Tuesday, December 9, 2014

sharing.:::.New Earth Matrix – Why you feel the way you do – Arcturians_Appearance of the Agarthans_War

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New Earth Matrix – Why you feel the way you do – Arcturians
By annamerkaba on December 8, 2014
Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to explain what has been happening. As I spoke about this, in my previous message to all of you, many of us have been working on removing the old matrix system. And as many of you have later shared with me you too have been involved in this decision making and carrying out of this plan. You too have seen the spider webs and the spiders. You too have seen the destruction of the spiders, etc. That is precisely what has happened in the last few weeks and will continue to only spiral in its intensity.

To help you understand what this means is this. We are all living in a world which was created by our own selves, the source, angels, our benevolent cosmic brothers and sisters many eons ago, in order to give us, a playground if you will, to experience a world of love and light in a three dimensional setting. I talk extensively about this in my book Mission to Earth, so I won’t go into detail here. What I will say is that there was a matrix that was put together in order to keep this reality intact. There is a lot that goes on behind the “scenes” so to speak.

So much is happening, so many beings are working around the clock to assure that we are safe and sound living here on this spaceship earth. And our planet is not stationary, it is constantly in motion, it is not revolving around the sun as we have been taught in school. It is constantly moving, and now that the new age has begun, our planet has actually changed her trajectory as I have explained in my previous channelings, and not only me, if you look online you will see many talking about this. And if you look into your heart you will know a lot more. That is why so many are reporting seeing 2 suns on the horizon. Because we do have 2 suns, our original sun is moving further and further into the distance as planet earth continues her upward spiral motion home.

For those of you looking for scientific evidence, you will not find any, because those in the know are trying their best to hide this information to avoid severe panic that may ensue were people to find out the truth about what is happening. The galactics understand this all too well and that is why everything is revealed to us in stages. That is why you will most likely find this type of information from various channelers and simply by observing the sky, listening to your heart and truly tuning into your own wisdom.

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So our earth has changed her trajectory, please understand that it will take years upon years upon years until earth is finally out of the system she’s currently in and until she reaches home. We will be in the photon belt for 2,000 some years, and starting now things are only going to improve. However, it will not improve instantly, as there are just too many false beliefs and too many false paradigms that our human minds are plagues with, our DNA is plagued with, and the earth herself must shed. That is why there are so many of us here right now on earth working on cleansing everything out, and restoring the peace and harmony and most importantly releasing the OLD and instituting the NEW.

So going back to the whole matrix situation. There is a matrix that the earth is on, which really is a system of encodings. What has happened is that another matrix was created within a matrix by the “dark side”, human ego, reptilians, archons, etc, etc, all those who wanted to take advantage of the amnesia that humans are under in order to harness the energy from this planet.

So, what has happened and what we are being told in the channeling you will see below is that the old matrix has been quarantined; the intricate web of global control by the darkness has been put on hold. And a new matrix put into its place in order to sustain our physical experience, and allow us to continue existing in this reality, but this time being supported by tremendous amount of creative energies, loving energies, and energies of light.

The point here to understand that instead of destroying the old, what has happened is there was a shield placed between the old energies and humans and a new energy grid put into it’s place. To help you understand this better, it’s like this. Imagine that you have a cup of coffee and you want to wash that cup, but instead of going the traditional way of pouring out the coffee and then washing the cup, you simply put the cup which is already full of coffee under a stream of water. As the clean water pours into the already full cup, it pushes out the coffee and moment by moment you see that the coffee is gone and only a few particles remain. That is precisely what is happening with us.

All the new energies that are coming in, and especially with the new matrix, we are put under pressure in order to PUSH OUT everything that doesn’t belong. Because, ascension is a personal process, but because we are all ONE and are so incredibly linked to each other, it then becomes a collective process. And it’s simply not possible to completely destroy something in order to build something new. That is the old paradigms of thinking. A new way of thinking is instead of destroying the old, you are simply to institute a new energy into your life. Instead of thinking about something negative, you need to shift your consciousness into thinking about something positive. Everything carries both polarities, and right now at this moment we are given a great opportunity to experience BOTH and to choose how to react to any given situation.

That is why so many of us, including myself are going through these cleansings. Until we clear everything out from our system, we will continue to be in this sea-saw experience. And as I keep saying whatever is happening on the micro level is happening on the macro level. Whatever turmoil we are experiencing within our own selves. The very same turmoil is being experienced on a more global scale.

Coupled with various energies that are nearing our planet, we are going to be put through the tests, so much will be and already are changing in our lives. You will be finding yourselves in various situations, and once again it will be your choice on how to react to them. You will be put into situations where you will be literally forced to say goodbye to various people in your life (and many of you are already reporting this), you will be moved from your jobs, you will be relocating somewhere else, you will feel the need to shed, let go, release, and start anew. All of the old thinking patterns will re-emerge. You will find yourself wanting to walk away from spirituality all together, there will be a tag war going on in your psyche, between your EGO and your HIGHER SELF. What is important here is to keep in mind that there is no war, you are not to fight with your own self, you are simply to become an observer of your feelings. Observe what you are feeling, do not fight anything that comes over you, even if it is a truly petrifying thought, simply allow it to pass out of your system, observe it , think of why it has bothered you to begin with. Learn from it and let it go!

And remember, just because we are from the stars and are here to spread the love and light, does not mean that we do not have our own “human” issues to work out. After all we have been exposed to this way of life for many years, and we too must clean our palate, work on our own selves and keep moving forward, always remembering where we have come from, and who we are. That is the key to getting through these difficult situations. Remembering your divinity, and your powers. That is another point that I wish to draw your attention to.

I know that this is becoming a rather long message, but I feel its very important for me to remind all of you about your own powers. After the Avalanche portal, and the Golden Particles of God portal, and the institution of a new matrix system, we have been infused with a lot of creative energies. Which means that whatever we think of will materialize much faster than ever before. And that means that if we focus on negativity we will literally be creating this negative experience for our selves. So be mindful of what you think, and always remember to observe, examine, and release. Remember to practice the cleansing and protective techniques. Remember to ground yourselves as much as possible.

Also and this is INCREDIBLY important to understand. Most of us here on earth are here to transmute the so called “darkness” into the light. From time to time we are given breaks, downtime, in order to deal with our own “issues” that we’ve acquired here on earth. However, now is not one of those times, as we are once again called upon to stand true to that which we are. Transmuters of various frequencies and portals of new creative energies. Therefore, many of you in the weeks to come will find yourselves surrounded by various “odd” energies. Please understand that you are to stand true to your convictions and you are to remember that you are DIVINE, POWERFUL, beings of light. I can’t stress this enough, that you are ALL VERY POWERFUL. Therefore, no matter what energies are around you, know that YOU CAN TRANSMUTE whatever it is that you do not like into what you wish it to be. It’s highly important to remember this, and even more important to UTILIZE YOUR POWER ENERGIES. Simply by reminding yourself and using these key words “I AM THE VIOLET FLAME”, “ I AM THE GOLDEN PARTICLES OF GOD” “ I AM DIVINE” “ I AM THAT WHICH I AM”. As well as a very powerful chant “OM”. Do this change three times and you will feel your body vibrating and quickly recalibrating your energy field into balance. Use whatever you have as your arsenal. And for those of you who have AA Metatron’s disc, please continue to carry it with you wherever you are. Wear Black Tourmaline and/or Shungite for added strength.

And if you need a boost of remembrance please see the two videos I put together for you to restore you: http://youtu.be/48vgLPNMCY8 and http://youtu.be/R58cUEqj820

So having said this, here is a channeling that I have received. I love you all, thank you so much for being here right now. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for your light and your love!

“The creation of the new matrix earth has indeed been instituted into the new reality structure of your being. For the new matrix of the creative powers that have indeed been harnessed from the benevolent structures of that which you all are, have been spun into existence. The old matrix of which many of you are so very much familiar with, has indeed been quarantined until further notice. Has indeed been quarantined and for the purses of retrieving the ancient structural information.

The new matrix which as indeed been instituted into your present reality, shall allow those of you ready to partake of the tree of life, those ready to partake of the tree of knowledge to step confidently towards benevolently achieving all that you have indeed come here to achieve.

The benevolence of the new matrix system, shall allow many of you to remain intact on this planet, whilst you continue to operate on a new frequency transmuting the energies of the past into light.

And so we wish to draw your attention to the fact that many of you shall continue to experience an increasing level of awareness, increasing level of awareness not only of the benevolent, but also malevolent energies swirling before you. For the energies of the past, the energies of the old structure of being are indeed being released and are to be transmuted by the benevolent energies that you all shall activate within the core matrix of your being.

For within your structural grids, within the components of that which you are is a code, which has found its way into your everyday creation. For the codes of which we speak shall begin to make itself known to you within the next few months of your earthly time structure.

For the new year of your earthly timeline shall greet you with magnificent changes not only throughout your known world, but within your very own lives. For the phase of which you all have been informed has indeed begun to unfold rapidly on your earth. The phase of benevolent co creation of that which you wish to see in your world.

And so, we must remind you to diligently acknowledge the contractual obligations, that you all have signed up for upon your entry into this planetary system. For the contractual obligations of unconditional pure love shall ring true to your ears once more. For you shall all be reminded of that which you have come here to achieve. You shall all be remind of that which you are all here to bring to humanity.

Understand that the changes rapidly unfolding within your structural being are necessary, understand that you shall encounter energies never before experienced in your present incarnation. Understand that you are immensely powerful beings and are holding the keys to deciphering said energies, energies which shall be presented to you in your waking hours. Energies that you shall not be able to comprehend through your physical human mind alone, and yet your heart code shall decipher the meaning of said energies at lightning speed.

Understand that you are loved beyond measure by all that is, understand that you are indeed being supported by the benevolence of the creator. Understand that you are indeed a being of magnificent proportions, for indeed you hold the power and indeed you hold the key to the universe.

Understand and know that you are being supported by all that is. Stay in the light and know that the benevolent power residing within the core structure of your being, shall begin to emerge rapidly for you now. Understand that the sensation of such power shall leave you questioning everything that you thought you are. Understand that wielding such power for benevolent purposes is the only outcome that you shall allow to permeate throughout your being. Understand that with great power comes great responsibility, and know that starting this moment all that you wish shall materialize rapidly into your incarnated reality. Know that it is so, for it is.

Look upon your own heart, and listen to the frequencies being directed to you from the benevolent creation of that which you are.”

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEILhttp://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

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Breaking News to “One Step Away From WW3… and the Appearance of the Agarthans” 
by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 9, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, December 9, 2014


Only yesterday I wrote in my article “One Step Away From WW3… and the Appearance of the Agarthans” that the French president Hollande has warned in an urgent meeting on Saturday morning at the Moscow airport Ptuin of an imminent attack on Russia organized by the criminal Obama regime.

Today we read the following breaking news on RT:

7 people arrested in Moldova on suspicion of uranium smuggling

Moldovan police have detained seven people on suspicion they smuggled uranium and mercury from Russia to be used in a dirty bomb, AP said. Police confiscated 200 grams of uranium-238 mixed with uranium-235 and a kilogram of mercury, smuggled by train. The material has a black-market value of $2 million. Authorities in Moldova are cooperating with Ukrainian and Russian police to identify other gang members.”

Please observe that these terrorists were arrested upon information coming from Russia. Only a few days ago Wachabi terrorists sponsored by Saudi Arabia caused a massacre in Grozni, Chechen and were eliminated after heavy street battles. This happened at a time when Putin made his 2014 Address to the Nation in Kremlin. These events are not random – they reveal the same recurrent pattern of the CIA to create havoc at any price in Russia in order to destabilize this country and cause its collapse, as Putin reaffirmed in his speech to the nation.

Read also:

Senate accuses CIA of torturing prisoners, overstepping legal boundaries

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Germany Fuels WW3 – Part 2
by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 9, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, December 9, 2014


As you can imagine, I am following the German politics very closely, in particular because it is very often incomprehensible to outsiders, who have not lived in this country and are not intimately familiar with the pervaded, highly irrational German character, especially when every German will convince you in the opposite.

The reason for this renewed interest was my hope that Germany, which now feels the acute pain of the US imposed sanctions on Russia with the aim to destroy the latter, and has been hit the hardest. will decide to get out of the Orion gang of the AAA and begin to exert a more independent, and thus more friendly policy towards Russia. In this case the whole of Europe would have been lost to the USA and they will also lose the impending WW3 without firing a single shot against Russia. This possible and logical German foreign policy of neutrality would have mitigated the expanding war escalation and possibly postponed our ascension. Now this possibility can be excluded with a 100 % certainty. And this is the good news.

What we now observe, is a remarkable peak of teutonic insanity that is about to trigger the third national catastrophe of this country which has a long tradition of being ruled by mad politicians. The ultimate two mad politicians are now the clone Merkel, the chancellor and head of the Christian democratic party and her partner in the big ruling coalition, the foreign minister Walter Steinmeier, the head of the Social-democratic party.

Below I will publish two articles that analyse the exacerbation of madness in these two influential politicians, who now fuel with all means the outbreak of WW3. It is no coincidence that Putin has given up on Germany and Europe and now has turned his attention exclusively to Asia (Turkey, India and China).

Fortunately, the neo-militaristic, neo-hegemonial political doctrine of Germany and its subservient EU is not based on strength, but on profound weakness, as the surprising cancellation of the East Stream project by Putin last week revealed to the astounded Orion clones and political shape-shifters in Brussels and Berlin.

Europa has finally realized that it cannot exist without Russian gas and oil and that there is no substitute for it, while Russia is now expanding its political and economic relations with the rest of the world and has turned her back on the EU. And that there is no way that Brussels, Berlin or Washington can put Russia under pressure to do what they want. This week Putin will travel to India to sign a plethora of major strategic deals with this second biggest country in population, after he signed the third biggest gas deal in the history with Turkey last week.

I know that I promised you not to delve too much in world politics and attune more to the coming of the Agarthans and the cities of light. But before we can enjoy this sublime moment, we must experience the collapse of the old matrix. With the decision of the German political elite, Merkel and Steinmeier being the spearhead, to play with the fire against the expressed advise of three former German chancellors – Schroeder, Kohl and Schmidt – we are indeed only a step away from WW3. If the Germans can do anything so “gruendlich” (thoroughly), it is to fuck off and unleash another world and national catastrophe.

However, before this scenario will come, the Agarthans will show up and together with us, the new Logos Gods, will transform this dark and very toxic reality within the blink of an eye. After all, I have created the most important city of light Raetia for the last 15 years to a large extent on German territory and this city will be the hub for new technologies in all new 4D worlds, no matter how different their geography may be. It is not part of the divine plan that before that some German politicians will be allowed to run amok. I have decreed personally that Merkel and Orion Co will fail very badly very soon, because the silent majority of this country is for peace and disproves Merkel’s reckless policy against Russia and in favour of a new WW3. Watch how Merkel was booed by the people in Dresden as a war monger end of August this year.



German Foreign Minister Steinmeier’s great power speech to big business

By Johannes Stern, December 6, 2014


In his opening speech at the SZ Economic Summit, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier appealed to business heads to support Germany’s rise to be a world power.

The meeting did not take place in the Dusseldorf Parkhotel, but in Berlin’s Hotel Adlon. Sitting in the audience was not Fritz Thyssen and Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, but Thyssen-Krupp CEO Heinrich Hiesinger and other current heavyweights of German big business. And of course, the Social Democratic Party Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is not Adolf Hitler.

Nevertheless, Steinmeier’s appearance recalled Hitler’s speech to the Dusseldorf Industry Club on January 26, 1932. Like the soon to become Führer, Steinmeier made a direct appeal to German big business to support Germany’s rise to be a world power. He explicitly called on big business to support him and the government in pushing through a militarist foreign policy turn against the will of the people.

Steinmeier’s programme strongly recalls the German lust for power, once believed to be a thing of the past. “Germany should ‘lead Europe to lead the world’, ‘Europeanise Russia’ and ‘multilateralise the US’”, Steinmeier demanded, citing an essay that has been featured on an official web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for months. He added, “No small task!”

The implications of these words are unmistakable. Germany’s return to an aggressive foreign policy runs along similar channels as followed in the first half of the 20th century. The German elites once again see it as their “task” to dominate Europe in order to become a world power. Today, as before, this programme of German imperialism means conflict with Russia and the United States.

To “Europeanize Russia” means nothing other than to subordinate Russia to a Europe controlled by Germany. To “multilateralise the US” means to contest the role of the United States as the world hegemon. In other words, German foreign policy in the future will develop increasingly in opposition to the two powers against which it has already waged two world wars.

After the crimes of the Nazi regime, the German elites are, at least for now, still trying to present their programme of a third “grab for world power” as if it were being imposed on them from the outside. Every day, “the expectation of German involvement” is encountered from our “partners abroad”, Steinmeier protested at the Adlon. He had therefore “asked a large group of international experts to formulate their expectations of German foreign policy”.

From the many responses he received to this request, Steinmeier highlighted just one, titled “Germany’s destiny: leading Europe in order to lead the world”. This comes from the pen of the Indian-born Professor Kishore Mahbubani of the National University of Singapore, located in an authoritarian, one-party state.

The text, together with other calls for a more aggressive German foreign policy, can be found on the web site “Review 2014” of the German Foreign Ministry. Of Mahbubani’s key demands, Steinmeier said tersely, “And do you know who said that? Not a Frenchman, not an American, but an Indian professor wrote that for us.”

Steinmeier’s speech was remarkable not only for its call for German leadership in the world. It also expressed an openly imperialist programme. At its core was the conclusion that in a world that is increasingly dominated by national conflicts, Germany’s global interests can no longer be pursued by purely economic means, but must rely on foreign policy and military force.

At the beginning of his remarks, Steinmeier said that it was no accident that “at the end of this turbulent year of 2014”, he was opening this business congress with a “decidedly foreign policy speech”. In his “entire political biography”, he could “not remember a time in which international crises in such great number, in so many places in the world, of such different nature, are assailing us simultaneously as is the case today.”

The German foreign minister drew a picture of a global situation that is strongly reminiscent of the world before the Second World War. A world in which “the struggle for influence and domination” prevails, “crisis is the new normal”, clear “cracks and divides” come forward and “we stare at the differences between states, peoples and cultures”. Even “in dealing with our closest partners, especially the United States”, the “public debate is dominated by differences, not common ground.”

Economically, a “return to stronger national borders” could be seen following the financial and economic crisis of 2008. This development is a challenge for both economic and foreign policy, especially for Germany, he said. The “recession of globalization” threatened the “export-driven economy”, while the “peak of contradictions” undermined the “tools of the diplomats”.

Steinmeier drew the conclusion that it was in the interest of big business to support a more aggressive foreign policy, even if it brought short-term economic disadvantages.

The “first step to recovery” comes from “the consciousness of those who knew that for us Germans, we cannot stand aloof from the crisis of the global order! Where we can, we—politicians and business leaders—must rouse us Germans from any insular thinking and any feelings of comfort!” Those who recognize this must “also take the next step: As the most networked country, we depend on a peaceful and rule-based order in the world, and we must also intercede for this! Not only in Europe but worldwide…”

Steinmeier impressed upon the representatives of big business that the rise of Germany to a global power could not be achieved solely through the means of peaceful trade: “Economic globalization alone does not guarantee political convergence … ! More BMWs on the streets of Moscow and more VW plants in China’s metropolitan areas do not necessarily lead to greater political common ground.”

Business must therefore take part in the sanctions imposed by the West against Russia. “Through the annexation of Crimea and its actions in eastern Ukraine”, Russia had placed in question “international law and rule-based order” and thus “violated the foundations of both our security and also our well-being”. The Western powers reacted with sanctions “that also cause ourselves economic costs”. The “costs to a permanently endangered Europe” were, however, “far greater”, and the sanctions were therefore “also in the long-term interests of business”, Steinmeier argued.

At the same time, he stressed that the goal of the sanctions should not be to “economically subjugate Russia”. That was extremely dangerous. “A destabilised, or even collapsing Russia is for themselves and others the much greater risk. Whoever talks like that does European security a disservice.”

Steinmeier added: “Those who say: ‘We are finished with them!’ might be able to win applause from some quarters – but in fact we will never be finished! I still remember, at the beginning of the Ukraine crisis, the Canadian Foreign Minister said at a meeting: ‘We have now to decide whether Russia is a friend or foe, partner or opponent’. I told him: ‘In Canada you can put the question this way perhaps. For Europe Russia will always remain a very large neighbor, and it will either have a good or a bad influence on our development.’“

This was a blatant jab at the United States. Steinmeier named Canada, but he was in fact criticizing Washington which has taken the most aggressive course in the conflict with Russia. As its smaller imperialist neighbor Canada supports US foreign policy, which is prepared to risk an open military confrontation with Russia in order to bring about regime change in Moscow.

For its part Germany wants to put Russia on the defensive, but does not want the complete collapse of their bilateral economic relations. At the same time, it is not (yet) ready to openly confront the United States. But it is beginning to pursue its imperialist interests more independently and more self-assuredly against other powers. Steinmeier left no doubt that, as in the past, this includes the use of military force and war.

To combat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, he said, “Of course the military solution is a part, and we do not shirk from this. In the summer, we decided to support the fight by sending arms to the Kurdish Peshmerga.” While the “principle not to send weapons into areas of crisis” still held, foreign policy consists of “considering many non-perfect options”, and “in such cases, one must have regard to whether one is upholding principles or rather hiding behind them.”

Steinmeier’s entire speech makes clear that the ruling elites in Germany are no longer willing to “hide” behind any “principles” or restrictions that they had to accept after defeat in World War II. They are preparing to impose the new foreign policy programme on the German people.

At the conclusion of his remarks, Steinmeier referred to a survey by the Körber Foundation, which asked Germans “whether Germany should engage more strongly than before internationally”. Only 38 percent answered “Yes”, 60 percent said “No, please continue to hold back.”

The foreign minister commented as follows: “This is the gap between external expectations and internal readiness, ladies and gentlemen, with which I have to deal. To be honest, if I were an engineer, I would, in good conscience, not build a bridge over such a gulf. As a politician, I have to! And I would be happy—and if I was not mistaken in my presentation, it is in your interests—if German business assists a little! Many thanks.”

What Steinmeier is proposing is an alliance of the state and big capital against the population that is overwhelmingly hostile to the new war course. Such an alliance, combining the rich and the powerful against the majority, is deeply undemocratic. After the terrible experiences of two world wars, opposition to war is deeply rooted, especially in Germany. Nevertheless, the ruling elites have decided to return to a policy of war, and impose this on the population.

When Steinmeier had finished, there was thunderous applause in the ballroom of Hotel Adlon.

Read the original German article here:


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Germany Fuels WW3 – Part 1 
by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 9, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, December 9, 2014


As you can imagine, I am following the German politics very closely, in particular because it is very often incomprehensible to outsiders, who have not lived in this country and are not intimately familiar with the pervaded, highly irrational German character, especially when every German will convince you in the opposite.

The reason for this renewed interest was my hope that Germany, which now feels the acute pain of the US imposed sanctions on Russia with the aim to destroy the latter, and has been hit the hardest. will decide to get out of the Orion gang of the AAA and begin to exert a more independent, and thus more friendly policy towards Russia. In this case the whole of Europe would have been lost to the USA and they will also lose the impending WW3 without firing a single shot against Russia. This possible and logical German foreign policy of neutrality would have mitigated the expanding war escalation and possibly postponed our ascension. Now this possibility can be excluded with a 100 % certainty. And this is the good news.

What we now observe, is a remarkable peak of teutonic insanity that is about to trigger the third national catastrophe of this country which has a long tradition of being ruled by mad politicians. The ultimate two mad politicians are now the clone Merkel, the chancellor and head of the Christian democratic party and her partner in the big ruling coalition, the foreign minister Walter Steinmeier, the head of the Social-democratic party.

Below I will publish two articles that analyse the exacerbation of madness in these two influential politicians, who now fuel with all means the outbreak of WW3. It is no coincidence that Putin has given up on Germany and Europe and now has turned his attention exclusively to Asia (Turkey, India and China).

Fortunately, the neo-militaristic, neo-hegemonial political doctrine of Germany and its subservient EU is not based on strength, but on profound weakness, as the surprising cancellation of the East Stream project by Putin last week revealed to the astounded Orion clones and political shape-shifters in Brussels and Berlin.

Europa has finally realized that it cannot exist without Russian gas and oil and that there is no substitute for it, while Russia is now expanding its political and economic relations with the rest of the world and has turned her back on the EU. And that there is no way that Brussels, Berlin or Washington can put Russia under pressure to do what they want. This week Putin will travel to India to sign a plethora of major strategic deals with this second biggest country in population, after he signed the third biggest gas deal in the history with Turkey last week.

I know that I promised you not to delve too much in world politics and attune more to the coming of the Agarthans and the cities of light. But before we can enjoy this sublime moment, we must experience the collapse of the old matrix. With the decision of the German political elite, Merkel and Steinmeier being the spearhead, to play with the fire against the expressed advise of three former German chancellors – Schroeder, Kohl and Schmidt – we are indeed only a step away from WW3. If the Germans can do anything so “gruendlich” (thoroughly), it is to fuck off and unleash another world and national catastrophe.

However, before this scenario will come, the Agarthans will show up and together with us, the new Logos Gods, will transform this dark and very toxic reality within the blink of an eye. After all, I have created the most important city of light Raetia for the last 15 years to a large extent on German territory and this city will be the hub for new technologies in all new 4D worlds, no matter how different their geography may be. It is not part of the divine plan that before that some German politicians will be allowed to run amok. I have decreed personally that Merkel and Orion Co will fail very badly very soon, because the silent majority of this country is for peace and disproves Merkel’s reckless policy against Russia and in favour of a new WW3. Watch how Merkel was booed by the people in Dresden as a war monger end of August this year.



Merkel Digs Own Grave, Doubles Down With Harsh Anti-Russia Rhetoric

Daniele Pozzati, December 8, 2014


– This woman is simply insufferable

- How many more kindergarten bombings is she going to try to justify before the Germans give her the boot?
As we reported last week, Angela Merkel has come under fire by her three predecessors – Schroeder, Kohl and Schmidt – over her uncompromising stance towards Russia.

Those wondering how she will react to such criticism did not have to wait for long.

Die Welt am Sonntag has just printed an interview with her under the header: „Angela Merkel blames Moscow for the destabilization of Eastern Europe“.

Those still hoping that her words had somehow, sometimes been equivocated, or even mistranslated, will now have to face facts: Angela Merkel really is a staunch servant of the American empire.

Merkel’s words leave no room for dialogue and compromise. She is right, her critics are wrong, and Putin is a evildoer who must pay the price for his actions.

„I am convinced that the EU response to Russia’s actions is the right one“, she says. „Putin destabilizes Eastern Europe“. No risk of getting the translation wrong here.

She goes to the offensive: „that Russia violated the 1994 Budapest Memorandum about the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the Ukraine, cannot remain without consequences“.

Although it’s Xmas time and not April’s fool day, Merkel is in the mood for jokes. Only, her jokes make nobody laugh: „Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine have signed the Association Agreement with the EU out of a fully sovereign decision“.

Hello?! Already forgotten what happened in Kiev as soon as former, legitimate and democratically elected Ukraine’s president Yanukovic refused to sign the Association agreement?

As for the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, with it Ukraine renounced her nuclear power status in exchange for assurances about her sovereignty and the territorial integrity.

Hence Russia shouldn’t have taken over Crimea, so Merkel’s favourite argument. She has repeated it over and over again, most recently in Milan before Putin himself. In fact, she would also be right if that were how the troubles began.

But by organising and then orchestrating a coup in Kiev, it was the EU and the USA that first violated the letter and the spirit of the Budapest Memorandum.

Entangling with the opposition to the point of choosing the next prime minister as the USA unquestionably did – as documented in Victoria Nuland (in)famous Fuck-the-EU phone call – does not equate to respecting a country’s sovereignty.

Or could Merkel tell us when foreign politicians last engaged with demonstrators, and even violent rioters, in Paris, London or Berlin – or anywhere else in the EU – encouraging them to turn against their elected governments?

It is really about time to stop putting all this emphasis on the Crimea affair. That wasn’t how the current international crisis began. It is preposterous to pretend, as Merkel does, otherwise.

Sergio Romano, a respected Italian commentator, and former ambassador to the Soviet Union and the NATO, hit it on the nail when he wrote on 20.11 in the Corriere della Sera:

„Before Russia modified Ukraine’s geographical map, the USA had already modified Europe’s geopolitical map by expanding NATO to comprise almost all the former Warsaw Pact members; during the 2008 Bucharest summit the US proposed NATO membership of two new countries; Ukraine and Georgia.“

„The NATO is not an organization for the collective security of the whole European continent. It is a political-military alliance created to contrast a potential enemy.“

„Was it really that difficult to foresee which would have been Russia’s reactions to the progressive enlargement of an organization borne during the Cold War?“

Apparently for Angela Merkel it was. No matter how hard her fellow Germans – from former chancellors to high ranking politicians, from business leaders to even Der Spiegel – are trying to make her see things also from a Russian perspective. But this time her rant doesn’t solely focus on the Ukraine crisis. She goes beyond, ready to open a new front. Well, two.

She indeed criticizes Russia for having „caused difficulties“ to Moldova and Georgia as soon as the latter signed the EU association agreements.

Wie bitte? Moldava? Georgia?

Wait, what a coincidence, those are the very same countries the US Congress has just singled out as subject to Russia’s „continuing political, economic, and military aggression“!

The way Merkel dovetails her policy to the neocon-dominated US Congress leaves on in wonder.

„Moldova suffers since years under the conflict in Transdnister. We have made big efforts to help, so far unfortunately in vain. Likewise, Georgia suffers since years under the frozen conflict in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.“

As for the Ukraine, no words about the war crimes committed by Pravy Sector neo-nazis. The suffering these paramilitary groups have brought to the people of Donetsk and Lugansk obviously haven’t caught her attention.

No mention of the repeated shelling, with all sorts of internationally outlawed weapons – from cluster bombing to phosphorous bombs – of civilian targets such as homes, schools and hospitals.

But hey, „Ukraine had to endure the annexation of Crimea and the fight in the East of its Land“

As if Ukraine had not itself started that very conflict! As if Ukraine’s president Poroshenko was not ruling out a federalist compromise as recently as last week.

Merkel also openly resents „Russia trying to establish economic and political interdependence in a few West Balkan countries“.

There you go. Completely isolated from the rest of Europe, Russia should thus exercise no influence at all even in those countries, like Serbia, with which it has strong historical links!

It is clear that, no matter the (fake) compassionate words about Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine „suffering“ from allegedly Russian-fuelled ethnic conflicts, what really bothers Angela Merkel – i.e. her American masters – is that Russia refuses to be cornered, and forges new alliances instead.

While Russia had been welcomed as a respectable European power at least since the 1814 Congress of Vienna, now Merkel only sees Berlin, Brussels and Washington as legitimate „European“ players.

For the rest, there are budget cuts in the West – in her interview she also mandates „reforms“ in France and Italy – and IMF agreements, hence again budget cuts, in the East.

Russia just shouldn’t care about what happens to its borders nor, God forbids, protect ethnic Russians from foreign supported (or even installed) ultra-nationalist leaders.

Whatever happens next to Russia – including coups, nazi resurgence and the installation of ABM systems – it’s none of her business. Never in history was a country expected to act so foolish.

Angela Merkel couldn’t have spoken clearer and at the same time darker words.

Hers is the typical hubris that precedes the fall.

„Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make them mad“

And Merkel’s geopolitical views are precisely that – simply mad.

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Wow, What a Day! From Hell to Heaven – My Personal ID Shift
by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 7, 2014

by Kery, the Sunshinegirl, December 7, 2014



I just read your “breaking” posts (on the arrival of the Agarthans) and I want to confirm the inner joy I now feel upon reading that message because according to my personal experiences today…I know we have indeed “made it”.

Let me explain: As you know, I have to move out of the house I am renting by December 31st because it is being sold. This has been very stressful for me as I am extremely particular about where I live due to being sensitive to almost everything these days. The house I am currently in has been a blessing in many ways but it is a townhome and so it is connected to two other residences. You can imagine that I have woke up to banging noises on walls and had to deal with feeling others’ energies through the walls. Also, the neighborhood is so tight that I can’t even let my dog out for a quick pee without seeing a neighbor. Usually, they congregate near my house because they can feel the higher frequencies I am emitting here and it has been very draining for someone who is trying to stay in my higher state of consciousness as much as possible.

The thing that has been most challenging here is the lack of access that I have to nature. After living in Hawaii, it has been nearly like dying to not have beaches to lay on or an ocean to swim in,…let alone many nearby parks that aren’t filled to the brim with kids and parents playing soccer or walking their dogs on leashes because I do not leash my dog. Because of this, I usually have to wait until after dark so I can let her run free without idiots freaking out or giving me judging looks.

The one thing I do have is a tiny yard in front of my house that isn’t really private at all but at least it’s a bit of grass…and a beautiful tree. This tree is very special and it’s the biggest one on my street. It has one giant, thick branch that protrudes out onto the sidewalk with beautiful weepy leaves that provided shade during the summer. The plethora of leaves also provided me privacy because they blocked my front window. I have a huge arched window that looks out into the yard and although I had to cover the bottom part so no one can see in…I have loved leaving the top open and just seeing all of the beautiful leaves and branches while I sit in my house and daydream or play with my dog.

During the day, the leaves would create the perfect play of light through the window and onto my laminate wood floors…it could be blindingly sunny outside but this tree made my house seem like a shaded portal…I’ve enjoyed this for 8 months now.

This neighborhood is part of an HOA (home owners’ association), and they have landscapers trimming things and mowing, etc. ALL the damn time. It feels like 2 to 3 days per week, I hear their noisy machines going or feel someone in my yard …it’s all very intrusive to me energetically. I know you and the PAT understand this well but when I complain to others, they just say stupid stuff like, “well at least you don’t have to landscape yourself”. I wish that were the case because I would just let nature grow as it was intended for the most part unlike these people who try to make bushes look like perfect cubes~!

Well, today there was something different about the energy of these landscapers. For one thing, I was leaving my house this morning with my dog and my coffee to go run some errands and I noticed that today they had a huge truck with a turning grinder thing on top…(to grind tree branches). It was so loud! I was already annoyed and then I caught a couple of them checking me out because I could feel their energy and they were smiling at each other like, “yeah, check that out” and it was just such a gross feeling as most women can relate to. I gave them zero attention and just drove off not thinking they would be doing anything to my yard because I’m pretty sure they just did something to it last week! LOL.

I returned about 45 minutes later and my god, they were all in my yard! The truck was blocking the curb where I park and there were about 4 guys all in my yard. I couldn’t believe it because I’ve never seen that many in my yard. I was mortified because there was no way in hell I was going to go into my house and listen to that crap or have to deal with them looking at me again. So I just drove around the block and out of the neighborhood again. After about 2 hours of being away, I thought they have to be done so I drove back home with some groceries and got out to go inside. I was so happy that they were gone that, at first, I didn’t really notice my yard. Then suddenly…I nearly dropped my grocery bag! They had amputated my beautiful tree!! The thick branch that reached out to the sidewalk was completely lobbed off to the trunk! It look hideous! And they had trimmed off so many other branches and leaves that my entire front window was exposed. It didn’t even look like the same yard anymore. All I could think was how I can’t climb to that branch when there is a full moon anymore….that’s the best way I could get a good view of it. And then all my shade and privacy…just stripped away…just like that. I because so overwhelmed by sadness and then anger. I just kept putting my groceries away. Then I walked back out to get the final bag out of my car and one of the landscapers had walked back to my yard and was just standing there staring at the tree with his arms folded! What the hell??? It was bizarre. It’s like he had telepathically heard my angst and walked back around to wait for me to say something.

He didn’t look remorseful…he just looked like a robot, staring at it. I suddenly lost it and said, “who told you to cut that branch down?!” he replied in a weird way…pretending he didn’t speak proper English…which I felt was a total act. He said, “it was too heavy…” then he pointed towards the sidewalk. I said, “too heavy? It was fine. It was perfectly healthy and beautiful and now you’ve cut it down and all my privacy is gone!” I looked at him for some sort of understanding but it was evident that he didn’t get it. I threw my hands up and just finished unloading my car and then I started slamming my car doors and that got the attention of another landscaper who thought he would walk up and be like, “yo! what’s the problem?” I didn’t even give his ego a chance. I said, “that tree was the best fuckin’ thing about this house and you ruined it!” Then I walked inside and slammed by front door and locked it hard.

Once inside my house, I noticed how harsh the lighting now was due to there being no leaves to softly cover my window. I sat down and started crying. I felt completely attacked. Now, I hated my front yard and I mourned for the tree and I didn’t even know where I was going to live in a few weeks but I felt like I had to leave this place because of this crazy HOA always doing some kind of Nazi shit around the neighborhood and not letting the residents live in peace.

I called my landlord and told him about the tree and he said he can’t stand those landscapers and he’s already went ’round and round with them before. He said they are slowly killing all the trees and that he has no authority there because in this subdivision, you just own the townhouse but not the grass and trees!! What the hell? Then he told me one day he threatened to cut their fingers off and that made me smile. lol.

Anyhow, something in me simply snapped! How could these people do this? What gave them the right to decide what branches get torn down or what shrubs get uprooted? People buy these town homes sometimes based on the landscaping when they first see it! And then it goes and completely changes? When I rented this place, I fell in love with that tree because it was the nicest and biggest one on the whole street. With half of it gone, it doesn’t feel the same at all. The lighting in my place isn’t the same…the whole feeling of my living space was changed in the matter of two hours because of these robots who don’t think. They just keep ripping stuff down to look useful so they can make money! That’s how fucked up our society is. People are making up shit to do so they can make money and most of it isn’t useful nor efficient. In fact, it actually causes more chaos and more problems…then those problems create more useless “jobs” and the insanity continues!

I decided I was going to drive up to the clubhouse and find a representative of the HOA to speak to. I took my dog and drove up there and, of course, there was no one there! Just a locked door…just like the governments…all the real assholes are nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, I realized that it wouldn’t matter if I explained this to them or not. Here I was, tears streaming down my face over a tree…I would simply look like a hormonal woman to them or a tree hugging hippie and I knew it. They don’t give a shit if I have a place to see the full moon or if my sweet dog has some shade in the summer.

I cried so hard outside at this little park and the tears wouldn’t stop. I cried so hard, I had a severe anxiety attack and couldn’t get air into my lungs. I was on the phone trying to explain to my boyfriend what had happened and suddenly he heard me gasping and I dropped the call. I was literally on my knees today Georgi… crying in public. I felt all the injustices coursing through my body… image after image of people losing their homes or their land or their children or pets…I cried from the depths of my soul. I know I was witnessing the MPR on lower timelines triggered by my own grief of this tree on this timeline. I felt such despair and injustice and hopelessness all at once. I really thought I would die and my poor dog was scared and pacing near me. All I could think was I’m going to have a heart attack and she will be outside, alone and cold and could get hurt. I started concentrating on her until I could breath a bit and get her and myself back to the car.

I drove back home completely devoid of all energy. I was numb. This was one of the most dramatic cleansing experiences I’ve ever had. Of course, the tree was just the catalyst…the angst of emotions I felt after that were devastating and linked to the further separation of timelines and the chaos occurring on some of them.

I decided to take a long shower to cleanse my aura and then, exhausted, I crawled into bed. My boyfriend came over because he was worried about me and he stayed and consoled me for a few hours and we took a nap where we were immediately taken out of our bodies and we do not even remember falling asleep.

We awoke to the sound of my phone ringing and it was a leasing agent who had showed me a house that I loved only the day before but was very nervous about applying for it because I’ve never lived in a place that nice or perfect for me. He informed me that the owner had approved me for a one year lease! I was overjoyed and got off the phone and began jumping up and down!

Let me explain this house. I had been looking for a few weeks and no place resonated with me. I got the impression that this next home of mine is very important to my work here. As I was browsing listings online Thursday, I came across one that felt special from the photos. The main thing was it had a beautiful private, backyard and I have been yearning for that for a long time. I also wanted wood floors, a fireplace, and a garden tub and this had all of that! It even has windows at the kitchen sink that look into the backyard…I’ve always been fond of that.

So I immediately put my dog in the car and drove over to look at the outside of the house. It so happens that the home is only 3 minutes away from where I currently live. The second I saw it, I felt very happy and comforted. It’s very private at the end of a cul de sac and even the front door is positioned on the side with a private walkway! I picked my dog up and we walked up to the house to look into the backyard. It just so happened that there was no lock on the gate…so I opened it and stepped into the backyard. Immediately, I was flooded with beautiful energies…I felt tears in my eyes and goosebumps on my skin. I went to the sliding glass doors and…the door was a few inches open! I couldn’t believe it.

I took a second to feel if this were a dangerous situation but I did not feel any danger whatsoever. I felt complete peace…so I stepped inside. It was absolutely perfect. I felt so at home and everything was just the way that I wanted it to be. The downstairs even had another area that could be a small office and I couldn’t even tell that from the pics online but it’s part of what I wanted! I stayed in the house for about 30 minutes just soaking it in and imagining myself there. Then as I drove away I asked to be granted this home as my last home in this reality.

I called the agency on the listing and a man with a Scottish accent spoke with me. His voice was very warm and I could feel a soul presence in him even over the phone. He was not scripted but rather very caring and lively. He asked if I wanted to see the house that day and I was honest and told him I went by there and the door had been open so I already saw the house and wanted to apply. He did not seem at all surprised that the door had been open or even that I had took it upon myself to go inside! Rather, he just said that he could meet me there at 3:30 with the application.

I agreed to this and decided to leave my house early so I could get there on time. at exactly 3:22 I pulled into the neighborhood after him! We literally pulled in at the same moment, exactly 8 minutes early! I could tell it was him somehow through his energy through the car…I don’t know how. I followed him all the way to the property and then when he got out…oh my! It was like an old friend. He was much older than me…maybe in his late 60’s…with crisp blue eyes and ears that folded forward like sort of a mythical hobbit…In fact, he did not look like any person I’ve ever seen…except on fairy movies. He immediately began petting my dog and commenting on her beautiful green eyes ( which hardly anyone mentions except for me because her eyes are very special and conscious for a dog).

He was so kind to me and everything felt so simplistic. As we parted, he shook my hand and said, “it was a real pleasure” and his eyes were twinkling. He seemed absolutely thrilled to have met me…I felt the same.

Back up to the phone call the next afternoon…he said I needed to call the owner and discuss the fees. He never even charged me a fee for my application! He also said that he told her that I have a very neat appearance and she would be very lucky to have me rent her house! Now, mind you, I don’t have good credit and I don’t have super long rental references and I made up part of my salary and job because I do a few things right now. But none of this seemed to phase them! They were treating me like royalty…at the end of the conversation he said…”see now…you won’t be homeless” and he giggled! What the hell? How did he even know that I was worried about all of this. I never said anything to him about my struggles this year with housing…

OK, now I am going to wrap this up Georgi. Everything hit me this morning. I looked at his business card and the last four digits of his office phone were 1111.

And every time he called me, I saw 11 on my phone! Then when I faxed him the application and I had to write on the cover sheet how many pages there were including the cover page…there were 11.

Another thing is the address of the house. 7725. Ok, so this is basically 777. It adds up to 21. Which then adds up to 3.

Now for the kicker: I had asked if I could move in on January 1st because I am having to pay the rest of the rent for my current place this month as well. The leasing agent told me he asked the owner if that would be ok but she felt that January 1st was too far away to hold it. I then asked if December 20th would be ok, feeling that the 20th was the absolute soonest I could start a new lease. He called back to say that she agreed on the 20th of this month.

This morning it hit me: I am moving in 1 day before December 21st, the Winter Solstice!!

What the heck Georgi? And now I’m reading about the Argarthans and already feel such a connection with them. Could this house be a portal? There are too many signs… even the name of the street means: “combining of form”. I looked it up!

Things are getting crazy exciting!!! What a roller coaster day yesterday was for me…I went to the pits of hell for what I hope was the final time and then to end on such an amazing note…the owner of the house is even dividing up all the fees into 3 months for me because she says she knows how hard it can be to move and after all, it is the holidays! hahahahhaha…

Happy Full Moon!!

Love, Kari


Dear Kari,

my goodness, you have written a whole novel about your last days on earth – from hell straight to heaven. Congratulations! Have you considered the possibility that this real estate agent might have been an Agarthan as they are already in this reality?




Yes, definitely! That is what prompted me to write you. When you posted about them;) He wants me to keep in touch about my moving in the house…so there may be more to tell soon, but I truly feel like we are about to finally SEE the UNSEENS:) Much love and Joy to you and Carla. I’m taking my dog to the park and then getting a salted caramel hot chocolate and taking it easy on this full moon night! -Kari

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