Wednesday, March 12, 2014

r_ Reading::: 33 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube

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Video 33

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – thirty-three video – May 12, 2011.

Question, Frogger asks, Is it an evolutionary "default" that all technological beings are only humanoid? Meaning, any beings that are to evolve the ability to travel throughout the stars have to be humanoid to be able to perform functions necessary for this?

- Frogger, this is not true, been humanoid is not a prerequisite for having intelligence. Reptilians, dolphins, insects are not humanoid races, in some cases, highly intelligent beings. There are breeds of descendants of insects that have developed logical intelligence, long before the humanoid. They not had the same rapid development of humanoids by the anachronism inherent of physical characteristics of their breeds. 

But you will know different breeds descended of insects when you guys are integrated into the Community Galactica. They travel very well with their spacecrafts for all galaxies.

Question, Panos asks, our people from the governments that take advantage of millions of peoples slavery, why are they doing this to us? Only for the money or something else that we cannot even imagine? What is your opinion about all these?
- Panos, since the first tribes were introduced in your planet, the interracial differences led to slavery regimes. Much of the time males were removed, and the female, taken to work and forced procreation. This eventually amalgamates several races in the past. The hybrids have become the subservient. Over the ages, the concept of slavery was accomplished by your elites, eager for profits and power, always supported by your church. Even today, your elites maintain the feudal system of government, where they manipulate the masses at the whim of their needs. You, the simple people, are pawns. You are deluded to fight for a false flag, where you will be dying
for the interests of the ruling elite, not for ideals previously touted. Most of you cannot spot it, you were so well conditioned by the times that today, and almost all have lost the ability to trial. You are manipulated to keep them the power, the representatives they want, like puppets in a theatrical circus. The only way to get rid of this vicious cycle is the process that lies ahead. Interpret this as a blessing, finally the end of slavery.
Question, a mate asks, Mythi, knowing that exist societies much more advanced than yours, the possibility exists that you could be wrong because it lacks the level of wisdom necessary to be precise in your answers?
- Mate, the development of any race passes through stages of understanding. It does not work you try to explain the operation of your cell phone to an Indian who lives in the jungle. There is much previous knowledge necessary so he can begin to understand, it would take a long apprenticeship of a new civilization, so that this could happen. You will have the patience to start with the lamp for one day arrives at the satellite. No use you to communicate with beings far more advanced than your brain's ability to understand logic. Be patient; give yourself the time needed for knowledge to flow naturally in your development. I can understand certain logics of beings far advanced, but no longer useful to me because they are not aware that I can apply immediately in my development, because, I cannot be correctly understood the sense, not having yet reached that state of mind . Understood the meaning of my placement?
Question, Ahnic asks, Mythi I would like to know what are the connections between the Egyptians, Dogons and the people of the Sirius Solar system. Is this where Africans come from or are we indigenous to this world?
- Ahnic, African black people were a seeding of an ancient culture Reptilian Amphibian, of a planet in Sirius. They brought the various segments of humanoids that were already acclimated to their planets with comfortable conditions for the reptiles, to create humanoid colonies of workers who follow their designs to develop tasks for the preparation of areas for future colonies. The Reptilians enjoy hot spots and Africa has been chosen by them to the beginning of colonization. We're talking about 7500 years ago. Since this colony was already designated to be a humanoid colony, there was fighting to expel the Reptilians. The people who fought against the Reptilians were Atonians of Andromeda, who were protecting the colonies developing humanoids, especially the initiation of Egyptian colony. They were assisted by units Pleiades who monitored other colonies on the planet. The black races of humanoids, were not part of the set of DNAs brought to the planet for the first settlements were brought in from locations known to this ancient culture Reptilian. It is a totally different segment of DNA. After the expulsion of Reptilians, these black races might be organized into tribes and spread through the African continent.
Question, mate Elizabeth asks, what about music? What kinds of music are around the universe?
- Elizabeth, music is a constant in the universe. All races appreciate any kind of music, both sung and orchestrated. Currently in societies like mine, the songs are all "electronic" as you call them. Do not exist many instruments played, but the creators of good songs are very well regarded. I appreciate much your music played on piano, organ and violin, you have good music creators.
Question, Kiouji asks how you feel the difference between evil and good? How do you know your leaders are not manipulating you or that everything they say is true? You see a lot of Americans think their government is good to them.
- You can feel it, study to understand and be able to judge. If you cannot know beforehand if a leader is good or not, you can see what he is doing and to rebel against what you consider misconduct. The aberrations of conduct for leaders and representatives of a culture, is caused and encouraged by the omission of that culture as a whole. When everything is going very well for a nation and very bad for the neighbor, is a sign that something is very wrong. The growth of any nation based on the detriment of others, is like a disease to a society that shares the same planet. These Americans citizens know exactly what their government is doing with other people for being
"good" for them. They really would rather not think about it because they do not feel directly blamed for the mistakes of the leaders and representatives they have chosen, this is no ambiguity?
Question, Vikram asks, Mythi, I have a friend who claims to be able to see auras, he can tell not only the color but even the size of a person's aura. He said that once a person is spiritually enlightened enough, he can re-incarnate at will in any place in the universe that matches their frequency? He also said that upon a great deal of control over your mind you can free yourself from the cycles of birth and death and become one with the universe and only reincarnating upon your desire? He also said that it is possible to retrieve your memories from previous lives since a part of our essence is in the 4th dimension when we are asleep?
- Vikram, exist sensitive people who may eventually see some of the aura frequency when concentrated. If you disembody and going into the fourth dimension, if you are already a being with full conscience of your sequence of development, yes, you have the chance to choose among the societies that are in your frequency to reincarnate. Mind control does not allow you to park and decide not to reincarnate, the sequence of development exists only in your reincarnation. If he is an intelligent being, he will not want to park while his friends and acquaintances continue to develop. When the mind is relaxed sleeping, it is possible you will receive data sent by someone, but you will not have control of your mind to access your data in the fourth dimension, you will be sleeping. If you say you can see some information from previous lives in a state of deep concentration, there existed a possibility.
Question, Beastman asks, so other systems in the universe have faster and slower time?
- It's pretty much it, as the frequency of vibration of system, you have an organic system clock that drives your whole brain functioning. When we are in a place with frequency very different from ours, everything can seem slower or faster, we must adapt to the site to relate with local people. The time also varies in different locations with respect to the rotation and revolution of the planets in their respective suns. It's like if you could leave in the middle of a conversation after a question, take a shower, and return in time to hear the answer. Very strange at times.
Question, Spyke asks, Mythi, is it promising that the Krulians will be able to slow down Nibiru? If yes, Please explain!
- Spyke, the system Nibiru, is being slowed. But depending on what happens with the route of the "comet Elenin, or if it cause an event of great proportions, they may choose to bypass the system Nibiru, totally out of solar system and then set your original route. This is a plan which we hear, is nothing official. Scientists Community Galactica hardly stir on celestial bodies, but this may be a case where they have to open one exception. As I said, we will be monitoring the entrance of comet its orbital plane to assess the possibilities.
Question, Jonathan asks, why there are Light Spacecraft? Is it true that these are from High Vibration Aliens and why there are metallic, triangular, cigar shaped Spacecraft? Is it true they are from Lower Vibrations like Reptilians and Dracs? Why Pleiadeans are now showing up like Colleen Thomas Wishle blower? Is she a true messenger from Pleiades?
- Jonathan, when the spaceships seem enlightened, is the force field that you really see. This has nothing to do with the frequency of vibration of the race that is using. As I have explained, there are several drawings of spacecraft; each race makes the design suitable to your needs or cultural trends. There are races that are still using secondary spacecraft with auxiliary engines burning jet to aid in maneuvers, because it is tradition to its pilots. You can see the flame discharge when they are sailing at low speeds.
Do not confuse all races reptilians, you cannot generalize. There are reptilian’s races as well as races Gray, advanced and good-natured. They do not agree and do not relate to these races problematic. There were and still
are aggressive races on your own planet, as were the Mongols, Vikings, among others. You still have your mafias, and your aggressive and tyrannical governments, in your own countries. If we were to judge all of you for them, the human race would be a disease to be eradicated. With respect to the Pleiades, I have already said that there are no contacts or spokesman, authorized or known by our fellows Pleiadeans at this time. 

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