Monday, December 16, 2013

r - Nibiru: Madness or science fiction...?

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Nibiru: Madness or science fiction...?

Dear friends, now I put for your consideration a summary of the translation done on Mitchi messages, an alien from Andromeda, and Captain Bill, which I guess is also alien...

Well, this being said, there are many Earth scientists, who are being transported to the planet Mars, to their new laboratories, installed / constructed in two cities, which are now fully operational there ... crazy, right?

Also will be transferred all or nearly all the individuals belonging to space programs, and associated programs ... if these personages are brought there, it is quite sure, there will be military personnel who have been, or will be moved too...crazy…

Why would they do this...? Quite simply, not to be "disturbed" by the Galactic community and their "leaders", who would be watching the "elites", the "cabal" which are a small, but powerful, and who want to completely dominate this planet...?

He also says that all the gold reserves, with the exception of Russia and China, are being moved to Mars ... crazier ... still says they are also taking valuable art works, and the ones that we see are false ... crazier.

It also says that the process of removing the masses, which is us, has not yet begun ... they want to eliminate us, and leave only 10% of the world population, to establish the New World Order ... much crazier this...

The galactic community is that which has interfered with the plans of these miscreants ... it's as if we compare our planet with a boat, and someone did a hole so that it sinks, as they are a lifeline ... so they say...

Apart from these evil, strange things will occur on our planet, which will continue to exist, despite the sun, despite certainly of Nibiru ... I have news about Nibiru ... we'll see ... our planet, like all of us use to do, will get fat because of the frequency change, from December 20 onwards ...

The continents will be readjusted, and the planet will go into a self-cleaning, removing all impurities caused by technology, such as nuclear, plastics, etc. ... oil and its derivatives, are not necessary in the new life of the planet ...

As signs of these things, says that we will see new animals, new insects, new microorganisms, which changed the color of the rivers, seas, etc. .... so too, we will see and feel, new behaviors of our atmosphere...

All this, my dear friends, would be leading to people on the planet, at level 1, not being anymore, level 0 ... of course, all this will bring a restructuring of our society ... but not as we know it ... if we are still alive ...

So far, this planet was considered a reformatory ... I personally always thought of this world, like a prison ... but he says it was a reformatory ... it will not be more...

The best news that gives us Mitchi, alien from Andromeda, is that the planet Nibiru system has been rerouted to one in which the damage to us, will be reduced ... that's good news ... their technology is so advanced , that they can do that...

The spatial "junk" accompanying Nibiru, will be Partly affecting us ... there are about 900 ships, of these extraterrestrial brothers, hoping to succor us when problems start ... if you want to laugh, I do not blame you ... ... but when finished, go to, and in the search box, type HD35850 ... a picture of a great blue ufo... reduce it with the zoom tool which is to the left, and you'll see one of those gigantic ships ... I have seen many… also write sirius, and see another ship of these ... write sun, and to the right you will see a red, and another almost invisible, dark blue ...

You Will have to experiment a little with the program tools ... do the same in the Microsoft Worldwide Telescope ... both are free ... well, almost to end this madness, we are told that the volcanic and tectonic activity will be increased, as the planet re-structure ...

What can I tell you...? Let's take it as a sound warning and as preventive measures, buy and keep food not easily damaged, water, etc... If nothing happens, at least we got a good stock of food for some time ... will not hurt us ... do you think these are just some crazy deranged madman...? Okay ... only time will tell, what will happen eventually ... personally, I must say that even my family thinks I’m crazy by giving these "news" and warnings ...huahuahua…
Greetings and I wish you much happiness and tranquility in the company of your loved ones ...

Want to see the video? go to: atlanticobr channel: link:
EL, EliphasLevy


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