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Video 36
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – thirty-sixth video – May 16, 2011.
Video 36
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – thirty-sixth video – May 16, 2011.
Question, Skyfox asks; this is about Dr. Richards Boylan's interview about 2 Galactic meetings with our governments. Is it true?
- I really do not know who this person is, if he intermediated some contact with aliens from your governments, would certainly be Reptilians and Grays. They are the only aliens in association with your governments.
Question, Skyfox asks, When Is Earth going to be a member of the Community Galactica and who will finally represent us? Is Dr. Boylan a sufficient representative of Human race to the community?
- Skyfox, When the time comes for you to be part of the council in the Community Galactica, your leader will not only be appointed, will be analyzed also in his aura, his character and his ability to manage the community. He will not be randomly chosen as leaders today. He will have to be approved by a council to be established here on your planet, which will also include representatives of societies who assisted in the development process in this colony, such as Pleiadeans, Aldebarans, Andromedans, Arcturians, among others. No human will simply call itself representative of the planet without the consent of this council Earthling.
Question, Andrew asks, I was wondering what race the alien being was that was taken by Apollo 20 on the Moon. They called her "Mona Lisa."
- Andrew, reportedly, the ships explored in the your moon, at the time was a great ship Pleiadean very old, and one of his small craft of support of which was removed a body of a pilot. Apparently by the clothes and hair, she belonged to an ancient culture that gave rise to race Atonian of Andromeda. She was part of the crew of a ship of the Pleiades. These two societies worked together a lot back then. This was an ancient race of humanoids from Andromeda 1 billion and a half years ago, now subdivided into dozens of other advanced races of humanoids ethnically the same type that you. It was the race that began subsequently the ancient Saxas civilization on your planet.
Question, Boerborn asks, Mythi you made mention of the deception of the explosion of two buildings by our government in meeting 32, and I know you meant the World Trade Center in New York City on Sept. 11 2001. Do you know what weapon or technique was used to turn these huge buildings all too fine dust? Was it a scalar weapon and or a Torsion wave interference device? Would this explain the cars and trucks with the melted engine block half a mile from these destroyed buildings?
- Boerborn, that was a detonation of explosives placed in advance in synchronism downward for the premeditated demolition of those buildings. The planes used were controlled remotely , apparently with the engines off, and we believe they may have been guided by Reptilians ships that hovered overhead at the time, since strong energy tractor beams were detected in the area at the time of the accident, we just cannot prove this. That was another false flag to the people of that country did not realize the real intentions of the government, justifying the appropriation of resources of the country they wanted to loot.
Question, Billt asks, Mythi, has the forecasted events for this year changed? I live in the west coast of USA. When will major Earth movements be occurring this year? Does alignment with comet Elenin coincide with these events?
- Billt, we are monitoring the events, but your area does not have good prospects in the short term. A great event can happen until October, see, tectonic movements are extremely difficult of predict because there are many variables involved. According to the greater probability geological, the event must start between Asia and the Australian plate, pushing the Pacific plate below the continental plate of North America. When you have news of events across the Pacific, should leave the west coast as quickly as possible.
Question, some mates ask, many visions of UFOs which seem to spawn other UFOs in various parts of the world, as shown in this film made from two different angles of the city, one against, and the other in favor of the sun. What are they and how they do it without changing its physical size?
- Mates, the unit that you are seeing is a regular transfer unit. It is sent to the location of operation of a set of probes and these are transferred by teleportation from mothership deposit to the inside of this unit and that frees them in the sequence. It is the normal process of release of larger probes. Smaller probes can be released directly by service spacecrafts. Does not is duplication of material, is simply a remote exit door.
Question, mate Elizabeth asks, about the radiation... What can be done about it? When the Earth self cleans will it clean itself of the radiation as well? Or is it going to be a much bigger problem than that. Do you know how the radiation will spread? Is it really as bad as some of us fear it might be?
- Elizabeth, the radiation of dozens of nuclear plants that you keep, will be absorbed by the planet in this change Era. Some decontamination steps remaining in some areas are left to the Pleiadeans; they have great techniques for neutralizing residual radioactivity. Both the oil and dirty atomic energy will be a thing from the past in this new stage of the planet.
Question, Cindy asks, Mythi, you mentioned in an earlier video that the people we considered to be affected with Down Syndrome are actually a different breed of humanoids we share Earth with, are Dwarfs and Midgets different breeds too?
- Cyndi, only the Dawns are from a specific planet of humanoids in early development. Other cases are genetic anomalies generated mostly by environmental aggressors during the formation of the fetus. In some cases, an entire society can be affected by the same agent and start generating all individuals with the same feature, as happened in races of pygmies found on your planet. A few Asian pygmy breeds are the result of hybridization by an ancient race of one type of Grays many millennia ago.
Question, Dimitris asks, Mythi, many scientists say that there is no soul and all mind states and cognition are brain function. Is this true?
- Dimitris, for them it is a fact, and for you? Some scientists and some of your physicians become skeptical and come to believe only in the matter as an explanation for life. The non-living matter is an inert mass. The meaning of evolution is exactly the accumulation of knowledge and experience of intelligent beings. It's insane to imagine that there is no a spirit in every living being who builds and improves on the acquired knowledge. But a society has to admit their differences. When these skeptics are about to die, surely they will change their doctrine for fear of becoming just dust.
Question, Dimitris asks, Some scientists says that consciousness and cognition can be explained with neuron firings models but others says that quantum phenomena occurs in our brain and we cannot understand consciousness without them. Is that true?
- Dimitris, the brain is an organ managed by the cosmic energy that is received by the soul's presence in the physical body. All living beings with collective souls or individual souls, they receive the energy and synchronism that are processed by this fantastic quantum biological machine. You can make a supercomputer "think" and solve situations, including programming logic and reason in biomechanical creations, but they will never be living. The soul is really the only part from your being that carries the life with her.
Question, Dimitris asks, some philosophers and scientists say that free will is an illusion. They say all events in universe are deterministic. Others say that there is indeterminism and chaos in universe but we cannot intervene anyway and choose things. Finally others say that simply we cannot understand yet how free will works. Is your civilization dealing with questions like these? Do you have answers for this issue?
- Dimitris, there are pre-defined lines of development for developing societies but the free will of individuals is what regulates this development. In a consumer society like yours, you have to follow a stream of life to be considered a viable member or a piece of gear with almost no self-identity, identity is imposed on you. But in a harmonic development of society, you can use your free will to be yourself. Nobody enforces rules of life in our societies, the free will of human beings with greater power to understanding lead to the creation of harmonious social whole. Everyone is well aware of what is best for each and every one is aware of what is best for your next. It generates understanding, and social welfare. Question, Wayne asks, after 34 video's I am more confused than ever. How long have we been around? Not humanoids but regular humans like us, or what we think is normal. Why are there poor people who either are born that way or just want to live off the hard work of others? What if a person kills him selves by jumping off a building? Do they come back? I have been told I am a people person and I do my best trying to help others. However too many people are losers. Like all that will not like me for saying that. - Wayne, you are as human as long as you were created. Does not is a vague answer, is the real answer. Here on Earth there are spirits who come for thousands of years been developing, and spirits born a few generations ago. Ignorance and lack of perspective leads poor ethnic groups, to generate a lot alike, and this brings to the planet, series of beings in early development. A spirit more experienced, must be born in an environment compatible to its stage of development to continue to grow, others need to have embodied their initial experiences, even bad, to begin a process of development. That does not mean that were not good in other lives, often means that had no previous life. It would be up to society in better, to assist the less fortunate. If not, the society will take this burden on your development because you will get those beings in the form of children to treat them during their slow integration. As this is a very specific time, these beings will be sent to those planets where they have a better chance of development along with 90 percent of your current population that have not reached the level of understanding to stay in this new Era. I hope you understand the answer.
Question, Judy asks, The Christian Bible is widely believed to be from the word of it really as many others believe to be an ET race's attempt to control with some wisdom thrown in to confuse and control the masses?
- Judy, your Bible, among other scriptures from other ethnic groups all contain very similar concepts, is the result from romanticizing texts left by descendants of the original races from outside the Earth as guides for these races seeded this new colony. These writings were passed down from generations to generations by millennia, each society adapting to their reality and morality. Your zodiac has always been adapted to mean deity, and this concept is used until today by your religion. Say that a word spoken in a just society is the word of God, that is, societies have created their own sense of justice and divinity, nothing was written or dictated by a God, but a conclusion developed by their own sons, the small bits of him.
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