Monday, April 22, 2024

Time Determinants of the Ascension Schedule » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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Time Determinants of the Ascension Schedule

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, November 21, 2020

Years ago I wrote that the final phase in the ascension process leading to a global shift and our final personal transfiguration will be characterized by an “escalation of confrontation between the forces of light and that of darkness leading to the final resolution – the Ascension“. We are now exactly in this final period.

There is one immutable truth from which we should depart when analyzing the current situation. The party of lies, deceptions, oppression, in other words of darkness, that has reigned for eons of time on this planet will be defeated once and for all in this final phase.

With regard to the US election, this is the party of the un-“democrats” and their kleptocratic candidate Biden. As this party is fully involved in the machinations of the globalist cabal, this also involves the dark politicians in all other countries who have already congratulated Biden as the new president because he comes from the same pig stall. They are so much in a hurry to get rid of this trouble-maker Trump that they do not realize how easily they reveal their true evil nature.

The rigging of the US election with the help of Dominion voting machines involves the rigging of numerous such elections in many other countries so that it has already expanded to a global scandal as the press conference of Trump’s lawyers clearly revealed.

They threw the gauntlet in the face of the dark ruling cabal and their despicable MSM minions and this is the last mortal battle – the escalation of confrontation leading to the final resolution, our ascension. This war is waged on numerous levels and we have already won it with the expulsion of the evilest, big, ugly reptilians from the earth on June 10, 2020 (and here). Now the human skirmishes follow.

There is so much at stake as never before. It is a topsy-turvy situation where All The President’s Men have assumed the role of dissidents in their own country that once boasted to be the bastion of freedom and democracy and is now rapidly disintegrating into medial and medical dictatorship and anarchy.

I have no idea how compelling the evidence of massive elector fraud is, which Trump’s lawyers have collected but I have no doubt that there has been massive fraud in the millions of votes in favour of Biden and that Trump has won this election in a landslide as his lawyers also rightfully claim. I told you that one day prior to the election.

This is common sense when one considers the enthusiasm (en-theo, being in God) of Trump’s supporters at his rallies compared to the empty parking lots where Biden occasionally campaigned when he dared to leave his basement where he was hiding most of the time during the entire election campaign. He knew that he had “the most extensive voter fraud organisation of all time” behind him and did not need to attend election rallies as Trump tirelessly did to the very last minute.

The fraudsters of this End Time believe that they can force their false narrative by neglecting the central most decisive fact nowadays – the enthusiasm of the awakening masses, their true emotions as the driving energetic motor of all change in the process of planetary ascension. This is so because these dark ones have no emotions but only dark evil thoughts and are driven entirely by their gargantuan fears that stipulate in their quest for total domination  – hence the voting system of fraud they used is also called “Dominion”. There are no coincidences in All-That-Is.

And here I come to the second most important trend in the current End Phase of the ascension process: the renaissance of the idea of the NWO which was suppressed during Trump’s presidency under the new euphemistic term “the new reset”. The escalation of the second lockdown which I already predicted early this year, knowing exactly the mentality of the dark cabal, is the main tool they employ to drive this new reset at any price.

What we witness now is the final futile effort of the ruling cabal to install the NWO in the current End Time, being their ultimate goal of eons of time efforts in order to prevent the planetary ascension Now, about which they knew a long time ago contrary to the stupid goyim. They are fully aware that after our ascension they must begin with their gruesome incarnation cycle of another 26,000 years as they have so many crimes to redeem while we shall enjoy bliss in the 5th and higher dimensions as ascended multidimensional beings.

It is a truism for any enlightened human being that the cabal’s wet dream of the NWO as the new reset will never happen on these last ascending timelines which we are now heaving to the 5th dimension after we have successfully achieved this same planetary ascension numerous times in the past beginning on May 28, 2014. The last successful ascension was at the end of March, early April this year when we severed the old Atlantean past of treacherous and very destructive energies and created the new earth simultaneously with the beginning of the first lockdown due to the coronavirus scamdemic – the biggest lie in the history of mankind.

As we see, all strategies of the dark ones to preserve their dwindling power over the people are based on blatant lies while at the same time the masses are rapidly awakening to the truth and begin to see these lies under the massive barrage of source energies and codes which we, the PAT receive from the source and distribute in a diluted form to the masses so that they can begin to evolve and eventually ascend in this lifetime. With that, the ruling cabal serve as the best pedagogues for the masses to teach them to discern the truth and achieve their inner liberation.

Here we have a key energetic phenomenon at play in the End Time of Ascension which I have introduced and explained almost 2 decades ago: the energetic oxymoron.

No matter how many fraudulent efforts the ruling cabal make to preserve their dwindling power which they think they badly need for their survival while driven entirely by their immeasurable fears of dark entities fully separated from their souls and the source, they achieve exactly the opposite results after initial putative successes. This is immediate karma in dialectical action and it is perfect and immaculate in its effect.

In the past, we had planetary ascensions of more evolved earth’s timelines where humanity was not as much advanced in its collective awakening as we now observe it chronologically in the linear time axis of human history, which humans experience with their limited senses and awareness as the greatest illusion of all. It is the cornerstone of the current incarnation experiment of being seemingly separated from the source and our souls as to discover who we truly are – however, a very dangerous game as this toxic prison-planet shows.

Thus, we have ascended already quite a few times but we have bilocated with our last soul fragments on lower timelines to help with the ascension of as many timelines and human souls as possible. For this reason, we do not know how the ascension process, the global shift, for instance, occurred on these ascended timelines and how we experience it personally with our other ascended soul fragments as we had to pull the veil of forgetfulness over our awareness as being the last soul fragment still incarnated in a human vessel in order to experience our personal destiny as a seamless continuation in this last lifetime. In fact, we are constantly jumping (bilocating) from one timeline, from one life alternative to another without noticing it with our limited senses, unless one reads this website and understands the concept of multidimensionality at the abstract intellectual level.

I am fully aware that this is the most difficult cognitive aspect of the ascension process to grasp but it holds the key to all understanding of what we can expect in the coming days and weeks.

Now the political, economic, and financial situation is so much advanced, rather deteriorated, that these factors determine the very tight time schedule of the impending global shift about which I will talk more in another article.

Read also: Moving Towards The Shift

There are certain legal dates that now determine the outcome of the US election and thus the political drama worldwide that is now unfolding with breathtaking speed in front of our eyes. These are:

“In the presidential election, there are two more key dates related to election results. Under 3 U.S.C. § 5, a state must settle any presidential election disputes and determine its electors six days before the Electoral College meets. This safe harbor provision deadline falls on December 8 in 2020. The Electoral College will then cast its votes for president and vice president on December 14, 2020.” (source).

Then the new president will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

Hence we have a very tight itinerary from December 14 till January 20 to prepare the global shift and our Divine Intervention as ascended masters in order to take the course of human history in our hands. There is no doubt that we will have to use the stargate 12.21.2020 as the culmination of our light work throughout this whole year in order to trigger this global energetic shift. The next powerful portal is 01.01.21 so that this 10-day-period during Christmas and New Year will undoubtedly be the most transformative in the history of mankind.

And the preparation for it has already begun and that is why the energies are currently so intense and at times very oppressive. There is still much to be cleansed.

The assumption is that Trump’s lawyers’ team will not have the time to push the evidence of elector fraud through the US courts which are known to work very slowly and bureaucratically and have no desire or even ability to find out the truth. This is the mentality of all US judges and all the other shysters and that is why the US judiciary system is corrupt from top to bottom and the last place where the truth we are talking about could be revealed. By the way, all the other countries the world over have the same ineffective and corrupt legal systems as the USA and even worse.

The exposure of the US election fraud is just one small first piece in the mosaic of unending revelations that will hit humanity like a brick wall. However, when it falls, it will unleash a domino-like effect – a Dominion-like effect as it will expose all national democracies as false facades hiding interminable oppression and manipulation of the people’s will and their constant political degradation to state slaves. This is now becoming more evident than ever – the alt news outlets are full of such articles and comments – and this is the surest sign that we are on the cusp of our Divine Intervention.

Why? Because as I said, it is unlikely that Trump will succeed with his lawsuits to challenge the fraudulent results of the election. The international dark cabal and the US deep state, in cahoots with the Democrats and the fake MSM, are pressing the pedal to the metal to certify these fraudulent elections by using the time factor as zeitnot (as in chess) in order to coerce the US justice into accepting the elector fraud come what may…. a civil war.

What these imbeciles actually believe is that when they take a grip of the presidency, they will fully restore their power over the masses that has been eroded significantly during Trump’s presidency. In their blindness, they overlook the most obvious fact – their power does not stem and has never stemmed from a crippled presidency that has always been an illustrious facade, a Potemkin village, to hide the egregious truth that the people in the USA and on this prison-planet have always been slaves of the state and the ruling elite.

Precisely, humans as incarnated creator gods have allowed being disempowered by much lower evolved and extremely dark entities for eons of time – actually since Atlantis, that is why we had to eliminate this past forever from the new Gaia-5 early this year – and this will be the key shocking revelation that we will bring to humanity as ascended masters and incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia. The exposure of the US election fraud is just the first small step in this direction.

Then the exposure of human science as a fake categorical system of human knowledge (and here) must follow with the manifestation of the cities of light as it is closely related to the current enslavement of humanity under a new fake social-biological doctrine which I dubbed as virusism. After all, we must prevent the bleak future where our children are forced to live with masks for the rest of their lives and never experience what is true freedom and childhood without worries and angst. This is the most urgent objective for us as the light warriors of the first and the last hour and the driving force of the planetary ascension.

Ultimately, all revelations have only one goal – the liberation of humanity, the acquisition of their pristine freedom, the energetic foundation of which we laid down with the creation of the Fountain of Freedom in Europe and North America.

That being said, I am convinced that the planetary shift will happen anytime between Winter Solstice and the New Year because the presidency of this corrupt person Biden must be prevented at any price. But what is even more important than that is to prevent the cabal from introducing the “new reset” – the establishment of the NWO – by using the second draconian lockdown as a tool to this end. They have already begun to clamp down on we, the people, everywhere, here in Europe and also in the USA and in particular in Canada, against a few competent opinions.

The year 2021 must be a clean slate.

I expect our ascension and appearance as Divine Intervention to happen shortly before that and refer to the message we received from Ahnahmar from Agartha/ Lemuria in December 2019 in Lofer, Austria:

Question: ” How does the concept of “phase shift” apply to Ascension?

Ahnahmar: “The Ascension continues to move forward carefully in a very delicate yet deliberate way where atom after atom rises in frequency until the whole has reached a unified resonant frequency. 

Just prior to what one may call “the tipping point” shall there be individual ascensions as separate events but only just before the collective shift is imminent.”

Essentially, our ascension and Divine Intervention will be the proverbial Deus ex Machina, which the Ancient Greek first introduced in their drama to help the protagonists get out of their self-afflicted mess and have a “happy end”:

There is nothing new on this planet and not even the Ascension as we have accomplished it many times since May 28, 2014. Now we have entered the final act where we are the protagonists as direct participants in the unfolding drama and as Deus Ex Machina to end this miserable drama. However, for the first time in human history, we will not need a machine as we are the True Gods who will lead humanity out of its self-afflicted mess.

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Monday, April 15, 2024

▶ 109 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA Nibiru and Events - YouTube

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▶ 109 - Dec12 2013 ~ RESPUESTAS DE UN EXTRANJERO DE ANDROMEDA Nibiru y Eventos - YouTube 


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video 109 respuestas de un extranjero de Andromeda - vídeo ciento nueve -  . 12 de diciembre 2013 

Mythi, hay posibilidad de que la Luna sea destino catastrófico de un gran meteorito, o la Tierra, en este entorno actual del sistema solar por objetos Ison?

  - No, tu Luna está protegida hace mucho tiempo, por las razas que mantiene bases en varios lugares en su superficie. En el último medio milenio, se haya registrado algún nuevo gran cráter en la luna apareciendo como resultado directo de un choque de grandes meteoritos?

  No, los astrónomos pueden haber registrado varios cientos de pequeños meteoritos que chocan de forma rutinaria en contra de su luna, pero nada realmente grande. Esto se debe al hecho de que grandes meteoritos que se han abierto grandes cráteres fueron sistemáticamente "dirigidos" a la Luna por los constructores del sistema que dio lugar al inicio de la posibilidad de vida en el planeta. Los grandes meteoros fueron agregados para equilibrar exactamente su diámetro y masa. No es casualidad que la luna hace que "eclipse total del Sol", que se centra diametralmente con la distancia media de su órbita alrededor del planeta Tierra y su sol. Para montar un sistema binario como la Tierra y la Luna no es obra de la casualidad, sino una gran obra de ingeniería espacial. 

 - Con respecto a la compleja ISON, será parte de la alineación, como yo os he dicho, el planeta Tierra expurgar las huellas de la destrucción y la suciedad que ha acumulado en este siglo 20, necesitan modificaciones resultantes de estos cambios, de manera que se establezca la nueva etapa social del planeta. Yo creo que todos los que están siguiendo los hechos, están teniendo uno de los años más extraños de sus vidas, pero todos bien informados con la verdad de los hechos que conoces aceptar y ayudar con estos cambios, ya sea drástica o no. No haga preguntas acerca de dónde es seguro y donde no lo es. Todos los que piensan de seguridad, se sorprenderán por los cambios en los eventos, y muchos sobreviven bien en áreas que ahora se consideran "en riesgo". La confianza en el destino, tiene sus frecuencias libres de la estática generada por el sistema social actual, ser sus conciencias en lugar de meros seguidores de las doctrinas impuestas. Cambiar con el planeta en lugar de ser purgado de la misma.  

- Observar los movimientos de sus élites, como ratas que son los primeros en ponerse a cubierto cuando consideren "seguro". No temas, vamos a aparecer para ayudar cuando menos te lo esperas. La flota de naves (ovnis)  que descansaba en el lado oscuro de la luna ya está en la atmósfera de la Tierra, en órbita y la adopción de medidas preventivas de acuerdo con las directrices recibidas para esta misión. Trate de tener la conciencia tranquila, la paz interior, la seguridad de que usted es una parte importante de este vasto universo, y sobre todo, el entendimiento de que todos somos hermanos. 

 - Una de las cosas que hará la diferencia es que "cada uno de ustedes es un Cristo o un mesías ", el Mesías, con el nombre que sus diferentes culturas que desean darle, no es una persona, es un estado de ánimo de toda una sociedad conscientemente dispuestos a cambiar para mejor. Tenga la seguridad de que no aparecera un "ser" diseñado para salvarte, tú eres tu salvador, no hay nadie más responsable de su evolución que no sea usted. El "Mesías" está dentro de cada hombre de buena voluntad, y si todos los hombres de buena voluntad ayuda a ahorrar al menos un igual, habrá sido el "mesías" para este hermano. No ponga sus esperanzas en las doctrinas y promesas de un salvador, un salvate a ti mismo, si no a otros, salvador de sí mismo. - Siempre estaremos aquí para mantenerte informado y de aquí,  personalmente, cuando esté permitido.  

Sé consciente y seguro!  

Capitán Bill - diciembre de 2013 Atlanticobr Canal  

 Saludos para todos!  


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Video 109

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and nine – 

December 12, 2013.

Mythi, there is possibility of our Moon be cataclysmic target of a large meteor, or the Earth, in this current setting of the solar system by ISON objects?

- No, your Moon is protected so long ago, by the races which maintains bases in various locations in it's surface. In the last half millennium, you have registered some brand new big crater on your moon appearing as a direct result of a clash of large meteors? No, your astronomers may have logged many hundreds of small meteorites that are routinely clash against your Moon but nothing really big. This is due to the fact that large meteors that have opened large craters were systematically "targeted" to the Moon by the builders of the system that led to the beginning of life possibility on the planet. Large meteors were aggregated to balance exactly its diameter and mass. It is no coincidence that the moon causes "total eclipse of the Sun", which is focused diametrically with the average distance of its orbit around the planet Earth and your Sun. To mount a binary system like the Earth and the Moon is not the work of chance, but a great work of space engineering.
- With regards to ISON complex, it will be part of the alignment as I have told you, planet Earth to expunge the traces of destruction and dirt that you have accumulated in this 20th century, need modifications resulting in this changes, so that the new social step of the planet is established. I believe that all who are following the facts, are having one of the most bizarre years of their lives, but all well-informed with the truth of the facts know accept and assist with these changes, whether drastic or not. Do not ask questions about where is safe and where is not. All who think insurance will be surprised by changes in the events, and many survive well in areas now considered "at risk." Trust in fate, have your free frequencies of the static generated by your current social system, be your consciences rather than mere followers of doctrines imposed. Change with the planet instead of being purged of it.

- Observe the movements of your elites, like rats they are the first to run for cover where they consider "safe". Do not fear, we will appear to help when you least expect it. The fleet of ships that rested on the dark side of the moon is already in the atmosphere of Earth, orbiting and taking preventive measures as per the guidelines received for this mission. Try to have quiet conscience, inner peace, assured that you are an important part of this vast universe, and especially, the understanding that we are all brothers.

- One thing that will make the difference is that "each of you is a Christ or a messiah", the messiah, with whatever name your different cultures wishing to give him, is not a person, is a state of mind of an entire society consciously prepared to change for the better. Be assured that do not will come a "being" designed to save you, you are your saviors, no one is more responsible for your evolution than yourself. The "Messiah" is within every man of good will, and if every man of good will helps save at least an equal, he will have been the "messiah" for this brother. Do not place your hopes in doctrines and promises of a savior, be a savior yourself, if not of others, savior of yourself.

- We will always be here to keep you informed and out of here personally when this is permitted.

Be aware and safe!
Captain Bill – December, 2013 Atlanticobr Channel
 Cheers for all!
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Monday, April 8, 2024


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November 7, 2002


Now it is the time for us to realize that there are many things that are occurring in our reality that we may or may not be aware of. In fact, the concept of awareness is different depending on the state of our consciousness.

If our consciousness is trapped in having to do something that you do NOT want to do, then your state of consciousness could be low. On the other hand, if you are doing something that you really enjoy, then your state of consciousness could be quite high.

However, the main component of whether or not you are enjoying what you are doing could have mostly to do if you could choose what you are doing, or if you "have to do" something that you do not enjoy.

Sometimes you may not enjoy what you would normally enjoy because you do not feel as through you are able to make your own choices without having to follow what others tell you, as opposed to doing what you know inside your self you would like to do.

Then there is also the important component of whether or not you are able to choose what you are doing as opposed to feeling like someone, or something else, is pushing to do something, or even "be someone" that you do NOT want to do or be.

In this case, the issue may be whether you are choosing what you want, or are you feeling like someone or something is forcing you to do something that you do not want to do. If you do not know what you want to do, you may feel confused or frustrated. However, if you do not feel like you have the ability to do what YOU choose to do, you may likely feel out of control of your own life.

Feeling out of control of your on like could make your feel angry because someone or something thing seems to be stopping you from what you want. On the other hand, you many not be able to realize what you really want to do. In this case you may become angry at your self.

However, if you can take a moment to remind yourself that YOU are the creator of your own reality, you may well feel more in control of your life. Feeling in control of your life is very comforting as long as you do not fall into the ditch of "being a victim."

If you are a victim, then "it is NOT your fault." This could "get you off the hook for it being "your fault," but then you do not have much control over your life if you are a victim, which does not feel very empowering.

So, how do you know if you are in control of your life or if you are a victim. For starters, if you "feel like you are a victim," then it will "not be your fault." However, if it is not your fault then you are not in control of your own life.

Therefore, you may need to take a moment, or even a day, or a week, or longer to decide whether or not it is the NOW to make your decision. Also, its may be the NOW to determine if you are being the "boss of your life," or if you are finding excuses and reasons why you cannot be "the boss of your life."

It doesn't always matter too much whether or not you do "it," as much as it matters whether or not you are making these choices for your self or if you are allowing others to be the "boss of your life."

The difficult part of being your own boss, is that you cannot make it someone else's fault that something did not go the way you wanted it to. On the other hand, if you are NOT the boss of your life, then it can be someone else's fault and you are "off the hook," at least for a while.

Yes, most of the above situations make you thank about, "Do I want to take responsibility for my life or would I rather find a way to blame it on someone else." Blaming someone else for the troubles that you find in your life will NOT make you feel like a strong person, but it might allow the escape of "blaming someone or something else for the problems in your life."

We in The USA are looking at a similar situation of whether or not a leader takes full responsibility for their choice of being a leader in a higher position, like our newest leader is doing. On the other hand, one could be like our former leader who blamed others rather than taking responsibility for what they have done, or not done.

It takes a strong leader to admit when they have made a mistake or needs assistance. In fact, a leader who is able to admit that being a good leader does not mean that they are always right, but it does mean that they will be strong enough to ask for assistance when they know that a situation must be addressed by many other people as well.

For a strong leader it is more important that he or she thinks about "what we can all do together" then it is whether or not they can be the "main boss that others have to follow, even if they are a boss that is not really leading.

Now it is the TIME to have a leader that does not think about them self first, but instead first thinks about



Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:50 PM

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Monday, March 25, 2024

sharing: Hymn of Endtime Transcendence » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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Hymn of Endtime Transcendence
by Georgi Stankov Posted on May 7, 2017

May 7, 2017

Dear Georgi,

without further and any ado I’d like to present a grand set of poetry I was specifically inspired to channel from the higher realms concerning the newest and truly final phase of the Endtimes. It speaks for itself and it is bound to strike a chord in soul-aligned minds and heart-centered thinkers.

With love and light,


A Poem Written By Lux

For all the sparkLings and the uprisers
For all the indomitable astral fighters
Storm clouds gather beneath these skies
To flawlessly wipe out the wretched sties

Logos, the realm of gods surfaces again
Souls from the infinite stars fill the stem
This is your new life, this is your song
If you sing it, not a thing can go wrong

Visions stream through the mind’s eye
Void the need for secrets and painful lies
No more chains of separation, in unity we realize
That all we will ever need we can find inside

The new age of truth has finally arrived
Bridging the final gap, that great divide
Divine plan in line, The dark ones final demise
Without seed and water it can no longer thrive

Explore uncharted treasures of Sol
Encore into his gorgeous new core
Do you see the world through different eyes
Realize the dreams you harbored deep inside

Do you see the brighter sunshine
Can you feel the magnetizing vibe
Pouring out of the skies so divine
Will you tag along for the ride

We’ve been paralysed, now we’re dignified
As our minds are once again synchronized
We heard the call, we are passing over
The distant echoes sounding ever closer

Having been lost but not forgotten
Start to recollect what we are again
Shooting stars above citylights
Stardust encapsulates our minds

Can you make the pieces fit together entwined
Can you make your inner stars all fall in line
Can you reignite the flame in your light-torch
Can you raise your phoenix from the earth-scorch

Beneath the metallic steel skies
Trembling hearts, outworn eyes, lives torn apart
But fears dissolve, into a new start
Everything is resolved by gods true work of art

All darkness fades,
divine blueprint outlined
The one beats the many shades
That of our collective mind

The distant suns hidden, now revealed
Divine matrices upon the earth sealed
When the tides turn and the poles flip
The empirical darkness loses its grip

Enchantment vibe, wings of ecstasy
Heart of Eden, a spiritual fantasy
The one and only absolute remedy
For all the pain, sorrow, threnody

No more empty reveries
Telepathy with empathy
This is the energy,
so have the synergy
To breathe it in
To immerse in its sea

Real life is just about to truly begin
As we reignite the divine spark within
Arcane structures come rising from below
As Earth lets the universe go with its flow

For all the treasures unexplored
Streak of light, a divine force
Compelling beacon leaving no choice
But to join it, or from life divorce

Set sail to the unknown shores
Bathe in the celestial joy
Set free the cosmic galore
Dance with the stars, rejoice

As we set the horizon on fire
The script for the dark ones final demise
The cosmic waters cascade down
Ocean of eternity dripping from its gown

A single fell swoop of the primordial magic hand
Nature runs its course through the hourglass-sand
Hearken unto the symphony of the archangelic chant
Their guiding hands take you to the promised land

Forever bound, our hearts beat not alone
The shadows, sorrows now all gone
Our tears of joy melt in the rising sun
And our minds meld, we feel as one

We hone our wings, we are taking flight to cloud 9
Heavenly choir sings as we become pure light
Leave behind all belongings, we prepare to rise
Boarding new home, the celestial paradise

We launch and vanish without a trace
Into real cosmos where gods embrace
The final leap, most giant stride
Under the new sun, the united vibe

As individuals on a collective mind
Raving beneath the starlit sky
Unveil the brave-new world
In this evergleam universe
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Monday, March 18, 2024


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Friday, November 13, 2020

The NOW of Great Change

 November 13, 2020

                          THE NOW OF GREAT CHANGE                                                                                 

                     A message From the Arcturian's and all The Galactics 

                                                        through Suzanne Lie


We, the Arcturian's, as well as all your Galactic Family members send our greetings to all of you who are walking through this NOW of great change. Of course, it is often difficult to know when that great change will occur and what the next "great change" will be.

Fortunately, whether our grounded ones are aware of it or not, we the members of your Galactic Family, are sending love and to all of you within you. We send our Higher Dimensional Love, Light and Information directly into your thoughts and emotions. 

It is via our higher dimensional Light and Love, that we wish to remind you that we, the Arcturians and our/your entire Galactic Family, are with you during this NOW.

Fortunately, it appears that some decisions have been finalized, which will make it easier for you to take a deep breath, get grounded, and feel the Hope and Joy that is flowing through your consciousness, thoughts and emotions.

Of course, your consciousness, thoughts and emotions often work as a team. When one's emotions are confused, upset and/or erratic, it is difficult to relax into the NOW of the coming changes. 

Fortunately, many of you, are actually our grounded Galactic Ones who have chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel during this now to assist Gaia and her humans and ALL of her planetary beings to move through this challenging time with great courage and unconditional love for Gaia and all Her Beings.

The saying, "The darkest night is just before dawn" is often a preamble to remind Gaia and all Her Beings to answer the call for Unconditional LOVE and Multidimensional thinking will allow Gaia and Her beings to expand their/your awareness  of the DEEP inner Wisdom, Power and LOVE that ARE within your true SELF.

There are many possible realities that have not been within the NOW wish is being brought forward into your full awareness of Life on planet Earth. We, your Galactic Family, are happy to share with you that this "cloud" seems to be floating away and offering you more Warm Sun and Clear Skies.

There may be more of the "dark night before the dawn," but the "Dawn" seems to be promising "better weather."  With the coming dawn and clearer skies, it will be easier for you to look up into your own Higher SELF to receive a bit of R and R--Rest and Relaxation.

When one is under a constant barrage of "what will happen next," it makes them nervous, tired, and upset for reasons that they may not yet understand. Therefore, we you Galactic Family, wish to commend you all for your courage and ability to remain "in charge of your self" through our the turbulent skies that now seem to be opening up to reveal New Hope!

We, your Galactic Family, wish that we could send you exact times and dates as to when the Dark Night fully transmutes into the Clear Dawn, but if you take a bit of your "time" to go inside of your own Higher SELF you will receive the Faith, Hope and Love that is within your SELF and is ready to open your awareness to the New Dawn.

Of course, every Dawn is now, but not every day has been filled with fearful information, loss of jobs and income, not being able to "just go out into the world, or a movie house, or a restaurant" without feeling like you are doing something that can harm you or your loved ones.

Unfortunately, the skies are not fully clear within this now, and security in ones life has not, yet, been retrieved, but you have all learned how STRONG and PATIENT you can be when you are in a difficult situation, with a constant fear that you will be harmed, or that you are not protected by your leaders. 

Of course, there were, and ARE, many leaders, along with many, many of the people who have been strong and brave in the midsts of such insecurity and lack of guidance from those who you thought you could trust.

We, your Galactic Family, have been Over-lighting you through out this challenging time. Of course, you who are wearing a third dimensional body, have had to make many compromises to protect your homes, your jobs, your health and your family and friends. 

We, your Galactic Family have watched the great bravery that our grounded, human ones who chose to take a third dimensional body during this NOW have had to face. 

Please, feel the great courage and inner power that you have found inside yourself within this time in which there was little assistance from some of the most important leaders. However, where some leaders fell behind, there were strong, brave, loving leaders and members of your own community that gathered as one to confront a very challenging time.

We, your Higher Dimensional Galactic Family, are VERY proud of the many Third Dimensional Humans who stood tall and worked hard to move through the immense challenges that they have faced, and are still facing. 

We commend you all, Dear Brave Warriors for Gaia, and wish to remind you that 

                                                    YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND

                                    WE, YOUR GALACTIC FAMILY ARE WITH YOU!

                                                CALL ON US and we will respond! 

                       REMEMBER, and call on your own HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELF!

 YOU are ALL Gaia's Family, and YOU are ALL invited to transmute your SELF back

                                         Into your True MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF 

In closing, we remind you to look into the Sky, 

to see we, your Galactic Family, looking back at YOU!

                                             WE ARE YOU AND YOU ARE US

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Previous: everyVOICE 

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next: endTime 

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Monday, February 26, 2024

Every Voice is Important - by Suzanne Lie

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 Saturday, November 14, 2020

Every Voice is Important!

 November 14, 2020


 Every Voice is Important

OK, we are pretty much tired of all the conflict around us surrounds us, and are ready to go back to our life which was once "normal." Remember back when we could trust that our leaders "had our back?" Can you remember, when we felt totally safe when we took a walk outside or when you were at a large gathering of friends and family? 

Yes, many things have changed quite rapidly, and these changes were NOT the choice of the majority of people. Can you remember when we could trust and feel secure under the guidance of our elected leaders? "What happened?" we are all wondering. How did our lives change so much and our reality become so different from how it was it before?

Of course, we can all research to find those answers, but we are also so very busy just "getting through the day." However, we ARE getting through the day and we ARE remembering our own inner strength.

It is the INNER Strength that is getting us through this time of confusion. Also, there seems to be a "Hope" that is beginning to dawn. We are very happy to welcome the new dawn, that is if we can believe the WE are the bringers of the New Dawn!

We, the people, the many awakened and awaking people are working more and more as ONE group of many who are ready NOW to stand tall and Welcome the NEW DAWN! However, there are also many questions to be asked and to answer. We the people can no longer "fall asleep at the wheel!"

This is our UNITED States and we need to be UNITED to move successfully our of the past and into the NOW! We say, "NOW" instead of future, as our changes must occur within this NOW. Now means that you are ready to dedicate your daily self to awaken to and welcome the NEW YOU that has awakened into the NEW NOW.

Of course, there are some, maybe even many, who do not remember how VERY important they are within this NOW of great challenge. Therefore, the challenge is to remember how very, very important each and everyone is within this NOW. This is the NOW to remember how our lives were before, and how we have grown during that time into this NOW.

In fact, we are the "Brings of the New Dawn" in which we can ALL awaken to our own Higher Dimensional SELF. Who is our Higher Dimensional SELF? You may ask. However, each and all of the member of our great country are needed to full awaken to your own Inner Powers.

Yes, every one of us has a Higher Dimensional SELF that has over lite us from the time that we were born and into this NOW of the New Dawn. This New Dawn is the NOW in which we allow ourselves to wake up to what has been happening, how we really feel about what is happening, and what will we do in order to assist the growing flow of HOPE  and PROMISE.

Of course, Hope and Promise can easily become a thought rather than an action. It is action that is needed to bring in the NEW  DAWN that has come into our awareness so that we can remember that it is OUR reality and that WE must be the ones who are the creators of the reality that we wish to live!

I remember a story, likely a from a children's book, about what I think was a farm yard. In the "children's book" something, and it doesn't really matter what that something was, but something was greatly needed for the good the all the beings on the farm. 

All the animals had to join together in order to save their farm yard. However, no matter how hard they tried to unite all the beings of the farm, they were not successful. That is they were not successful until one small farm creature, was it Chicken Little? 

If I recall from the book, which I read as a child, and am just now remembering (I am sure that many of my readers will remind me who that was) that all the creatures on the farm untied in order to "save the farm" from some kind of destruction. 

The time was ticking for the barn to be destroyed and all the creatures on the farm were becoming quite desperate and began to search to make sure that there was hopefully someone else that could add their voice to the (Please do not destroy our barn!) call! 

However, one small chick, who thought it was too small and insignificant to even bother to call out, we discovered by the others. Then, the other barn animals begged "Chicken Little" to realize that even though it was a very small chick, it could still make a difference in saving the barn.

Chicken Little did believe that she could ever have the power to make a difference, so she hid our in the barn and did NOT make any noice. Fortunately, the other animals in the barn began searching all over to find Chicken Little as she was the only one left that lived in the barn.

Fortunately, they found Chicken Little who had been hiding because she did NOT think that she was important enough to make a difference, so she just "stayed out of the way fo the other barn animals." 

All the other barn animals began to made as much noise as possible so that the humans outside of the barn would know that there was animals inside that needed to be rescued before the barn was destroyed.

However, the tractor that was to destroy the barn was very noisy and the "driver of the tractor did not realize that there was someone who needed to be rescued before the barn was destroyed. 

All the animals in the barn began to make as much noise as possible, but the tractor was very LOUD and the driver of the tractor was not paying too much attention to what was occurring in the barn. The driver just wanted to destroy the old so that the owner of the farm could have a new, fancy barn.

Fortunately, all the animals in the barn started to make as much noise as they could, but the driver of the tractor still could not hear their call. Fortunately, as the members of the barn began searching around to find if there was another animal there to add it's voice so that the driver of the tractor would stop before the animals were harmed.

Then all the animals were making as much noise as they could, but it was not enough until they found "Chicken Little" who had not made any noise it thought that his small chick call would not make any difference. It was then that the farm animals realized that Chicken Little was not making any noise and they all called on her to please make noise.  

But Chicken Little only said, "What difference could I make? I am just one little chicken!"

Then all the barn animal begged Chicken Little to put forth her voice in order to save their barn. Chicken Little did not believe that she could ever make a difference, but she finally gave in to the cry of your friends in the barn. It was then that Chicken Little decided that, even though her voice was small, she wanted to assist in saving all the barn and the lives of all the barn animals. 

At first, Chicken Little kept her voice small because she did not believe that she could make any difference in saving the barn and the barn animals. However, all the other barn animals were making as much noise as they could. It was then that the Rooster noticed that chicken Little was not contributing her call.

Then the Rooster went to Chicken Little and begged her to add her voice. Therefore, Chicken little began to cluck quietly, as she did not think she could make a difference. However, once she began to cluck so wanted to be a part of saving the barn. Therefore, she began to cluck louder, and louder, and louder than she ever thought that she could do.

Then, much to her surprise, her small little voice was exactly what was necessary fo the driver of the tractor to hear the collective call of all the animals. Instantly, the driver stoped the tractor, put on the brakes, and opened the barn door to see that it was filled the many  farm animals.

Furthermore, the  drive could see that the loudest voice in the entire barn was one "little chicken" who was bravely directing all the other farm being to make as much noice as possible. 

When the tractor stopped, just short of taking down the barn, the driver opened the barn and saw all the animals that were now safe. In fact, all the animals were in a circle, and on the horns of the biggest bull was Chicken Little, still clucking as loud as she could!

The moral of this story is that

Every voice is important

No matter how small!


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previous: welcoming 

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next: greatChange 

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