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Video 13

Answers of an alien from Andromeda - thirteenth video – October 26, 2010.

Question - Mythi, we have news that Nibiru is approaching the South Pole and is being covered up by governments. Could you explain in more detail what the red Nibiru is and what he is bringing in relation to influences in the solar system? I would like to know as much as possible about it. Some friends think that you'd rather not tell us many details about the actual events...

- Well, let's be much more specific. I cannot be apocalyptic. I'm not an envoy to tell exactly how everything will happen because we do not know entirely. There are many variables in this equation. What we can do is be prepared for the possibilities. What you asked, was about a little solar system that belongs to your solar system.

 . He had seven planets but lost one in his last closer passage, approx. 3.600 years ago. It collided with one of the great moons of Jupiter and the two disintegrated. Today only the pieces are orbiting the sun, between Mars and Jupiter. Nibiru will pass through this belt of waste and will spread further apart on the solar system planets. He may lose one or two of its smaller planets as a result of these shocks. He is like the Earth was once there 5 billion years ago, a little dwarf star in the cooling process. It does not emit the light spectrum needed for photosynthesis in plant life, only emits heat. One of their planets was used as a colony for many thousands of years ago. Today, because of the gradual cooling of this sun, no longer maintains any colony into its planets because they are getting extremely cold. In the largest planet, there is a base station in the older former colony, which appears to no longer be used for a long time. To our knowledge, anyone connected to the Community Galactica is currently living in those planets. If any community is based there, does not maintain any contact with us, and we consider uninhabited. When this sun come by, between 2011 and 2013, will cause many instabilities as I already said. In October of 2011 will be one of these cross point. These effects will be added to the instability of the sun and the reversal of Earth's magnetic field. These effects, if they come one at a time could not bring big disaster, but all will be going on simultaneously this time. For this reason, these communities are coming here to observe or participate in assistance for these events. Next year, your government can no longer hide the fact, because, all of you may see the elusive member of your solar system crossing from southern to northern. See, the Earth will pass very, very close to him two times. The tectonic plates undergo a large movement, causing disasters in series on all continents. Your Moon will suffer a tremendous influence on the gravity of it between 2011/2013 but, we are estimating that it will not be enough to unstuck your moon from its orbit, with a bit of lucky. The Earth needs his big moon to maintain the natural balance; we will do everything to maintain its orbit as stable as possible. A very large ship coming from Canis Majoris solar system came into your solar system these days and was detected by your infrared telescopes near the sun, which is approx. 30 times the size of your planet. There is parking same distance from the sun than the orbit of Jupiter. This huge craft can help offset effects of gravity on the system depending on his specific location during the passages of the Earth near Nibiru. There is a good stabilization plan in progress. I know you want to ask why this huge ship did not deviate Nibiru from the route to does not pass through the solar system, but I'll answer that, we cannot influence this way the balance of the system, we can only minimize consequences. If Nibiru is diverted, no one knows the greatest consequences this may cause, as future collisions with other systems or other chain reactions in the galaxy. And reiterating, do not forget your governments, which are unknown to us in terms of belligerent intentions, watch your Middle East events.

Question - Mythi, who is actually paying this bill? The large spacecrafts, this whole procedure, your ships and crews, should not be working for free..

- Anyone and everyone, is a kind of joint effort. The Community Galactica has unlimited resources to meet expectations for growth of intelligent beings in the region of the universe where it has the capacity to act, is as "only in theory" should be your "United Nations". When resources are needed to infrastructural, governments have the credits in accordance with the participation of their communities in the general context. There are different scales for any measure the weight of the shares. With respect to the population, each individual gets
what he needs for his personal and professional fulfillment. This is set by the individual. We have not received payments as you here on Earth because all we need we can get. And we do not want what we do not need to be well. In the aspect of support for new colonies, they all do what they can do, without thought of payment. We take great pride in being able to observe and assist the development of equal, nothing can afford it. What would be the development and technology if it were not for help in developing a community as a whole? Every intelligent being must have the opportunity to complete integration in the universal context, within its capacity.

Question - Mike ask: For many years there have been numerous stories coming out of Asia about sightings of off-world craft operating out of underground bases in the Himalayas mountains in the region of the Tibetan plateau. It is said that both the Chinese, who control Tibet, and the Indian authorities are aware of this and collude to keep strangers away from the areas concerned. However, local residents, who are admittedly few and far between, have commented on the activities of mysterious aerial craft. Who are these visitors, if indeed that is what they are, and are they in contact with the Tibetan Llamas or Buddhist religious leaders who are supposedly spiritually advanced and possible, even, descendants of an ancient Earth race?
- Mike, as I mentioned earlier, there were several underground bases and some in surface in the valleys between high and inaccessible mountains built in ancient times and used until nowadays. The Himalayas, for being a great chain of mountains was the perfect place for these operations bases in the East. Some ethnicities like Chinese, Tibetans and other Asian peoples, have their roots in alien races that are constantly watching these colonies, until the present day. That means they are not really descendants, but antecedents. The monasteries and isolated villages are more constant contact sites because, like I'm doing here with you, they also make with them without interference from "authorities" of governments. An existing base in Tibet has been visited by locals, and how these environments have temperatures pleasantly controlled artificially, this gave rise to many local legends, and these natives call them "Shambala," places to have local contacts with philosophers from beyond. The beings of "Shambala" assisted in the construction of temples and monuments. There are monasteries in the mountains that even today with your modern engineering would be virtually impossible to be built. These extraterrestrial races which descended Asians, even today are more mystical than other races in the universe.

- Tell friend Mike that a big Pleiadeans spaceship left yesterday the base Antarctica and is stationary north of a place called the Isle of Man in the North Atlantic, and its secondary crafts are neutralizing the missiles of all military bases in his region. He may have news about it in the next days by the media.

Question - Mythi, I have a curiosity, how long you live?
- Our life expectancy is very high. Our biological science is very advanced; this causes us to live as long as we feel useful. In Earth years, I have 120 but I'm young. The expectation is around 350 years by your measure of time. So, our colonies grow very slowly in terms of people, because we live too much. That is why new colonies are seeded as yours, to have a more significant increase of intelligent beings populating the universe, and why you are so important in this context. We're not afraid of physical death because, it's just a stage for incarnations in more developed communities. When we feel old in spirit, we place ourselves at the disposal of universal force, and after a period of self reflection, we leave our bodies fade from life. This is a mystical stage we go through the physical form to the spiritual, so natural and happy for the mission accomplished. Unless there is an accident or cataclysm, our death is very peaceful and surrounded by joy of long and prosperous life. The crews of ships like ours are considered adventurers who have much more chances of dying in accidents by helping other communities, so we are very well regarded in our society.

Question - Mike ask: What your planet is like?

- Mike, my main planet is a very comfortable place. We have many villages across the planet, but not very large cities. There are roads only in areas where circulating industrial automatic equipment, the rest of the planet they
do not exist because they are not necessary. Our vehicles are all floating. We have abundant energy and a well integrated infrastructural. Plants, flowers and vegetables abound throughout the world and have large farms of fruits from various parts of the galaxy. We have plenty of water also in the form of natural and artificial seas that are home to various qualities of fish that are processed in the form of protein with which we supplement our diet, which is basically fruit and vegetables.

Question - Mike asks: As the fauna consists of your planet? You also have pets?
- Mike, the main planet and in the three colonies, we have many fish, birds and many different types of small lizards. We have many insects such as butterflies that pollinate flowers. We are trying to acclimating a breed of bee that is in South America forests, that does not sting, you know as the "indigenous bee". We have similar species of marine mammals to your dolphins, which maintains the biological balance of our oceans. We have various kinds of shellfish, corals and shells, as well as hundreds of species of tropical fish. About pets, we do not have this custom, the animals living in nature, especially birds, often become accustomed to living among our homes. Marine aquariums are a hobby for some.


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