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Stairway to Insanity » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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Stairway to Insanity
by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 17, 2016
Brad Barber, March 16, 2016
Dear Brad,
This is an insane world and, as I will publish today, this seems to be the most common leitmotif of all critical writers these days. Indeed, the insanity of this reality must be revealed to all the people to see it in an unvarnished manner and only then it will be much easier to eradicate it. After all no sentient being wants to live in a state of mind that is described and acknowledged as insanity. From that point of view even the recent recovery of the stock markets is an important contribution to this recognition of insanity and will rather accelerate the crash than prolong it.
I did come to the conclusion that we cannot expect a classical bear market for another year or so until the equities lose 70 -80 % of their value before the stock exchanges are closed. That is why I introduced the concept of “apoptosis” – sudden death – as this happens in cells when killer cells of the immune system destroy cancer cells through hyper-depolarisation or hyper-repolarisation that impedes the normal action potential of the cells. While this kind of cell death can be observed under microscope and is very impressive, the actual energetic mechanism was first explained by myself in the new general theory of biological regulation. I think that this concept gives us a better idea as to what to expect in the coming days, whereas I still think that the key factor that will break the bankster’s back will be the rapidly shrinking global liquidity that will cause a sudden infarct of the system. The negative interest rates are now the most powerful driver of this liquidation of debt leading to crashing liquidity on the market. Sinking productivity, revenues, massive losses of all investments etc. also contribute to this downward spiral. It is a veritable implosion.
I tend to completely dissociate this implosion from the inner expansion we now experience and which will catapult us very soon to a new reality. How this will happen remains a mystery for now but it will be very easy.
What is your take on the current situation?
With love and light
Dear George,
Since you asked, let’s see what comes out here.
You have chosen the perfect words as always. “Insanity” is the operative word of the moment indeed and I have pronounced last Thursday as “The Day Stupid Died.” With the announcements out of Europe, Japan, and China regarding monetary policy and especially the new focus on bailing out non-performing companies, people can be shown easily to be flat out insane. Do you know why they are non-performing companies you lunatics? Because they are all terrible ideas. The whole damned place is one terrible idea. I’ll give you people the best idea available. This place sucks. Now go collateralize that and “missell” it to the people. I want invest in two hundred shares of “This Place Blows” and double down on any dips. Contact your broker now on this can’t miss opportunity.
I was going to make a movie that was to be an update of the classic “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Instead it was going to be a global version called “One Who Flew the Cuckoo Planet.” If I could make movies I would be killin’ it right now. They’d shoot me or give me pancreatic cancer or something dumb like that but it would be worth it. Next I’d make a Western called “Universal Law” and lay this whole place to energetic waste. After that would be the long line of multidimensional In-action Kung Fu and adventure movies where nothing ever happens as all repercussions and experiences are played out in the mind first so there’s never anything to do.
I told a friend to watch out for Aubrey McClendon‘s death a few weeks before it happened. He was the heart of the natural gas and fracking fraud that has been “missold” to the American people as another idea that is pure fraud. This is way bigger than anyone can even begin to perceive. They’ve sold hundreds of times over than the amount of gas that is actually proven to exist. “Oversold” is another great word to get used to and I think you used it perfectly in an update in the last week. Most people’s retirements hinge on this concept as it has been the energy yield that has been the low-hanging fruit to sucker in the lemmings again.
Here’s a nice new book beginning to crack the truth on Obama being “missold” to the public.
Here are the Clintons being finally seen as “missold” images in the proper manner. So many people here think that Bill was a great President because the US just happened to experience the last blown bubble of the whole shebang back into 1999 as they enacted all the policies that are destroying the place now. So many minorities mistakenly believe in them because of that as that was one of the last fun moments in this hellhole where money trickled through.
This is a great article about the law immune exchanges of the financial world being “missold” to the people as “what was once thought to be a public utility enshrined under law to deliver a level playing field under all corners.” All the regulators of this whole entire place be damned.
Basically, as we all know, and have beyond proven to any sane being, one can be deemed clinically insane for engaging or giving any energy whatsoever to what is being offered and taking place. Now everyone should know why Obamacare is trying to institute forced psychiatric evaluations. Why is the FBI working so hard in the high schools to get people targeted that don’t believe in what’s taking place? Dark energy has gotten away with locking up the wrong people for the last time. Jailbreak.
I did enjoy seeing this guy mention a global cabal that subverts all governments and admitting he was a part of it:
If I could pay people right now to head our direction I’d have seven gazillion employees in a week. Oh, the reward that has to be offered……
And that brings me to the other perfect thing you said about creating cities of light. You now have a choice and this is exactly what I wrote in an e-mail I sent out to people regarding a path forward a few days ago. You have a choice. You don’t have to be nuts. There is sound science to stand upon as an infinite being. There is logic to adhere to (see www.stankovuniversallaw.com). We shouldn’t have to have a sex change in front of the world or be a complete criminal and avoid logic and sound reasoning to succeed. The energy must flow and all this paper flooding the world preventing it can kiss my ass. The money has zero consciousness left and the debt charybdis shall swallow you whole. It just appears that the vortex of the whirlpool is at a much steeper instantaneous angle than the subtler entrapment it offered only a couple years ago.
Here’s dark energy wrapping up everything in the blockchain technology of Bitcoin just as I said it would. The NWO wet dream to get a digital currency that tracks everything you do as well as puts cash to death. The revolution of this matrix getting boxed up and turned against us again. State sponsored too. So excited! (While Brad wrote this comment, I was simultaneously, but independently and unknowingly, writing my article on Why it Is so Important to Develop and Introduce the New “Astral” Currency using the same link below). This proves the unanimity of our perceptions as Logos Gods these days. Note, George):
This is my favorite though. All the printed cash trying to download consciousness into a robot for immortality. Jesus H people! These last two are exactly why I wrote 2015 Space Fraudessy. Your technology sucks. Saw the last 10 minutes of Dr. Strangelove again the other night. It’s tough to get any funnier.
Geez! I sure can’t figure out why Goldman Sachs suddenly wants to be known as a technology company. All the banks are being abandoned to blow them up and give the people what they think they want to see.
It’s the fireman syndrome like Ben Bernanke calling his book “The Courage to Act”. They started the fire and try to look like the hero putting out the flames. There’s a lady that almost burned down half of Colorado a few years back. She started the fire to look like a hero and put it out but lost control.
By the way, people, your science sucks. Your education truly sucks. Let’s all go talk about giving free education away during these elections when you all have absolutely no idea that your are teaching pure shit. You are insane. Let’s print more money to teach garbage so that we can buy failing companies that sell pure shit, so that they can fail again, so that we can bail them out, so that we can keep teaching shit to eternally debt laden dysfunctional robots.
I always made the joke about hedge funds putting nanobots in your bloodstream to force you to keep folding tacos and working garbage jobs. That time may now be here finally. C’mon people, don’t daddle. We have a business to run here.
Here’s a hedge fund buying every ounce of fresh food available with printed money so that it can be poisoned for profits.
The whole world is being bought and the whole thing is insane. It’s the Devil’s privatized Hell and anyone giving it any energy is slobbering all over it.
Someone I know is getting a colonoscopy on Friday. The doctor didn’t even tell him he had other choices to engage. Wouldn’t make the doctor any money if the other choice was made. He’s about to get fracked from behind just like dark energy loves to do.
I think the term was complete energetic eradication. That’s right and that is all that matters. Complete energetic eradication. Now that’s Shakespeare. Poetry.
The markets are all reduced to junior high school operation as our society is. Everything is forced to chase the upside or you are eschewed as a loser. When it crashes and takes everyone with it, then it’s everyone’s loss and we couldn’t have seen it coming. But here, if you miss the upside, you’re done. In fact, I doubt there is a computer algorithm left in these markets that operates to the downside. It would short circuit as that’s the only logical thing left and dark can’t allow an ounce of light to exist in this situation.
The latest round of market activity is just like a bumper sticker I heard about today that was popular in Denver after the oil collapse that devasted this area in the 80’s. It said, “Please God, let us just have one more oil rally.” I promise then, I won’t spend all the gains on hookers, toys, and cocaine and I’ll be a good responsible person and save a few dollars and help my fellow man this time. I promise. Just push this thing up one more time and bail me out. Every available force in the material world is being thrown at this. Pure unadulterated force and we have had it all thrown at us. All of it.
I sat with bankers and brokers and real estate frauds and valued many projects. We sat for hours and hours and applied future valuations to the projects based on what would happen in our insane minds and then got people to buy or loan money based on these projections. That’s what’s happened to the entire energy industry and the banks are unloading all of the dangerous debt as fast as they can into these prop jobs. Their projections show oil at $80-120 for years and years and years. I know. The projections that people around me came up with showed our properties adding two to three tenants a year and adding millions in values. I was on the ground trying to even find one tenant and was impossible. Every time we sat down, I was asked to lie about my beliefs of what could actually happen. I wouldn’t lie to them so they stopped calling me at projection time. Multiply that by the whole world at the current moment. Really the parasites were just collecting fees. Maybe I should pay crucified Jesus a fee to get to Source too.
We love to vicariously watch the collapse of false idols. We are insane. We are ill. It’s like riding the Lance Armstrong bus. Profit off it until the wheels fall off even though sane people tried to warn you. We want false Christs up on the cross so that we know they won’t resurrect upon death and make us look bad for the frauds we are. That bastard better not ascend visibly or I’ll have to stop espousing such bullshit. Don’t make me put actual love, effort, and true information into my words. It’s really inconvenient to my ponzi scheme.
Here’s how Stupid died:
We basically have reached the point where infinite money printing is going to buy infinite hypothecated “missold” shares of failed lower consciousness human energetic enslavement concepts. They already own the whole bond market and that’s why those markets are electronically seizing up. Like I said years ago, it’s a discreet fascist takeover of everything without needing an army but it’s leaving all governments and their cohort companies and offending investment banks like a giant group of drunks propping each other up.
In the meantime, a different market short circuits somewhere every single day and there are people that still take this seriously. Time for a visit to “Nurse Ratched”.
Bought new tires two weeks ago. One of ’em already going flat. #Winning #Livingthelife
“Apoptosis“ is absolutely the perfect concept to apply to this situation. I have read a lot on the subject a while back including your work, but I can’t remember exactly everything so I’ll just apply a bit of what pops into my mind here.
It would seem to me that the process of instantaneous cell death would ultimately have a ton to do with healing a human being of karma and the exact process that needs to take place en masse both individually and systemically. I have always thought of apoptosis as the main process behind spontaneous remissions and some of the grandest healings ever witnessed. If certain damaged cells that engage a certain experience I’m trying to achieve from a soul perspective are no longer necessary then a complete eradication and restructuring to then produce healthy cells now becomes possible. It would seem then from an akashic viewpoint that a healthy line of cells from any number of lifetimes could be accessed as all energies are brought to the current moment after the karmic side of the energy load is dumped with apoptosis assisting in the process.
It would seem to me that the body is designed for spontaneous remission and woud be exactly what we are about to experience systemically as well in some sort of “A-ha” moment. I have been told all along that this is what I would experience when this control mechanism of insanity finally loses its grip and why I have such a rare view on the operating systems of this place.
I learned in a major way to never underestimate anyone’s progress as they could experience a quantum leap at any moment. I went to bed one night dreaming of playing golf and I basically woke up questioning quantum physics. That’s when I begin to understand the immediacy of what can take place energetically and that everything is possible. This is one thing that a lot of very spiritual people who have put a lot of effort into fighting dark energies have a hard time with as they want the linear credit. Any such remission needs to be vastly celebrated from here on out because it’s now a necessity. The descent of transliminal souls would obviously make this a much more common event.
That’s my thought on the concepts but it’s not well researched at the current moment.
I personally am a perfect example of the insanity taking place. I see such a beautiful process but my body acts just as the 3-D systems in place and is in complete dysfunctional chaos. The years and this process have taken their toll and now it’s dragging my heart into the mess. It seems the beats of my heart are near in line with the matrix and what used to be weeks between issues went to days is now at hours. I do really hope to see the culmination of this, but just as the mathematical viability of what this world is up to, it’s a path that can’t last much longer. Nothing can hurt this bad for this long and it never lets go. It just keeps getting worse. The pituitary pressure is unreal, but it’s all alright. I healed myself energetically a long time ago and experience it in conscious awareness all day everyday while I’m being slowly burned alive like you say 200,000 volts. Except the voltage keeps going up. Me heart no likey!
The bad news is that the lunatics will have more to say tomorrow. The good news is that no one has any reason left to listen. In fact, you’re insane if you do.
Now if I could only pay 7 billion people……
With love and light,
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Why it Is so Important to Develop and Introduce the New “Astral” Currency » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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Why it Is so Important to Develop and Introduce the New “Astral” Currency
by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 16, 2016
Georgi Stankov, March 15, 2016
In the last two months I have intensively discussed that the current worthless fiat currencies are doomed to crash and disappear in the End Time and that the dark cabal have already plan B and C for a new reset of the failed Orion monetary system which is essentially a dollar-based, toilet paper money.
That is why my HS and the higher realms urged me to develop the new “Astral” currency that will revolutionize life on earth and will eliminate with one fell swoop all injustice, exploitation and poverty which the current deficient Orion monetary system is designed to create in a deliberate manner as to install the NWO in the End Time. This is a leitmotif in our discussions in the last several years. We have tackled this issue both from theoretical and practical point of view, but always from the higher vantage point of view of the ascension process that is now in its final stage.
In that our discussion is unique as it amalgamates a clear-cut axiomatic analysis of the failures of all economic theories that were put forward in the 20th century to derail the world economy to the current level of utter insanity where negative interest rates are not only wiping out the savings of the people, but are also destroying the very foundations of capitalism. The latter used to be the prevailing economic order of engineered scarcity among humans introduced by the archons from the Orion/Reptilian empire many centuries and even millennia ago, actually since the fall of Atlantis.
Humanity has now entered the final era of insanity before the crash comes and the ID shift can take place, and if you read the critical contributions on this reality on the Internet these days, the most common word you will find is the “insanity of the ruling cabal” and the people that still follow their ideas. I personally read more than ten such articles yesterday and today but will spare you here the links as I know how fed up you are being confronted with the present-day peak in aberration of common sense thinking among all humans.
The introduction of the new Astral currency is pivotal in many respects. First, it is the only new currency project that fully complies with all the spiritual principles of All-That-Is that can be derived from the new theory of the Universal Law. In this sense it is impeccable in theoretical and practical point of view. It is the only currency model for the interim time before humanity realizes that it does not need money to progress and become a transgalactic, multidimensional civilisation that is designed in such a manner as to prohibit any kind of misuse that will inevitably end up as the current financial Ponzi scheme. I have discussed the advantages of the new currency in my publication as well as in the subsequent Energy Report of the PAT and assume that the PAT is privy to these arguments.
However, I have also received some comments from readers who had not read carefully my Astral currency project and have not fully grasped the revolutionary character of this creation compared to some new crypto-currencies that are now introduced in the market in anticipation of the imminent crash of the conventional fiat currencies, beginning with the dollar as world currency. All these crypto-currencies repeat the basic deficiencies of the current fiat currencies, even though they pretend to offer better solutions.
In the first place, the concept of “blockchain” is put forward, which is as old as the beginning of digital computers and even earlier as a mathematical concept. This you would never hear from the protagonists of such new crypto-currencies who want to pretend in front of you how clever and advanced their crypto-currencies are.
Secondly, everyone with a modicum of economic understanding should know that it does not matter what electronic-digital concept one selects for the practical use of a new currency, but who has the monopoly on the emission of such currency. Unless the whole emission process is founded in the principle of basic democracy and sovereignty of the individual, all these crypto-currencies only serve the ruling cabal in their clandestine effort to substitute one form of digital financial exploitation with another even more sinister one.
This should be clearly stated these days – and understood by the entire PAT – as the ruling cabal is way ahead of the rest of humanity and has already ripe plans for the immediate implementation of such crypto-currencies on a global scale. They will use them as a vehicle to introduce the infamous “Mark of the Beast’‘ and to financially enslave the people into the NWO. That is why they allowed the introduction of the bitcoin currency on a small scale as to test how it would be accepted by the public and outlawed it the moment it began to become successful before the right time had arrived for the cabal to introduce their own “Mark of the Beast” currencies. Only our clarity of mind as ascended masters can prevent this heinous trend that may as well become reality in the next few days.
In order to illustrate how urgent the implementation of such rogue crypto-currencies by the ruling cabal and their banksters is on a global scale, you can read below the latest article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in the British Telegraph. He is one of the few competent and critical experts on finance writing in the MSM whose articles are worth reading. He presents a new digital crypto-currency developed by scientists in cahoots with the Bank of England that has the potential to devastate the current financial order according to the author.
This will not happen as the current Orion monetary system is in its terminal spasm and can crash any moment. In fact this is known to all central banks and in particular to the Bank of England, which is de facto bankrupt since 2008 and has been taken over by the government through the British tax payers as its former governor from 2003 to 2013 Mervyn King has confirmed subsequently in numerous sincere interviews in the MSM that cost him his job:
“King has been scathing about the banking sector since it crashed, its “breathtaking” £1tn bailout (50% of GB GDP), and its continuation of bonus awards in 2009, calling for a serious review of banking’s structure and regulation.[41] In an interview with The Daily Telegraph on 5 March 2011, King said that Banks had “put profits before people”, that failure to reform the sector could result in another financial crisis, and that traditional manufacturing industries have a more “moral” way of operating.[42] In an interview with The Times in March 2012, he said that the banks are still in denial about the “very real and wholly understandable” anger that is felt at their behaviour,[43] Bankers have not been happy with his excoriating views and insistence on avoiding moral hazard, but King insists that “market discipline can’t apply to everyone except banks”, pinpointing the banks’ sense of grievance on their finding it “very, very difficult to face up to the failure of their banking model”.[43] With King’s term as governor ending in 2013, top UK banks have warned that unless a less “hostile” figure is found as a successor, they may feel it necessary to move abroad.”
In his article, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard clearly warns that this new crypto-currency will produce the opposite effect to that propagated by current alternative currencies which pretend to liberate the people from the financial and fiscal shackles of the national state:
“The proto-currency known as RSCoin has vastly greater scope than Bitcoin, used for peer-to-peer transactions by libertarians across the world, and beyond the control of any political authority.
The purpose would be turned upside down. RSCoin would be a tool of state control, allowing the central bank to keep a tight grip on the money supply and respond to crises. It would erode the exorbitant privilege of commercial banks of creating money out of thin air under a fractional reserve financial system. (This is a patent for the establishment of the NWO. Note, George)
“Whoever reacts too slowly to these developments is going to take it on the chin. They will lose their businesses,” said Dr George Danezis, who is working on the design at University College London.”
That is why we must be ready with our new Astral currency, which means have a clarity in mind regarding its spiritual goals and principles, as to prevent the introduction of such “Mark of the Beast” currencies by the dark cabal when the current fiat currencies crash and cease to exist. This may happen any moment and surely much quicker than many of you believe, while still projecting your current experience linearly into the distant future. This is another fallacy of human thinking that will be eradicated very soon by the impending financial crash and subsequent ID shift that is in the making in our energetic fields independently of what is happening on the ground.
Central Banks Beat Bitcoin at Own Game with Rival Supercurrency
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, March 13, 2016
The Telegragh
Computer scientists have devised a digital crypto-currency in league with the Bank of England that could pose a devastating threat to large tranches of the financial industry, and profoundly change the management of monetary policy.
The proto-currency known as RSCoin has vastly greater scope than Bitcoin, used for peer-to-peer transactions by libertarians across the world, and beyond the control of any political authority.
The purpose would be turned upside down. RSCoin would be a tool of state control, allowing the central bank to keep a tight grip on the money supply and respond to crises. It would erode the exorbitant privilege of commercial banks of creating money out of thin air under a fractional reserve financial system.
“Whoever reacts too slowly to these developments is going to take it on the chin. They will lose their businesses,” said Dr George Danezis, who is working on the design at University College London.
“My advice is that companies should play very close attention to what is happening, because this will not go away,” he said. Layers of middlemen in payments systems face a creeping threat across the nexus of commerce, stockbroking, currency trading or derivatives. Many risk extinction over time.
“Deep in the markets there are dark pools buying and selling shares, and entities that facilitate that foreign exchange. There are Visa, Master, and PayPal. These are the sorts of guys that we are going to disrupt,” he said.
University College drafted the plan after being encouraged by the Bank of England last year to come up with a radical design for a secure digital currency. The Bank itself has an elite four-man unit grappling with the implications of crypto-currencies and blockchain technology.
Central banks at first saw Bitcoin as a rogue currency and a threat to monetary order, but they are starting to glimpse ways of turning the new technology to their advantage.
The findings of the University College team were delivered to the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) in San Diego, revealing for the first time what may be in store. Dr Danezis said a national pilot project could be up and running within eighteen months if a decision were made to launch such a scheme.
UK Government scientists are exploring the revolutionary implications of blockchainCREDIT: UK GOVERNMENT
The RSCoin is deemed more likely to gain to mass acceptance than Bitcoin since the ledger would remain exclusively in the hands of the central bank, with the ‘trust’ factor of state authority. It would have the incumbency benefits of an established currency behind it.
“It seems very unlikely that, to any significant extent, we’ll ever be paying for things in Bitcoins, rather than pounds, dollars, or euros,” said Ben Broadbent, the Bank of England’s Deputy Governor. There were an estimated $5bn of Bitcoin transactions in the US last year, a remarkable phenomenon but a trivial sum in the greater scheme of things.
Mr Broadbent said the attraction is the settlement mechanism used by Bitcoin, the so-called ‘distributed ledger’. “The function goes right to the heart of what central banks do,” he said in a speech earlier this month.
Bitcoin is inherently limited, a niche for aficionados and the ideological heir’s of the 19th Century ‘free banking’ movement. Its code restricts it to a limit of 21 million Bitcoins, and it can handle only seven transactions per second. “It is a Peter Pan system, and it doesn’t really grow up,” said Dr Danezis.
Critics say it is also vulnerable to “double spending attacks”, a form of manipulation where the same money is paid to two different people. One of them is tricked and receives nothing. The victim has no legal recourse.
University College’s RSCoin is safer, faster, and far less volatile. It can scale up indefinitely. Its beauty is that it cuts out the middleman, and reduces costs to a wafer thin level.
Bank of England says Bitcoin is too volatile to gain trust CREDIT: BANK OF ENGLAND
Mr Broadbent said such a currency could greatly widen the balance sheet of a central bank, hinting that the system could be designed in such a way that ordinary people could by-pass the commercial banks and hold balances directly with the Bank of England – a staggering concept. “It’s likely you’d see money moving out of existing deposits,” he said.
Mr Broadbent said the system could in principle be used to cover government services, tax collection, and benefit payments. It is more likely to start with the settlement of bonds and equities, and for exchanges and clearing houses.
The settlement systems used by central banks – CHAPS, TARGET2, and Fedwire – are expensive and rely on stagnant technology. The UK-based CHAPS system handled £68 trillion of transactions last year.
RSCoin may be irresistible for central banks. Dr Danezis said it allows them to turn the money tap on and off with calibrated precision, and lets them track the sort of counterparty liabilities that nearly blew up the financial system during the Lehman crisis. “There would be instant visibility. They could react very quickly in an emergency, ” he said.
Ultimately it could achieve some of the objectives of ‘narrowing banking’ proposed by Adam Smith, or the Chicago Plan put forward by US economists in the 1930s – but never enacted – to transfer control of money creation from private banks to the state. Arguably, this would make the financial system safer and less prone to boom-bust cycles.
Dr Danezis said there are three big centres of research and innovation into the fast-moving area of ‘Fintech’ and crypto-currencies. The City is at the cutting edge. “The game is between London, New York, and Silicon Valley in California,” he said.
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Ascension Dissociation » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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Ascension Dissociation
by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 14, 2016
Georgi Stankov, March 14, 2016
We have entered the most difficult phase in the ascension process from a psychological point of view.
What we see around us is a rapid dissolution of the old structures of power and collective habits. The most prominent aspect of this dissolution is the emerging acknowledgement that this entire civilisation has been founded in human insanity and ideas that defy life – human, organic – and even the very existence of this planet. The limiting factor for this recognition to fully unfold is the proverbial intransigence of the human species, who would rather blame anybody and anything, even the way the whole universe is created and functions, than to admit that all evil comes from derailed human thinking and acting.
At the same time we are ascending every moment in the Now with such an intensity and vigor which even I have never experienced in the last 17 years since I entered the last most intensive phase of the LBP in 1999 and although I have already ascended in 2001. This is very important to observe because I have come to the conclusion that our recent episodes of ascension symptoms and their growing severity have nothing to do with our personal ascension which is a fait accomplis long time ago, but with the creation of extended, multidimensional energetic structures that each one of us now creates locally and also globally within our personal fields. Put in a simple way, each PAT member now creates his/her own city of light and multidimensional portals for oneself and for millions of potential ascension candidates to be ready for the time of the final ID shift.
The entire ascension process, in which we are now involved, has nothing to do with what we experience at the political and economic stage, although all things are associated in an intricate manner in All-That-Is and should not be regarded in a separate way as most humans still do nowadays. This approach naturally hinders their true understanding of the ascension process in the End Time and the accompanying events that we observe on the world stage. Yet, nonetheless, we are well advised to fully dissociate from these depressive events as they are becoming increasingly meaningless – mere shadows on the dissipating Orion canvas.
The entire old holographic model is now falling apart and it makes no sense to search for any particular explanation as to what is happening these days as all these events are absolutely irrelevant in the context of our individual ascension, except for one reason: to demonstrate the insanity of all ideas upon which this human society is founded until the threshold of collective awakening is reached when the “Aha-experience” will occur for most people and then the matrix will fully dissolve.
That is why I am talking here of “ascension dissociation” as to illustrate this fact only for the PAT members who are now rapidly being heaved to higher dimensions and are expanding our energetic fields beyond limitation. This inner process of ascension and expansion happens independently but in synchronicity with the dissolution of the matrix and its foundational ideas, which have no impact on our energetic integrity and progress.
In this situation it is very important not be influenced in any negative way by the still reigning inability of most humans to see the truth through the current chaotic events and to come to the proper conclusions, even when they are considered to be the intellectual avantgarde of the human race. In other words, the acknowledgement as to how debased the collective human mindset truly is should not be a source of utter despair for you in the sense that there is no hope for humanity to ever awaken, although even I find myself to be in this desolate situation from time to time when I read all the idiocies allegedly intelligent people produce these days.
One does not know where to begin with in order to rectify all the fallacies of the human mind. It has become a kind of sado-masochistic game even for the most sharp minds such as David Stockman or many authors of ZeroHedge to indulge in perennial critics and exposition of the insanity of the politicians and the central banksters and thus to get lost with pleasure in their righteousness in the current maze instead of stepping back and be able to see the bigger picture of the End Time which is privy to us as ascended masters. And yet we must walk each day a very fine line between analytical gauging the level of awakening with respect to the growing insight of such critical experts, unfortunately still within the realm of their profound agnosticism, and the steady expansion and ascension of our personal fields where the new 5D reality is already blossoming and waits for the final ID signal to descend upon this uppermost mother planet.
For me personally, the last weeks have been one continuous passage in the twilight between dream state and altered daily consciousness. While the latter is steadily drifting away from this reality where any even subtlest interest in this world has been radically uprooted, the dreamy state has now fully taken grip of my existence. The most significant aspect of this transition is that I have lost any emotional attachment to this reality and have reached the Olympic serenity, I have always striven for, but have never been able to fully reach. At the same time I observe how all the other people are overwhelmed and ravaged by the deepest and most devastating contradictory emotions and thoughts which they have never believed to exist before in their hearts and minds. We are the Olympic gods watching dispassionately from heaven all the human tragedies on this earth.
While this may be labeled as a lack of compassion by the “love and light illusion” gang, I would argue that this is the utmost form of enlightened compassion based on the precise knowing that all these humans have to go first through their putative tragedies in order to be relieved from the last vestiges of their ego-mind and closed-heart-personality in order to be able to enter our inner cities of light that we have diligently built for them so that they can climb the Jacob’s ladder and ascend to the new 4D worlds. In this final stage of the ascension process the “Savior complex” of the light warrior should be buried for ever as there is nothing in this 3D reality that is worth being saved when we move to the higher dimensions. Total energetic eradication is the only solution.
Having said that, I would recommend you to stop perceiving and analysing your personal experiences with the current ascension energies as an individual endeavour and to question your personal ability to ascend as this is already a done deal. Instead you should see all your efforts from now on as a master plan to create the most beautiful city of light where you will very soon move to together with the people you want to meet there. This is now entirely your choice. We are ascending very fast these days and even the events on the ground are, for the first time, moving very fast in synchronicity with our inner expansion. And this is for me the most reliable indicator that we are on the cusp of the final ID shift and collapse of the Orion matrix.
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Ascension Dissociation » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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Ascension Dissociation
by Georgi Stankov Posted on March 14, 2016
Georgi Stankov, March 14, 2016
We have entered the most difficult phase in the ascension process from a psychological point of view.
What we see around us is a rapid dissolution of the old structures of power and collective habits. The most prominent aspect of this dissolution is the emerging acknowledgement that this entire civilisation has been founded in human insanity and ideas that defy life – human, organic – and even the very existence of this planet. The limiting factor for this recognition to fully unfold is the proverbial intransigence of the human species, who would rather blame anybody and anything, even the way the whole universe is created and functions, than to admit that all evil comes from derailed human thinking and acting.
At the same time we are ascending every moment in the Now with such an intensity and vigor which even I have never experienced in the last 17 years since I entered the last most intensive phase of the LBP in 1999 and although I have already ascended in 2001. This is very important to observe because I have come to the conclusion that our recent episodes of ascension symptoms and their growing severity have nothing to do with our personal ascension which is a fait accomplis long time ago, but with the creation of extended, multidimensional energetic structures that each one of us now creates locally and also globally within our personal fields. Put in a simple way, each PAT member now creates his/her own city of light and multidimensional portals for oneself and for millions of potential ascension candidates to be ready for the time of the final ID shift.
The entire ascension process, in which we are now involved, has nothing to do with what we experience at the political and economic stage, although all things are associated in an intricate manner in All-That-Is and should not be regarded in a separate way as most humans still do nowadays. This approach naturally hinders their true understanding of the ascension process in the End Time and the accompanying events that we observe on the world stage. Yet, nonetheless, we are well advised to fully dissociate from these depressive events as they are becoming increasingly meaningless – mere shadows on the dissipating Orion canvas.
The entire old holographic model is now falling apart and it makes no sense to search for any particular explanation as to what is happening these days as all these events are absolutely irrelevant in the context of our individual ascension, except for one reason: to demonstrate the insanity of all ideas upon which this human society is founded until the threshold of collective awakening is reached when the “Aha-experience” will occur for most people and then the matrix will fully dissolve.
That is why I am talking here of “ascension dissociation” as to illustrate this fact only for the PAT members who are now rapidly being heaved to higher dimensions and are expanding our energetic fields beyond limitation. This inner process of ascension and expansion happens independently but in synchronicity with the dissolution of the matrix and its foundational ideas, which have no impact on our energetic integrity and progress.
In this situation it is very important not be influenced in any negative way by the still reigning inability of most humans to see the truth through the current chaotic events and to come to the proper conclusions, even when they are considered to be the intellectual avantgarde of the human race. In other words, the acknowledgement as to how debased the collective human mindset truly is should not be a source of utter despair for you in the sense that there is no hope for humanity to ever awaken, although even I find myself to be in this desolate situation from time to time when I read all the idiocies allegedly intelligent people produce these days.
One does not know where to begin with in order to rectify all the fallacies of the human mind. It has become a kind of sado-masochistic game even for the most sharp minds such as David Stockman or many authors of ZeroHedge to indulge in perennial critics and exposition of the insanity of the politicians and the central banksters and thus to get lost with pleasure in their righteousness in the current maze instead of stepping back and be able to see the bigger picture of the End Time which is privy to us as ascended masters. And yet we must walk each day a very fine line between analytical gauging the level of awakening with respect to the growing insight of such critical experts, unfortunately still within the realm of their profound agnosticism, and the steady expansion and ascension of our personal fields where the new 5D reality is already blossoming and waits for the final ID signal to descend upon this uppermost mother planet.
For me personally, the last weeks have been one continuous passage in the twilight between dream state and altered daily consciousness. While the latter is steadily drifting away from this reality where any even subtlest interest in this world has been radically uprooted, the dreamy state has now fully taken grip of my existence. The most significant aspect of this transition is that I have lost any emotional attachment to this reality and have reached the Olympic serenity, I have always striven for, but have never been able to fully reach. At the same time I observe how all the other people are overwhelmed and ravaged by the deepest and most devastating contradictory emotions and thoughts which they have never believed to exist before in their hearts and minds. We are the Olympic gods watching dispassionately from heaven all the human tragedies on this earth.
While this may be labeled as a lack of compassion by the “love and light illusion” gang, I would argue that this is the utmost form of enlightened compassion based on the precise knowing that all these humans have to go first through their putative tragedies in order to be relieved from the last vestiges of their ego-mind and closed-heart-personality in order to be able to enter our inner cities of light that we have diligently built for them so that they can climb the Jacob’s ladder and ascend to the new 4D worlds. In this final stage of the ascension process the “Savior complex” of the light warrior should be buried for ever as there is nothing in this 3D reality that is worth being saved when we move to the higher dimensions. Total energetic eradication is the only solution.
Having said that, I would recommend you to stop perceiving and analysing your personal experiences with the current ascension energies as an individual endeavour and to question your personal ability to ascend as this is already a done deal. Instead you should see all your efforts from now on as a master plan to create the most beautiful city of light where you will very soon move to together with the people you want to meet there. This is now entirely your choice. We are ascending very fast these days and even the events on the ground are, for the first time, moving very fast in synchronicity with our inner expansion. And this is for me the most reliable indicator that we are on the cusp of the final ID shift and collapse of the Orion matrix.
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