Thursday, June 12, 2014

Reading:::File:::▶ 110 - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA Nibiru and Events - YouTube

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Video 110

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and ten – December 28, 2013.

- My friends, as you were able to prove by the media, changes have been noted in the frequency of the Sun and he calmed the high level of activity that was having. This was caused by ISON set during its passage. The interference of the Community Galactica, in these finishes for adjustments of the solar system will be minimal, the Arcturians finalized all procedures of containment that were keeping the major volcanic systems close to population centers, this means that the planet was released to his nature answer all adjustment measures being applied by this task force. Be assured that this was the least traumatic way to stabilize not only the frequency of planet earth, and also of all other celestial bodies of the system.

- Every change causes some involuntary movements inherent to that is being pre-defined. A stone thrown into a calm lake will cause sequential and harmonic waves, which over a short time will not be perceived, and everything will be calm again. The volume of the mass of the "stone" thrown in the lake will make its level increases slightly, and it is this small increase that will make all the difference to the next stage. Only your governments could prevent the waters of the lake back to normal balance at the correct time. They want to cause movements that may interfere with the natural factors and this will only cause delays in stabilizing this new stage. We have disrupted the plans of fairly called PTB, but we cannot interfere with all events deliberately planned by them.

Answering some pendent questions with great volume of requests:

- The anomaly of the Baltic is not a spaceship, is an ancient monument resembling a ship, made to contain certain artifacts of communication between a humanoid colony developed here and their mentors there approximate 32,000 years ago, long before the colonies of Atlantis. These "artifacts" contained in rocks are molecularly programmed, that is, work forever until they are destroyed or absorbed by nature. In the last relocation of the continents many of these regions were submerged, and some may emerge again with future tectonic relocations.

- The Coso artifact encased in a 500,000 year old mineral rock, like I said before, we confirmed in old drawings of our data base that it is an old high-voltage insulator from an old reptilian spaceship.
- Nibiru system is not coming, its going. Do not confuse it with Taus and its moon that are inside the solar system right now.
- Black people from Africa as I said before, come from Sirius planets. Colonies were developed with elements that were kidnapped from their planets of origin by ancient amphibians reptilians, who were preparing hundreds of planets to spread their civilization, and here on Tiamat specifically in Africa to be a warm and pleasant area for the life of reptoids. They maintained a spy service of the mining operations of Camelopardalis, and whenever it was reported a planet with living conditions they tried to take over the planet. The aim was to form "task forces" to build cities and infrastructure to reptilian colonization. When the reptilians were driven out away by forces Atonians by Tiamat being long used as a cot of humanoid civilizations, the remaining blacks continued to live in
tribes and under the conditions they could find, without specific guidance, and remained so until the present day. Several of these black races from Sirius began to level one and are already highly developed. Possibly you can receive visits of those people who gave rise to the DNA of these earthlings when you guys go to openly relate to the interstellar community.
- Friends, the nature of the planet Earth is going to make their own actions for its recovery, and terminate growth of 5 percent expected for this new phase. Do not blame the ISON by events in your atmosphere, remember that many thousands of meteors are loose from their positions by the warming caused by clouds of cosmic energy, and should intersect with the Earth with greater frequency. The geographic poles will be definitely migrating during the first quarter of next year, the core of the planet is overheated by the incidence of cosmic energy too, and the planet will swell slightly during 2014. Everything that we can do in the sequence, shall be assist isolated groups abandoned to its own fate, and you can be sure that many thousands of "missing persons" are very much alive and surviving in places we've pre designated for this. I still cannot talk much about this issue but you more prepared, may wonder what I'm talking about. This next year will not be easy, but you guys already have discernment to know how to get through those moments with the conscience that you guys are developing along with the planet. Do not think you are alone and abandoned because you guys are not. We'll be here with you.

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4 Cib, 19 Pax, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We arrive! Your world continues in a silent struggle between the forces of the dark and the Light. This struggle is all about the inevitable defeat of the dark and its many human minions. Our associates are continuing to build alliances and to force what are clearly the elements of their victory. The key essentials in this victory are the vast amounts of precious metals possessed, and especially a broad spiritual element, which includes the rising levels of consciousness and the growing need to be free and spiritually sovereign from the dark and its hideous centuries of slavery, greed and arrogance. A global coalition has formed whose main concerns include an end to debt slavery, true national and personnel sovereignty as well as a worldwide jubilee. This group embraced the Light and is working diligently to give your realm clean, transparent governance and a new monetary system. This system encourages the rise of a permanent prosperity, free of the income taxes used for so long to prevent such reform. In this reality, humanity is to shine and prepare itself for our arrival. This we welcome and know how deeply you are ready for your return to full consciousness.
   This growing level of consciousness is partly responsible for the numerous alliances that are forming across your globe. Humanity is becoming aware that a different way of doing its many tasks is indeed possible. This is why there is a great need to end governmental corruption and tie it into a new currency reset and a precious metal-based financial system. This system requires a high degree of transparency in order to succeed. Given these parameters, the new financial system is to encourage a redistribution of wealth and a means to transform poverty, homelessness and unjust taxations. This immense shift is to provide a way for each human to watch their respective levels of governance and help it truly represent them. The most encouraging item in this is the end to a global cover-up, which prevents us from making a meaningful preliminary contact with you. We have watched as each decade has brought into being individuals who accept the fact that they are not alone and dearly wish to make contact with us. This fact makes first contact inevitable.
   In this light, we have forged alliances with your secret sacred societies and introduced them to our brethren in Inner Earth. Your Ascended Masters have also embraced us and now realize how we are to assist in preparing humanity for its jump into full consciousness. This alliance is making it possible for us to mutually plan a massive first contact with you. Heaven continues to ready each of you for full consciousness. This shift in reality is why the dark's influence is fading and why a great panic has set in among them. This rising desperation is why the present dark reality seems at times to be one in which the dark's grip is tightening. It is a mere bluff designed to make the weary lose sight of their ever-closing victory. We know in fact that you sense this victory and understand just how close it is! In turn, we have stepped up our daytime reconnaissance and installed "accidental" meetings in which we encourage many to inform others of what we say to them. Thus, a network of contactees is growing and preparing the way for our coming announcements.
   These announcements are to come after formal recognition by the new governments of your world. Our liaisons and accompanied diplomatic corps assure us that this actual date is quite close to fruition. Many who are selected to become the transition teams for your new governance understand what Heaven is doing. This shift in consciousness brings with it the ability to cast off the core lies and gross manipulation long favored by the dark and its minions. This new time is to be one where your great inner powers are manifested and where you are ready to accept a whole host of new realities. This process of transformation enables you to clearly see how the dark worked. The critical element is to override their nefarious programming and take on new more spiritual course corrections. These are to be the beginnings of new truths that ready you in essence for full consciousness. They also prepare you to accept new duties and new ideas regarding your place as the prime stewards for your most beautiful world. They also ready you for your interactions with Agartha and your own cetacean nation.
   Namaste, we are your Ascended Masters! We come with some more news about what is now happening on your world. The ancient families that have long been in charge of a vast secret depository of gold, silver and precious stones are ready to take your prosperity to the next step. They have arranged with us to bring your abundance to the delivery stage. In accordance with their wishes, we are making much-needed arrangements, which can safely move this prosperity ever closer to you. Moreover, we bless those in a number of governments who are assisting us with the necessary new governance mandates needed to help you actually receive your blessings. This operation is in preparation for a massive transition that can permit these blessings to manifest. Our Inner Earth companions are likewise readying a process that is to allow this massive transition to happen as smoothly as possible. These things are in accordance with Heaven's divine plan to return you to full consciousness.
   The dark cabal realizes just how futile its continued resistance is. Nevertheless, their fears create in them a need to resist to the very last possible moment. These fears are to be alleviated by what is now planned by Heaven. It is necessary first to forge a reality that gives them only one option ­ an unconditional surrender to the Light. These elements are reaching a crescendo that is to push these defiant ones from power and permit a firm redistribution of this planet's immense wealth. These policies do not leave them entirely destitute. In fact, they permit them the opportunity to become a part of a vast group that is moving blessed humanity toward full consciousness. In this state, a new "etat de vie" can exist that is the precursor to your final journey to the Light Chambers and full consciousness. This sacred journey is for all to follow. We do this in divine grace and in complete joy!
   What is taking place on your world is a sacred change in how this global society works. You are being exposed to new ideas and concepts that are only possible because the Light has blessedly come and started a way for all of you to be free. It is a time to let everything occur within the divine grace given us by the Creator. This dispensation permits everyone to let go of the karmic interactions of this realm and breathe freely. All the guilt, worry and misplaced fears are to melt and be gone as we all reconnect with each other. This divine time is set off by the prosperity and amazing events that are set to happen. Be ever ready to heal and forgive your fellows' transgressions. You are all physical Angels in training. You are all being prepared to truly learn about Love and to capture in fullness the divine Light that daily pours into this reality. Know in your heart that the frustrations in your life are ready to dissipate. A new golden way awaits!
   Today, we carried on with our news of what is occurring around you. A new realm is being born. New ways are starting to manifest. In this, there is a means for success, prosperity and joy! Be ready to see this manifest and to feel in reality the wonders that are appearing around you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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