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by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 16, 2016
You Are Serving the Awakening of Humanity!
By Travis Brown, January 14, 2016
by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 16, 2016
Carla Thompson, January 15, 2016
We are the Elohim and we greet you within the light of eternal love and vast compassion for your ongoing efforts to bring in and anchor the New Light of Creation that manifests perfection in every moment!
There has been a palpable shift over recent days to which many of you have attuned. You may have noticed this shift as a lightening of the energies; you may have also noticed that with this lightening there is also a sense of an overlay of chaos and extreme emotion all about. These are the signs that the new frequencies accompanying the present expansion, while subtle and refined on the one hand, are highly effective in cleansing loose negativity from the personality structures into whom the new transliminal souls have incarnated.
Following the interdimensional split and the arrival of the new transliminal souls, the entire creation here was then open to the broader spectrum of light frequencies that abound in All-That-Is. This new spectrum of light extends beyond the usual range of visible light and into the infrared and ultraviolet light spectrums on either side of the visible light band. When we say you are anchoring the “New Light of Creation” we are referring to these new frequencies that are now joining you and the transliminal souls that have entered your reality.
(This statement only refers to the visible spectrum of the seven sacred flames which are high frequency source energies beyond the electromagnetic spectrum; they are higher octaves of the visible light colours. The same holds true for the new energies which have visible correlates, lower electromagnetic octaves in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum, which we cannot see at present but will begin to see when our inner perception expands. Note, George)
The reality as you experience it continues to expand outward from what is considered mid to upper fourth dimensional, to a high fourth dimensional expression which will ultimately shift into what you consider to be the fifth dimension. This light, as frequency, comes from the source of the primary causal fields of creation, also known as the Primary Fields of the First Cause. (For further information please go to this message: http://astraeaetamora.org/2015/09/elohim-of-the-first-cause/ )
These new flames/ frequencies of light each serve a specific purpose, the purpose known to the Creation itself and are therefore divinely guided to their target. Their role is to initially move energy at the quantum level creating a cleansing within the physical bodies that are receiving the new souls, and a balancing effect within the energetic fields of the new transliminal souls.
The New (Old) Role of the PAT
As light warriors of the first and last hour, you are working non-stop, in waking and in the dream state, to help these souls adjust to the difficult constraints not only of being in a physical vessel, but also of having to adapt to the intransigent personality structures, since many walk-ins have come here to clean up the acts of individuals in strategic settings whether it be in government, finance, media or any other strategic roles.
Your role is to anchor these new flames into your fields, consciously flood them into your reality and enhance their transmission not only to the masses but more specifically to the transliminal souls through the process of invocation and the full engagement of your powerful divine will to activate direct cleansing and balancing of the energetic systems of the transliminal souls themselves through the power of mental thought, the true activator of the ultimate alchemical reaction as a distinct form of creation. As soon as you think of these flames the actions begin.
There is evidence of your great alchemical effort over recent days as change manifests in the foundational underpinnings within all human created systems whether you are consciously aware of this action or not. The transliminal souls are adjusting to their new incarnation but it shall take more time for them to learn to use these flames themselves at a conscious level.
The sacred flames are assisting the transliminal souls in clearing and cleansing the chakra systems within the physical vessels into which they have incarnated. The transliminal soul is now aware of its own power to effect changes by turning within itself, to move the light and create the incarnated experience it wishes to attain within the parameters of the personality into which it incarnated, first, and then secondly to evolve into its highest level of expression for the timeline upon which it has incarnated. Through this very beautiful and ever-creative process, every transliminal soul shall change the reality as a group so that the consensual reality is cleansed and evolves into a lighter, more enlightened version of reality. Hence, all moves forward into higher levels of upper fourth dimensional expression.
This is one of the greatest shifts ever enjoyed here, triggered by the arrival of the transliminal souls. Their strong desire for success is really driven by their deep desire to maintain energetic connections to the source and to their soul families. Together with you, these souls will begin to refine the energetic imprint of this highest expression and pull themselves, and you, up into the upper levels of the fourth dimension. This means “movement” for some of you, which means some of you will move physically within your own outward realities, and where some of you are moved to begin new levels of service with either new partners or within the area of service in which you have been concentrating. (This statement is multi-layered and we had the impression that it also implies transfiguration into crystalline light bodies for some of us as to begin with our true mission as ascended masters. Note, George)
It is important to stand strong beside these new souls now! They count on your patience and tolerance, the two most important traits of the ascended master in this moment. The power of these traits will pave the way to new levels of understanding of the human condition as well as open new doorways to comprehending universal scientific truths. The transliminal souls only wish to expose this hologram to conditions of full transparency delivered in a rich field of loving kindness.
We tell you to be open to change as this is the key to your forward growth. Be positive and be flexible! Have faith and trust in all things! Great things await you!
(Both Carla and I had the strong feeling that the Elohim are very excited as to what will come next. They told us to be very calm and confident as everything is aligning perfectly now and we are fully protected. Note, George)
We are the Elohim and we are always by your side!
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by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 28, 2016
Ruggero Maria Santilli, published MM DD, 2015
American Journal of Modern Physics
Make no mistake, this is a major breakthrough in science and collective awareness.
This article proves beyond any doubt the existence of extraterrestrial life in the multidimensionality of All-That-Is.
This article is published in a renowned scientific journal on physics and cannot be disputed.
By using telescopes with concave lenses, known as Santilli telescopes (trademark and patent pending by the U.S. publicly traded company Thunder Energies Corporation), we review preceding evidence for the apparent existence of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids and antimatter cosmic rays.
Independently from these astrophysical detections, we present for the first time evidence for the apparent existence of entities in our terrestrial environment that are solely visible via telescopes with concave lenses, while being invisible to our eyes and to conventional Galileo telescopes with convex lenses, which entities leave dark images in the background of digital cameras attached to the Santilli telescopes.
These entities are here called Invisible Terrestrial Entities of the first kind (ITE-1) or dark ITE.
We then present, also for the first time, evidence for the apparent existence in our terrestrial environment of additional entities that are also visible to telescopes with concave lenses while being invisible to our eyes and to conventional telescopes with convex lenses, which entities leave bright images in the background of digital cameras.
These additional entities are here called Invisible Terrestrial Entities of the second kind (ITE-2) or bright ITE.
It is pointed out that both types of entities generally move in the night sky over sensitive areas, and their behavior generally suggests unauthorized surveillance.
This paper has been motivated by the significance and diversification of the collected evidence, as well as available independent confirmations, that warrant systematic inspections of the sky over our sensitive civilian, industrial, and military installations via telescopes with concave lenses, so as to detect possible unauthorized surveillance.
Keywords: Antimatter, Santilli Telescope, Invisible Terrestrial Entities
You can read the full article here with much more pictures of ITE:
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FinalEdition_122014011_20151230_WGG - ITE-paper-12-15-15.pdf
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by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 16, 2016
You Are Serving the Awakening of Humanity!
By Travis Brown, January 14, 2016
Dear Alex Jones and InfoWars Staff,
Thank you for your tireless commitment to getting the truth of current events out to the sovereign souls of Texas, the U.S. and beyond. It is a great thrill to note your expanding following since many years ago. It is your impassioned speech at this link http://www.infowars.com/sacred-geometry-and-the-secret-of-the-universe/ that inspired me to contact you again (since years ago).
I too am a student of the truth, and began in earnest in 2009 to sift through volumes of data and alternative sources to contextualize my own experience and understand the world around me. At that point, I firmly quit mindlessly gobbling up the mainstream garbage, and relied instead on direct spiritual awareness (gnosis), and sources who I discerned to be relatively free of karmic entanglements or corrupted ulterior motives.
In my exploration and in my years of extensive meditation practice and completion of “spiritual homework” for the uplifting and clarifying of consciousness, I have been able to place the current world events and general planetary malaise into the proper metaphysical/spiritual context.
There is a group of souls who since 2011 have built community through this website: http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/ We are united in our common vision and understanding of the upcoming completion of earth’s dimensional shift into higher-vibrating realms of consciousness. This evolutionary leap is the culmination of our sojourn on this planet, and one in which it is clear you also play a significant role.
The website is updated throughout the week with personal experiences among us, updated financial news and geopolitical shifts, and channeled information pertaining to our mission’s successful completion and the daily challenges to our etheric/mental/emotional/physical bodies that entails.
Knowing you as a man of integrity and steadfast adherence to seeking truth and full understanding of current events, I encourage you to peruse articles at this site of interest to you. Your internet platform does an excellent job of covering much information (that is continuing to cascade into public awareness at this point), and could further benefit from placing the doomed-to-fail NWO agenda into the spiritual context of the ascension cycle.
George Stankov, who moderates http://stankovuniversallaw.com/ is a much more learned and experienced man than I, and is thoroughly versed with world history, politics, economics, and current events. He also (and this is the earmark of what makes the site and its participants unique) is thoroughly experienced in transcendental matters, and brings a holistic perspective to the changes have been in the making for years, and which will swiftly come to fruition for us to witness. His gnosis and clarity of mission in the Light/Source/God enabled him to channel from his Higher Self a scientific text ‘The Universal Law’ which unites all the historically disparate disciplines of science into one holistic, simplified understanding of energy and its expression through the dimensions.
I also am versed in transcendental matters and was triggered by a forceful spiritual awakening in 2009 (when I began researching as stated above) to journey into various methods of expanding consciousness and ultimately undergo the Light Body Process (LBP on the above website). This LBP is the energetic means by which the human body is transmogrified over time into a higher-vibrating vehicle of form, to embody and radiate a higher-dimensional energy field. The writings linked on the page of this link put the physical body into its proper context through the dimensions:
There is much more I could say. I will lastly, however, remind you that you once had to challenge your perceptions and the status quo in order to acquire greater understanding of truth. You have unveiled to the public many difficult truths, which unfortunately they can only digest at the rate at which their fear-resistance is overwhelmed by a greater desire, be it for salvation/understanding/resolution.
I hope what I’m offering can potentially put the widespread angst and fear among the awakening populace into the proper context of our spiritual inheritance. We are with God, never separate, and our journey of throwing off the shackles to which we’ve willingly succumbed (if only through ignorance and apathy) serves us toward our direct realization of our multidimensional nature and divinity.
Yes, there must be collapse and collective catharsis; to each his own self-created hell of comeuppance/shock/challenge. And there must also be fact-based faith in the Light at the end of the tunnel.
I also encourage you to contact George Stankov at dr.georgi.stankov@googlemail.com with any questions or interests. I am sure he would be excited to correspond with you. Even if your first inclination is to call B.S., I anticipate you shall both profit and learn from the engagement.
In peace and good faith, brave warrior Alex,
Travis Brown
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Thank you for your tireless commitment to getting the truth of current events out to the sovereign souls of Texas, the U.S. and beyond. It is a great thrill to note your expanding following since many years ago. It is your impassioned speech at this link http://www.infowars.com/sacred-geometry-and-the-secret-of-the-universe/ that inspired me to contact you again (since years ago).
I too am a student of the truth, and began in earnest in 2009 to sift through volumes of data and alternative sources to contextualize my own experience and understand the world around me. At that point, I firmly quit mindlessly gobbling up the mainstream garbage, and relied instead on direct spiritual awareness (gnosis), and sources who I discerned to be relatively free of karmic entanglements or corrupted ulterior motives.
In my exploration and in my years of extensive meditation practice and completion of “spiritual homework” for the uplifting and clarifying of consciousness, I have been able to place the current world events and general planetary malaise into the proper metaphysical/spiritual context.
There is a group of souls who since 2011 have built community through this website: http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/ We are united in our common vision and understanding of the upcoming completion of earth’s dimensional shift into higher-vibrating realms of consciousness. This evolutionary leap is the culmination of our sojourn on this planet, and one in which it is clear you also play a significant role.
The website is updated throughout the week with personal experiences among us, updated financial news and geopolitical shifts, and channeled information pertaining to our mission’s successful completion and the daily challenges to our etheric/mental/emotional/physical bodies that entails.
Knowing you as a man of integrity and steadfast adherence to seeking truth and full understanding of current events, I encourage you to peruse articles at this site of interest to you. Your internet platform does an excellent job of covering much information (that is continuing to cascade into public awareness at this point), and could further benefit from placing the doomed-to-fail NWO agenda into the spiritual context of the ascension cycle.
George Stankov, who moderates http://stankovuniversallaw.com/ is a much more learned and experienced man than I, and is thoroughly versed with world history, politics, economics, and current events. He also (and this is the earmark of what makes the site and its participants unique) is thoroughly experienced in transcendental matters, and brings a holistic perspective to the changes have been in the making for years, and which will swiftly come to fruition for us to witness. His gnosis and clarity of mission in the Light/Source/God enabled him to channel from his Higher Self a scientific text ‘The Universal Law’ which unites all the historically disparate disciplines of science into one holistic, simplified understanding of energy and its expression through the dimensions.
I also am versed in transcendental matters and was triggered by a forceful spiritual awakening in 2009 (when I began researching as stated above) to journey into various methods of expanding consciousness and ultimately undergo the Light Body Process (LBP on the above website). This LBP is the energetic means by which the human body is transmogrified over time into a higher-vibrating vehicle of form, to embody and radiate a higher-dimensional energy field. The writings linked on the page of this link put the physical body into its proper context through the dimensions:
There is much more I could say. I will lastly, however, remind you that you once had to challenge your perceptions and the status quo in order to acquire greater understanding of truth. You have unveiled to the public many difficult truths, which unfortunately they can only digest at the rate at which their fear-resistance is overwhelmed by a greater desire, be it for salvation/understanding/resolution.
I hope what I’m offering can potentially put the widespread angst and fear among the awakening populace into the proper context of our spiritual inheritance. We are with God, never separate, and our journey of throwing off the shackles to which we’ve willingly succumbed (if only through ignorance and apathy) serves us toward our direct realization of our multidimensional nature and divinity.
Yes, there must be collapse and collective catharsis; to each his own self-created hell of comeuppance/shock/challenge. And there must also be fact-based faith in the Light at the end of the tunnel.
I also encourage you to contact George Stankov at dr.georgi.stankov@googlemail.com with any questions or interests. I am sure he would be excited to correspond with you. Even if your first inclination is to call B.S., I anticipate you shall both profit and learn from the engagement.
In peace and good faith, brave warrior Alex,
Travis Brown
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Message from the Elohim – The New Light of Creation and the Role of the Transliminal Souls
by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 16, 2016
Carla Thompson, January 15, 2016
We are the Elohim and we greet you within the light of eternal love and vast compassion for your ongoing efforts to bring in and anchor the New Light of Creation that manifests perfection in every moment!
There has been a palpable shift over recent days to which many of you have attuned. You may have noticed this shift as a lightening of the energies; you may have also noticed that with this lightening there is also a sense of an overlay of chaos and extreme emotion all about. These are the signs that the new frequencies accompanying the present expansion, while subtle and refined on the one hand, are highly effective in cleansing loose negativity from the personality structures into whom the new transliminal souls have incarnated.
Following the interdimensional split and the arrival of the new transliminal souls, the entire creation here was then open to the broader spectrum of light frequencies that abound in All-That-Is. This new spectrum of light extends beyond the usual range of visible light and into the infrared and ultraviolet light spectrums on either side of the visible light band. When we say you are anchoring the “New Light of Creation” we are referring to these new frequencies that are now joining you and the transliminal souls that have entered your reality.
(This statement only refers to the visible spectrum of the seven sacred flames which are high frequency source energies beyond the electromagnetic spectrum; they are higher octaves of the visible light colours. The same holds true for the new energies which have visible correlates, lower electromagnetic octaves in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum, which we cannot see at present but will begin to see when our inner perception expands. Note, George)
The reality as you experience it continues to expand outward from what is considered mid to upper fourth dimensional, to a high fourth dimensional expression which will ultimately shift into what you consider to be the fifth dimension. This light, as frequency, comes from the source of the primary causal fields of creation, also known as the Primary Fields of the First Cause. (For further information please go to this message: http://astraeaetamora.org/2015/09/elohim-of-the-first-cause/ )
These new flames/ frequencies of light each serve a specific purpose, the purpose known to the Creation itself and are therefore divinely guided to their target. Their role is to initially move energy at the quantum level creating a cleansing within the physical bodies that are receiving the new souls, and a balancing effect within the energetic fields of the new transliminal souls.
The New (Old) Role of the PAT
As light warriors of the first and last hour, you are working non-stop, in waking and in the dream state, to help these souls adjust to the difficult constraints not only of being in a physical vessel, but also of having to adapt to the intransigent personality structures, since many walk-ins have come here to clean up the acts of individuals in strategic settings whether it be in government, finance, media or any other strategic roles.
Your role is to anchor these new flames into your fields, consciously flood them into your reality and enhance their transmission not only to the masses but more specifically to the transliminal souls through the process of invocation and the full engagement of your powerful divine will to activate direct cleansing and balancing of the energetic systems of the transliminal souls themselves through the power of mental thought, the true activator of the ultimate alchemical reaction as a distinct form of creation. As soon as you think of these flames the actions begin.
There is evidence of your great alchemical effort over recent days as change manifests in the foundational underpinnings within all human created systems whether you are consciously aware of this action or not. The transliminal souls are adjusting to their new incarnation but it shall take more time for them to learn to use these flames themselves at a conscious level.
The sacred flames are assisting the transliminal souls in clearing and cleansing the chakra systems within the physical vessels into which they have incarnated. The transliminal soul is now aware of its own power to effect changes by turning within itself, to move the light and create the incarnated experience it wishes to attain within the parameters of the personality into which it incarnated, first, and then secondly to evolve into its highest level of expression for the timeline upon which it has incarnated. Through this very beautiful and ever-creative process, every transliminal soul shall change the reality as a group so that the consensual reality is cleansed and evolves into a lighter, more enlightened version of reality. Hence, all moves forward into higher levels of upper fourth dimensional expression.
This is one of the greatest shifts ever enjoyed here, triggered by the arrival of the transliminal souls. Their strong desire for success is really driven by their deep desire to maintain energetic connections to the source and to their soul families. Together with you, these souls will begin to refine the energetic imprint of this highest expression and pull themselves, and you, up into the upper levels of the fourth dimension. This means “movement” for some of you, which means some of you will move physically within your own outward realities, and where some of you are moved to begin new levels of service with either new partners or within the area of service in which you have been concentrating. (This statement is multi-layered and we had the impression that it also implies transfiguration into crystalline light bodies for some of us as to begin with our true mission as ascended masters. Note, George)
It is important to stand strong beside these new souls now! They count on your patience and tolerance, the two most important traits of the ascended master in this moment. The power of these traits will pave the way to new levels of understanding of the human condition as well as open new doorways to comprehending universal scientific truths. The transliminal souls only wish to expose this hologram to conditions of full transparency delivered in a rich field of loving kindness.
We tell you to be open to change as this is the key to your forward growth. Be positive and be flexible! Have faith and trust in all things! Great things await you!
(Both Carla and I had the strong feeling that the Elohim are very excited as to what will come next. They told us to be very calm and confident as everything is aligning perfectly now and we are fully protected. Note, George)
We are the Elohim and we are always by your side!
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Breaking News: Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE)
by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 28, 2016
Ruggero Maria Santilli, published MM DD, 2015
American Journal of Modern Physics
Make no mistake, this is a major breakthrough in science and collective awareness.
This article proves beyond any doubt the existence of extraterrestrial life in the multidimensionality of All-That-Is.
This article is published in a renowned scientific journal on physics and cannot be disputed.
By using telescopes with concave lenses, known as Santilli telescopes (trademark and patent pending by the U.S. publicly traded company Thunder Energies Corporation), we review preceding evidence for the apparent existence of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids and antimatter cosmic rays.
Independently from these astrophysical detections, we present for the first time evidence for the apparent existence of entities in our terrestrial environment that are solely visible via telescopes with concave lenses, while being invisible to our eyes and to conventional Galileo telescopes with convex lenses, which entities leave dark images in the background of digital cameras attached to the Santilli telescopes.
These entities are here called Invisible Terrestrial Entities of the first kind (ITE-1) or dark ITE.
We then present, also for the first time, evidence for the apparent existence in our terrestrial environment of additional entities that are also visible to telescopes with concave lenses while being invisible to our eyes and to conventional telescopes with convex lenses, which entities leave bright images in the background of digital cameras.
These additional entities are here called Invisible Terrestrial Entities of the second kind (ITE-2) or bright ITE.
It is pointed out that both types of entities generally move in the night sky over sensitive areas, and their behavior generally suggests unauthorized surveillance.
This paper has been motivated by the significance and diversification of the collected evidence, as well as available independent confirmations, that warrant systematic inspections of the sky over our sensitive civilian, industrial, and military installations via telescopes with concave lenses, so as to detect possible unauthorized surveillance.
Keywords: Antimatter, Santilli Telescope, Invisible Terrestrial Entities
You can read the full article here with much more pictures of ITE:
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