Sunday, April 20, 2014

Reading::: ▶ 70 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube

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Video 70

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video seventy - November 16, 2011.

Mythi, MB asks, why the Russian probes sent to Mars missions fails completely? All their attempts to orbit Mars or its moons failure!
- MB, only certain ethnicities of your planet, the elites who control your Europe and North America participate in the colonization of Mars with the reptilians, the Russian, the Eastern, African and Asian ones are not included. Any
attempt of these ethnicities in the exploration, study or display "in loco" of Mars or its moons will be summarily prevented.

Thomas asks, Mythi that underwater base you and Arcturians are dismantling was it a Reptilian base they were using to send negative energy into the Middle East to destabilize people emotionally and mentally in that area in order to create the instability that would give the elitist's an excuse for invading that area?

- Not Thomas, CB also asked about an announcement that had been blown reptilians bases in China and Yemen, and that's not true. The reptilians do not have submarine bases here, had bases in what is now Greece, and several in the Americas, including some lake in Peru in the old times. The Arcturian bases are unimpeachable, they have no enemies, and the force field used in those bases makes them invulnerable. Some bases are being removed and relocated others. It does not happen to radiate "negative energy", there are "paralyzing energy of the senses" alternative use to avoid physical harm to irrational beings or belligerent. What disturbs people is not an external power, are the external problems such as lack of respect for rights, the lack of nutrition for families, the "sanctions" imposed by those who would otherwise take possession of these regions or simply eliminate some ethnicities. The reptilians are not involved with this type of action, they are much more intelligent and advanced than you realize. Their problem now is with the sanctions of Community Galactica about their presence on the planet as "guests", their "party" is over with this colony. Mythi, this film was made in a rocket launch of a few days ago when he was already above the atmosphere, that appears blue is what? - See, this is the system Nibiru seen from Earth’s southern quadrant. When viewed directly receiving the sunlight that is, behind the sun, the only frequency reflected by the emission of protons, is light blue. During the day, which is when the sun is shining, you do not see it, since your atmosphere also reflects light blue, and the night it is out of reach of vision. The only viable position of observation is the South Pole. When it passes to the front of sun, that is, is less than one AU, you will see a reddish ball because the sunlight is coming from behind. As I said earlier, Krulians are positioning the system in the original route, and should accelerate its speed when they receive the order of the galactic community. They brought it from the limits of the Kuiper Belt to near the sun. In a
few months you will see your second sun. All so far entered into controversy with CB, will witness all the facts and, after reviewing all that has been said, will see how they were duped into making hurried guesses. This deliberate backwardness to the passage of Nibiru system and any interference adopted so far by the CG, is because of the official report of Pleiadeans on the high trends of a conflict in the world aimed at the extermination of 80 percent of ethnicities present, by the elites acting.
- As you are learning, few variables can greatly change the direction and timing of events. Since we started talking for over a year, much has changed course, variables were changing, decisions were being taken. Many, who felt misled by the facts, might be taken up defensive positions with respect to this information, and even try to discredit them, but everything will come in time, nothing like a day after another to reveal the outcome of events. Try to read everything that has been said from the beginning of our conversations, you will understand the nuances of the facts that lead to change as the development of events. The truth is eventually written right in crooked lines.
- Be well, I'll be keeping you informed of events.

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Apr 18


by Selacia

Feeling edgy and out of sorts, or simply sensing that you're on the edge of your seat about to make your next move?

If you're experiencing either of these states right now, you are in good company. You don't have to look far in any direction to notice people with an anxious disposition. Some of them close to you may be acting out their jittery feelings, too, adding to your own nervousness.

Especially if you are sensitive, you can feel what others are feeling. Sometimes you are aware of this response - other times it may be unconscious. Don't make sensitivity or awareness bad. It's part of being multidimensional to tap into the interconnected world and the collective. This includes people you work with, live with, and interact with in everyday life.

Energy is energy and it exists whether or not you are consciously aware of it. No matter how hard you try, you cannot divorce yourself from the world and its current energetic shifting that touches everyone around you. Even pets are impacted!

As a reminder of what's going on, here's a recap of this month's energies underlying the edginess, chaos, and intensity. We now sit between two powerful eclipses in a longstanding transformational cycle building for decades.

Next Wednesday's Grand Cross Peak

Part of that cycle is the rare cardinal grand cross energy you can feel now before it peaks April 23. Even after that peak, too, is a cycle of releasing and adjusting to the new energies.

For perspective, what you are feeling is both personal and your tapping into the collective dance of radical shifting involving how Earthly life is lived. It's not just about one day, or one month, but certainly April is an intense time for most people to handle! In my private astrology readings for DNA healing clients, we address the very personal implications of cycles like this.

These definitely are moments you don't want to sleep through or let slip by unnoticed. Indeed, this cycle has great potential to catalyze just the breakthroughs you have needed to get free of your past and move into a much more promising future!

From a multidimensional perspective - as I describe in my book Earth's Pivotal Years - "upward spirals of growth can occur either very slowly or seemingly in a flash of time. This applies to both individuals and the planet as a whole." When we have a grand cross, think of it as a crossroads that can ignite your personal spiral of growth with a bolt of lightning!

Avoid the tendency to go into fear and have a breakdown. Use these energies to have huge breakthroughs instead.

5 Tips for Having Breakthroughs

Here are five tips for having breakthroughs in April and over the coming weeks as the chaotic energies continue to play out. As I've been writing about on Facebook, these can be times of meltdown or breakthrough - applying these tips can help you to achieve breakthroughs.

First, avoid your learned tendency to be harsh with yourself. Refuse to listen to your ego voice that keeps you in fear and negativity. Don't let that critical voice convince you that things are hard, no fun, or tough to accomplish with all that's going on. Invite your higher wisdom to help you stay positive, on track, and open to the gifts of self-discovery now becoming available at this crossroads.

Second, when you first begin to feel a negative emotion, check in with yourself to determine how much of what you are feeling is yours, how much is other people, and how much is the collective. The only feeling you have any power over is your own. This means owning how you feel but refusing to act on the emotion. An angry text or comment to a colleague or loved one will backfire. Find a gentle way to communicate or hold your tongue for a bit until you can find more constructive words.

Third, remember that just on the other side of chaos and darkness there is peace and light. These qualities always are there, in fact, but during turmoil it can be challenging to access them. Keep your focus on your light-filled intentions and your own light within. It is your own light that can reveal things blocking your full divine expression. Allow this light energy within to bring you the outer resources you need to break free. These resources could include insights from others not invested in seeing you the way that you have always seen yourself. It's common knowledge that enlightenment is catalyzed by being with and seeking input from others outside of you. Asking for help doesn't make you less than - it can help you to be more than your ego self is allowing you to be.

Fourth, know that crossroads like these tend to bring up intense desires to do or be something different from what society dictates. To have breakthroughs, you will need to self-moderate your desires and only take actions on things that truly need action right now. If you're not sure, wait. Meditate on your desires and invite dreams or other inner input to help you see the larger picture of where these desires will lead long term.

Fifth, on a daily basis, ask your higher self to reveal to you what you are not seeing about your situation. Ask to be shown - directly or through other people - what in your DNA-level conditioning is blocking your forward movement. Invite a knowing of how your current blocks relate to things you experienced in past lives, vows you took in other lifetimes, or agreements you made with people at another time in history. These things, not on the ordinary person's radar, can be seen in the field of the DNA, which is also the place they need to be cleared to have real progress. Remember, too, that in your DNA are very beneficial patterns helping you in this pivotal lifetime - ask to be made aware of these things so that you can see your divine qualities. Then call upon those qualities to assist you in creating breakthroughs that subsequent generations will liken to miracles!

Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.

Posted 19 hours ago by LUZ ZOHAR

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