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Adama: The New Lemuria
by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 17, 2015
From “Telos” book by Aurelia Louise Jones
Georgi Stankov
This message from Adama on New Lemuria was channelled in the 90s and it reveals a numbers of aspects in the Ascension process in the current End Phase that should be highlighted one more time for the sake of better understanding.
First, Adama confirms that while the physical continent of Lemuria was destroyed by sinking in the ocean, the Lemurian civilisation actually ascended to a higher 4D. Since then, in the last 12 000 earthly years, Lemuria has evolved to a 5D civilisation.
This will be also the pathway of evolution of the surface earth on this uppermost mother planet. When the ID shift will come, the ascending version of this timeline will move firmly into the new Golden Galaxy and will merge with the already existing new 4D worlds, which we have created last year. From there, it will take some more time for these 4D worlds to evolve to 5D civilisations and align with the New Lemuria. At the same time the ID shift will cause a physical destruction of the remaining lower timelines that will descend after this catastrophe to lower 4D levels.
This is the invariant dynamics of any ascension process and this is what actually is happening all the time since we created the first seven 4D earths in May 2013, which were destroyed soon thereafter in order to render the fuel for ascension of this uppermost mother planet that now dwells on the threshold of its final ascension to uppermost 4D level.
The second important aspect of this message is that according to the original ascension plan as presented by Adama to Aurelia Louise Jones, the Agarthans were supposed to appear on the surface in about 10 years, which would have been around 2007 and meet with selected representatives of humanity who have sufficiently raised their vibrations. These representatives are the current warriors of the first and the last hour, the members of the PAT, who have already ascended and are now incumbent Logos Gods and Guardians of the new Golden Galaxy. This forecast was made before 911 and was rather optimistic as Adama’s assessment of the massive awakening of humanity in the 90s reveals in the message below.
As we now know, in the meantime humanity not only did not awaken, but fell into a much deeper slumber than before. The New Age movement was fully infested and derailed by the dark archon forces and the whole ascension process had to lie upon the shoulders of a few indomitable light warriors – those of the PAT. This change in the original ascension scenario is very well documented on this website and it is a synchronistic gift that Erik just finished with volume 8 of the Journey of the PAT, where anybody can read this seamless chronicle of ascension in form of well-designed books.
Because the PAT now took over much bigger responsibilities for the ascension process than initially planned, as confirmed below by Adama, we were also endowed with much greater powers of creation. The disadvantage of the broader light workers community was transformed into our advantage. We became Ascended Masters and the new Logos Gods while still in physical bodies, and shortly thereafter, also the new Guardians of the new Golden Galaxy since the summer of last year. At the end everybody profited from this reshuffling of energetic responsibilities.
We took the full responsibility for the healing (reclamation) of Lemuria and its integration into Gaia 5 on May 27th, while the old Lemurians, the Agarthans from Telos, were able to finally move to 6D. They were no longer needed here on the surface as the merging of the two civilisations took place on a much higher level last month. The New Lemuria, which we subsequently built on the first level of 5D on June 4th is thus entirely our collective creation and we were helped by the Hyperboreans from the 7th to 9th dimensions.
But we no longer need the active support of the Agarthans for the creation of New Lemuria. It is now a clean slate and, although it contains the past healed Lemuria in its template, we can create a completely new world there independently of the Agarthans who will observe this creation from the 6th dimension.
As all higher dimensions are a unity, all these civilisations will interact with us in a manifold manner, but the beginning of the new Gaia 5 will be a unique creation for which we will solely be responsible as Logos Gods. This is our higher promotion as Creator Gods due to our exceptional achievements as incarnated souls and our significant contribution to the ascension of the earth and part of its population to higher dimensions. The success of this ascension is to a very large extent our personal and in All-That-Is such extraordinary achievements are honoured with greater responsibility and a bigger scope of creationary activities.
The message of Adama below is insofar of great historical and cognitive importance as it highlights one more time the many alterations in the ascension scenario, many of which have been personally experienced by the PAT and meticulously documented on this website. This is what makes this website so unique – one can always follow the red thread and is not lost in weird human interpretations of what is happening behind the veil, to which the rest of the light workers became an early victim due to shutting down their critical mind. The last victim of this disastrous trend was Jahn. Most Gods in spe fail shortly before they can climb on Olympus.
Adama’s Message
Greetings, my friends, this is Adama.
There is a common belief among the surface population that Lemuria was destroyed under the waves of the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago, and that it no longer exists. From a third dimensional perspective, this is entirely true. The cataclysm that destroyed most of our continent, along with almost 300 million of our people, created a painful devastation to the physical surface of the planet and its inhabitants.
It created a tremendous shock to Mother Earth. Almost overnight, in its final stage, our beloved Lemuria, considered the cradle of civilization for this planet, vanished. The rest of the world was utterly stunned, mourning the great loss. The pain of the loss of the Motherland was so great that, even today, most of you still carry pain and trauma deep in your cellular memory.
The souls who perished at the time were the most traumatized. Many of you who suffered the destruction of our continent have completely closed yourselves to the memory of your glorious Lemurian ancestry because, for you, the ending was so tragic. Your pain and grief has been buried deep within your subconscious, waiting for the time it can resurface and be healed. The purpose of this information is to assist you who read these words to begin consciously healing those records, within yourselves and the planet. For this, my dear brothers and sisters, with great love and compassion, we offer you our assistance.
Lemuria still exists to this day in a fifth dimensional frequency, not yet visible to your third dimensional vision and perception.
To all of you still feeling the grief of the loss, let us share with you that Lemuria has never been totally destroyed, as perceived in your present understanding. As the veil between dimensions continues to thin, we want to assure you that in a not too distant future, for those engaged in the ascension process, your beloved Lemuria, in Her new Splendor and Glory, will reveal Herself to you in a very physical and tangible manner.
As you open yourselves up to a more conscious way of living, and release distorted and erroneous belief systems you have embraced in the last millennia, you will be able to perceive the beloved Motherland again. Eventually you will be allowed to step in to be received by Her with all the Love and Magnificence She now has to offer. When you are ready, you will be invited to join us consciously in this place of paradise.
At the time of the blast, Lemuria and what it represented to the planet was lifted into a fourth dimensional frequency which later evolved into the fifth. It continued to thrive and evolve to the level of perfection and beauty it has now reached, inhabited by those who were saved when Lemuria sank.
If this information brings tears to your eyes, open your heart to heal the pains that have been buried within you for so very long. Let your grief flow! Allow your tears to bring healing to every part of your being. Allow yourself to really feel it and embrace it in your heart through the Revelations of the New Lemuria breath. Allow all remembrances and pain to be felt fully without suppressing anything. This is how you will bring forth your healing, increment by increment. As you inhale the pain through the breath, those imprints will dissolve and be healed forever. Ask your Higher Self to assist you in uncovering those records that are keeping you from moving forward towards your new glorious reality.
In your daily meditation, we ask you to do this work faithfully until you feel completion. Connect with us and with our Love, heart to heart. Ask for our assistance and we will be there with you as you do this most important inner work. All of us in Telos are eager to assist all of you who will reach out to us in your hearts. We are a civilization which has achieved great heart openings and our vibration pulses with the Heart of the Divine Mother. Gradually, the deep-seated pain will be lifted and you will feel much lighter. The clearing of this pain will also assist you in the opening of your remembrance and the perceiving of your true identity. It will allow you to make giant leaps into your full spiritual, emotional and physical evolution and renewal.
We invite you to come to Telos at night while your body sleeps. We have many spiritual counselors who are willing to work with you. Each one who comes is assigned three counselors who will work with you very closely. One focuses on healing the emotional body, another focuses on healing the mental body and the third focuses on healing the etheric body, all together in oneness with your Divine Presence.
Our channel, Aurelia Louise, was granted some time ago, the opportunity for a momentary glimpse into the New Lemuria. She was deeply touched, and knows with absolute certainty in her heart that what we are communicating through her is not a promise that remains in the distant future. She knows with every cell of her being that this manifestation could become a reality within this decade for many of you. The journey is yours to step into! Will you take our hands and ride the wave of ascension with us into a new dimensional reality?
As Earth Beings, We Are One Big Family
From where we reside, we observe consistent progress in the great awakening taking place within the consciousness of human beings as they remember their divine nature.
Dear ones, as much as you may not yet see the full picture of this wondrous advancement, we have the technology to see this progress and make graphs of it on our amino acid computers. We can chart the raising of vibrational frequency by mankind day by day in any area on the surface. Each day, we notice more people awakening to their divine purpose and making a new choice to embrace love and peace within their heart, in their personal lives and for the planet.
The very fact that there are so many of you now awakening to a greater understanding of true spirituality, and making new choices for yourselves, shows us that your eventual victory and spiritual freedom are assured. It is only a question of how long and how many Earth years it will take to reach critical mass. We can honestly tell you that it is happening even faster than originally expected by the spiritual hierarchy. In any case, you are no longer looking at centuries or millennia for the transition into the new world that you have been anticipating for so long. Know that within ten years, many positive changes will have already taken place, and from then on, you will live through an intense accelerated cycle of positive changes. The intensity of the energy will not stop or diminish until you are comfortably nestled in the wonders and the bliss of the fifth dimension.
The time of reunion for our two civilizations is finally very close.
In Telos, along with your brothers and sisters of the “Earth Within,” a vast empire of many civilizations, we are watching this expansion of consciousness with great joy and anticipation. We always support you with our Love and our Light. We are like children counting the number of days before Christmas, the “Christmas” of our “Uniting” in Love and Brotherhood as one big Earth family. We watch with wonder the awakening taking place day by day, and we know that the time for reunion of our two civilizations is finally very close, after so many centuries of physical separation.
When the time of our emergence to the surface dimension comes, it will be a time of love and great rejoicing for many, particularly for those who are consciously aware of our presence within the Earth, and who experience a deep yearning to finally greet and talk with us face-to-face. The wonders of our “Great Encounter” will be even greater than you can imagine at this time. Be assured that we long to be with you in a more tangible way just as much as you long to be with us. We are family sharing a mutual desire.
We are also watching a great number of light-workers who have embodied at this time to assist with this wondrous mission, leading the way in this grand awakening. You are brave warriors of Light, facing many difficulties to assist the Christing of the planet, and we hold you so preciously in our hearts. It is with gratitude and profound love that we salute and honor you.
We will return to the “surface” in a more tangible way when the spiritual awakening has reached critical mass, not sooner. Shortly, we will be granted permission to start mixing with a limited number of “surface” people who have attained the level of frequency that allows them to see us and be comfortable in the presence of our level of radiance. Be sure that we will not lower our vibration to meet you in your present level of third dimensional density. However, we will most likely meet you over halfway. In order for any of you to perceive us in the high levels of the fourth dimension, you will have already raised your own frequency and consciousness to that level.
This primary exchange will gradually open the pathways for our eventual greater emergence among you, joining both civilizations as One Big Family of the Children of the Mother. We are beings of love, we live a path of love and we want you to know that we have much love for all of you.
When we come, we will be able to teach you a way of life that will help you establish the foundations for a permanent golden age of enlightenment, love, peace, beauty and prosperity for all.
We will assist you in ushering in this long anticipated golden age. Prepare by loving each other more and by seeing each other more like brothers and sisters of a huge family. In your mind and heart, begin to be receptive to us and invite us to become your guides and mentors. You shall never regret it.
For the last 12,000 years that we have been living “underground,” we have established a foundation based on the consciousness of love and true Brotherhood in the multi-dimensional cities and in Telos. Over these thousands of years, we have refined the structures of our societies to attain greater and greater levels of resonance with Divine Principles in every aspect of our lives.
Beloved ones, we have witnessed your pain and struggle long enough. It is with much gladness and expectation that we are waiting to show you the way of manifesting this higher-dimensional reality in your world, so that never again will there be suffering on this planet for humanity or any of the other kingdoms evolving here.
It will not take 12,000 years to accomplish this with our help. We already know how. The melding of our energies through the magic of “Love” can and will bring these wonderful changes for you. Be willing to open your hearts to us and trust that we are not only your friends, but also your brothers and sisters of long ago. At a soul level, we all know each other very well, as we were all family at one time on the great continent of Lemuria. And we still are.
We send you much love from Telos. We generate it with ease which allows us to live in great opulence. We hold you dearly in our hearts. Until we meet, keep practicing the art of true love, which starts with loving yourself. May love abound in your heart for self, for each other and for all of creation. You are precious jewels and expressions of the Love of the Father/Mother God!
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by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 17, 2015
From “Telos” book by Aurelia Louise Jones
Georgi Stankov
This message from Adama on New Lemuria was channelled in the 90s and it reveals a numbers of aspects in the Ascension process in the current End Phase that should be highlighted one more time for the sake of better understanding.
First, Adama confirms that while the physical continent of Lemuria was destroyed by sinking in the ocean, the Lemurian civilisation actually ascended to a higher 4D. Since then, in the last 12 000 earthly years, Lemuria has evolved to a 5D civilisation.
This will be also the pathway of evolution of the surface earth on this uppermost mother planet. When the ID shift will come, the ascending version of this timeline will move firmly into the new Golden Galaxy and will merge with the already existing new 4D worlds, which we have created last year. From there, it will take some more time for these 4D worlds to evolve to 5D civilisations and align with the New Lemuria. At the same time the ID shift will cause a physical destruction of the remaining lower timelines that will descend after this catastrophe to lower 4D levels.
This is the invariant dynamics of any ascension process and this is what actually is happening all the time since we created the first seven 4D earths in May 2013, which were destroyed soon thereafter in order to render the fuel for ascension of this uppermost mother planet that now dwells on the threshold of its final ascension to uppermost 4D level.
The second important aspect of this message is that according to the original ascension plan as presented by Adama to Aurelia Louise Jones, the Agarthans were supposed to appear on the surface in about 10 years, which would have been around 2007 and meet with selected representatives of humanity who have sufficiently raised their vibrations. These representatives are the current warriors of the first and the last hour, the members of the PAT, who have already ascended and are now incumbent Logos Gods and Guardians of the new Golden Galaxy. This forecast was made before 911 and was rather optimistic as Adama’s assessment of the massive awakening of humanity in the 90s reveals in the message below.
As we now know, in the meantime humanity not only did not awaken, but fell into a much deeper slumber than before. The New Age movement was fully infested and derailed by the dark archon forces and the whole ascension process had to lie upon the shoulders of a few indomitable light warriors – those of the PAT. This change in the original ascension scenario is very well documented on this website and it is a synchronistic gift that Erik just finished with volume 8 of the Journey of the PAT, where anybody can read this seamless chronicle of ascension in form of well-designed books.
Because the PAT now took over much bigger responsibilities for the ascension process than initially planned, as confirmed below by Adama, we were also endowed with much greater powers of creation. The disadvantage of the broader light workers community was transformed into our advantage. We became Ascended Masters and the new Logos Gods while still in physical bodies, and shortly thereafter, also the new Guardians of the new Golden Galaxy since the summer of last year. At the end everybody profited from this reshuffling of energetic responsibilities.
We took the full responsibility for the healing (reclamation) of Lemuria and its integration into Gaia 5 on May 27th, while the old Lemurians, the Agarthans from Telos, were able to finally move to 6D. They were no longer needed here on the surface as the merging of the two civilisations took place on a much higher level last month. The New Lemuria, which we subsequently built on the first level of 5D on June 4th is thus entirely our collective creation and we were helped by the Hyperboreans from the 7th to 9th dimensions.
But we no longer need the active support of the Agarthans for the creation of New Lemuria. It is now a clean slate and, although it contains the past healed Lemuria in its template, we can create a completely new world there independently of the Agarthans who will observe this creation from the 6th dimension.
As all higher dimensions are a unity, all these civilisations will interact with us in a manifold manner, but the beginning of the new Gaia 5 will be a unique creation for which we will solely be responsible as Logos Gods. This is our higher promotion as Creator Gods due to our exceptional achievements as incarnated souls and our significant contribution to the ascension of the earth and part of its population to higher dimensions. The success of this ascension is to a very large extent our personal and in All-That-Is such extraordinary achievements are honoured with greater responsibility and a bigger scope of creationary activities.
The message of Adama below is insofar of great historical and cognitive importance as it highlights one more time the many alterations in the ascension scenario, many of which have been personally experienced by the PAT and meticulously documented on this website. This is what makes this website so unique – one can always follow the red thread and is not lost in weird human interpretations of what is happening behind the veil, to which the rest of the light workers became an early victim due to shutting down their critical mind. The last victim of this disastrous trend was Jahn. Most Gods in spe fail shortly before they can climb on Olympus.
Adama’s Message
Greetings, my friends, this is Adama.
There is a common belief among the surface population that Lemuria was destroyed under the waves of the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago, and that it no longer exists. From a third dimensional perspective, this is entirely true. The cataclysm that destroyed most of our continent, along with almost 300 million of our people, created a painful devastation to the physical surface of the planet and its inhabitants.
It created a tremendous shock to Mother Earth. Almost overnight, in its final stage, our beloved Lemuria, considered the cradle of civilization for this planet, vanished. The rest of the world was utterly stunned, mourning the great loss. The pain of the loss of the Motherland was so great that, even today, most of you still carry pain and trauma deep in your cellular memory.
The souls who perished at the time were the most traumatized. Many of you who suffered the destruction of our continent have completely closed yourselves to the memory of your glorious Lemurian ancestry because, for you, the ending was so tragic. Your pain and grief has been buried deep within your subconscious, waiting for the time it can resurface and be healed. The purpose of this information is to assist you who read these words to begin consciously healing those records, within yourselves and the planet. For this, my dear brothers and sisters, with great love and compassion, we offer you our assistance.
Lemuria still exists to this day in a fifth dimensional frequency, not yet visible to your third dimensional vision and perception.
To all of you still feeling the grief of the loss, let us share with you that Lemuria has never been totally destroyed, as perceived in your present understanding. As the veil between dimensions continues to thin, we want to assure you that in a not too distant future, for those engaged in the ascension process, your beloved Lemuria, in Her new Splendor and Glory, will reveal Herself to you in a very physical and tangible manner.
As you open yourselves up to a more conscious way of living, and release distorted and erroneous belief systems you have embraced in the last millennia, you will be able to perceive the beloved Motherland again. Eventually you will be allowed to step in to be received by Her with all the Love and Magnificence She now has to offer. When you are ready, you will be invited to join us consciously in this place of paradise.
At the time of the blast, Lemuria and what it represented to the planet was lifted into a fourth dimensional frequency which later evolved into the fifth. It continued to thrive and evolve to the level of perfection and beauty it has now reached, inhabited by those who were saved when Lemuria sank.
If this information brings tears to your eyes, open your heart to heal the pains that have been buried within you for so very long. Let your grief flow! Allow your tears to bring healing to every part of your being. Allow yourself to really feel it and embrace it in your heart through the Revelations of the New Lemuria breath. Allow all remembrances and pain to be felt fully without suppressing anything. This is how you will bring forth your healing, increment by increment. As you inhale the pain through the breath, those imprints will dissolve and be healed forever. Ask your Higher Self to assist you in uncovering those records that are keeping you from moving forward towards your new glorious reality.
In your daily meditation, we ask you to do this work faithfully until you feel completion. Connect with us and with our Love, heart to heart. Ask for our assistance and we will be there with you as you do this most important inner work. All of us in Telos are eager to assist all of you who will reach out to us in your hearts. We are a civilization which has achieved great heart openings and our vibration pulses with the Heart of the Divine Mother. Gradually, the deep-seated pain will be lifted and you will feel much lighter. The clearing of this pain will also assist you in the opening of your remembrance and the perceiving of your true identity. It will allow you to make giant leaps into your full spiritual, emotional and physical evolution and renewal.
We invite you to come to Telos at night while your body sleeps. We have many spiritual counselors who are willing to work with you. Each one who comes is assigned three counselors who will work with you very closely. One focuses on healing the emotional body, another focuses on healing the mental body and the third focuses on healing the etheric body, all together in oneness with your Divine Presence.
Our channel, Aurelia Louise, was granted some time ago, the opportunity for a momentary glimpse into the New Lemuria. She was deeply touched, and knows with absolute certainty in her heart that what we are communicating through her is not a promise that remains in the distant future. She knows with every cell of her being that this manifestation could become a reality within this decade for many of you. The journey is yours to step into! Will you take our hands and ride the wave of ascension with us into a new dimensional reality?
As Earth Beings, We Are One Big Family
From where we reside, we observe consistent progress in the great awakening taking place within the consciousness of human beings as they remember their divine nature.
Dear ones, as much as you may not yet see the full picture of this wondrous advancement, we have the technology to see this progress and make graphs of it on our amino acid computers. We can chart the raising of vibrational frequency by mankind day by day in any area on the surface. Each day, we notice more people awakening to their divine purpose and making a new choice to embrace love and peace within their heart, in their personal lives and for the planet.
The very fact that there are so many of you now awakening to a greater understanding of true spirituality, and making new choices for yourselves, shows us that your eventual victory and spiritual freedom are assured. It is only a question of how long and how many Earth years it will take to reach critical mass. We can honestly tell you that it is happening even faster than originally expected by the spiritual hierarchy. In any case, you are no longer looking at centuries or millennia for the transition into the new world that you have been anticipating for so long. Know that within ten years, many positive changes will have already taken place, and from then on, you will live through an intense accelerated cycle of positive changes. The intensity of the energy will not stop or diminish until you are comfortably nestled in the wonders and the bliss of the fifth dimension.
The time of reunion for our two civilizations is finally very close.
In Telos, along with your brothers and sisters of the “Earth Within,” a vast empire of many civilizations, we are watching this expansion of consciousness with great joy and anticipation. We always support you with our Love and our Light. We are like children counting the number of days before Christmas, the “Christmas” of our “Uniting” in Love and Brotherhood as one big Earth family. We watch with wonder the awakening taking place day by day, and we know that the time for reunion of our two civilizations is finally very close, after so many centuries of physical separation.
When the time of our emergence to the surface dimension comes, it will be a time of love and great rejoicing for many, particularly for those who are consciously aware of our presence within the Earth, and who experience a deep yearning to finally greet and talk with us face-to-face. The wonders of our “Great Encounter” will be even greater than you can imagine at this time. Be assured that we long to be with you in a more tangible way just as much as you long to be with us. We are family sharing a mutual desire.
We are also watching a great number of light-workers who have embodied at this time to assist with this wondrous mission, leading the way in this grand awakening. You are brave warriors of Light, facing many difficulties to assist the Christing of the planet, and we hold you so preciously in our hearts. It is with gratitude and profound love that we salute and honor you.
We will return to the “surface” in a more tangible way when the spiritual awakening has reached critical mass, not sooner. Shortly, we will be granted permission to start mixing with a limited number of “surface” people who have attained the level of frequency that allows them to see us and be comfortable in the presence of our level of radiance. Be sure that we will not lower our vibration to meet you in your present level of third dimensional density. However, we will most likely meet you over halfway. In order for any of you to perceive us in the high levels of the fourth dimension, you will have already raised your own frequency and consciousness to that level.
This primary exchange will gradually open the pathways for our eventual greater emergence among you, joining both civilizations as One Big Family of the Children of the Mother. We are beings of love, we live a path of love and we want you to know that we have much love for all of you.
When we come, we will be able to teach you a way of life that will help you establish the foundations for a permanent golden age of enlightenment, love, peace, beauty and prosperity for all.
We will assist you in ushering in this long anticipated golden age. Prepare by loving each other more and by seeing each other more like brothers and sisters of a huge family. In your mind and heart, begin to be receptive to us and invite us to become your guides and mentors. You shall never regret it.
For the last 12,000 years that we have been living “underground,” we have established a foundation based on the consciousness of love and true Brotherhood in the multi-dimensional cities and in Telos. Over these thousands of years, we have refined the structures of our societies to attain greater and greater levels of resonance with Divine Principles in every aspect of our lives.
Beloved ones, we have witnessed your pain and struggle long enough. It is with much gladness and expectation that we are waiting to show you the way of manifesting this higher-dimensional reality in your world, so that never again will there be suffering on this planet for humanity or any of the other kingdoms evolving here.
It will not take 12,000 years to accomplish this with our help. We already know how. The melding of our energies through the magic of “Love” can and will bring these wonderful changes for you. Be willing to open your hearts to us and trust that we are not only your friends, but also your brothers and sisters of long ago. At a soul level, we all know each other very well, as we were all family at one time on the great continent of Lemuria. And we still are.
We send you much love from Telos. We generate it with ease which allows us to live in great opulence. We hold you dearly in our hearts. Until we meet, keep practicing the art of true love, which starts with loving yourself. May love abound in your heart for self, for each other and for all of creation. You are precious jewels and expressions of the Love of the Father/Mother God!
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Who I AM and Where I AM
by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 17, 2015
By Erik Westhovens, June 17, 2015
Georgi Stankov
Erik’s elaboration on the nature of All-That-Is is very original as he solves the relationship between the Whole and the parts in terms of quotients of the number one with the number seven which render open transcendental numbers.
The idea of introducing the concept of U-sets of the Whole as transcendental numbers, which have infinite approximations when presented as rational closed numbers, is an excellent one. In this way Erik proves that we can present All-That-Is entirely in terms of mathematics. This example also explains why we can describe the Universal Law in all its manifestations and specific applications in physics as a universal mathematical equation, which is essentially a rule of three.
By the way, current mathematics deals exclusively with closed rational numbers. Until now there is no mathematics based on open transcendental numbers. As physics is essentially applied mathematics to the physical world, this explains why this science has failed to grasp the essence of All-That-Is.
In the new theory of the Universal Law I prove convincingly that all parts of the Whole are open U-subsets and thus can only be adequately described with open transcendental numbers. This insight is at present not known to all scientists and theoreticians.
Erik has obviously grasped the essence of the new theory of the Universal Law on a very deep level and, according to my impression, almost nobody else has grasped it that way so far. There are a few physicists I know, who have grasped the physical part of the new theory, but not the philosophy of mathematics, which is the foundation of the new theory of the Universal Law.
The ability of mathematics to present All-That-Is and its parts adequately is an aspect of the profound harmony of the Whole, which is the result of the laws of constructive and destructive interference and these Laws of Creation can be mathematically presented with the help of open transcendental numbers. All U-sets of the Whole are open and exchange energy according to the new Axiomatics. As they contain each other as an element, the element being energy, they are superimposed wave systems and thus follow the laws of constructive and destructive interference.
This is the only correct physical view of the world (physical weltanschauung), to which humanity and its scientists in particular must first evolve in order to understand the nature of All-That-Is and subsequently “who we truly are”.
Erik’s essay below is an important contribution to this endeavour and I commend him highly for this intellectual endeavour.
When you take everything that exists, you can give it a name such as “All-That-Is”; it is a simple and clear designation for what it means. There is nothing outside All-That-Is, the name indicates that it literally embraces everything.
All-That-Is is Energy. Any form or formless energy has an awareness, it is aware of itself and what it consists of. The all-encompassing awareness is All-That-Is and another name for that is Universal Awareness.
All-That-Is = Energy = Universal Awareness
The Universal Awareness consists of multiple levels of awareness. The first level of awareness consists of a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. Each level of awareness as an identity is aware of itself and that it is part of the Universal Awareness.
Each identity of the 1st level of awareness can attune to the all-encompassing Universal Awareness, in which it is aware of all identities.
We can understand the Universal Awareness and the first level of awareness also mathematically.
The all-encompassing awareness, the Universal Awareness is equal to 1 (according to the first axiom of last equivalence of all terms).
One = 1 = Universal Awareness (principle of last equivalence)
There is namely only 1 Universal Awareness. The Universal Awareness is also equal to infinity, mathematically we can divide 1 indefinitely and each part of the Universal Awareness must also express the property / characteristics of the infinity.
The first division of the Universal Awareness can be divided by the number 7 (with respect to the 7F creationary energies), it will give a unique infinite number.
1 / 7 = 0.14285714285714 …
An identity of the 1st level of awareness can mathematically be expressed as 0.14285714285714 …
When an identity of the 1st level of awareness attunes to the all-encompassing Universal Awareness, it is aware of all the identities of the first level. Mathematically we can express it as follows:
When 0.14285714285714 … attunes on 1 it is aware of the
7 x 0.14285714285714 …
We have so far the following synonyms.
All-That-Is = Energy = Universal Awareness = 1 = Infinity
Division of Awareness
Each level of awareness is part of the Universal Awareness and has the characteristics of the Universal Awareness. Every level of awareness is part of another level of awareness.
1st level of awareness = 0.14285714285714 … 2nd level of awareness is 0.14285714285714 / 7… = 0.02040816326531 … etc.
An identity of the 2nd level of awareness is aware of itself and when it attunes to the all-encompassing awareness (which is also an identity of the 1st level of awareness), it is aware of the seven identities of the 2nd level of awareness.
7 x 0.02040816326531 … = 0.14285714285714 …
The Universal Awareness is fully aware of the 7 x 1st level awareness with the 7 x 7 2nd level of awareness.
1 = 7 x 0.14285714285714 … 1 = 7 x 7 x 0.02040816326531 …
Alongside the first two levels of awareness, the Universal Awareness exists in infinite levels.
The Human Being
The human being is part of the all-encompassing awareness. This all-encompassing awareness is at the level of the Universal Awareness, it is aware of itself and when it attunes to this all-encompassing awareness, it is aware of the seven identities of the same level of awareness.
The all-encompassing awareness of a person (incarnated soul) can be called a “Soul Family” or “Monad”. The larger encompassing awareness of a Soul Family is called a “Soul Tribe”, it consist of 7 Soul Families and so on.
This all-encompassing awareness as Souls Family consists inter alia, of its incarnations in human form. People incarnate on a planet in the space-time continuum to experience extreme (artificial) conditions of separation. A Soul Family creates in the Now new creations based on survival until the unity of Being and the original ability of a sovereign creator is reclaimed by the incarnated personality.
A Soul Family:
– Is an all-encompassing awareness within the Universal Awareness
– Is fully aware of all its incarnations (persons)
– It creates in the Now new creations.
A person experiences separation in linear time (past, present and future), in form of birth, growth and death. Thinking only in linear time is a limited experience and it does not correspond to the characteristics of All-That-Is. A human awareness is always a part of a Soul Family, which embodies the characteristics of All-That-Is – it is infinite / immortal.
Every person is part of his Soul Family and the Universal Awareness. We may experience a limited form of life, but our awareness is infinite and immortal. We will always exists, only in different forms, as every creation is stored in the Universal Awareness. The Universal Awareness consists of everything, of every creation, of every person that experiences the most extreme form of separation, but the latter is only artificially created. No individual can ever be separated from the Universal Awareness because there is nothing outside All-That-Is, only our limited thinking may elicit this wrong idea of separation and exclusion.
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Escalation of War Propaganda Between the West and Russia Heralds Our Imminent Move to New Lemuria
by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 18, 2015
by Georgi Stankov, June 17, 2015
The escalation of dangerous war propaganda between the West and Russia has reached a new peak.
Vladimir Markin, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokesman demanded in a column for the Izvestia newspaper on Tuesday that an international probe should be launched into various murky details surrounding the U.S. moon landings between 1969 and 1972.
He argues that the U.S. authorities have crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials.
The scandal surrounding the case prompted the June 2 resignation of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter, and sparked a heated debate about Russia’s role as host of the 2018 World Cup (see publication below).
This is how the big revelations will eventually begin to unfold this summer and the End is then very near.
The light workers community in the West has always asked Russia and Putin to take the lead in the revelations of the insidious crimes, lies, and secrets of the dark ruling cabal and now it seems that we have reached this threshold.
This escalation aligns perfectly with the current heated atmosphere in finance and economic warfare, which will become even more heated with each summer’s day after the summer solstice this weekend.
All big conflicts of humanity have started in the summer and have fully unfolded in the fall.
According to my personal information and intuitive assessment, there is a great chance that we shall move to New Lemuria next month or eventually in August.
This first wave of ascension will be accompanied by a series of major cataclysmic events on the ground that will trigger the collapse of the Orion matrix.
The Grexit (the exit of Greece from the Eurozone) and its default are already a done deal as even the Greek central bank had to admit yesterday. Eurogroup meeting on Greece ended today without a Deal, while Greek belligerence grows after Greek Debt Committee just declared all debt to the Troika “illegal, illegitimate, and odious”.
At this point, regardless of whether Greece miraculously cobbles a last minute deal together and gets just enough funds to pay back the near-term debt maturities as some German papers have just reported, will not matter as this country is already bankrupt and there is no solution to that.
The key reason, as Reuters just updated, is that the Greek bank run which has been ongoing in the last few months, just saw its biggest 3 days surge perhaps in history, when Greek depositors yanked over €2 billion from local banks, an amount to about 1.5% of total Greek deposits. In context this would be equivalent to about $150 billion in deposit outflows from US banks in half a week, or about 10% of the total amount of currency in circulation.
Per Reuters, “Greek banks have seen deposit outflows surge to about 2 billion euros over the past three days, with the pace of daily outflows tripling since the collapse of talks at the weekend with creditors, three banking sources told Reuters on Thursday.”
At the same time the Fed is now officially in VERY serious trouble.
The Fed didn’t raise rates yesterday, so the US Dollar fell and all risk rallied hard.
The fact the Fed didn’t raise rates is not important. Interest rates have now been at zero for six years. And the last real period of tightening ended in 2006, nearly a full decade ago. Of course there are many reasons why: the US economy is in a deep depression with 40% of the working force unemployed or below the poverty rate and will not handle any smallest increase in interest rates. The Fed missed its chance to raise rates in 2011-2012, and now it is too late. It is a catch 22 – a depression with inflation, credit and cash crunch, exorbitant debt and rapid decrease in consumption due to global impoverishment of the US population, etc.
However, there is only one REAL reason why central interest rates must remain so low: Actually it’s $555 trillion reason: and they are derivatives based on interest rates. $555 trillion… is an amount greater than 800% of global GDP. This is what ZeroHedge has to say on this problem of the Fed:
“The world tracks “risk” based on the yield of the 10-Yr US Treasury. This yield has generally been falling non-stop since 1983. So we’ve had well over 30 years of money getting cheaper.

It is not coincidence that as money got cheaper, Wall Street went nuts with leverage. And given that rates have generally been trending down for over 30 years, betting on cheap money became one of the easiest trades in the world.
And that is how you get to where we are today: with a global bond bubble with over $555 trillion in derivatives trading based on it.
This is the REAL issue with interest rates, NOT the economy.
The Fed cannot and will not raise rates any significant amount without risking a Crisis that would make 2008 look like a picnic (the CDO market which caused 2008 was a mere $50-60 trillion in size by comparison).”
At the same time the biggest British bank RBS which is bankrupt since 2008 and only lives on life-supporting infusions of tax payers’ money is running out of cash. RBS has just suffered another IT fiasco after admitting it could take until the weekend for customers to receive 600,000 payments that failed to enter accounts overnight. RBS said the affected payments to and from customers’ accounts would be made by Saturday at the latest, as account holders bombarded the bank with complaints over missing transactions including wages, tax credits and disability allowances.
The embarrassment comes seven months after RBS was fined £56m for an IT meltdown in 2012 that left 6.5 million customers locked out their accounts for days. Customers missing their payments on Wednesday included account holders at NatWest and Ulster Bank, which are both owned by RBS. Clients of RBS’s elite Coutts bank, where the Queen is reputed to have an account, were also affected. This last one is good news, but otherwise GB is in a state of total financial meltdown these days, very much like Greece, Spain, Italy, and France.
Apropo France, this political prostitute that still owns the Russian government 2 billion $ for not delivering the Mistral fregate according to the contract has just frozen, together with the Reptilian nest Belgium, Russian state assets.
The accounts of Russian companies operated by the French subsidiary of VTB, Russia’s second-largest bank, were frozen as officials told RBC TV channel. The information was also confirmed by the president of VTB 24, Mikhail Zadornov, who said that the case is connected to Yukos Universal Limited, a subsidiary of the Russian energy giant, which existed from 1993 to 2007.
Belgium case came as Russia hosts an international business forum in St. Petersburg focusing on Russia’s investment climate.
And we have of course the usual dark op in the USA that fuels the fears of the masses – the Charleston church shooting. All these events flow together into a powerful stream of change that will soon engulf humanity. The key aspect of this trend is that there is absolutely no solution to any major problem of this human civilisation. And the politicians have visibly given up on any problem-solving and are only engaged in war mongering propaganda. And this fact can no longer remain hidden from the masses, no matter how dumbed down they are. It is now a matter of naked survival. The legitimacy of the ruling cabal is now sustainable destroyed and the next step will be their ousting from power.
Before that they will try to throw humanity in the abyss of total destruction, but we shall not allow this.
Huge natural disasters and our ascension will prevent this outcome for us, while many human beings will end their current incarnation with death experience.
That is why it may get very tense for many of us in the coming days as all the people who will not ascend now cling to us as a drowning person to a straw and cause trouble.
Russian Official Proposes International Investigation Into U.S. Moon Landings
The Moscow Times, June 16, 2015

NASAAn international investigation could help solve the mystery of the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969.
An international probe should be launched into various murky details surrounding the U.S. moon landings between 1969 and 1972, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokesman said Tuesday.
Vladimir Markin penned a column for the Izvestia newspaper arguing that U.S. authorities had crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials. The scandal surrounding the case prompted the June 2 resignation of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter, and sparked a heated debate about Russia’s role as host of the 2018 World Cup.
Venting his frustration with what he viewed as “U.S. prosecutors having declared themselves the supreme arbiters of international football affairs,” Markin proposed that international investigators could likewise examine some of the murkier elements of America’s past.
An international investigation could help solve the mystery of the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969, or explain where the nearly 400 kilograms of lunar rock reportedly obtained during several such missions between 1969 and 1972 have been spirited away to, Markin suggested.
“We are not contending that they did not fly [to the moon], and simply made a film about it.
But all of these scientific — or perhaps cultural — artifacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss.
An investigation will reveal what happened,” Markin wrote.
U.S. space agency NASA admitted in 2009 that the original recordings of the first moon landing had been erased, but said they had managed to remaster the original television broadcast of the landing, Reuters reported at the time.
Of the approximately 380 kilograms of moon rock said to have been obtained during manned U.S. moon landings, the bulk is stored in the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Texas, though samples can be seen on display in various museums around the world.
And please do not forget to visit interesting ads, this website needs your energetic support to the day of ascension.
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Who I AM and Where I AM
by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 17, 2015
By Erik Westhovens, June 17, 2015
Georgi Stankov
Erik’s elaboration on the nature of All-That-Is is very original as he solves the relationship between the Whole and the parts in terms of quotients of the number one with the number seven which render open transcendental numbers.
The idea of introducing the concept of U-sets of the Whole as transcendental numbers, which have infinite approximations when presented as rational closed numbers, is an excellent one. In this way Erik proves that we can present All-That-Is entirely in terms of mathematics. This example also explains why we can describe the Universal Law in all its manifestations and specific applications in physics as a universal mathematical equation, which is essentially a rule of three.
By the way, current mathematics deals exclusively with closed rational numbers. Until now there is no mathematics based on open transcendental numbers. As physics is essentially applied mathematics to the physical world, this explains why this science has failed to grasp the essence of All-That-Is.
In the new theory of the Universal Law I prove convincingly that all parts of the Whole are open U-subsets and thus can only be adequately described with open transcendental numbers. This insight is at present not known to all scientists and theoreticians.
Erik has obviously grasped the essence of the new theory of the Universal Law on a very deep level and, according to my impression, almost nobody else has grasped it that way so far. There are a few physicists I know, who have grasped the physical part of the new theory, but not the philosophy of mathematics, which is the foundation of the new theory of the Universal Law.
The ability of mathematics to present All-That-Is and its parts adequately is an aspect of the profound harmony of the Whole, which is the result of the laws of constructive and destructive interference and these Laws of Creation can be mathematically presented with the help of open transcendental numbers. All U-sets of the Whole are open and exchange energy according to the new Axiomatics. As they contain each other as an element, the element being energy, they are superimposed wave systems and thus follow the laws of constructive and destructive interference.
This is the only correct physical view of the world (physical weltanschauung), to which humanity and its scientists in particular must first evolve in order to understand the nature of All-That-Is and subsequently “who we truly are”.
Erik’s essay below is an important contribution to this endeavour and I commend him highly for this intellectual endeavour.
When you take everything that exists, you can give it a name such as “All-That-Is”; it is a simple and clear designation for what it means. There is nothing outside All-That-Is, the name indicates that it literally embraces everything.
All-That-Is is Energy. Any form or formless energy has an awareness, it is aware of itself and what it consists of. The all-encompassing awareness is All-That-Is and another name for that is Universal Awareness.
All-That-Is = Energy = Universal Awareness
The Universal Awareness consists of multiple levels of awareness. The first level of awareness consists of a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. Each level of awareness as an identity is aware of itself and that it is part of the Universal Awareness.
Each identity of the 1st level of awareness can attune to the all-encompassing Universal Awareness, in which it is aware of all identities.
We can understand the Universal Awareness and the first level of awareness also mathematically.
The all-encompassing awareness, the Universal Awareness is equal to 1 (according to the first axiom of last equivalence of all terms).
One = 1 = Universal Awareness (principle of last equivalence)
There is namely only 1 Universal Awareness. The Universal Awareness is also equal to infinity, mathematically we can divide 1 indefinitely and each part of the Universal Awareness must also express the property / characteristics of the infinity.
The first division of the Universal Awareness can be divided by the number 7 (with respect to the 7F creationary energies), it will give a unique infinite number.
1 / 7 = 0.14285714285714 …
An identity of the 1st level of awareness can mathematically be expressed as 0.14285714285714 …
When an identity of the 1st level of awareness attunes to the all-encompassing Universal Awareness, it is aware of all the identities of the first level. Mathematically we can express it as follows:
When 0.14285714285714 … attunes on 1 it is aware of the
7 x 0.14285714285714 …
We have so far the following synonyms.
All-That-Is = Energy = Universal Awareness = 1 = Infinity
Division of Awareness
Each level of awareness is part of the Universal Awareness and has the characteristics of the Universal Awareness. Every level of awareness is part of another level of awareness.
1st level of awareness = 0.14285714285714 … 2nd level of awareness is 0.14285714285714 / 7… = 0.02040816326531 … etc.
An identity of the 2nd level of awareness is aware of itself and when it attunes to the all-encompassing awareness (which is also an identity of the 1st level of awareness), it is aware of the seven identities of the 2nd level of awareness.
7 x 0.02040816326531 … = 0.14285714285714 …
The Universal Awareness is fully aware of the 7 x 1st level awareness with the 7 x 7 2nd level of awareness.
1 = 7 x 0.14285714285714 … 1 = 7 x 7 x 0.02040816326531 …
Alongside the first two levels of awareness, the Universal Awareness exists in infinite levels.
The Human Being
The human being is part of the all-encompassing awareness. This all-encompassing awareness is at the level of the Universal Awareness, it is aware of itself and when it attunes to this all-encompassing awareness, it is aware of the seven identities of the same level of awareness.
The all-encompassing awareness of a person (incarnated soul) can be called a “Soul Family” or “Monad”. The larger encompassing awareness of a Soul Family is called a “Soul Tribe”, it consist of 7 Soul Families and so on.
This all-encompassing awareness as Souls Family consists inter alia, of its incarnations in human form. People incarnate on a planet in the space-time continuum to experience extreme (artificial) conditions of separation. A Soul Family creates in the Now new creations based on survival until the unity of Being and the original ability of a sovereign creator is reclaimed by the incarnated personality.
A Soul Family:
– Is an all-encompassing awareness within the Universal Awareness
– Is fully aware of all its incarnations (persons)
– It creates in the Now new creations.
A person experiences separation in linear time (past, present and future), in form of birth, growth and death. Thinking only in linear time is a limited experience and it does not correspond to the characteristics of All-That-Is. A human awareness is always a part of a Soul Family, which embodies the characteristics of All-That-Is – it is infinite / immortal.
Every person is part of his Soul Family and the Universal Awareness. We may experience a limited form of life, but our awareness is infinite and immortal. We will always exists, only in different forms, as every creation is stored in the Universal Awareness. The Universal Awareness consists of everything, of every creation, of every person that experiences the most extreme form of separation, but the latter is only artificially created. No individual can ever be separated from the Universal Awareness because there is nothing outside All-That-Is, only our limited thinking may elicit this wrong idea of separation and exclusion.
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Escalation of War Propaganda Between the West and Russia Heralds Our Imminent Move to New Lemuria
by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 18, 2015
by Georgi Stankov, June 17, 2015
The escalation of dangerous war propaganda between the West and Russia has reached a new peak.
Vladimir Markin, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokesman demanded in a column for the Izvestia newspaper on Tuesday that an international probe should be launched into various murky details surrounding the U.S. moon landings between 1969 and 1972.
He argues that the U.S. authorities have crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials.
The scandal surrounding the case prompted the June 2 resignation of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter, and sparked a heated debate about Russia’s role as host of the 2018 World Cup (see publication below).
This is how the big revelations will eventually begin to unfold this summer and the End is then very near.
The light workers community in the West has always asked Russia and Putin to take the lead in the revelations of the insidious crimes, lies, and secrets of the dark ruling cabal and now it seems that we have reached this threshold.
This escalation aligns perfectly with the current heated atmosphere in finance and economic warfare, which will become even more heated with each summer’s day after the summer solstice this weekend.
All big conflicts of humanity have started in the summer and have fully unfolded in the fall.
According to my personal information and intuitive assessment, there is a great chance that we shall move to New Lemuria next month or eventually in August.
This first wave of ascension will be accompanied by a series of major cataclysmic events on the ground that will trigger the collapse of the Orion matrix.
The Grexit (the exit of Greece from the Eurozone) and its default are already a done deal as even the Greek central bank had to admit yesterday. Eurogroup meeting on Greece ended today without a Deal, while Greek belligerence grows after Greek Debt Committee just declared all debt to the Troika “illegal, illegitimate, and odious”.
At this point, regardless of whether Greece miraculously cobbles a last minute deal together and gets just enough funds to pay back the near-term debt maturities as some German papers have just reported, will not matter as this country is already bankrupt and there is no solution to that.
The key reason, as Reuters just updated, is that the Greek bank run which has been ongoing in the last few months, just saw its biggest 3 days surge perhaps in history, when Greek depositors yanked over €2 billion from local banks, an amount to about 1.5% of total Greek deposits. In context this would be equivalent to about $150 billion in deposit outflows from US banks in half a week, or about 10% of the total amount of currency in circulation.
Per Reuters, “Greek banks have seen deposit outflows surge to about 2 billion euros over the past three days, with the pace of daily outflows tripling since the collapse of talks at the weekend with creditors, three banking sources told Reuters on Thursday.”
At the same time the Fed is now officially in VERY serious trouble.
The Fed didn’t raise rates yesterday, so the US Dollar fell and all risk rallied hard.
The fact the Fed didn’t raise rates is not important. Interest rates have now been at zero for six years. And the last real period of tightening ended in 2006, nearly a full decade ago. Of course there are many reasons why: the US economy is in a deep depression with 40% of the working force unemployed or below the poverty rate and will not handle any smallest increase in interest rates. The Fed missed its chance to raise rates in 2011-2012, and now it is too late. It is a catch 22 – a depression with inflation, credit and cash crunch, exorbitant debt and rapid decrease in consumption due to global impoverishment of the US population, etc.
However, there is only one REAL reason why central interest rates must remain so low: Actually it’s $555 trillion reason: and they are derivatives based on interest rates. $555 trillion… is an amount greater than 800% of global GDP. This is what ZeroHedge has to say on this problem of the Fed:
“The world tracks “risk” based on the yield of the 10-Yr US Treasury. This yield has generally been falling non-stop since 1983. So we’ve had well over 30 years of money getting cheaper.
It is not coincidence that as money got cheaper, Wall Street went nuts with leverage. And given that rates have generally been trending down for over 30 years, betting on cheap money became one of the easiest trades in the world.
And that is how you get to where we are today: with a global bond bubble with over $555 trillion in derivatives trading based on it.
This is the REAL issue with interest rates, NOT the economy.
The Fed cannot and will not raise rates any significant amount without risking a Crisis that would make 2008 look like a picnic (the CDO market which caused 2008 was a mere $50-60 trillion in size by comparison).”
At the same time the biggest British bank RBS which is bankrupt since 2008 and only lives on life-supporting infusions of tax payers’ money is running out of cash. RBS has just suffered another IT fiasco after admitting it could take until the weekend for customers to receive 600,000 payments that failed to enter accounts overnight. RBS said the affected payments to and from customers’ accounts would be made by Saturday at the latest, as account holders bombarded the bank with complaints over missing transactions including wages, tax credits and disability allowances.
The embarrassment comes seven months after RBS was fined £56m for an IT meltdown in 2012 that left 6.5 million customers locked out their accounts for days. Customers missing their payments on Wednesday included account holders at NatWest and Ulster Bank, which are both owned by RBS. Clients of RBS’s elite Coutts bank, where the Queen is reputed to have an account, were also affected. This last one is good news, but otherwise GB is in a state of total financial meltdown these days, very much like Greece, Spain, Italy, and France.
Apropo France, this political prostitute that still owns the Russian government 2 billion $ for not delivering the Mistral fregate according to the contract has just frozen, together with the Reptilian nest Belgium, Russian state assets.
The accounts of Russian companies operated by the French subsidiary of VTB, Russia’s second-largest bank, were frozen as officials told RBC TV channel. The information was also confirmed by the president of VTB 24, Mikhail Zadornov, who said that the case is connected to Yukos Universal Limited, a subsidiary of the Russian energy giant, which existed from 1993 to 2007.
Belgium case came as Russia hosts an international business forum in St. Petersburg focusing on Russia’s investment climate.
And we have of course the usual dark op in the USA that fuels the fears of the masses – the Charleston church shooting. All these events flow together into a powerful stream of change that will soon engulf humanity. The key aspect of this trend is that there is absolutely no solution to any major problem of this human civilisation. And the politicians have visibly given up on any problem-solving and are only engaged in war mongering propaganda. And this fact can no longer remain hidden from the masses, no matter how dumbed down they are. It is now a matter of naked survival. The legitimacy of the ruling cabal is now sustainable destroyed and the next step will be their ousting from power.
Before that they will try to throw humanity in the abyss of total destruction, but we shall not allow this.
Huge natural disasters and our ascension will prevent this outcome for us, while many human beings will end their current incarnation with death experience.
That is why it may get very tense for many of us in the coming days as all the people who will not ascend now cling to us as a drowning person to a straw and cause trouble.
Russian Official Proposes International Investigation Into U.S. Moon Landings
The Moscow Times, June 16, 2015
NASAAn international investigation could help solve the mystery of the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969.
An international probe should be launched into various murky details surrounding the U.S. moon landings between 1969 and 1972, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokesman said Tuesday.
Vladimir Markin penned a column for the Izvestia newspaper arguing that U.S. authorities had crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials. The scandal surrounding the case prompted the June 2 resignation of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter, and sparked a heated debate about Russia’s role as host of the 2018 World Cup.
Venting his frustration with what he viewed as “U.S. prosecutors having declared themselves the supreme arbiters of international football affairs,” Markin proposed that international investigators could likewise examine some of the murkier elements of America’s past.
An international investigation could help solve the mystery of the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969, or explain where the nearly 400 kilograms of lunar rock reportedly obtained during several such missions between 1969 and 1972 have been spirited away to, Markin suggested.
“We are not contending that they did not fly [to the moon], and simply made a film about it.
But all of these scientific — or perhaps cultural — artifacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss.
An investigation will reveal what happened,” Markin wrote.
U.S. space agency NASA admitted in 2009 that the original recordings of the first moon landing had been erased, but said they had managed to remaster the original television broadcast of the landing, Reuters reported at the time.
Of the approximately 380 kilograms of moon rock said to have been obtained during manned U.S. moon landings, the bulk is stored in the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Texas, though samples can be seen on display in various museums around the world.
And please do not forget to visit interesting ads, this website needs your energetic support to the day of ascension.
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