Friday, May 23, 2014

Reading:::Filed:::▶ 97 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru and Events - YouTube

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Video 97

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video ninety-seven - December 18, 2012.

Friends, this is a short but important message. Be prepared to rise your consciousness in this next days... be ready to understand all help that you will have from outside friends. Community Galactica decides that Pleiadeans planet Taus will be used to counterbalance some effects. You will see it close to your sun, and will be able to verify all the changes happening in all planets of your solar system. Their geomagnetic fields will be summarily reversed after passing through the hemispheric plane of the galaxy. Some of them already shifted because their orbits already crossed the plane. The Earth will shift too but the effects will be minimized to avoid great depopulation. More and more you will realize the great number of ships that are already circling the planet. Do not be afraid, everything will work out according to the universal development plans.

The system Nibiru will pass by the solar system in a hi velocity, more far from Earth, and his function will be to adjust the planets orbits like previously planned for this solar system.

The next Dec. 21 will not be the end of this planet, but will be the beginning of the natural selection that will make the planet a colony level one. Do not confuse "end times" with destruction ... there is no destruction; there is rather a large restructuring. Nothing in the universe is destroyed, everything is restructured to allow for the continued development of a whole set.

The same behavior applies to the physical bodies of humanoids of the third dimension.

At each level, that a society conquest, some genetic changes happens to provide greater brain activation. It's like your computers that become obsolete with each new technology applied to new models. There comes a time that nothing else works satisfactorily to that specific environment, unless you migrate to the new technology and discard the old and obsolete.

I do not have much more to say to you right now, but I believe you are well prepared with all the information that we had the opportunity to exchange these two years. All that eventually been called to cooperate in these times of restructuring, will know for sure that they are being called and contacted. When I mention these times of restructuring, are the times that will extend over the next two years so many of you will be involved throughout this period, that will start soon after December 21.

Those who could not understand our messages and guidelines, will have time to reflect during the changes and events of these new times, and may reach right conclusions on their own. The time of the old class system is coming to an end, only those who are already well prepared, will be able to recognize the new teachers and move on.

These are historic times, do everything possible to deserve to be participating in this new era with goodwill and solidarity with your equals and with your planet. And be assured that this behavior is not a virtue, but a duty, expected of beings that are ready to be started in this new reality of light and knowledge.

I wish that the light and the force be with you all.

Thanks for watching, join our channel! Be sure that you are welcome there!

Captain Bill – December, 2012

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