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Video 56
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – fifth six video - August 03, 2011.
Mythi, Maya, Paul, and some other mates are asking about more details
on Elenin and the Dwarf Star, could you clarify this matter?
Ok mates; let’s be a little more specific.
Comet Elenin (Blue Kachina)
Type: Solid core with medium diameter 4.5km (2.8 miles).
dust and gases with 74,000 km of density influence. After crossing the
asteroid belt capturing more material (asteroids and dust) will increase
the diameter of the coma for approx. 100,000km (62,500 miles).
Average speed: 53,700 miles per hour.
Proximity with Earth: approx. 37,500 miles during October/2011.
Dwarf Star – Nibiru (Red Kachina)
Solar system with six major planets orbiting, with a total diameter of
approx. 170,000km (106,000 miles). Mass: approx. 3.5 x Jupiter mass.
Average speed: 22,000 miles per hour.
Proximity with Earth: approx. 10,800,000 miles possible during November 2011.
believe that the restraints provided by Krulians in the Dwarf Star
weeks ago, released literally the core of the planet that was traveling
on its gravitational force, which is now approaching the first as "comet
Elenin". See the Community Galactica does not communicate all decisions
taken; it communicates only the timings of events when they were
finally defined. Note that the average speed of the two was quite
different in the approach of the solar system (almost double), so the
difference between passages was approx. 12 months. The speed of the
Dwarf Star Nibiru may be increased if there is a large solar geomagnetic
reaction to his approach, and this could advance his arrival to a few
months or days before Elenin, as well as to change its orbit closest to
Earth caused by the vector resulting from the centrifugal effect on its
perigee. With the passage of the Dwarf Star, the orbits of some planets
may be changed in the solar system, especially Mars will be closer to
the Earth’s orbit, Mercury that may be adopted by the Dwarf Star and
Venus, which may have its orbit more closely to the Sun. The Earth may
have changed slightly to its orbit farthest from the sun which could
fall in three degrees centigrade average temperature of the planet. The
Krulians have already indicated that the Sun may have some unexpected
reactions to be near its maximum duty cycle. They are in place, closely
following the two events, with their spacecrafts, to try to minimize the
effects if extremely necessary. There is the possibility of the
Community Galactica, allowing a large Krulians spacecraft, which is
following the comet, passing by the Earth with the field of invisibility
off, so that the population as a whole can see the truth of the facts
for the first time, and know we're here. Our command voted for this
decision. The Pleiades are in place to prevent any extremists Earthlings
attempt to launch any offensive against the Krulians, that is, smaller
ships may also be visible. This may frighten many people at first, but
people like you who know the facts can help others understand what is
actually happening. You are being informed and this is also a social
responsibility that you are receiving. Let’s see what happens. Let's
keep watching and continue to inform you about it.
Question, a mate
asks, Mythi, as our planet continues to destabilize due to effects
mentioned in previous statements, and the elites are feeding the fire
thru disinformation, would you expect to see an alliance between the
reptilians and their gray's that are working with the elites to, how
should I say, start a mock war or invasion against us? Doing so would
develop hatred of humanoid against all non Earth beings, and increase
the power base of elite's. Would we be on our own till the dust settles?
Mate, as I explained in the past, the Reptilians allies of your current
elite will not directly participate in any genocide. They can even make
representations with their craft but who will unleash acts of possible
exception, will be your governments. The Reptilians do not want to pass
the scrutiny of the Community Galactica because they cannot in any way
interfere directly with the humanoids on the planet, not to be
politically as they've been doing in the role of "guests." We know that
this type of scenario will be created by your government because they
already had advanced holographic techniques with the reptilians
scientists to do this kind of "presentation". But the people on the
planet will soon realize who is who in the context of survival and
reorganization. The acts of your government will not go unnoticed and
this will generate a great upheaval in your fellow citizens. Soon
everyone will realize against whom they must defend themselves. In the
short term your government will try to make a forcible disarmament of
the population and close your trade in arms and ammunition to prevent
resistance. All your personal communication will be censored and subject
to location. The civil rights will be revoked, as well as the free
movement of vehicles. Will only have the right to food, medicine and
lodging those who agree with "free and spontaneous will" come under the
"tutelage" of the government, in places of "confinement". Initially, you
have to take your first steps for yourself. We can only announce our
help when it is
determined that the situation of individual groups is
out of control. In many cases, we may confront us with your military
forces to prevent indiscriminate extermination of populations isolated
or surrounded. I believe the orders will be clear to protect the
remaining population.
Question, Mary asks, Mythi, I am confused about
the order of events. When might the Coronal Mass Ejection occur? How
will we know?
- Mary, the reactions and solar mass ejections are the
result of the imbalance of the geomagnetic field of the sun when
magnetically influenced by massive bodies. This causes holes literally
between lines of the solar magnetic field, freeing up space for the
large amount of energy radiated. When object intruder is between Earth
and the Sun, drawing to it the solar flares, as it will be linked to the
sun through a tunnel of gravitational force, which will force this
object to make the resulting curve at the apex of its orbit. Just as an
example, if you were running and holding a bush to make a fast corner,
you will arch bush in your direction while your inertial weight is
absorbed by it as it reacts in the opposite direction, right? In the
case of the Sun, a part of this force causes a mass loss by ejection in
the direction of the aggressor force. The Earth will be exactly the
region where this force is greater, the curve apex of orbit, so it will
be the target of this energy ejection. These bursts of energy it takes
hours to get so will not be a serious problem to which can hide the sun
but in the case of satellites, power grids and electronics, will be
Question, Jose asks, would we have a shower of neutron
radiation, and if so how can we protect from it? Is been said that
radiation will erase, or impaired our reasoning for an undetermined
amount of time, or indefinitely, is it true? Also there are other
indicators that would advise internet to stop functioning gradually
beginning march 2012. Do you know something about this?
- Jose, there
will be a great shower of radiation with the approach of Dwarf Star.
Starting in January, your satellites are being eliminated, so the
Internet will not work, as the satellites are being destroyed. Many of
your satellites will lose their orbits now, during the approach of
Elenin. Radiation from Dwarf Star added to solar flares, will begin to
affect other satellites from the end of January 2012. In fact, the
radiation will decrease only in late 2012, early 2013. Humans will
protect more during the day and be more active at night. That was why
the elites provided seed banks, as flora and fauna will suffer greatly
in this situation and how much would be lacking. This radiation is like a
microwave; it can literally affect the brain by internal heating and
disable many functions, it will be important to keep well protected from
the sun during solar flares detected all in advance. When you sense the
sun burning in your hand skin, do not expose the rest of the body.
Jose asks, could you please advise how severe would the trail of
meteorites, that would unattached, from the Dwarf star; once it passes
through the Earth be? How long this bombardment to Earth would take?
Jose, the trail of meteors will occur on both occasions, with Elenin
this year and the Dwarf Star next year. In both cases, when they pass
through the asteroid belt they spread many meteors. As the Dwarf Star is
a system of large volume, it will cause a major strike in its path. The
big problem is that your governments will use this against people,
claiming the shock of meteors, the previously planned actions. Be alert.
Silver asks, why is the Earth called Tiamat, while this is the same
name for the Babylonian Goddess of the Ocean and it also refers to the
primordial Monster of Chaos. Is this history related to why our planet
is called like this?
- Silver, according to our records, it is so
called since the days of the formation of the oceans when the water was
conveyed here through portals. When the oceans were formed she became
known as Tiamat, whose speech sound means "big water" in some alien
languages. This name was passed to thy ancient cultures long after by
from outer space who were considered "gods" so they adopted the name
Tiamat to the God of the Oceans. I do not know about the reference
“Monster of Chaos” where it came from.
Question, Millipea and some
mates asks, a number of sites claim India and the western two thirds of
Australia will be pushed under the sea at the time of the pole shift.
Can you please confirm, and how these people should prepare for such an
- Mates, all coastal areas of the planet will suffer the
influences of rising oceans. Some tectonic regions in particular will go
down to hundreds of meters in relation to other regions that will be
raised in relation to sea level. The tectonic plates are floating in the
magma, if one of them will raise some other sink to equalize the
pressure. Depending on the gravitational pressure which may be exercised
by the approach of Dwarf Star, ocean floors will rise as land surfaces
may sink, as has happened many times in antiquity, great civilizations
sank in the ocean. There are entire cities, temples, pyramids, many
ancient buildings, under your oceans. I cannot pass to you such
predictions because there are hundreds of variables that will interact
among themselves in these events, and it would be my fault to try this
type of prediction without a certainty of all the variables involved. My
advice is to "be practical", if you notice trends fragile soil, little
difference in sea level and proximity to volcanic areas, try the fullest
extent possible, while avoiding these areas.
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