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An Introduction to Kundalini | Wake Up World
▶ Billy Meier - Concentration Exercises - YouTube
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▶ Billy Meier - Concentration Meditation Sleep 2/3 - YouTube
Harnessing the Flow
by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 30, 2016
Brad Barber, January 30, 2016
Dear George,
What you wrote by engaging the bond market is exactly right and what I meant when I said some stuff wasn’t even bothering to bounce yesterday. The HYG, or corporate bonds, was exactly what I meant so nice work. This is why I wrote The Silencing of Jesus as the final systemic cleanse and targeted the thought patterns of money managers and the mother energy. I have no further conceptual articles of a cleansing nature that need to be written as the Giving Tree begins to bloom again but we need just a bit more focus on the current subject.
Even beyond all of the insolvent bonds, corporate, municipal, and sovereign, is the gold market. The banks don’t mind receiving no return on bonds as they continue to push asset prices up as yields go negative. Then derivatives are used to generate further returns on artificial prices. Yields are pushed lower as perceived safety. An insolvent entity isn’t safe. Negative interest rates are an admission by a currency that it is dead, but when dealing with a world of zombies dead doesn’t seem to matter lately. This basically means the Euro and the Yen are already dead now in practice and there’s a reason Fed heads are hinting at negative rates in the US and why I mentioned it in my mother article. Every money manager in the world, in 3-D thought, should be recommending gold. Any fiduciary with the tiniest bit of care for people should be saying get out. Basically, the system has to recommend its own death to think clearly. Very few like to recommend the end of their own job. I did it. It’s not easy ( I did it also when I discovered that more than 90% of all registered drugs increase mortality and morbidity in patients and closed my clinical research institute, Note, George).
When you recommend gold, you recommend not doing anything. When you don’t do anything, you piss off momma.
“Men can never go backwards sexually. Women can never go backwards in lifestyle.” – Chris Rock
Thus the last few articles on jihad, women, and momma. All of the women around here pushing their agendas of do, which is pretty much everyone single woman I know, are mentally ill because it makes no long-term sense to stick your head in a guillotine. That’s not an insult, it’s true. Most women I know are held hostage by anxiety and just want to feel better on a short-term basis so doing something relieves the pain. Thus my incessant writing on all of the systemic concepts like pills, Starbucks, chemtrails, foods, and everything else that is intentionally infused with anxiety. By harnessing the anxiety of the woman here, you control the whole thing. Women basically already possess all the power they just don’t know it. That’s why the fraud has to get the general assembly of women to want to be the past picture of a successful man who has now been turned into what is actually a rapist. There is no patriarchal structure. It’s a raperiarch. This is why people who recommend gold are continually made to look crazy because it’s really, at its core, recommending that the matrix sucks and they can’t truly explain it. This is why the “gold bug” term exists. Many of ’em are nuts.
A logical thinking person should be recommending not doing anything. By dumping infinite amounts of paper gold onto the market, the system is able to continue to keep bond prices moving the wrong direction against all coherency of solvency. This is the main reason so many people are in real estate still. Canada’s market is the perfect example but it is the same here again.
All of the money in the world, though ill, is trying to search for something to do and paper gold is what perpetuates it all. All of the “unicorns” are now crumbling because of one core premise. Dark energy hates the herd, but has to have a herd to suck energy from. It wants you dead, but needs you alive. (This is the conundrum of all dark entities separated from the source which is the dialectical force of their annihilation in the current End Time. Ultimately they want to die after killing all other human beings on which they sponge as to return to the source and not stay alone in this 3D hell, but this is not the plan of All-That-Is. They must continue with their dreadful incarnation cycle for a very long time without us, before they can see the light. This is core idea behind every ascension. Note, George)
Thus the GMO human beings now in production who won’t even be able to see true light. In past years, we engaged false belief systems and karma to generate the energy. The theft of capital through negative interest rates and money printing is basically the ultimate form of dark energy telling you to fuck off and skipping the step of needing humans to believe in something for the tithing to be collected. Any idea of generating money is creating a jihadi as the monetary congregation is being bypassed. Dark energy is basically tired of pretending to need you to be a missionary of false belief and to pass the teaching onto your children. (And this is pretty much the end of the dark Orion system as it now annihilates itself, Note, George)
The earnings of Johnson and Johnson, which my wonderful friend sent me, show the state of unicorn hell perfectly. Earnings on actual business and sales collectively are crumbling but a couple of pills are killing it. This is why most upper crust real estate guys I know have been developing properties that have some sort of medical clinics in them now. It’s all tied back to Obamacare and asset confiscation in a discreet manner and continually creates herds of illness to pump through the clinics pretending to help. The food stamps lead people to the convenience stores and terrible food to then be pumped through the clinics. That’s why 7-Eleven expanded so large in the last money printing surge. It’s a transmission establishment of death for what people hide behind as a yield desperate investment. The perversion of negative yields is forcing all money to invest in our own death and it’s intentional.
The expansion of apartments and chicken cooping human beings under the guise of yield chasing and astronomic rents is the same thing. Add this thought to Uber and Amazon and Netflix and blah, blah, blah, blah…
Like Bill Hicks used to always say, I do kids parties if anyone’s interested.
What’s so beautiful about the current state is the debt levels and reincarnation. These countries are all so insolvent that you are already in debt when you are born. Thanks mom and dad. The dark at work knows that children are going to be waking up remembering who they were quicker and quicker so this is the perfect setup to accommodate that problem. I believe every person born in the US now already is $170,000 in debt or something like that. People can dig in and see the yield that is attached to their social security number if they really want but that is understanding that you are a cow and the asset that backs up all this debt. A little dark, no? Anyone that believes their revolution from the 60’s an 70’s actually did anything needs to know that fact. That’s all it did was lead to epic debt enslavement so nice going.
I’ve written more than people want about gold probably, but it is the key to expansive thought that moves the ascension forward and the core of the whole system. It’s the basis of what all this currency and debt is issued from.
The only safe asset that a money manager should find their way to is the gold market without engaging the metaphysical world. This is why one shouldn’t pay attention to the stock market as it is just for distracting the tourists. This is why I have used the gold price as my scoreboard for ascension all along. The price of gold is only truly based in relation to international debts related to the dollar system. Infinite paper gold receipts are falsely offsetting infinite debt that can’t be repaid. The system has rigged balance sheets to count unpayable debts as assets. If everyone counted true bond values it’s already long over. The only thing that repairs this would be to inflate the gold price to represent its true value in physical form in relation to the debt. The fraud has been selling everyone’s gold that it’s supposed to be safekeeping to meet skyrocketing worldwide demand as people try to collect as they leave the casino. To reflate gold to repair balance sheets you have to physically have it in hand at panic time. Who’s holding it? It’s the ultimate game of liars poker and the cards are being laid down. The US doesn’t understand its gold has been sold out from under its feet to keep the debt game going a little longer and has been left with a disaster balance sheet of toxic unpayable bonds.
The US basically has no way to reflate this currency ponzi scheme now and is only backed by its main asset which is its mentally ill financially and spiritually bankrupt population. We are the meat at the bottom of Buffalo Bill’s well.
Negative interest rates just perpetuate this hate for investing in human beings which is truly the core of the reason for dark energy existing at all as it does to play the game of dark and light. It has been this way all along in lower vibrational hell and we are just witnessing the pinnacle of its operation with negative rates. It wants you dead but then would have nothing to rule over. Quite the conundrum.
What took place last month is exactly what the final throes of this system can’t afford. Gold went up 5% and the S&P went down 5%. Basically, the metaphor here is that doing nothing made 10% more than trying to do. That performance isn’t so dramatic when compared to the bond market, yet as momma tries its hardest to keep the herd contained in safety. Thus why my article The Silencing of Jesus is actually the best homeopathic available for the world at the moment for systemic and personal healing.
Every single slip and digit of infected money should be trying to squeeze into a tiny gold market of miniscule market cap. The gold miners are the only 3-D concept in the world that existed that can pay yield on the repair of balance sheets, but that is why the necessity for the explosion in cryptocurrencies and their quest as the gold mining industry is managed by the fraud to prevent its success in healing anything. The main flaw in everyone’s thinking has been that something exists of a general human nature of progress towards embetterment. That’s why the hijacking of the technology department is front and center and attracts the most massive “unicorn” cash flows. Anyone in the zone should die laughing when they read that Eric Schmidt of Google meets with the Pope.
Here’s the bitcoin revolution being owned by Bank of America and the current focus of every government and any bank with any intelligence at all and why I wrote what I wrote about the next effort to hijack superconductivity:
As everything I have written about this system comes true, I can only ask for focus one more time. The loss of control over the gold markets brings this all down and the loss of control over silver releases Christ Consciousness in mass scale. February is a delivery month again.
An expansion of consciousness is the only logical investment left so truth is your best friend. Now we are in discussion how to handle the trillions of dollars and epic shift in thought that is about to figure that out. The system is also about to bail-in all the money that is figuring this out as it’ll pretend that it needs more commitment from the members of the country club to keep the doors open.
“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
Those that understand this hate money. This is going to be interesting. The key to balance moving forward is harnessing this flow.
May coherence reign.
With love and light,
Brad Barber
Dear Brad,
thank you for this summary of clarity on the financial markets as we have dealt with all these issues many times in the past. If I may put it in few words, in January we witnessed the evidence that:
1) the national states in the West have totally lost control over their currencies and finances and that the sovereign debt in bonds that has driven the economy so far has no value any more in a crumbling system based on inflated debt. This happened actually much earlier when the national states willingly delegated their sovereign power over their currencies to the central banks.
2) This first month of 2016 we witnessed the total failure of the central banks that also lost their control over the financial system. It began with the FED raising the interest rates for the first time in December 2015 that led to the opposite results – to negative interest rates in bonds – as you also showed for the stock markets with respect to gold.
These are the two authorities that until now controlled the Orion-Ponzi monetary system and kept it alive. The banksters are only passengers of the sinking Titanic and now they will begin with their fights for the last seat in the saving boats.
The poor passengers in the lower decks of the sinking Titanic – the masses – are already drowned in debt and have no chance of escape. The desperation is total as I showed in my latest article and this is the time when the people have to trespass the firewall of fear and desperation as to come healed and purified on the other side of the firewall, where we shall expect them with our enlightened ideas based on the new theory of the Universal Law. This is what I expect to happen very soon.
With love and light
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An Introduction to Kundalini | Wake Up World

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Harnessing the Flow
by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 30, 2016
Brad Barber, January 30, 2016
Dear George,
What you wrote by engaging the bond market is exactly right and what I meant when I said some stuff wasn’t even bothering to bounce yesterday. The HYG, or corporate bonds, was exactly what I meant so nice work. This is why I wrote The Silencing of Jesus as the final systemic cleanse and targeted the thought patterns of money managers and the mother energy. I have no further conceptual articles of a cleansing nature that need to be written as the Giving Tree begins to bloom again but we need just a bit more focus on the current subject.
Even beyond all of the insolvent bonds, corporate, municipal, and sovereign, is the gold market. The banks don’t mind receiving no return on bonds as they continue to push asset prices up as yields go negative. Then derivatives are used to generate further returns on artificial prices. Yields are pushed lower as perceived safety. An insolvent entity isn’t safe. Negative interest rates are an admission by a currency that it is dead, but when dealing with a world of zombies dead doesn’t seem to matter lately. This basically means the Euro and the Yen are already dead now in practice and there’s a reason Fed heads are hinting at negative rates in the US and why I mentioned it in my mother article. Every money manager in the world, in 3-D thought, should be recommending gold. Any fiduciary with the tiniest bit of care for people should be saying get out. Basically, the system has to recommend its own death to think clearly. Very few like to recommend the end of their own job. I did it. It’s not easy ( I did it also when I discovered that more than 90% of all registered drugs increase mortality and morbidity in patients and closed my clinical research institute, Note, George).
When you recommend gold, you recommend not doing anything. When you don’t do anything, you piss off momma.
“Men can never go backwards sexually. Women can never go backwards in lifestyle.” – Chris Rock
Thus the last few articles on jihad, women, and momma. All of the women around here pushing their agendas of do, which is pretty much everyone single woman I know, are mentally ill because it makes no long-term sense to stick your head in a guillotine. That’s not an insult, it’s true. Most women I know are held hostage by anxiety and just want to feel better on a short-term basis so doing something relieves the pain. Thus my incessant writing on all of the systemic concepts like pills, Starbucks, chemtrails, foods, and everything else that is intentionally infused with anxiety. By harnessing the anxiety of the woman here, you control the whole thing. Women basically already possess all the power they just don’t know it. That’s why the fraud has to get the general assembly of women to want to be the past picture of a successful man who has now been turned into what is actually a rapist. There is no patriarchal structure. It’s a raperiarch. This is why people who recommend gold are continually made to look crazy because it’s really, at its core, recommending that the matrix sucks and they can’t truly explain it. This is why the “gold bug” term exists. Many of ’em are nuts.
A logical thinking person should be recommending not doing anything. By dumping infinite amounts of paper gold onto the market, the system is able to continue to keep bond prices moving the wrong direction against all coherency of solvency. This is the main reason so many people are in real estate still. Canada’s market is the perfect example but it is the same here again.
All of the money in the world, though ill, is trying to search for something to do and paper gold is what perpetuates it all. All of the “unicorns” are now crumbling because of one core premise. Dark energy hates the herd, but has to have a herd to suck energy from. It wants you dead, but needs you alive. (This is the conundrum of all dark entities separated from the source which is the dialectical force of their annihilation in the current End Time. Ultimately they want to die after killing all other human beings on which they sponge as to return to the source and not stay alone in this 3D hell, but this is not the plan of All-That-Is. They must continue with their dreadful incarnation cycle for a very long time without us, before they can see the light. This is core idea behind every ascension. Note, George)
Thus the GMO human beings now in production who won’t even be able to see true light. In past years, we engaged false belief systems and karma to generate the energy. The theft of capital through negative interest rates and money printing is basically the ultimate form of dark energy telling you to fuck off and skipping the step of needing humans to believe in something for the tithing to be collected. Any idea of generating money is creating a jihadi as the monetary congregation is being bypassed. Dark energy is basically tired of pretending to need you to be a missionary of false belief and to pass the teaching onto your children. (And this is pretty much the end of the dark Orion system as it now annihilates itself, Note, George)
The earnings of Johnson and Johnson, which my wonderful friend sent me, show the state of unicorn hell perfectly. Earnings on actual business and sales collectively are crumbling but a couple of pills are killing it. This is why most upper crust real estate guys I know have been developing properties that have some sort of medical clinics in them now. It’s all tied back to Obamacare and asset confiscation in a discreet manner and continually creates herds of illness to pump through the clinics pretending to help. The food stamps lead people to the convenience stores and terrible food to then be pumped through the clinics. That’s why 7-Eleven expanded so large in the last money printing surge. It’s a transmission establishment of death for what people hide behind as a yield desperate investment. The perversion of negative yields is forcing all money to invest in our own death and it’s intentional.
The expansion of apartments and chicken cooping human beings under the guise of yield chasing and astronomic rents is the same thing. Add this thought to Uber and Amazon and Netflix and blah, blah, blah, blah…
Like Bill Hicks used to always say, I do kids parties if anyone’s interested.
What’s so beautiful about the current state is the debt levels and reincarnation. These countries are all so insolvent that you are already in debt when you are born. Thanks mom and dad. The dark at work knows that children are going to be waking up remembering who they were quicker and quicker so this is the perfect setup to accommodate that problem. I believe every person born in the US now already is $170,000 in debt or something like that. People can dig in and see the yield that is attached to their social security number if they really want but that is understanding that you are a cow and the asset that backs up all this debt. A little dark, no? Anyone that believes their revolution from the 60’s an 70’s actually did anything needs to know that fact. That’s all it did was lead to epic debt enslavement so nice going.
I’ve written more than people want about gold probably, but it is the key to expansive thought that moves the ascension forward and the core of the whole system. It’s the basis of what all this currency and debt is issued from.
The only safe asset that a money manager should find their way to is the gold market without engaging the metaphysical world. This is why one shouldn’t pay attention to the stock market as it is just for distracting the tourists. This is why I have used the gold price as my scoreboard for ascension all along. The price of gold is only truly based in relation to international debts related to the dollar system. Infinite paper gold receipts are falsely offsetting infinite debt that can’t be repaid. The system has rigged balance sheets to count unpayable debts as assets. If everyone counted true bond values it’s already long over. The only thing that repairs this would be to inflate the gold price to represent its true value in physical form in relation to the debt. The fraud has been selling everyone’s gold that it’s supposed to be safekeeping to meet skyrocketing worldwide demand as people try to collect as they leave the casino. To reflate gold to repair balance sheets you have to physically have it in hand at panic time. Who’s holding it? It’s the ultimate game of liars poker and the cards are being laid down. The US doesn’t understand its gold has been sold out from under its feet to keep the debt game going a little longer and has been left with a disaster balance sheet of toxic unpayable bonds.
The US basically has no way to reflate this currency ponzi scheme now and is only backed by its main asset which is its mentally ill financially and spiritually bankrupt population. We are the meat at the bottom of Buffalo Bill’s well.
Negative interest rates just perpetuate this hate for investing in human beings which is truly the core of the reason for dark energy existing at all as it does to play the game of dark and light. It has been this way all along in lower vibrational hell and we are just witnessing the pinnacle of its operation with negative rates. It wants you dead but then would have nothing to rule over. Quite the conundrum.
What took place last month is exactly what the final throes of this system can’t afford. Gold went up 5% and the S&P went down 5%. Basically, the metaphor here is that doing nothing made 10% more than trying to do. That performance isn’t so dramatic when compared to the bond market, yet as momma tries its hardest to keep the herd contained in safety. Thus why my article The Silencing of Jesus is actually the best homeopathic available for the world at the moment for systemic and personal healing.
Every single slip and digit of infected money should be trying to squeeze into a tiny gold market of miniscule market cap. The gold miners are the only 3-D concept in the world that existed that can pay yield on the repair of balance sheets, but that is why the necessity for the explosion in cryptocurrencies and their quest as the gold mining industry is managed by the fraud to prevent its success in healing anything. The main flaw in everyone’s thinking has been that something exists of a general human nature of progress towards embetterment. That’s why the hijacking of the technology department is front and center and attracts the most massive “unicorn” cash flows. Anyone in the zone should die laughing when they read that Eric Schmidt of Google meets with the Pope.
Here’s the bitcoin revolution being owned by Bank of America and the current focus of every government and any bank with any intelligence at all and why I wrote what I wrote about the next effort to hijack superconductivity:
As everything I have written about this system comes true, I can only ask for focus one more time. The loss of control over the gold markets brings this all down and the loss of control over silver releases Christ Consciousness in mass scale. February is a delivery month again.
An expansion of consciousness is the only logical investment left so truth is your best friend. Now we are in discussion how to handle the trillions of dollars and epic shift in thought that is about to figure that out. The system is also about to bail-in all the money that is figuring this out as it’ll pretend that it needs more commitment from the members of the country club to keep the doors open.
“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
Those that understand this hate money. This is going to be interesting. The key to balance moving forward is harnessing this flow.
May coherence reign.
With love and light,
Brad Barber
Dear Brad,
thank you for this summary of clarity on the financial markets as we have dealt with all these issues many times in the past. If I may put it in few words, in January we witnessed the evidence that:
1) the national states in the West have totally lost control over their currencies and finances and that the sovereign debt in bonds that has driven the economy so far has no value any more in a crumbling system based on inflated debt. This happened actually much earlier when the national states willingly delegated their sovereign power over their currencies to the central banks.
2) This first month of 2016 we witnessed the total failure of the central banks that also lost their control over the financial system. It began with the FED raising the interest rates for the first time in December 2015 that led to the opposite results – to negative interest rates in bonds – as you also showed for the stock markets with respect to gold.
These are the two authorities that until now controlled the Orion-Ponzi monetary system and kept it alive. The banksters are only passengers of the sinking Titanic and now they will begin with their fights for the last seat in the saving boats.
The poor passengers in the lower decks of the sinking Titanic – the masses – are already drowned in debt and have no chance of escape. The desperation is total as I showed in my latest article and this is the time when the people have to trespass the firewall of fear and desperation as to come healed and purified on the other side of the firewall, where we shall expect them with our enlightened ideas based on the new theory of the Universal Law. This is what I expect to happen very soon.
With love and light
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Sharing:Forget the Stock Markets For a While, the Corporate and Governmental Bond Bubbles Have Already Imploded
by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 30, 2016
Georgi Stankov, January 30, 2016
Forget the stock markets this week, the big news is that the corporate junk bond bubble and the governmental bond bubble have imploded and they are many times bigger than the equity bubble. We have ended up again where we started five months ago – with the bursting of the four apocalyptic bubbles.
Stocks started off the year with the worst drop in their history. And this is just the beginning. This week we witnessed the final respite before exitus. However, while stocks grab the headlines, it is the bond markets that warrant the most attention. Why? Because of its size. The corporate bond bubble is $100 trillion in size. To put this into perspective, the Tech Bubble, the single largest stock bubble in history relative to profits, that burst in 2000 and crashed the markets in 20o3/2004 was just $16 trillion in size. I have given you the history of the German Tech Index that died after it dropped more than 95% and helped the dark cabal steal over 400 billion euro from the German savers.
Beyond this, there are $555 trillion derivatives out of more than $900 trillion total derivatives market that are based on interest rates (bond yields). So that $100 trillion in corporate bonds is leveraged by an additional five to one.
In simple terms, as much as the MSM focus on stocks, the corporate bond bubble is a much larger, more pressing problem that will break the cabal’s neck. Especially since it has begun to burst last year and has precipitated this year. Junk bonds were the first “shoe to drop.” They’ve taken out their post-2009 bull market trendline (blue line) as well as critical support (green line):
Although Bloomberg and the other cabal MSM now claim that this is primarily an issue for Oil Shale companies, they are amply wrong. The defaults are coming across the board with energy companies accounting for less than 33% of all defaults. This is a consequence of the Greatest Depression of all time and the implosion of the junk bond bubble has already triggered the global debt bomb.
The next shoe to drop is the Emerging Market Corporate Bonds. Emerging Market corporations have over $3 trillion in excess debts according to the IMF. This is likely a conservative estimate. Globally the US Dollar carry-over trade is more than $9 trillion. Emerging Market corporations were issuing US Dollar denominated debt at a staggering pace since 2009. The asphyxiation of the US dollar at its present “wuthering heights” is the result of the unwinding of this carry-over trade that is about to decimate dozens of big hedge funds in the coming days.
Junk bonds were the first to implode, emerging market corporate bonds were the next, followed by municipal bonds (see Puerto Rico) and now comes the sovereign bonds bubble. And this implosion of the four apocalyptic bubbles is happening with a lightening speed, much quicker than the crash of the stock bubble that was mended this week again by rigged electronic trading. However this time without the dark cabal being able to conceal this fact. Which shows how the whole system is totally collapsing in these days of massive energetic transformation.
This morning, the BOJ’s announcement of negative rates promptly pulled all treasury yields around the globe lower. This led to the simple question: “How big the global negative rate sovereign bond bubble will grow from now on? Promptly thereafter the FT was kind enough to do the math: the answer – a record $5.5 trilion in government bonds are now trading at negative yields.
This means that about one quarter of all global bondholders of sovereign debt will end up paying their government custodians for the pleasure of parking their cash in the “safety” of government bonds. The FT adds that “fears for economic deterioration and increasingly abnormal policies adopted by global central banks to ward off the threat of deflation have resulted in a bizarre scenario in which investors pay governments to hold their money.”:
“Figures from JPMorgan show that negative rates, once considered only theoretically possible, now account for one quarter of the index for government bonds.
On Friday, yields on Japanese, French and German bonds hit record lows after the Bank of Japan decided to adopt negative interest rates, just over one week after governor Haruhiko Kuroda ruled the policy out.
In Europe, the first region to adopt negative interest rates, around half of all government bonds carry sub-zero yields, led by Germany, Finland and Switzerland, where negative yields extend all the way to bonds with 10 year maturity.”
The chart below demonstrates how unprecedented today’s bond situation is: as of this morning at least 13 countries had 2Y yields that were negative, and 10 nations could boast with negative rates all the way to the 5 Year mark:
To complete the picture, the WSJ has just confirmed that over a fifth of global gross domestic product, or 23.1%, will now be produced in countries that have negative interest rates, noting that the ECB and BOJ together are responsible for around 21% of global GDP. Swiss, Swedish and Danish GDP add up to less than 2.5% of the global total.
The negative interest rates in most western economies expose the desperation of the central banks that have lost control over the financial situation. This could not be concealed even by the most hawkish and fraudulent MSM of the dark cabal. After the total desperation comes the surrender of the banksters’ cabal and then the final irreversible collapse of their Orion-Ponzi scheme:
Negative Interest Rates Show Desperation of Central Banks
Never before have so many central banks explored negative interest rates territory at the same time and thus eliminating the last safe haven where banks can deposit their money as to gain modest secure returns. The entire Orion monetary system is in a state of total implosion and this will become evident in February and March. That is why forget the stock markets this week – they will not survive this financial implosion of gargantuan proportions.
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Imminent Ascension
by Georgi Stankov Posted on February 10, 2016
Jessica and Georgi Stankov, February 10, 2016
Hello Georgi and Carla,
I hope that everything is going well for you both. Although I am aware you are very busy, and not updating your website or responding to emails, I felt I really had to share this with you. I also wonder if you may have a short response as this experience was so dynamic, and seems to indicate imminent ascension. I apologize for bothering you during this time.
On Sunday February 7th, I was resting in my room on my bed. About an hour in, while I was sleeping but not dreaming, I had the sensation of being pulled right out of space/time. That is the only way I can describe it. I thought right at that moment ‘This is it! This is ascension!” I was pulled right into a vortex and begin travelling thru at a great speed. It was similar to being in a twisting and turning water slide, except that there was no real structure and no water.
As the experience began, I had the sensation of someone touching my feet and legs which felt real and I assumed was my husband. It was distracting because at that point I began swaying and moving with every bend and curve of the vortex, to such an extreme that there were points where I would have fallen off the bed. As it turned out, the person who had been touching my legs was now holding me in an embrace from behind so that I would be safe and not fall off the bed or otherwise hurt myself.
As I was travelling in the vortex, there was sort of a pause while someone came behind me and moved their hand up and down my spine and then made two points on either side. It was a bit uncomfortable but it felt like a hand and not a procedure of any kind. It was more surprising and curious. Travelling through the vortex took about 5 minutes in ‘real’ time, and then suddenly the texture of the reality changed to very ‘wrinkly’ and I could hear voices talking, as I came to the end of the vortex I saw that I was looking down at a women’s legs as though giving birth, at which point a male voice said “1977, Niagara Falls” (which is the year I was born and very near where I was apparently born).
I remember while travelling the vortex, being asked if I was ready to go, to which I said YES, but I asked about my husband and children. The sense that I got from the experience was that it was a ‘precursor or test run’ and that everything was moving forward and going as planned. There was definitely an intelligence, design and purpose. When the experience was over I was certain that everything would be different, ascension different. I also discovered upon opening my eyes that I was laying straight in my bed and no one was with me.
With Love,
Dear Jessica,
this is an amazing experience. I had two similar events on Feb 2nd and 3rd in a row in the afternoon when I was taken away in a vortex and the energy intensity was exorbitant. After the first ascension test run I got an excruciating headache and several infections in my body, stomach pain etc. but after the second my physical state improved significantly. Carla went through the same ascension test runs on Feb 6th and 7th. During the second test run I got the clear information in a lucid, clear state of the mind that ascension is happening now in February, during our move, and not later on. Which confirms your experience and perception. There is indeed a lot of urgency in the air and we are lifting every moment in the now.
Today, February 9th there is another huge ID shift and the financial markets are now broken in an irrevocable manner, which points to imminent ascension as the financial collapse is now very close.
I will be short now as we are in the middle of the move.
With love and light
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by Georgi Stankov Posted on January 30, 2016
Georgi Stankov, January 30, 2016
Forget the stock markets this week, the big news is that the corporate junk bond bubble and the governmental bond bubble have imploded and they are many times bigger than the equity bubble. We have ended up again where we started five months ago – with the bursting of the four apocalyptic bubbles.
Stocks started off the year with the worst drop in their history. And this is just the beginning. This week we witnessed the final respite before exitus. However, while stocks grab the headlines, it is the bond markets that warrant the most attention. Why? Because of its size. The corporate bond bubble is $100 trillion in size. To put this into perspective, the Tech Bubble, the single largest stock bubble in history relative to profits, that burst in 2000 and crashed the markets in 20o3/2004 was just $16 trillion in size. I have given you the history of the German Tech Index that died after it dropped more than 95% and helped the dark cabal steal over 400 billion euro from the German savers.
Beyond this, there are $555 trillion derivatives out of more than $900 trillion total derivatives market that are based on interest rates (bond yields). So that $100 trillion in corporate bonds is leveraged by an additional five to one.
In simple terms, as much as the MSM focus on stocks, the corporate bond bubble is a much larger, more pressing problem that will break the cabal’s neck. Especially since it has begun to burst last year and has precipitated this year. Junk bonds were the first “shoe to drop.” They’ve taken out their post-2009 bull market trendline (blue line) as well as critical support (green line):
Although Bloomberg and the other cabal MSM now claim that this is primarily an issue for Oil Shale companies, they are amply wrong. The defaults are coming across the board with energy companies accounting for less than 33% of all defaults. This is a consequence of the Greatest Depression of all time and the implosion of the junk bond bubble has already triggered the global debt bomb.
The next shoe to drop is the Emerging Market Corporate Bonds. Emerging Market corporations have over $3 trillion in excess debts according to the IMF. This is likely a conservative estimate. Globally the US Dollar carry-over trade is more than $9 trillion. Emerging Market corporations were issuing US Dollar denominated debt at a staggering pace since 2009. The asphyxiation of the US dollar at its present “wuthering heights” is the result of the unwinding of this carry-over trade that is about to decimate dozens of big hedge funds in the coming days.
Junk bonds were the first to implode, emerging market corporate bonds were the next, followed by municipal bonds (see Puerto Rico) and now comes the sovereign bonds bubble. And this implosion of the four apocalyptic bubbles is happening with a lightening speed, much quicker than the crash of the stock bubble that was mended this week again by rigged electronic trading. However this time without the dark cabal being able to conceal this fact. Which shows how the whole system is totally collapsing in these days of massive energetic transformation.
This morning, the BOJ’s announcement of negative rates promptly pulled all treasury yields around the globe lower. This led to the simple question: “How big the global negative rate sovereign bond bubble will grow from now on? Promptly thereafter the FT was kind enough to do the math: the answer – a record $5.5 trilion in government bonds are now trading at negative yields.
This means that about one quarter of all global bondholders of sovereign debt will end up paying their government custodians for the pleasure of parking their cash in the “safety” of government bonds. The FT adds that “fears for economic deterioration and increasingly abnormal policies adopted by global central banks to ward off the threat of deflation have resulted in a bizarre scenario in which investors pay governments to hold their money.”:
“Figures from JPMorgan show that negative rates, once considered only theoretically possible, now account for one quarter of the index for government bonds.
On Friday, yields on Japanese, French and German bonds hit record lows after the Bank of Japan decided to adopt negative interest rates, just over one week after governor Haruhiko Kuroda ruled the policy out.
In Europe, the first region to adopt negative interest rates, around half of all government bonds carry sub-zero yields, led by Germany, Finland and Switzerland, where negative yields extend all the way to bonds with 10 year maturity.”
The chart below demonstrates how unprecedented today’s bond situation is: as of this morning at least 13 countries had 2Y yields that were negative, and 10 nations could boast with negative rates all the way to the 5 Year mark:
To complete the picture, the WSJ has just confirmed that over a fifth of global gross domestic product, or 23.1%, will now be produced in countries that have negative interest rates, noting that the ECB and BOJ together are responsible for around 21% of global GDP. Swiss, Swedish and Danish GDP add up to less than 2.5% of the global total.
The negative interest rates in most western economies expose the desperation of the central banks that have lost control over the financial situation. This could not be concealed even by the most hawkish and fraudulent MSM of the dark cabal. After the total desperation comes the surrender of the banksters’ cabal and then the final irreversible collapse of their Orion-Ponzi scheme:
Negative Interest Rates Show Desperation of Central Banks
Never before have so many central banks explored negative interest rates territory at the same time and thus eliminating the last safe haven where banks can deposit their money as to gain modest secure returns. The entire Orion monetary system is in a state of total implosion and this will become evident in February and March. That is why forget the stock markets this week – they will not survive this financial implosion of gargantuan proportions.
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Imminent Ascension
by Georgi Stankov Posted on February 10, 2016
Jessica and Georgi Stankov, February 10, 2016
Hello Georgi and Carla,
I hope that everything is going well for you both. Although I am aware you are very busy, and not updating your website or responding to emails, I felt I really had to share this with you. I also wonder if you may have a short response as this experience was so dynamic, and seems to indicate imminent ascension. I apologize for bothering you during this time.
On Sunday February 7th, I was resting in my room on my bed. About an hour in, while I was sleeping but not dreaming, I had the sensation of being pulled right out of space/time. That is the only way I can describe it. I thought right at that moment ‘This is it! This is ascension!” I was pulled right into a vortex and begin travelling thru at a great speed. It was similar to being in a twisting and turning water slide, except that there was no real structure and no water.
As the experience began, I had the sensation of someone touching my feet and legs which felt real and I assumed was my husband. It was distracting because at that point I began swaying and moving with every bend and curve of the vortex, to such an extreme that there were points where I would have fallen off the bed. As it turned out, the person who had been touching my legs was now holding me in an embrace from behind so that I would be safe and not fall off the bed or otherwise hurt myself.
As I was travelling in the vortex, there was sort of a pause while someone came behind me and moved their hand up and down my spine and then made two points on either side. It was a bit uncomfortable but it felt like a hand and not a procedure of any kind. It was more surprising and curious. Travelling through the vortex took about 5 minutes in ‘real’ time, and then suddenly the texture of the reality changed to very ‘wrinkly’ and I could hear voices talking, as I came to the end of the vortex I saw that I was looking down at a women’s legs as though giving birth, at which point a male voice said “1977, Niagara Falls” (which is the year I was born and very near where I was apparently born).
I remember while travelling the vortex, being asked if I was ready to go, to which I said YES, but I asked about my husband and children. The sense that I got from the experience was that it was a ‘precursor or test run’ and that everything was moving forward and going as planned. There was definitely an intelligence, design and purpose. When the experience was over I was certain that everything would be different, ascension different. I also discovered upon opening my eyes that I was laying straight in my bed and no one was with me.
With Love,
Dear Jessica,
this is an amazing experience. I had two similar events on Feb 2nd and 3rd in a row in the afternoon when I was taken away in a vortex and the energy intensity was exorbitant. After the first ascension test run I got an excruciating headache and several infections in my body, stomach pain etc. but after the second my physical state improved significantly. Carla went through the same ascension test runs on Feb 6th and 7th. During the second test run I got the clear information in a lucid, clear state of the mind that ascension is happening now in February, during our move, and not later on. Which confirms your experience and perception. There is indeed a lot of urgency in the air and we are lifting every moment in the now.
Today, February 9th there is another huge ID shift and the financial markets are now broken in an irrevocable manner, which points to imminent ascension as the financial collapse is now very close.
I will be short now as we are in the middle of the move.
With love and light
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