Monday, March 10, 2014

r_ Reding:::File::: ▶ 31 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube

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Video 31

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – thirty-first video – May 09, 2011.

Q: Mythi Katima have some doubts about some contacts from a race which possesses some 4,000 followers:
1 - I am Nibara, I have before me a message which represents that it is from the Pleiadeans High Council. Is this correct?

-A:  Katima, we are always in contact with Pleiadeans, we have a good relationship with them. Does not any council Pleiadeans is in contact with your society at this time.

2 - When you see some spaceship land the correct protocol and greeting is: "It is the manner and custom when entering my space to ask permission." "I am of Earth. I am sovereign. I am an equal. You may not interfere with me."

- There is no procedure or compliance of approach to communicate with them or with any particular alien.

3 - Under no circumstances is anyone to go aboard any spacecraft. This is a way to entrap you, and it will be interpreted as you having given your tacit permission. Simply say, "No. I am staying on this Earth. I do NOT give you my permission. Is it correct?

- No Pleiadeans will ask you to board the ship, in case of any race want to take some of you would not ask anything, simply immobilize you and take without delay. Therefore, this kind of description of "procedure" is not true.

4 - A person has given us directions on proper greetings (per the Andromedans) that we are to use with all ET's. Humans that attend a formal function of a galactic event must introduce themselves by first: standing square, you bow, never taking your eyes off of them and you say: "It is the manner and custom when entering my space that permission is asked. “Is it correct?

- No strain of Andromeda that we know, needs any introduction to you, this colony is well known, and they can request the database of the Community Galactica, or through some regional monolith, any information concerning your societies.

5 - Some Zetas say that "they are telepathic and can tune into any and every human mind on Earth! Is it possible?

- Contact via telepathy with you, does not work both ways, I can hear your response but you hardly hear my question, because your brain has no activation needed to fully enable this function. A few humans on your planet can do this, because there are exceptions to every development, actually only a few dozen people. Mental control of a population by telepathy is a complete and totally unfounded utopia.

6 - Mythi...surely you know what type of aliens abducted Betty and Barney Hill and if they were benevolent or not?

- About abductions, as I said, there are races that have used your DNA to correct problems of development, there are Gray races that make genetic crossing experiments between your line of humanoid with them, seeking a stronger race physically speaking, and Grays others, working for the reptilians this same line of research. Typically, they take samples from several of your strains for these experiments, but usually all they need are samples. Your government provides human beings, to the experiences of pregnancy of hybrids in laboratories that keeps on underground facilities. They provide that to the reptilians among other races who request such a procedure. Your government has a specific department for that especially in underground bases in North America. After these agreements, the need for abduction of humans by these races fell almost to zero.

7 - These Zeta aliens say "Their planet is long dead and they have been living by artificial means for eons.

- On this race, Zeta Reticule, I never heard speak. Races that live in spaceships because they lost their planets, is something that no longer exists long ago. Currently, the Community Galactica has the knowledge to prepare
planets, in appropriate areas of solar systems to receive new settlements or relocation without major problems. Some breeds like the Krulians live in their huge ship at its option; they are self sufficient in everything they need for the survival of their society. Do you provide a name and a story, but it is very difficult to identify some of these pseudo breeds you mention without any relevant details about them.

8 - The leader of this group has allowed an implant to be placed inside her brain. The reason given to the leader by the alien is because an implant will help her to understand what the Zetas are telling her. This leader said that the Zetas told her the humans should not care on this implants.

- Does not exist any race, with the name you want to, planning to deploy ships of recognition in your population, any such initiative would not be permitted by the Community Galactica, because it would be direct interference in the stability of the new colony. Who is citing that possibility certainly is exploring possibilities of rumors of your own government try this technique with your citizens to control the masses.

9 - They state, likewise the genetic engineering done in the past on mankind is not a secret, and as engineers charged with the current leap for mankind, we have been privy to all the info we desire in this area!" is it possible?

- No race will be able to manipulate the Earth humans genetically, not more. This kind of promise has no foundation. The Earth has reached a stage in which the society will be declared a race. If other races will live with you, here or elsewhere, creating hybrids, this will be the result of your entry into this new stage, where your race will live with other races alike, without any restriction or imposition.

10 - Should I be afraid of these Zeta aliens for not trusting them and asking too many questions about their motives? Will the Zetas hunt me down or any other humans that disagree with them? It sickens me to think that I have none of my thoughts that are my own! Have we no protection against this invasion? What are the good aliens doing to stop this action of prying into our minds?

- About that, I think I already answered the previous questions, no race will directly interfere with you, this is a point fully defined. Does not technical or practical possibility of that happening because you are under full surveillance of different races in this re-start of the planet. Do not waste your time worrying about it.

- You see, every one of you can channel your hopes, believing that want to. Four thousand people is nothing compared to the hundreds of millions who still believe in heaven and hell!

Question, Cindy asks, Mythi....Were the Krulians asked to study the Nibiru system for the benefit of the humanoids on Earth? If the answer is yes please explain why.

- Cindy, the Krulians work for several races in our galaxies. For millennia they have participated in various actions to support the Community Galactica. They give much value for the consideration, that their race has, in all solar systems, is always welcome. Assist the establishment of the first humanoid official colony in your solar system, first of all for them is an honor.

Question, Cynthia asks, what I would really like to know is if it’s possible for us to contact this extra terrestrial soul ourselves and if yes, how? How are you doing this and why don’t they communicate with our government to tell them what they are telling us?

- Cynthia, as I explained earlier, my contact with you is purely informal; I answer the questions to be in parallel, studying this new colony led by my academic curiosity. I theoretically could not be having these contacts, but as I am not trying to impress any new philosophy, just answering your questions, I am not in any way hindering the
context of my mission, nor changing the finalization of this new Era. We cannot directly contact your governments, because they are not considered your legal representatives face the Community Galactica. We have no license to interfere in your history, especially in this late age when you must prove you are a consolidated race, to unite this colony, to the other communities. Only when the troubles begin next year, we can have the order to interfere in any way, do not ask how because I cannot answer at this time by not having this information. In your area there will be changes as the entire planet, but it is important you be aware that your chances will always depend on the frequency of your aura, or of yourself.

Question, Zetareticuli asks, are there some humanoids forbidden to reincarnate because of bad or evil behavior? Will the evil ones be punished?

- Zeta, nobody is prevented from reincarnate; on the contrary, they are compelled to do so by their frequency of aura. You imagine that a spirit that has enjoyed a comfortable life in this current stage, as he will feel good, back to the dark ages? Does not will be a private hell? Having the genes loaded with subliminal memories, and be living in an environment totally out of context? It will take a life well disgusted with his condition; will be "paying" with many incarnations to return to this point again.

Question, Zetareticuli asks, also, will family members, such my children and spouse, follow me to the new frequency or will we be separated forever out of phase? Will we reunite and recognize each other one day in eternity? Do you know?

- Zeta, if you discarnate together, you can be together during the same period of time in the aura of the planet, the fourth dimension. In this case, the earliest you can choose between going to their place of duty or follow the less enlightened of his family in an area of lower frequency. You can choose to step down, since you are absolutely sure of what you will do. Like all your memories will be available in the fourth dimension, now what do you think can be very different than going to want to do when you can see your path as a whole.

Question, Carlos asks, I would like to ask if time travel is possible for aliens or any other race that you know of and if yes how?

- Carlos, I do not know how this question had not done before. You did! This is a very common question everyone would like to be able to do this at least once in their lifetime. See, the past as the term says, it's happened. The only things left over from the past are the images that travel through space until dissipates and mental frequencies that may be bouncing in the aura of the planet, until they disappear too. Back to the past is a dream theory, it is not possible. When we say "time travel" means what happens in the folds of time and space that are generated through the portals of transport. When you are about 400 light years away and can be transferred here immediately, in a split second, you are traveling in time, in your present. The future and your present is a line of continuity, there is no travel time to the future because the future will be, not yet. There are no time travelers to the past and the future as you romance, yes there is, the journey at the present time with no time, regardless of the relationship between time and space involved. When you travel between systems of very different frequencies, lead to disparities as 10 minutes on my system, here representing two months or two years somewhere else, that kind a disparity in time just does not happen when you transfers instantly.

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