Saturday, August 31, 2019

share, Video 145, 34%, Los Downs, Respuestas, 2016, Mythi, Answers,

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Video 145

Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 145, 29 de septiembre del 2016.

Estos son comentarios de Mythi:

-Mi ausencia ha sido larga, porque estaba llevando a cabo un trabajo similar en otras colonias. En algunas colonias, ya se está descontaminando el medio ambiente, mejorando la atmósfera, y las fuentes de agua, como ocurrirá aquí, así que se pueda. Desde ahora estaremos aquí más definitivamente.

-Como habréis notado últimamente, el movimiento oscilatorio axial del planeta lo esta controlando la naturaleza; el contrapeso ya está muy lejos, y, virtualmente, no tiene ningún efecto. 
La decisión de la Comunidad Galáctica, de posponer los acontecimientos estos cuatro años, fue muy inteligente, porque, el porcentaje de personas capacitadas en esta colonia, se ha incrementado del 10% al 34%. 
Los movimientos galácticos, conllevan fuerzas de inercia. Ya está llegando el momento, en el que podrán intervenir (la Comunidad Galáctica) sin que se disturbe el balance, cuando se produzcan las necesarias correcciones. 
Ahora es el momento para que demostréis vuestras cualificaciones, porque, todo dependerá de vosotros, para que esta colonia florezca, y, pueda participar en la sociedad interestelar. 
Daros cuenta de que todo lo que ocurre en una sucesión de acontecimientos, se debe a acciones que generan directamente otros resultados o acciones. 
Cuando algo se basa, o, empieza en una idea equivocada, no generará un conjunto de resultados. 
En los planetas en los que las sociedades manejan bien los recursos naturales y la naturaleza, en los que existe armonía entre todas las formas de vida, se produce el balance físico, y espiritual, necesario, para que esa raza evolucione. 
En vuestro planeta, todo está en desequilibro, formas de vida que se extinguen, hay ataques con primitivos y perniciosos experimentos físico-químicos, contra el balance natural del medio ambiente; en otras palabras, en estos momentos el planeta esta descontrolado. 
Un planeta, en el que la naturaleza sea anormal, reaccionará contra lo que esté causando el desequilibro, y, estas reacciones, no distinguen a los buenos de los malos, ocurren de manera generalizada. 
Lo más importante es que por lo menos el 34% de vosotros, formareis parte del ciclo evolucionario de este magnífico planeta, y, será la primera vez que vuestras voces serán escuchadas como miembros de la Comunidad Galáctica.

Ahora las preguntas.

Q- Degas: ¿Eran un reformatorio las dos colonias nuevas del nivel 1 que mencionaste en la última reunión? ¿Eran humanoides? 
¿Cuanto tiempo tardaron en hacer la transición?
 ¿Cual fue la participación de la flotilla de Mantuk?

-No eran un reformatorio, Degas. Son colonias humanoides más uniformes, que tienen un máximo de dos grupos étnicos viviendo en la misma sociedad. Nosotros participamos en la mayoría de las actividades, desde reuniones con los representantes de la sociedad civil con miembros de la Comunidad Galáctica, a ayudar directamente con las mejorías ambientales trabajando con los Arcturianos, Pleyadianos y otras razas.

Q- Thomas: Mythi, se acaba de divulgar que una galaxia grande, que hasta ahora no se había visto, orbita alrededor de nuestra Vía Láctea y se llama Cráter 2. Es muy grande pero no es tan brillante como otras galaxias vecinas. 
¿Es cierto y que más nos puedes contar? 
¿Hay algún extraterrestre aquí de Cráter 2 y son también miembros de la Comunidad Galáctica?

-Thomas, esta galaxia enana que llamáis Cráter 2 está en un conglomerado de baja densidad de estrellas y, como las nubes de Magallanes que también orbitan vuestra galaxia, todavía está en una fase de desarrollo. Tienen algunas colonias, algunas de las cuales son miembros de la Comunidad Galáctica, pero la Comunidad no les da prioridad puesto que la Vía Láctea todavía tiene miles de planetas esperando a ser colonizados.

Q- JB: ¿cuando se produzcan los cambios grandes, serán cambios graduales como los que hemos vivido en los últimos años, u, ocurrirán en un instante? 
Se que podría haber cambios instantáneos en la Tierra, pero quería saber acerca del cambio de los polos o se trata todo de lo mismo?

-JB, en la naturaleza todo ocurre de una manera integrada, como vosotros decís “una cosa atrae a la otra.” Nada ocurrirá instantáneamente porque todos los cambios del planeta entero tendrán que superar la inercia inmensa de la masa que rota alrededor de su eje. Esto es lo que llamáis el efecto giroscópico, es decir, la fuerza o energía que se necesita para que se produzca una inversión se genera en el núcleo del planeta y le afectará al núcleo antes de que la corteza pueda seguir el mismo movimiento. Mira, la corteza podrá equilibrarse cuando se mueva unos 30 o 40 grados, es decir, que no tiene que girar necesariamente los 180 grados, que es lo que el núcleo tendrá que girar. Una vez que esto suceda, las regiones que acaben en el extremo norte y sur, se convertirán en los nuevos polos geográficos.

Q- Thomas: Mythi, se que dijiste que solo existen tres formas dimensionales en la Tierra, pero existen otras subcategorías en la tercera dimensión, que los humanos no puedan ver, pero que otras formas de vida de la tercera dimensión, como los gatos, puedan ver, o por lo menos parece que las puedan ver. ¿Podrías darnos más información? 
¿Y cuales son las implicaciones? ¿Existe algún nivel astral o etéreo que tenga sus propios subgrupos?

-Thomas, esta es una pregunta interesante. La materia tiene muchas capas, o estratos, que consisten en nuestra materia física, en tres dimensiones, y niveles variados de materia cuántica plasmática, que tiene más o menos densidad. Desde Orbs (globos) a seres, existen muchos tipos de materia que están en el ambiente sin que los observadores de la tercera dimensión sean capaces de darse cuenta. El aura que todos nosotros emanamos puede atraer a todos estos tipos de materia etérea; dependiendo de cual sea la intensidad del aura, siempre está rodeada por energía plasmática que interacciona para ayudar a mantener una luz fuerte y sana. 
Algunos humanos, que son susceptibles a estas formas de energía, pueden ver la luz del ambiente, cuando existe cerca de ellos. 
En relación a los gatos, su espectro de visión es mucho más grande que el de los humanos, con lo que pueden ver con facilidad tipos de energía plasmática más densa. 
Antes de que preguntéis, no existe ningún espíritu humano moviéndose entre vosotros . 
. . poco después de su muerte, los espíritus humanos, se van directamente a la región a la que sus áureas cuánticas les atraen. Todas las otras explicaciones son incorrectas.

Q- Thomas: Mythi, ¿es cierto que formas de vida basadas en el carbono no existen en Urano debido a que el ambiente es hostil por las temperaturas son tan frías, pero, que existen formas de vida basadas en el silicio?

-Thomas, como dije hace mucho tiempo, cuando la vida comienza en una zona concreta, usa los materiales que existan en el ambiente. 
Si que hay muchos tipos de seres vivos en el universo, que se basan en muchos tipos distintos de elementos, y que viven en ambientes muy diferentes de los que necesitarían para sobrevivir otras formas de vida más avanzadas. 
Se trata de formas de vida simples, como bacterias, y, otros micro, y macro organismos, algunos de los cuales serian extraordinariamente peligrosos si contaminaran otros medio ambientes. 
Hay muchos lugares que visitar y otros, que evitar.

Q- Karen: Mythi, las líneas ley son supuestas alineaciones de distintos lugares de interés geográfico e histórico como, por ejemplo, los antiguos monumentos y megalitos. Me he dado cuenta de que forman perfectos triángulos equiláteros, 
¿por qué? 
¿Como fueron nuestros antepasados capaces de encontrar con zahories la energía de la Tierra para decidir donde poner sus sitios sagrados y sus cementerios?
 ¿Por qué parece que estos lugares son especiales?
 ¿Como se interaccionan los espíritus desencarnados con la energía de la Tierra?
 ¿Como funcionan las líneas de ley? ¿Cambian durante el día y la noche? ¿Les afecta el Sol? 
¿Como le afectan a nuestra salud y comportamiento las manchas negras y espirales de la Tierra?
 ¿Como las podríamos usar para mejorar nuestra salud y bienestar? Además, 
¿como redirigen la energía de la Tierra las piedras grandes que tienen marcas de tazas y se encuentran por toda Europa?
 ¿Que cualidades extrañas tienen la energía de las marcas de tazas?

-Karen, lo que vosotros llamáis líneas de energía, son alineaciones creadas intencionalmente para transmitir energía entre dos zonas distantes; en épocas muy antiguas disponían de tecnología en esas regiones. Más de mil millones de años había razas que excavaban y minaban aquí en la Tierra mientras que otras se dedicaban a la caza. Lo mismo que vosotros alineáis las antenas con los satélites, ellos hacían lo mismo con los generadores eléctrico y sistemas de rastreo, y el sistema se diseñó de manera que las líneas de transmisión no se interfirieran con otras líneas. Funcionaban con un sistema de nudos de energía que podían proporcionar energía a otros generadores afiliados que no funcionaran porque todas estaban en un sistema cerrado. Usaron el paralelismo aproximado de las líneas geomagnéticas del planeta para optimizar estas transmisiones de alta energía. El Sol no les afecta, solo el campo geomagnético del planeta. Lo que llamáis marcas de tazas tienen diferentes origines, algunas tienen que ver con “muestras de minerales”, otras son marcadores de las posiciones estelares que observaron vuestros antepasados con la información que les dieron los “visitantes” (extraterrestres).

Q- Yves: Estimado Mythi, ¿podrías comentar acerca del tipo de concienciazión que tendríamos que practicar primero? 
¿Mejorías sociales, practicar actos en el mundo real siguiendo las iniciativas del capitán Bill o del grupo Mythi de las Filipinas que ayuda a Kame Hame Wave? 
No es por la obediencia que te lo estoy preguntando, sino para hacer algo útil que mejore nuestras vidas, que cada vez se están volviendo más breves. 
Espero que me entiendas.

-Yves, la caridad, es el resultado de un altruismo interno, puesto que muchos no tienen el tiempo de ayudar personalmente, por lo que donan recursos, o materiales, a los que los pueden usar. 

Esto es un gesto de concienciación en una sociedad que es fundamentalmente inconsciente de los problemas que otros tienen. 

El desarrollo social se produce, cuando la concienciación de toda la sociedad mejora gradualmente, hasta que alcanza un nivel ideal para que todos sus miembros puedan desarrollarse de manera sana. 

Vuestras buenas intenciones actuales, de tener una sociedad justa, podrían ser la semilla que haga que las futuras generaciones, no necesiten la caridad de otros. 

No uséis la caridad, para disminuir vuestra responsabilidad, puesto que la concienciación se produce desde dentro hacia afuera, como el brote de una flor, nunca desde fuera hacia adentro.

Q- Tami: Hola Mythi, ¿que nos puedes contar del planeta “Niku”? 
¿Es uno de los planetas nuevos que están trayendo a nuestro sistema solar?

-Tami, esta es una pregunta muy imprecisa. Están moviendo muchos cuerpos celestes para que se equilibren las nuevas órbitas, y, para que el sistema Nibiru, finalmente, continúe su camino. 

Es, como si tu movieras las sillas, para poder mover la mesa. 

Vuestros científicos, notarán, que muchos planetas, y asteroides grandes, aparecerán, y desaparecerán, porque los están moviendo de un sitio a otro, así que, es imposible saber con exactitud, a cual se refieren, porque en estos momentos, se están remolcando cientos de cuerpos celestes, para permitir que ocurran otros acontecimientos.

Q- Bridget: Mythi, ¿puedes explicarnos como los portales ayudan a mantener el balance cuántico de vida en la Tierra? ¿Por qué están estos portales aquí, los creó la naturaleza o fueron construidos artificialmente y colocados a propósito? ¿Tienen algo que ver con las líneas ley?

-Bridget, los portales no tienen nada que ver con el balance de vida en la Tierra, son puertas de transporte, que permiten que las astronaves, y las mercancías, puedan transportarse sin ninguna restricción. 

No existe ningún portal “natural”, excepto por los puntos de contactos de los túneles gravitatorios, que crea el sistema solar, pero, estos no son portales, sino simplemente, sitios en los que existe una unión gravitatoria. 

Los portales, no tienen nada que ver con las antiguas líneas ley, simplemente, fueron instalados en lugares, en los que afectaron lo mínimo al medio ambiente del planeta.

Q- Nephilim: Mythi, ¿como ya has estudiado muchos planetas en transición del nivel 0 al 1, podrías contarnos que tipos de gobierno tienen habitualmente esos planetas en ese momento critico, y que tipo de gobierno parece que sea el mejor, y en tu opinión que tipo de gobierno conocido en este planeta sería el mas parecido al gobierno ideal?

-Nephilim, puesto que esos planetas no eran tan heterogéneos como este ex-reformatorio, en la mayoría de los casos, tenían un gobierno central, con decenas de sedes regionales. 

No necesitaban ejércitos o armas, no tenían vecinos con los que pelearse, porque no tenían fronteras. 

Deberíais implementar este consejo en vuestro planeta, así que no tengáis ninguna frontera de manera que consigáis tener la raza del planeta Tierra. 

Bajo la tutela de la Comunidad Galáctica, la junta de representantes de vuestro planeta serán personas con un aura avanzada, y sus opiniones acerca de la tutela de todo el planeta, serán respetadas. En otras palabras, las instituciones políticas que tenéis ahora en el planeta serán similares a las que existirán en el futuro.

Q- Nephilim: Mythi, ¿podrías describir detalladamente como se lleva a cabo el proceso de “donar ADN” o de “plantar” colonias?

-Nephilim, por todo el universo se han hecho, y, se siguen haciendo, muchos experimentos con el ADN. 

Cuando un planeta tiene humanoides salvajes, el ADN es el resultado de mutaciones espontaneas, que ocurren al cabo de milenios de desarrollo; razas compatibles usan elaboradas tecnologías de inserción de ADN para
que las razas evolucionen mas rápidamente. 

Esta raza donante, será la “madrina” de la civilización nueva, que se desarrollará con el tiempo. 

Habitualmente, se trata de una, o dos razas relacionadas, que colaboran en ese planeta. 

En el caso del planeta reformatorio Tierra, muchas razas distintas plantaron decenas de grupos étnicos, porque en aquellos momentos, no existía ningún control legal del planeta. 

En otras palabras, la Tierra es un planeta único, problemático, pero, sorprendentemente, muy prometedor.

Q- Nephilim: Mythi, nos dijiste que las personas con el “síndrome de Down” vienen aquí de otro planeta, y tienen características físicas similares, independientemente de donde nazcan, sin que importe cual sea el ADN de sus padres, que usan este planeta, para mandar a los espíritus, que tienen una frecuencia baja. 
¿Podrías explicarnos detalladamente, cual es la relación del tipo de cuerpo con el tipo de espíritu que habita el cuerpo, y si existe alguna limitación de que tipo de cuerpo puede habitar un espíritu?
 ¿Por qué no usan esos espíritus los cuerpos de su planeta?

-Nephilim, los Downs son un tipo de intercambio cultural. 

Los Seres Azules, no solo los mandan a vuestro planeta, sino también, a otras colonias de nivel cero, para acelerar su desarrollo, puesto que llevan milenios desarrollándose ellos mismos, gracias a mutaciones espontaneas de su ADN. 

Los Downs, no tuvieron ninguna raza madrina que les donara ADN, y, ahora, son una raza protegida, para que se desarrollen espontáneamente, son un marco de referencia para el desarrollo natural, y no intruso. 

Por lo tanto, ellos seguirán teniendo la apariencia que les corresponda, en base a su desarrollo, sin que haya una interferencia directa del ADN de padres biológicos de ningún planeta.

Q- Joshua: Mythi, ¿podrías decirnos algo especifico acerca de la ciudad que se encuentra en el fondo del lago Ontario, en la cuenca de Rochester?

-Joshua, ahí hay algunas ruinas que son más viejas que el lago, no existe una ciudad en el fondo del lago, solo una entrada a un túnel antiguo que los usaban las astronaves de servicio para regresar a las bases situadas debajo del mar.

Q- Maggie: después de leer uno de tus recientes mensajes, decidí pedir ayuda a la Comunidad Galáctica para que nos ayuden a salvar a la gente de nuestro mundo. 
Las élites, que se han proclamado como los gobernantes del planeta, tienen planeado eliminar mas del 75% de la población del mundo. 
Millones de personas ya se han muerto debido a su avaricia y falta de empatía. 
Por este motivo, te pido ayuda para proteger a toda la gente, de todas las naciones de este planeta, que llamamos la Tierra, de manera que la gente pueda vivar sus vidas naturales, en paz y seguridad, sin tener que temer, a las élites. Gracias.

-Maggie, que tu pidas ayuda, es elogiable, pero, como ya había dicho, la Comunidad Galáctica, no puede alterar el desarrollo final de la colonia, tiene que esperar, hasta que la colonia se estabilice por sus propios medios, e iniciativas. 

Si algún grupo dominante tratara de ejecutar el exterminio masivo de un grupo étnico, si que entonces, la Comunidad Galáctica, nos permitirá intervenir. 

No estas usando bien tus conocimientos de las reencarnaciones, lo cual hace que sigas concentrándote solo en tu supervivencia inmediata. 

Trata de conseguir un aura luminosa, para que te puedas transferir automáticamente, al lugar al que pertenezcas, cuando llegue el momento, que inevitablemente llegará. 
Date cuenta de que tu futuro, solo depende de ti, no depende de tu gobierno, o de la Comunidad Galáctica, sino solo de ti misma.

Q- Davey: Mythi, ¿que ceremonias tienen civilizaciones de los niveles del 1 al 5, al finalizar el ciclo de la vida física? 
¿Entierran los cuerpos en la tierra, los mandan a una estrellas cercana, o los reciclan de alguna manera? Me imagino que las costumbres locales probablemente varían mucho.

-Davey, todas las razas tienen sus ritos y tradiciones. La gran mayoría usan la incineración. Enterrar los cuerpos como se hace mucho aquí es una característica de las colonias de nivel cero, y bajo cero. 

Los restos corporales, no se necesitan para mantener el balance natural, y no tiene ninguna importancia social en las civilizaciones mas avanzadas. 

Date cuenta de que nos basamos en el carbono, y regresaremos al carbono. 

Para producir el cuerpo de las razas humanoides solo se necesitan un par de células relacionadas, por lo que se debe reciclar el cuerpo para que se produzca la polución sea tan pequeña como sea posible una vez que el cuerpo ya no sea útil.

Q- Nephilim: Mythi, mencionaste que la entrevista de Roswell fue verdadera y correcta pero que algunas partes fueron mal interpretadas. ¿Podrías explicarnos por qué al ser “Airl” le horrorizaban las cosas que tu nos describes como “normales”? Como estar espiritualmente encerrados en un planeta prisión. O como tener que olvidarnos de nuestras vidas pasadas y decirnos que es porque nos beneficia hasta que hayamos aprendido nuestras lecciones. ¿Puesto que soy un espíritu libre, sería posible que me encarnara acordándome de todos mis recuerdos? ¿Y si no, quien o que no me dejaría? ¿Pasa lo mismo en todo el universo o hay zonas donde estas “normas” no se usan?

-Bueno Nephilim, este nunca ha sido un planeta prisión, la palabra mas apropiada sería “reformatorio.” Un lugar en el que muchos grupos étnicos mezclados causaron el efecto de la “Torre de Babel” como lo cuenta vuestra literatura. No ser capaz de acordarse de encarnaciones pasadas es una constante en otros planetas, no solo en este. Cuanto mas avanza una raza, la capacidad de la intuición permite que se usen más y mejores conocimientos obtenidos en encarnaciones previas, pero es el resultado de la mejoría de la concienciación individual. Nadie tiene que permitirte encarnar con los recuerdos de otras encarnaciones, pero tu puedes obtener este privilegio al desarrollarte física y espiritualmente. Acuérdate de que la activación del cerebro depende del factor de desarrollo y este solo tu lo puedes obtener.

-Amigos, pienso estar asignado permanentemente a la flotilla al servicio de este planeta hasta que se establezca algún contacto, por lo que es posible que podamos hablar con más frecuencia. Permaneced bien y sanos.


Video 146

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Video 145

Answers of an Alien from Andromeda – video hundred forty five – September 29, 2016.

Mythi words:


- A long absence but quite parallel work in other colonies at the time. Some of them are already going through the environmental decontamination process, atmospheric improvements and water resources, as it will happen here as soon as possible. Now we should be here more definitely.

- As all of you are feeling lately, the planet is as axial oscillatory movement under control of nature; the gravitational balance is already far and virtually little or no effect is providing now. It was a very wise decision of "Galactica Community to postpone these four years as it increased the potential of this colony of 10 to 34 percent. Now, as there are inertial movements of balance in the sequel of galactic motions, is nearing the time so that they can interfere without breaking this balance that invariably have to go through corrections for some time so that the entire balance be maintained.

- Now is your time to show what you all have been made, because everything will now depend on you in terms of society to enable this lush colony and places it in the ideal balance for interstellar conviviality. See, everything that happens in the fluency of events is a sequence imposed by actions that generate subsequent actions as a direct result. If something starts based on misconceptions will not generate a result set for the end. In societies on the planets, where the nature and the resources become well managed generating harmony among all life forms therein, comes into being the physical and spiritual balance necessary for the rise of that race. Here on your planet everything is in constant imbalance, forms of life being extinguished, attacks against the natural balance of the environment with physico-chemical experiments primitive and pernicious, that is, the planet is out of control at this time. A planet with nature outside the normal standards will react to what is causing this imbalance and these reactions do not separate good from bad, just happen in a generalized way. The most important thing is that at least 34 percent of you will form the evolutionary cycle of this beautiful planet, and will have your voices present as member of Galactica Community for the first time.

Now the questions:

Q - Degas: The two new level 1 colonies you mentioned in the last meeting, were they reformatory? Were they humanoid? How long was the transition? How did the Mantuk fleet personally participate?

- No reformatory Degas, they are more uniform humanoid colonies, with a maximum of two ethnic groups living in the same society. We participate in most activities, from meetings with civil society representatives with other members of the CG, to the direct support on environmental initiatives with the Arcturians, Pleiadeans and other races.

Q - Thomas: Mythi, news is just being released that a formerly unseen large galaxy is orbiting our Milky Way Galaxy and they have called it Crater 2. It's very large but not a bright Galaxy like our other close neighbors. Is this true and what can you telling us about that news, to Earth, Galaxy? Are any of the ETs here from Crater 2 and are they CG members as well?

- Thomas, This Dwarf Galaxy as you call Crater2 is a low density conglomerate of stars, and like the Magellanic Clouds that orbit your galaxy also, still at an exploitation stage yet. Some colonies there and some CG members as well but it's a secondary priority to CG standards as the Milk Way itself have thousands of thousands of planets waiting in the queue to be colonized.

Q - JB: When the big shift comes will it be gradual like with the tilt we have seen over the past years or instant? I know the earth changes might be instant but was wondering about pole shift or are they all the same?

- JB, everything in nature happens integrated, as you all use to say "one thing pulls the other." Nothing will happen instantly because all the changes to the level of an entire planet will have to overcome the immense inertia of the mass rotating on its axis. This is called by you of gyroscopic effect, ie, the force required for an inversion happens in the core of the planet is very large and can act in the nucleus before the crust follow the same movement. See, the crust can move only about 30 or 40 degrees and find new equilibrium, so will not necessarily


reverse 180 degrees, as eventually the core will. At that point, they will be formed new geographical poles in regions that end up stopping in extreme north and south of the new configuration.

Q - Thomas: Mythi, I know you have said there are only 3 dimensional forms here on earth but are there other sub categories in the 3rd dimension which we humans cannot see but other 3 dimensional beings such as cats can see, or at least seem to be able to see? Can you expand upon this for us? And what the ramifications of this are, in general? And are there also astral and etheric levels with their own sub-groupings?

- Thomas this question is interesting. There are many layers in the matter, our physical matter 3D and different levels of quantum matter in plasmic forms more or less dense. From ORB's to enteals beings there are many forms of matter circling the environment without observers of the third dimension are able to realize them. All this ethereal form of matter can be attracted by the aura emanated by each of us, depending on the intensity of the aura is always surrounded by plasmic energy that interact to help maintain strong and healthy light. Some sensitive humans to these forms of energy can feel the lightness of the environment when in their presence. In the case of cats, the "view spectrum is extremely more open than the human, allowing that they can actually see forms of' plasmic energy" denser with ease. Before you ask, no human spirits are not circulating among you... they go directly to the plan to which they are attracted by their quantum auras soon after the death, the rest of the stories circulating among you are fables with little nexus.

Q – Thomas: Mythi, apparently because Uranus is so cold it is a hostile environment for carbon based life forms but not for silicon based life forms, is that true?

- Thomas, as I said long ago, when life happens at a particular location it uses the materials available in the environment to be structured. Yes, there are many variations of composition of living beings in the universe based on large number of elements and living in very different environments from those in which higher forms of life could survive. They are so simple life like bacteria and other micro and macro organisms, some tremendously dangerous if contaminating other environments. Plenty to meet and places to avoid.

Q - Karen: Mythi, Ley lines are hypothetical alignment of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. I notice how they form perfect equilateral triangles, why? How did our ancestors use Earth Energy to map their sacred sites and burial grounds with dowsers? Why do these places feel special? How do disincarnated souls interact with Earth Energy? How do the Ley Lines work? Do Ley Lines go up and down with day and night? How does the Sun affect Ley Lines? How can Earth’s spirals and black spots affect our health and behavior? How can they be used to enhance our health and well-being? Also how do the large stones throughout Europe with Cup Markings redirect Earth Energy and why? What are the strange qualities of Cup-Mark Energy?

- Karen, Lay lines as you call them are deliberate alignments for directional power transmission between distant points, much earlier periods of technology adapted to the site. More than 1 billion years ago many races did excavation and mining here while others practiced hunting. As here you use align their antennas for satellites, it was the same with power generation units, and tracing system was designed so that a transmission line does not interfere with another. They worked in a power nodes system that could supply a deficiency of any of the affiliated units because they are in a closed circuit. They tried to use more approximate parallelism of the geomagnetic lines of the planet to optimize these high power transmissions. The sun does not interfere with them, only with the geomagnetic field of the planet. That's what you call Cup Markings have varied backgrounds, some of them are taken from "mineral samples", others are markings of stellar positions observed by your native according to the information given by "visitors". These marks have no special effect, no energy emanating from them are only landmarks of old age activities on the planet, so they do not affect humans.

Q - Yves: Dear Mythi, would you mind to tell us more about the fields of conscientization we have to explore have to explore first? Social improvement, go oneselves in the real world following our dear CB’s social initiatives or Philippines Mythi Team backing Kame Hame Wave, It is not for obedience to you I am asking but in the emergency to take useful actions in the feeling our lives are going shorter and shorter. I hope you understand me.


- Yves, charity is the result of an inert altruism, because since many do not have time to do personally, then help with resources who make themselves available to do. This is a conscientization gesture in a society mostly unconscious to the problems of others. Social development is the result of a gradual increase of conscientization of a society as a whole for a day to reach your ideal spot for the healthy development of each of its members. Today you may not need but the fact of planting the good will in creating a just society can be the seed that will save your future generations from one day need charity from others. Charity is not an act of kindness; it is a gesture of goodwill. Do not use charity as an act of removing weight from your shoulders as the conscientization is a reality that comes from the inside out like a flower bud, never from the outside in.

Q - Tami: Hi Mythi, what can you tell us about this planet named "Niku"? Is this one of the new planets being towed into our solar system?

- Tami, this is a very vague question. Many celestial bodies are being moved to make way for the balance necessary for the orbital changes that are underway as well as handling the Nibiru system to follow their journey, finally. It's like you away chairs for moving the table. Your scientists will observe many planets and large asteroids appearing and disappearing because they are being moved from one place to another, so it is impossible to know exactly which one they're talking about because hundreds of celestial bodies are being towed to make way for other events right now.

Q - Bridgett: Mythi can you tell us more about how the portals work to help with the quantum balance of life on earth? Why are such portals here, did they naturally form or are they artificially created and placed purposefully? Do they have anything to do with lay lines?

- Bridget, portals has nothing to do with the balance of life on Earth, they are as transfer ports allowing the free movement of ships and materials. There are no "natural" portals, except those of gravitational tunnels touchpoints that are naturally created by the solar system but these are not portals are just points of gravitational binding. Portals has nothing to do with the old Lay lines, simply they are installed in places where interfere the least possible with the planet's environment.

Q - Nephilim: Mythi, since you have already studied many planets on their transition from level 0 to 1, can you tell us what kind of governments those planets usually have at this critical time and what type of government seems to be the best and what government form known on this planet would be closest to the ideal one from your perspective?

- Nephilim, as these planets passing to the level one were not as heterogeneous as the case of this former reformatory, held in most cases a central government with dozens of regional sub-headquarters, they did not need armies or weapons they had no neighbors to war because there are no boundaries. In the case of your planet, this kind of advice should be implemented as soon as the borders are erased to make way for an Earth planet race, and under the tutelage of CG your council representatives of your planet will be people of high level of aura, people who really will have their opinions respected regarding the tutelage of the planet as a whole. So anything you have on the planet at the moment in political terms is similar to what will have in the future.

Q – Nephilim: Mythi, can you describe to us in detail how the process of "donating DNA" or "seeding" colonies actually works?

- Nephilim, many experiments with DNA were and are made throughout the universe. When a planet has wild humanoids, DNA results from spontaneous mutations during the millennia of its development, compatible breeds are reported to assist in the development of these ethnic groups faster with the most elaborately developed DNA insertion. This donor race will be the race "godmother" of that new civilization that will form over time. It's usually one or at most two related breeds participating in this endeavor by planet. In the case of reformatory planet Earth, dozens of ethnicities were planted by many different races because at the time this planet still was not under any legal control. So this is a sui generis planet, problematic but surprisingly promising.


Q – Nephilim: Mythi, you told us that people with "Down Syndrome" come here from a different planet and have similar features no matter where they are born disregarding the DNA of their parents, used this planet to dump their low frequency spirits here. Can you explain to us in detail in what relation a certain body type stands with the type of spirit inhabiting this body and if there are any limitations on what body a spirit can inhabit? Why could those spirits not simply use bodies already present on the planet?

- Nephilim, the case of Downs is a kind of cultural exchange. It's not just for your planet they are sent by Blue Beings but for various colonies zero level for an acceleration in the development, since they have developed themselves for millennia with spontaneous development of DNA, they had no godmother race donating DNA and are now a race protected for spontaneous development as a framework for natural and non-intrusive development. Therefore, they will continue to have the corresponding appearance to its development through the ages, without the direct interference of the DNA of the biological parents of any other planet.

Q - Joshua: Mythi you can tell us anything specific about the city beneath Lake Ontario, in the Rochester basin?

- Joshua, some ruins there long before from forming the lake, no real city beneath the lake, just an entrance to an old tunnel used by service ships to return to undersea bases by these connections.

Q - Maggie; After reading a recent message from you, I have decided to become one of the few to ask the Community Galactica (CG) for help in saving the people of our world. The Elite, who are self proclaimed rulers of the planet, have plans to eliminate more than 3/4 of the world population. Millions of people have already died as a result of their greed and lack of empathy. As a result, I am asking for your help to protect the people of all nations on this planet we call Earth, that they may live out their lives naturally, in peace and safety without being at the mercy of the Elites. Thank you.

- Maggie, your initiative to request help is commendable, but as I have already explained the CG cannot change the final development of the colony, they have to wait until the colony is stabilized by their own means and initiatives. If there are attempts by some dominant groups to cause mass extermination of any ethnic group oh yes, the CG will allow us to interfere. You are not well managing your knowledge of incarnations and it makes you keep your attention only on immediate survival. Worry about having a luminous aura so that you are automatically transferred to your rightful place when the time comes, and any day it will invariably come. Keep in mind that your future depends only on you, neither from your government nor CG but only on you.

Q - Davey: Mythi, How do different Level 1-5 civilizations celebrate the end of physical life cycle? Are the bodies buried in soil, sent on a journey to the local star, or recycled in some form or fashion? I imagine local customs probably vary considerably.

- Davey, each race has its rituals and traditions. In the vast majority incineration is the most used. Burying bodies as widely is done here is a major characteristic between zero level colonies and below. The remains of a body are not necessary for the natural balance and has no social importance in the most advanced civilizations. Keep in mind that we are based on carbon, and to carbon will return. To develop a body of any race humanoid whether or not it is necessary only one pair of related cells, so the body must recycle leaving the smallest possible pollution when it ceases to have any utility.

Q - Nephilim: Mythi, you mentioned that the Roswell interview was real and correct but some parts were misunderstood. Can you explain to us why the being "Airl" seemed to be so appalled about the things that you described to us as "normal"? Like being spiritually locked into a planetary prison. Like having to forget everything of your past lives and being told it is just for our own good until we learned our lessons? As a spiritual being that has free will would it be possible for me to reincarnate with all my memories intact? And if not who or what exactly would stop me from doing that? Is it the same for all of this universe or are there parts where these "rules" do not apply?


- Well, this planet has never been a prison planet, the closest word to describe is "reformatory." A place where many mixed ethnicities humanoids caused the effect "Tower of Babel" as told by your literature. Failure to remember past incarnations is a constant in any planet not only here. The more races level up, the power of intuition leads to using more and better knowledge acquired in previous incarnations, but it is the result of conquest by individual conscientization. No one needs to allow you to embody with memories of other incarnations, but you do can get this right with your physical and spiritual development. Remember that the activation of the brain depends on the development factor and this detail only you can provide yourself.

- Friends, intended to be allocated to the fleet in service on this planet permanently until the time of any contact so maybe we can talk more often. Be well and health.


Video 146

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

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New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind

by Georgi Stankov Posted on July 20, 2019

The Species “Man” as an Energetic System – Chapter II

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, July 20, 2019

Translated from the German book “Neue Gnosis: Evolutionssprung der Menschheit“, 2001 into English by the author

II. The Species “Man” as an Energetic System

1. Basic Biophysical Knowledge

That man is an open energetic system which interacts with the environment should be cogent to all and sundry: without food man cannot exist. 
The energetic conversion of the cellular body is referred to as Metabolism. 
Currently, it is only considered under a (bio)chemical point of view (biochemistry, genetics, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, etc.). 
Applied chemistry is, however, quantum mechanics, so that the correct approach must depart from physics. However, there is still no viable biophysics.

First the new theory of the Universal Law allows for the development of a proper biophysics. In Volume III on biological regulation I prove that:

The metabolic turnover of the body follows the Universal Law;
The cells and the cell bodies are electromagnetic systems, which build action potentials EA and transform them with a specific time (frequency) f according to the Universal Law as metabolism: E = EA f;
The chemical structures of the cells, such as the genetic code result from this energy transformation;
The primary energetic phenomena of the physical-material bio-regulation are standing quantum waves (solitons). From this it follows that the biological organism is an energetic wave system. Currently, we cannot penetrate deeper into the body.

2. The Central Dogma of Science

Man is not only a functioning cell body, but also a thinking species. At present it is assumed that human consciousness has originated in a secondary manner from the human cell body by self-organization. This assumption underpins the doctrine of evolution (hypothesis), according to which man evolved from unicellular organisms and with its consciousness represents the crowning of biological evolution.

The doctrine of evolution – I speak explicitly not of a theory because it is not a proven theory but an unfounded hypothesis – is a product of materialism and empiricism as the currently prevailing, erroneous Weltanschauung. In summary it says: the body, considered as matter, creates mind (consciousness) and the mind recognizes matter as a subject, i.e. the external objects and himself as a thinking entity (phenomenology of Being). In science, this perception takes the form of discoveries (empiricism as research).

Due to the prevailing role of science, the modern capitalist world (approx. 150 years) which we are currently experiencing in its last phase is materialistically and empirically tainted. The materialistic dogma, which is presented in its narrow version as Darwinian dogma of evolution, has pushed to the edge the idealistic notion that mind creates matter (materialism versus idealism).

For this reason, all religions and esoteric schools have abandoned science and feel themselves like an outsider, who must constantly justify and excuse himself for his views, or needs to keep his ideas secret. Here we encounter a phenomenon of collective fear structure, of which I shall often speak in this book.

The idea that the mind creates matter, is very old and underpins all religions and para-religious categorical systems such as all esoteric teachings. In philosophy, it was the prevailing view of the world until Kant. Idealism lost the battle against scientific materialism for one single reason: It was not able to give a clear definition of the mind (Spirit). Spirit was conceived as opposite to matter, although Spinoza and Leibniz challenged this view.

The preliminary “final” defeat of idealism occurred in modern times when it could not provide the empirical evidence for the primary existence of Spirit. In fact, it was precisely the development of empirical sciences, especially physics, which revealed that it is not possible to provide a proof for the primary existence of Spirit with conventional means. A dogma was only cemented, and all dissenters were socially marginalized and oppressed in their spiritual evolution. The psychological background of this phenomenon will be discussed in detail in this book.

We will now define for the first time in the history of science and Human Gnosis clearly and unambiguously what is mind (Spirit) and explain why mind cannot be assessed with the empirical means of scientific materialism.

In the broadest sense, mind/Spirit is organized energy – it is All-That-Is. In this sense mind is a subset of the cosmic Spirit (divine mind). Matter, perceived as 3D-space-time, is also a U-subset of Spirit and a relatively insignificant one. Since matter is created by Spirit, it contains it as an element. This applies to all material systems, including humans (pantheism). For the purpose of our discussion, we will summarize under the term “Spirit” all energetic levels that exist beyond the electromagnetic spectrum and cannot be detected with conventional physical devices.

In esotericism, one also speaks of the “light beyond the (electromagnetic) light”. I speak of the 7F-creationary levels because these levels are the causal realms in terms of 3D space-time, i.e. the 3D space-time is created in a secondary manner from Spirit of the 7F-creationary realms according to rigorous mathematical rules (see above). “F” stands for frequency = time. Each creationary level is characterized by a specific frequency range, similar to the electromagnetic spectrum. Obviously, there are seven such energetic ranges/bandwidths, which are also referred to in channeled messages as “rays” or “flames”.

Before I begin to present evidence that Spirit, as defined above, is the causal entity, I must explain why present-day science is not able to assess spirit as an energetic phenomenon with external physical instruments. It can only be perceived through human consciousness, which is a U-subset of Spirit. This finding does not exclude the possibility of developing new technologies, based on spiritual principles, with the help of which we will be able to make use of this causal mental energy (taken literally) in the 3D space-time.

3. Planck’s Constant

The whole matter (particles, materials) arises from the electromagnetic waves, which I describe as photon space-time, and vice versa. The 3D space-time can be seen as an energy exchange between matter and photon space-time. The entire structure of matter and photon space-time (considered as an electromagnetic spectrum) is determined by an elementary action potential EA – the Planck’s constant h. It is the smallest amount of energy (energy package, quant), which we are currently able to assess and discriminate with physical devices. It represents the fundamental limit of the physical sensitivity (differentiation, discrimination, detectability) with such devices.

This fact is known in physics – as Heisenberg uncertainty principle or Copenhagen interpretation of the refraction of the wave function – but has been grossly misinterpreted so far. For the first time in the history of science, I could prove that all the particles and thus all matter consists of h – they are multiples f of this elementary action potential h (see Volume I and Volume II and the Table below). Matter is thus temporarily bound light, or energy, according to the Universal Law:

Matter = temporarily bound Energy =

E = EA f = h f

For this reason I speak of h-space-time. It is important to emphasize at this place that matter, referred to as “substance”, is only temporarily bound electromagnetic light, it is bound photon space-time. Matter is constantly changing into light and vice versa, light – to matter, as the known laws of radiation, which are applications of the Universal Law, confirm: It is known that atoms emit and absorb photons from the electromagnetic spectrum. In this sense, the term “h-space-time” encompasses matter and photons space-time (the light).

In fact, the h-space-time is only one energetic level of All-This-Is, of Spirit. There are much more levels, each one with its own elementary action potential and specific frequency spectrum, which we currently cannot measure and therefore we cannot make any statements about their true magnitude. These levels do exist within the three-dimensional h-space-time (please recall the idea of U-sets), because, as previously said, space is a human hallucination, so that these higher frequency levels are energetically – we can also say “relativistically” – separated through their specific elementary action potentials. The separation is thus determined by a frequency leap, it is therefore a time difference. The existence of these energetic levels is currently being denied vehemently by the earthly, matter-oriented science. The reasons for this rejection are only psychological in nature and will be discussed in detail below.

It is important to note at this place that these energetic fields do not only have their own elementary action potential, but also have their own frequency ranges that have inconceivably higher frequencies and larger bandwidths than the maximum frequency of the electromagnetic waves (1022-24 in the Hawking radiation of black holes). These levels of Spirit are defined by their frequency ranges and their specific elementary action potential. For this reason, I speak of causal or leading 7F-creationary levels. The number “7” is irrelevant for our understanding: There is evidence, however, for the existence of seven primary levels with a specific action potential EA. In the new age literature one speaks of seven basic energies (rays or flames).

Frequency is time, and time is reciprocal to space. Figuratively speaking: higher frequencies can transverse space instantly. This explains why Spirit is simultaneous, i.e. why human ideas, which are energetic phenomena of the divine mind/Spirit can transverse space instantly. Since we live in 3D space-time, we perceive the energetic phenomena sequentially in a selective (limited) way, i.e. one after the other. That is why the idea of the simultaneity of the mind/Spirit is inconceivable to the human brain, which operates sequentially. This simultaneity is a precondition for the creation and coordination of the 3D space-time, including human activity on earth (see karma below).

4. Energetic Structure of Man

Based on this approach, we can now analyse the species “man” as an energetic system and consider its structure in detail. First of all, I should point out that each division of the system “man” that I will make in the following, will obey to the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law, that is to say, I will only build conceptual U-subsets that contain themselves as element – and the element is Spirit.

I will, for the first time in the history of human Gnosis and science, avoid the mistake of building closed, mutually exclusive conceptual subsets (N-sets). It is precisely this error that has prevented an understanding of what Spirit (and thus humans) really is. This type of consideration requires a very high degree of discipline in thinking.

I will therefore discuss a scientific-gnostic categorical system of the species “man”, in full awareness that it will not be the system itself, but only the method used that can claim a universal validity. The categorical system, which I have given the preference is historical in nature and rather familiar, and is thus adequate for our consideration. This system does not preclude the building of other systems according to the principles of the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law. It only serves as a model and an incentive for the reader to consider developing his own categorical systems that will better meet his individual needs.

Body Spirit/Mind Psyche Soul

Multi-cellular mind, intellect, feelings, emotions, (?)

system from an ratio, mental body emotional body

omnipotent cell; (ego as a negative (fear, love)

somatic perception expression)

(pain, well-being)


Awareness, human = Spirit/mind + psyche + body perception

Awareness, cosmic = Spirit/mind + psyche + body + shares of the soul perception

Spirit = All-that-is

Spirit = human mind as a U-subset of spirit

Ego = Mind without a soul, dominated mainly by negative emotions, negative connotation

Ego = I-AM-Presence, neutral connotation

The above list shows how difficult it is to capture the clear meaning (connotation) of every word in a clear-cut manner as their meanings overlap. For didactic purposes I am going to use for instance the term “Spirit” for All-That-Is, especially for the worlds of the soul, as well as for the human mind, when it considers the soul dimensions. The reason for this is that I want to clearly point out that the mind is not sitting in the brain, but is a non-physical organ that is composed of energies of the 7F-creationary levels, while the brain is simply a bio-electromagnetic transducer which converts the astral energetic pulses of Spirit, mind and soul in the human body and the other way around: Every energy exchange goes in both directions.

In our graphics I have provided the soul with a question mark because I want to point out that neither religion nor philosophy have so far managed to give a binding and valid definition of the soul. I will now propose for the first time a valid definition of the soul:

5. What is soul?

The soul is an energetic system of the 7F-creationary levels.

It contains portions of all levels. In this sense, the soul is a fragmentation (individuation, function) of All-That-Is, of Spirit. She is therefore an integral part of All-That-Is (U-subset). Within its function, the soul can be more or less separated from All-That-Is, whereby the separation should be always understood energetically and not spatially.

An almost complete separation of the soul is reached in the state of incarnation, where various graduations are possible (see below). The maximal separation, which a soul can experience, is during an incarnation on earth and, in particular, at the present time (the year of 2000).

It is important to point out that this separation is only an illusory separation, similar to a blocked program on the PC, which is still part of the entire software program. Each separation requires an enormous amount of energy. The natural state of all systems is their openness – open exchange of energy – as part of the Whole. This knowledge must be internalized properly by all my readers, otherwise they will not understand the present Gnosis and the dynamics of the End Time.

From this perspective, the currently ongoing Evolutionary Leap of mankind can be defined as a reversal of the separation, of the human blocking program.

The soul obviously contains a blueprint for the formation and regulation of the cellular body. This blueprint can be thought of as a kind of software program. The astral (ethereal) body would then be a part of this program.

It is quite possible that the blueprints for the human body and other species on this planet are stored separately as automated programs – many of the channeled messages point to this possibility – and can be accessed by the soul at any time, if needed. Such programs for new species are created continuously by the souls in the astral worlds and stored there as blueprints.

For example, when a biological species disappears from the earth, because it has completed its cycle, its original blueprint will continue to exist in the astral worlds and can always be re-materialized. In addition, there are the genetic characteristics of each individual (any incarnation), which the soul can gestalt on its own. In this way, the diversity of nature, e.g. the diversity of human individuality, is created simultaneously. The soul is a creative force to the highest possible degree.

This finding debunks the Darwinian doctrine of evolution as a blatantly wrong approach, and therefore all natural sciences based on it. The lowest protozoa or virus and the human body are created by the 7F-creationary levels simultaneously and are continuously kept alive. Therefore, evolution solely within organic matter cannot exist. This erroneous idea is merely a consequence of the prevailing materialistic view in science at present. The wrong idea of ​​evolution has produced a plethora of additional erroneous ideas in natural sciences, which significantly shape the collective human behavior.

In epidemiology, for example, the assumption is that the organisms harbor viruses and can transfer them to other organisms. This could lead to pandemics, causing the death of many people. To prevent the spread of infections, the current belief is that infected people should be isolated and infected animals slaughtered.

Hereby, the bio-sciences have failed to clearly show to date how such a pathogenic virus can occur in an organism in the first place, or to explain how such viruses appear simultaneously in many organisms in different parts of the world, without the occurrence of a direct transfer. Medicine can not explain why certain individuals become ill in an epidemic area and die, while others neither become ill nor die, after they have been infected. The grounds that such individuals have a more robust immune system can be applied equally well to the regulation program of the soul, with which she creates the cellular organism and keeps it alive.

In reality, such epidemics are a reflection of the spiritual condition of humanity. Just as the control program of the soul renews billions of cells in the human organism daily, it can also easily create new viruses in the human or animal body, which then, depending on the psychological needs, can lead to diseases. It is well known that all multi-cellular organisms, whether animal or human, host thousands of viruses and bacteria, without being ill.

Rather, the bio-sciences have produced abundant evidence that such “primitive organisms” are indispensable for the regulation of any multi-cellular organism and only under certain conditions, namely, when this is provided in the soul plan, act against this regulation by creating the energetic conditions of destructive interference in the body cells and thus cause a disease.

Deep-seated, collective fears in the human population, which otherwise have no way of being expressed, can be now discharged in the face of a real or perceived epidemic in a mass panic or hysteria and lead to countless meaningless and destructive activities. For this reason, it is conceivable that with the progress of the Evolutionary Leap of mankind, the number of such hysteria-laden epidemics will increase dramatically in the coming years (which actually happened as the dark ruling cabal wanted to create massive collective fears and prevent the ascension).

The AIDS epidemic of the 80s, which expands unabated and threatens to depopulate large tracts of land in Africa, meets such a task. On the one hand, it emphasizes the botched sexual and religious views of many people, who are imbued by the rigid notion of crime and atonement; on the other hand, the AIDS pandemic in Africa illustrates the disastrous living conditions of the people there, who are still under the effects of colonialism and suffer under the unfair distribution of the world resources.

6. Astral-energetic regulation of the biological body

And now back to the astral-energetic regulation of the biological body. The blueprint of the cellular body includes automated programs for the growth and aging of the body, such as puberty and menopause, its renewal in about every seven years (some cell aggregates are renewed much faster) and so on. If necessary, the soul can insert dysfunctions in the regulation of the blueprint which manifest as karmic experiences or ongoing disharmony between psyche, mind and soul and can appear as diseases in the body.

The blueprint consists of ultra-high frequency components of the 7F-creationary levels that manifest as sub-atomic electromagnetic units (SE-units). The SE-units exist outside the h-limit of 3D space-time, which they actually create as matter and therefore cannot be detected by physical devices. While these units significantly reduce their frequencies (one can also speak metaphorically of “speed”), they increase their amplitude (wave length) due to the reciprocity of space and time. In this way, the SE-units build the particles of matter and then the organic matter of the cellular body.

The following information is aimed primarily at experts in physics: The formation of elementary particles from the initial energy of the 7F-creationary levels basically occurs as follows. The speed of this energy that is unimaginably higher than the speed of light (vx>>c) is slowed down as SE-units deliberately to the point when they begin to form tiny eddies. While in the interior of such an eddy, the speed is still as high as initially, it decreases rapidly in the periphery, which now builds the outer boundary of the particle.

In this manner, the SE-units build camouflage structures that are currently perceived as the outer boundary of the known elementary particles and measured as physical quantities, as constants, e.g., as the famous Compton wavelength of the particles (see Table above). This 1d-space quantity corresponds approximately to the diameter of the particle. The larger the diameter of the particle, the smaller the peripheral velocity of the rotating energy of the particle. In this way, the illusion of space is created. This is the principal mechanism how the higher realms create 3D space-time as an illusory holographic picture.

Note that there are only two dimensions, space and time, so that in physics one can measure only time (frequency) and space, respectively the energy (space-time) of a particle. The elementary particles are fully characterized by these three parameters. This is the only job of theoretical quantum physics.

In quantum physics, the electrons are presented for example as an electron cloud, strictly speaking, as circular waves of the Planck’s constant h, which is the elementary wave of photon space-time (see atomic model of Bohr in Volume I and volume II). The outer boundary of such circular wave, which rotates inside with an incredible speed (vx>>> c), gives the particles the appearance of a solid structure, which humans perceive through their five senses as solid matter. In this way the idea of the three-dimensionality of matter comes into being.

As an example we can take a ventilator that rotates very fast: we can perceive it as a rotating disc, while we cannot perceive its internal structure, for example, we can no longer identify the individual propellers. The reason for this is the selective, deficient perception of human senses.

For example, the eye perceives only photons that are emitted from the outer boundary (surface) of such camouflage structures and not from the inside of the particle, since these photons have a much higher rotational frequency that lies beyond the narrow spectrum of visible light. In reality, we experience the objects as spatial structures because the retinal cones and rods of the human eye receive only photons from the electron shells of the surface atoms and transmit them further to the brain. If the human eye were able to receive X-rays, which are high-frequency photons, we could have also perceived the interior structure of the objects, as this is currently achieved with special X-ray devices such as CT (computer tomography) in medicine.

One can now imagine a consciousness that perceives all energetic phenomena simultaneously, that is to say, it is not restricted by a limiting frequency as is the case with human consciousness which depends to a large extent on the outer sensations. We will then be able to perceive different realities that exist seemingly invisible to current limited human consciousness.

Conversely, one can imagine that human consciousness evolves and begins to receive higher frequencies. The person will then be able to take advantage of new realities, which he has so far not known and has subsequently denied their existence. It is exactly this phenomenon that takes place during the Light Body Process.

As is evident from this, the creation and maintenance of space-time matter from the energy of the 7F-creationary realms proves to be a constant exchange of energy, which only follows the Universal Law. This also applies to the regulation of all biological organisms.

This process is so complex that human mind cannot perceive it. Our mind is still barely able to grasp the regulation of a single cell. This fact alone should be enough to discard the idea of the radiant consciousness of man, who has crawled out of a paramecium, the regulation of which he still does not understand, as ridiculous and preposterous.

Although I have penetrated, guided by my soul, deeper into the regulation mechanisms of the cell than any mortal before me, as presented in Volume III of the General Theory of biological regulation, I had to capitulate in front of this frustrating complexity. The current presumption of human genetics should be interpreted in this sense.

I will only point out to the results of the human genome project, which were published in the spring of 2001. It was found that the number of human genes is not much larger than the number of genes in a primitive plant.

If one departs from today’s materialistic view of genetics, one should expect that the genes of the DNA-code store all the information on the construction and regulation of the human body. In this case it is however hard to explain how the few additional genes in humans have brought forth the evolution of its “superior” consciousness that has not succeeded to date even to identify a single gene which is responsible for the emergence of human consciousness.

This obvious fact alone should be sufficient to discard the doctrine of evolution with the help of genetics, without considering further Gnostic insights. It is significant how quickly the results of the human genome project were shelved without the slightest discussion after billions of tax dollars were spent and the public was fed for some time with auspicious promises of this breakthrough instead of thinking further and postulating new scientific explanations.

In fact, I was able to demonstrate concretely that the DNA-code is only the hardware of biological regulation. The actual regulation, which is much more complex than we currently suspect, runs at the quantum level in the form of standing waves (solitons in the DNA-strands and in the protein structures), which in turn are produced from the blueprint of the 7F-creationary levels and regulated by the software program of the soul for the cell. This analysis of the biological regulation of the human body is sufficient to reject the materialistic doctrine of evolution and to initiate a paradigm shift.

The standing quantum waves, called solitons, are formed by repetitive DNA and amino acid sequences, which I discovered for the first time in the history of science and described in a precise and unambiguous manner. Their validity has been proven by the latest experimental data in bio-science as confirmed by myself without any exception, based on the results of 10,000 scientific peer articles, published since 1975 in international journals. These quantum solitons form a super level to the already known biochemical DNA-code of the double helix and allow an unimaginable number of high-energy combinations that go far beyond the known number of human genes.

At this level the actual regulation of the biological organism takes place, which is controlled by the astral program of the soul. One can say with complete justification, that this level represents the electromagnetic software program of the cell and the organism, whereas the known DNA-code provides the hardware of the rigid cell.

Nevertheless, the biochemical building blocks of these solitons are very limited: there are only a few of them, which I have described in detail. They allow an unimaginably precise prognostic information about upcoming diseases (quantum pathology). This quantum level has not been so far appreciated by the biological sciences, although some statements and results are already available in this regard, because scientists have not managed to integrate the operation of this quantum supra-molecular level into the existing biochemical and genetic knowledge.

This feat was accomplished for the first time by myself in Volume III on the biological regulation. I supplied the “missing link” between the DNA-code, that is to say, between the genes and their products – the proteins – that build the cell structure. This new knowledge allows for the first time to explain the regulation of the cell and the organism in a dynamic and energetic way (kinematics) and makes it possible for all hitherto known biochemical facts to be included without contradiction in the new theory.

This performance goes beyond the wildest expectations of present-day bio-sciences. In fact, such expectations are not even entertained as scientists have currently given up hope of developing a coherent theory of biological regulation in the foreseeable future.

The idea that the structure and regulation of biological organisms is an incredibly complex technology of the astral realms and not a random product of evolution is not even considered. Hence the impending shock of the scientists I expect, when they will be compelled to witness concretely the first ascension of a human being. I am particularly fond of the idea about this upcoming psychological event.

From this point of consideration, I have dispelled a very old, fundamentally wrong esoteric, philosophical and religious view. The soul is not part of the body that comes and goes, as was previously believed, but it creates the body and contains it as an element:

The body is a U-subset of the soul.

It is merely an instrument of the soul to gain valuable experience in a state of separation. She can discard this physical vessel at any time and the body obviously decays. This is currently the standard procedure to terminate an incarnation. Man may call it “death”; many, especially young souls believe that after death there is nothing left.

Others, mostly adult and old souls believe in turn in the immortality of the soul but not in its energetic potential. For just as the soul can form and discard the body, she can also take it with her in the higher realms. In fact, the soul takes the blueprint of the astral body, also called light body or astral body, after death in the 7F-creationary realms and may reproduce it at any time at her discretion.

In this sense, the body is only an energetic symbol of the soul – a symbol of her incarnation experience. The soul, however, requires no body in order to exist: she is pure highly organized energy.

7. Energetic basis of the Light Body Process

Based on this knowledge, it seems logical and almost self-evident to assume that the soul has the “technological means” to transform the material body into the energies of the 7F-creationary levels. In this case a phase transition takes place as we know it from physics. This process is known in esotericism as “Light Body Process” (LBP).

During this process there is a gradual increase in the lower frequencies of organic matter of the human body to the frequencies of the 7F-creationary levels, so that such a phase transition is made ​​possible, just as the water needs to be heated before it is converted into steam. Throughout the LBP the body remains unchanged externally but exudes a much more intensive energy (light, aura, emanation, vibrations).

Although we still know very little at present about the energetic details of this process, we are nonetheless in a position to deliver a well-founded quantum physical description of the Light Body Process based on the Universal Law.

As mentioned before, the body is a quantum-mechanical wave system. Compared to the psyche and Spirit (mind), the body has the lowest frequencies (see below). The light body process represents an increase in body frequencies to the lowest level of the 7F-creationary levels. Ultimately, the body frequencies are raised to the frequencies of the crystalline light body that exists in the 5th dimension.

In a phase transition, the material body is now converted into a body of light, that is to say, into the astral body that every human already possesses. In this process, the body frequencies are increased by many power digits in the exponent (How much exactly, we do not know yet.). This process proceeds in waves and is controlled by the soul. Depending on the age and the individual soul, it can take several years or several incarnations.

At the quantum level, the light body process is accomplished basically as follows: The angular frequencies of the elementary particles, i.e., the aforementioned Compton frequencies are gradually raised to the frequencies of the astral body, without changing the spatial configuration of the particles, their camouflage structure.

For this reason, the Light Body Process occurs without any external change of the body, until the phase transition to the higher astral planes, the visible ascension of the incarnated personality, occurs in a flash.

How this frequency increase is technologically accomplished, remains a mystery currently, considering the fact that time (frequency) and space behave reciprocally. At least this is true for the 3D space-time we know as the Universal Law demonstrates. One would expect that space would shrink with the increase of the angular frequencies of the elementary particles in the biological body. Such a decrease in space would inevitably be noticed at the macroscopic level. Since this is not the case, one must assume that the material, visible space remains constant despite the increase in frequency of the particles.

Since the mass of the body during the Light Body Process also does not change, one must assume that the fourth known fundamental force, gravitation, remains unaffected by this change during the process. At the phase transition, gravitation is completely abolished and the light body can now move freely through space and time.

The increase in frequency on the quantum level is however not an isolated process. Rather, it is accompanied by a complete conversion of the cellular metabolism. Some aspects of this transformation are dealt in the book “What is Lightbody” by Tashira Tachi-ren. This presentation is in agreement with the new theory of the Universal Law. This metabolic transformation during the LBP cannot be discussed here.

Another change that takes place in the electromagnetic field is the following: Any person who is in the Light Body Process emits high frequency electromagnetic waves. At the beginning, these waves interact with the heat radiation emitted by the light bulbs and burn them much faster. In this phase, one has to change the bulbs frequently.

For example, I had to replace in a period of about six months more light bulbs than in the past ten years previously. In ignorance of this fact, I even filed a complaint for lack of quality to the manufacturer. Such interference can also occur with any other electrical devices – short-circuits are then the agenda of the day. In the later stages of the process, the frequency of the emitted photons increases considerably, so that no further interference with electric appliances and light bulbs is observed.

In addition, the body radiates very intensive astral light, which is perceived by other people mentally and emotionally as a subliminal feeling, but can not be consciously interpreted by them. This astral aura is beyond the h-limit of detectability and can not be measured with conventional instruments. Its intensity increases exponentially in the last stages of the Light Body Process.

In particular, incarnated young souls who have lower frequencies and have built up many fear-based patterns and blockages in the emotional and mental body, perceive the aura of people, who are in the advanced stage of the LBP, as extremely unpleasant and irritating because their inner disharmony and phobias in the presence of such people are reinforced and break out.

These phenomena cannot be directly measured by scientists and are therefore denied. Indirect evidence, e.g.. of high cure rates by bio-therapy (laying on of hands) can be very well rendered, given the good will. However, most scientists are still afraid to enter such areas of research.

The light body process is very complex, insofar as it incorporates the intricate interplay between mind, psyche and soul. In order to properly understand this process, we have to deal with these aspects of the energetic system “human being” specifically. This is the topic of the next chapt

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