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Acceleration of the Individual and Collective Ascension Process
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 7, 2015
Anita Kuttner-Kroll, April 7, 2015
translated by Georgi Stankov
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your very interesting comments about multidimensionality and creation. I just read it the third time and I am already working hard on trying. Together with all the other tools we are constantly gifted, now everyone, who wants to participate, has really very many comprehensive possibilities at hand to consciously work on the Great happening. The beauty is that the actual impact of all the energetic work becomes more and more noticeable and visible, the more one is getting into it. I also think it is very beautiful to perceive and to know that everything, e.g. I am doing for my well-being and that of my children, I also do for the whole world. And in this way a personal healing becomes a local or global one, and vice versa. It does not matter where you start, everything affects everything that makes any energetic work now so very effective. It was probably also like that in the past, but now I feel it more obvious. I had to force myself to believe in this much more in the past, now this is happening much easier.
On Thursday, I visited along with my husband my father-in-law, who lives in Saalfelden (30 minutes drive away from Lofer). Throughout the Holy Week we had a very unsettled weather, gale-force storms, sleet, snow, rain, even a tempest and sunshine, everything was really there. In Saalfelden it was deepest winter, with 15 cm of fresh snow. My father-in-law insisted that we should stay overnight and even said: “You will see, it will become terrible after Lover.”
We nonetheless drove back home in the evening despite heavy snowfall. Shortly before Lofer then something really interesting happened. I had just told my husband something about the City of Light Raetia, he had not heard of yet, although he also reads your website quite often. We had driven all the time through thick snow flurries and then just before we reached Lofer the sky cleared completely, an almost circular part of the sky was completely cloudless and blue with no precipitation over Lofer. It was really striking, shortly after Lofer it was again totally cloudy and snow began again and was getting stronger. When we took the road towards Inzell, we saw a big tank truck driving backwards. The road conditions were disastrous, mirror ice, and then the whole line of cars came uphill to a halt, we got stuck. I sent light spikes into the ground and my husband tried to continue driving, but it did not work. Finally, he could turn around and we drove down the mountain again and took the other road in direction Bad Reichenhall. Here again it was clear of snow like in another world, and when we reached Reichenhall the snow had completely stopped. Indeed this was a very unsettled drive.
And just as this drive and the currently still very unpredictable weather conditions, I feel the constant switching between the realities that I now realize more and more.
I want to draw your attention to the very interesting and excellent photos on a very nice website by Magda Wimmer, she is making very comprehensive earth healings in many countries and is currently in Vancouver again. The pictures she made on the blood moon in Vancouver are also great.
Best Regards
Dear Anita,
I agree with you wholeheartedly that we really have all the means at hand to consciously create our new reality, and by doing so, also to advance the entire ascension process.
Lofer is a good weather place indeed. I have repeatedly observed this fact. While the whole sky can be cloudy all around, there is always a hole of blue sky over the place. This is related to the fact that the surrounding mountains are crystalline and form a vortex which dissipates the clouds. The road through Bad Reichenhall is indeed better protected through the valley compared to the road to Inzell.
Thank you for sending me this link. This German lady has managed to take beautiful pictures on the Vancouver Island and in Vancouver, the killer whales, sea otters and the eagles. We have seen them as well and here, where we go for a walk on the beach regularly, we also have many eagles. The blood moon, she has taken pictures of, is exactly as we saw it on the night of April 4.
I thank you for this short message that confirms the well-known fact, namely, that there can be only individual experiences with these energies and thus the LKP is unique for each person. However, there are some common experiences, when a certain advanced stage is reached. And yet it is impossible to convey this to people who are not even in the LKP and do not have these experiences. I have seen this with Jahn again. Accordingly the ascension experiences will also be shaped in a very different manner for each one. I will publish this message as soon as I have somehow survived the current massive cleansing wave (April 6th).
Best Regards
Message from my HS
Dearest sister, what you feel are increased energies, that help your body being regenerated in an accelerated fashion.
You now need a lot of space and time for yourself to integrate all the energies that now flow through you.
I say quite deliberately not “you in plural, but you in singular” (German has two words for “you”, note George)”, because the intensity of the incoming energy is now controlled in a very individual manner. That is, all of you, who you are at this level, can equally receive the energies, but it is very individual, how much you absorb, integrate and radiate. This is very different and depends on your state of consciousness.
The more conscious you are, the higher intensity energies can you absorb and transmit and the more rapidly is your awareness advancing. In this way your ability accelerates every day, every hour and every minute in an exponential curve. The more energy you absorb, the faster and more comprehensive is the transformation and the more energy can you receive and transmit. This is one reason why your joint development can proceed at a rapid pace that is increasing now every day. Once you have exceeded a certain threshold, individually and collectively, it will really “go blow by blow” (“very quickly”, a German saying. I expect that this threshold will be reached later this month, at least this is my objective which depends, however, on the awakening of all the people; note. George.). You can as individuals and collectively incorporate more and more of the incoming source energies and share them and this ability increases every day, every hour and every minute. And the concept of “time” will eventually become obsolete, because it completely loses its meaning.
You are precisely in this process now, each one of you and all together. Therefore, your world can now rapidly and increasingly change and transform. The more consciously you observe this development and shape it, the better you get along with the rapid energy increases, and the more you are actively involved in the global affairs because you are then one of the beings who forge this process most.
(This statement refers to the light warriors of the first and the last hour who are now the incumbent Logos Gods and Guardians of the new Golden Galaxy. It also addresses the much-discussed suffering of the light warriors of the first and the last hour that have ascended long time ago and now act only as a transmitter and a sender of the powerful source energies, under which our bodies as always severely suffer. According to the motto, the more you can do, the more you are loaded by All-That-Is. Note, George).
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← Beschleunigung des individuellen und kollektiven Auftiegsprozesses
Canada Under Nazi Censorship →
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Functioning as “Creator Gods” and the Universal Laws of Creating Realities
is a good, succinct message that complements our ongoing discussion on
Creation and the Laws of Creation we need to observe as to become
effective Creator Gods. A must read.
is the dragon. Everyone is all-that-is experiencing the illusion of
what it is to not be all-that-is. That means, in other words, you are
God and just limit yourself. So you are also all co-creators of
everything you experience, and even everything that affects you that you
are not even aware of. So you have the creator inside you.
there are the stories of “creator gods” – of grand beings that have made
the stars, the planets, etc. Who have sometimes visited Earth in some
form or another and done amazing things here. Your souls and higher
selves are also creator gods, you just may not realize it. Some do
realize it, most don’t.
Even if you do realize it, what good does it do you in life, right? It doesn’t really help you.
a lot of that is about to change over the half century, and for some
much, much sooner. You are evolving and part of that evolution isn’t
becoming more, but realizing what more you already are. It is pulling
those abilities you have into your reality and empowering yourselves and
others. It is realizing your “creator god” self and using it wisely and
having some fun with it at that. Do no harm, but enjoy it.
You’ve probably heard enough channelings like that and are thinking, “So, yeah, whatever, when does it happen?”
So, we’re going to give a little bit of a different message. We’re going to try to make this message a little bit practical.
stuff is great, but there is also the need for practical information.
The problem with psychic things is that it is so so dependent on the
mind that you can’t give a set of instructions like a book. These things
are unlocked differently in every person. so we can’t even say what to
So, getting there is a bit personal. However, we can give some common advice for when you actually get there…
are some pretty universal laws when it comes to being a creator, and
we’ll name these even though these names are just for human
classification purposes…
By laws, we aren’t talking about if you
break this law, you get punished. These are higher dimensional physical
laws or theories that are “just how things work”, just like the laws of
conservation of energy in a closed system and the no-cloning theorem in
quantum mechanics. However, we did not discover them, since higher
vibrational beings just tend to intuitively know these things.
when you are going from experiencing a reality like your own to
becoming your creator god self, there is sometimes a period where you
don’t know what you don’t know until it all comes back. A little insight
can help smooth that transition.
Finally, we don’t want to give
the idea these laws are immutable. Just as your laws of statics that
define things like how billiard balls behave have limited application
and have been already shown to fail in cases like high speeds, or very
small particles, these laws do have loopholes, however they are much
more universal than any physical laws known to science. For instance,
where special relativity and general relativity break down, and where
your standard models and string theory break down, these laws will still
hold. In fact, these laws hold where there is no matter, no energy, and
only consciousness.
There are also some laws you probably
already know of, like reciprocity of energy, and effects of fear vs
love. We’re going to try to present new concepts, even if some of these
laws in some cases can be partially reduced to other laws you already
know of.
Law One – The First Law of Control
* That which
you control, will control you. The more control you have or exert over
something, the more control it will exert over you.
Law One, part 2 – The Modified Law of Control – Power/dominance and responsibility
* The more power you have over something, the more responsibility you have.
Law One, part 3 – The Modified Law of Control – Freedom
* The more control you exert over something, the less freedom you have and the more you give away your power.
Law Two – The Special Law of Control – Interference
As a creator, the more you attempt to define the energies of a reality –
that is, the more you interfere – the more drawn into that reality you
will become, the more that reality will define that part of your
consciousness, and the more PHYSICAL you become.
Law Two, part 2 – The Special Law of Control: veils
* As a creator, the more you attempt to define energies of a reality, the more veiled that part of your consciousness becomes
Law Two, part 3 – The Special Law of Control: Separation
As a creator, the more you attempt to define energies of a reality, the
more that part of your consciousness experiences separation
Law Three – The Law of Free Will
* The
higher vibrations a consciousness experiences, the less free will it has
because the more universal that consciousness becomes. Increasing free
will requires lowering vibration and increasing vibration requires
letting go of some free will.
Law Four – Ascension
* Increasing vibration, that is – ascending – requires letting go of some control and giving up some free will.
Law Five – Vibration and density
Vibration and density are inversely proportional but independent
phenomena. This one is difficult to grasp. All other things being equal,
the more dense some expression of consciousness is, the more its
vibration will be limited. However, there are usually other factors
involved so from an absolute standpoint, you can’t say something will be
low vibration simply because it’s dense.
So, after reading the
laws above, you may be thinking, “Well great, we can become Creator Gods
but the more we create, the more we are controlled by it, lose our
power and freedom. So we can’t really create anything, can we?” Maybe
the story of Loki comes to mind.
It’s important to understand
these laws in a practical sense first. So let’s talk about creating a
reality like Earth. To experience that reality as a creator god, you can
just define the rules and let it spin up and as long as you “keep your
nose out of things” then you can observe Earth without getting too drawn
in. But if you start tinkering with Earth and interfering with it, then
you get drawn in and start to lose some of your power. However, if you
are simply observing and interacting very loosely, you have less free
will related to the expression of Earth, and your role is simply to
support the free will choices of the beings on the planet.
So, that brings us to the magical loophole of how you can create without becoming mired in your creations: Guiding.
is a practical way of dealing with the laws. Guiding means that you
loosely interact to nudge things in the right directions. For instance,
many entities that interact with mankind as channeled beings or helping
the energies of Earth are guiding. One way to guide is to visualize the
outcome, to communicate – whatever that means in specific case – your
dreams and wishes, but take limited action to bring that result about,
to trust in all-that-is. In a reality like your current experience of
Earth, that takes a good deal of patience and wisdom. In more typical
physical experiences that are looser, you can guide things much more
easily and with much more rapid results.
What’s important to
remember is going back to the original topic – that your experience of
Earth is changing. Right now, the way people make things happen is to do
and control. However, as your reality becomes less restrictive, and
your collective vibration raises you will experience more freedom (and
less rigid definition) of the structures that make up your reality. So,
the ability to guide will increase and doing and controlling will not be
effective. At that time, you will find yourself becoming more of the
creator god that you really are.
With Love,
The Dragon
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← Dialectics – the Effective Technique That Egos Hate
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Canada Under Nazi Censorship
Canadian orchestra drops Ukraine-born pianist Valentina Lisitsa over anti-Kiev posts
RT, April 7, 2015
Image from facebook.com
A Ukrainian-born pianist was barred from
playing at Canada’s Toronto Symphony Orchestra (TSO) for expressing
views on the situation in Ukraine via Twitter, according to the soloist
herself. The move led to a social media storm tagged #LetValentinaPlay.
READ MORE: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi leader becomes top military adviser, legalizes fighters
The orchestra has officially announced its decision to drop pianist
Valentina Lisitsa from its Rachmaninoff Concerto #2 program earlier this
week. TSO President and CEO Jeff Melanson cited“ongoing accusations of deeply offensive language by Ukrainian media outlets,” adding that Lisitsa’s“provocative comments” had allegedly “overshadowed past performances.”
In the statement, Melanson seems to be referring to Lisitsa’s Twitter
posts, in which she expresses her views on the situation in Ukraine.
Lisitsa turned to Facebook on Monday with a plea, asking her fans for support to “tell Toronto Symphony that music can’t be silenced.”
“Someone in the orchestra top management, likely after the
pressure from a small but aggressive lobby claiming to represent
Ukrainian community, has made a decision that I should not be allowed to
play,”she wrote, referring to her TSO performances on Wednesday and Thursday.
“I don’t even know who my accusers are, I am kept in the dark about it.”
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GbjQdAhS30
Lisitsa said she took to Twitter to shed some light on the other side of the story, “the
one you never see in the mainstream media – the plight of my people,
the good and bad things that were happening in Ukraine.”
READ MORE: ‘Rather be in prison than work for fascists’ – Crimean Prosecutor Poklonskaya
Some of her work included translating Ukrainian-language websites and eyewitness accounts.
“I became really good in unmasking fakes published by Western media,” Lisitsa said.
Her statement also gives a brief summary on her actual views: “The
worst thing that can happen to any country is fratricide war, people
seeing each other, their neighbors as enemies to be eliminated …[a] Year
later, we have the same rich people remaining in power, misery and
poverty everywhere, dozens of thousands killed, over a million of
After expressing her views, Lisitsa claimed to have received numerous death threats.
The last straw was the decision to drop her performance: “My
haters didn’t stop there. Trying, in their own words, to teach me a
lesson, they have now attempted to silence me as a musician.”
Lisitsa revealed that TSO offered to cover her entire fee for the
canceled program, if she chose to stay silent about the reason behind
the decision.
“They even threatened me against saying anything about the cause
of the cancellation … If they do it once, they will do it again and
again, until the musicians, artists are intimidated into voluntary
censorship,” she wrote.
Read also: Ukraine cops get ‘shoot-to-kill orders’ amid unrest over army hit & run killing of 8yo
The reaction on Twitter was massive, with the hashtag
#LetValentinaPlay surging in popularity and thousands of supporters
speaking out.
International concert violinist and recording artist Hannah Woolmer tweeted: “To me, this IS a VITAL campaign pls can all my followers retweet if they agree that @TorontoSymphony should #letvalentinaplay.”
Seventy-two-year old Hana Ustohal wrote on Facebook: “What kind
of monsters are in power of this country to make such an insane and
sadistic decision to not allow you to play. I’ve cancelled my ticket for
Wednesday concert.”
Twitter user Ike Hike warned that the TSO’s decision “looks bad,” adding: “Would you seek fame as silencing art for partisan politics and smear Canada? You should #letvalentinaplay.”
Lisitsa maintained on her Twitter account that she does not mix music with politics, and does not“preach” during performances. Her opponents, however, accused her of being a “Kremlin mouthpiece”and a “hate monger.”
Maria Kolos wrote on Facebook, supporting the TSO’s decision: “Thank you TSO for not tolerating this offensive Kremlin mouthpiece.” Mat Babyak also said: “Thank you for not giving a platform to a racist hate monger! Keep her out of Canada!”
Another user, Iryna Cimorelli, pointed towards a large number of Ukrainian immigrants when expressing her support for the TSO. “Toronto
is full of Ukrainian immigrants who are true patriots of their county
and they would never ever allow this woman to play on that stage after
her propaganda speeches. Never!!! Good for them for kicking her out, she
can play in [the] Kremlin now!!!”
Lisitsa has a substantial following on YouTube and Twitter. One of
her most popular videos – Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’ – has over 9
million views. Due to her successful online career, she is sometimes
referred to as “the web’s favorite pianist.”
Lisitsa was born in Kiev into a Russian-Polish family. Her family
came to the capital from Odessa, Ukraine. She immigrated to the US in
the 1990s.
Her career was successfully launched through a YouTube channel, which
now has received around 43 million visitors. Lisitsa now travels around
the world performing classical pieces.
Separately, Lisitsa has been running a Twitter account under the
nickname NedoUkraïnka (“sub-Ukrainian”), which she came up with after
the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk published a statement
calling the supporters of eastern Ukrainian militia forces “subhumans.”
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Multidimensional Aspects of Immediate Creation
blood moon eclipse this night was spectacular. We woke up at 04.40 am
local time and enjoyed this natural spectacle due to the clear sky.
Exactly at 4.50 the blood-red disk of the moon completely vanished in
the dark sky, only to appear again with white light on the fringes a
couple of minutes later. I read that this was the shortest moon eclipse
in a century.
We could see with small theatre binoculars all the
craters on the moon surfaces now painted in crimson red. The energies
were overwhelming, but highly harmonious and peaceful as we majestically
ascended higher and higher and out of this still 3D reality. The robins
were singing happily from all trees around and announcing the coming
spring of the new humanity. The whole nightly scene was very solemn and
full of promises. So much about our personal experiences with the
will come next is now the biggest question. The truth is that what will
come next, happens in every moment in the Now. And here I would like to
discuss some important multidimensional aspects of immediate creation,
which we personally experienced in the last 48 hours. As their
interpretation challenges our 3D understanding of causal relationships,
many of you, who make similar experiences, may interpret the results of
your creation in a wrong manner.
What is it all about? We create our reality with all its aspects.
may project a beautiful vision we desire to experience in our immediate
future and it may or may not manifest in this reality, depending on its
probability potential. But be sure that this optimal alternative
has already happened in a parallel probability reality and has charged
this reality, so that the likelihood to manifest also in this reality
has significantly augmented.
said, there is no way that you experience a bright future if you
constantly envision negative scenarios as these outcomes are always
realized on parallel probability worlds and from there
multidimensionally charge this reality in a negative way.
fact, the situation is much more complex as we do not have this one
reality, but we constantly move through the timelines and change in a
seamless manner the realities we live in. When these transitions happen
very quickly, as was case with us in the last 48 hours, you may suffer
from severe gastric pain and burning most of the time, because the third
chakra, which is connected to your Merkabah and is responsible of
bi-location and astral travels, is under huge stress. It is a matter of
fact that the human physical body was initially not constructed for such
rapid astral travels.
Since we have already ascended, we also
possess a powerful multidimensional light body, which is now capable of
taking our physical body to many different timelines. This holds true
also for our mind and brain, so that we do not always perceive these
transitions. But they take place constantly, every second, and then at
great leaps when big cosmic events are happening, as is the case now
around this blood moon portal.
How do all these energetic events
that take place in the background affect our perceived subjective
reality? This is a very intriguing question that I shall now discuss for
the first time.
In our daily lives, and especially in these
last days of radical inner transformation of most human beings under the
onslaught of the incoming Source energies, we are confronted with a
plethora of unpleasant situations that our family members, relatives or
friends create with their unredeemed mental and emotional problems and
blockages. As all these blockages will now be swept away by the new
blood moon portal energies this month, the dramas that such people will
generate around us will stipulate.
It is true that we have been
lifted on a 5D and 6D platform and actually hover over this holographic
model without being personally affected by the low-vibrating patterns of
these dramas, which bounce back from our energetic shield like water
repelled from teflon coating.
However, such situations still demand from us quick responses as Creator Gods, who daily gestalt their reality.
take the classical case. You have a long existing conflict in the
family due to total intransigence of this one family member that
prevents him to see the truth about himself, about what he is doing and
about his environment. This has created a lot of problems for you in the
past as the wrong, blind decisions of this person have affected your
reality in a multifaceted manner. Simply because he /she is a member of
your family and you cannot avoid this person and because you feel
compelled to help him.
This is the usual trap we all, as great
light warriors, succumb to in this reality because we are very
compassionate and as a rule want to help all the people at once. That is
why we are here, but this is also our greatest weakness in daily life
as we become victims to such unpleasant negative situations that are
created by unripe souls that have incarnated in our family. Needless to
say that we have consented to these family relationships before
incarnation as to learn our own lessons and overcome these challenges in
a masterly manner, before we can finally ascend and leave this reality.
I assume that you all have had such experiences – it is
unlikely that I am the only one – and that you all have resolved these
issues by clearing your relationships with such problematic family
members. Otherwise you would not have already ascended, and here I am
talking to you as the new Logos Gods of new Gaia.
But it is also
a matter of fact that these family dramas continue to swell,
notwithstanding our detachment and may cause a conflagration any moment
from now on. Why? Because the lives of such unconscious human beings
have been based on numerous lies in the past – lies about themselves,
what they are and what they want to achieve. These lie-based human
destinies can only exist if the protagonist stubbornly cherishes a
completely distorted view of the world and lives in a state of constant
denial. This indeed applies to the vast majority of human beings as this
will become evident in the coming days.
As these beings are
very stubborn and rigid in their views, they constantly want to impose
their weird ideas on other members in their families and force them live
the same failed destiny they have chosen for themselves. They must do
this, as this is the only way they can get rid of their huge fears,
which now surge even higher, by expecting other family members to share
their failed existence. Shared failure is very comforting for those
people as it mitigates (and thus perpetuates) their own failure as they
now can point out to the similar failures of other people and family
members as a personal excuse. It is a self-perpetuating prophecy – this
is how creation has always functioned, here in the negative direction.
beings find great consolation in exporting their fears as world views
and behavioral patterns to other people as in this way they redeem a
little bit the inner pressure on their fearful psyche and mental body.
This is how humanity has generated its “Fall From Grace”, as most people
easily succumb to such negative influences.
This creates a
downward spiral to lower, denser energetic thought and emotional
patterns and those human beings, like us, who vibrate much higher than
our environment are then chosen to be the scapegoat for the failures of
these people. Creating bad consciousness is a classical strategy of the
dark ones to mire old souls and divert them from their true mission on
this planet.
This all may be well-known to you, but its
importance is now even more actual than at any time in the past. Why?
Here is another important aspect of this End Time that I have not
discussed so far in my previous articles, as I was just recently made
aware of it by my HS.
Until now, the electric Orion grid of the
old matrix forged a downward spiral to denser thoughts and fear-based
behavioural patterns. For instance, in a group of people in the old
society there was always one person who was particularly aggressive,
dominant and low vibrating. As this person had no moral or other ethical
values, he ruthlessly imposed his behaviour onto the rest of the group
and easily became their leader. One could observe this very well in
school classes with young children before and in the puberty or you can
trace the same pattern in the creation of corporate America. The power
of the few dark cabal over the rest of humanity is based on such
negative social interdependencies.
I, myself, have wondered for
many years how come one negative, stupid, debased, immoral personality
can influence so fundamentally a whole group of more evolved incarnated
human souls. At the same time when a light gestalt happens to be in the
same group, as it was many times the case with me, how completely he is
isolated and ostracized by the group and easily becomes the scapegoat or
the black sheep in the eyes of the others.
The explanation for
this derailed collective human dynamics that has made earth and humanity
the most toxic planet and civilisation in the whole omniverse, lies in
the fact that the old predominantly electric grid of the old earth that
regulated human relationships and behaviour patterns in the Orion
consensual reality was set up by all of us as creator souls in such a
way, so that the incarnated personality automatically spirals towards
lower frequency, higher density levels as to experience the utmost
separation from the Source. As Anita’s HS pointed out in her message,
we have already surpassed this point of maximal separation and now the
rubber band has whiplashed in the opposite direction towards the source
and the unity of all life. We are on the high-speed way back home.
this is a viable metaphor to illustrate what is currently happening
with humanity. Those souls, who according to their soul age are
scheduled to move to the new 4D worlds, have begun to increase their
frequencies since the first harmonic convergence in 1987 and
exponentially so in the last several years, even though most of them
have no idea of this LBP.
In particular in the last months many
of these entities have consented to a soul switch and many walk-ins of
old souls entered this holographic model, thus further increasing the
light quotient. All these souls have been in the meantime fully
connected to the new crystalline grid which we, the light warriors of
the first and last hour, have been building since the year 2000. We have
been discussing this issue now for almost four years when we first
introduced the concept of the “web of light“, with us as the fishers of
these souls that will be taken by us to higher dimensions. Go back and
read many of the channeled messages from Carla and April that have
discussed this issue as early as 2012.
This month we have
reached a new threshold, where all these souls are for the first time
energetically capable of fully participating in a global ascension test
run, which, if successful, may lift this reality permanently into the
new 4D worlds in the new Golden galaxy and thus dismantle the old Orion
overlay. This event will be very similar to the ‘PAT Supernova” –
another metaphor we used in the past to describe the numerous ascension
test runs during major portals, where only a few of us had to heave the
whole humanity and Gaia to higher dimensions.
This Tantalus act
has now been distributed on many shoulders and among many souls who
have, in the meantime, advanced enough to follow in our footsteps. Hence
there is a great chance that this month we may finally experience the
PAT Supernova that will trigger the final ID split and the transition of
this uppermost mother planet to its new destination in the Golden
Galaxy. This night, while watching the blood moon eclipse, this event
felt very close to me.
Parallel to these positive developments,
we have the majority of very young and unripe souls who cannot connect
to the new crystalline grid. These souls continue to live and act within
the old electric grid and to perpetuate their failures and obnoxious
behaviour. These, once former leaders of humanity are, however,
powerless now as they can no longer hook into the new crystalline grid,
which is the basis for the new holographic model of humanity and
manipulate the masses. Hence they have no longer any influence on this
portion of enlightened humanity, no matter how much dark magic and other
demonic manipulations they resort to in order to reinforce their once
strong energetic influence on the rest of humanity.
this is the energetic dynamics that will bring about their demise. As
these people constitute closed, low-vibrating energetic systems with a
very limited perception and tools of response to new challenges, all
they can do is continue perpetuating their old dark patterns and expect
the same results as in the past. This is the generally accepted
definition of insanity.
The novel element of this time,
beginning with the opening of the blood moon portal today, is that when
such dark entities decide to harm other people in their surroundings
with their dark decisions or even black magic, these acts of darkness
cannot reach any of the people they intend to harm, because they are now
connected to the high vibrating new crystalline grid. Instead they
simply bounce back onto them and cause them the pain they wanted to
inflict on other people. This is the new rule of the new incarnation
game on this uppermost mother planet that is now on its way to the new
Golden Galaxy. While we had in the past a downward spiral of debased,
low vibrating behaviour that few, very dark entities – the elite –
imposed as self-proclaimed leaders onto the masses of incarnated souls,
now this situation has been totally reversed.
Since the opening
of this blood moon portal, and even much earlier for us, any lowering of
the vibrations at the individual level causes such a pain in any human
being that has already linked to the new crystalline grid that there is
no possibility any more for this group of evolved humans to lower their
frequencies and debase their personality anymore. The ones that still
connect to the old grid are the same that will be severed
interdimensionally when the final big events will take place and the
wheat will be separated from the chaff. All these dark souls, who will
have to go through another very long incarnation cycle of 26,000 years
before they have made enough negative experiences and qualify for
eventual ascension, will begin with these negative experiences Now –
this month of April.
The stage for this grand “finale furioso”
was set with the blood moon portal today and the coming days will be
full of dramatic events.
And precisely here our creationary
approach must now set. We must begin to envision all upcoming dramas
that will involve family members, who are either fence straddlers and
must make their final choice for the light and against the darkness by
radically releasing all past attachments to dark negative thoughts and
behaviour patterns, or truly dark entities, who are destined to leave
this uppermost mother planet. These people will start this month with
their last desperate efforts to turn around the course of the events and
regain full control over other family members, eventually over you.
course they will fully fail this time and this is the same mechanism as
to how the ruling cabal will lose their power by making huge blunders
and committing terrible crimes that will be contained by us as incumbent
Logos Gods for the most part. But in order to create this favourable
outcome, you must know precisely how the energetic dynamics behind all
these events operates and what its true nature is.
Now, let us
assume that you have such a situation in your family and rightfully
expect an éclat to happen in the coming days because now all lies and
all deceptions must come to the fore. They can only be resolved in an
outer escalation of human dramatics – in a resolution through
confrontation – at the global stage and within the family. Hence do not
fear any confrontation as it is unavoidable and is the only possible way
to resolve such old dark patterns based on perennial lies, deceptions
and illusions caused by the total separation of these individuals from
their souls.
But – and here comes the good news – you can create
a new reality, where this confrontation need not happen. How? Here is
where the real master can manipulate his reality as to experience only
what he desires. From now on!
When you perceive that a
confrontation with (a) family member(s) is inevitable, as these persons
are either on the verge of awakening and distancing themselves from
their past dark environment or are truly dark entities and will be
separated from us in an ID split very soon, you can actually create this
outcome already in the Now within your personal subjective reality.
you identify the problem with the person, then you envision several
possible scenarios how he would behave when he will be fully confronted
with the truth in the coming days. As all these scenarios will be highly
unpleasant due to the fact that these people always tend to drag you in
their personal unresolved dramas, you should immediately begin to make
regular invocations with the seven sacred flames by decreeing what you
want to experience and what you do not want to experience. Then move all
negative scenarios to parallel probability timelines, where these
confrontations through escalation can be resolved without directly
affecting your life in this reality or in a set of realities you live
This means that you may visually and telepathically perceive
in a very intensive emotional manner how such a confrontation occurs in
one or more such parallel timelines and then suddenly you move to a new
timeline, where this unpleasant event has not taken place and will not
take place. You may even see the same person, who was the culprit for
this conflict at the same day and he will not be aware of this conflict
or remember anything.
At this moment it is very important for
you to discard fully your old, deterministic thought patterns based on
causal relationship. I can assure you that this is really very difficult
and even I must very closely observe myself as not to fall back into
past, illusionary linear thinking of causal relationships, constituting
of perpetrators and victims, of blame and projections of false
All these human games have lost their meaning
now. Instead, preserve the clear knowing that you have anticipated with
your expanded awareness what is energetically happening on this
uppermost mother planet now, because you have envisioned all possible
scenarios in the Now moment and have made a clear choice, which
scenarios you do not wish to experience personally and which most
favourable outcome should manifest in your reality.
This is the
way how our souls create our reality in every moment in the Now out of
myriads of probability alternatives without us being aware of this
complex process of constant creation.
Now we have reached the
level of expansion of our awareness, where we can begin to consciously
create our reality in a multidimensional manner. By envisioning a
negative scenario, we already experience it in the inner space of our
soul, which is the only relevant reality these final days and in all
eternity. The moment we decide to discard this alternative, it
disappears from our reality, while it takes place in a parallel
probability world.
In practice, this happens as we move to
another, more favourable, higher vibrating timeline. In this way we
constantly increase our frequencies and those of the reality we live in,
by making conscious choices for the light and against the darkness. The
fact that the negative event you have anticipated in your reality has
not occurred, should not be interpreted as a failure of your creation
according to old, deterministic thinking in causal relationships, but as
the most convincing proof that you have been highly successful in
creating a better reality for yourself.
Of course, it may happen
that you may even witness how such a dramatic event affects a family
member as envisioned by yourself, but it will never affect you. Had you
not anticipated this event in advance in a conscious manner and had you
not done the necessary invocations, you might have been fully embroiled
in this superficial drama triggered by this person and your experience
might be very unpleasant.
Hence you create your better reality
by a conscious exclusion of all alternative negative scenarios. This is
how we should now operate as conscious Creator Gods. It is not
sufficient to know that you are a Creator God and then not participate
actively in the daily Gestaltung of your subjective reality because you
still succumb to the old idea of causal relationships, where there are
perpetrators and victims and we cannot affect the course of the events.
We are now in a completely new game of incarnation and the old rules no
longer apply.
I hope that with this disquisition I have shed
some light on to how one can create consciously one’s reality now and I
would like to reassure you that all these observations are based on my
personal experiences and observations, not only in the last few days
when they proved to be particularly true, but since twenty years when I
first consciously realized how we create our multidimensional reality in
each fleeting moment.
By the way, you can find most of this
explanation in the excellent books of Seth channeled by Jane Roberts
more than 50 years ago. Everything I have said in this article has
always been there, only that we now begin to fully comprehend it and
consciously make use of it. The new greatest advantage, beginning this
month, is that the energetic structure of this uppermost mother planet
now allows this kind of immediate creation only if we follow the
Universal laws of multidimensional creation as presented by Brian, the Dragon, in close observation of the aforementioned considerations.
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