Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mission To Earth ::: ▶ Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle July-08-2014 - sharing

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Mission To Earth – A Lightworkers Guide To Self Mastery

By annamerkaba on July 9, 2014

I would like to share some very exciting news with all of you. Due to an overwhelming request by many of you for a guide on how to change your life, I have written a book and it has finally been published! It’s called “Mission to Earth – A Lightworkers Guide to Self Mastery”. These are some of the questions that will be explored in this book, along with the answers as to what earth is going through at this moment..

Why are you here?
What are you doing on Earth?
Who are you really?

The human body is comprised of molecules, atoms, cells, everything that is always in motion, never standing still. The same thing that comprises our bodies, comprises the bodies of animals, insects, plants. We are all made from the same material, only our DNA codes are different. And what are these DNA codes anyway? Where did they come from? Who created them? That is what I will be exploring in this book. Everything that is stated here is based on my own experience, all the information that I have received from Akasha, my endless encounters with the divine throughout my life here on earth. The remembrance of home. The knowledge from within.

Why you feel the way that you do, and what to do about it
Dark Thought Form and How to keep them Under Control
Starseeds Journey to Earth – How you have come to be here
How to communicate with your guides
How to Let go of everything that stands in your way to true happiness, fulfillment and life purpose.
How to discover your life purpose
How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into yoru life.
How to change your life and make it what you want it to be!
How to attract abundance into your life
How to protect yourself from Psychic attacks and so much more!

The book is available as a digital file (PDF) and Hardcopy. To learn more about this book and to purchase it please visit

Here is an article that is part of the book as an example of what you can expect :)

Many misunderstand the idea of twin flames, and are searching for that one special soul, usually of the opposite sex, to spend their lives with. In truth there is not just one other half of you out there somewhere walking around, but many more pieces of your soul. And yet it is with only ONE such other piece of your soul that you are to unite into one magnificent WHOLE.

So how does this happen? When your soul, your OVERSOUL is born at the source, it is born into a soul family of other such souls who are all closely related. These OVERSOULS will continue to interact with each other over and over again in various physical lives, and etheric ones. A soul family is different than an OVERSOUL.

An oversoul is one giant soul that has been split into 16 parts. That is what I am being told, that there are usually 16 parts of the soul that separate into “mini souls”. These mini souls go on to have various experiences. Since the cosmos is huge, and there are a myriad of universes, parallel realities, dimensions, etc., These 16 parts are quickly multiplied into what is called “Aspects of self”. To help you understand this better. It’s very similar to this, when you are home alone, you are one way, when you go to work you present a completely different “you” to the world. Being with your parents creates yet another persona. Being with a significant other, another. Etc., etc., Each time we adjust our behavior in order to present ourselves in a different light we create an aspect of our own selves.

I have not formally spoken to St. Germain prior to receiving this tool, and found myself flabbergasted when he came to me early in the morning as I was awakening from sleep. I saw him clearly and he pointed to this tool and explained to me in detail how to use it! And as soon as I took it into my hands and closed my eyes, I felt my crown chakra vibrating surprisingly much and felt myself surrounded by so much Violet that I felt myself actually becoming it! Then complete, peace and serenity filled my body and uncontrollable joy! This frequency operates on opening up our 8th chakra and crown chakra, the chakras of divinity and connects us with the divine. In doing so, it purifies our whole body, removes blockages, releases the past and transmutes all that stands in the way of total recognition and understanding of self. Click here to learn more about it :

This frequency operates on opening up our 8th chakra and crown chakra, the chakras of divinity and connects us with the divine. In doing so, it purifies our whole body, removes blockages, releases the past and transmutes all that stands in the way of total recognition and understanding of self.

In fact many people with “split personality disorders” as they have been labeled by our modern medicine, have an issue with the fact that their auric field has cracked opened and the various aspects of themselves become disconnected. Sometimes this is actually quite easy to fix by simply sealing the auric field with “etheric surgery”.

So as you can see everything starts at the Oversoul level, then splits into 16 parts, and tapers down to a myriad of aspects of self.

These 16 parts the most important ones of course, since each of the 16 parts are currently living out their beautiful journeys all over the universe. And there is an INFINITE number universes. So these 16 parts of your soul separate and move about the vast cosmic platform.

Once each of these parts has had enough experience and desires to merge back to its true self it must find it’s appropriate part and see if that part of the soul is actually ready to merge with it.

16 parts create 8 pairs. Once these 8 pairs merge, they create 4 pairs. Once these 4 pairs merge they create 2 pairs. Once these 2 pairs merge, it is then that TWIN FLAMES that we all know of and keep on talking about emerge. These TWIN FLAMES are the most important ones for the oversoul. Keep in mind though that this OVERSOUL is a sort of energy hub which keeps tabs on all its parts and aspects, connecting these parts with each other, and instigating various events for these mini souls to keep constantly meeting throughout their journeys in the universe.

Therefore, it is quite possible to meet a part of your soul throughout your mini souls life. In fact its mandatory. Surprising to me was that these mini souls of your oversoul do not necessarily need to be in a romantic relationship! Since each mini soul is developing at its own speed, many times a more advanced part of your soul will meet with a less advanced one, less experienced one, in order to help it to move forward, to teach it various things about the universe and life. Therefore it’s quite possible to have children and parents who seem to be so identical to each other and have an incredibly close relationship with one another, understanding each other on some level that is mind boggling. When asked whether they were romantically involved in previous lives the answer is always no.

It was after many channelings and encounters that this information was finally revealed to me. So in one lifetime you can have a child who is part of your actual soul. A piece of you. Whom you are helping to maneuver through this life!

Also each pair that forms will never be romantically involved with another. However the respective parts will always meet to exchange information be it in actual physical or etheric, or otherwise. They will always bump into each other to exchange information learned on a frequency level which we are simply not aware of.

So for example Part 1A and Part 9A will be romantically involved with each other, in fact they will meet many times over and have various romantic relationships which doesn’t mean that they will merge with each other, as they may simply not be ready to do so. However, Part 1A and 2A will never be romantically involved, they may play out various roles as parent/child relationship etc. These types of relationship are usually incredibly close. Many times you see parent and child that can’t seem to live without each other. Understanding each other without having to speak a word. In our world it may seem abnormal to have such a close bond with a parent/child, but it doesn’t mean that their relationship is not balanced, not at all they are simply the best of friends who seem to clearly understand and respect each other, support each other etc. Most of the time, when such a relationship does occur usually one of them will be a much more evolved part of the soul. This is not a soul group, this is an actual part of your soul.

THE ANKH DISC – KEY OF LIFE – What this tool does is aligns you with your own self helping you to experience LIFE here on earth and integrating your etheric self. This tool is known for activating the sacral chakra and releasing all the negativity in regards to intimacy and sex that is stored in your body, but not only this, but so much more. It also activates your PSYCHIC abilities, working on the sacral chakra allowing you to become sensual and be able to attune yourself to the needs of others. Helping you in building strong relationships with others. Click here for more information.

Sometimes it will occur between friends. If you think about it, there may have been or still is a friend in your life that you have an incredibly complicated relationship with, they do everything wrong from your point of view, they drive you crazy, but at the same time you keep on being there for them guiding them and helping them. No matter what they do, you seem to have unconditional love for them, that you simply cannot explain. This is usually the reason, they are simply part of your OVERSOUL and you are part of theirs. You both met in order to help your OVERSOUL grow faster, correct each others “mistakes” learn and expand your mutual consciousness, which really is ONE.

So once again, Part 1A + Part 9A will be romantically involved. Part 4A and 13A never will be. Each OVERSOUL separates into 16 parts, once these 16 parts meet they will form 8 pairs. Once the 8 pairs merge, which could take eons to happen, they will form 4 pairs which will once again go off and have their own adventures and their own lives. Finally to merge into unison and form 2 “minisouls. Again each part will continue its own journey until they are finally ready to merge with each other. And that is what we understand to be TWIN FLAMES. In essence though, it is not the case as here on earth right now you could simply be merging with one of the earlier pairs, say Part 8A + Part 16A. However, the last pairs to merge are usually the most powerful unions of all.

They usually merge at the most important historical moments of the universe, and that is precisely what is happening on planet earth at the moment. These last 2 “minisouls” are finally merging into ONE, meeting and CREATING phenomenal experiences not only for humanity but for all of the universe enlarge. As we are in the midst of great changes that are influencing this entire universe which comprises of a myriad of galaxies, stars, planets, dimensions, various realities the impact of such mergers is usually extremely profound and breathtaking to behold.

And then, there are those here on earth that have fully and completely merged with ALL parts of their soul. They do not feel that urge, loneliness, nor desire to meet that “Special” someone, they are content, complete, and here to assist humanity with infinite knowledge of the creator. These are the most profound spiritual leaders, scientists, healers, teachers, world leaders, etc., whose sole purpose in life seems to be assisting humanity without much interest in seeking out romantic relationships as that is not their primary goal nor do they need to meet another part of their soul to carry out their divine missions as all parts are with them assisting them from WITHIN.

And then there are soul families, soul groups, etc, that eventually all merge into ONE being called the SOURCE/GOD as we understand it to be. In essence we are ALL interconnected and intertwined, regardless if a particular being is part of your actual soul or not, as we simply are part of ONE GIANT WHOLE from which we all originate and to which we all belong, and of which we all are.

It’s the same as your fingers, organs, cells, all carrying out different functions, working together, being part of ONE whole, the human body. The same is with the universe, we are all parts of the universe, parts of GOD, parts of creator and that is why we truly ARE The creators of our own realities, as we go about our day we CREATE with MAGIC of our thought patterns. Hence it’s so incredibly important to remember that what WE think, truly DOES affect EVERYONE around us, even those that presently do not reside on planet earth. So choose your thoughts wisely and enjoy every step of your journey to ONENESS to the understanding of SELF to just BEING and CREATING this phenomenal experience we call LIFE!

P.S. Please follow your own intuition, as with any other information if you do not resonate with this writing then it only means that deep in your heart you know otherwise and you should follow what YOUR heart is telling you.

~Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –

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6 Kan, 7 Kumku, 10 Caban


Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We return with much to say about a number of topics. At present, you are on the verge of a new reality. The dark cabal is rapidly diminishing. A number of nations are currently putting together coalitions whose purpose is to bypass the many fiat-based organizations of the old dark order. These financial organizations were given life by the signing of the Dumbarton-Oaks agreements in late 1944. The old guard institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), are to be set aside as new “true value” precious metal global currencies manifest. Along with these new currencies are to be new banking regulations as expressed by various “Basel III” compliances. Our Earth allies and their numerous national associates are doing this to redistribute the planet’s wealth and create a way to push the dark from its present position of financial and governmental supremacy. All of this is just the beginning of a process to free you from centuries-long debt slavery and the corruption of governments sworn to uphold every whim of the cabal and its many associates.

   This process is also to permit us to reveal ourselves to you. Currently, our Agarthan allies are working with many of these groups to bring in this new financial system. Our work with the Ascended Masters also includes a series of lessons to prepare you for full consciousness. These lessons are to be the foundation for items that are to be made clearer by our mentoring program. These series of projects are, of course, set around first contact. Once you have new institutions that set up prosperity and terminate your ever-growing debt slavery, it becomes necessary for you to understand what Heaven is doing to move you toward being fully conscious again. We travelled across the stars for this one purpose ­ to transform your consciousness. At that point you are to rejoin the Galactic Federation and start to fulfill your grand destiny. In our last message we discussed your origins. Now, we need to look at how this transformation is to affect Gaia and her many sister worlds. This discussion is to begin with the changing nature of this solar system and the reality which surrounds it.

   You are surrounded by a reality which is transforming. Heaven decreed that this solar system be changed into a multidimensional reality. This trans-reality is causing all of the Sun’s daughters to go through great changes. These include the rumbling in the methane-laden atmospheres of your four gas giants and the climate change occurring in your three water worlds. Beneath the sands of Mars and the poison gases of Venus lie vast oceans of water. The weaponry of the former Anchara alliance submerged these waters when they invaded this solar system roughly two million years ago. The results of this attack are the special ruins of Mars and the oddity that is Uranus. Venus, like Mars, possesses a great deal of water, which lies just beneath its surface. All of these spheres are hollow and special societies reside in these inner worlds. There is much to be explored once you are removed from your current state of an amnesia-enclosed limited consciousness. In your new state you can better appreciate what occurred here millions of years ago.

   The vital item thus becomes how you can successfully be prepared for your leap into full consciousness. Galactic consciousness is quickly embracing you through a number of required pre-states. You have navigated the first seven of these 12 states. The next one is concerned primarily with your head, throat and thymus chakras. Hence, many of you are experiencing headaches and odd pains in your teeth and sinuses. The cabal is using elements in its chemtrails to counter your growth. Their lack of success has created flu-like symptoms in your head; deep coughs in your upper chest and a general fatigue. The readying of your “Well of Dreams” has created an uneasy or broken sleep along with strange tearing of your eyes as well as odd and recurring headaches. In addition, there are infrequent beats of your heart and accompanying light tremors in your chest. These symptoms are only a brief description of numerous others too long and rare to mention. Nevertheless, the dark’s chemtrails are not defeating what is happening to you. They are only adding unnecessarily to your burden.

   Blessings and Prosperity to all! We are your Ascended Masters! We return on a most delightful note. The final procedures to manifest your prosperity are finished. We await the final schedule for deliveries to be approved and your supply delivered to you. NESARA is also getting ready for its grand debut. The dark cabal now understands its fate and is finally blessedly ready to comply. This is indeed a most glorious time for all. Those who have long kept the Light in their hearts are now to proclaim a great liberty, and with it an end to your powerlessness. The enslavers are to meet their due, and the trials which follow are merely to emphasize this point. Our associates in Agartha are preparing to announce themselves as well with a grand proclamation inviting you all to their realm. However, before you go, listen quite carefully to what they say. This realm is 5-D in scope and requires you to make some physical adjustments before you journey there.

   This new reality is preliminary to Gaia equalizing her inner and outer realms. Furthermore, the present atmosphere needs to be cleansed and her two-firmament atmosphere fully restored. Her divine Spiritual Hierarchy is preparing the three-step operation to transform and reunite Gaia’s two worlds. To do this, she needs you to return to being physical Angels. We bless you and divinely assure you that such procedures are truly underway. The divine Elohim are working to prepare Gaia for this transformation. Hence, the many activities across your globe show you that the plate tectonics are to shift and forge a new surface for her. To accomplish this you are to be moved to your Inner Earth residences and Light Chambers approximately 14 months after the mass landings. We bless these plans and are ready to supervise your transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light.

   Visualize this time as a special moment of transition. You are becoming galactic humans. You are to rejoin a vast sea of humanity that is spread across thousands of star nations and learn in detail how all of this came to be. We rejoice and bless these grand sacred actions based upon the holy decrees of AEON. Eons ago, our souls first travelled to this sacred orb and collectively decided to be future stewards of Gaia and her yet-to-be-born ecosystems. This sacred pledge is ready now to be resumed by us and expanded to include all the water worlds of this solar system. You, blessed brethren, have been lost and enslaved for a long time. This transition is marking both your liberation and the way to full consciousness. We stand together in the sacred Light of the Creator. We stand together as children of this galaxy, ready to maintain our home worlds and carry out the divine service given us by the sacred decrees of AEON!
   Today, we reiterated our divine missions and stated to you just how close we truly are to a sacred resolution. This grand operation is to free you from the bondage imposed on you by the dark, and permits you to resume your sacred duties. All of us are in joy that this grand time of freedom is upon you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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