Thursday, May 29, 2014

▶ 102 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA Nibiru and Events - YouTube ::: Sharing

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Video 102

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and two - June 26, 2013.

This video is an update of the information of the major events in progress.

- Answering questions about a large celestial body photographed in many places near your Sun that is appearing in your secondary media some are real, not fakes. By some specific angles and from specific regions you can see planet Taus reflecting light beside the sun. As I said before, Taus is maintaining a position close the sun to avoid much influence in the solar system planet's orbits. Nibiru will not be seen beside the sun, this is an error that most are expecting... To make it clear, Nibiru will appear far from the sun, in another quadrant, like a second sun but with totally different sunrise and sunset positions.
- The vegetation will start to change behavior across the planet because it's receiving a strong energy influence from the great energy cloud that is embracing the solar system as I told you before. You will see many strange things in these actual times. The planet will smoothly stabilize the frequency to its new parameters.
- The planet is about to undergo the biggest event in the social area as your elites are scheduling the completion of depopulation for this year. According to a report Pleiadeans, the index of the population already inoculated with nanocomponents reaches 70 percent and the agenda can be started at any time. These nanocomponents act on the central nervous system. Also according to the report, the activation in the urban centers will be done via the mobile networks because in each base station radio is a device installed that is triggered to emit a frequency necessary to activate nanocomponents in the region within their reach. This device was installed as part of the digital system, when the analog radio bases were replaced by digital systems TDMA, CDMA and GSM, as a device expected "to military emergency use." Another way that will be used for the activation of nanocomponents are computers connected by called wireless routers, as these systems already have a transmitter of frequency that will be activated regionally via your Internet. These nanocomponents have several codes of frequency for activation, and with the help of samples collected by Pleiadeans, all these codes have been deciphered and are liable to be scanned and neutralized by the fleets in vigil on the planet as they are received orders from the Community Galactica. In other words, a mass extinction will not be allowed to be executed as plan your elites.
- I am revealing this to you at this time because it is impossible and ineffective to your elites, try replacing nanocomponents already around the planet for others, as we would discover the new codes anyway. The only way to prevent the activation of nanocomponents in your body without any help from us is to be in areas where cell phone signals or routers cannot reach, or be isolated in places underground where cell phones are completely out of service or at least, the disconnection of the power of an entire region to prevent the activation of devices. If you have news of "strange epidemics" happening in nearby towns try to take refuge in insulation that completely block the cell phone signals for at least 48 hours. There are two ways to know when to leave the shelter, when the power is completely off in the region and having access to an external camera battery operated, to see what is happening because after disabling signal and power, military forces should enter in the region to start the cleaning. Avoid being exposed to these "military forces" at any cost.
- Also according to this report, the coastal areas of the globe that concentrate most of the people will be the target of new technologies added to the HAARP system to "rush" events in the contact areas of tectonic plates, plus thousands of tons of explosives already installed at strategic points to accelerate volcanic activity.
As you can see, a lot is being prepared by them, but many attitudes will be taken by the Community Galactica at this time, so watch for the signs that will be recognized by the most prepared, and all volunteers can be contacted at any time to assist those providences. We believe in the survival of the human race on planet Earth, and we will do everything to save the remaining societies of these "agents of destruction and concentrators power" represented by your current "elite".
- As you can also easily verify watching the skies that the movement of spacecrafts is increasing, you can easily track and to register many of them with simple equipment, and this will help you to prove to ones that refuse to agree with our presence here to be more prepared to a possible contact of out space brothers.
- The geographic poles began to move their positions following the magnetic poles, that is, the planet is declining physically their axis to a new position of equilibrium, and this will mean climate change increasingly radical in certain regions. Behaviors totally random, dense fog, strange formations of clouds, big storms, among other manifestations of nature. Stand firm, therefore everything will pass and societies will become reacquainted with our help. The amount of level 1 creatures on the planet is 22 percent, so it will be a viable society to be part of the Community Galactica as a new member very soon.
- Answering questions about the comet named ISON, it has nothing to do with the destroyed comet Elenin, it is part of several large objects that precede the system Nibiru, and is being escorted by Krulians but they have no instruction to change its route or to interfere in the events.
With respect to periods of 26 million years of extinction of life on Earth defined by your scientists, it is correct, but there never was total extinction of the human race on the planet on any of these occasions. You can easily identify systems of caves and underground labyrinths that have been used on several occasions when the planet has gone through periods of great hardship. All these complexes were built in these times with the help of friends from space. This time will be no different, just new technologies shall be used as protective force fields among others.
- Don’t confuse these descriptions of actual facts with fear mongering, if you do not know the facts is because most of you were left out by the leaders that you have always revered and kept in power. Created in an atmosphere of false security, and kept in ignorance of the facts, you eventually deliver your destinations directly into their hands.
- Be well my friends, and be certain that much is being done to protect you and to alleviate these difficult times that the planet Earth will have to pass until complete stabilization.
Thanks for watching, join our channel! Be sure that you are welcome there!
Captain Bill – June, 2013

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Subject: Fwd: Cancelled Flight - PLEASE READ

Cancelled Flight- please read!!

Please read entire story, we should be very, very scared about this!
And to think that Fox News was the only channel that reported this. They may be "politically incorrect", but at least they had the "balls" to report it.
In my opinion, the Muslims are all getting very brave now. Read Tedd Petruna's story below. Can you imagine, our own news media now are so politically correct that they are afraid to report that these were all Muslims?
Unbelievable. Thank God for people like Tedd Petruna.
Tedd Petruna is a diver at the NBL (Neutral Buoyancy Lab) facility at NASA Houston . Tedd happened to be on the AirTran Flight 297, from Atlanta to Houston . Here's his report :
"One week ago, I went to Ohio on business and to see my father. On Tuesday, the 17th, I returned home. If you read the papers the 18th you may have seen a blurb about where an Air Tran flight was canceled from Atlanta to Houstondue to a man who refused to get off of his cell phone before take- off.. The story was only on Fox News. That was NOT what really happened.
I was seated in 1st class coming home. Eleven Muslim men got on the plane in full Muslim attire. Two of them sat in 1st class and the rest seated themselves throughout the plane, in coach class, all the way to the back. As the plane taxied out to the runway, the stewardesses gave the safety spiel that we are all so familiar with.
At that time, one of the men in 1st class, got on his cell and called one of his companions back in coach. He proceeded to talk on the phone in Arabic very loudly and very, very aggressively. This activity took the 1st stewardess out of action for she repeatedly told the man that cell phones were not permitted at that time. He ignored her as if she were not there. The man, who answered the phone back in the coach section, did the same and this took out the 2nd stewardess. Further back in the plane, at the same time, two younger Muslims, one in the back on the aisle, and one sitting in front of him by the window, began to show footage of a porno video they had taped the night before. They were very loud about it.
The 3rd stewardess informed the two men that they were not to have any electronic devices on at this time. One of the men said "shut up infidel dog!"
The stewardess attempted to take the camcorder and the Muslim began to scream in her face in Arabic. At that exact moment, all eleven of the men got up and started to walk throughout the cabin. I guess that because of the noise, the flight crew must have decided that there was something amiss and changed the plane's directions to head back to the terminal.
The commotion and noise was reaching a feverish pitch, and at this point I had had enough! I got up and started towards the back of 1st class when I heard a voice behind me from another Texan twice my size, say, "I got your back." Then I grabbed the man, who had been on the cell phone, by the arm and said, "You WILL sit down in your seat or you WILL be thrown from this plane!" As I "led" him around me to take his seat, the fellow Texan grabbed him by the back of his neck and his waist and headed him back to his seat. I then grabbed the 2nd man and said, "You WILL do the same!"
He protested loudly, but my adrenaline was flowing now and he was going to go also. Just as I escorted him forward, the plane stopped, the doors opened and three TSA agents and four police officers entered the cabin. Myself and my new Texas friend were told to cease and desist for they had the situation under control.
I was quite happy to oblige, actually. There was still some sort of commotion in the back, but within moments, all eleven Muslim men were escorted off the plane. The TSA agents then had their luggage unloaded. We talked about the occurrence and were in disbelief that it had happened.
Then suddenly, the door opened again and in walked all eleven Muslim men! Stone faced, eyes front and robotic, (the only way I can describe it) and they were reseated. The stewardess from the back had been in tears and when she saw the men, she was having NONE of it! Since I was up front, I heard and saw the whole ordeal. She told the TSA agents that there was NO WAY she was staying on the plane with the Muslim men. The agent told her that they had searched the men and were going through their luggage with a fine tooth comb. However, nothing had been found and that the men were allowed to proceed on to Houston .
The captain and co-captain came out of the cockpit and told the agent, "We and our crew will not fly this plane!" After a word or two, the entire crew, luggage in tow, left the plane. Five minutes later, the cabin door opened again and a whole new crew walked on. Again, this was where I had had enough! I got up and asked the TSA agent,"What the hell is going on?
I was told to take my seat. The airlines and TSA were sorry for the delay and we would be home shortly. I said, "I'm getting off this plane". The stewardess sternly told me that she could not allow me to get off. Now I'm really mad! I said, "I am a grown man who bought this ticket, whose time is mine, with a family at home, and I am going through that door, or I'm going through that door with you under my arm, but I AM going through that door!"
And then I heard a voice behind me say, "So am I!" Then everyone behind us started to get up and say the same thing. Within two minutes, I was walking off that plane where I was met by more TSA agents, who asked me to write a statement about the incident. I had five hours to kill at this point waiting for the next flight to Houston , so why the hell not give them my statement. Due to the amount of people who got off that flight, it was canceled. I was supposed to be in Houston at 6 PM, but I finally got there at 12:30 AM. If you don't believe this, look up the date and then Flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston .
If this wasn't a terrorism dry run, I don't know what is. The terrorists wanted to see how TSA would handle it, how the crew would handle it, and how the passengers would handle it. I'm telling this to you because I want you to know. The threat IS real. I saw it with my own eyes."
Tedd Petruna
I suggest you keep this going until this incident reaches the email of all POLITICIANS and the news media!
"There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal. While the first is the condition of a free society, the second means a new form of servitude."

-Friedrich August von Hayek

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