Friday, March 7, 2014

r_READING:::28 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube

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Video 28
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – twenty eight video – May 05, 2011.

Question, a mate ask, what are they really doing with the LHC? the Hadron Collider? Is it a stargate? Are aliens helping with the construction of this facility?
- Interesting question, these attempts to subdivide protons, by impact of particles is a tremendous effort of your scientists to understand the intrinsic formation of matter. They will not have time to reach reasonable conclusions with this method, but the effort is very commendable. Multidimensional elementary particles are the principal link of creating everything in the universe; they are constant in our universe as much as in the parallel universe to ours, served by black holes as valves for the power compensation between them. In fact, your scientists want, in practice as well as understand the mechanics of formation of the universe, understand the possibilities of
production of antimatter. Will not come to any practical results with this system, but science is a succession of small understandings. Through enormous mental development, found in breeds such as the "Old fathers, " Quantum Science is a simple mental manipulation, they can deal with the elementary particles, mentally, a fantastic thing. They can produce anti matter and encapsulate the foolproof way. They are enlightened beings beyond our understanding; our races will still get there one day. If your scientists to have time for more attempts, would reach the conclusion that without the mental strength will not achieve any practical results in this field. On a scale of zero to 100, the Terrains arrive up to 6 on the scale of development and brain activation, compared to the "Old Fathers". A long way to go. Alien scientists would not waste time with these techniques. Scientists Reptilians or Gray’s races connected with them, do not produce anti-matter, and cannot provide for Earthlings because these units are extremely controlled and they do not like to have them confiscated by the Community Galactica. This is an initiative of your scientific community, a very valid attempt within the limitations of your society and mental capacity.
Question, Pedro ask, you know anything about two or several large energy type bubbles or fields traveling before or after Nibiru that will hit the Earth?
- Peter, there is, and as I said in our previous conversation, a big spaceship and a few minor ships are sailing near the Nibiru system with scientists from the Community Galactica. They are with the energy fields and invisibility connected, because a small asteroid belt and rocks that follows orbiting the system. That should do it, which may have been detected by you.
Question, - Mythi, Katima mate a question about a sound that was heard for nearly 20 minutes in South Florida - U.S., on March 9, I recorded to show you, about this type of huge rumbling noise. He stopped after a blinker light. Had you an idea of what could be?
- Katima See, some things I do not have permission to comment but, is already past, fine. During the beginning of March, a large mother ship of the Arturians installed a research base in the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. The noise is a resonance of the force field of a very large ship with the ground. The ship is slightly larger than the island of Cuba. They installed a seismological base, and support for operations. When you saw the light, was the departure of the mother ship out of the atmosphere. Like our ship, it uses the same system that I showed earlier, when you see the light is because the ship is giving power and leaving.
Question - Our mate Davison asks what are the crystal skulls, found in several places on the planet?
- Davison, these skulls were made thousands of years by an ancient race from the Pleiades, which also made the star map on your Central America with the stone spheres. They made some of these skulls, but they are all exactly alike. They are transponders, molecularly programmed into your crystal quarts, for communication of mental frequencies. They were used to remotely send knowledge, to the leaders of certain cultures in regional development planned for them here on the planet. It seems that only one of the originals has been found in your Central America. Others remain missing and stored even in tombs and altars made of rock, where its resonance frequency cannot be detected. They existed in the ruins "Saxas" in Turkey, Asian temples, and a few more in South America.
Question, our mate Vphothisan ask, what kind of clothe do you wear? How come most of these aliens seen caught on videos or pictures appears to be naked all the time?
- Interesting question, see, humanoids with your body type, like me, most Pleiadeans, most Aldebaran, most Sirius, all humanoids of the same strain of DNA, using clothing and outfits. The strain of humanoid type Grays, do not use clothes, in places not physically aggressive to their formation, the Earth for example. They have a thicker skin type, with an advanced irrigation system; it keeps body temperature stable within a wide range of ambient temperatures. They are just so different from us in the original formation.
Question, our mate Eros asked, about our galaxy and being outwards in the spiral arm and how close the Earth sits to its sun, is there many colonies that are close to travel between as you get closer to the center?
- Look Eros, the denser is the part of the galaxy, the more solar systems orbiting integrated. There are so close binary star systems, which allow small ships to travel to any planet of both systems, without needing the portals of transport. There are so many systems in our two galaxies, which I know neither one percent of all societies that populate these planets. I will need many lifetimes to accumulate this knowledge.
Question, our mate Jas asks, Mythi when an animal dies like cats or dogs, do they also go to the 4th dimension? And then reincarnated as different animals?
- Jas, as I mentioned earlier, the animals have a collective soul, has no individual souls as intelligent beings. When they die, they return to their collective souls, returning to be reborn in their specific strains. If there are crosses of different breeds of animals, species merge into a new collective soul that may receive including members of the original races. In this new Age, the animals are also affected by the refinement of the aura of the planet, will only remain here less aggressive species, both domestic animals such as wild animals, including insects. All species not adapted to the new environment will migrate to the planets, where the ecosystem allows for their livelihood.
Question, Todor asked, Mythi, is eruption of Yellowstone volcano the worst thing that Nibiru System can cause to the Earth, or it could be even worse?
- Todor, a erupts in Yellowstone and other large volcanoes that will be formed in openings tectonic plates would be a big disaster but the pull of Nibiru system in your oceans, raising the waters in its tangent, this will be the main event cleanup of the planet. You see, the intruder system, raises the waters hundreds of feet and the Earth with its rotation, makes this water go over everything in its power, literally washing the planet with water and salt. The higher ground may be the single point of survival on land. In the open ocean, also exists the possibility of survival, depending on the region. The underground shelters if they are well designed, can withstand the passage of this water well, since they do not end permanently below it, after the tectonic rearrangement.
Question, Todor asked, Mythi, you said that only around 10% of people will stay at the Earth in this New era, because they will have the new frequency. The rest 90% of us will be killed by cataclysms caused by Nibiru System or we will die just after 21.12.2012, because we do not have the new frequency?
- Todor, you got it wrong, I said that 10 percent will stay embodying this new era, if you do not have the correct frequency and stay alive, in 30, 40 or 50 years you will die and go to your place of duty, which could be on Earth or another site more appropriate for your development. The one's death in this process who are in the correct frequency range, will be the ones who will be waiting in the aura of the planet a chance to incarnate the planet Earth again.
Question, a mate asks Mythi, the luck exists? Are there people supposed to have good luck and a good live, while others are supposed to have bad luck and all kinds of bad things happening to them? The karma exists? If you did something wrong in your past life, you have to pay it in the next one?
- Look, do not confuse luck with random coincidences. Luck is a strange word for me; I understand the meaning but not the reason. In fact, everything is in tune with your aura, quantum speaking. If your aura is not good, your body will not be. Your mind controls an energy field around you. It's like a force field, may attract frequencies attuned to it, which can be good or bad. If you were born in a community that can give you the opportunity to develop is because your gene led you incarnate in that society. You can develop; park or regress depends only on you as a person. This is called freewill. What you call it karma, is simply the load of your aura which will attract exactly what you're attuned to it. When it says, "like attracts like" is exactly what happens with your energy field. The smoke from burning oil bothers you, but the gentle smoke of incense you like. It's the difference between the
dark aura, and aura of light. In other words, Karma is the direct result of the condition of your aura. You can have a good life in this incarnation to have been born in a golden cradle, but may regress to the point of return at the next like a miserable amid miserable. Everything depends on you and your conscience in the context of universal coexistence, where it is for the most developed, to assist those less spotting for showing them the right direction to follow.

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