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*** * * *
Final Alignment of Planetary Ascension
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 7, 2014
http://www.lichtweltverlag. com/de/blog/index.html
first published on July 14, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
Sananda gave this message to Jahn the next day after he responded to my comments and questions regarding the ascension scenario on July the 7th. In this respect this message can be regarded as Part II of his answer to me. Many aspects that Sananda touched upon in his first answer are further elaborated in this second message.
It also reaffirms my assessment of the current political situation as presented in my article on Paul Craig Roberts (PCR). In particular why there will be no WW3 on this highest timeline. It is noteworthy to point out that this message was given exactly at the same time when I wrote my article on PCR’s interview with Voice of Russia, where he supported the view of the inevitability of a global nuclear war. I received this message from Jahn though five days later, so that we have here another unbiased proof for the validity of my conclusions with respect to the more favourable ascension scenario on this timeline. This will however not prevent the occurrence of the MPR on this vibrationally highest hologram.
Essentially this message announces the end of all preparations and adjustments in the ascension process that gave infinite chances to the numerous fence straddlers and sleeping light warriors to awaken and embrace the idea of ascension. All decisions have been made and now it is all about the final coordination of the ascension of Gaia to a new galaxy as its crystallisation point. Ascension and the MPR are “only an instant away in time”.
The bottom line is that the battle is won and the dark ones must go to a lower super-dark 3D planet that is a veritable hell. This will stipulate their negative reactions and will accelerate the ascension process. To this I have just received a new very important message from Jahn, given to him by Babaji on July 2th. I must say that Babaji is also present with us in these last days and his flamboyant energies are everywhere.
The key new piece of information is that a final vibrational measurement of the threshold of ascension for Gaia and humanity will be made in these last days. This announcement was made on July 7th (7.7), the beginning of the lion’s portal, which is the most powerful ascension portal of the year. You can go back to my archive and find what we have achieved during this time of the year in the last three years. The lion’s portal ended with the super full moon on July 12th.
After this final assessment of the vibrational quotient, the final ascension can begin. This time Gaia will ascend together with the new galaxy, for which we have been advanced as the new guardians. She will be the crystallisation point of this massive separation of galaxies and their subsequent ascension, respectively further descent:
“The renewed vibration measurement of this world is required, because the final determination and the final adjustment of the planetary ascension take place. Based on these measurements, the final docking station far from space-time is determined for this planet. This is the point where this world holistically is on a higher vibration level, in a new galaxy and in a new universe. This moment is connected with the total separation of this world from the sluggishly vibrating earth holograms; and thereby the level of space-time will be broken through and stripped off.“
This final gauging of the vibrational threshold of ascension has already taken place.
On July 12th, during the super full moon, all light warriors of the first and the last hours were overwhelmed by a massive cleansing wave of darkest and most depressive emotions. On that day Carla was in a total depression and could not recognize herself. I have just received an email from Ellen Emerich that also confirms this wave.
“These past months have been a roller coaster for me as well. Extreme highs and lows. BUT, on Saturday I had reached a very different level of deep sadness and despair. Along with extreme hellish physical symptoms as well. I reached out to a couple of PAT members to “check in” and also found them to be in the same mental, emotional and physical condition as myself. I was positive that I could no longer continue on this journey. I knew that another change HAD to come.”
On that day I was more or less exempted from this cleansing, as I am already beyond this vibrational level. But in the night to July the 13th I was hit by the most massive cc-wave with a descent of source energies, which I have experienced in the last several months. I had an excruciating headache the whole night and during the morning of July 13th. I knew by then that this is the ascension test run announced by Sananda in the message below.
Such ascension test runs are always associated with the assessment of the vibrational energies of Gaia and humanity and whether they have already reached the threshold of ascension. They also lead to the release of remnant dark patterns and energies that are still harboured in the numerous holograms of Gaia. Light warriors like Carla and Ellen, who have directly anchored their fields in Gaia, experience such episodes in a particularly exhausting manner. But this also indicates the effectiveness of such ascension test runs, which always heave Gaia to new higher vibrational levels.
Then my headache improved at noon and in the afternoon I was flooded with most blissful 6D energies of ecstasy and the joyful feeling of returning back home. I was really euphoric for no apparent reason. I knew beyond any doubt that we have successfully reached the threshold of ascension on that day – yesterday, July the 13th.
Then in the evening I got very tired all of a sudden and had to lie down. I was immediately taken away. At the same time I was flooded by the most intensive ascension wave, I have ever experienced and believed at that moment that my physical body will disintegrate and I will finally undergo my transfiguration to a crystalline light body. I was in a trance state, but with a very lucid thinking and immediately connected telepathically to the mothership of the GF that was very near above me.
In the moments, when I drifted away, I must have visited it. I was urged to start saying the invocation of the gold-violet flame. At the same time, I was unable to move. This state of almost total immobilisation lasted for about two hours. I was alone at home, as Carla had to drive the boys to Downtown of Vancouver for their hockey training.
When I finally got up, I saw the most remarkable sky in my life. There was a clear contour of the mothership as clouds above me with a lot of clouds like the wings of angels and the colours of the blue-violet-pink-gold spectra from the source were indescribably intensive. I immediately called Carla on the iPhone and reported about my experience. She was waiting for her boys in the car outside and confirmed the colours of the sky as follows in an email to me:
“Dear Georgi,
Yes, the sky is absolutely breathtaking in its colours of turquoise, magenta and electric peach! I feel the huge energies also lifting me to new levels of consciousness. I cannot wait to hold you tonight – we may ascend tonight! You are correct, the mothership is here!
Love Carla“
Then this night all the ascended masters from the mothership and all over the universe came to me and Carla and beamed us the whole night with the loving energies of reverence and appreciation for the light work we have accomplished so far. There was such a finality in this form of energetic gratitude that I knew that we must have achieved something exceptional.
I have just informed Jahn about these events and hope to get some more information what has happened in the last 48 hours. Carla is also trying to get more information from the Elohim. Babaji’s message as of July 12th, which Jahn has just sent me, already addresses this issue. I will try to publish it tomorrow and I urge you to follow from now on very closely all my reports as we have already entered the most exciting, but also the most dense and conflicting phase of the ascension process, before the MPR will take place and the separation of the galaxies will occur. This is also the time of our ascension to the 5D, respectively to the source, and our full endorsement as the new Guardians of this new Galaxy and not only of Gaia.
Finally let me address one further pivotal information in this message. The current ascension scenario of Gaia has taken the most unlikely outcome and this explains three major facts.
1) Most of the light warriors sent on the earth for the end time did not awaken and could not contribute to the ascension process. They were mired by the Orion matrix and will not ascend. Many of the readers of my website who have chosen to criticize me in the last six months belong to this group. They did not grasp my silence as a chance to finally establish a direct contact to their HS and progress in their ascension, but stayed fully dependent (addicted to) on external information, even when it came from me and was the best and most reliable information, one can get on this planet. This was the worst case scenario as predicted by the higher realms for the end times.
2) This fact explains why there were so many delays, detours and setbacks in the ascension scenario. I will publish this week an article on our announced ascension end of May by the Agarthans and how it was postponed in the very last minute due to unforeseeable problems. This experience prompted me to ask Sananda about the ongoing delays in the ascension scenario and to question the wisdom of delaying the final act to the very last moment in time. Now this discussion is of pure theoretical character as we have indeed entered this final phase of ascension, no matter how many days it will take in the linear time. But we must definitely discuss this issue one more time after ascension as to gain further insights.
3) The fact that so few light warriors of the first and last hours awakened and actively participated in the ascension process allowed them to exceed their wildest dreams. The were able to advance through these challenges much further than they had envisioned prior to incarnation. Now all these light warriors have become Logos-Gods and Guardians of the new galaxy, together with us, Carla and myself, as the Elohim of the first ray. This group, also known as the PAT, has accomplished the most difficult mission ever seen in this omniverse and this immense success has been acknowledged not only by the Elohim in their regular messages to us, but also by all sources which Jahn channels. And now this night by all ascended masters and forces of light.
Hence do not lose hope we are the most victorious group of light beings in the whole universe and have every right to be proud of ourselves.
And now Sananda’s message on this topic.
______________________________ ________
Beloved Ones,
I am omnipresent in this world. Nothing escapes my eye, nothing can withdraw from my attention and My Love is the birthright of every human Being. Hopeless humanity loses itself in one of the most wonderful places in Creation and it is me, who delivers hope, brings Light and gives Love; Everywhere, where hope, Light and Love may be accepted, everywhere, where the desire for it cries to Heaven.
The last days of humanity happen very quickly. The world changes, the day, when the world changes its countenance from the bottom up, is only an instance away in time. Many ways, also detours, many ascension scenarios, also displacements and many unforeseen events, also unpleasant ones, border God’s pathways in this world. Years passed and humanity received all instruments for the ascension. And those years are now gone. The time of an encompassing and extensive preparation of mankind for ascension is over.
Vibration Measurement before Ascension
In these significant days of mankind the vibration measurement of the planet and of human Beings take place. Because the renewed determination of the human and planetary vibration is the yardstick where from the further ascension process fulfills itself, until it is finally finished.
Today, as an infinite swarm of light warriors fell for darkness and today, because these human Beings turn away from the Light, today a few single light warriors rise up – and their Light reaches into Heaven – in order to give blessings to this world, until all upheavals are ended with a single surprise action from God.
The Universal Council of Light had to consider many scenarios for this ascension and all these scenarios were looked at, evaluated and examined on a cosmic screen. This means that the heavenly Light forces are and were principally adjusted to every ascension scenario. Yet what happened, was, what is the least expected result, namely: That so many human Beings in view of the nearing farewell from this world decided otherwise; and those few, the ascending ones, are of such a quality, which surpasses everything and all. Never before were so many “enlightened ones” on this planet.
The renewed vibration measurement of this world is required, because the final determination and the final adjustment of the planetary ascension take place. Based on these measurements, the final docking station far from space-time is determined for this planet. This is the point where this world holistically is on a higher vibration level, in a new galaxy and in a new universe. This moment is connected with the total separation of this world from the sluggishly vibrating earth holograms; and thereby the level of space-time will be broken through and stripped off.
What does this mean for the remaining time?
The Matrix has been left
To overcome the concept of impermanence. Understand that you have left this matrix mentally and emotionally, and not that you will still leave it. It is valid to accept further upheavals until day X with serenity and in the certainty of a Creator God. The ascension remains until last a dynamic and extremely stretchable process that releases new potentials over and over again, and brings them into reality, even those, which were predicted, but were not necessarily counted on.
In the course of the creation of the Super (dark) 3D-Planet, whereupon all inconvincible and unwavering dark ones will find themselves, a new awareness manifests for the ascending ones on this level. A lighter, more peaceful and joyful perception of this end time gains the upper hand. The heaviness recedes gradually from your reality, while darkness seems to continue to get stuck on the ground.
The ascending ones truly operate in a “tension field”, between a lighter and easier awareness of the divine vibration and the dark and sluggish base vibration, which emanates from many human Beings and from the discharges of time. Simultaneously the dark ones shift their reality to the newly created planet. Nobody can oppose this mandate from God; “resistance is pointless” describes this quite well.
The Dark Plan fails
This also means that the dark forces now put their card on “scorched earth”, because they want to let this earth ignite into a fire storm or let it suffocate in the morass of their own creations, before they leave it; and I say to you: This fails, as everything fails, what has been figured out by the lightless Beings for this world.
Yet it seems that success is certain for the dark ones, many may object. I say to you: This false assumption is based on the fact that the game of the dark ones has functioned nearly trouble-free for thousands of years. Thereby for you the impression has been created that you may never be able to escape this one.
And this impression has also been consolidated in the dark ones, so that they cannot become aware of their own downfall. Their misjudgment regarding the actual situation on earth, their false assumption regarding the power of the awakening of human Beings, is the springboard for their descent.
Because somebody who was able to play a “program without competition” for thousands of years, can neither interpret, nor recognize the moment, when the curtain falls. These “thinking patterns of superiority” were passed on from generation to generation and thereby it is impossible for the actually ruling dark elites to see, how God’s sword and the sword of the light warriors do their job, whereby all life cords of the dark ones are cut off (for further confirmation of this statement see my article on “our timeline travels“, note George).
They exist, the great wars, the great upheavals exist; yet before the world sinks in the blood frenzy, which the dark ones have visualized, the dark ones will:
a) fall themselves victim to this.
b) will find themselves in another world.
c) will be removed from this world.
Yet you are uplifted and enter into the Light. Godlessness no longer reaches you, because Heaven has spread out its power and God has spread out his hand in protection of mankind.
The believers, the knowers, the lovers, the peacemakers, the truth seekers, the light-filled, all those are turned over into God’s care. Whoever throws a rock unto these Beings, will go down in a rock slide, because any energy that is directed toward a light warrior will immediately come back to the sender.
Today the law of cause and effect begins to rule in almost real-time, and the energetic balance occurs instantly in a case of attack of an ascending one. Therefore each dark one, who gets involved with an ascending one, wants to do damage to him, immediately receives the pay-off and will himself be confronted with his action.
The game is truly over
Those, who have decided to step out of this illusion, will remain untouched by the principle of karma, because he no longer creates karma and has redeemed everything in himself that has accumulated over time. On the day of truth many will call on God and God knows all of them by name. And God will call up his missed sons and daughters and will ask: Where were you, my child, where do you go, my child, who are you, my child?
In the answer to this lies the happiness of human Beings. Because those, who love God will see him – from countenance to countenance.
In Eternity,
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 7, 2014
first published on July 14, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
Sananda gave this message to Jahn the next day after he responded to my comments and questions regarding the ascension scenario on July the 7th. In this respect this message can be regarded as Part II of his answer to me. Many aspects that Sananda touched upon in his first answer are further elaborated in this second message.
It also reaffirms my assessment of the current political situation as presented in my article on Paul Craig Roberts (PCR). In particular why there will be no WW3 on this highest timeline. It is noteworthy to point out that this message was given exactly at the same time when I wrote my article on PCR’s interview with Voice of Russia, where he supported the view of the inevitability of a global nuclear war. I received this message from Jahn though five days later, so that we have here another unbiased proof for the validity of my conclusions with respect to the more favourable ascension scenario on this timeline. This will however not prevent the occurrence of the MPR on this vibrationally highest hologram.
Essentially this message announces the end of all preparations and adjustments in the ascension process that gave infinite chances to the numerous fence straddlers and sleeping light warriors to awaken and embrace the idea of ascension. All decisions have been made and now it is all about the final coordination of the ascension of Gaia to a new galaxy as its crystallisation point. Ascension and the MPR are “only an instant away in time”.
The bottom line is that the battle is won and the dark ones must go to a lower super-dark 3D planet that is a veritable hell. This will stipulate their negative reactions and will accelerate the ascension process. To this I have just received a new very important message from Jahn, given to him by Babaji on July 2th. I must say that Babaji is also present with us in these last days and his flamboyant energies are everywhere.
The key new piece of information is that a final vibrational measurement of the threshold of ascension for Gaia and humanity will be made in these last days. This announcement was made on July 7th (7.7), the beginning of the lion’s portal, which is the most powerful ascension portal of the year. You can go back to my archive and find what we have achieved during this time of the year in the last three years. The lion’s portal ended with the super full moon on July 12th.
After this final assessment of the vibrational quotient, the final ascension can begin. This time Gaia will ascend together with the new galaxy, for which we have been advanced as the new guardians. She will be the crystallisation point of this massive separation of galaxies and their subsequent ascension, respectively further descent:
“The renewed vibration measurement of this world is required, because the final determination and the final adjustment of the planetary ascension take place. Based on these measurements, the final docking station far from space-time is determined for this planet. This is the point where this world holistically is on a higher vibration level, in a new galaxy and in a new universe. This moment is connected with the total separation of this world from the sluggishly vibrating earth holograms; and thereby the level of space-time will be broken through and stripped off.“
This final gauging of the vibrational threshold of ascension has already taken place.
On July 12th, during the super full moon, all light warriors of the first and the last hours were overwhelmed by a massive cleansing wave of darkest and most depressive emotions. On that day Carla was in a total depression and could not recognize herself. I have just received an email from Ellen Emerich that also confirms this wave.
“These past months have been a roller coaster for me as well. Extreme highs and lows. BUT, on Saturday I had reached a very different level of deep sadness and despair. Along with extreme hellish physical symptoms as well. I reached out to a couple of PAT members to “check in” and also found them to be in the same mental, emotional and physical condition as myself. I was positive that I could no longer continue on this journey. I knew that another change HAD to come.”
On that day I was more or less exempted from this cleansing, as I am already beyond this vibrational level. But in the night to July the 13th I was hit by the most massive cc-wave with a descent of source energies, which I have experienced in the last several months. I had an excruciating headache the whole night and during the morning of July 13th. I knew by then that this is the ascension test run announced by Sananda in the message below.
Such ascension test runs are always associated with the assessment of the vibrational energies of Gaia and humanity and whether they have already reached the threshold of ascension. They also lead to the release of remnant dark patterns and energies that are still harboured in the numerous holograms of Gaia. Light warriors like Carla and Ellen, who have directly anchored their fields in Gaia, experience such episodes in a particularly exhausting manner. But this also indicates the effectiveness of such ascension test runs, which always heave Gaia to new higher vibrational levels.
Then my headache improved at noon and in the afternoon I was flooded with most blissful 6D energies of ecstasy and the joyful feeling of returning back home. I was really euphoric for no apparent reason. I knew beyond any doubt that we have successfully reached the threshold of ascension on that day – yesterday, July the 13th.
Then in the evening I got very tired all of a sudden and had to lie down. I was immediately taken away. At the same time I was flooded by the most intensive ascension wave, I have ever experienced and believed at that moment that my physical body will disintegrate and I will finally undergo my transfiguration to a crystalline light body. I was in a trance state, but with a very lucid thinking and immediately connected telepathically to the mothership of the GF that was very near above me.
In the moments, when I drifted away, I must have visited it. I was urged to start saying the invocation of the gold-violet flame. At the same time, I was unable to move. This state of almost total immobilisation lasted for about two hours. I was alone at home, as Carla had to drive the boys to Downtown of Vancouver for their hockey training.
When I finally got up, I saw the most remarkable sky in my life. There was a clear contour of the mothership as clouds above me with a lot of clouds like the wings of angels and the colours of the blue-violet-pink-gold spectra from the source were indescribably intensive. I immediately called Carla on the iPhone and reported about my experience. She was waiting for her boys in the car outside and confirmed the colours of the sky as follows in an email to me:
“Dear Georgi,
Yes, the sky is absolutely breathtaking in its colours of turquoise, magenta and electric peach! I feel the huge energies also lifting me to new levels of consciousness. I cannot wait to hold you tonight – we may ascend tonight! You are correct, the mothership is here!
Love Carla“
Then this night all the ascended masters from the mothership and all over the universe came to me and Carla and beamed us the whole night with the loving energies of reverence and appreciation for the light work we have accomplished so far. There was such a finality in this form of energetic gratitude that I knew that we must have achieved something exceptional.
I have just informed Jahn about these events and hope to get some more information what has happened in the last 48 hours. Carla is also trying to get more information from the Elohim. Babaji’s message as of July 12th, which Jahn has just sent me, already addresses this issue. I will try to publish it tomorrow and I urge you to follow from now on very closely all my reports as we have already entered the most exciting, but also the most dense and conflicting phase of the ascension process, before the MPR will take place and the separation of the galaxies will occur. This is also the time of our ascension to the 5D, respectively to the source, and our full endorsement as the new Guardians of this new Galaxy and not only of Gaia.
Finally let me address one further pivotal information in this message. The current ascension scenario of Gaia has taken the most unlikely outcome and this explains three major facts.
1) Most of the light warriors sent on the earth for the end time did not awaken and could not contribute to the ascension process. They were mired by the Orion matrix and will not ascend. Many of the readers of my website who have chosen to criticize me in the last six months belong to this group. They did not grasp my silence as a chance to finally establish a direct contact to their HS and progress in their ascension, but stayed fully dependent (addicted to) on external information, even when it came from me and was the best and most reliable information, one can get on this planet. This was the worst case scenario as predicted by the higher realms for the end times.
2) This fact explains why there were so many delays, detours and setbacks in the ascension scenario. I will publish this week an article on our announced ascension end of May by the Agarthans and how it was postponed in the very last minute due to unforeseeable problems. This experience prompted me to ask Sananda about the ongoing delays in the ascension scenario and to question the wisdom of delaying the final act to the very last moment in time. Now this discussion is of pure theoretical character as we have indeed entered this final phase of ascension, no matter how many days it will take in the linear time. But we must definitely discuss this issue one more time after ascension as to gain further insights.
3) The fact that so few light warriors of the first and last hours awakened and actively participated in the ascension process allowed them to exceed their wildest dreams. The were able to advance through these challenges much further than they had envisioned prior to incarnation. Now all these light warriors have become Logos-Gods and Guardians of the new galaxy, together with us, Carla and myself, as the Elohim of the first ray. This group, also known as the PAT, has accomplished the most difficult mission ever seen in this omniverse and this immense success has been acknowledged not only by the Elohim in their regular messages to us, but also by all sources which Jahn channels. And now this night by all ascended masters and forces of light.
Hence do not lose hope we are the most victorious group of light beings in the whole universe and have every right to be proud of ourselves.
And now Sananda’s message on this topic.
Beloved Ones,
I am omnipresent in this world. Nothing escapes my eye, nothing can withdraw from my attention and My Love is the birthright of every human Being. Hopeless humanity loses itself in one of the most wonderful places in Creation and it is me, who delivers hope, brings Light and gives Love; Everywhere, where hope, Light and Love may be accepted, everywhere, where the desire for it cries to Heaven.
The last days of humanity happen very quickly. The world changes, the day, when the world changes its countenance from the bottom up, is only an instance away in time. Many ways, also detours, many ascension scenarios, also displacements and many unforeseen events, also unpleasant ones, border God’s pathways in this world. Years passed and humanity received all instruments for the ascension. And those years are now gone. The time of an encompassing and extensive preparation of mankind for ascension is over.
Vibration Measurement before Ascension
In these significant days of mankind the vibration measurement of the planet and of human Beings take place. Because the renewed determination of the human and planetary vibration is the yardstick where from the further ascension process fulfills itself, until it is finally finished.
Today, as an infinite swarm of light warriors fell for darkness and today, because these human Beings turn away from the Light, today a few single light warriors rise up – and their Light reaches into Heaven – in order to give blessings to this world, until all upheavals are ended with a single surprise action from God.
The Universal Council of Light had to consider many scenarios for this ascension and all these scenarios were looked at, evaluated and examined on a cosmic screen. This means that the heavenly Light forces are and were principally adjusted to every ascension scenario. Yet what happened, was, what is the least expected result, namely: That so many human Beings in view of the nearing farewell from this world decided otherwise; and those few, the ascending ones, are of such a quality, which surpasses everything and all. Never before were so many “enlightened ones” on this planet.
The renewed vibration measurement of this world is required, because the final determination and the final adjustment of the planetary ascension take place. Based on these measurements, the final docking station far from space-time is determined for this planet. This is the point where this world holistically is on a higher vibration level, in a new galaxy and in a new universe. This moment is connected with the total separation of this world from the sluggishly vibrating earth holograms; and thereby the level of space-time will be broken through and stripped off.
What does this mean for the remaining time?
The Matrix has been left
To overcome the concept of impermanence. Understand that you have left this matrix mentally and emotionally, and not that you will still leave it. It is valid to accept further upheavals until day X with serenity and in the certainty of a Creator God. The ascension remains until last a dynamic and extremely stretchable process that releases new potentials over and over again, and brings them into reality, even those, which were predicted, but were not necessarily counted on.
In the course of the creation of the Super (dark) 3D-Planet, whereupon all inconvincible and unwavering dark ones will find themselves, a new awareness manifests for the ascending ones on this level. A lighter, more peaceful and joyful perception of this end time gains the upper hand. The heaviness recedes gradually from your reality, while darkness seems to continue to get stuck on the ground.
The ascending ones truly operate in a “tension field”, between a lighter and easier awareness of the divine vibration and the dark and sluggish base vibration, which emanates from many human Beings and from the discharges of time. Simultaneously the dark ones shift their reality to the newly created planet. Nobody can oppose this mandate from God; “resistance is pointless” describes this quite well.
The Dark Plan fails
This also means that the dark forces now put their card on “scorched earth”, because they want to let this earth ignite into a fire storm or let it suffocate in the morass of their own creations, before they leave it; and I say to you: This fails, as everything fails, what has been figured out by the lightless Beings for this world.
Yet it seems that success is certain for the dark ones, many may object. I say to you: This false assumption is based on the fact that the game of the dark ones has functioned nearly trouble-free for thousands of years. Thereby for you the impression has been created that you may never be able to escape this one.
And this impression has also been consolidated in the dark ones, so that they cannot become aware of their own downfall. Their misjudgment regarding the actual situation on earth, their false assumption regarding the power of the awakening of human Beings, is the springboard for their descent.
Because somebody who was able to play a “program without competition” for thousands of years, can neither interpret, nor recognize the moment, when the curtain falls. These “thinking patterns of superiority” were passed on from generation to generation and thereby it is impossible for the actually ruling dark elites to see, how God’s sword and the sword of the light warriors do their job, whereby all life cords of the dark ones are cut off (for further confirmation of this statement see my article on “our timeline travels“, note George).
They exist, the great wars, the great upheavals exist; yet before the world sinks in the blood frenzy, which the dark ones have visualized, the dark ones will:
a) fall themselves victim to this.
b) will find themselves in another world.
c) will be removed from this world.
Yet you are uplifted and enter into the Light. Godlessness no longer reaches you, because Heaven has spread out its power and God has spread out his hand in protection of mankind.
The believers, the knowers, the lovers, the peacemakers, the truth seekers, the light-filled, all those are turned over into God’s care. Whoever throws a rock unto these Beings, will go down in a rock slide, because any energy that is directed toward a light warrior will immediately come back to the sender.
Today the law of cause and effect begins to rule in almost real-time, and the energetic balance occurs instantly in a case of attack of an ascending one. Therefore each dark one, who gets involved with an ascending one, wants to do damage to him, immediately receives the pay-off and will himself be confronted with his action.
The game is truly over
Those, who have decided to step out of this illusion, will remain untouched by the principle of karma, because he no longer creates karma and has redeemed everything in himself that has accumulated over time. On the day of truth many will call on God and God knows all of them by name. And God will call up his missed sons and daughters and will ask: Where were you, my child, where do you go, my child, who are you, my child?
In the answer to this lies the happiness of human Beings. Because those, who love God will see him – from countenance to countenance.
In Eternity,
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The Fairies and the Unicorns: The Lands of Mystery
Unicorns & Faerie
Channeld by Méline Portia Lafont
Saturday, July 12, 2014
been connecting with the Dolphin Collective to ask if our beautiful
family wanted to share a message from their beautiful hearts, as it has
been such a long time since I have received a message from them. The
Dolphins replied to me that they are in the full process of keeping this
Ascension Process for the highest good of all as they function as the
keepers for the grids on Earth and are very busy with keeping these
grids in balance during these intense shifts and this movement in
consciousness as well as with the dissolving of the old. So instead the
Fairies and the Unicorns were willing to come through today with a
beautiful message from the heart.
The Fairies and the Unicorns ~ The lands of Mystery
Beautiful hearts, wondrous souls on adventure in the lands of Gaia. We speak to you with much gratitude and with a profound respect for all of you, for these wondrous times of shifts and ascension are of the utmost demanding type of soul work for you all dear hearts. Astounding glimmer and light cities are activating their existence upon your planes of awakening and being, and this thanks to all of your heart work, your diligence and your thrive to become the new Race of Human/God consciousness in One.
The so called lands of Mystery bear no longer such secrets for you, for those are here to unfold along with your Cosmic wisdom and inner center of essence. Your Light is reaching the shores of other dimensions and realities so that participation from the other realms are obviously and possible to occur in a more stable and conscious state of being. Allow our journey to begin now as a unity of One and let us elaborate more on that part, dear hearts.
We abound in the Now to open your Cosmic hearts of being, through the creation and the flame of Mother/Father God in these beautiful expressions of your human vehicle experience. As the doors of your Cosmic heart are being opened through the desire and the will of being One in Love and in Harmony, the entire universe and multiverse of Light consciousness is accelerating in her process of a deep transformation that involves all of Humanity, all of the Galactic nations and all of the nature – and the ethereal elementals to shift the entire planet Gaia for the greater good of all.
We invite you to keep in mind that we are all participating in this wondrous process that is unfolding at this time and that we, the Unicorns, function as the keepers of the Flames of Spirituality and enlightenment through the Cosmic heart of creation and illumination and that we, the fairies, function as the keepers of Joy, laughter, happiness and Love for those are the manna for transcendence.
Invite our Presences within your heart and that way we will be more and more present within your own reality of being ~ where the Magic takes place and becomes the order of your daily lives on Earth. Together we are building the bridge of creation towards the new world and you are even walking upon it at this time while simultaneous diligently building further on the bridge of creation.
The long seeded lands of mystery are now becoming visible and tangible for you all and some are already enjoying the fruits of this labor and this long forgotten land. We welcome you heartily and it is our heartfelt desire for you to feel at home here and at peace with one another, as well as with our heart of being.
The children of this Earth have never forgotten these lands of Mystery for our reality has always been a part of their lives and consciousness in the heart. An open connection is made with those magnificent souls as the new children are the ones that abound in purity and eternal wisdom with an open heart for all existence in life, on Earth and above.
Those children are the keepers of our lands that felt compelled to bring back this mystery and the knowledge of our lands upon the minds, the hearts and the lands of the Earthly levels of all existence. This would be the human heart, the human mind and the human concepts of being and understanding ~ its consciousness. The secret lies in allowing your inner child to emerge once more and to allow that part of you to bring forth the cosmic wisdom of the Divinity in All.
The Fairies: See us in butterflies, see us in dragonflies and in the beauty of flowers for we are always close to those existences of consciousness on Earth. We still reside in your Earthly spheres, although not too close to your boundaries of the Human vehicle consciousness. But one can see with their heart that reflects through the inner eye of your true being. We reside with you as long as you are in need of some companion in joy and happiness, for we are joy and happiness. We bring that inner child within you to the shores of your being in this reality and so we allow your magical abilities to be experienced in order to create and to manifest through joy.
The Unicorns: You can find us in the Earthly elemental kingdom that resides closely to our nephews the horses and the woods of your lands. We travel in the sands of time, where every grain of sand allows the time to dissolve in the eternal and so it is there where you can find us, see us and experience us through the heart of your being where you are one with time and the eternal flame. The Silver lining is our consciousness and Ray of Light that resides within every Feminine Divinity of all beings. We bring inspirations, illumination and spiritual knowledge by awakening your inner Divine Feminine for we are keepers of it in collaboration with the Angels.
Let us now bow for that beautiful process that is unfolding at this time within all of you and for all of humanity for it is wondrous to say the least and an everlasting growth in consciousness that must be celebrated in Love and peace, respect and joy!
We stand by you with Love
The Fairies and the Unicorns
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered Website Méline: http://melinelafont.com
The Fairies and the Unicorns ~ The lands of Mystery
Beautiful hearts, wondrous souls on adventure in the lands of Gaia. We speak to you with much gratitude and with a profound respect for all of you, for these wondrous times of shifts and ascension are of the utmost demanding type of soul work for you all dear hearts. Astounding glimmer and light cities are activating their existence upon your planes of awakening and being, and this thanks to all of your heart work, your diligence and your thrive to become the new Race of Human/God consciousness in One.
The so called lands of Mystery bear no longer such secrets for you, for those are here to unfold along with your Cosmic wisdom and inner center of essence. Your Light is reaching the shores of other dimensions and realities so that participation from the other realms are obviously and possible to occur in a more stable and conscious state of being. Allow our journey to begin now as a unity of One and let us elaborate more on that part, dear hearts.
We abound in the Now to open your Cosmic hearts of being, through the creation and the flame of Mother/Father God in these beautiful expressions of your human vehicle experience. As the doors of your Cosmic heart are being opened through the desire and the will of being One in Love and in Harmony, the entire universe and multiverse of Light consciousness is accelerating in her process of a deep transformation that involves all of Humanity, all of the Galactic nations and all of the nature – and the ethereal elementals to shift the entire planet Gaia for the greater good of all.
We invite you to keep in mind that we are all participating in this wondrous process that is unfolding at this time and that we, the Unicorns, function as the keepers of the Flames of Spirituality and enlightenment through the Cosmic heart of creation and illumination and that we, the fairies, function as the keepers of Joy, laughter, happiness and Love for those are the manna for transcendence.
Invite our Presences within your heart and that way we will be more and more present within your own reality of being ~ where the Magic takes place and becomes the order of your daily lives on Earth. Together we are building the bridge of creation towards the new world and you are even walking upon it at this time while simultaneous diligently building further on the bridge of creation.
The long seeded lands of mystery are now becoming visible and tangible for you all and some are already enjoying the fruits of this labor and this long forgotten land. We welcome you heartily and it is our heartfelt desire for you to feel at home here and at peace with one another, as well as with our heart of being.
The children of this Earth have never forgotten these lands of Mystery for our reality has always been a part of their lives and consciousness in the heart. An open connection is made with those magnificent souls as the new children are the ones that abound in purity and eternal wisdom with an open heart for all existence in life, on Earth and above.
Those children are the keepers of our lands that felt compelled to bring back this mystery and the knowledge of our lands upon the minds, the hearts and the lands of the Earthly levels of all existence. This would be the human heart, the human mind and the human concepts of being and understanding ~ its consciousness. The secret lies in allowing your inner child to emerge once more and to allow that part of you to bring forth the cosmic wisdom of the Divinity in All.
The Fairies: See us in butterflies, see us in dragonflies and in the beauty of flowers for we are always close to those existences of consciousness on Earth. We still reside in your Earthly spheres, although not too close to your boundaries of the Human vehicle consciousness. But one can see with their heart that reflects through the inner eye of your true being. We reside with you as long as you are in need of some companion in joy and happiness, for we are joy and happiness. We bring that inner child within you to the shores of your being in this reality and so we allow your magical abilities to be experienced in order to create and to manifest through joy.
The Unicorns: You can find us in the Earthly elemental kingdom that resides closely to our nephews the horses and the woods of your lands. We travel in the sands of time, where every grain of sand allows the time to dissolve in the eternal and so it is there where you can find us, see us and experience us through the heart of your being where you are one with time and the eternal flame. The Silver lining is our consciousness and Ray of Light that resides within every Feminine Divinity of all beings. We bring inspirations, illumination and spiritual knowledge by awakening your inner Divine Feminine for we are keepers of it in collaboration with the Angels.
Let us now bow for that beautiful process that is unfolding at this time within all of you and for all of humanity for it is wondrous to say the least and an everlasting growth in consciousness that must be celebrated in Love and peace, respect and joy!
We stand by you with Love
The Fairies and the Unicorns
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered Website Méline: http://melinelafont.com
by cosmicgaia
in Fairies, Méline Lafont, Unicorns
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A short update on the energies by Aisha North
Aisha North
As you have perhaps already noticed, you will be subjected to a myriad of different energetic sources now, and they in turn will serve to ignite quite a few conflicting responses within you, both in the physical but also in the emotional sense.
Let us explain. We have touched briefly upon the fact that you are not only carriers of light and information, you have also been dispersing the same for many a lifetime already, and now, as these seeds starts to germinate and come into life, one by one at first, but very soon in a veritable avalanche, these seeds themselves will also start to affect you in so many ways. For even if you have dropped them away from you so to speak on your journeys here on this planet, you still carry the imprint of these signals to the world within your DNA, and this combined with the reciprocal feedback you have been given from your own planet every time you have deposited one of these pods of information, will make many a circuit within you start to talk louder and louder. And so, what you hear will at times be a veritable cacophony of signals, seemingly pushing you in all directions at once, giving you no solid ground to stand on, and taking you out on a dizzying journey that will be apt to make the strongest amongst you feel weakened. But again, these conflicting emotions and physical signals are merely signals of improvements, not just on a personal level, but indeed on a global one.
For what is taking place, is a huge awakening of sorts that will stir up any and all of the old and stagnant pools still covering much of the surface of this planet. Remember, what has been instigating all of this highly negative energy in the first place has been removed, and as such, the old controlling forces are not in place anymore, but the residue from them is still very much in place all around you, just like the puddles left after a heavy rain. But now, what you have been planting has started to stir and push its way through the topsoil, and as it starts to emerge and start to interact with the energies already there, everything will seem to be in turmoil at one time or the other. Again, this is not a sign of unrest in a negative way, rather, it is a sign of the most beneficial stirring up this planet of yours will ever experience. For now, no place will be left untouched by the effect of these newly hatched seedlings that will begin to make their voices heard in all sorts of ways.
We know that for many of you, this unrest will feel more than a little bit unsettling, but again, that is indeed the whole purpose of this part of the whole operation. For this carefully targeted stirring up will enable such a profound clearing of the entire energetic environment on the surface of this planet. Remember, you have been instrumental in putting into place a whole new energetic grid all around this planet, but what we are talking about now, is literally within the very soil, the ground upon which you all walk, the very foundation of your societies. For in this topmost layer of your planet, within this very thin crust is where all of the old energetic deposits have accumulated, the old density that has supplanted the vibrant freshness and vitality that used to constitute the very essence of your existence.
But now, these seeds that you have so diligently been secreting away into this thin upper layer have received the required amount of light they need in order to come into life – in every sense of the word. For they have not been harmed or inhibited in any way by these accrued layers of dross that have been deposited lifetime after lifetime, century after century upon this planet as humanity continued ever deeper into that darkening alley they had chosen to venture, far from it. For these seeds are indeed indestructible, they will thrive in any atmosphere and in any kind of energetic environment, for they have been designed to withstand any and all attempts of destruction or alternation. For they carry that same frequency that you have now attained, and as such, no lower densities could harm them at all. And so they simply stayed here, waiting for the signal to emerge, and now, that signal has been given and so this wondrous process of unfolding has been set into motion. And so, bit by bit that old and dense crust will be penetrated from below by these hardy seedlings, and as they push through these old and rigid layers, they will set off a vibration that will go through every single particle it comes into contact with. This in turn will act as a signal to the neighbouring ones, setting off a chain reaction that in turn will encompass the entirety of the surface of this planet.
Remember, what you look upon as negativity is simply a source of energy, one that can and will be utilized for the most beneficial of purposes, just like the waste excreted from animals will be utilized to fertilize your fields. For even if this planet may look barren and encrusted in such a deep layer of negativity, it is in fact simply an ocean of potential, waiting to be set into good use, and as these small but potent seeds take root and start to sprout, they will tap into this potential and use it for all it is worth, fuelling their own growth by tapping into this vast repository of old energy. For energy is the only single source that exist anywhere in Creation. Energy is what it IS, and so, the task will simply be to restore the vibrational level of this energy in such a way, it will return into being a source of positive change instead of negative limitation.
We know we speak in what some may refer to as oversimplified terms, but at the very core, this is what is happening now. Nothing in Creation is of such a character it cannot be retuned in a way that will be considered as beneficial, and so, this embattled and scarred planet of yours is no exception. Mankind has an idea that it has depleted so many of the natural resources this planet carries, but that is not the way to see this. You have simply mismanaged many of them to a gross degree, but you cannot deplete energy, nor can you “pollute” it in such a way it is unfit for “consumption”. For energy simply IS, and now, that wondrous potential you live amongst will finally begin to be reset and retuned to a source of light and indeed delight for all, instead of being that debilitating burden of negativity it has been for such a long time.
For there are no limits to what you can do now, and there are no limits to what this change will bring about, and there is no chance that you will run out of raw material either. For you already have everything you need at your disposal so make this huge makeover come about, both in the form of manpower, an also in the form of natural resources in way of energy and information. And so, those seeds you planted such a long time ago, and those seeds you are also busy scattering all over the place as you go about your daily lives now, all of those seeds will find everything they need to come into fruition. For they will thrive in the darkest and dampest of places, and so too will they thrive in the driest and most barren ones, for there are no limits as to what these seeds can take and still start to vibrate at such a rate, it will bring this whole planet back into that dance of life it has so wanted to re-enter for eons. For these seeds are nothing more than carriers of frequencies, frequencies that will help to retune everything and everyone they come into contact with, and as they do their magic, all matter will begin to sing to the same tune. And when it does, nothing will be as before, and we do mean that in a very literal sense. For no matter where you look, both within and without, everything you see or sense in any way is simply energy vibrating at a certain rate, and so, this dance of life that you still know how to do will finally be the one that will be enacted by all that exist on this planet, and not just by a handful, as it has been for so long.
For there has always been individuals like yourselves maintaining that frequency of life, no matter how dense and disconnected the majority of the inhabitants on this planet have been, and so, you will be the first to rejoice, for you will find company again after a long and solitary journey as one by one, thousands upon thousands of other souls will be joining in this joyous circle, dancing with joy, dancing with life, and dancing the very life back into this entire planet once again.
Posted 21 hours ago by LUZ ZOHAR
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