Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pleiades High Council: Amygdala – Fertility- Abundance Portal Sept 3 – 9:::How USA and UK Orion-Reptilian Banks Sponsor Nazi Regimes

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Pleiades High Council: Amygdala – Fertility- Abundance Portal Sept 3 – 9

Pleiadian Visitation

Channeled by Anna Merkaba

September 3, 2014

The portal that opens her gates to all of you on September 3rd of your earthly reality brings not only purification, but also fertility, and abundance on all. Aligning you with perfect opportunities for all who wish to adjust their frequency to match the frequencies of abundance, fertility and love. For the duration of seven days (7) days said portal shall bring many opportunities, for not only the inner workings of your heart, but the inner workings of your mind, thereby aligning you with various opportunities to access the abundance that you are all envisioning…

Tremendous potential lays ahead for humanity. Tremendous potential and opportunity gateways which are opening their gates to all. Opportunities to increase the knowledge of the self. Opportunities to rise above the mundane, opportunities to assist in the ascension of ones being, but more importantly an opportunity to reorganize and re address all that has been ingrained in the psyche from eons past. The portal that is to open to your earthlings yet again at the given moment in time is to bring with her tremendous opportunity to consciously cleanse and rebalance all the the old energies making room for the energies of love, light and infinite potential.

For we shall speak candidly with you of the opportunity gateway spreading it’s doors to all who shall bear witness to the fruitful commencement of new energies uplifting GAIA as we speak.

Much has indeed occurred on your planes of existence, much has indeed shifted in preparation for this magnificent portal of light. And as such, we once again ask that you open your vessels of time and space and welcome the energies that are about to bathe you in eternal understanding, of love and light yet again. Open the dormant layers of understanding and completely surrender to the energies at hand. For as you understand much has shifted in your present reality in the last days of your earthly incarnations. Many shifts have indeed brought with them the new understanding of being.

And so the moment has come that we explain the information decree that your vehicles have been bombarded with for the past few years. For the through endless incarnation of your species, a link to the source of your very own selves has indeed been lost, hidden within the depth of time and space, hidden within the karmic wheel of your earthly understanding of life. Hidden in the karmic wheel of existence. The wheel of karma which has been infused into the DNA structure of your human bodies.

Each of your vehicles consists of human DNA, and albeit the fact that many of you light workers are also infused with the DNA structure of different proportions which you have brought with you from distant planets and planes of existence, the informational decree with which your earth bodies have been infused with for eons past are indeed causing varying degree of separation from the source to occur. Varying degree of separation and misunderstanding of your present reality. The present reality that you have all been accustomed to throughout your own earthly existence and the existence of those who have come before you. For the DNA that you have acquired spans hundreds of generations from eons past. Each containing the imprint of conditions, rules, experiences of your ancestors. Conditions which have been both voluntarily acquired by your ancestors through a variety of experiences, and those that have been imprinted onto them by the forces of their leaders and elders.

When we speak of such informational decrees, we encompass the understanding of war and peace, religion, customs, theology from the past. Behavioral patterns, and a list of dis-eases with which the ancestors of your human vehicles have been plagued with. All of these energies have indeed been imprinted into the DNA structure of those who have come before you, and have indeed found their way into the subconscious, and sub-atomic structure of your being. Coupled with the knowledge that you have acquired through your own experiences and the social understandings of your upbringings you can understand the tremendous amount of “JUNK” that you are all affected by from eons past.

And so and thus, with the opening of each of your earthly portals, a new energy wave is delivered into your bodies in order to assist you in pushing and cleansing all that does not belong in the new world into which humanity must move into in order to ascend to the understanding of that which they are.

And so, the portal at hand shall radically increase the energies which are being sent directly into your hearts, or rather the AMYGDALA of your heart. As the dormant layers within your amyglada are being reset, reconfigured and restructured, much of the dormant emotions, feelings and dispositions shall come to the surface. Much of that which you have not recognized on a conscious level, for the Amygdala is inaccessible to most of you through your consciousness and can only be accessed through the sub-conscious manipulation which in your known world is known as Hypnotherapy.

Nevertheless the Amygdala of your hearts is being reset and so many of you shall experience heart pains, and varying degrees of discomfort as your heart is being activated and worked with continuously. As much of the dormant informational decrees are being pushed out from your Amygdala, into your consciousness to allow you to further release these outdated behavioral patterns.

And so, we ask you to remain calm, and allow your body to restore itself as it sees fit, for indeed it is a magnificent vehicle that is simply being reconstructed in order to adjust to the new frequency allowing your bodies to evolve in an upward spiral.

For as you understand much of the old energies must be cleansed and released, many emotions of the past must come to the forefront of your being in order to be purified, and so and thus, we ask that you simply allow your emotions to be released, and allow them to pass through and out of your body.

And so we must remind each of you that once again you are being upgraded, that your bodies are simply going through the necessary motions in order to sustain the amount of light and love that is entering your planet. For the love and understanding of pure unconditional love and truth, the love and light that are entering your planet must purify and readjust your energy fields in order to incorporate said energies and allow your consciousness to fully and completely comprehend the power of these frequencies in rode rot utilize them to build a new reality. Purifying the old energy grids. And so and thus the purification and re-alignment of the old paradigms, and thinking patterns shall continue to be in effect.

And so, the portal that opens her gates to all of you on September 3rd of your earthly reality brings not only purification, but also fertility, and abundance on all. Aligning you with perfect opportunities for all who wish to adjust their frequency to match the frequencies of abundance, fertility and love. For the duration of seven days (7) days said portal shall bring many opportunities, for not only the inner workings of your heart, but the inner workings of your mind, thereby aligning you with various opportunities to access the abundance that you are all envisioning.

Heed our words with care and allow the adjustments to take place, purifying you and preparing you for the times of fertility, abundance, love light, peace, harmony and varying degrees of turbulence for indeed, turbulence shall continue as you make your way through the upward spiral, expanding your consciousness pushing out all that does not belong in a world filled with love, light, balance, understanding and peace. Creating space for a new blueprint of your being and a new reality matrix of your choosing

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Personal Note: To help you understand what Amygdala is, I have posted an article on my blog. Here is a link to it:

I will also be posting an article on how to survive these ascension symptoms without going mad with simple to use remedies that are readily available to you. Stay tuned!

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –
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Preparing for the next wave: Gateway September 3-9

Posted on Sep 2, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Sandra Walter
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Sandra Walter
by Sandra Walter

August 30, 2014

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

We are speeding toward a powerful gateway on September 3 – 9. The energies are quite intense day to day, in a good way, as our cellular structure gets aligned for another revelation wave this week. The trigger on August 17th brought preparation for the September wave, and for many it has been energetically, emotionally and physically intense. If you are wondering, What the heck kind of help is this? – view this from the Divine Love perspective. We are unifying with the truth, which commands our active participation as a conduit of Divine Will. Your beliefs and habits will be consistently challenged and attuned to that intention if you are able to maintain it as the frequencies Shift.

Cosmic rays of photonic light are accelerating our consistent requests for More Love, More Light, More Ascension. Realize that the proper adjustments are being made by us through our ability to hold this light. For those dedicated to Ascension, it is a wondrous amplification of the pineal-pituitary complex, telepathic communication, simultaneous multidimensional awareness and light quotient. It is fascinating to witness our own progress, and dissolve the old light from our perceptions. Things are getting clearer, brighter, more profound.

Revelation Gates

Revelation gateways are deeply personal. (Review the articles from May to present if you are catching up on their Ascension significance.) These photonic waves have a unique affect on the individual lifestream: they leave no stone unturned, revealing higher aspects as well as grounded fears, doubts, choices which stand between us and our Higher Self. If we are to embody and merge with the higher light, we must be capable of integrating everything which goes with it. That includes a significant increase in our multidimensional awareness and the ability to comprehend and communicate with many dimensions at once.This has been a focus of my personal journey during the revelation gateways; learning to integrate the new skill set.

The intense sensation of something big is about to unfold may distract some from their process right now. Anytime there is a big trigger or uptick in the frequencies, lower-level programs get to work on stealing focus from the truth. This gate feels extremely valuable to those on the Ascension path. I recommend unifying with the collective of pure conduits if you feel social, or cave-ing with intention if you feel that isolation is the best way for you to receive right now. Both are beneficial. My personal choice is privacy, so I may receive and integrate the maximum benefits.

Get in nature often either way. Get focused, clear and open to receive. Meditate. Stay in the magnetic of Ascension; radiate the pure Light, intend Christ Consciousness and be sure to utilize these energies for the highest good.

Wildfires in California

Thick smoke and ash have penetrated Shasta from the nearby wildfires, causing some to-doing as outdoors becomes more challenging. It has been difficult to work on the mountain. As I mentioned previously, if you are considering a trip to Shasta, please check on the wildfire status before traveling. The smoke has been thick for several days as the fires just Northwest of us grow in size. Outdoor activity is not recommended on days like these; the eyes, sinuses and throat burn, and it causes nausea as the fires get closer. Firefighters are only working on containment until Autumn rains come to quench the fires. So it could be like this for a while.

The view of Shasta from Sisson Meadow today …

The usual view from this spot …

Blessings upon the kingdoms, Gaia and HUmanity as we experience these wildfires. It is a natural occurrence, however it does create stress on folks up here, especially those with farms and outdoor functions.

Ascension Course participants

Our monthly Q&A calls resume on September 10. Details will be sent via email closer to the call. Register for the Ascension Course HERE

A Last Note on Gateway Anxieties

Many feel the intensity and postulate what it might do to the collective. I have mentioned how wayshowers need to be responsible when delivering intel. This gate feels extremely important to those on the ascension path is as dramatic as I will get with this one, unless directed otherwise. Folks get too spun-off-center when wayshowers/channels focus on dramatic possibilities, or misinterpret gateways as The Big One, which pulls people into vibrations that may not be in their highest interests. I refuse to use fear/anxiety to convince folks to pay attention, that is old light manipulation. I will be honest, direct and clear when intel presents that may serve.

If you feel something big is unfolding – without external/online stimulation – it will be a good revelation gate for you. At this juncture, we must continue to accelerate the inner journey and not be concerned with external reflection in the media, news, friends, or political/social structures. The Shift is built on permission from the inside out, not the other way around. Keep moving forward, keep creating the realities you choose moment by moment. The energies support creation and expansion – set your intentions well and align all activity with it.

Many blessings for a beautiful, powerful expansion!

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How USA and UK Orion-Reptilian Banks Sponsor Nazi Regimes

by Georgi Stankov Posted on September 2, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, September 1,

In my recent articles I mentioned on several occasions how the Orion banks of the 13 ruling Reptilian families in the UK and USA sponsored the rise of Nazism in Germany and Fascism in Italy. This is a well-established, yet grossly overlooked fact by most historians, who fail to explain the positive and strikingly benevolent attitude of the US and GB governments towards Hitler and Mussolini in the 30s.

In particular, why the British Premier Chamberlain succumbed to the demands of Hitler in the infamous Munich Conference and betrayed Czechoslovakia by allowing the annexation of former Moravia by Hitler, which was then called by the Nazis “Sudetenland”. The appeasement policy of the UK had to fail because it was part of the insidious plan of the dark British cabal to foster the Nazi regimes in Continental Europe as means to promote the NWO at that time.

We now observe the same pattern in Ukraine. The following article investigates how American-Orion banks financed Hitler and his Nazi regime and why the greatest German Nazis were welcomed to the USA after their defeat as to shape the secret services there in preparation of the current End Times when they were supposed to establish the NWO from this citadel of the dark cabal in the last 70 years. ___________________________________
The History of Wall Street’s Unspoken Relationship to Nazi Germany: Dragon Teeth to Be Planted All Over Europe Again

by Juriy Rubtsov, September 1, 2014

Strategic Cultural Foundation

Many media outlets compare the contemporary situation in Europe with the days before WWII. I would like to make an important correction here. Now we are watching the West fostering another Nazi regime represented by Kiev junta and it makes remember the second half of the 1930s when it did the very same thing cooperating with Germany turned into a fascist state.
Of course, the Ukraine we know today cannot measure up to Hitler’s Germany. But the first blow is half the battle. The running amok Fuhrer started as an unknown corporal preaching xenophobia and revenge.
It’s an open secret that Adolf Hitler was supported by the United States. The US penetration was significant, especially its cooperation with the German war industry. By 1933 the United States controlled key branches of Germany’s economy, as well as several large banks such as Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, etc.
Big business started to trust Hitler. Those were the days of affluence for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party as funds from abroad began to pour in. Thanks to large donations from Fritz Thyssen’s group including the United Steelworks (Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG), I.G. Farbenindustrie AG (Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG) and mining industry tycoon Emil Kirdorf the party received 6,4 million votes to become the second largest in the Reichstag (parliament). Hjalmar Schacht (22 January 1877 – 3 June 1970), a German economist, banker, liberal politician, and co-founder in 1918 of the German Democratic Party, became the key connecting link between German industry and foreign donors.
British business and banking interests also started to channel donations to the Nazi party. On January 4, 1932 Montague Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944, met Hitler and German Chancellor Franz von Papen to conclude a secret accord on providing funds for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The US was also represented at this meeting. Both Dulles brothers were present. Western historians shy away from mentioning the fact. John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles were politically connected Wall Street lawyers, servants of corporate power, who led the United States into an unseen war that decisively shaped today’s world.
It is worth noting, that during the 1950s, when the Cold War was at its peak, the two immensely powerful Dulles brothers led the United States into a series of foreign adventures whose effects are still shaking the world. John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State while his brother, Allen Dulles, was director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Federal elections were held in Germany on 5 March 1933. As a result of lavish donations coming in from abroad, the ruling Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler, who was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, registered a large increase in votes emerging as the largest party by far. Nevertheless they failed to obtain an absolute majority in their own right and needed the votes of their coalition partner, the German National People’s Party (DNVP), for a Reichstag majority.
The new German government was treated extremely favorably by US and UK ruling circles. Western democracies kept silent when Berlin refused to pay reparations. Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics, went to the United States in May 1933 to meet President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and leading Wall Street bankers. Germany was granted a $1 billion credit. And in June, during a visit to Norman in London, Schacht requested an addition $2 billion in loans as well as a reduction and eventual cessation of payment on old loans. Thus, the Nazis got something that the previous government could not.
In the summer of 1934, Britain signed the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement, which became one of the foundations of British policy towards the Third Reich, and by the end of the 1930′s, Germany developed into Britain’s primary trading partner. Schroeder’s bank turned into Germany and Great Britain’s main agent, and in 1936, its New York branch merged with a Rockefeller holding to create the investment bank «Schroeder, Rockefeller and Co.», which the New York Times described as «economic-propagandist axis of Berlin-Rome».
The ‘Secret Memorandum’ was issued by Adolf Hitler in August 1936. The memorandum went out only to a few senior Nazi leaders and its contents – information about the Four-Year Plan – was formally announced to the party’s faithful in September 1936 at the party rally in Nuremberg. The Secret Memorandum stated that in four years Germany was to develop capable combat-ready armed forces and its economy was to be mobilized to meet the needs of war. As he admitted to himself, Hitler viewed foreign credit as the financial basis for his four-year plan, so this didn’t raise the slightest alarm.
In August 1934, American oil giant Standard Oil purchased 730,000 acres of land in Germany and built large oil refineries that supplied the Nazis with oil. At the same time, the United States secretly provided Germany with the most modern equipment for its airplane factories, which were slated to produce Germany’s military aircraft.
In turn, Germany received a large number of patents from several American companies including Pratt and Whitney, Douglas, and the Bendix Corporation, and the “Junkers-87″ dive-bomber was built using purely American technology. As the war broke out, the monopolies stuck to the good old tried-and-true rule – nothing personal, only business. By 1941, when the Second World War was in full swing, American investment in the German economy totaled $475 million: Standard Oil invested $120 million alone, General Motors — $35 million, ITT — $30 million, and Ford — $17.5 million.
What motivated the interest of Western business in the growing might of Nazi Germany?
The goal was to direct Hitler to the East involving a German invasion of Russia. The conquest ofLebensraum («living space») was for Hitler and the rest of the National Socialists the most important German foreign policy goal. At his first meeting with the leading Generals and Admirals of the Reich («Empire») on February 3, 1933, Hitler spoke of “conquest of Lebensraum” in the East and ruthless ‘Germanization’ as his two ultimate foreign policy objectives.
For Hitler, the land which would provide sufficient Lebensraum for Germany was the Soviet Union, which in Hitler eyes was both a nation that possessed vast and rich agricultural land and was inhabited by what Hitler considered as Slavic Untermenschen (sub-humans) ruled over by what he regarded as a gang of blood-thirsty, but grossly incompetent “Jewish revolutionaries”. These people were not “Germanizable” in his eyes; only the soil was.
The US and Britain, which were firmly opposed to the rise of Communism in the Soviet Union, tacitly endorsed Hitler’s “conquest of Lebensraum” in the East, as initially stated in Mein Kampf:
“We National Socialists consciously draw a line under the direction of our foreign policy war. We begin where we ended six centuries ago. We stop the perpetual Germanic march towards the south and west of Europe, and have the view on the country in the east. We finally put the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-war and go over to the territorial policy of the future. But if we speak today in Europe of new land, we primarily point to Russia and the border states”
In turn, the policy of appeasement was implemented by Western countries in the 1930s against a background of financial and economic cooperation of Anglo-American business interests with Nazi Germany.
In October 1930, Germany withdrew from both the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments of 1932–1934 (sometimes named the World Disarmament Conference or Geneva Disarmament Conference) and the League of Nations.
In March 1936, Hitler ordered his troops to openly re-enter the Rhineland which had been demilitarized under the Versailles Treaty.

In March 1938 Austria was annexed.

The West did not react.

Fall Grün (Operation Green), a German military plan to occupy Czechoslovakia, was approved by Hitler in December 1937. The execution of Operation Green was called off after the Munich Pact was concluded between England, France, Italy and Nazi Germany on September 30, 1938.
While Hitler signed the Munich agreement along with Arthur Neville Chamberlain, Édouard Daladier and Benito Mussolini, the operation to invade Czechoslovakia prevailed. On October 21 he ordered to start preparations for the military annexation of the rest of Czechoslovakia and the Klaipeda Region (also known as the Memel Territory) which had been part of Lithuania since 1923.
In March 1939, Germany delivered an ultimatum to Poland demanding renegotiation of the Danzig agreement. The Polish Corridor (also known as Danzig Corridor, Corridor to the Sea or Gdansk Corridor) was a territory located in the region of Pomerelia (eastern Pomerania, formerly part of West Prussia), which provided the Second Republic of Poland (1920–1939) with access to the Baltic Sea, thus dividing the bulk of Germany from the province of East Prussia. The Free city of Danzig (now the Polish city of Gdansk) was separate from both Poland and Germany.
But Memel and Danzig were not the ultimate goal of Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler was fully aware that nobody in the West had any intention to stand in his way. On April 1939 he secretly ordered Poland to be attacked on September 1.
With the seizure of Czechoslovakia, Hitler’s duel-track policy was an open secret even for the most shortsighted politicians and diplomats. The Soviet Union still cherished hope to build a collective system of security in Europe. It managed to make London and Paris start talks on creating a really effective alliance to counter the aggressor. But these talks were to reveal that the Western partners were reluctant to hinder Hitler’s expansionary policy to the East. Sir Alexander Cadogan (Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office) cited Chamberlain saying he would rather resign the premiership than conclude an agreement with the Soviets.
When Germany attacked Poland and the Second World War started, Western leaders pointed their finger at both the Soviet Union and Germany which signed the Non-Aggression Pact of August 23, 1939. Supported by a choir of propaganda, they said it was not the Western appeasement policy, but rather the USSR-Germany Non-Aggression Pact which triggered the war.
In the wake of World War II, neither London, nor Washington, nor Paris want to hear the truth about these historical events. They signed the Nuremberg Trial verdict that found Germany guilty of grave crimes and violations of international law and the laws of war, without acknowledging who was behind Nazi Germany? The political and financial elites of the United States, Great Britain and France were directly involved in fostering Nazi regime. They incited Hitler to move east.
The West has never recognized its responsibility for supporting Hitler’s regime.
In today’s context, it has does its utmost to prevent Russia’s return on the world stage as a leading actor.
Today it is fostering the ulcer of Nazism and xenophobia emerging right in front of our very eyes. To hide the truth it circulates the Washington-invented and Europe-inculcated story about “Russian aggression” against Ukraine.
Russia is demonized and provoked into direct confrontation with a view to triggering its involvement in Ukraine’s internal conflict.
While the Kiev junta is not “in the same league” as Germany’s Nazi regime, history shows that the ulcer of Nazism combined with the thrust of Russophobia is gaining momentum. And sooner or later it may be beyond the control of those who encouraged it in the first place.
The slogan “Ukraine above all” sounds very much like a remake of Nazi Germany’s “Deutschland über alles”, (Germany above all). “Ukraine above all” is being used to justify the crimes committed by Ukraine forces in Novorossiya.

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