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Snorting Unity
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 20, 2016
Brad Barber, April 20, 2016
Dear George,
What an interesting month or so. The information that you have published in conjunction with what happened with everything around me was indeed incredible. The ascension tension is quite palpable and the persistent hint to produce this article won’t go away so I’ll wing it once again.
From March 5th to about the 25th, my heart nearly pounded its way out of my chest but then nicely subsided until about two days ago. On March 30th at 10 PM MST, I blacked out instantly and woke up feeling as if a bomb had gone off seven hours later still on the couch. On April 2, I had it out during the energy wave of truth with a close family relation who had just been diagnosed with colon cancer. Besides what I write and some of my less subtle comments, those were the most intense words I had ever spoken to anyone besides the time I tore the Special Assets Manager for Citibank a new one for his bank manipulating interest rates and destroying the planet. They paid their first fine for Libor manipulation two years after I channeled the Muad’dib to this smug bastard. That’s the moment I learned the power I had as I had never heard an angry person of such a puffed up nature shut up and retract so quickly when I was backed by incredible research and confidence in myself.
I would like to thank Carla very much as her post on the Nexus of Creation was exactly what I needed to help give me a little further insight into what I experienced over the last many years and why I am able to operate in a very unique zone. Travis’ article was wonderful to read as that claiming of sovereignty is everything I am here for and his words are swirling around the Nexus so clearly. I once had a client call me up and start screaming at me for no reason just to test my path of belief. Once I saw the wink from HS as an energetic collective and was able to communicate at a different level, I never looked back and smiled at the test. I was so close to blowing up on the guy though.
This is an article I already wrote four years ago when I noticed the strange discrepancy between the fraud of Warren Buffet as Mr. Dollar and his amazing dad who was one of the biggest proponents of sound money. I only post it to display that many are close to the dimensional bridge as responses from many are vastly different from only a few short years ago despite not much being much different on our end. The subtle push to Mr. Nielson might finally be reaching the edge. (You since posted the Fraud article in your Immediate Creation article that I would have used as well, nice work ….)
You can find a similar discrepancy with Roger Goodell, the commissioner of the National Football League, and his dad. This is how I came to the conclusion of clones before finding answers to support that theory.
I would also like to thank you, George, for your unparalleled historical research that you have done which enables me to move forward in a unique manner and focus as much as I can on the current moment to bring something that can assist mankind as much as possible. That really is the true basis of the Astral currency and a system of energetic liberation. An infinite quantum energy system has a source. An everlasting source. Providing systems that unlock each individual’s uniqueness in relation to the utmost health of the whole sounds about right to me. God bless everyone helping to translate the Astral currency article into multiple languages as that is probably one of the most important systemic things that could be done at this point.
After my soul walk-in experience in 2011, I was thrust into the metaphysical stratosphere. For a reason that is now becoming obvious, I was forced as part of this arrangement and incredible expansion to retract my fields and do what the Elohim have recommended now, but I have been operating in this zone for years. I have been stuck visibly watching this Nexus of Creation so clearly through the systems and everyone’s words and intensively on this timeline. I don’t remember any dreams and the ever compressing energies as I have had to deal with them keep me stuck in the moment as it hurts so much that I haven’t worried about tomorrow in five years. Carla’s explanation of the cones is absolutely perfect and explains what side of the Nexus you get high from and whether or not it will last longer than your latest debaucheries get together. I use high very loosely here.
Speaking of hurts, this isn’t quite the boxing glove to the face we were looking for, but this drone smack to the head is pretty close. Quantum comedy kicks ass.
It hasn’t been tough to notice all of the relevant channels getting to the point of recommending what I was forced into years ago and why I wrote some of the strangest articles in financial history combining the resources of the planet with ascension. If you retract your fields, focus on the expansion of unity in conjunction with Gaia, maintain your dedication to true information at all time, and have the audacity to discuss anything, you end up in my neighborhood and I sincerely apologize in advance.
I used to combine Universal Law and the best channels on the planet mixed with the financial markets in a daily e-mail to everyone I knew, but after the fraud went ballistic in October 2012 and infinite money printing combined with zero rule of law as every dark system ring-fenced themselves together, nothing but fraud made money. I couldn’t recommend fraud and all the real assets I knew would ultimately make it through this mess got trashed by the greatest wave of hate probably ever witnessed on this planet in 2013. I found Universal Law in early 2012 but I don’t think I pieced it completely to this understanding until after everything began to go haywire in late 2012 and we passed Dec 21, 2012 with all systems going opposite anything related to facts.
The recalibration had to take place as the numbers were too small and the losing side of dark had it all out. Since I knew there would be a pressure release valve for the epic fraud in the precious metal markets, I was able to point out in real time a 55,000% trade in bitcoin to everyone who received my e-mails, but most contacted me a day or two before I recommended to sell at the exact top on how to buy. The day CNBC told everyone that bitcoin was a good idea was the exact day it topped. There’s been nothing but failure since the second half of 2013 but not much of the MSM admits to that. Now is the first time that the stars are aligning in something besides fraud in a few years, but we’ll just keep taking it a day at a time. We know where it’s headed but things evolve, so must we.
I cannot reinforce enough at this point how a higher vibrating consciousness cannot engage a being operating in a lower vibration and expect results through trying to attract their approval or energetic investment. No one’s better, that’s just a fact. I watched my brilliant brother invent the internet in our basement in the early 80’s at the same time as all the big names you know, but he received zero support when he introduced it to minds that couldn’t understand it. He was pirating and writing games and programs and sending them over modems 12 to 15 years before Netscape was even a word. He was also growing marijuana in our basement underneath our parents bedroom in the crawlspace 25 years before it would be legalized where we live now. Early can be painful.
Now is the time to introduce the perfect picture of the current state of the energies of the lower cone that are swirling in the Charybdis of debt and karmic resolve into a bottleneck of complete dysfunction. Also, this is the picture of the current state of the entire world’s financial system and its supposed fiduciaries and their thought patterns.
“Eventually, alas, I realized the main purpose of buying cocaine is to run out of it.” – George Carlin
The three articles (at the time I started writing this) you posted on accounting gimmickery are beyond perfect once again. In fact, since I dug through the books and saw what was happening, I have always called it Scarface accounting and there is no finer representation visually than Tony Montana in front of the Pacino pile of cocaine for the moment.
The discussion that Tony Montana had with the banker in that movie about laundering money is so perfect to the obvious BS of the Panama papers release. I spent about thirty minutes digging into certain areas and tracked all the world’s funds being stolen and hidden in Panama, Cayman Islands, the isle of Jersey off of Britain, as well as the corporate fraud through Ireland and other jurisdictions in no time. It was not tough. In fact, think of most restaurants, dry cleaners, massage parlors and such establishments. Most are used for moving immigrants and laundering cash. Especially if they aren’t very busy. The professional golf tours and certain are how most physical things are being discreetly moved around the planet now. Hiding behind the charities once again and all the wonderful people that volunteer to help put on these events. There’s a reason Bill Clinton takes every winner out to dinner and helps them start a foundation.
A month ago you nailed it when discussing insanity and that most beings would despise being easily proven insane. The response has been very powerful. Now another syndrome has arisen prominently from that in the form of lack of response in Lower Vibrational Addiction. It has always been there and discussed before, but it’s obvious now and what is even stronger than obvious insanity. I am now calling it the LAVA syndrome or the love of touching something hot even when the complete ridiculousness of doing such a thing can be pointed out and has been discussed and agreed to that it’s not a great idea.
In fact, after having this subject churn around the last few weeks, I finally figured out my profession. I am a professional hot stove toucher guy. I am great at touching a burning surface. Especially the ones with no signs on it warning you. The best part of Universal Law and everything we discuss is it is the hottest surface on the planet and it doesn’t burn. I’ve touched it and it only burned my finite nature. Thank you. I think we’ve all watched a few hands touch the Universal Law stove and retract in some ego destructive horror.
Here is a chart of the gold market confirming everything you have written and showing the last line in the sand of the Black Knight and an obvious delineation of the recalibration that is coming to a conclusion:
“None shall pass.” – the Black Knight
This is the Black Knight‘s last leg so to speak as the other three limbs have been lopped off, but all four of the groups we are looking for are in full-blown bull markets now. Silver confirmed its breakout above $16 today signaling the bull market of Unity Consciousness that is discreetly and truly behind it and confirmed the cup and handle breakout we looked for in my last article. The line over the recalibration period of the last two and a half years is the Black Knight’s last leg. Basically, if gold closes over $1265 and holds it, it’s all over.
The Black Knight tries to tell you that you can’t cross the multidimensional bridge as well. This is the Dorothy syndrome from the Wizard of Oz. You’ve been wearing the ruby slippers all along. Everything’s just designed energetic blockages along the way to believing it. Dark energies do their best to accommodate your lower vibrational addictions. There’s not much in this realm like hitting a golf ball 285 yards to within a foot or two of exactly where you wanted it. Makes you feel like you control this reality and physics like little else. Try carving a 30 foot right to left draw around a tree and executing it perfectly. So sweet. Now do it again. Now do it again under pressure. Now do it again. Now do it while on your deathbed. Thought not. You wonder why half the world’s slave owners are on the golf course all day with discreet financial gimmickry funding the operation? Sorry, it runs out. Control of this reality. I love talking to people about the times they held the ring of power for a while.
In the last article, we were also looking for the “flesh wound” to immediately take place and we weren’t disappointed. Non-US banks are being thrown under the bus and shown to have been “rigging” the precious metals markets. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but the bull market of truth is sure refreshing.
Watching Obama defend Saudi Arabia over this 9/11 issue and understanding the legal implications is massive obviously, but include rigging interest rates and precious metals combines with that to mean that the whole world could next be engaged in one massive lawsuit where nothing even exists to pay out settlements. There’s not a financial contract signed in the last 16 years at least that is based on anything real, but since 2009 it’s a hundred times worse. Chris Powell from GATA was just proven one of the biggest studs on the planet for legally taking on the governments over this issue for years. Still can’t get him to cross the dimensional bridge either. This place is brutal.
In other news not told to anyone in the West, China just started pricing gold in Yuan today. The West has been telling the whole world how to price everything. I do know they know how to price one thing and that is garbage. The US exports garbage. Poison and garbage. We put prices on shit and then force everyone to buy shit. NWO just means planetary shit. It’s no longer an option to jump in shit. Shit is all that exists. Having someone else begin to show the world gold prices is maybe the most important financial event in 100 years. It’s just a gold fix for now but it’s a physical market, not just paper receipts. China is the biggest consumer of gold in the world now and they produce the most. Why the hell would they let the US tell them what the price is? 99% of the US doesn’t understand their life as they know it is over if China tells everyone gold is worth $2500 oz. I’m not even going to speculate how this plays out anymore as it’s all obviously hitting at the same time.
I made over $110,000 one day early in my career managing funds. I drove home high as hell. To make a long story short, the next day sucked. It took a long time for that plan to come together and the perfect storm hit, but I was playing by rules I was told existed like any at existed all. These guys all figured out the only way to get high every day was to rig the markets. That’s really all most of it is. Drug addicts like to surround themselves with other drug addicts no matter what the addiction may be. The only way now to keep the drugs flowing is to make sure nothing ever works so that the drug flow doesn’t stop. By using the currency you are killing yourself.
One of the greatest investors of our time is Stanley Druckenmiller (in relation to money). His track record is nearly unmatched (and of course trading spit with the greatest assholes of all time). He currently has moved a large majority of his investments to gold (although paper) and has made some amazing statements of late that were very fitting.
He basically attributed all to understanding liquidity. Not earnings. Not business decisions. Not creativity. Not great people. Not anything but the flow of liquidity. Basically, the best investor of the last few decades understood the flow of drugs. That’s it.
Once, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away, I was offered access to an infinite pile of cocaine during a time of what I will call my Siddhartha phase of experience. Lots of people do drugs, but rarely do you encounter a Pacino pile. So, about twelve hours later when I was laying on a bed in complete cardiac arrest, I believe I started to learn something. That may have been my first moment of actual aware consciousness in my first twenty years. I am no saint and would never claim to be, but I know how to touch hot stoves. When you go out partying in any major populated area, if you see one or two guys with ten gorgeous, scantily clad women, you know who is holding the pile. There is no other drug that makes you feel like you are controlling this reality in the most powerful manner possible than cocaine.
I actually ran into an old friend at a party who was starting to smoke cocaine. It nearly ruined his life and family. I made fun of him because it was just so much work to watch how much effort they all put into it. He said he later quit when he thought about what I said. He realized it was just plain stupid. He told me that 10 years later when I saw him again.
If anyone needs to get over a power struggle on wanting to rule a planet, e-mail me and let’s get it over with.
In my favorite example of quantum comedy yet, my wife had a woman friend from Oregon she met online ask her if she knew an anarchistic financial planner a couple of days ago. My wife said she knew just the guy. That joke was written years ago but I just got to hear the punchline.
The current market setup of the world is legendary. Central banks are already printing two major currencies into infinity and the US is about to have to admit the same. Basically, the drugs have no substance left and they are about to pile on more. What I find most interesting is that if we keep going down the same path, almost all of this money is slated to flow to the biotech sector of drug production as the chart of the IBB, or financial biotech representative, is setting up, after a major shakeout of Scarface accounting and pretend to follow some semblance of rules and reality, to go ballistic. This means if nothing stands in the way, we are headed to the biggest drug party of all time for those invited, and the now enforced drugging of mankind for those that oppose it or are oblivious. Although I’m aware of all the other factors at work, that’s its intent. It is the planetary Cuckoo’s Nest I have joked so long about so I think I better quit writing about what this BS is trying to accomplish as it keeps getting there.
Most of the best are now recommending jumping on board the marijuana train now and they can’t even explain why it is becoming legal. Weed is becoming legal for the same reason Hilary Clinton is being pitched for President. It’s your enslavement you dipshits. At least one of the “greats” admitted that something big was going on that he couldn’t understand. Thank you for at least being honest and not sucking the monetary teat as your excuse forever. As long as it guides people to monetary success, it’s OK. No it’s not. Fuck off.
“None shall pass.” – Gandalf
To answer any question that comes up now, one gets to use what I call the Fifty Shades of Gandalf. Your awareness of what’s truly taking place affects your location in the shade spectrum. Responsibility adjusts with each shade. In my strange experience I knew that whatever was real and true would be the way to go to get through it. I didn’t know Saruman was working for Sauron and producing fields of orcs by intentionally burning down the forest. We tried to cross the mountain pass but found out the spies were everywhere informing them of our path. I was forced to turn to the Mines of Moriya and move the path of liberation through the grand halls of the dwarves. As we got locked into the mines, we then discovered all the dwarf kings were dead. The resources of the world were all being controlled by goblins and cave trolls and housed alongside the Balroc. You may want to understand the energies being put into the resources of the world as you wash your hair. I feel them all and anyone getting tighter in this realm will understand and feel that line on the gold chart.
Here is the first major article I have seen adding the mining bosses into the mix. The mastery of divide and conquer was perfected here. Seeing some of the mine bosses come up in the Panama exposure and being tied to the Clintons is quite refreshing. Guistra and Rich, none more black. Bull market of truth, beautiful.
I laid out the prediction that trading bitcoin for silver miners would go down as the greatest trade in history. Most silver miners are up 200-500% since the Silencing of Jesus in January and this is just getting started. Silver just confirmed the first bull market signal since the night Obama lied to the world on May 1st, 2011 when they bombed silver and lied about killing Osama Bin Laden. The current charts of AG, GPL, CDE, SSRI and such are ridiculous when you know what they mean. AG shows it the best as their CEO is the only rebel badass enough to call out the fraud publicly. Gold, silver, and the related miners are at the beginning of the greatest 3-D bull market ever witnessed. But there’s a new hall of fame being produced. The best investment in the world currently is to fix your words and join the greatest human being hall of fame ever produced. Everyone’s words betray them.
There is what you would call a rolling bull market in the precious metals taking place. Right now the silvers miners led the charge as AG, GPL, CDE, and other blew their lids the last few days as silver itself followed today and confirmed the breakout. Now, gold is threatening to break the line and several gold miners such as FNV, AEM, NDG, SA, NEM already broke ranks and surged while others settle and set up new breakouts. Ascension tracker MUX popped from the line in the sand already three weeks ago and is looking to surge again. Other such as EGO, SSRI, SLW, GG and the like have broken lower containment and move at different times. The funny part is that Jim Sinclair’s company, TRX, is almost the only miner to not have budged yet. The fraud knows he’s been telling the truth for too long and is doing everything possible to make sure he’s not seen for the stud he’s been.
Just like Gandalf, what color shade your cloak is tells it all. It’s more like Fifty million shades of Gray but I like to make fun of terrible movies. What gets you high and is the pile sustainable? I get high off of people not wanting to get high anymore. I own everything I’ve ever discussed in my articles. They are going vertical. Didn’t get a buzz. I am overjoyed that it leads to the Astral currency and energetic liberation for the entire human race that engages these dimensions. Am I just learning better to snort elementary particles? They sure have mass. Sweet.
Like the relation of mine said before cancer surgery, “You’ve got to have your sugar!”
Light is the bridgekeeper. There’s no place like home and dark may not pass. In the original book, the ruby slippers were silver anyway.
We don’t cure cancer, we raise vibration so it can’t exist. That’s sugar my dear friend.
Now, how do you chop your unity breakfast on a mirror?
With love and light,
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by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 20, 2016
Brad Barber, April 20, 2016
Dear George,
What an interesting month or so. The information that you have published in conjunction with what happened with everything around me was indeed incredible. The ascension tension is quite palpable and the persistent hint to produce this article won’t go away so I’ll wing it once again.
From March 5th to about the 25th, my heart nearly pounded its way out of my chest but then nicely subsided until about two days ago. On March 30th at 10 PM MST, I blacked out instantly and woke up feeling as if a bomb had gone off seven hours later still on the couch. On April 2, I had it out during the energy wave of truth with a close family relation who had just been diagnosed with colon cancer. Besides what I write and some of my less subtle comments, those were the most intense words I had ever spoken to anyone besides the time I tore the Special Assets Manager for Citibank a new one for his bank manipulating interest rates and destroying the planet. They paid their first fine for Libor manipulation two years after I channeled the Muad’dib to this smug bastard. That’s the moment I learned the power I had as I had never heard an angry person of such a puffed up nature shut up and retract so quickly when I was backed by incredible research and confidence in myself.
I would like to thank Carla very much as her post on the Nexus of Creation was exactly what I needed to help give me a little further insight into what I experienced over the last many years and why I am able to operate in a very unique zone. Travis’ article was wonderful to read as that claiming of sovereignty is everything I am here for and his words are swirling around the Nexus so clearly. I once had a client call me up and start screaming at me for no reason just to test my path of belief. Once I saw the wink from HS as an energetic collective and was able to communicate at a different level, I never looked back and smiled at the test. I was so close to blowing up on the guy though.
This is an article I already wrote four years ago when I noticed the strange discrepancy between the fraud of Warren Buffet as Mr. Dollar and his amazing dad who was one of the biggest proponents of sound money. I only post it to display that many are close to the dimensional bridge as responses from many are vastly different from only a few short years ago despite not much being much different on our end. The subtle push to Mr. Nielson might finally be reaching the edge. (You since posted the Fraud article in your Immediate Creation article that I would have used as well, nice work ….)
You can find a similar discrepancy with Roger Goodell, the commissioner of the National Football League, and his dad. This is how I came to the conclusion of clones before finding answers to support that theory.
I would also like to thank you, George, for your unparalleled historical research that you have done which enables me to move forward in a unique manner and focus as much as I can on the current moment to bring something that can assist mankind as much as possible. That really is the true basis of the Astral currency and a system of energetic liberation. An infinite quantum energy system has a source. An everlasting source. Providing systems that unlock each individual’s uniqueness in relation to the utmost health of the whole sounds about right to me. God bless everyone helping to translate the Astral currency article into multiple languages as that is probably one of the most important systemic things that could be done at this point.
After my soul walk-in experience in 2011, I was thrust into the metaphysical stratosphere. For a reason that is now becoming obvious, I was forced as part of this arrangement and incredible expansion to retract my fields and do what the Elohim have recommended now, but I have been operating in this zone for years. I have been stuck visibly watching this Nexus of Creation so clearly through the systems and everyone’s words and intensively on this timeline. I don’t remember any dreams and the ever compressing energies as I have had to deal with them keep me stuck in the moment as it hurts so much that I haven’t worried about tomorrow in five years. Carla’s explanation of the cones is absolutely perfect and explains what side of the Nexus you get high from and whether or not it will last longer than your latest debaucheries get together. I use high very loosely here.
Speaking of hurts, this isn’t quite the boxing glove to the face we were looking for, but this drone smack to the head is pretty close. Quantum comedy kicks ass.
It hasn’t been tough to notice all of the relevant channels getting to the point of recommending what I was forced into years ago and why I wrote some of the strangest articles in financial history combining the resources of the planet with ascension. If you retract your fields, focus on the expansion of unity in conjunction with Gaia, maintain your dedication to true information at all time, and have the audacity to discuss anything, you end up in my neighborhood and I sincerely apologize in advance.
I used to combine Universal Law and the best channels on the planet mixed with the financial markets in a daily e-mail to everyone I knew, but after the fraud went ballistic in October 2012 and infinite money printing combined with zero rule of law as every dark system ring-fenced themselves together, nothing but fraud made money. I couldn’t recommend fraud and all the real assets I knew would ultimately make it through this mess got trashed by the greatest wave of hate probably ever witnessed on this planet in 2013. I found Universal Law in early 2012 but I don’t think I pieced it completely to this understanding until after everything began to go haywire in late 2012 and we passed Dec 21, 2012 with all systems going opposite anything related to facts.
The recalibration had to take place as the numbers were too small and the losing side of dark had it all out. Since I knew there would be a pressure release valve for the epic fraud in the precious metal markets, I was able to point out in real time a 55,000% trade in bitcoin to everyone who received my e-mails, but most contacted me a day or two before I recommended to sell at the exact top on how to buy. The day CNBC told everyone that bitcoin was a good idea was the exact day it topped. There’s been nothing but failure since the second half of 2013 but not much of the MSM admits to that. Now is the first time that the stars are aligning in something besides fraud in a few years, but we’ll just keep taking it a day at a time. We know where it’s headed but things evolve, so must we.
I cannot reinforce enough at this point how a higher vibrating consciousness cannot engage a being operating in a lower vibration and expect results through trying to attract their approval or energetic investment. No one’s better, that’s just a fact. I watched my brilliant brother invent the internet in our basement in the early 80’s at the same time as all the big names you know, but he received zero support when he introduced it to minds that couldn’t understand it. He was pirating and writing games and programs and sending them over modems 12 to 15 years before Netscape was even a word. He was also growing marijuana in our basement underneath our parents bedroom in the crawlspace 25 years before it would be legalized where we live now. Early can be painful.
Now is the time to introduce the perfect picture of the current state of the energies of the lower cone that are swirling in the Charybdis of debt and karmic resolve into a bottleneck of complete dysfunction. Also, this is the picture of the current state of the entire world’s financial system and its supposed fiduciaries and their thought patterns.
“Eventually, alas, I realized the main purpose of buying cocaine is to run out of it.” – George Carlin
The three articles (at the time I started writing this) you posted on accounting gimmickery are beyond perfect once again. In fact, since I dug through the books and saw what was happening, I have always called it Scarface accounting and there is no finer representation visually than Tony Montana in front of the Pacino pile of cocaine for the moment.
The discussion that Tony Montana had with the banker in that movie about laundering money is so perfect to the obvious BS of the Panama papers release. I spent about thirty minutes digging into certain areas and tracked all the world’s funds being stolen and hidden in Panama, Cayman Islands, the isle of Jersey off of Britain, as well as the corporate fraud through Ireland and other jurisdictions in no time. It was not tough. In fact, think of most restaurants, dry cleaners, massage parlors and such establishments. Most are used for moving immigrants and laundering cash. Especially if they aren’t very busy. The professional golf tours and certain are how most physical things are being discreetly moved around the planet now. Hiding behind the charities once again and all the wonderful people that volunteer to help put on these events. There’s a reason Bill Clinton takes every winner out to dinner and helps them start a foundation.
A month ago you nailed it when discussing insanity and that most beings would despise being easily proven insane. The response has been very powerful. Now another syndrome has arisen prominently from that in the form of lack of response in Lower Vibrational Addiction. It has always been there and discussed before, but it’s obvious now and what is even stronger than obvious insanity. I am now calling it the LAVA syndrome or the love of touching something hot even when the complete ridiculousness of doing such a thing can be pointed out and has been discussed and agreed to that it’s not a great idea.
In fact, after having this subject churn around the last few weeks, I finally figured out my profession. I am a professional hot stove toucher guy. I am great at touching a burning surface. Especially the ones with no signs on it warning you. The best part of Universal Law and everything we discuss is it is the hottest surface on the planet and it doesn’t burn. I’ve touched it and it only burned my finite nature. Thank you. I think we’ve all watched a few hands touch the Universal Law stove and retract in some ego destructive horror.
Here is a chart of the gold market confirming everything you have written and showing the last line in the sand of the Black Knight and an obvious delineation of the recalibration that is coming to a conclusion:
“None shall pass.” – the Black Knight
This is the Black Knight‘s last leg so to speak as the other three limbs have been lopped off, but all four of the groups we are looking for are in full-blown bull markets now. Silver confirmed its breakout above $16 today signaling the bull market of Unity Consciousness that is discreetly and truly behind it and confirmed the cup and handle breakout we looked for in my last article. The line over the recalibration period of the last two and a half years is the Black Knight’s last leg. Basically, if gold closes over $1265 and holds it, it’s all over.
The Black Knight tries to tell you that you can’t cross the multidimensional bridge as well. This is the Dorothy syndrome from the Wizard of Oz. You’ve been wearing the ruby slippers all along. Everything’s just designed energetic blockages along the way to believing it. Dark energies do their best to accommodate your lower vibrational addictions. There’s not much in this realm like hitting a golf ball 285 yards to within a foot or two of exactly where you wanted it. Makes you feel like you control this reality and physics like little else. Try carving a 30 foot right to left draw around a tree and executing it perfectly. So sweet. Now do it again. Now do it again under pressure. Now do it again. Now do it while on your deathbed. Thought not. You wonder why half the world’s slave owners are on the golf course all day with discreet financial gimmickry funding the operation? Sorry, it runs out. Control of this reality. I love talking to people about the times they held the ring of power for a while.
In the last article, we were also looking for the “flesh wound” to immediately take place and we weren’t disappointed. Non-US banks are being thrown under the bus and shown to have been “rigging” the precious metals markets. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but the bull market of truth is sure refreshing.
Watching Obama defend Saudi Arabia over this 9/11 issue and understanding the legal implications is massive obviously, but include rigging interest rates and precious metals combines with that to mean that the whole world could next be engaged in one massive lawsuit where nothing even exists to pay out settlements. There’s not a financial contract signed in the last 16 years at least that is based on anything real, but since 2009 it’s a hundred times worse. Chris Powell from GATA was just proven one of the biggest studs on the planet for legally taking on the governments over this issue for years. Still can’t get him to cross the dimensional bridge either. This place is brutal.
In other news not told to anyone in the West, China just started pricing gold in Yuan today. The West has been telling the whole world how to price everything. I do know they know how to price one thing and that is garbage. The US exports garbage. Poison and garbage. We put prices on shit and then force everyone to buy shit. NWO just means planetary shit. It’s no longer an option to jump in shit. Shit is all that exists. Having someone else begin to show the world gold prices is maybe the most important financial event in 100 years. It’s just a gold fix for now but it’s a physical market, not just paper receipts. China is the biggest consumer of gold in the world now and they produce the most. Why the hell would they let the US tell them what the price is? 99% of the US doesn’t understand their life as they know it is over if China tells everyone gold is worth $2500 oz. I’m not even going to speculate how this plays out anymore as it’s all obviously hitting at the same time.
I made over $110,000 one day early in my career managing funds. I drove home high as hell. To make a long story short, the next day sucked. It took a long time for that plan to come together and the perfect storm hit, but I was playing by rules I was told existed like any at existed all. These guys all figured out the only way to get high every day was to rig the markets. That’s really all most of it is. Drug addicts like to surround themselves with other drug addicts no matter what the addiction may be. The only way now to keep the drugs flowing is to make sure nothing ever works so that the drug flow doesn’t stop. By using the currency you are killing yourself.
One of the greatest investors of our time is Stanley Druckenmiller (in relation to money). His track record is nearly unmatched (and of course trading spit with the greatest assholes of all time). He currently has moved a large majority of his investments to gold (although paper) and has made some amazing statements of late that were very fitting.
He basically attributed all to understanding liquidity. Not earnings. Not business decisions. Not creativity. Not great people. Not anything but the flow of liquidity. Basically, the best investor of the last few decades understood the flow of drugs. That’s it.
Once, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away, I was offered access to an infinite pile of cocaine during a time of what I will call my Siddhartha phase of experience. Lots of people do drugs, but rarely do you encounter a Pacino pile. So, about twelve hours later when I was laying on a bed in complete cardiac arrest, I believe I started to learn something. That may have been my first moment of actual aware consciousness in my first twenty years. I am no saint and would never claim to be, but I know how to touch hot stoves. When you go out partying in any major populated area, if you see one or two guys with ten gorgeous, scantily clad women, you know who is holding the pile. There is no other drug that makes you feel like you are controlling this reality in the most powerful manner possible than cocaine.
I actually ran into an old friend at a party who was starting to smoke cocaine. It nearly ruined his life and family. I made fun of him because it was just so much work to watch how much effort they all put into it. He said he later quit when he thought about what I said. He realized it was just plain stupid. He told me that 10 years later when I saw him again.
If anyone needs to get over a power struggle on wanting to rule a planet, e-mail me and let’s get it over with.
In my favorite example of quantum comedy yet, my wife had a woman friend from Oregon she met online ask her if she knew an anarchistic financial planner a couple of days ago. My wife said she knew just the guy. That joke was written years ago but I just got to hear the punchline.
The current market setup of the world is legendary. Central banks are already printing two major currencies into infinity and the US is about to have to admit the same. Basically, the drugs have no substance left and they are about to pile on more. What I find most interesting is that if we keep going down the same path, almost all of this money is slated to flow to the biotech sector of drug production as the chart of the IBB, or financial biotech representative, is setting up, after a major shakeout of Scarface accounting and pretend to follow some semblance of rules and reality, to go ballistic. This means if nothing stands in the way, we are headed to the biggest drug party of all time for those invited, and the now enforced drugging of mankind for those that oppose it or are oblivious. Although I’m aware of all the other factors at work, that’s its intent. It is the planetary Cuckoo’s Nest I have joked so long about so I think I better quit writing about what this BS is trying to accomplish as it keeps getting there.
Most of the best are now recommending jumping on board the marijuana train now and they can’t even explain why it is becoming legal. Weed is becoming legal for the same reason Hilary Clinton is being pitched for President. It’s your enslavement you dipshits. At least one of the “greats” admitted that something big was going on that he couldn’t understand. Thank you for at least being honest and not sucking the monetary teat as your excuse forever. As long as it guides people to monetary success, it’s OK. No it’s not. Fuck off.
“None shall pass.” – Gandalf
To answer any question that comes up now, one gets to use what I call the Fifty Shades of Gandalf. Your awareness of what’s truly taking place affects your location in the shade spectrum. Responsibility adjusts with each shade. In my strange experience I knew that whatever was real and true would be the way to go to get through it. I didn’t know Saruman was working for Sauron and producing fields of orcs by intentionally burning down the forest. We tried to cross the mountain pass but found out the spies were everywhere informing them of our path. I was forced to turn to the Mines of Moriya and move the path of liberation through the grand halls of the dwarves. As we got locked into the mines, we then discovered all the dwarf kings were dead. The resources of the world were all being controlled by goblins and cave trolls and housed alongside the Balroc. You may want to understand the energies being put into the resources of the world as you wash your hair. I feel them all and anyone getting tighter in this realm will understand and feel that line on the gold chart.
Here is the first major article I have seen adding the mining bosses into the mix. The mastery of divide and conquer was perfected here. Seeing some of the mine bosses come up in the Panama exposure and being tied to the Clintons is quite refreshing. Guistra and Rich, none more black. Bull market of truth, beautiful.
I laid out the prediction that trading bitcoin for silver miners would go down as the greatest trade in history. Most silver miners are up 200-500% since the Silencing of Jesus in January and this is just getting started. Silver just confirmed the first bull market signal since the night Obama lied to the world on May 1st, 2011 when they bombed silver and lied about killing Osama Bin Laden. The current charts of AG, GPL, CDE, SSRI and such are ridiculous when you know what they mean. AG shows it the best as their CEO is the only rebel badass enough to call out the fraud publicly. Gold, silver, and the related miners are at the beginning of the greatest 3-D bull market ever witnessed. But there’s a new hall of fame being produced. The best investment in the world currently is to fix your words and join the greatest human being hall of fame ever produced. Everyone’s words betray them.
There is what you would call a rolling bull market in the precious metals taking place. Right now the silvers miners led the charge as AG, GPL, CDE, and other blew their lids the last few days as silver itself followed today and confirmed the breakout. Now, gold is threatening to break the line and several gold miners such as FNV, AEM, NDG, SA, NEM already broke ranks and surged while others settle and set up new breakouts. Ascension tracker MUX popped from the line in the sand already three weeks ago and is looking to surge again. Other such as EGO, SSRI, SLW, GG and the like have broken lower containment and move at different times. The funny part is that Jim Sinclair’s company, TRX, is almost the only miner to not have budged yet. The fraud knows he’s been telling the truth for too long and is doing everything possible to make sure he’s not seen for the stud he’s been.
Just like Gandalf, what color shade your cloak is tells it all. It’s more like Fifty million shades of Gray but I like to make fun of terrible movies. What gets you high and is the pile sustainable? I get high off of people not wanting to get high anymore. I own everything I’ve ever discussed in my articles. They are going vertical. Didn’t get a buzz. I am overjoyed that it leads to the Astral currency and energetic liberation for the entire human race that engages these dimensions. Am I just learning better to snort elementary particles? They sure have mass. Sweet.
Like the relation of mine said before cancer surgery, “You’ve got to have your sugar!”
Light is the bridgekeeper. There’s no place like home and dark may not pass. In the original book, the ruby slippers were silver anyway.
We don’t cure cancer, we raise vibration so it can’t exist. That’s sugar my dear friend.
Now, how do you chop your unity breakfast on a mirror?
With love and light,
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New Proofs for the Imminent Financial Apoptosis of the US Banking System » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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New Proofs for the Imminent Financial Apoptosis of the US Banking System
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 16, 2016
Georgi Stankov, April 16, 2016
There is a new significant development regarding the official acknowledgement that the eight biggest banks in the USA, which are dubbed as “too-big-to-fail” due to their catastrophic spill-over effect on the entire financial system are illiquid and de facto bankrupt. This explains the three emergency meetings this week in the Fed and then the Fed chairman Yellen with Bombama and his grey Reptilian eminence, VP Biden, as reported by myself.
Read: The 12th Hour
As the Wall Street Journal reports two Federal regulators, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), are set to “reject” the living wills of potentially four systemically important banks, including the largest bank in the U.S., JPMorgan Chase. The three other banks named are Bank of New York Mellon, State Street and Bank of America, all of them building the core of the Orion banking system of Rockefeller and Rothschild. Please observe that these banks also possess the Fed.
Under Section 165 of the financial reform legislation known as Dodd-Frank, banks designated as systemically important must submit living wills to the Fed and FDIC explaining how they can be “rapidly” liquidated if they fail without bringing down the rest of the financial system – as occurred in 2008. This is the latest development of a systemic fraud that was revealed at one instant in the Senate but then again sent into oblivion until the inevitable comes these days.
On July 15, 2014 during a Senate Banking hearing between Senator Elizabeth Warren and Fed Chair Janet Yellen on the matter of these living wills. Warren told Yellen that at the time of its collapse in 2008, Lehman Brothers had $639 billion in assets and 209 subsidiaries and it took three years to unwind the bank in bankruptcy. Warren singled out JPMorgan Chase for comparison, saying that it has $2.5 trillion in assets and 3,391 subsidiaries.
Dodd-Frank specifically states that these wind-down plans must be “credible” each year or the Fed and FDIC must reject them and force the banks to take remedial steps such as simplifying their structure or selling off assets.
Yellen was clearly not prepared for this line of questioning and stumbled badly in her answers to Warren. She said the Fed was pursuing a “process,” that the plans are “complex” with some banks submitting plans that are “tens of thousands of pages.” Yellen then summed up with this:
“I think what was intended is this interpretation you’re talking about, whether they’re credible, in other words, do they facilitate an orderly resolution, and I think we need to give these firms feedback.”
This hearing came more than six years after the greatest Wall Street banking collapse since the Great Depression and Warren was visibly agitated by these stonewalling answers from Yellen. Warren responded:
“I have to say, Chair Yellen, I think the language in the statute is pretty clear, that you are required, the Fed is required, to call it every year on whether these institutions have a credible plan — and I remind you, there are very effective tools that you have available to you that you can use if those plans are not credible, including forcing these financial institutions to simplify their structure or forcing them to liquidate some of their assets — in other words, break them up.
And I just want to say one more thing about this process, the plans are designed not just to be reviewed by the Fed and the FDIC, but also to bring some kind of confidence to the marketplace and to the American taxpayer that in fact there really is a plan for doing something if one of these banks starts to implode.”
The truth is that there is no such plan and the public has never been allowed to see those 10,000 pages of what it would take to unwind one of the banking behemoths. Warren’s reference to bringing “confidence to the marketplace” was called into further question on Tuesday when the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its own study on the living wills, which they refer to as “Resolution Plans.”
The GAO noted that the FDIC’s Board of Directors determined that all of the 2013 plans submitted by systemically important banks with more than $250 billion in non-bank assets were “not credible” or “would not facilitate an orderly resolution under the Code.” The Federal Reserve, however, made no such determination and simply said the banks would have to improve their plans going forward. This response is no surprise, after all these banks possess the Fed. How can the Fed exert any control over these banks. It is as if to “make the bock the gardener” to quote a German saying (Den Bock zum Gaertner machen). This is the kind of lunacy we are dealing with in this last phase of the Ascension scenario.
The GAO also gave low marks to the regulators in terms of public transparency on the living will process, writing in the report that:
“FDIC and the Federal Reserve are considering publicly providing more information about their resolution plan reviews. Federal Reserve officials told us that while they were continuously evaluating the release of more plan information into the public domain, they did not have a time frame for reaching a decision on this issue. FDIC officials also told us that the regulator was considering disclosing more information about its review process but had not yet reached the point of sharing such information with the public.”
This is the usual smoke and mirrors tactic the banksters always employ when they want to hide their weak cards. However, one stark analysis provided in the GAO report focused on Lehman Brothers’ difficulties in unwinding itself. Two key points mentioned were that:
“Lines of business were fragmented across numerous subsidiaries on three different continents. “The filing created an ‘event of default’ for its derivatives, resulting in the termination of more than 900,000 contracts.”
According to its website, JPMorgan Chase does business in 60 countries, 20 times the number as Lehman. And while Lehman Brothers had $35 trillion in notional derivatives at the time of its failure, JPMorgan Chase had $51 trillion as of December 2015 according to data released by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Then there is the question as to whether JPMorgan Chase has actually simplified its operations or is simply reporting less to the public and its regulators. According to the list of “significant legal entity subsidiaries” as of December 31, 2015 that it filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it has a mere 42 companies. That’s a far cry from the 9 pages of subsidiaries it filed with the SEC as recently as December 31, 2013 and the statement from Senator Warren in July 2014 that JPMorgan Chase had 3,391 subsidiaries. Here we have the usual accounting gimmicks of a Ponzi scheme that has penetrated like a cancer the global financial system. For further information on the impending bankruptcy of JPMorgan Chase see also the interview with Reggie Middleton here.
One can find a similar fraudulent pattern at Citigroup when one looks at the subsidiaries it’s now reporting versus major companies it still owns but that have disappeared in its filings. After all we are talking about the US of Accounting Gimmicks.
In addition to the living wills, the Fed is also supposed to be overseeing stress tests at the systemically important banks to make sure they could survive a serious economic downturn. But as recently as last month, researchers at the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Financial Research (OFR) found that the Fed was going about that all wrong, writing that the Fed is measuring counter-party risk on a bank by bank basis while the real risk is what would happen if a large counter-party to multiple systemically important banks failed.
According to the OFR study, just six banks make up the “core” of the U.S. financial system. That is six banks out of a total of 6,172 commercial banks in the U.S. Those banks are: Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., JPMorgan Chase Co., Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo & Co.
The researchers found that while individual bank holding company’s direct losses have declined under the Fed’s stress tests, “counter-party credit risks to the banking system collectively have risen and may suggest a greater systemic risk than is commonly understood.” It has been a key argument in all my financial articles that there is a systemic risk in this financial Ponzi scheme as all big banks are hugely exposed to mutual derivative contracts of more than $900 trillion in total (20 times the world GDP) so that it is sufficient for one bank to declare bankruptcy and the entire banking system will immediately collapse. This is what I defined as Financial Apoptosis – sudden death of the banking system – that can happen any moment. The parents now devour their children as the Olympic Gods in the gruesome Greek mythology. Another analogy – the sudden death of the banks will be like chain reaction leading to a sudden nuclear implosion of the entire financial system.
As the financial source Wall Street on Parade writes on this issue, the key question is now:
“If the Wall Street Journal is correct and the Fed and FDIC have finally rejected JPMorgan’s tricked up version of global banking reality, the real question will be what happens next. Will the regulators come clean with the public as to why JPMorgan’s plan is not credible or will they continue to hide behind the veil of supervisory confidentiality. Will they force JPMorgan to shrink its global footprint and get out of high risk gambling ventures like that of the London Whale episode. Will the regulators ask JPMorgan to get back to the business of banking and exit commercial businesses and physical commodities where the public never intended banks to operate.”
It is obvious that these are the most clear signs we have seen so far that the collapse of the Orion financial system is impending and the payday for the sins of the banksters is very close – it is also the day of our ascension. Here is another reason why:
The Fed Sends a Frightening Letter to JPMorgan and Corporate Media Yawns
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: April 14, 2016
Wall Street on Parade
Yesterday the Federal Reserve released a 19-page letter that it and the FDIC had issued to Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, on April 12 as a result of its failure to present a credible plan for winding itself down if the bank failed. The letter carried frightening passages and large blocks of redacted material in critical areas, instilling in any careful reader a sense of panic about the U.S. financial system.
A rational observer of Wall Street’s serial hubris might have expected some key segments of this letter to make it into the business press. A mere eight years ago the United States experienced a complete meltdown of its financial system, leading to the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. President Obama and regulators have been assuring us over these intervening eight years that things are under control as a result of the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation. But according to the letter the Fed and FDIC issued on April 12 to JPMorgan Chase, the country’s largest bank with over $2 trillion in assets and $51 trillion in notional amounts of derivatives, things are decidedly not under control.
At the top of page 11, the Federal regulators reveal that they have “identified a deficiency” in JPMorgan’s wind-down plan which, if not properly addressed, could “pose serious adverse effects to the financial stability of the United States.” Why didn’t JPMorgan’s Board of Directors or its legions of lawyers catch this?
It’s important to parse the phrasing of that sentence. The Federal regulators didn’t say JPMorgan could pose a threat to its shareholders or Wall Street or the markets. It said the potential threat was to “the financial stability of the United States.”
That statement should strike fear into even the likes of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton who has been tilting at the shadows in shadow banks while buying into the Paul Krugman nonsense that “Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Is Working” when it comes to the behemoth banks on Wall Street.
How could one bank, even one as big and global as JPMorgan Chase, bring down the whole financial stability of the United States?
Because, as the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Financial Research (OFR) has explained in detail and plotted in pictures (see below), five big banks in the U.S. have high contagion risk to each other. Which bank poses the highest contagion risk? JPMorgan Chase.
The OFR study was authored by Meraj Allahrakha, Paul Glasserman, and H. Peyton Young, who found the following:
“…the default of a bank with a higher connectivity index would have a greater impact on the rest of the banking system because its shortfall would spill over onto other financial institutions, creating a cascade that could lead to further defaults. High leverage, measured as the ratio of total assets to Tier 1 capital, tends to be associated with high financial connectivity and many of the largest institutions are high on both dimensions… The larger the bank, the greater the potential spillover if it defaults; the higher its leverage, the more prone it is to default under stress; and the greater its connectivity index, the greater is the share of the default that cascades onto the banking system. The product of these three factors provides an overall measure of the contagion risk that the bank poses for the financial system.”
The Federal Reserve and FDIC are clearly fingering their worry beads over the issue of “liquidity” in the next Wall Street crisis. That obviously has something to do with the fact that the Fed has received scathing rebuke from the public for secretly funneling over $13 trillion in cumulative, below-market-rate loans, often at one-half percent or less, to the big U.S. and foreign banks during the 2007-2010 crisis (see also here, note George). The two regulators released background documents yesterday as part of flunking the wind-down plans (living wills) of five major Wall Street banks. (In addition to JPMorgan Chase, plans were rejected at Wells Fargo, Bank of America, State Street and Bank of New York Mellon.) One paragraph in the Resolution Plan Assessment Framework and Firm Determinations (2016) used the word “liquidity” 11 times ( I am saying since 2008 that all big Orion banks have no liquidity as their leverage is more than 50: 1 high and any serious contraction of the real economy as we observe currently will lead to massive bad loans and will crash the fragile financial structure of these banks which is merely a Potemkin facade hiding innumerous debt gaps. Note, George):
“Firms must be able to reliably estimate and meet their liquidity needs prior to, and in, resolution. In this regard, firms must be able to track and measure their liquidity sources and uses at all material entities under normal and stressed conditions. They must also conduct liquidity stress tests that appropriately capture the effect of stresses and impediments to the movement of funds. Holding liquidity in a manner that allows the firm to quickly respond to demands from stakeholders and counter-parties, including regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions and financial market utilities, is critical to the execution of the plan. Maintaining sufficient and appropriately positioned liquidity also allows the subsidiaries to continue to operate while the firm is being resolved. In assessing the firms’ plans with regard to liquidity, the agencies evaluated whether the companies were able to appropriately forecast the size and location of liquidity needed to execute their resolution plans and whether those forecasts were incorporated into the firms’ day-to-day liquidity decision-making processes. The agencies also reviewed the current size and positioning of the firms’ liquidity resources to assess their adequacy relative to the estimated liquidity needed in resolution under the firm’s scenario and strategy. Further, the agencies evaluated whether the firms had linked their process for determining when to file for bankruptcy to the estimate of liquidity needed to execute their preferred resolution strategy.”
Apparently, the Federal regulators believe JPMorgan Chase has a problem with the “location,” “size and positioning” of its liquidity under its current plan (This is a polite circumscription that the bank is bankrupt. Note, George). The April 12 letter to JPMorgan Chase addressed that issue as follows:
“JPMC does not have an appropriate model and process for estimating and maintaining sufficient liquidity at, or readily available to, material entities in resolution…JPMC’s liquidity profile is vulnerable to adverse actions by third parties.”
The regulators expressed the further view that JPMorgan was placing too much “reliance on funds in foreign entities that may be subject to defensive ring-fencing during a time of financial stress.” The use of the term “ring-fencing” suggests that the regulators fear that foreign jurisdictions might lay claim to the liquidity to protect their own financial counter-party interests or investors.
JPMorgan’s sprawling derivatives portfolio that encompasses $51 trillion notional amount as of December 31, 2015 is also causing angst at the Fed and FDIC. The regulators wanted more granular detail on what would happen if JPMorgan’s counter-parties refused to continue doing business with it if rating agencies cut its credit ratings. The regulators asked for a “narrative describing at least one pathway” for winding down the derivatives portfolio, taking into account a number of factors, including “the costs and challenges of obtaining timely consents from counter-parties and potential acquirers (step-in banks).” The regulators wanted to see the “losses and liquidity required to support the active wind-down” of the derivatives portfolio “incorporated into estimates of the firm’s resolution capital and liquidity execution needs.”
According to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) derivatives report as of December 31, 2015, JPMorgan Chase is only centrally clearing 37 percent of its derivatives while a whopping 63 percent of its derivatives remain in over-the-counter contracts between itself and unnamed counterparties. The Dodd-Frank reform legislation had promised the public that derivatives would all become exchange traded or centrally cleared. Indeed, on March 7 President Obama falsely stated at a press conference that when it comes to derivatives “you have clearinghouses that account for the vast majority of trades taking place.”
But the OCC has now released four separate reports for each quarter of 2015 showing just the opposite of what the President told the press and the public on March 7. In its most recent report the OCC, the regulator of national banks, states that “In the fourth quarter of 2015, 36.9 percent of the derivatives market was centrally cleared.” (This is another significant proof for the gargantuan fraud of the Bombama government in cahoots with the Wall Street banksters. Note, George)
Equally disturbing, the most dangerous area of derivatives, the credit derivatives that blew up AIG and necessitated a $185 billion taxpayer bailout, remain predominately over the counter. According to the latest OCC report, only 16.8 percent of credit derivatives are being centrally cleared. At JPMorgan Chase, more than 80 percent of its credit derivatives are still over-the-counter. (This key fact explains why the occurrence of the financial apoptosis is unpredictable but unavoidable as nobody has an overview or controls the credit derivatives market. Note, George)
Three of the five largest U.S. banks (JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo) have now had their wind-down plans rejected by the Federal agency insuring bank deposits (FDIC) and the Federal agency (Federal Reserve) that secretly sluiced $13 trillion in rollover loans to the insolvent or teetering banks in the last epic crisis that continues to cripple the country’s economic growth prospects. Maybe it’s time for the major newspapers of this country to start accurately reporting on the scale of today’s banking problem (This is the perpetuation of the governmental and banksters’ fraud by the MSM that also belong to the bankster cabal, just as the latter have bought all politicians. Hence the only possible outcome is sudden financial collapse as all these regulatory gimmicks are applied to a house of cards. Note, George).
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The Upheaval of the Masses on the Eve of Ascension » Stankov's Universal Law Press

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The Upheaval of the Masses on the Eve of Ascension
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 18, 2016
Georgi Stankov, April 18, 2016
The world events leading to the collapse of the Orion matrix are now unfolding with a rapid pace but are not properly reported by the MSM. The latter has resorted to utter silence. For instance a huge number of people from across the UK marched in London on April 16th, calling for an end to government austerity measures and the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron.

It was estimated that up to 150,000 people, including demonstrators from trade unions and a range of organizations campaigning on health, education, housing and jobs joined the march along the same street, where the BBC headquarters are situated but this mouthpiece of the British cabal propaganda did not even mention with a single word this huge political upheaval in London. Instead it dedicated a large article on the royal couple in India:
Taj Mahal pictures of duke and duchess create ‘new royal narrative’
This gives you a taste of the utter shock the people will experience when the collapse comes as I already indicated with the latest information that eight too-big-to-fail Orion banks in the USA are broke and can declare bankruptcy any time soon. This is so far the most significant factual confirmation of the impending financial apoptosis of the banking system in the West that will converge with the explosion of the world revolution as I shall show below. Only today I wrote to Brad, who commended my article the 12th Hour, as follows:
“The 12th Hour leads to the latest for me significant information
New Proofs for the Imminent Financial Apoptosis of the US Banking System
which shows that something dramatic, more dramatic than the Lehman Bros bankruptcy, can happen any time and I remember how the MSM responded, or better not responded, at that time to the danger. After all the NIRP began end of February and gained momentum in March and now the banks are already illiquid. The central banksters tried to save the equity markets by drowning the banks and now both are under water. And the central banks have no munitions at all and are out of the game. It happened pretty quickly given the inertia of this dense holographic reality. In historic dimensions it is in a blink of an eye.
Carla just read to me the local newspaper that the schools where we live have a projected 3.3 million CAD deficit for the up-coming school year and have to cut a lot of basic services. We are talking about state schools that are funded entirely by the state. They can as well close the entire educational system. This is a very good sign that the system is falling apart.
The nature of all debt Ponzi schemes, and I count all national states to this definition, can continue functioning on debt until it becomes so big that it can no longer be sustained and there is a sudden death. It happens out of the blue. Most people with linear thinking do not see this outcome but I remember how the people felt and behaved in the East when the communist system collapsed overnight. Before that they were making plans for their children and grandchildren how to thrive in the communist system which was based on huge privileges for the orthodox communists. It was a living NWO.
And then their reality disappeared, dissolved all of a sudden. They were shocked, speechless and completely discombobulated and this allowed the western cabal to hijack the Easteuropean governments and political parties and to deepen and prolong the crisis in the 90s, which was the Greatest Depression of all time for Eastern Europe and almost destroyed Russia as the only opponent of the Empire of Evil.”
In Germany, the people are now demanding that Angela Merkel should step down after she has become a groveling embarrassment and a danger by caving into Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by letting a possible prosecution of a German comic go ahead in German courts. The comedian read a vulgar poem about Erdogan on ZDF television on March 31. Erdogan sued under an archaic German law which bans insulting foreign representatives. But the case could only go ahead with Merkel’s permission. She made this decision against her coalition partner – the socialist party SPD. Now two-thirds of the German population according to the latest polls, also coming from her conservative party, condemn her decision as undemocratic and demand her resignation. This is unheard of in Germany (read here). Merkel is now so afraid to meet the people on the streets that all her visits are done after the places she visits are sealed by the police so that she is not confronted with the anger of the masses.
In the USA Donald Trump has discovered his new strength in saying the unvarnished truth and now dictates the topics in the presidential race debate. Essentially Trump says what we have been saying for many years: Everything in the USA is rigged:
– the true financial and economic situation;
– the unemployment rate is not 5% but 20 – 25 -30% as otherwise the masses would not flock to his campaign events;
– the politicians are bought by the big corporations and vote only for laws that harm the people and enrich themselves through bribes (American kleptocracy);
– there is no democratic election of president and Senate. There is no representative political system in the USA anymore;
– the people live in the Greatest Depression of all time after the country was de-industrialized and all high quality jobs transferred abroad. The people have either poorly paid “bad jobs” or are unemployed;
– the people are impoverished and the local infrastructure of the cities and communities is falling apart. (This is what I saw as early as 2008 when I visited the USA for the last time.)
The new debate of unvarnished truthfulness which Trump has just discovered and is now imposing on his rivals with great force and enormous success is about to transform the USA, notwithstanding his naive promises for a quick fix of the country. This quick fix will come, however not through Trump but through us as ascended masters and with the introduction of the new Astral currency. But he is a powerful precursor that prepares the ground for the American revolution that has gained momentum in the last few days carried forward by the powerful source energies of truth.
I decided only yesterday, for the first time, to listen to the latest Trump’s speech in Syracuse in full length and was gladly surprised by his unusual and unheard of honesty for a presidential candidate, honesty that will sweep away the other fraudsters such as “Lying Ted” and Killary Clinton. It is not surprising that Trump defines himself as the greatest anti-establishment fighter who once belonged to the same elite club. He is surprised himself by this U-turn which his transliminal soul is now powerfully coaching, but the enormous success of his newly discovered “truth campaign” carries him on angels’ wings.
Watch this video to get your personal feeling and confirmation of what is now happening in the USA. It is the beginning of a true American revolution and, as all revolutions eat their children, Trump will soon be forgotten when we harness this rebellious momentum of the masses as ascended masters and guide humanity to the new 4D worlds:
But the first sparks of this world revolution must come from the mother of all revolutions – France. The Dawn of French revolution “Nuit Debout” is the new seven flames (colours) revolution that will eradicate the old Orion order which is nowhere so weak as in France today due to the total failure of the current government and the hapless president Hollande to solve any economic, social or other political issue. La Grande Nation is in a free fall for some time and this is the perfect mixture for a new French revolution. I have always expected the French people to finally re-discover their rebellious tradition that is embodied in their rather bloodthirsty national anthem, La Marseillaise (The Song of Marseille) and will finally rise up:
And precisely this is happening nowadays again, away from the MSM that fear to report the inevitable – the demise of the old Orion order that is nowhere so omnipresent on the Old Continent ( I exclude the dark British island which does not belong to Continental Europe) as in elitist France.
When I look at the distribution of the readers of this website in Europe as an illustration of the geographic presence of our spiritual ideas, France is a white spot. It is the most agnostic nation in the western world and that is why it believes, in its irrational atheistic “rationalism”, that a revolution can fix the ailing social order. It cannot as we know from history but it can topple down the ruling elite so that we can come as ascended masters and finish the job of the masses while saving this final world revolution from its perennial bloodthirsty tradition.
This revolution is now germinating from the spiritual seeds we, the PAT, sowed in the souls of the masses in the last five years simultaneously in many countries as tender grass sprouts that one only sees at first with his third eye before they shoot up overnight and the lawn (earth) is green all of a sudden, as I experienced two days ago.
I have personal experience with revolutions as probably very few other people on this planet and have a sixth sense for their arrival. My first direct and indirect involvement in revolutions began with the Hungarian revolution in 1956 when I was a child and scared communists came to my father as a known dissident to ask him to attest that they had never been true believers when the same anti-communist revolution would come to Bulgaria. After it failed everything was forgotten and these bigots continued living their life of lies and self-deception… until the Fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989.
Then I remember very vividly the Paris revolts in 1968 when Charles de Gaulle fled cowardly from Paris and disappeared for days before he resigned, while the entire French bourgeoisie was in utter horror about the coming massacres of the third French revolution.
I was personally involved in the Prague Spring uprising in this same year through many connections to Czech people and through my first love to a young Czechian girl whom I met in Bulgaria and who emigrated to the West after the Warsaw pact armies crashed the frail Prague spring.
I was personally involved in the German student revolts that continued in the 70s before they culminated in the German autumn in 1977 and mutated into blank terrorism. The clashes at the universities were so violent at times that such a fearful soul fragment as the former Pope Ratzinger, at that time professor of theology, fled in panic the university of Tübingen and abandoned his academic career to become a priest (bishop) in the safety of the Church, only because some students closed his lectures and demonstrated.
In 1981 I was in close contact and collaboration with the Polish dissident students who found the first KORs (workers’ defence committees) from which later Solidarnosc emerged and the first nationwide workers’ strikes rattled the communist regimes in Poland and in Eastern Europe. These events eventually led to Perestrojka and the collapse of the Soviet empire.
I came in December 1989 as the first politically active émigré and representative of the Bulgarian exile government in Sofia, Bulgaria when the masses began to revolt against the communist government and became one of the founders of the new opposition party SDS (Sajuz na Demokratichnite Sili, Union of the Democratic Forces) that later toppled down the communist regime and came to power in the first democratic elections. At the same time when I was in Sofia, in neighbouring Romania the red dictator Ceaușescu was executed by the masses (or by his own secret services) and the ghost of another bloody revolution has taken full grip of the Balkan nations.
I witnessed first hand the fall of the Berlin Wall and the peaceful revolution in DDR (Eastern Germany) in 1989 and experienced its fallout in East Berlin where I bought a house which I soon lost to the bank with the beginning of my first phase of the LBP in the early 90s, which always leads in a painful way to full detachment from any material, earthly possessions.
In 1992, I visited Moscow shortly after the bloody, failed coup d’etat of dogmatic communists led to the abdication of Gorbachev and the installment of the drunkard Yeltsin in power who subsequently sold Russia to the dark western cabal before it could be saved by Putin. I felt first hand the fear of the people on the streets of another bloody revolution that had paralysed the Russian society amidst the rampant daily terror of the numerous post-communist mafia groups that surged in this country like mushrooms after rain.
And I was an inadvertent and only western witness of the first revolt of the people in Kosovo (in Titova Mitrovica) against the Milosevic regime in the spring of 1989 that was brutally suppressed by the Yugoslavian army who shot at the peaceful demonstrators and killed many. With this event the dissolution of Yugoslavia began that led to six civil and other wars, massive killings of civilians on both sides, and brought unimaginable suffering to the peoples of this country in the centre of civilised Europe. This all I personally witnessed and experienced during my many travels in and throughout Yugoslavia on my way to Bulgaria in the 90s where I propagated the new theory of the Universal Law.
Hence I can smell the onset of a revolution miles against the wind and this is my greatest advantage compared to most critical experts in the West who display a striking sterility, an almost naive innocence, in their world views when it comes to grasping the inner dynamics of any true revolution. The reason for this intellectual deficiency is that these kinds of events do not fit into their upbringing (social conditioning) and into their subsequent limited social experience and competence which are coupled in many cases to an intellectual arrogance that is so inherent to this special breed of Anglo-American Assholes and exceptional “Smart Alexes”, no matter how critical they can be towards their own governments and society.
I want to be very blunt on this issue at this place, because when the true world revolution commences I do not want to hear from some of you that you have not been prepared for it as you are meant to be the leaders of this revolution which will be the only true spiritual revolution in the history of humanity that will transform it beyond recognition.
“Nuit Debout”: Dawn of a French Style [Color] Revolution?
By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery, April 14, 2016
News Junkie Post
Some call it a phenomenon, others compare it to the failed 2011 Occupy movement, but Nuit Debout has taken the largely discredited French political class, from across the bogus standard left to the far right, by surprise. Sociologically, it should not be a surprise at all. The backdrop is a sense of deep social malaise, a ras le bol et envie de redevenir vivant (a spillover and wish to be alive again). France, as a society, has been morose and depressed for decades, and the state of emergency imposed in a cowardly panicky haste by François Hollande’s administration since November 2015 has turned the country into a pressure cooker.
In the two weeks since it started on the night of March 31, 2016 at the Place de La République in Paris’ XI arrondissement, Nuit Debout has rapidly spread to other cities in France such as Lyon, Nice, Nantes, Toulouse, etc., as well as to Belgium, Germany, and Spain. It could be the remedy for France’s deep social malaise and the sense of being “hankerchiefs to be used and discarded.” An informed observer can see strong similarities with the Situationist, Anarchist and neo-Marxist groups of May 1968, when France’s last mini-revolution toppled its government. Some are already talking of a 6th Republic, which could be either wishful thinking or the dawn of a new revolution.
The French political class is reacting with a mixture of understanding for the protesters and threats of a brutal police crackdown on Nuit Debout’s activists. The Socialist Party, more simply identified in France by its acronym PS, is ironically labeled the Parti Scélerat (Scoundrel Party) by the Nuit Debout activists, in reference to the party’s sell out of all leftist ideals.
The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, personifies the hypocrisy of this ruling party. In a statement to the newspaper Le Monde on April 11, 2016, Mayor Hidalgo did not condemn the movement itself but what she qualified as its excesses: “If it is legitimate to dream of another world, it is not so to degrade this one,” said Hidalgo. She delivered almost immediately on her rhetoric by ordering the evacuation of the Place de la République on the same day.
The new and improved French police-state apparatus was eager to execute the order and clear up the square. Elsewhere in Paris, five brutal arrests were made, and people were detained without the proper charges, in accordance with the state of emergency’s extraordinary powers, including arrests without probable cause. The repression has not stopped the momentum of the movement.
Most of the mainstream media in France and elsewhere are drawing an analogy between Nuit Debout and the Occupy movement of late 2011, as well as the Indignados actions in Spain. This is certainly not a coincidence, considering that Occupy largely fizzled and failed for lack of organization and radicalization, just like the Arab spring in the Middle East was hijacked by the West, under United States leadership, to implement regime change policies through fake revolutions in Libya and Syria. The Occupy movement was infiltrated by informants, neutered and more or less dismantled between early December 2011 and late spring 2012 under the instigation of George Soros’ countless little helpers who were paid to hijack the movement. If the Nuit Debout activists follow the tracks of their predecessors of Occupy, the outcome will be the same.
Since 2011, however, throughout the world some elements have greatly changed: the connection between the political class and citizens has reached a breaking point; the notion of elections being a farce has become widespread; wealth concentration and social inequality have reached an unprecedented and unsustainable level; and conflicts and the business of warfare have reached an apex. These factors are fertile ground for the collective quantum leap that is a revolution. As an indication of this shift, a Nuit Debout activist interviewed by the French daily newspaper Liberation said that the movement should consider “a more muscular struggle.”
The mainstream analyses do not take into account the fact that France has a revolutionary tradition. The last revolution that bore fruit was in May 1968 and is probably the greatest influence on Nuit Debout. The May 1968 movement started with students and young people, but it quickly expanded to include all the labor unions, which were then very strong. It grew into an open-ended general strike that froze all activities in the country in all sectors of the economy and eventually led to the resignation of President Charles de Gaulle in April 1969 and extensive government reforms. It is May 1968′s humorous and irreverent discourse that we find echoed in Nuit Debout’s slogans today. In 1968, for example, we had “Salaires légers, chars lourds” (Light salaries, heavy tanks), and in 2016 we find “Ils ont des milliards, nous sommes des millions” (They have billions, we are millions). Both movements question the essence of political representation as if all social issues are again up for debate in the public square. Just as in 1968, the labor unions are quickly stepping in and joining the students, and like the activists of the May 1968 movement, the Nuit Debout activists are hunkering down for what they call une lutte prolongée (a prolonged struggle).
Nuit Debout envisions an era of social justice and ecological responsibility. This is expressed with humor by a suspension of the calendar, as if the month of March will continue until the revolution is achieved. In the Nuit Debout calendar, this article would be published on March 45, and Christmas will fall on March 300. The Nuit Debout movement exudes a contagious joy, which is a necessary ingredient in the cocktail of every successful revolution. A revolution, after all, must be a departure from the status quo. Today’s revolution must displace the suicidal worship of wealth and power to create a joyous culture that is sustainable and celebrates life. The richness of the burgeoning discourse, and the inclusion of cultural elements like cinema and song are good omens for the success of Nuit Debout. On a fine day in March we might again hear an old classic from 1789: “Ah! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira! Les aristocrates à la lanterne….”
Editor’s Notes: Gilbert Mercier is the author of The Orwellian Empire, and Dady Chery is the author of We Have Dared to Be Free. Photographs one and three by Nicolas Vigier; two and five by Titi Photo; six by Georges; and eight by Thierry Ehrmann.
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