Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Angelic Portal – Children from Antares & Angelic Realms ::: Actual Ascension Potentials – Conversation with Babaji :::sharing

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Angelic Portal – Children from Antares & Angelic Realms – 

angelicportalToday many things have shifted. I saw an opening of a phenomenal portal of light. Here’s what I’ve been told: The influx of incarnated angels are being delivered to earth. The children that are being born starting today are a new wave of assistance that has arrived in our physical reality via these magnificent children! I am told that this influx will continue for the next 3 – 5 years. So if any of you are expecting or any of your friends are expecting, the children that are arriving starting now are angels and incarnates from Antares. These children are not going to be like any we’ve seen prior.
You will recognize them by the look in their eyes, and various birth marks which will be shared by all of them. These birth marks will have almost geometrical figures, as these children will show us the way of bridging the etheric and the earthly realities via the sacred geometry. All of them will telepathically communicate with each other, all will communicate with everyone in telepathic waves. Please attune yourselves to their energies, as this magnificent energy will purify you instantly. Please allow them to shine their light and allow them to explore their interests. Please record things that they say, as what they say will have a tremendous impact on our reality.
Also, the portal that has been opened today has allowed many more angelic beings of etheric nature to enter our world and will begin showcasing themselves to you much more rapidly. I know that many are experiencing seeing angels in the sky and many are seeing them at night hovering about their rooms. This is about to increase and many of you who have not seen them before will see them! We are being supported now! So that the next few month can go as smoothly as possible, as we are in the midst of a Tetrad and the incoming changes in October will truly shake our consciousness yet again.
Also, The earth has just been aligned with a new race of our galactic family who have been granted access to earthlings by the confederation. These beings are going to assist us in the technology sector, they will be working very closely with our scientists. goddessvortexsundisc2

If any of you have any other information about the portal that has opened today, or have felt a sudden change in the atmosphere around you, mood swings, etc., please share your experience by posting below. I would love to hear what you all are going through right now. I love you all sooooooooooo much!!!!
Oh and here is a link to the Tetrad Information that I posted a while back: http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/2014/03/31/grand-event-the-beginning-april-15th-blood-moon-pleiades/
pdfdownloadableversioncoverP.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

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Actual Ascension Potentials – Conversation with Babaji
by Georgi Stankov Posted on August 25, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 15, 2014
first published in English on August 25, 2014 in

translated by Franz

Medical and Cosmological Background
Georgi Stankov

On August 16th I called Jahn from the hospital and reported to him about the postoperative complications arising from my tumor surgery and that according to my inner perception the ascension schedule had been modified one more time, so that the initial prophecy of Babaji that I would ascend during my sojourn in Munich is no longer valid.

I also reported to him that two days ago Carla was urged by the 6D fleet to attune to the Agarthans from the Inner Earth, as they shall appear on the surface very soon.

On August 16th, I visited in the morning a beautiful piece of garden in the Schwabing hospital, between the buildings, that was arranged like a botanic garden with a water fountain and many flowers in order to enjoy the warm sun after several days of rain in Munich. The elementals in this garden were very strong and uplifting and it felt definitely as if the 5D city of light “New Germania“, which Carla and I have created in this part of the world, had descended upon this earth.

Then all of a sudden I saw with my third eye the presence of a group of Agarthans near the water fountain that bowed to me in reverence for my sacrifice on behalf of humanity – to allow in an act of free will this big surgical operation in the very last days of my sojourn in this reality, although I knew perfectly well that my ascension is secured even without this operation and that this final act will only cause me a lot of pain and stress, combating and transmuting one last time all the evils of this failed medical system in order to redeem all human beings that have been desecrated, harmed and tortured by physical interventions of the current medical system throughout all epochs and timelines and have significantly damaged the electromagnetic structure of their ethereal bodies.

That is why my surgical operation had to be accompanied by an iatrogenic induced neurological disorder – the incision of Nervus subctaneous by the leading surgeon, the professor and head of the department of visceral surgery in the Schwabing hospital in Munich – in particular, the branch of N. femoralis, that is responsible for the superficial innervation of the medial and lateral thigh muscles. This incision caused a complete loss of sensitivity in a large areal of my left thigh that is currently associated with severe paraesthesia, such as burning, pain as if being punctured with thousand needles, pressure and partial impediment of muscular innervation.

These massive and inappropriate physical interventions of past and present-day medicine have prevented billions of incarnated human souls from establishing a full contact to their higher selves and the Source, so that they were unable to raise their frequencies and eventually ascend in the current End Times. Hence the Agarthans acknowledged my final Crucifixion on behalf of humanity on that particular day, that has also paved the way for our final ascension, as this message from Babaji below confirms one more time.

I told this to Jahn and he then read this message from Babaji to me in confirmation of the imminent arrival of the Agarthans on the surface and the preeminent role which my surgical operation has played in the ascension scenario.

My HS used this act of sacrifice in an alchemical reaction that healed and redeemed all the human beings who have suffered from inappropriate medical interventions on this toxic planet. This is how I cleanse negative dark patterns multidimensionally on all timelines as a Logos God and Guardian of the new Galaxy from the fulcrum of my I AM Presence. This role of the ‘Big Ones” – the Elohim of the First Ray – has been only recently elucidated one more time by Babaji in a long light reading of Jahn as of August 22, which I shall publish in English as soon as Franz has translated it.

I hope that this background explains what has happened in the last two-three weeks and gives you the confidence that we are still on track and that our final ascension can and will happen any moment from now on, as it is already happening in the NOW.


Beloved Jahn,

You have a question:

Georgi and the PAT

JJK: Yes, Georgi interprets the message “Big Brother” such that he will ascend in Munich with the PAT team; meaning “transfigured and heaved”. I see that this message testifies to that, yet from my viewpoint there are also other options probable. What is it really?

BABAJI: It is important to understand that Georgi’s presence in Europe concludes all still to be done ascension tasks. After that all energetic requirements for the ascending ones are fulfilled, because due to the individual pain experience, which Georgi had agreed to, collective pain patterns have been released and are forever being dispelled from this world. So far this is known and today this process is ongoing to the fullest extent.

This surgery fulfilled exactly the meaning to dissolve collective suffering and to remove it from this level forever. Once this process is finished, the path is free for further individual ascensions.

Regarding Georgi’s assignments it should be mentioned that they are continually adapted to the requirements of the planetary ascension. This also explains that some fixed ascension days stayed away and caused great displeasure. This also applies to some light warriors of the first and last hours. These are decisions, which are constantly made in the All-That-Is-Consciousness and some ascensions therefore were repeatedly delayed, because it was expressively arranged such from the all-knowing consciousness and the level of omniscience. Thereby the humanly limited consciousness is always faced with an enormous challenge; and deep divine devotion, the deep trust in God are for those high souls, who experience this, the necessary navigators for this section of their days on earth and in this world.

The extent of your Love for this world and for this mankind is truly unlimited. You are the ones, who bestow “unconditional love” for all Life to new glory.

In short: After the process in Munich is completed in divine perfection, everything is possible.

JJK: Meaning, Georgi’s ascension will not necessarily occur in Munich?

BABAJI: The unique work of Georgi and of Carla, being the essence of the Divine in form and image, consists primarily in the fact that they liberate this world from all sluggish energies on all and due to all levels of their Being. The intensity of this process is enormous and can only be carried on for a certain amount of time. And therefore the completion of these assignments is certain and very close.

Munich completes one process and a new one begins. It is open, which new assignments Georgi will choose and in what manner. A choice, which is always made in absolute agreement with the All-That-Is-Consciousness, with the All-That-Is-Knowledge of a Being.

Decisions on the level of realization are always made out of full divine consciousness, and those are never subject to earthly facts. Even though facts affect the decision, they never determine it.

JJK: Will all PAT-Members also follow Georgi’s tracks, as soon as he has transfigured?

BABAJI: Those, who are destined for it, yes. Others on the other hand have different assignments and foremost also different stages of awareness. Not all have recognized and many follow Georgi blindly rather than consciously. It is necessary to know this. Therefore the hour of ascension is a unique moment for every human Being and always occurs in absolute agreement between Heaven and earth. You know that.

The Agarthans

JJK: What role do the Agarthans play with all these processes?

BABAJI: They hold the world together! This is the best description. In every respect.

In cooperation with the Universal Fleet of Light, it is the Agarthans, who from inner earth care for upper earth. For a long time this mankind is in the care of the Agarthans and it remains such until the last of all days. Thereby it is mostly about the fact that the destruction of the planet and of all life is being prevented. The Agarthans stifle several dark deeds of the actual enraged forces, which see that their game has come to an end. In this way all processes of transformation are given enough time and space, so that they can also be fulfilled.

Once the point of global upheaval has been reached, geopolitical, planetary and cosmic events occur nearly simultaneously. In a very short timespan, everything is different! Yet until then it seems that the changes are few and far between or some even surmise that everything remains the same. This is an illusion, which accompanies you to the end.

JJK: Meaning, regarding the timing of the ascension of individual human beings and the world, there is still time to be allowed for?

BABAJI: Yes, because time is the greatest of all illusions. Once this is overcome, then a being is truly free. It is certain, after this great suffering has been lifted from human beings (by Georgi), the path toward ascension of many beings will be free and a new quality, lightness and Light will reach this world, before it uplifts. Thereby we end our conversation. What has been proclaimed occurs. Who understands this truth far from space and time is free and has arrived in the Light, in God, in the Now.

I am with and in the world.
I am with and in human Beings.
I am the All-That-Is.

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1 comment:

  1. Cool stuff you have and you keep overhaul every one of us
    You have done a amazing job with you website
    Ascension update


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