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Video 77
Answers of an alien from
Andromeda – video seventy seven - May 18, 2012. Sorry for the delay
between videos but Mythi was out and it demanded time for communication.
This video comes to answering questions that are grouped in hundreds of emails.
Mythi, where is the 'system Nibiru' today? Is there any chance it passes through the solar system this year anyway?
The system is traveling between the inner Oort Cloud and Neptune at
high speed at the moment. Date information I am unable to give, but as
soon as you detect it officially I can comment openly about these
details. According to the original orbital route, it will pass through
the solar system indeed.
Mythi, the ecological balance is decreasing
exponentially, thousands of dolphins and sea birds are found dead, it is
a sign of early extinction?
- The measurable trace of tests done
with your rough atmospheric control system through the decompression of
point’s geomagnetic called HAARP is the massive death of mammals, birds
and marine fish. The animals are bombarded by solar radiation through
the holes created artificially and are literally cooked inside. The seas
are the main target of your "HAARP system, because it has no witnesses
and leaves no visible marks. The vast oceanic evaporation of super
heated layer causes a large increase in mass of vapor in the atmosphere,
creating a lot of rain and great imbalance in the natural conditions of
winds and ocean currents on the planet. The purpose is to create chaos
to momentarily destabilize areas predetermined by placing control of the
situation in the hands of the governments involved.
Mythi, this
restructuring that the planet must pass, what will happen with all the
rubbish atomic, chemical and biological? Will be absorbed in any way? We
have billions of tons of plastics in the oceans, not to mention what
will be taken for possible tsunamis.
- There are billions of planets
in all the galaxies that do not serve to develop the life of any kind.
They are the most what you might call "brown star" with exposed magma
and surface temperatures of thousands of degrees. They are used as sink
natural for any type of waste generated by the planets in development.
The community Galactica responsible for the area installs a portal of
discharge connected to a network of portals collecting several planets
that serve the community. Nothing that cannot be recycled in nature is
left in the civilized planets. The Earth should receive the benefit of
those discharge portals so become a trustworthy society level one, and
become part of the community. You will need professional help to clean
up the planet and balance back to nature. Imagine a big hole in the
ground as a "sink hole" with a portal of transport in the botton.
Everything is dumped it will simply disappear from the planet. Waste
chemical, nuclear or biological no longer is a problem. Any matter that
the planet lost in this process will be restored in the form of raw
material supply by portals, which will be received from the inputs of
your trading partners in the universe, where necessary.
Governments are destabilizing, tension is rising between the economies,
this is the sign of the early deployment of a new system by the elites?
The decline of the economic system of your planet is evident. The end
of this catastrophic administration is in the last days. The elites can
no longer maintain the financial equilibrium and is already starting the
final act of the agenda. Be prepared for false flags, wars and
terrorist acts will be fully forged to justify acts of exception. The
elites have very easily to manage the chaos so stay prepared and alert.
Mythi, What is the normal way for a developing human colony to become aware of ET's?
The passage level of frequency and awareness is the first step. Being
consciously prepared to admit they are not alone in this vast universe
is the second step. Feel that you are without options and find a helping
hand to help, whether terrestrial or not is the third step and the
first real contact.
What group of humans did your, Mythi's society, first come in contact with? What was the reaction from the people on his world?
Well, according to records, was 4546 years ago in a humanoid colony in
Andromeda, called "civilization Ankara. According to reports at the time
was very exciting because this civilization is now part of our gene
because there was a great mix of the two races during the following
What is the difference between a "humanoid" and a "human"?
None, Earth humans are equal to any other humanoid race. You are not
natives of this planet, were brought here, are also like any other
humanoid. The differences are sometimes under physical adaptations to
other environments. You by convention, call the Earthlings of "human"
and the alien "humanoid."
Are all level 0 humans sexually compatible and able to produce offspring?
Yes, they are compatible but there are anatomical differences that
might limit the possibilities of generating offspring of very different
physical sizes. Some chemical differences in cellular metabolism could
also contribute to non-fertilization between breeds of very extreme
environments. But among humanoids, everything can be achieved with
techniques, because the systems are originally compatible.
Where and
who were the first two human colonies to first meet in our universe? You
said there is a universal library with the records of everything and
surely the first meeting of humans from different planets is a history
making moment.
- According to records, the first colony to meet there
on the edge of an extinct galaxy that was absorbed by another super
galaxy that you call as Malin 1, this 14 billion Earth years ago. Two
planets with close orbits in the same solar system were the first
fraternity of races in the universe. The race result has passed into the
fourth dimension for more than 12 billion years. They certainly are the
grandparents of the blue beings we know.
The Milky Way Galaxy has no councils or security of its own? I mean how messed up is this place?
All galaxies have their "galactic communities" that are developing and
multiplying in accordance with the development of intelligent life on
their planets. There are other galaxies too old and too young, depends
on the degree of development of the colonies planted on the planets with
environmental conditions favorable to life. That's right, seeded,
because believe it or not intelligent life does not start spontaneously,
it is sown. The first colonies of intelligent beings were planted in
our universe of the third dimension by level 10 creatures from a
parallel universe. But since, this is another matter.
Why don't the
Andromedans...those people that are in various Councils,(on our behalf
BTW), never mention anything about our galaxy having groups of people
that are from the Milky Way i.e. The Milky Way Council?
- You're
wrong, there are more than 200 communities in your galaxy; all are
interconnected with the Community Galactica which we belong. Imagine
your current computer network, it is transparent to you if your server
is in your country or anywhere else, you are simply "plugged in". Our
two galaxies are virtually germinated; we all share the same cluster.
The distance does not matter when it is no longer a cumber, does matter
which civilizations that planted the seeds in this quadrant of your
What is the original name for The Milky Way Galaxy? Way
before we ever got here some advanced people discovered our galaxy and
gave it a label on their star maps. What was it?
- Your galaxy is
only called the Milky Way by you, the planet Earth. No other planet, or
community, of your galaxy called it that way. We all are part of a large
cluster of galaxies that receives only coordinates of relative
positions on our star maps. Do not get names. Only the civilized planets
have names that are translated from the original name given by locals.
All members of the galactic communities interconnected, they use the
same database stellar therefore whenever any update is made all receive
the news in real time. Like the Earthlings, each society puts names to
the constellations, nebulae, galaxies and planets according to their
culture, but it is local nomenclature. It would be a tower of Babel as
you say, if each star map had local names in each language or dialect
exists throughout this universe.
I hope I do not take longer for the next meeting!
* * *
* * *
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APRIL 27,20
are the Arcturian group and we are here to assist those of earth in
their ascension into the higher frequencies of love and
light...frequencies that many do not yet even know exist. Many still
live lives enmeshed in unawareness, hypnotized by the pictures presented
within third dimensional vibration because a "veil of forgetfulness" is
in place on earth. Mankind is struggling to remember who they are while
in the density of believing they are separate and apart from each other
as well as their God...or if even there is such a thing as God.
not dear ones, for you are always loved and protected even when it may
seem that you are not, even a child must be allowed to fall and skin his
knee at times. Your Divinity is your protection as you can never be
separate from who and what you are regardless of how many millions of
years it may take. No person, experience, or belief can ever separate
you from what you are. This realization is your protection and support
in all things and will deflate every balloon of nothingness you may
remember that the physically and emotionally painful experiences you
encounter are life lessons set up by you with the help of your spiritual
Guides and teachers before entering into this particular incarnation.
As an individual evolves the harsher life experiences begin to lessen
for he is now manifesting from a higher state of consciousness and can
learn in easier ways.
know that the intense, painful clearings many of you are experiencing
right now are positive things, graduations--signs that the soul is now
evolved enough to recognize and clear energies long kept deeply buried.
Now is about letting go of the past and learning to love and honor all
facets of self in the journey to knowing SELF.
are those that read metaphysical books, go to classes, and spend a
great deal of time talking about metaphysics and mystical truth but then
continue to live their lives as they always have. Truth must be lived.
It must be practiced with every experience of daily living no matter how
mundane, until it becomes your state of consciousness at which time
living it becomes automatic and will be who you are. Truth is not just
an interesting theory to be discussed, compared and then dismissed, the
time for discussion is over.
cannot be discussed in general groups because every individual is
living out from their attained state of consciousness and groups will
always have those without "ears to hear", who simply want to argue.
Truth is never to be argued or imposed on another. This does not mean
that you should not share with those on your level of awareness, but in
general the spiritual journey is a silent, secret, and very sacred
one--a living, moving, and having one's being in Oneness.
comes in the outer world as mankind's' inner world evolves. An example
of this can be seen in changes now taking place with regard to animal
cruelty and other issues heretofore considered unimportant. What you
observe is what the consciousness of mankind globally and individually
creates. There are no victims. War, cruelty, dishonesty, power struggles
etc. etc. are the manifestations of separation/duality consciousness.
Us versus them...all so unnecessary in light of the fact that all is ONE
and that ONE does not embody ideas of discord. The war lesson is one
that many are painfully learning right now.
is ready to create a new world by pulling back from and releasing all
that is old and finished, fearlessly embracing new and higher concepts
of oneness.
wish to speak of the healing energy of love. Love is the
activity/interconnectedness energy of the One manifesting ITSELF as the
many. As this truth becomes your attained state of consciousness, it
automatically aligns you with the higher frequencies...displacing the
dense and heavy false vibrations of duality and separation which have no
law to hold them in place. Since complete and harmonious Divine
Consciousness is the true essence of every individual, the more aligned
with truth you become, the more the outer will begin to reflect
it...physically, emotionally, and mentally.
is the work, this is the journey. Truth begins simply as mental
knowledge but must be practiced and lived until it becomes your state of
consciousness at which time it then begins to appear outwardly as what
is, ideas, companionship, home etc.
is the best healing and beauty treatment you can give yourselves
because in meditation you are resting in the higher resonating and
harmonious frequencies of Oneness.
of mankind is ready to stop seeking outwardly in the realization that
the substance of everything lies within. Understand that these words are
not simply a nice quote from some mystical poet. Learn to never again
seek your good in the outer for all that you will ever need is forever
and permanently already embodied within the Consciousness that you are.
When you understand this but then continue to seek your good from the
world, you create a spiritual gap between your sense of self and your
real self.
an individual attains the realization of Oneness, the outer experiences
of will begin to reflect joy , health, happiness, and fulfillment which
the world will see as healing. Outer change can only manifest after the
state of consciousness is attained because the substance of all things
is consciousness...not someone else's consciousness--yours. A healer
working on a high level of awareness may temporarily lift a person's
energy, but unless the individual himself keeps it there, his issues
will return, re-created by his own state of consciousness.
say what does this mean, how can everything I need be,
house, job? Divine consciousness (which is what you are), embodies every
spiritual idea. These spiritual ideas in turn manifest outwardly in the
forms you can understand and appreciate. A car is the material sense of
Omnipresence. A home is the material sense of consciousness--I live and
move and have my being always in Consciousness. The person who loves
the solitary life, will not suddenly manifest a partner because that
would not represent completeness for him. Music, art, medicine, science,
ideas and inventions of every form and variety can and will flow from
the infinite Source within if the door is opened. Divine
Consciousness--your consciousness, is Self sustained and Self maintained
and is ever complete and manifesting Itself. How you see these
manifestations is determined by your awake or unawake state of
to claim your birthright, recognize and manifest it. Your good is not
going to fall down from the heavens the minute you go to church, say the
right prayer words, or do a good deed. It can only manifest the higher
and better forms as you realize you already are it.
This is the lesson and the time is now.
We are the Arcturian Group 4/27/14
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