Thursday, April 24, 2014

Reading::: ▶ 74 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru and Events - YouTube

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Video 74

Friends of our channel and YouTubers welcome.

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video seventy four- February 20, 2012.

Dear friends, the delay in the “Video 74” were due to many mishaps happened with me in these last two months. Besides Mythi have been officially asked by the board of the CG, because of the interviews was with us this past year, we were only able to communicate normally pass after receiving the consent of them to continue to communicate "extra official with us.
I will to you in this video, some Mythi considerations for the resumption of contacts.
Many of you are wondering about the system Nibiru and what is expected for the coming months, well, we received the communication, the system Nibiru was released in its original route and its approach and will make a final passage from October until December this year.
The Krulians installed two more large-core control probes in Siberia earlier this month of February. The Pleiadeans informed the CG of the imminence of widespread conflict between nations of the planet from next March. The agenda of your government was readjusted to compensate for the direct interference of the CG during the last year as I have already related to you, regarding the backwardness of the system Nibiru and the artificial control of tectonic and volcanic events. Now with the release of the Nibiru system in its original route, there will be no more ways to artificially control surface tension of the planet’s crust.
Venus, Saturn and Jupiter will suffer many volcanic eruptions and easily observable surface modifications for you. The sun will present major instabilities from next month as a result of the approximation of its small binary. Be assured that nature will only settle down looking for their new equilibrium point when the frequency of the planet goes completely to the "level one, at the end of December this year.
I was advised by the CG not to mention more regional forecasts of events but, all volcanoes located in tectonic regions and geologic faults will become very active as this entry "system Nibiru in the solar system.
The Antarctic is releasing large ice masses in the ocean soon, due to large volcanic activity that is already happening in that region. The planet's climate will become wilder this year, pouring rain, where it rained, and drying many once fertile regions.
The possible military conflicts will be a great excuse for the abandonment of those areas affected by cataclysms, and many people will be left to its fate. Beware of false flags, when humans fight humans, only weaken the planet Earth. The more human, of all ethnic groups, can help to cope with adverse situations, cause more weakness to your ruling elites. Diseases of the body can only be fought when the cells are united to rehabilitate from an illness, you are the cells of your planet, to cure diseases caused by your pernicious elites, you will have to unite and not self-destruct.
There are some alien underground bases being expanded in various parts of the world in a joint effort of various breeds, to receive part of regional populations of humans, which, according to Pleiadeans, are previously defined as targets of abandonment by your elites. Too much noise will be heard but not seen in these regions.
Some of you asked me about lately called beings seen by you as “night walkers”. Well, these beings are descended from a race of insects, very intelligent and possess a great ability of telekinesis. They keep a few bases of studies here on your planet, usually built on deposits of fresh water. They are friendly and totally harmless to you.
Our friend Jerry asks, Mythi, the Remote Viewers here on Earth know everything about the presence of the CG and the activities of the space friends. They have seen a future event that disturbs many people. They predict a meteor impact on the ocean that will displace many people from the coasts. I also had a similar dream during my abnormal childhood. The Remote Viewers have seen the collapse of the magnetosphere. My
question is: will the CG allow this vision to come to pass or are the Remote Viewers seeing phantoms of potential events on the horizon of the 4th dimension?
- Jerry, what can realize is that sensitive data are designed for different stages of development and self cleanup the planet. In this passage from Earth to "level one" whole environment is sensitized energy, like a flashing neon light to finally turn on and illuminate. Many of you may see what we call "temporal trends of prescription" for these "flashes of light." These images are generated energy level, does not really exist, but portray the creation of physical events through the confluence of events generated in the present time. For all "prescription time trend" there are peripherals deviations that can be added or taken out of context that conforms future events in the physical level. The saying used by you "The future belongs to God" is a misconception. The future is written on the physical level by all who can influence which "deviations peripherals" will be added or not, that is YOU. In other words, the energy responsible for shaping the future lies in the aura of planet; it is the same dimension of the planet, as a layer of biomagnetic energy generated directly by you. This mass of biomagnetic energy is so strong that practically sends distress signals or good fortune through space. Regardless of the physical maturation of the planet that can generate tectonic rearrangements and relationship problems with their inhabitants, but, the biomagnetic energy is not changed because it is powered only by the level of conscience and development of the race that lives there.
During this year, could possibly be allowed direct contact with your people, and people like you will be better prepared to guide your fellows about the good intentions of the CG. Often you get a puppy that fell from the nest to replace in the right place, he does not know of your intentions and will try to peck your hand just in case. We know this also happen with the human naive, unsuspecting about us. We are as artists, technologists, philosophers, curious and sentimental as you, we aim at social harmony at all levels of humanoid, otherwise, there would be no sense for development.
I'll be more in touch with CB helping him solve some problems so we can continue to follow the facts and informing you of everything that can be released "extra official.
Thanks for watching, join our channel! You are welcome there!


4 Ix, 17 Yaxk'in, 10 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! We return with much to explain! During the last few weeks much progress was made legally to force a number of important things to happen. The major monetary organizations that monitor the world's currencies were told to prepare for a monumental reset that was to conclude with new banking regulations and eventually a series of precious metal currencies. This vast change is to be the prelude to the delivery of the prosperity funds and the rise of new governance. This process continues. The several groups that form our Earth allies have forced a number of ground shattering agreements to be signed and several critical memos to be issued. These items are now causing the desired change to occur in a timely and divine manner. We fully expect these things to manifest shortly. The most important forward movement began on American Thanksgiving when Europe fundamentally committed itself to a worldwide currency reset. This sets up the dates for a release of newly revalued currencies. The next steps are underway!

   Agreements are being signed to assure that the prime principle behind global prosperity happens as soon as possible. A number of governments have met with our allies and reviewed in detail what is to come next. A vast amount of protected gold bullion and sterling are now in position to force a more stable currency upon the world. The proposed revaluations will set up a currency system that ends the dominance of North America and Western Europe. A new reality that is based upon a diplomacy that is not conflict-oriented has been agreed to. Included in these agreements is a path to disclosure and the release of a plethora of new technologies currently suppressed. These technologies are a means to aid the entire disclosure scenario. It is critical to remove any present obstacles to disclosure and full consciousness. The dark and its various groups of minions are under the gun. Nonetheless, we understand that you need time to fully absorb what all of this now implies.

   Our liaisons are working jointly with those from Agartha. Our divine purpose is to move this all along as swiftly as possible. The Ascended Masters are informing their dearest followers of what is now required. We need to use the various exigencies of international law to keep this in line and moving ever forward. Various monetary institutions have ruled in our favor and set up some key timetables. These are presently being advanced by our earthly associates and are aided by the work of our mutual liaisons. Our commitment remains to unravel the current dark-dominated muddle that runs your globe. This operation continues to proceed at its own divine rate. Several major governments that sit at the head of this chaos know our diligence and know just how fragile their positions have become. This leads to some panic, and what they are cooking up in Asia and in Europe will not fly. Hence, numerous other governments are now either openly or secretly opposing these various schemes.

   Our position, and that of the Agarthans, is quite similar in approach. The time comes to bring this morass, like the approaching end of this Gregorian year, to a full stop. It is time to terminate these things and move on to the next steps, which include a full global disclosure. Disclosure puts a final stop to these hilarious shenanigans and permits a full unveiling of what has been going on for the past one and one-half decades. These past years saw gigantic attempts to squash your return to full consciousness. These largely failed. What is left will be discontinued once disclosure happens. The mischief that the dark prefers is known and is currently being curtailed. A few things will still occur but these are only temporary. The means to undo these obstructions are in hand. What is presently happening is aimed at providing for a way to speed up what the dark delays. We are moving forward at a good clip and intend to bring you good news shortly. The dark is on its last legs and realizes that the end is indeed very near!

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive today with some blessed news! Your globe is entering the beginnings of a new reality. Many currency changes are popping up around your world. These changes are to be followed by other events that will bring forth a new prosperity, and dramatic alterations will foster the rise of new governance and much stricter banking regulations. Our many acolytes are engaged in operations to bring a blessed reality to this divine orb. Your realm is presently in the midst of a series of very important secret negotiations to bring you prosperity and freedom. Meanwhile, new sacral energies are changing the very makeup of your physical selves. These transformations of your bodies are introducing new chakras, and with their occurrence some aches, pains and other discomforts. These are merely to pave your way to full consciousness.

   These spiritual and physical alterations are part of a greater plan to move this sacred reality into the Light. Heaven decreed some time ago that the reign of the dark ones was at an end. This time is the transition when the dark's powers wane and the Light starts its renewed ascendency. Our divine mission is to accelerate these transformations and to inform you of what this all means to your sacred beliefs and to your many cherished visions of this reality. We fully understand your confusion as you listen to many of the manipulated stories that your media intends to provide you. The dark's many minions do not yet fully realize what is proper for them to say. The best thing is for the Light to come forward and explain at the right moment what is truly happening around you. We have been given this most blessed task!

   Your world is in upheaval. Gaia is throwing off all the abuse and torture given her daily by the dark's many representatives. This process produces a myriad of strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and odd weather prevalent throughout this globe. This is going to get a lot worse until the dark's prime instruments of this tortuous abuse are completely stopped. Money is indeed something that holds a large degree of power over you. It needs to be put in its proper perspective. The currency reset, global gold standard, debt forgiveness, new prosperity and strict new banking regulations will help achieve this goal. Money, dear Hearts, is not vital. Your growth in consciousness and a grand caring for each other most certainly is! Along with this is the vital need for Love, Life and divine wisdom. This is the path that you have been put on! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

   Today, we gave you another in our series of messages about the transformation of this reality. Heaven and Heaven's many divine helpers on this sacred globe are moving swiftly toward a resolution of the numerous effects perpetrated by the dark upon you. The moment arrives for all that has tortured you to be gone. A new day is approaching for all who dwell upon the surface of this Earth! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


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