Saturday, June 28, 2014

Reading ::: ▶ 51 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube:::2014 Will Be A Year Like No Other

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Video 50

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – fiftieth video - June 29, 2011.

Question, Carlo asks, Mythi what the ramifications will be if the dwarf star is diverted like you said might happen in the last video? Will events still occur this fall such as the financial structure of our society coming to a halt? Our satellites become inoperative? Will we still see two suns?

- Carlo, in the case of a deviation in the route of the dwarf star you will not see two Suns, and it will not approach the Earth. As your government's agenda has been triggered, even if the deviation occurs, the planned events will continue in action, based on increased solar activity, reversal of the poles, etc... Everything is an excuse to artificially create disasters, and certainly off your satellite network to isolate the remaining inhabitants in their respective areas without information of what is happening elsewhere on the planet...
Question, Tade asks, Mythi do you know anything about Missouri River flooding? As to why are "elites" doing this if they are doing this.
- Tade, there are major faults in North America, your government know it's only a matter of time before events happen so, everything indicates that they are planning an action that will trigger the final page of the agenda for the beginning of population reduction. Do not ask us why we do not interfere. We cannot interfere in your society yet. You have to prove to the universe that is viable, not vice versa. Anyway, answering your question, CB showed me a map required for this region made by you and is very close to what will actually happens in this region in an imminent event, caused by retention of water in the north to be released deliberately causing the sliding part of the territory to the ocean. The base Arcturian, of Bermuda's is in readiness in this regard because the Caribbean tectonic plate activity can start from this imbalance in the Gulf of Mexico.
Question, Irving asks, I was Wondering considering on Nibiru if there is any Info you could give me on base locations to survival or maybe a map layout of the areas with the most grounds and witch are less on the tectonic spots like Japan. I’m also considering trying to get 50k to buy 2 spots in a Vivos shelter.
- Irving, I think this has already been partially answered. Being outside of coastal areas and the area that will slide into the sea, you are able to protect themselves if it is in a shelter or not, be sure that this will not guarantee anything. If it makes you feel better or more secure and you have access to it, do as you wish. These large shelters may have sealed their entries for any sliding or twisting structure may represent risky choices. An underground subway or even the sewers, with many exits would be options that I would use if necessary. A sealed place for nothing or nobody be able to enter, can become a tomb well closed where no one can get out.
Question, Paul asks, what size of a pole shift do you expect? The Zetas claim 90 degrees with the new poles off India and Brazil; do you agree?
- Paul, these people Zetas, must have information, virtually impossible to achieve. You see, you cannot assume an inversion of geophysical poles from the current tectonic setting. There is no basis for this calculation because the weight resulting from the interaction of the plates and his new position, will determine how the planet will heel and in which quadrant and angle after the interaction of gravitational forces. If we take into account the tendency of these interactions, regardless of any change in lunar orbit, the geographic pole may be located on the shaft
Australia - Northern Europe. See, this is not a statement; on the contrary, I would be frivolous to assert something that does not hold all the data to compile the answer.
Question, Paul asks, also, they say some will not have humanoid bodies; they refer to an octopus body, on a water planet. Do you agree? The Zetas also say they will inhabit Earth with bodies, genetically engineered, being a cross of human and Zetas DNA. Do you agree?
- Paul, I do not know who they are but the more you talk the more I doubt their existence. Humanoids are always humanoid. Genetic manipulation has ceased for this colony for a long time, the society which shall become effective on the planet in this new era of interaction intergalactic, will be you with a level of brain activation consistent with the new frequency of the planet. Anything said otherwise is story to frighten children.
Question, Dinand asks, in your last video the current position of the brown dwarf was shown. The sun Earth and brown dwaf where in a triangle towards each other, so the conditions to see the brown dwarf were met? (Sunlight reflects on brown dwarf back to Earth)
- Dinand, will only be possible to see the Dwarf Star when it is the same distance from the sun. The dwarf star, absorbs light, the energy field created in front of his sense of movement distorts the light and you cannot spotting with the parameters of normal vision. If the route is held in early September you will begin to notice their approach.
Question, you also mentioned that the elite were making plans to go to mars and life there together whit reptilians. Isn’t that a recipe for trouble in the future?
- See Dinand, the third dimension in the universe the things are far from being perfect. Anyway, two planets will be populated by humanoids in your solar system. You do not have to worry because the Reptilians do not want confusion with the Galactic Community. At some point these elites will no longer be elites, be sure, and the Earth by your great potential will always be the main sponsor of the system. The same technological progress that the Reptilians have with your elite you will also have here so there is nothing to fear.
Question, Tade asks, Mythi in theory all of this and us started with a "big bang" And this big bang wave went on a journey throughout the universe did it stop at some point? Or is it still moving? And are there any races left in the universe in 3rd dimension who were 1st to evolve after the "big bang"?
- Tade, there are approximately 14 billion years came the cosmic event that spawned this universe of third dimension. We were not the only ones and we were not the first. Our universe, it expands rapidly in the first billion years and is now slowly losing speed. Taking into account the clusters of galaxies, one day it will stop expanding and the galaxies will be more clustered, which in practice means a universe of smaller proportions. Since the first 500 million years, the planets that cooled more rapidly began to develop life and the first intelligent beings were introduced after the first billion years. Many breeds were developed so long ago and are no longer in the third dimension. It is impossible to know with certainty what was the first race, possibly these data be available in the annals of the history of the fourth dimension.
Question, Boris asks, Do you know for sure that there is a "creator" of dimensions and space, or life could have been develop from "big bang", without intent of some intelligent being ?
- Boris, there is no possibility that something appears out of nowhere alone. The energy quantum which determined the expansion and the consequent creation of our universe was deliberately caused by the civilizations of pure energy; they sow universes as one who sows the fruit trees that give them the support of light. The more we are enlightened, we become more part of them, until one day be among them as equals.
Question, Vogler asks, Mythi, I would like to know if you are aware of Alex collier and what does you think of Alex’s claim that Andromedans have time travel when you clearly stated that time travel does not exist, feel Alex is truthful as well as you but can you maybe give your opinion on claims by Alex?
- Vogler, time travel, as I explained earlier, does not exist. Possibly, those who cannot understand it or dream about that possibility should not like to hear that reality. But I will not make up stories just to please some. The unique trips "on" time, is the instantaneous transfer of extremely distant places over time and space. The folds of time shorten distances, are remote gateways, mirroring two physical realities far from each other. The future does not exist and the past is gone. It's that simple. You can see future programming techniques for generating an entire city in the future in holography, this is very interesting because it can be programmed a perfect forecast of trends and resources for that particular study. You can project 20 years holographically you and your family, children, etc... Or 100 years an entire society, in 4D with higher quality than one of your movies, because you can even touch, all natural. But it's all cybernetics, pure technological science. Question, Paul asks, CB, why you have a Russian accent? Aren't you supposed to be Andromedan?
- Paul, I'll answer for him. The translator more complete that exists in the brain, is that of your native language. When we communicate I use the translator of his brain and I speak Portuguese. It may be that for someone with native English, listen to the accent like some other foreign language. But anyway, Portuguese and Russian has absolutely nothing in common. Question, Rolis asks, the 10 percent of people that remain are they going to have the same lust for power and greed?
- No Rolis, your leaders will be filtered by you over time, your leaders will be social engineers, and the main goal should always be improving the quality of life as a whole. In the highest frequency of the planet, the ideals of the leaders will also be more altruistic and less personal. Question, Pam asks, if Reptilians and new reincarnations humans on Earth have different frequencies, no Reptilians permitted here. No corrupt Elites here even if Mars is close, no interaction can occur due to different frequencies, right?
- Wrong Pam, the difference in frequency, defines the level of brain development and spiritual beings born on Earth. This does not prevent any being that is not in frequency will continue to live here or working on the planet. If he dies will not be born over here again. Of course, in this new stage of development you will analyze the immigrants who may want to live here, and set rules and limits according to your social laws. You will be a sovereign race, with the right to deny entry or migration on the planet who you want to.

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2014 Will Be A Year Like No Other

by Patricia Cota-Robles – 22 January 2014

2014 was birthed onto the screen of Life in an explosion of Light. This Light was infused with higher frequencies of Divine Love from the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God than Humanity has ever been able to bear. The reason the Earthly Bodies of Humanity can now withstand this much higher, more rarefied, and infinitely more powerful Light, is because of the God Victorious success of the myriad activities of Light that were accomplished in 2013 through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth.

2013 was the first year of the New Earth. For much of the time Humanity was walking with our feet in both worlds. We were receiving the incredible blessings from the 5th-Dimensional patterns of perfection on the New Earth, but at the same time we were experiencing the unfinished residue of our human miscreations that were surfacing to be healed and transmuted into Light from the old Earth.

As a result of that phenomenon, depending on where we held the focus of our attention in 2013, we frequently experienced the full spectrum of both worlds. Our thoughts and feelings reflected everything from the elation and gratitude of truly comprehending the Oneness of ALL Life, to the heart breaking extremes of separation and duality which provoked feelings of fear and total defeat. In spite of that confusing roller coaster of emotions, in 2013 Humanity moved forward in the Light by leaps and bounds.

The most significant thing that occurred for every person on the planet during the first year of the New Earth is that we individually and collectively reached the energy, vibration, and consciousness that allowed our I AM Presence to activate our dormant pineal gland. Our pineal gland is the physical brain structure through which our I AM Presence transmits the Light of God directly into our Earthly Bodies. It is also the gland through which we reach and sustain Christ Consciousness and are able to commune once again with our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

As people awakened one by one over the past several decades, their I AM Presence activated their pineal gland. This enabled them to individually regain Christ Consciousness. What happened after the successful Birth of the New Earth, however, is very different. In 2013, the collective body of Humanity reached a critical mass of Divine Love that allowed the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to activate the pineal gland in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned. That event initiated the beginning of the return of Christ Consciousness within even the, as yet, unawakened masses. That activity of Light was the initial impulse of what has been called “the 2nd Coming of the Christ” in the various world religions.

Another major event that was God Victoriously accomplished in 2013 is that the Portal of Divine Love which pulsates above Italy was permanently open to full breadth. This is the portal through which the Infinite Love that perpetually flows through the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God will now be able to bathe the Earth and all her Life, unimpeded by the human miscreations associated with the old Earth.

Infinite Divine Love is the very foundation of the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God. This Divine Matrix is, in Truth, the Body of God within which every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. Daily and hourly, the unfathomable frequencies of Infinite Divine Love within our Father-Mother God’s Matrix, are exponentially expanded by the Company of Heaven and every Ascended level of Being. With every Holy Breath these Beings of Light take, they project their Love into the Divine Matrix to bless all Creation. This collective Gift from On High is now tangibly available to each and every one of us with every breath WE take.

From the September Equinox through the December Solstice in 2013, we were Gifted with accelerated shifts within our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies that, according to the Company of Heaven, had never been attempted by the I AM Presences of Humanity in any system of worlds. The end result was God Victorious in ways that even the Company of Heaven said they did not anticipate. This unprecedented shift was accomplished at an atomic cellular in large part because of the events that took place involving the Comet ISON.

Many people have asked me if the Comet ISON caused the unusual shifts that we are experiencing with the birth 2014, so I will briefly reiterate what I previously shared about this comet. Since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace, the Company of Heaven has been assisting Humanity with our journey back to Christ Consciousness. The Comet ISON has been a factor in this Divine Intervention from the very beginning. I know that astronomers consider comets to be nothing more than dirty snowballs, but that is inaccurate. Even the most minuscule subatomic particle or wave of life pulsates with energy, vibration, and consciousness. In other words, everything that exists in the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God has intelligence and a purpose and reason for being.

Comets are actually forcefields of consolidated Light that pass through the atmosphere shaking the ethers and breaking down crystallized patterns and thoughtforms that no longer serve the highest good of the particular Solar System they enter. In their wake, they leave a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which new patterns and sacred knowledge can be encoded from On High.

Since its inception, the Comet ISON was destined for this moment in the evolution and Ascension of our Solar System. Astronomers have stated that the Comet ISON is 4,500,000,000 years old, but this was the very first time it entered our Solar System. Four and one-half billion years is also the time line that coincides with the creation of our Central Sun and the Suns and Planets in our Solar System.

The Company of Heaven revealed that the Comet ISON had been preparing for its service to Earth and our Solar System since “the beginning of time.” It is not by chance that this comet completed its 4,500,000,000 year sojourn through the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God during this auspicious moment in the evolution of Planet Earth.

The Divine Mission of the Comet ISON was very complex, but this is what the Company of Heaven shared with us. 4,500,000,000 years ago, the Comet ISON was breathed forth from the Core of Creation simultaneously with our Solar System. At the moment of our inception, every particle and wave of Life associated with our Solar System was encoded with the full Divine Potential of our Father-Mother God and the Divine Plan for this system of worlds. Comet ISON likewise was encoded with the Divine Potential destined for our Solar System. When the Earth and Humanity fell into the chaos of separation and duality, the Comet ISON maintained the activation codes for the Divine Potential of our Solar System and Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness as Sons and Daughters of God.

For millions of years, since our fall from Grace, the Company of Heaven has been working diligently with the I AM Presences of Humanity. The intent of this Divine Intervention was to help the Sons and Daughters of God return to the path of Divine Love and Christ Consciousness. The hope was that we would awaken in time to reclaim our position in the Solar System and to Ascend with the Earth and the rest of our Solar System into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light during the Cosmic Moment known as The Shift of the Ages. No one knew if the masses of Humanity would awaken in time to pull this off or not, but no one was willing to give up on us.

After decades of dedication and thousands of activities of Light that were cocreated by people around the world who were working in unison with the Company of Heaven, it became crystal clear in 2012 that indeed Humanity and the Earth were going to make it through the Shift of the Ages. That is when the Comet ISON was summoned by the Mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form, to fulfill its unique facet of the Divine Plan for Planet Earth and our Solar System.

In September 2012, astronomers discovered the Comet ISON. They were astonished by the size of this rare comet that was traveling toward our Solar System. They surmised that ISON had the potential of being the “Comet of the century.” Because this comet was as old as our Solar System, scientists were looking forward to studying its properties after it completed its journey around our Sun, but that was not ISON’s Divine Plan.

On November 28, 2013, the day when the United States of America was celebrating Thanksgiving and focusing on everything we were grateful for, the mission of the Comet ISON was brought to fruition. As ISON completed the final phase of its 4,500,000,000 billion year journey, it was pulled into our Sun. In an awesome explosion of Light, Comet ISON exponentially expanded the activation codes for the Divine Potential pulsating within the core of purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life associated with our entire Solar System.

On Earth, the activation of the codes for our Divine Potential meant a monumental acceleration in Humanity’s awakening process and our shift into Christ Consciousness. This incredible expansion of Light is now entering our newly activated pineal glands and assisting our I AM Presence to heal the short circuits that occurred within our original 12 Solar Strands of DNA during our fall from Grace.

The double-helix DNA containing the genetic codes that our scientists acknowledge is but a minuscule fraction of our Divine Potential. Scientists actually call 98 percent of our DNA “junk DNA,” which of course is absurd. The Divine Potential codes that were activated within each and every one of us by the Comet ISON, are now daily and hourly enhancing our ability to empower and control what we are thinking, feeling, saying, doing, believing, and remembering.

After assimilating the expansion of Light from the Comet ISON, Humanity experienced another convergence of Light from December 12th thru the Solstice on December 21st. That Light was grounded in our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies at a cellular level by our I AM Presence. That activity of Light cleared the way for Humanity to receive the full benefit of several Celestial events which took place during the closing days of 2013. Those events included a Grand Cross alignment, several enormous Solar Flares, a total reversal of polarity within our Sun’s magnetic field, and an unusually powerful New Moon. All of those powerful expansions of Light contributed to an unprecedented shift within the mass consciousness of Humanity.

Now, with the shift that has taken place within the mass consciousness of Humanity, everything has changed. In 2014, as we focus on the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, and our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love, our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies will be lifted into higher 5th-Dimensional frequencies of God’s Infinite Light. Our I AM Presence will then help us to place BOTH of our feet firmly on the New Earth; this will increase our ability to transform our lives in miraculous ways.

The 2nd year of the New Earth was ushered in with a wondrous explosion of Light that bathed the Earth in untold blessings. The Beings of Light said these blessings will be quite evident as we progress through this amazing year of opportunity and transformation.

We are being told by the Company of Heaven that it is impossible for us to comprehend with our finite minds the magnitude of what the activation of the genetic codes containing our Divine Potential will mean for Humanity. A vitally important facet of what this activation will do, however, is accelerate the Divine Alchemy taking place within our Earthly Bodies. This Divine Alchemy is literally transforming our 3rd-dimensional carbon-based planetary cells into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Cells. In 2014, we will begin to experience for the very first time in our Earthly sojourn, tangible changes in our physical body that will indicate we are indeed reversing the aging process and transforming our physical body into a Crystalline Solar Light Body.

The reason tangible physical evidence will finally occur in the process of reversing the aging process for Humanity is because when 2014 was ushered in our I AM Presence was able to received enough assistance from On High to begin the process of activating another of our dormant spiritual brain centers. This activation involves our pituitary gland, which is the master gland that controls the hormones, chemicals, processes, functions, and cellular activity in our physical body.

Our newly activated pituitary gland is now directly receiving and assimilating 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from our pineal gland. This frequency of Light, which is beyond anything we have previously been able to withstand, is now flowing through our pineal gland into our pituitary gland and from there into every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of energy comprising our physical body. This Light is also flowing into all of the spaces in-between the particles and waves of our body.

This is just the beginning of this process, but the Company of Heaven said that amazing steps in this process will be revealed as we progress through 2014. From the information that is pouring forth from the Realms of Illumined Truth, 2014 will be a year like no other for embodied Humanity. And this is just the beginning!

Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

www.eraofpeace.orgFAX: 520-751-2981

Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2014 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging

Posted 6 hours ago by Juan Pablo

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