Wednesday, September 25, 2013

r- 5- reading, ▶ Nibiru Effect, Video 02, Our planet, Geophysical changes, Dec 2010, ▶ Nibiru Effect, Video 03,


Uploaded on Aug 1, 2011
Welcome friends, 

These videos are for the records, as the story experienced by us at the end of an Era of our blue planet. We show in this second video, a sequence of the Fauna Extinction series, what is happening to our fauna and flora between June and July this year. Be realistic, and admit that this is the most unusual year of our lives.

Extend the video; read the articles, inform yourself what is happening. Follow now a synopsis of our planet's history! The beginning of Extinction - Our fauna - video 02 -- June and July 2011.

Thanks for watching, Join our channel! You are welcome there!

Captain Bill - August 2011


Uploaded on Jun 1, 2011
Welcome friends!

As most of you already know, the arrival of this Dwarf Star is being followed for many years by our governments as a great secret to "save humanity from chaos anticipated. But, nowadays, there is no more chance of concealment of information, as all events are about to happen. The Dwarf Star is preceded by a shock wave which since 2010 is being felt with increasing intensity. We'll start with the month of December 2010, when the effects of the shock front energy of Dwarf Star began to raise more rigorously this chain of events.
These videos are a compilation of undeniable facts from normal media, about everything that is happening in this atypical year 2011. This will be an authentic account of the facts; do not view as apocalyptic, but as History. Many lay people might consider a coincidence but who is aware of the facts, knows that all this is a result of the approach of a Dwarf Star directly to our solar system. They are for the records, as the story experienced by us at the end of an Era of our blue planet.

Follow now a synopsis of our planet's History!

Our planet -- Geophysical changes -- Dec. 2010 -- Video 00 - Nibiru Effect!

Thanks for watching, Join our channel! You are welcome there!

Captain Bill - April 2011


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