Friday, February 21, 2014


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Video 15

Answers of an alien from Andromeda - fifteenth video – November 04, 2010.

Question - Mike ask, Mythi, do you know something about three portals that have opened or will open at the equator of the planet Earth, announced by one such "Agency"? If so, what purpose?
- Mike, The only "portal" we know that exists in all the inhabited planets we call it the 11:11 portal, for transfer of beings that are referred to the holding point (next dimension) with the Blue Beings. Of course, any ethnicities of Blue Beings and Light Beings can open portals to the next dimension, but they will never interfere in our physical dimension. Any other type of portal is simply a transport gateway that is a time-space gate, where ships or material will be transferred from one point to another. Some mother ships have the capacity to create a temporary gateway at any specific point to facilitate its operations, it is indeed possible. Was this "Agency" is something to coordinate trips? To us it does not exist. I believe that in these uncertain times, many people will try to predict the events in several ways. If these predictions do not cause widespread hysteria, they are harmless and will not make any difference. Human’s thinkers are skeptical by nature; they believe what the facts are proven beyond doubt. Humans mystics, who left indoctrinate by institutionalized religions and creeds, they will continue to believe in heaven and hell. They will never believe in your reality of facts until they experience the real situations of events. The best and only way to be sure of the facts in, Earthlings case, is to observe the events, day after day. The information I give you unofficially, that's what we know of actual forecasts reported to our fleet or our own observations.
Question - 11:11, I heard about this, what exactly does that? Even I see it almost daily and in hindsight, another coincidence, I was born on 11 and my two children also in 11 days.
- In ancient times when these portals were named, the 11:11 was chosen to represent numerical and visual concept of the passage, one after the other, "1" by "1", to the next dimension, and remain exactly the same being in their individuality, the "1" is the same on the other side. These portals to the next dimension are called 11:11 everywhere because, in any language, means the same concept. Some people have more sensitivity or perceive the presence of this portal more than others but that does not mean any connection imminent with the portal or something like that.
Good answer!
Question - Mike ask, Mythi, what you know about rings of smoke or something like that, that has appeared recently over our cities?
- Well, if they are perfect and moving rings are really spacecraft, with related field of invisibility. This happens when the field is very strong, resulting radiated energy ionizes water molecules at the ends of the fuselage of the ship, forming the unwanted ring. Ionization is so strong that the ring is attached to the ship in motion as a gray cloud charged. It's just a question of adjustment for the relative humidity in the region. They do not realize they are not completely invisible, only if another ship warns them.
Question - Mythi, a curiosity, we have news from astronomers this month of planets practically made of diamond, such crystals are considered precious for you too?
- The diamond crystal is extremely useful. One of the uses is as a natural reagent for the anti-carbon. There are planets, because they faced very strong pressure and temperatures on its formation that cool down almost entirely in the form of diamonds. These planets have no practical use for life, except as a source of diamonds for industrialization. Many diamond meteors clashed with several planets and many of them here in your solar system. It is not considered valuable because there is even in all galaxies and asteroid belts, one can collect large diamond asteroid and lead directly to the industrialization. They are meteors very dangerous because normally reach the ground with all their mass and explode on impact, throwing pieces very hard in all directions.
Well Mythi, if you can, bring some samples as a reminder of some of your travels for my collection of rocks, I appreciate a lot! ((He laughs but, may be?)).
Question - Mythi, the reptilian city on Mars, is by accident in Hale Crater?
- Yes, that's the name you give to the site. It's a big city, with several sectors and residential neighborhoods as well defined as for administrators and workers. There are also large areas of irrigated greenhouses of different types of vegetables and fruits. Any time you will have news of these facilities because this sort of thing does not remain hidden for long.
Question - Mythi, do you know an intergalactic organization called "Star Fleet"? Know someone who might be known as "Earth Councilor is?
- You see, many communities roam here. Anyone can adopt the term "Star Fleet" to refer to their own fleet. Regarding the charge of "Earth Councilors is" who knows, when Earth has been accepted as a member of the Community Galactica as a race you can have a leader who really do justice to this position. Currently, the ones who think that dominates the Earth are your elites, and they have no contact with us, only with reptilians and their Grays for some time.
Question - Mythi, appeared images of extremely thin ones beings walking around here, do you know them?
- As I said, there are humanoids of various types, some breeds of Orion are very thin, some of its tall and lower ones coming regularly examine your plant within continents taking samples and also specimens of Earthworms for acclimatization. They are so thin that when they turn down, they seem to go broke, really are weird. But they are good persons.
Question - We have pictures presented here showing vegetation on Mars, plant life actually exists there?
- There are some types of forests of pines that are highly resilient and adaptable. Now with that warming caused by the generator of atmosphere, plant life will have a considerable increase in the planet. With heating, water from the soil, pass into the atmosphere, causing rain to modify the appearance of the surface quickly.
Question - Mythi, my friend Sammy ask, What are the BEK's..Black Eyed Kids Are they Hybrids?... Aliens?...Demon's?...Vampire's?...or just kids born with deformities per say?? Should we be scared of them?...Do they mean to hurt us?....Why do they need permission to enter a home or vehicle?
- Sammy, I'm a black eye when I use my lenses of luminosity. Perhaps any of you feel anything strange or bizarre to see me with the lenses. I cannot seem to talk during the day without them why your atmosphere, does not protect us from radiation of the sun as we need. There are some races of humanoids so like you, who can move easily without being noticed but, during the day, they must use the lenses. Some of these races are living here studying behaviors and ways of social life. Most of them are from Pleiades. I do not believe that hazard. The problem for you is to look at the black eyes; it induces a sense of unknown and frightening. If they are wearing sunglasses you would talk with them without problems. When the Earthlings began to socialize with other races, these problems will certainly be only in the old memories. If some of them decide to play with you guys, I'm sure that even you see that they are children, you will be frightened. You did not have to fear them. On the next occasion, ask what they want to play and if they want to come in to help you to clean the house! They will flee from you.
Question - Sammy ask: Also...why do dead loved ones come back to visit? I know sometimes they have unfinished business but why else???
- Sammy, please, be sensible. A loved one may even send out good frequencies for helping those who are here with problems, but cannot return or interact with this dimension. If that being has enough lighting (high frequency of aura) can send positive energy to those who left here. If there is a person with a receptive aura in your proximity, that person can even transcribe any message that may be being sent telepathically. It depends on how sensitive the person is. During sleep, if you are with a receptive aura, you may feel or hear any subtle message that someone wants to send you. Imagine that your soul is an air bubble, a very thin air that is trapped in your body. When you die, this frees bubble of air that rises, like a bubble of air rises from the ocean floor. Even if the bubble wants to hold onto the fund not to climb, she cannot. The density difference is so great between the two matters that the bubble will automatically and unconditionally discover the proper place. It is impossible for the bubble to swim to the bottom again.
- The brain is a complex organ that can play tricks, especially when he has not released all its functions as in the case of the Earthlings. Some people may swear that they experience real sensations, but most of the times are the dark desires of the facts that occur, and the brain provides the film when the individual is concentrated on the subject. If the spirits could be here physically to help, the poor black Africans with their 'quimbanda' and 'umbanda', where members of the sects are 'taken' by spirits who can see and do spells to all, could be the kings of the Earth isn't?
Question - Mythi, I am very upset about all this is happening. I do not know how you may be wasting your time with a race as belligerent as ours.
- Precisely because many beings of your race, like you, being pissed about it. Means there are decent and conscious people here in your planet, on which all this worthwhile. Almost 10% of the population of your planet is ready for a new Era of integration with us. 10% is a lot of people! Whether or not you will move to the new Era so, better to be here to do whatever we can to help.


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