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▶ Xzai-On Kumjat introduction - ▶ SaLuSa - January 31, 2014 - YouTube:::sharing


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▶ SaLuSa - January 31, 2014 - YouTube




SaLuSa – January 31, 2014

Unity Consciousness

Unity Consciousness
Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Because of what is happening around you harmony and peace seem far
away, yet gradually the turmoil will become less and in just a
relatively short time peace will settle upon the Earth. It is because of
the coming of the New Age, and it is lifting the vibrations more

These changes were always going to accompany this period, with the
ultimate separation of those who are ready to ascend from those who are
not. This is inevitable as the vibrations increase to the point where
only those souls who have reached the same level can remain within it.

It is the culmination of many thousands of years experiences through
many lifetimes in different Ages. The end of a cycle is an important
time, when all souls decide how well their life plan has furthered their
evolution, and if they need to repeat any particular experience.

Most of you are well advanced and will be ready to move to the next
stage of your evolution, with the help and advice of more evolved souls.
Many will stay with the Human Evolution, but some will elect to join
other species that may take them to another planet. You would of course
incarnate into a suitable form for that experience.

Those continuing their experiences on Earth in the 4th dimension will
find that life takes on a completely new look, and that it is in a
harmonious and happy time. Gone will be the dark Ones to follow their
own pre-destined future, and be given another opportunity to return to
the Light.

You have little idea of the happiness and fulfillment that awaits
you, and it will far exceed your expectations. It will be your reward
for having come through the darkest period of your life, and having
successfully found the Light once again.

A few of you will find that some of your friends or relations have
failed to make it into the higher dimension. Have no fear for their
future as they will be exactly where they can proceed and make progress
towards the Light. In your position you will be able to learn of their
progress, and visit them when they are out of the body through their
sleep period. Whilst you will be able to retain the memories of such
meetings, they will return to their dimension with no waking memory of

At present you are awakening to your true potential as your level of
consciousness expands, until in the near future you acquire full
consciousness. Be assured that many helpers are already prepared in
readiness to help you take your place in the higher dimensions. Life is a
continual opportunity to evolve and at every stage you have many
helpers. It is always the responsibility of those that have evolved to
assist those who follow after them. As like souls come together so their
consciousness becomes as One, but be assured you keep your
individuality at the same time.

We know so many of you are weary from your experiences, and it is not
surprising considering the dense vibrations that you exist within. It
is why you receive so few visits from Beings in the higher dimensions,
who find it a most unpleasant heavy vibration to be in. Equally you will
be so uplifted when you enter the higher dimensions, and enjoy all of
the advantages associated with them. Make no mistake, that when you
elected to help those souls trapped in the lower vibrations, you knew
what a difficult task it would be. However, you were assured that that
no matter how far you dropped, we would always be their to help you
return to your rightful place.

Dear Ones, your sojourn in the lower dimension is all but over, and
you will emerge far greater than when you first entered it. Your
experience will help souls who can benefit from your experience, and you
are to be commended for your great sacrifice to benefit other souls on
the path of Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and full of admiration and gratitude for
your unselfish acts to assist your fellow travellers. You are All One
and linked in ways that are everlasting, and you will continue to assist
each other on your great journey through the Cosmos. Your sacrifice has
its own rewards as you see souls move into the Light and awaken to
their true Selves.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey


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Lady Nada: Choose Love Over Fear
Lady Nada
Lady Nada

Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ January 30 – February 06, 2014
Received by Julie Miller
January 30, 2014
The beautiful light that seeks each dear soul in order to expand their consciousness knows already it must move through any lingering darkness that has caused separation to occur instead of unity and togetherness. Understand Beautiful Bright Hearts the divine and loving light cannot help to create bridges of unity if peace and love is not felt not just within the dear soul’s heart but throughout their total body – the divine and healing light will help to remove all that is not of your true and divine nature, what is impure and unloving – this divine light will help guide you and raise your consciousness to become a person of compassionate action whose motives are only peace and love.
For every growth period there is always a transition – a period of adjustment to the new changes, growth and energy. One of the greatest oppositions to your ability to share your love and peace to all other dear souls is unresolved conflicts, and not just conflict between yourself and another dear soul but conflicts that are occurring with your other brothers and sisters of God. We observe so many good-intentioned dear souls, going out of their way each and every day, spreading peace and love, but there are still so many other dear souls still stuck within the vice grip-like force of disunity, where they only know how to express themselves through hostility, hatred and fear, often forgetting the ones they are fighting also have dreams for peace and of love.
We know you are reading the written work found in your newspapers, and you are tuning in for newscast updates on the latest wars and turbulence that is occurring in many places around this planet. Conflicts are even happening right in the place you call home, maybe even next door to you. Yet within all these conflicts are people, dear souls that have dreams and hopes for peace, for love and acceptance. This beautiful divine light that is seeking to bring an end to your darkness as mentioned before knows already it must pass through all discordant and disharmonic energy and it will.
The divine light that is moving all around you is subtle, yet loving and kind as it is from the very heart of God Himself. His divine light will help bring an end to any separateness by bringing light to where there was darkness in your heart, mind, body and soul. Understand Beautiful Bright Hearts this sacred light that is coming to you from God cannot bring light without removing any lingering darkness. Once you open yourself to receive His gift of Light, then the darkness will begin to dissolve and your consciousness becomes expanded and your awareness begins to shine with newness and you are able to see love and God in all things.
Even with situations that will arise today, possibly tomorrow or ones that occurred yesterday will have you feeling a little out-of-sorts, possibly carrying the need to blame others with justifiable excuses, but understand when you start blaming other dear souls, you are not creating a productive atmosphere. What you are in fact doing Beautiful Bright Hearts is creating a deeper gap of separation that becomes filled with discouragement and misery. Try to comprehend where blame comes from. It is born from your ego, and it is part of the ego’s way to protect itself from the feeling of helplessness. The feeling or need to blame others usually comes forth during situations where you are frustrated, and instead of allowing yourself to feel sorrowful that is healing, blame is created and becomes an active element of your feelings – where you truly begin to feel that there is something you can do in regards to the distressing situation through the use of other dear souls. There are many dear souls that firmly believe by their actions of casting blame, they truly believe they are taking active and productive steps to make others change to their preferences or to incur some kind of twisted justice.
It is vital for you to understand Beautiful Bright Hearts that the dear souls that blame others for their disappointments and discouragements often feel deprived and this feeling often leads to anger. This negative energy instead of being used productively ends up clouding your own personal judgment and perception. If you would just allow yourself to open up and to willingly trust and to align yourself with what is positive instead of focusing on the pain of disappointment then you can begin sending out good and positive signals to others that you have everything under control and you are able to move forward even if you are just taking baby steps. Believe in yourself Beautiful Bright Hearts, have faith that the peace and love you wish to see in your life will come from your own making and if you want it bad enough you will bring in all the necessary changes to make your goal of peace and love a success.
We know how difficult it can be for many dear souls to move forward with a positive manner especially when circumstances of difficulty just presented themselves. It is when you wallow in your own pain and despair Beautiful Bright Hearts that you become saddened and discouraged. If a certain conclusion didn’t meet your satisfaction then there are lessons there for the next time around. Just because a plan didn’t meet your expectations doesn’t mean all is lost because there is still so much to gain from the experience. It is hard to see the bigger picture when you are busying yourself with negativity and sadness, but if you can feel even the slightest glimmer of hope, then you are giving room for God’s Divine Light to come forth and illuminate a path that is just right for you – a path that will help guide you out of your current darkness and back onto the path that is adorned with His love for you to bask in, to absorb and to share in every aspect of your being, creating peace everywhere you go.
As you allow your beautiful hearts to expand in order to let in more of God’s Brilliant Light, any amount of suffering you were feeling begins to wan and you feel a compelling force to share this light and love energy with each dear soul that crosses your path. There will be no need to blame, as you have no room for such dark and negative actions, you will have only time to share your love through your peaceful actions and words derived from your peaceful thoughts, and feelings. Allowing God’s light to infiltrate your total self and to guide you from within is no way a submissive or passive way of living or being. What you are then demonstrating is your faith in His Light and Love and that you are willing to share His presence through good actions everywhere you go and from everything you touch. Your actions of goodness, peace and love will not only benefit you, but will be beneficial to others.
When you choose blame instead of rising above the ego’s need to protect itself you are using up precious energy and your attention becomes limited – you will be unable to contribute as wholly while carrying such negative energy and actions. We have observed how the negative action of blaming affects many dear souls ability to make critical decisions, and affects the planning and the creation of new plans and goals. While holding onto negative energies, your wish to bring peace and love becomes disrupted until you are able let go of your frustrations and allow them to leave your over-thinking mind and replace these heavy feelings with love. Where there is pure and genuine love, the ego will not rise.
Take the time Beautiful Bright Hearts to understand that peace is found through the liberation found from choosing which emotions and feelings you will allow into your emotional body and which ones you are willing to let go. If you are truly seeking peace, you also must learn of the necessity to let go of the need to attract anything that would create conflict with this goal. Your mind dear ones may not be aware or know what is needed, but trust in your heart as it always knows the Right way to go. As you begin to create peace in your life begin by creating peace with your own precious heart. Put away your need to fight everyone and everything that comes your way, learn to live through your heart and from your heart that is blame-free. When you have reached a peaceful place with your heart, trust your soul will discover creative ways to teach your mind to accommodate new ways to think, how to overcome sudden flash emotions and move towards the path of peace that will be progressive and productive.
The best way to counter any frustration or when you feel yourself wanting to blame another dear soul is to be willing to choose love over fear. Love will always value unity, compassion, and respect for all dear souls. Love does not ever discriminate – it helps bring people together, not further apart. It is well understood that there may other forces at work that are trying very hard to prevent you from demonstrating your goodness and love for all people and we continue to encourage you to not yield to these negative forces and love what is not visible and love what is visible…simply be love in all you do. Have love in your thoughts, in your feelings, in your words, have love in your actions and in your choices. Love is a choice and we urge you to choose love each time.
Conflicts will come, some will stay awhile before them move off. It is important Beautiful Bright Hearts to be able to learn not just from the negatives found within conflict but also learn from the positives; they are there to help you grow from and to be used to look back upon when new situations present themselves. How you react and respond to any situation dear ones does have a great influence and impact not just to those that are closest to you but affects everyone. You may feel you are one small person, but in truth you are very important and how you interpret your situations, how you react, how you treat yourself and your brothers and sisters does effect the world, starting with your own. We know you want changes to come and for them to stay, but each of you must be willing to work hard, not just occasionally to bring peace and love into your life but every day so that your efforts become an positive influence for all.
For the dear souls that are truly open to receive God’s love and light will eagerly embrace His presence in full understanding, without any spoken word that they are to reciprocate His intentions to love more and to be more compassionate, accepting and more respectful to every single person that they encounter. God’s penetrating light is working on one dear heart at a time, helping to dissolve any darkness that is found in order to raise their consciousness and vibration in order for them to return being a vital and essential demonstration of love and peace in action.
This time where we are, where you are is indeed blessed. As you move through your current transition, take a moment to feel God’s Light and Love working through you. It is not the first time you have allowed change to happen or God’s Light and Love to work through you and it will not be the last. Let us end today’s transmission with a prayer: May all dear souls on the path of peace quickly come to realize that all knowledge they are seeking of themselves already rests within their own heart just waiting to be discovered – may they find this peace and share it with every ounce of love they have from their whole heart with every dear soul they meet and greet, either in person or through social spaces found within their computers. May they always know God is always with them, adding the brightest light imaginable to their path.
And so it is…
I AM Ascended Master, Lady Nada through Julie Miller


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