Tuesday, January 5, 2016

sharing3- Archive-The Political Ramifications- to Bed - Der Zivilisationszerfall der deutschen Zombie-Gesellschaft ist ein Zeichen des beginnenden Wandels

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Der Zivilisationszerfall der deutschen Zombie-Gesellschaft ist ein Zeichen des beginnenden Wandels 

by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 4, 2016

The Civilisation Collapse of the German Zombie-Society Is a Sign of the Beginning Big Change

Gespenstisch: Seelenlose deutsche Schweinehunde im Vollrausch. 1.000 Männer belästigen in Köln Frauen, ignorieren Polizei.

DWN, 4. Dezember 2016

This article reports that more than thousand drunken German men harassed and robbed numerous women in Cologne near the main railway station and the famous Dome during the New Year’s Celebrations and could not be contained by the massive presence of the police.

Unter dem Titel «Unerträglicher Zustand»: Vielfache Übergriffe auf Frauen schockieren berichtet Kathy Stolzenbach von der dpa über einen besorgniserregenden Vorfall auf dem Kölner Bahnhofsvorplatz am Silvester-Abend: 

Sie wollen ausgelassen Silvester feiern – und werden sexuell belästigt und ausgeraubt. Dutzende Frauen werden in Köln rund um den Bahnhof Opfer einer großen Gruppe von Tätern. Die Polizei zeigt sich geschockt über das Ausmaß.

Es sollen ungeheuerliche Szenen gewesen sein, die sich in der Silvesternacht im Schatten des Kölner Doms abgespielt haben. Unzählige Menschen sind nach Köln gekommen, um hier ins neue Jahr zu feiern. Reisende und Feiernde strömen über den Bahnhofsvorplatz in die Stadt. Dann werden Feuerwerkskörper in die Menge abgefeuert. Völlig unkontrolliert, so schildert es Michael Temme, Leitender Polizeidirektor.

Eine Gruppe von rund 1000 stark alkoholisierten Männern – so beschreibt es die Polizei – verhält sich völlig enthemmt, aggressiv und gänzlich unbeeindruckt von der Anwesenheit der Polizisten. Auf Nachfrage hin betonen die Ermittler am Montag: Ja, auf geschätzt 1000 Menschen sei die Gruppe angewachsen. Die Einsatzleitung fordert Verstärkung an. Um eine drohende Massenpanik zu verhindern, räumt die Polizei zeitweise den Platz.

Erst im Laufe der Nacht und in den Folgetagen wird das Ausmaß der Gewalt deutlich, die von der Gruppe ausgegangen sein soll. Der Kölner Polizeipräsident Wolfgang Albers spricht am Montag von «Straftaten einer völlig neuen Dimension» und «Sexualdelikten in sehr massiver Form». «Es ist ein unerträglicher Zustand, dass mitten in der Stadt solche Straftaten begangen werden», so Albers. Frauen seien begrapscht, belästigt und ausgeraubt worden, auch von einer Vergewaltigung ist die Rede.

Bei den Tätern solle es sich dem Polizeipräsidenten zufolge um Männer handeln, die «dem Aussehen nach aus dem arabischen oder nordafrikanischen Raum» stammen, so hätten es Zeugen übereinstimmend beschrieben. Die Männer sollen zwischen 15 und 35 Jahre alt sein. Konkreteres weiß die Polizei am Montag nach eigenen Angaben nicht.

Bei der Polizei melden sich 80 Menschen, die angeben, Opfer von Straftaten geworden zu sein. 60 Anzeigen wegen Sexualdelikten und Diebstählen liegen vor. «Wir gehen von weiteren Taten aus, die uns noch nicht angezeigt wurden», sagt Albers. Die Ermittlungsgruppe «Neujahr» wird aufgestockt, um den Tätern auf die Spur zu kommen. Unter anderem werten sie Handyvideos und Material aus Überwachungskameras aus.

Polizeidirektor Temmes Angaben zufolge waren «alle Einsatzkräfte, die wir zur Verfügung hatten», vor Ort. Doch die Beamten bemerkten anscheinend nichts von den sexuellen Übergriffen und Diebstählen. «Wir haben erst durch die Anzeigen davon erfahren», sagt Wolfgang Wurm, Präsident der zuständigen Bundespolizeistation Sankt Augustin.

Wie schon nach den schweren Ausschreitungen von Hooligans im Oktober 2014 auf dem Bahnhofsvorplatz, die bundesweit für Schlagzeilen gesorgt hatten, muss sich der Polizeipräsident rechtfertigen: «Es gibt in Köln keinen rechtsfreien Raum. Wir waren mit starken Kräften im Einsatz», betont er.

«Das ist eine völlig neue Dimension der Gewalt. So etwas kennen wir bisher nicht», sagt der NRW-Landesvorsitzende der GdP, Arnold Plickert. «Ein Täter hat einer Zivilpolizistin in die Hose gefasst», so Plickert. Bei den am Einsatz beteiligten Polizeibeamten herrsche eine «tiefe Betroffenheit».

Kölns Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker (parteilos) bezeichnet die Vorfälle als «ungeheuerlich». Es könne nicht sein, dass Besucher, die nach Köln kommen, Angst haben müssten, überfallen zu werden, sagte Reker dem «Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger» (Dienstag). Sie hat für diesen Dienstag ein Krisentreffen zu den Übergriffen angesetzt. Dabei soll es auch darum gehen, ob die Video-Überwachung im Hauptbahnhof ausgeweitet werden soll.

Im Hinblick auf den bevorstehenden Karneval kündigt Polizeipräsident Albers an: «Wir werden alles dafür tun, damit sich so etwas nicht wiederholt.»

Die Pressemitteilung der Polizei:

Übergriffe am Bahnhofsvorplatz – Ermittlungsgruppe gegründet

Im Laufe des Neujahrtages (1. Januar) erhielt die Polizei Köln Kenntnis über unterschiedliche Vorfälle bei denen Frauen Opfer von Übergriffen geworden sind.

In der Silvesternacht nutzten Tätergruppen das Getümmel rund um den Dom und begangen Straftaten unterschiedlicher Deliktsbereiche. Die Polizei Köln hat eine Ermittlungsgruppe zur Aufklärung der Fälle eingerichtet.

Bei der Polizei Köln und der Bundespolizei erstatteten bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt knapp 30 Betroffene Anzeige und schilderten in diesen Fällen die gleiche Vorgehensweise der Täter. Die Geschädigten befanden sich während der Neujahrsfeier rund um den Dom und auf dem Bahnhofsvorplatz, als mehrere Männer sie umzingelten. Die Größe der Tätergruppen variierte von zwei bis drei, nach Zeugenaussagen nordafrikanisch Aussehenden bis zu 20 Personen. Die Verdächtigen versuchten durch gezieltes Anfassen der Frauen von der eigentlichen Tat abzulenken – dem Diebstahl von Wertgegenständen. Insbesondere Geldbörsen und Mobiltelefone wurden entwendet. In einigen Fällen gingen die Männer jedoch weiter und berührten die meist von auswärts kommenden Frauen unsittlich.

Zur Klärung der Taten und Tatzusammenhänge hat die Polizei Köln eine Ermittlungsgruppe gegründet. Zur Arbeit der Ermittler gehört unter anderem die Auswertung umfangreicher Videoaufnahmen.

Weitere Geschädigte, die sich in der Silvesternacht am Bahnhofsvorplatz und um den Dom in der Zeit zwischen Mitternacht und vier Uhr aufgehalten haben und noch keine Anzeige erstattet haben, werden gebeten sich mit der Polizei in Verbindung zu setzen.

Hinweise nimmt das Kriminalkommissariat 12 unter der Rufnummer 0221/ 229-0 oder per E-Mail an poststelle.koeln@polizei.nrw.de entgegen

Der Kölner Express zitiert Aussagen des Polizeipräsidenten Wolfgang Albers auf der Pressekonferenz:

• Wolfgang Albers: «Es hat dort in zahlreicher Anzahl Sexualdelikte gegeben. Auch in sehr massiver Form. Frauen sind angefasst, angegangen worden.»

• Wolfgang Albers: «Die Straftaten sind begangen worden, aus einer Gruppe von Menschen, die von ihrem Aussehen her überwiegend aus dem nordafrikanischen bzw. arabischen Raum stammen.»

• Wofgang Albers: «Das ist ein völlig unerträglicher Zustand – dass in Köln solche Straftaten begangen werden. An Menschen, die hier nach Köln gekommen sind, um fröhlich den Jahreswechsel zu begehen.»

Der nordrhein-westfälische Innenmninister Ralf Jäger sagte dem Express:

«Wir nehmen es nicht hin, dass sich nordafrikanische Männergruppen organisieren, um wehrlose Frauen mit dreisten sexuellen Attacken zu erniedrigen. Deshalb ist es notwendig, dass die Kölner Polizei konsequent ermittelt und zur Abschreckung Präsenz zeigt. Das sind wir den Frauen schuldig und zugleich den nordafrikanischen Flüchtlingen, die friedlich bei uns leben wollen.»

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The Political Ramifications of the Massive Alchemical Reaction of the PAT on January 4th to Cleanse All Pigdogs’ Souls in Germany and Worldwide
by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 6, 2016

Georgi Stankov and Rob de Havilland, January 6, 2016


No Bullshit included!

Dear George,

Severe left side headache for the past 2 days, it started off in the early afternoon of 4th January, I recognised the familiar energy signature, immediately I thought I’m starting to process something.

Recently things have been coming to the surface for processing on deeper and deeper levels, but this was much more intense. I knew that this was collective, I have been trusting my inner knowing/feeling and asking my higher self what I need to know to allow myself to slip into flow and let the process unfold in trust.

The next thing I know I began to clean the house. It was just crazy, I literally turned every room inside out and with a bucket of disinfectant, duster, hoover and bin liners I scrubbed everything. I even turned out the wardrobes and draws discarding clothes not worn for a long time. Every now and then I was thinking I was going mad, the energies was furious, unrelenting but I quickly fell back into a flow. 5 hours later I had finished. The headache came on full force, it was the worst headache I have ever had. The whole left side of my head felt like it was imploding, my eyes couldn’t take any form of light.

I went to bed to lay down and cry but to my surprise I went straight to sleep and didn’t dream at all and had a full 10 hours sleep, amazing as I only normally get 4 to 5 hours with dreams. Today I have felt very numb and completely detached from everything. My daily meditation and invocations didn’t feel as if they was coming from me but instead through me.

I opened your website and read the latest articles on the pig dog’s of Germany, firstly I thought that your descriptions resemble much of the UK only the UK has very deep depressive overlay where most are either in a low mood and want to beat everyone because they have something that they want or they believe they have everything and complain they are not happy, threaten to top themselves get drunk and high on whatever UK street gear is available and take it out on migrant workers.

Secondly, I laughed my head off at your replies, only you Dr. Stankov can put it just like it is, No bullshit included! Your love/passion for truth is very inspiring. I read them twice, Google translate is not perfect with German, and found them even more hilarious the second time.

You mentioned that perhaps we may have known that we have taken part in the alchemical cleansing, certainly I did!

With love and light
Rob De Havilland UK


Dear Rob,

thank you very much for this confirmation of the massive alchemical reaction we performed yesterday and today on the pigdogs’ souls, not only in Germany but also everywhere on this uppermost mother planet. In fact I had an excruciating headache as you the day before and then yesterday I was pumped with huge emotional energies of disgust and heavenly wrath, which I always get when I had to do a huge cleansing of Gaia and humanity on a global scale. Then I know what is at stake.

We also went through such periods when we were forced by our HS to cleanse the whole apartment in the summer and there was a lot of crap to throw away or give to the Salvation army as part of our bigger cleansing last year.

Now here is an interesting information I just received a few minutes ago from my HS. In addition to the global cleansing of all dark imprints on these human bodies that harboured dark soul fragments, we had to cleanse in particular Germany where a disproportional high number of transliminal souls have incarnated. The reason is twofold and this can be gathered even from my articles on this topic.

First, this is still a very dark country that holds a lot of unprocessed aggressive energies since the time of Atlantis when the dark Aryans hijacked the authority of the high priests and triggered the destruction of this continent. These unprocessed remnant energies needed to be healed in a massive alchemical reaction yesterday. I am the only one who can do this very effectively as I have built a powerful ID portal and vortex over Central Europe that sucks all the dark energies through the turnstile mechanism I have described in the past and eliminates them into the void – gives them back to the source to be reprocessed.

As early as May 2013 when Carla visited me for the first time and we built the first seven 4D earths, I performed a similar powerful alchemical reaction on May 27th, 2013 that completely depleted me and left me quivering with chills the whole day. Then the Elohim came to us and confirmed that I had just cleansed the whole Europe with my huge field to create these seven earths and this is my mission in Germany and Central Europe.

There are three such massive ID portals worldwide, about which I have spoken in the past – this one in Central Europe that also includes GB and whole Eastern Europe until Ural in its periphery, then a second one in Istanbul and the Middle East, which I began building in the 90s and early 2000s during my regular visits in Bulgaria when I was fully in the LBP. This portal was reinforced and expanded when Carla visited Istanbul in early June 2013 and released billions of trapped souls in the astral planes in this darkest region on earth that includes among others the Persian, Hellenistic-Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires, with a lot of bloodshed and cruelties in their history. Not to forget Ancient Greece that is also part of this Balkan-Middle East portal.

The third portal is here in Vancouver for the West coast. In addition we have the Infinity Portal in White Rock which we shall visit tomorrow as urged by our HS as obviously there is work to be done there. We shall meet our friend Julia and as reported on this website, each time we meet together some spectacular events happen as during the last Christmas Portal.

Now within the Bavarian portal we have created the city of light New Raetia which will be the new technological hub of the new humanity in the 4D worlds. And here comes the information I just got from my HS. A disproportionately high number of transliminal souls have incarnated in Germany during the Christmas portal as walk-ins in order to strengthen and support this portal and to ascend when the time comes to 5D New Raetia. That is why I and the PAT had to do this massive cleansing of this dark country on January 4th as to prepare the ground for these souls who cannot cope on their own with the very dark and resilient imprints of the German bodies and personalities in which they have incarnated during the Christmas portal on December 25th as reported.

This massive influx of transliminal souls in Germany and Central Europe has the goal to change the political landscape in Germany. As I mentioned in my articles yesterday, if Germany leaves NATO, this most aggressive military alliance that is the cause of all current wars the world over will cease to exist. The French have never been really part of NATO since de Gaulle and the other European countries will also leave NATO when Germany exits this alliance.

Only GB and USA from the Anglo-American Asshole Axis (AAA-axis) will remain, but you know better than myself in what a desolate state your country is now. It is in default, in depression and has no money to pay its daily bills. The population is impoverished even more than in the USA and has actually no army. Only the membership of Germany keeps NATO alive on the Old Continent. However as it becomes increasingly obvious to all Germans this support for NATO and the AAA-axis, the major conduit of which is Merkel, is entirely against their own national interests as Putin clearly explained in his second interview in the Russian documentary I published the other day. That is why it is so important to watch these videos as they give you the clue where the political problem now lies.

The moment Germany leaves NATO and gravitates naturally towards Russia and China where its current and future economic interests lie, the Empire of Evil will lose the Old Continent and the current futile clandestine world war against the new emerging superpowers Russia and China. This is inevitable and this is what will happen now that we have cleansed all the dark personalities – the schweinehunde – in Germany.

However, this does not mean that Russia will be the winner from this alchemical reaction as there is also a lot of dross to be cleansed in this huge country. It only means the collapse of the post cold war Transatlantic structure and the disintegration of the EU, where Germany is the backbone and the paymaster.

This key political process is running now parallel to the financial crash of the AAA-axis which began its hegemony with the Bretton Woods postwar regulation of the world financial markets. With this the hegemony of the USA and GB over the world finance system will be wiped out overnight and the Germans will be ready and willing to leave the sinking Anglo-Saxon Titanic.

As far as I am aware, they have already plans for this eventuality in the drawer. And Putin is waiting for them to welcome them on the other side when NATO has collapsed. He knows that he can only resolve the Ukrainian crisis that is bleeding at the doorstep of Moscow with the help of Germany when the USA is ejected from Europe. All this is bound to happen very soon in a cascade of events that will stun the world.

Our alchemical reaction yesterday prepared the ground for these events to unfold. The soul essence of the transliminal souls in Central Europe has now gained momentum and nothing can stop this tsunami of light. Hence your headache was worth this action that was of paramount importance for the beautiful unfolding of the End Time Scenario of ascension as created by us as Logos Gods.

With love and light


PS: By the way the alchemical reaction and the global cleansing of pigsouls goes unabated and with full force today – cc-wave with excruciating headache again.

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Putting the Bombs to Bed 
by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 23, 2016

Brad Barber, January 23, 2016


Dear George,

What’s funny about the jihad conversation is that I was targeting all jihadis. Not women. I’ve decided to put this to bed the proper way, with humor. I have plenty more on the issue if ever needed but all the answers are embedded in these perfect comments from a few of the all-time greats. The list is male comedians for now but these are some of the most femininely balanced people and Bill Burr is the only one saying exactly what needs to be said right now in a systemic way. Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett are some of my all time favorites but the right clips are hard to come by and aren’t as systemic.

Chris Rock pretty much puts it all to bed with the first one but I’ve attached some favorite quotes and videos.

“That’s right. If the kid can’t read that’s Mama’s fault. Now if the kid can’t read ’cause there ain’t no lights on in the house that’s Daddy’s fault.” – Chris Rock

“The people causing all the problems seem highly motivated to me.” – George Carlin

“Why does guy get paid more an hour to do exact same job.I’ll go I’ll tell you why. Because in unlikely event when we are both on a titanic, and it starts to sink, for some f up reason, you get to leave with the kids. And I have to stay. That’s why I get more dollar per hour. It’s a dollar an hour surcharge. You hear a bump in the night. I got to go check it out, “Yes, he does have a knife.” Anytime there is a hostage situation, who they negotiate for? “At least let the women and children go.” Well, what about me! You think I want to stay in the vault, with 20 other sweaty guys, sharing a bag of peanuts. You know. Praying to god i’m not the hostage that get dragged out by the psycho, with a gun to my head, asking for the cops for a helicopter. Which I know he is not gonna get, right? I know he is not getting a helicopter. Now, I gotta make idle conversation with the 38 to my head, going, “Go for a rent a car. I think you should go for a rent a car.”

See what I am saying. Where are all those feminist then? You can’t find them. They have no feminist in a house fire. You can take the most hard-core feminist, and go, “you showoff sonny bitch, you know.” Little short hair cut you know. 2nd those flames break out, she twist those hair into pigtails, “I’m just a girl. I want to go play jump rope.” – Bill Burr

“Jesus was a cross dresser.” – George Carlin

Eddie Murphy on Finding a Wife in Africa (explicit language on all the videos)


Bill Burr on religion


Chris Rock on bullet control


Bill Burr on old age and racism


Bill Burr on crazy people taking over


George Carlin on rape


Chris Rock on differences between men and women


Bill Burr on epidemic of asset stripping women


Bill Burr on why you have to hang out with everybody




I’m so worn out after the last couple days I don’t even know what else to do but laugh.

With love and light,

Brad Barber

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