue to exercise with extraordinary savagery in places like the Ukraine. To intimidate and threaten, coerce and extort is all the Anglo-American Axis knows how to do these days, so successful have these tactics been in subjugating completely powerless and/or defenseless nations around the world for many decades.

Nevertheless, now that the Russian Federation has reassessed their nuclear weapons capability and redeployed critical assets on their western border, their tactical response and strategic preparedness have never been better. While this particular state of affairs poses a great obstacle to the AAA’s long range plan toward a New World ‘Order’, Russia and the ever-growing BRICS Alliance present an even greater challenge to their fatally flawed implementation plan.

Russia’s Demand For Respect Of National Sovereignty Is Representative Of A Much Larger Worldwide Movement

Russia is not only joined by the BRICS Alliance in its efforts to level the global playing field, it is also supported by many other nations near and far, Hungary being one that has broken ranks with the European Union. Certainly the broke and bankrupted Anglo-American Axis has its job cut out when going up against a growing number of countries that will no longer be treated like stepchildren. When nations like China and Russia, India and Brazil, South Africa and Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, publicly express their misgivings with American hegemony, the whole world pays close attention. Therein lies the real power behind Vladimir Putin.

History books will one day show that the world community of nations rallied around the moral high ground taken by Vladimir Putin in the second decade of the new millennium. Not only do the Russian people fully support their president, but the vast populations of China, India, and many other nations stand solidly behind their leaders against the incessant meddling by the Anglo-American Axis. The pervasiveness of the internet has simply made it too easy to share what is REALLY going on around the world, especially when the AAA is working so vigorously against the interests of common people everywhere.

Vladimir Putin, no matter what intrigues and machinations are set in motion to disrupt his best intentions, has been found out by his own people. They know that he has done his level best to protect Russia. They also know that, in his resolve to take care of the Russian people, he also considers the best interests of citizens of every nation, including those which relentlessly antagonize Russia and persecute him at every opportunity. This extraordinary posture is not only quite rare among world leaders today, it is an admirable quality in any age … which is just another reason why they so detest Vladimir Putin’s wise and enlightened leadership.
“Take care of Russia” literally became Putin’s “moral and political benchmark“

Only by divine ordination does a KGB lieutenant colonel wind up fulfilling the last wishes of his predecessor serving alternately as both President and Prime Minister of Russia. Because Vladimir Putin took that presidential directive so seriously, however, he now sits in the crosshairs of the most formidable military machine and economic juggernaut on Earth. However, in stark contrast to JFK’s short tenure which took place in the very belly of the beast, Putin has an unparalleled firewall of protection erected around him. He knew that if Boris Yeltsin’s final wish was to be carried out, he and his collaborators would have to be protected from harm. The AAA team, after all, never plays nice and always breaks the rules.

In light of Putin’s perceived reneging on a contract that was essentially agreed to by Yeltsin, there existed no moral imperative for him to abide by such an illegal and unethical agreement. On the very face of it, he could have been rightfully accused of treason of the highest order had he complied with the demands of the AAA. Only a traitor would perform on such an outrageous contract, so Putin knew that both the law and the people would be on his side once he flipped on the oligarchs and their Western sponsors. Nevertheless, doing so has brought the wrath of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group upon himself and Russia.

Being the wise, old soul that Putin is, he knew that his terms in office would be the most consequential of the modern era … for both Russia and the world-at-large. He has not shrunk from the demands of such a difficult undertaking; in fact, he seems to be emboldened by the formidable challenge that it is. But then he has the people of Russia firmly on his side, as well as an overwhelming majority of nations on Earth. When the people power around the planet starts to coalesce around the true intentions that Vladimir Putin represents and has frequently uttered, the change many wait for will come fast and furiously. Truly, global transformation lies right around the corner; a genuine new world order marked by implicit respect for both national and personal sovereignty.
The Future Of the World Lies With Russia

“Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism — no! But freedom — freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”
~ Edgar Cayce

Clearly this prophetic utterance by Edgar Cayce was both prescient and perceptive. For not only have the steppes of Central Asia forged the hearts and minds of the Russian people over centuries, the tyranny of Soviet communism proved to be a crucible like no other. Russia has always been a nation of philosophers with writers like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky molding the national consciousness since the 19th century. Given their relatively recent release from the imposed atheism of godless Marxism, Russians young and old have re-embraced the mystical traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Given this very profound and ongoing cultural transformation, a new national mindset is emerging. Undoubtedly it is one that is bending inexorably toward a more conservative and traditional society, especially one that is moving in the opposite direction of Western societies. Putin is well aware of the sensibilities which predominate throughout the Motherland. He seeks to offend no one, but at the same time will not let the crazies run the asylum as they do throughout the Anglo-American Axis. Nor will he permit the values and principles, customs and traditions of any minorities dominate Russian culture.

In light of what is at stake for both Putin’s Russia and Obama’s USA, it is now apparent that an epic battle has been raging across the land. The most recent battle in the Ukraine is only one more among those being waged throughout the entire Middle East and beyond. Both Russia and China have seen their geopolitical positions assaulted and undermined wherever they attempt to establish new markets or engage trading partners. Particularly wherever energy resources are at stake, the wars have become more apocalyptic. So much so that many wonder if an epoch-ending World War III is around the corner. However, such an engineered Armageddon can only be foisted on the community of nations with the participation of both East and West.

Fortunately, Putin’s Russia will not be goaded into a World War 3 scenario. Neither will Jinping’s China nor Modi’s India. Because of Putin’s unshakeable resolve and strong leadership within the BRICS Alliance, none of the nations being routinely assailed by the AAA will be triggered into full scale war. The whole world has Vladimir Putin to thank for his sane and sober response to so many conflicts and skirmishes, false flag attacks and proxy invasions being staged across the planet on a weekly basis by the Anglo-American Axis.

The Russian people have come to respect Putin as a leader who is fiercely protective of the Motherland. Comparisons to Peter the Great, who has been praised “as an industrializer and cultural visionary who turned his country into a European power” are quite understandable. Under the stewardship of Tsar Peter I ”Russia became feared but also respected by its neighbors, and he is the official czar-hero of Russian history.”[6] Perhaps the following picture disseminated by the AAA Mainstream Media as a putdown does reflect Putin in his current role as “Protector of Russia” and moral leader of the free world.

State of the Nation
November 5, 2014

Author’s Note

There is a massive amount of false information being spread across cyber-space regarding Vladimir Putin. One of the primary disinfo campaigns is to link him to the very oligarchs who still remain in positions of power in Russia. Putin inherited an unprecedented economic mess and financial disaster from decades of communist mismanagement. He was also forced to deal with pervasive political problems and endemic government corruption from the same era. All the while he had to steer the country through major social, philosophical and religious transformation. In view of this context, is it not clear that he had to — initially — make as many friends as possible before all the purges began?

Given these realities, Putin did what any righteous and pragmatic leader would do — usher the process along in as smooth and painless a way as possible. The vast majority of Russians had already suffered terribly … for many decades. Therefore, he has always tried to work with those who have been cooperative. Some of the oligarchs saw the writing on the wall and made the overtures necessary to convince Putin of their loyalty to rebuilding Russia first. Those that left the Motherland would not renounce their thieving ways. Those who have stayed are much more aligned with Putin’s program than their previous affiliations and behavior might indicate. When faced with either being exiled or joining the cause, it became a fairly easy decision for those oligarchs who valued their Russian roots.

Then there is the matter which concerns those who assert that Putin must be in bed with the Rothschilds, the Western elite, the NWO, the Illuminati, the World Shadow Government, the FED (banksters), etc. As the president and prime minister of a once superpower nation, how could he possibly terminate all the normal international relationships in the midst of rebuilding the nation? It was only through the vital trade and commerce with Europe, as well as satisfying the energy demands of those and other countries, that Russia had the cash flow to survive the whole ordeal. So much of the Russian economy was (and is) driven by oil and gas revenue; a reality that Russia would have to face sooner or later. For the sake of survival, deals were made whenever, wherever and with whomever necessary.

Lastly, there are those who declare that Putin is unwittingly being used as controlled opposition. Do they really think that Putin is not aware of the many games being played by the AAA’s vast network of intelligence services? He was KGB, doing a heckuva lot more than the MSM would ever acknowledge. His involvement at the highest levels of playing the now ubiquitous Great Game gave him an education that only the Committee for State Security could provide. In fact, only the invaluable experience accrued within Russia’s primary security agencies (he was also appointed head of the FSB) could adequately prepare him for his future challenges. Therefore, when many ask how an ex-KGB officer can possibly do good, we wonder how Putin could have performed the herculean task of a successful national rehabilitation since 1999 … without being purged or assassinated!
Moral of the story: Only an extremely well connected ex-KGB operative and well informed ex-FSB Director could possibly have received the necessary support and vigilant protection to have kept him out of harm’s way for the past 15 years as Russia’s premier leader and statesman.

Editor’s Note

This article is the first in a series about Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Part II is entitled:
PUTIN: The President And The Power(s) Behind Him
Just Like JFK, Putin Goes His Own Way

There should be no doubt whatsoever that Vladimir Putin is the John F. Kennedy of the New Millennium.


[1] The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky by F. William Engdahl

[2] The Chosen People: Israel, ‘Christian’ Zionism and the Middle East Crisis by Revisionist Historians for World Peace

[3] BBC NEWS | Europe | Russian ex-president Yeltsin dies

[4] Anonymous Russophile

[5] Khodorkovsky passed Yukos shares to Rothschild Bank

[6] Peter the Great – Wikipedia

Recommended Reading

Locus Of Global Power Shifts From The West To The East

The WAR for the Ukraine: What’s the real story?

The Russian Response To A Double Declaration Of War


Tens of thousands march for Putin in shadow of Ukraine war

Putin lashes out at US, West for destabilizing world

Putin Accuses U.S. of Blackmail, Weakening Global Order

Putin Leaves The Reservation: Issues New Rules For International Relations

Vladimir Putin Is The Leader Of the Moral World

Ukraine: Obama, NATO beg for more war – Putin endeavors to bring peace

“Whatever We Decide Is A Disaster For Us” France Admits Putin Is Winning, Europe “Blinked”

President Boris Yeltsin’s Mistake Was To Heed Advice Of Westerners To Retain Power

Special Note

For the many intuitive souls out there who can look at a photo and apprehend the spirit of the person being photographed, here’s a great teaching moment about the real Vladimir Putin.

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The Great Wave
by Georgi Stankov Posted on November 10, 2014

Asana Mahatari

channelled by Jahn J Kassl

published on November 10, 2014 in

translated by Franz


by Georgi Stankov

This message refers to the “Great Wave” which we all now experience. It affects and resolves all human topics within the old 3D matrix and in particular money-related issues. Carla and I have been resolving these monetary issues for the last several months by employing the alchemical reaction of transformation.

For those who are interested in the equity markets, you should know that I made a very powerful decree last week that these markets will collapse very soon and will never recover. It is time for them to crash after they experienced a new all-time high a couple of days ago. This was the third peak in a row since this summer in a long, artificially created bull market by the few big banks and funds that has already turned into bear market in October, but was pushed one more time high by fraudulent financial interventions in the second half of October. Now the door for the long-awaited crash is wide open and nothing can save the current Orion monetary system based on printing money and assets out of thin air from its ultimate collapse.

At the same time it is not a secret that all light warriors have to suffer under financial scarcity and cannot fulfill their light worker’s obligations as they would like to. This is the tenor of the following message from Asana Mahatari with respect to the financial situation of the Lichtwelt-Publishing House of Jahn. It is very similar to my situation and that of this website. Obviously we all must experience the limitations of the Orion monetary system in their utmost form to the very last moment, before we move to higher dimensions and all our problems will be resolved with a magic wand.



Dream 11/03/2014: I am with my wife and my son Noah at the ocean beach. Noah plays in a water puddle and wants to drink the stale water. I explain to him that this is not good to do. I then look over the sea and I see that a great wave is building up, yet before neither my wife nor I can react to it, a wave captures Noah and takes him with it. It is indescribable what takes place inside of me. Shortly thereafter I see how the wave releases Noah. (End of dream)

Report: After that I lie in bed awake and confused. I grab the “Autobiography of a Yogi” and “by chance” I open the following page: „A historical healing incident concerns King Baber (1483-1530), founder of the Mogul empire in India. His son, Prince Humayun, was mortally ill. The father prayed with anguished determination that he receive the illness, and that his son be spared. After all the physicians had given up hope, Humayun recovered. Baber immediately fell sick and died of the same disease which had stricken his son. Humayun succeeded Baber as Emperor of Hindustan. Many people imagine that every spiritual master has, or should have, the health and the strength of a Sandow (a German athlete, born 1925, known as the “strongest man in the world”). The assumption is unfounded. A sickly body does not indicate that a guru is not in touch with divine powers, any more than life-long health necessarily indicates an inner illumination. The condition of the physical body, in other words, cannot rightfully be made a test of the master. His distinguishing qualifications must be sought in his own domain, the spiritual.” (from the „Autobiography of a Yogi, p.200-201)

After I read this I fell asleep again and dreamed one nightmare after another. Many of my closest companions were harmed, yet they always got up again and again and continued to walk, and finally there was still the last scene. I saw a woman known to me, whose sad and miserable sight could rarely be surpassed. “I am pregnant with my sixth child” she says to me, in order to squat down shortly thereafter and give birth. Yet instead of a child a small dead bird was born. (End of report)

Beloved Ones,

This is an extremely significant, as well as complex dream picture.


The first scene of the dream with Noah in the water shows that an unpredictable “sudden wave”, an event, will bury everything under it. Nothing and nobody can stop it and also a reaction is impossible, because things are taking their course. Yet Noah is released from the water, which means that even a great Master, as there are several among children in this time, can be captured by the suction of events, yet will not go down in the suction of the events. This is an important message, because to be untouched by the events, means to come out of them undamaged at the end of all days, yet does not necessarily mean to stay entirely away from them.

Thereby the assignments of a human being play a decisive role. Some Masters remain on-site; others on the other hand change, before the “wave” comes close, to a higher vibrational level. The citation of our eternal brother Paramhansa Yogananda shows clearly that the essence of a Master is only unveiled to the one, who understands the complexity of Life. Who knows how a Master soul is defined? There are only a few and in this example there is another key in order to remain free of false assumptions.

Superficial observation of such human beings always comes up short. In summary this means now: Many light warriors of the first and last hours, some Masters of this time, will be captured by the events, yet will not be devoured.

Here it is important to consider individual assignments. Because to remain until the end also means for some to vibrate with the waves of the final events – yet without being damaged.

Journey through the Underworld

The additional nightmares show how the different lower vibrating levels still affect this world. This journey through sluggish vibration fields shows, with what kind of discharges human Beings and this world are confronted. The birth of the dead bird from a woman shows that these messengers from Heaven can no longer live on certain 4D levels.

They no longer can anchor themselves there and remain far from these levels. The woman being experienced as miserable shows on which level Jahn was present. Why this? Because these vibration fields are now being redeemed and are being uncoupled from the earth, which uplifts. It is significant for Jahn’s work to know the intensity of the horror in order to remain vigilant and to thwart early on eventual attacks or encroachments.

What pertains to your “companions”, who are affected, this points directly to the situation in the Lichtweltverlag. Protect yourself! Actually the “crystal cube of ascension” is being prepared. The dark energies wanted and want to hinder this significant manifestation. Rocks are thrown into your path by all means, at the end without success, yet it is very demanding for your work. This means, protect yourself from the forces, which may hinder you, during any work on the “ascension cube” by the use of powerful mandates. Make it your “habit” before you work on it, to speak a mandate, because the arrows fly low, as they can. This is important to consider, then everything will be done.

The vehemence of the actual attacks is also related to the activated “Put down the Weapons!” Mandate for this World.

The light-filled and powerful energy has been set free and it reaches “the system” and the “camp of the dark ones”. Resistance, an outcry is logical and has already occurred.

Also in this case it is important to stand up by means of mandates and the transferred Light sword, and then you will be untouched. This fact that the dark forces have now been startled is yet noticeable and therefore all of you are very challenged.

Redemption of the Money Issue

Furthermore the talk between Karl (Jahn’s brother) and you, which you had yesterday, needs to be considered, because it points to very many, still unredeemed energies, which are coupled with the issue of money. Also here very many levels are actually redeemed, also in a global context.

Discussion protocol: Karl and I talked about how we can finance the publishing house on its base. The free of charge availability of messages costs money and the basic financing of 10,000 Euros per month cannot be covered by our sales. And even though the donations flow in and some human Beings give much from the little they have, every few months we face the question: „How do we go on?“ This fact makes our work more difficult and therefore we deliberate how do we get readers, for whom this is possible, to give a fixed monthly contribution by means of a bank transfer. Meaning that we, until the bank system collapses, can count on a fixed amount each month and with this can also work. If for example from the actual 1500 daily readers only 200 donate a monthly amount of 50 Euros, we would be financed and we could spend the profit from sales for new projects.

As is said, this was the issue yesterday and our deliberations regarding this. Naturally we have a deep inner trust that everything is “cared for”, yet in such a nerve-racking manner? (End of report)

Indeed “it is cared for” – you hear this repeatedly from us in the Light realms. And indeed it is cared for, and the “how” and “whereby” is the issue. Actually it deals with the fact that those human beings, who are connected with your work or are personally close or very close, provide their financial portion, as they are able to do so. The development process of the Lichtwelt publishing house still aims at providing the possibility of redemption for those human Beings, who still have not redeemed certain issues.

If today the publishing house would already dispose of unlimited financial means, many companions from the first, second and third row would not be able to redeem their money issues. Here it is still about to finance the project on this level.

As soon as all human beings, who are open for this insight, have completed this process, we go on to the next level and abundance in every respect is given. Like so often, and this is also frequently part of the discussion between Jahn and Karl, the Lichtweltverlag is a reservoir of those human Beings, who, based on the work and affect of you, can gain their own insights and thereby grow beyond themselves.

Meaning: Human beings are given the opportunity due to this message and the events of these days, to provide for an adequate energy exchange. Some human beings are still not fully aware of this, as they are barely familiar with the intensity of your work, because everything seems infinitely easy and complete. Which indeed is like that, yet what is behind it? Only a few have sufficient knowledge
about it.

This means, before Heaven empties its Cornucopia over you, it is necessary to foster the potentials on this level.

In this phase of the awareness process of mankind, for the ascension candidates, it is about to become aware of their Light and their shadows on all levels! Everything is energy and money is still a taboo issue for many, who have plenty of it.

Question: Doesn’t a dependency develop then, an inappropriate energetic binding, as human beings do their monthly fixed contributions?

ASANA MAHATARI: No, because who gives freely does not create a dependency. And who pretends the free giving can attain new insights, because Karl and you are masters in rejecting any creeping assimilation. It is about to bring into harmony the Life of human beings and money should flow to where the soul feels nurtured and where the hearts will be exalted. And this is without a doubt the case with the messages from the Light, which reach the world through the Lichtwelt project. This is also the case with other light-filled projects.

Here it is about to awaken a new sensitivity in these human Beings regarding this issue. Be again reassured: It is cared for, even if for you the ways of abundance are not always opened up.

Purification continues! In totality the following is to be recorded regarding these dream pictures: The great purification in all worlds continues. Based on your assignments you are quite often in the middle of the events, also when, as you believe, you have been liberated from it a long time ago. The day of the final and complete
liberation has not come yet; but it is ahead.

All issues of all times are redeemed from the collective energy field of the ascending world. Actually in addition the global money issues are also transformed, because the era of money politics ends. This is an immense process. Thereby actual different vibration fields overlap and it is necessary to remain in oneself and be anchored in self. Do not let yourself be discouraged by any experience, let yourself not be strayed from your path by any momentary picture, because at the end of time the wave releases you and you experience the new Life – no matter by which events you were confronted with. At the end of time the victory is yours. At the end of time we enter into Heaven.

We are an invincible unity in God! Do not let much different energy ever discourage us, which affect this our life until the day that is the fulfillment!

We are God’s invincible unity, which trace their light tracks into the earth in this world for new generations of human beings.

I am with you.
I am amongst you.

I am


Epilogue: Two hours after I wrote down this message, Noah has very severe earache – after three hours of uninterrupted crying he falls asleep exhausted at 8:30 pm and awakens repeatedly crying in pain. For me this is a definite sign how intensive these attacks are now and how the mandate and the situation described here also affect my family, which for example is severely affected before and at every Light Reading. Why at the time of the Light Readings? Because in those days, much energy is always discharged, in order to be transformed. My family is involved in these energetic processes due to our binding to the Light and the work of the Lichtweltverlag, and
therefore also the children get a great share of certain processes
and their energies. This is a factor, which I mention at this point
so that the bandwidth of this energetic work becomes visible,
because everything affects everything, which should encourage
each one of us to be fully conscious of one’s self and one’s thoughts, words and actions. Nothing exists by itself – all is one.

…11/04/2014, 7am

Noah wakes up in full health and all indications of a looming middle ear infection are gone.

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