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Video 72
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video seventy two- November 28, 2011.
Answers and considerations.
there is an old satellite that was dubbed "Black Knight", which has
sporadically transmitted messages, indicating the source to be the star
system Epsilon Boötes in the position it occupied approximately 13,000
years ago. Can you tell us what this object is?
- Well, this artifact
was originally installed in the orbit of your moon after the last armed
struggle for control of the solar system for about 13,000 years. It was
installed by the consortium that, two thousand years later, got the
official formation of the Galactica Community, which now takes care of
this part of the galaxy. When the Community Galactica took over this
colony to about 11,000 years ago, it was transferred to the orbit of the
Earth above where the base would be built in Antarctica. See, at that
time Antarctica had no ice, was covered with temperate forests and large
lakes. Your ship called "shuttle" has been orbiting alongside the
satellite, your astronauts have touched, filmed and examined, but it is
impregnable to your current technology. This device sends regular
information on the communications captured on the planet, since the
beginning of your colonial civilization sends atmospheric analysis and
information about the energy fields of the planet. It is an ancient
artifact, installed by a derivation of the civilization of
Camelopardalis from Boötes Constellation. It is fully functional and
works in real time.
Mythi, where is Elenin and Nibiru? What should we expect the sequence of events?
Friends, Elenin no longer poses any further threat, for all its
influence was eliminated by the actions of the Community Galactica. The
system Nibiru is in route, with controlled speed. We do not know exactly
what will be the decision-making Community Galactica, but it seems they
are giving rope to your elites for them to hang themselves. Soon you
will be watching Nibiru, as your ancestors observed on other occasions,
but the date of first display depends solely on the date to be
determined by the Community Galactica. They are waiting for the sequence
of events, as directed by Pleiadeans community, which was responsible
for the integration of this particular colony in the intergalactic
community. The Pleiadeans is that will define when the Galactica
Community should intervene at all. The planet you call Tyche or Enoch
should have been released by your scientific community, but we
understand that they do not have the slightest intention of doing so.
You are already noticing large increases in instability on the behavior
of atmospheric phenomena because the weakening of the geomagnetic field
of the planet is impossible to be repaired, is a natural behavior. The
closest to the galactic equator more the field weakens, and this allows a
large absorption of solar and cosmic energy causing these changes. The
physical poles, that is, the inclination of the axis of rotation of the
planet starts its migration to the point of balance caused by the
movement of magma that is gaining in temperature by the amount of energy
absorbed. This should be intensified in these early months of 2012.
The economy of your planet is ruined for the people, for all that is
happening is a fiction. Your elites have everything under control, it's
like your game called "Chess" with all the moves previously combined
where checkmate is to reduce population worldwide. Be prepared to face
this theater mounted by your elites, the easiest way for them is to
provoke an "uprising" of the people to be able to control the chaos in
the event of global proportions. Your governments have launched an
artifact recently en route to the new planet, they want a contact as
they found that it is an inhabited planet and extremely technical. A
committee of reptilians from Martian colony has tried to schedule a
visit leading representatives of your elites to "welcome" them but the
schedule was refused by the Pleiadeans until order is restored and real
leaders are recognized. After all, the Reptilians are still suspended
from any activity involving this humanoid colony.
Mythi why you referred to this new planet as the twelfth?
Well, for us there are eleven celestial bodies considered planets in
your system, they are called by you of: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris and Haumea.
Mythi Jerry
asks, in a random video was captured a luminous phenomenon reaching the
Sakurajima Volcano, you could tell what it is?
- As I explained
earlier, the Arcturians are trying to control large eruptions. This
technique to relieve pressure in small doses keeps the volcano under
control for some time. This flash seen this movie, is a discharge of an
beam fired from a ship with the field of invisibility on, so
only the beam is visible, it starts from "nothing" and ends reaching the
volcano. The Arcturians work not only in the undersea environment they
operate in any environment.
Mythi, Thomas asks, the statues of Easter
Island and its subscribers have never been explained, can you tell us
something about it?
- Thomas, according to records, this island was a
base for meetings among advanced races of Atlantis from Atlantic Ocean
and the Pacific Lemurian a civilization of an ancient region near the
coast of India, which was devastated by tectonic movements there are
about 18,000 years ago. These statues were signaled territories and
boundaries of stellar positions. Prophets of old pre-Inca civilizations
of South America were also taken to these meetings as guests. In each
meeting, a new statue was taken by one of the spacecraft and placed at
the corresponding location, through anti-gravity techniques. The records
that were made in the rocks are ancient references of the participants
and guests of these meetings.
Mythi, when we can expect some kind of direct assistance from our older brothers anyway?
My brothers, you may not realize but for thousands of years are having
this help. When your elites, began the final push for the consolidation
of its plans will be time to act. This timing is now in the hands of
Pleiadeans; they have many families living among you and will know when
and where they should report the beginning of our intervention. Think
this time not as an end but as a new beginning for the human race,
totally free of colonial influences. It will be the beginning of the
glorification of a new breed of brothers with a lot to do to rearrange
the planet.
I will be back soon, be well brothers and sisters.
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