Thursday, August 7, 2014


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thehathorslionsgatesupermoonannamerkabaThis post contains a meditation to clear your heart space, activate your crystalline grids and help you to connect to your own self. This meditation should be performed during the full moon which is coming up shortly, but can be done at any given moment in time. This super moon brings with her spectacular energies and so it’s wise to use these energies to your advantage…
Freedom, equality, balance, tranquility, resurrection, remembrance, antiquity, emotional release of pain and suffering, and understanding the stubble energies of unconditional love shall become the primary guiding posts for your earthly selves in the days to come. Accessing the crystalline structure of your being is simpler that you imagine it to be. For there is a mathematical equation that shall get you to the moment of pure excellence that you wish to arrive at. The ground point, the point zero, the zero point of antiquity, traveling back in time, to the seeding of your heart with the new structures of the encoded DNA…

Freedom, equality, balance, tranquility, resurrection, remembrance, antiquity, emotional release of pain and suffering, and understanding the stubble energies of unconditional love shall become the primary guiding posts for your earthly selves in the days to come.
For through the pinnacle of truth shall your true selves emerge and bring forth that which you are destined to be. The accomplishment of self fulfilling prophesies that you are prophesying upon yourselves at this moment in time, shall come to pass only through the codices ingrained in your mind’s eye, for through the mind’s eye of your beholder selves shall you truly see the diamond crystalline bridge to the reality of your choosing. For all begins and ends with you. All is you. It has always been and always shall be spinning the ultimate understanding of self into existence. Albeit the absence of time in the universal understanding of things from the perspective of your earthlings elves – TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE our dearly beloveds, for the truth of the unconditional love is emerging from within your heart of hearts, and is spreading like wildfire throughout your known world.

Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Device – As told to me by AA Metatron – Activates automatically at 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. everyday drawing source energy into itself and then dispersing this energy to you evenly throughout the day. It protects up to 13 feet of space in every direction, remember that your own sphere of influence is 18 miles in each direction and coupled with this tool you will amplify this energy creating a vacuum of clearance which will expand exponentially. No matter what method you use in 15 minutes after you clear space, unless you have something in that space to keep the POSITIVE energy flowing to neutralize the negative, everything will come back. That is why its always great to have something near you that will neutralize this type of energy and bathe you in love and light
Accessing the crystalline structure of your being is simpler that you imagine it to be. For there is a mathematical equation that shall get you to the moment of pure excellence that you wish to arrive at.
The ground point, the point zero, the zero point of antiquity, traveling back in time, to the seeding of your heart with the new structures of the encoded DNA of your vehicles, you shall discover the ancient understanding and the ancient encodings system within the  RNA and DNA codices of your hearts structure. For the hearts structure has been altered and the connectors to your divine selves have been broken, and the time has come to put the crystalline structure of your being back into the heart space where it belongs, activating the dormant DNA that has been hidden diligently so within the subatomic structure of your vehicles. For within the nuclei of your atomic structure, lays a tiny code of excellence a tiny code of excellence of your benevolent selves, and today, we shall exhilarate the encoding, we shall bring that which is none existence into your present reality, we shall show you the way of becoming, the way of BECOMING.
And so, and thus, we ask that you find a quiet moment in time, a quiet moment in your linear understanding of selves. A quite moment within your structural matrix. And embrace the oneness with your creator selves; allow the energies to pulsate through your body, pushing out all that no longer belongs. For the coding and the activating of this spontaneous nuclei encoding shall be a most brilliant experience.
And so and thus, we wish for you to begin singing a song to your own tune, a song of love and devotion to the ONE that is YOUR HEARTS.
“I sing a song to my heart. I sing a song to my heart. I bring pure love and reprise. I know that I am a deity. I know that I have come here to spread the magic of love. By the power invested in me by my higher self and the source of eternal flame. I ask thee to release me form the bondages of time. I ask thee the to release me of bondages of slavery from which I have come, the slavery to the EGO, the slavery to that with which I have infused my own being
Through the endless incarnations of my ancestors of whom the DNA structure of my vehicle has been acquired
Through the endless incarnations of the codices of pain and suffering,
Through the endless karmic existence of the DNA structure of the body and the vehicle that I am inhabiting
Through the endless war and the endless war misconception and misunderstanding of reality in eons prior I RELEASE ALL THAT STANDS IN MY WAY TO PURITY. I RECALL THAT WHICH I AM.
Through the seed I ask that I be connected to the infinite potential of my being, to the infinite potential of my I AM presence, I ask to be further released, replenished, reconstructed, to the new understanding of my present reality, to the new understanding off that which I am, for I am that which has come, I am that which has gone, I am that which remains, I AM.
I am the seed of love and I am the seed of peace, I am the seed of eternal flame of the violet
I am the seed of eternal flame of the golden particles of GOD
For the God that is within me shall come forth and rise above and through the illusion set before me by the matrix of my own creation.
I set forth the encodings, I release the encoded structures of the ancients, for the ancient structure of life, no longer pertains to that which I am.
The ancient understanding of life, the karmic wheel of life no longer has any association with thaw which I am
For I have not come from the wheel of karma, for I have been brought into the spherical existence of the matrix earth, from eons prior, eons past, eons into the future and the now moment of time.  
For I have risen form the ashes of those who have come before me. For I have risen form the ashes of that which no longer belongs to me. For I am not that which my ancestors wished me to be, for I am not that which I have been brought to believe that I am, for I am that which I AM!
To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :
For I AM an infinite being of love and understanding. For I am an infinite potential of the cosmic gateways. For I am the power of cosmic proportions. For I am eternal being of light and life.
For I relinquish the power of my ego. I relinquish the power of all who have wielded the power over me for eons past. I relinquish and let go. I LET GO and ALLOW the love and the wings of protection to embrace me in a space of eternal understanding of light, eternal understanding of peace, eternal understanding of my creator self.
For with love and peace and harmony I create, for with the determination of a thousand lyrical songs of the angels I bring forth the light of my creator self,
For through the structural abundance of my grids I AM. For I AM.
Peace and harmony and joy and love and light be onto those who come before me who are presently incarnated on the karmic wheel of life.
Peace and Joy and unconditional love shall embrace all who sing a song of destruction, for through the power of my I AM presence I embrace them all into an unconditional violet flame of love, and as they sing a song of destruction the words shall lose all meaning within their brains, and their heart codes shall activate fully and completely, pushing out all that does not belong, pushing out all that has no place in a world of peace, abundance and love.
For the peace that I feel for all of mankind, for all of my beloved children shall spring forth and give rise to a new world, a world of love and light, prosperity and peace, of their benevolent selves.
For the moment has come, that my structural components are activated, and so I allow, and so I ask, and so it is. I ask and I allow for the structural components of my crystalline christened self to emerge from the depth of my heart and  begin to spin in a vortex of unconditional love for all, unconditional love for all including my own self. For I AM Love!
For nothing but love exists, for love and only love shall emerge from within the depth of time and space. And as I spin the vortex of eternal unconditional pure love, I invite the hearts of others to connect with that which I am, and together in unison we spin a new song of prosperity, a new song of light and of love for all! AMEN-RA-IM-RA! I AM THAT WHICH I AM! IT IS SO AND SO IT IS!”
And so our dearly beloveds, as you sing a new song and allow the new energies to circulate throughout your being, by activating and allowing the crystalline sparks to enter your heart space, you shall push the remaining darkness that lurks deep within your harts space into the light for healing and transmutation. You shall unfurl the true DNA of that which you are. You shall activate the god’s code within your very selves, and allow the true essence of all that you have brought to this planet to unfold.
And as the process continues, you shall see miracles abound. You shall witness that which you have not thought of witnessing prior. For the moment to learn how to activate your creative vehicles have come, and  each moment of your journey on earth shall present  you with a new undersigning of your present reality.
Welcome the new energies for they are here, welcome the new understanding of life and love, for it is here to stay.  For the turbulent wars that are abound on your planet at this moment in time shall come to an end. For you shall see peace and prosperity unfold before you. For it shall be so, and so it is. For you shall see the fruits of your labor spring to life, and begin a new chapter of planet earth, a new benevolent chapter for all who dwell therein.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Screen-Shot-2012-11-05-at-9.56.06-AMPERSONAL NOTE: As I was reading this it reminded me of the Violet Flame article that I posted a while back and here is a very relevant part of it to help you understand a bit more of what they are saying in regards to the “hearts space, atomic levels and nuclei”.
The violet flame works by changing “vibrations”. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation – the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level.
Atoms are mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy and karma can become stuck. When the atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower, and we begin to resonate more with negativity, and less with light – we have a lower vibration, and become less spiritual.
The violet flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising your vibration.
When you have a higher vibration, there is more spiritual energy in your body. Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when this spiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The violet flame frees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium, propelling you into a more spiritual state of being
You can read the rest of this article here:
pdfdownloadableversioncoverP.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :
~Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker-Author. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –



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8 Eb, 10 Pop, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We arrive! Your world continues to move toward her goal of a massive transformation of your reality. Our liaisons and diplomatic corps report that a number of key decisions were made and quickly followed by some noticeable action. We are grateful to our Earth allies for what they are currently accomplishing. The foundation is set for a new world, which is to be populated with prosperity and an end to your long period of servitude to your dark masters. This great opening to the Light is to bring you a vast growth in your consciousness, new governance, and finally, full disclosure of our existence. We welcome these ongoing changes and prepare in earnest for our arrival. We understand the full significance of what is to precede our arrival on your most beautiful shores. This requires an end to the haughty indifference of the dark cabal. You next need time to get used to your newfound prosperity and your reacquired freedoms and personal rights. Then you are ready to accept the lessons of your Ascended Masters. Finally, you are indeed ready for us to carry out a special global mass landing. This is to bring your much-needed individual mentors!

   The mentors we have trained for you are a special group. Each has completed a long course, which readied them to help you prepare for full consciousness. Your Ascended Masters went through many lifetimes before they could have a special ceremony. This ceremony anointed them with the magnificent abilities they now possess. See what is about to happen to you as the means to recreate what each of them has accomplished. You are to be given a path by which you can also return to a special state of grace. Our task is to take what Heaven supplies and forge the pathway to achieve this remarkable goal. Look upon your crystal Light chambers as a unique heavenly gift. This gift is to transform you and permit you to join us. We rejoice in this! Returning to your former status as galactic humans is to open up a realm that has been beyond your ken for the past 13 millennia. Our arrival completes a welcoming home, which began when the Anunnaki rejoined the Light and asked their earthly minions to comply with this demand. This, your dark cabal refused to do.

   The present reality, in which you reside, is becoming a mere transition between the third and the fifth dimensions. The dark cabal realizes what Heaven is doing and how irreversible it truly is. The time for the dark ones has passed. The moment for change is approaching. Heaven decrees that we use these special moments to remind you that this transformation is reaching a truly magical time. This is the moment when we can easily get to know one another and understand what the first Agarthans came to realize. Wisdom is part of this land. You are sitting in a place which can no longer remain what it was. There is too much energy, too many prayers and blessings from Heaven. The dark can no longer hold you as it once did. This is why you are experiencing the beginnings of ideas and principles that are to transform your world and end the poverty and fear of this age. You are, in reality, leaving a long childhood and taking up maturity, which is to thrust you into the ways of this galaxy and indeed the whole of physicality. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna to all!

   This period is therefore to become the time when you complete your metamorphosis and leave behind your childhood ways. Limited consciousness taught you many things. Now, it is for you to use this wisdom and fashion a galactic peace. This galactic peace is to allow the Anchara continuum to alter itself and be the vessel, with Heaven, to spread Light throughout this galaxy. This Light affects not only this galaxy but also the whole of this section of Creation. Imagine yourselves as visionary creators of the multitude of realities which are nested around you. This is what you actually are. Each of you was specially selected to embody in this reality. You are the reality shifters and the galaxy shifters. You come to bring your pallets of rainbows and spread the Joy of Light around. You are here to launch a new epoch of surface humanity. You are to unite this humanity and lead it back to wonders long forgotten. We are here to join you and manifest Heaven's decrees. Together, we are to bring in a new reality and spread the coming of the grand time of full consciousness.

   Blessings, we are your Ascended Masters! We come this time with good news. The programs which have waited for many years to play out are finally ready to begin a unique distribution process. The dark and its earthly minions have prevented this by the simple fact that they retained absolute power over the world's major governments. Our earth and space allies have blessedly come together to remedy this situation. The first part is based on the great courage of our earthly associates. Despite continual threats from the dark, these blessed women and men dedicated their lives to the success of this last part of their mission. This part was to establish a new banking and monetary system while also creating a global common law network. This sacred mission is now to bear its fruit by bringing prosperity to you and true justice to the dark. The new banking system is to be precious metal-based and the support for your growing prosperity. We bless Heaven for what is now to be done!

   We are preparing in glee for the various lessons which we are to give you. These lessons are to cover your beginnings on this world 900,000 years ago; the joy of full consciousness and the falseness of the dark realm that you lived in for the past 13 millennia. We especially want to focus on the events of the past two and one-half millennia. You need to understand what the dark has long told you, as well as the truth behind the histories of Europe, Asia and the Americas. You are to know in detail why you are here and what to expect. Gaia has a vast Spiritual Hierarchy and we are a part of this sacred entourage. You need to discover how to contact and converse with your various spiritual and physical guardians. In these conversations, you are to learn much about yourself and be able to expand what we have already explained in our several lessons to you.

   The coming times excite us! Many events are to unveil the great prosperity and immense freedoms that are yours. The new governance is also to unveil a great many suppressed inventions. These are to enable you to clean up Mother Earth's air, water and ground. In doing this, you are to start to fulfill your divine stewardship of Gaia. This is a living universe. Life and the energy to sustain it are everywhere. You are to join us in divine service to the Creator and to physicality. Out of this service there comes an inner satisfaction which embraces the core of who you really are! Assisting the work of Heaven in physicality is at the very heart of who we are. Soon, we are to serve this entire solar system and the Beings who reside here. When you first come into full consciousness, you go through a short apprenticeship. We have learned much from this initial time. Together, we are all to do great things!

   Today, we continued our series of messages with you. Great events are occurring. Take this time to enjoy them and ready yourselves for our arrival. The bad times that you experienced since childhood are really over. Love and Light are truly triumphant. Enjoy! And be ready to celebrate this grand set of victories! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Matthew’s Message – August 3, 2014

Posted on Aug 4, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Matthew's Message, Suzanne Ward
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Matthew Ward

Channeled by Suzanne Ward

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked about the speculation that the United States government had a hand in downing the Malaysian plane in Ukraine and the accusations that the Russian government did. Our colleagues in Nirvana say neither is responsible—it was the work of the “black ops” arm of the Illuminati-controlled faction of the CIA, the same force that is egging on the pro-Russian separatist movement in Ukraine.

That faction, which operates independently of all governments’ oversight, respects no national borders. Wherever some citizens are dissatisfied with their elected leaders, the agents either instigate or exacerbate uprisings to heighten tension, implicate whatever national leaders would be appropriate and help the dissidents obtain weaponry and supplies. “Black ops” personnel, like the rest of the Illuminati, feed on negativity, and their means of refueling themselves is creating negativity-laden chaos, fear, death, injury, sorrow and destruction.

The Illuminati’s international network has been so severely weakened that they no longer are the overriding force they were many decades past, when they easily started two world wars and in each profited handsomely by selling to both sides whatever was needed to keep the machinery of war going. Although their ability to start WWIII and add to their ill-gotten fortunes never was to be except in their deluded thoughts, they are nourishing themselves for the moment with the negativity of concerns about where fighting in Ukraine may lead and high emotions about the plane tragedy and its aftermath.

However, all of that must be put into the context of everything happening everywhere, and we ask you to imagine your world as a unique story being made into a movie. Let us ascribe “screenwriter” to the universal mind since it has full vision of this epic film’s ending amidst the marvels of Earth’s Golden Age. And let us call you the “publicists”—you have been briefed on the story and how it ends so you can talk about it to whoever is receptive.

You also are in the cast of billions, all of whom are given free rein to act however they think best fits the scenario at hand. So, behaving in accordance with respective personalities and characteristics, a few actors are ruthless in efforts to monopolize the scene while others strive for a team effort to serve the interests of all. Some members become angry about the way the story unfolds, others are pleased, still others are discouraged, and many in the cast are confused. Some actors behave unreasonably, others urge cooperation so things can proceed smoothly; and as some rise in prominence, others fade. Some cast members feel their parts are too small, others feel theirs are too hard; some think the film will be a success, others are afraid it won’t be. Cast members die, newborns come into it. And, since each actor’s main focus during filming is his or her part, it is only when the entire cast views the completed production that they can see why all of the roles were necessary to make this motion picture of unprecedented stature and scope.

Perhaps that is a feeble analogy, but it is accurate insofar as the lack of awareness about free will and karma being played out, planetary and personal ascension, and a world in transformation. The vast majority of your population has no idea that volatility in Ukraine and the plane crash are parts of this transformative process. The public-at-large doesn’t know that those heart-wrenching tragedies for everyone who lost beloved persons are experiences that they and their dear ones chose for soul evolvement—the goal of every soul—and it is the same with those who are involved in the militant aspects.

This is true in most heartrending situations, and we shall mention another that readers have asked us to speak about: the thousands of children from Central American countries who came unsupervised to the United States. They, the families who sent them there for safety, the individuals who led them across the border, and the people who are causing the violence in their native countries are experiencing what they chose in soul contracts.

It is true as well that not everyone who is dying or mourning a loss or is injured, homeless and desperate chose those experiences, and this is the case regarding the bloodshed and destruction in Gaza. There, just as in all other places where harshness and trauma exist and are not part of the affected persons’ contracts, divine grace steps in. All who continue to endure non-chosen circumstances take leaps in evolvement and each person whose lifetime is cut short receives full credit for all contract provisions. Those who transition to Nirvana rejoice about being there and send a profusion of light to their beloved souls on the planet who are coping with the same kinds of difficult experiencing.

We know these truths, yet it is with profound sadness that we see so much strife, suffering, heartache and killing within our beloved Earth family. We hasten to add that those moments are fleeting—the negativity of that intense feeling cannot linger in these high vibrations—and we are able to quickly resume beaming light to help you continue moving steadily toward the full brilliance of the Golden Age that awaits in the continuum.

Because so few of your populace know what we have shared with you, prevalent feelings are grief, anger, despair and fear of what may come next. The low vibrations of those natural reactions are being offset to a large extent by the light in aid, caring and compassion streaming from all corners of Earth. Indeed, other civilizations are beaming massive amounts of light to the planet, but you on-site light-bearers are exemplifying that love-light is the only way to resolve all conflicts and end deprivation throughout your world—especially in unsettling times, let your light shine!

Worldwide, people are ready for the light! They may not know about free will, karma and multiple lifetimes or spiritual and conscious evolution or the Illuminati; but they do know your world’s history: Never have killing, placing blame and taking revenge brought the lasting peace and cooperation among nations that people are hungering for!

This is an appropriate place to answer, Do countries accrue good or bad karma? No, only individuals do, and karma is neither good nor bad. It is a gift of divine grace so that embodied souls may have experiences that differ greatly from other lifetimes and attain the balance required for soul growth. However, souls choose to be born where conditions offer the experiencing they selected, and that may give the appearance that specific karmic lessons affect an entire country.

Readers have asked why the United States’ government “works against the people of that country instead of for them” and our view of the Republican party’s “stupid lawsuit against the president instead of taking care of what we the people need.”

The primary reason the United States government isn’t more responsive to the citizenry’s needs is that some members of Congress are Illuminati and others are financed, bribed or blackmailed into voting as the Illuminati dictate. Of all nations you call “industrialized,” the United States has the most externally-controlled government—the Federal Reserve System, multinational corporations, the medical profession and its related industries and agencies all have a large say in what Congress does.

In numerous messages we have spoken about the strong souls who agreed to provide the severe hardships that masses of souls needed to wind up third density karma, then those strong souls would join the light forces; instead they became greedy and enamored of power and control and they refused to honor their pre-birth agreement. Those individuals are the Illuminati, and their activities have set back progress by ten years or so.

Earth’s ascension pace wasn’t affected, but your society’s was. The Golden Age master plan was designed so that when Barack Obama became US president in 2008, your world would eagerly support his efforts to unite all peoples in peace and harmony with Nature in accordance with Gaia’s vision. The Illuminati-led offensive against that objective has been relentless. Even so, the light has shattered their international network and diminished the effectiveness of its remnants while engendering the expansion of grassroots movements around the globe and increasingly successful behind-the-scenes negotiations.

As for the lawsuit against President Obama, we see it as a neon arrow pointing to the country’s serious issue that the Republican party’s most conservative contingent—“The Tea Party”—also limits the government’s responsiveness to the needs of the people. This doesn’t mean that those individuals are in the Illuminati ranks; simply, they want the country run according to their wishes and philosophies. The other Republicans, eager to sweep the party to election victories in all the states, join with Tea Party members to vote as a bloc, and their voting record shows that often it doesn’t coincide with what would benefit the majority of citizens.

Now we shall do our best to comply with the request that we give “a simple scientific explanation of light and how it affects a civilization.” Light, which is the same energy as love, is the essence of Creator, Source of everything in existence. Light is the most powerful force in the cosmos, the entirety of consciousness, the ingredient of souls, and the life force of every living entity. Even the peak of the dark forces has a spark of light; otherwise, it would not exist.

Light comes into this universe through its Supreme Being, whom you may call God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh or any other name; and everything is universally connected by and within this energy. Therefore spirit, which is considered faith, and science, which is considered fact, are one and the same: light fluctuating at one frequency or another.

But let us return to the Beginnings of all life throughout the cosmos. Creator’s first expression of Itself created the Christed realm and the first souls, the archangels; the realm itself and the archangels are pure light. At an unknown time, Creator endowed the archangels with the gift of free will and its companion, the power of manifestation—that is, they could use Creator’s energy to make whatever they imagined, and in their first co-creational process, they made the next level of angels and gods and goddesses. Those souls also were pure light.

At some point the archangels had the idea of making physical forms for souls who desired it—that was the origin of DNA and the elements of bodies’ “building blocks.” Within the DNA were photons, which continuously absorb and radiate the light that produces bodies with crystalline cells that contain cosmic consciousness and have the ability to live in the vibrations of the highest celestial planes.

Eventually some souls whose negative deeds dropped them from the light used their free will to downgrade the DNA of newer, less experienced civilizations. The changes made dense bodies with DNA containing electrons, which have much less light and vibrate at much lower frequencies than photons. The reduction in light caused corresponding reductions in those civilizations’ consciousness, brain functioning and life span. They lost all knowledge of their Beginnings, their weakened bodies were vulnerable to disease, and their temperaments included fear and all of its negative byproducts like cruelty, greed, anger, lust for power, unjustness, impoverishment, divisiveness and hatred—hatred is not the opposite of love, it is the absence of love, or light. Those are the conditions of third density civilizations.

It is not that no bodies on Earth have photons, and an unimaginable quantity is in the atmosphere. But electrons are dominant in the vast majority of your populace—that is why they are lagging in awakening spiritually and consciously—and throughout your world—that is why you have electric and electronic appliances and pay to use them instead of having photons’ “free” energy. The way to ascend into planes where photons outnumber electrons is by increasing the amount of light in the collective consciousness.

Energy is neutral. It is the thought forms that get attached to energy streamers that are positive—with light—or negative—without light. The forms are created by every being’s thoughts, feelings and actions, and collectively those determine a civilization’s density, or spiritual and conscious evolvement status. That is one universal definition of density; the other is mass or the location of a mass, and the two don’t necessarily go together. That is why Earth, a fifth density soul spiritually and consciously, can be in the initial stages of fourth density location-wise and most of her people are at third density evolvement status. Animals and plants are absorbing more light than most of humankind; at this moment, the light in people varies from brilliant to just enough to keep bodies alive.

Now then, every person and every thing in your world emits vibrations in consonance with each form’s consciousness level, and that is determined by the amount of light in each. The atoms in inanimate objects—say a pebble, football, nail and chair—have minimal consciousness; exceptions are crystals and gold, which have a high degree. The consciousness level of soil is higher than objects and so is that of slugs, worms and short-lived insects; higher on the scale are the species of insects that have a well-developed hierarchy and clearly-defined working system within it.

The plant kingdom has a very high level of consciousness. Trees have intelligence and emotions that few people would even consider possible and extend far beyond the acorn that knows how to become a mighty oak and the apple seed that knows how to bear fruit. Tiny flower seeds know their colors and whether to blossom for a season or flourish year after year. The generally unseen, therefore unknown souls in the Devic kingdom, who work hand-in-hand with all of Nature, also are highly advanced consciously and emotionally.

Humans and other high orders in the animal kingdom have the highest level of consciousness—instinct, intuition, memory, learning and reasoning capability, and the widest range of feelings—but only humankind also is endowed with conscience and Creator’s gift of free will. Although each living being and each inanimate thing serves a purpose in the evolutionary process of all, it is the human population that sets the pace.

Whereas all other life forms on Earth operate within their respective innate guidelines that work in harmony with Nature, people can choose to act in godly ways or not, to heed conscience or not; and their collective choices determine the civilization’s evolvement status. As humankind evolves via the light in spiritual and conscious awareness, so do all the other forms on the planet, and the collective vibratory emissions advance the entire world. And, as a world advances, life becomes increasingly simpler and joyous! It is only in third density’s lower vibrations that a civilization creates all the complexities born of negativity.

Beloved brothers and sisters, we know that you want dramatic changes for the better and sometimes feel it’s a matter of a step forward, then back. Your media emphasize the “epic” film’s downside drama instead of the myriad successful achievements in villages, cities and countries around the world; and reporters don’t know about the vital developments “off camera.” If you could view your world as we do, you would be astounded at the progress, the obstacles met and overcome, the learning—remembering!—you have mastered! We salute you, the vanguard of light-bearers on Earth, and surround you with unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward

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