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A Message From the Whales » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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A Message From the Whales
by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 7, 2016
Dianne Robbins, June 7, 2016
Yesterday I published the beautiful video created by Moni from Norway with the whales as the mystical embodiment of ascended masters. These magnificent animals are the incarnation of Syrian ascended masters that have decided to come to this earth in its darkest period to keep the balance of light and help humanity come out of its perennial darkness. Instead of being thankful to these akin souls, humans know no better but kill the whales – for nothing. For oil! Not even for nourishment.
And today Dianne Robbins sent us her latest message channelled by the whales about their relationship to human souls. Obviously now earth ascends with all her kingdoms and this means the redemption of all karmic relationships between these kingdoms as humanity has committed innumerous crimes on all of them – on animals with collective and individual souls, on plants with faeries, on “inanimate” (the very word expresses the disrespect of humans for nature) matter with natural spirits. I hope that with this passionate plea of the whales to humans to finally change their cruel nature based on spiritual ignorance and stupidity, we have made a major step towards the unification of all expressions of creation on this planet prior to the final ascension. The message was given in response to a publication announcing the resumption of whale hunting in the Caribbean sea.
And this is what Carla responded to Dianne:
“Dearest Dianne,
Thank you for your Channeling of the Whales.
It is so discouraging that whaling! is still out there?!?!? What a shock to read this article. The level of consciousness of the article on the Dr David Hawkins scale of consciousness is about 50 (50/1000, 1000 meaning pure enlightenment)
The whales have a special purpose. They raise the consciousness of Gaia and all beings upon it. It is their presence that raises us into Ascension awareness in the first place.
They are highly evolved souls and their dedication to Earth/Gaia/all life including “humanity” is a clear decision to support Evolution as much as it was for us to incarnate as “humans”.
We are ALL representations of God. Of Source. Of All-That-Is. The sooner we insist on the highest principles in favour of LIFE, the sooner we will reach our optimal level of consciousness needed for our forward evolution. Unconditional love is at 500/1000 on Hawkins scale.
This is our objective!
Nothing in life is more important than this!
Thank you for all that you do. Dearest Dianne,
The Message
The Whales respond…
We are the Whales, who speak to you now, your Earthbound brothers and sisters residing in Earth’s oceans. Do you know of “Interspecies Communication,” or do you only know how to kill other species instead of communicating with them? We challenge you to listen to us and to intermingle with us, but not to murder us.
It is true that “Whales and Whalers can co-exist,” but not if we’re all dead, murdered by whaling fleets and aboriginal tribes in search of a livelihood. Surely there are more ways to earn a livelihood than by hunting down another intelligent species on your planet!
We Whales exist to balance the Earth’s ecosystem, and live family lives and spiritual lives to progress and evolve as a race of sentient Beings just as you humans do. We don’t harvest humans, even though you have proliferated to such an extent that you have almost taken over the globe.
Should we come onto your land masses and harpoon you to death so that we in the seas can live? We certainly wouldn’t process your bodies and eat you as food, as you have no nutritional value, and spiritually you act as if you’re dead. Look how you’ve decimated the land and exterminated countless other species. And now you’re still intent on forever exterminating us. Don’t you ever learn from your wanton destruction of God’s creatures that all are sacred and all are needed in order for life on land to exist?
The article refers to us as a resource to be harvested. How can you put us in the same category as a field of grain or a kelp bed? What authority does humanity have to declare us as “harvest?” We do not “belong” to you as do cattle and pets. We are a free species, trying to live and do our work, just like you. So please leave us alone!
All life has consciousness, and we Whales are highly evolved conscious Beings, here on Earth to help you humans evolve into a higher state of consciousness, in which you won’t kill other species for a “livelihood,” but will know how to co-exist in perfect harmony with all species. This way, you could earn a livelihood from caring for the Earth instead of destroying it.
The article also states that, “Whales are unquestionably extraordinary animals. While they possess a certain intelligence, however, there are no data to support the belief that they are at or even near the top of the animal intelligence scale.” How are you measuring intelligence? Just because we cannot pass your exams doesn’t make us any less than you. Our intelligence is so far removed from yours that you cannot begin to appreciate it.
You depend on us in ways you couldn’t even imagine, and we are all bound in a living network of consciousness. If you persist in killing us, you will doom yourselves into rapid extinction, as all species are needed to exist in order for Earth to continue as a home for ALL life, including humans.
We are aware of something that you have forgotten: that the primary identity of human and Cetacean is that of soul. These bodies we both occupy for a few short years are simply costumes. Behind the disguises, we are the same. So let our only contact be recreational, and let us co-exist peacefully on this beautiful planet.
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End Time Scenario Explained » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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End Time Scenario Explained
by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 9, 2016
The Federal Reserve’s Strange Behavior Makes Perfect Sense
Brandon Smith, June 8, 2016
Finally the people are beginning to get the inner logic of the current End Time scenario. The author below makes a very interesting forecast that the Fed may raise interest rates before the Brexit vote in June in order to trigger deliberately a turmoil in the financial markets as the world economy is already in the last throes of the Greatest Depression of all time and will not survive such a hike. He explains the reasons why the Fed may do so and his logic makes perfect sense in the light of our knowledge of the cabal goals and the driving forces behind the End Time scenario as discussed in numerous articles on this website.
I have made this comment many times in the past, but I think it needs to be stated again here: If you think the Federal Reserve’s goal is to maintain or repair the U.S. economy, then you will never understand why they do the things they do or why the economy evolves the way that it does. The Fed’s job is not to protect the U.S. economy. The Fed’s job is to DESTROY the U.S. economy to make way for a truly global system.
There seems to be a collective delusion within certain parts of the liberty movement that the “globalists” (the banking and political elites that promote total global centralization of finance and power) are a purely American or Western problem, and that they have some kind of loyalty to the success, or perceived success, of the U.S. “empire.” This is nonsensical when you look at the progression of the American fiscal system after the Fed was established over a century ago.
In the past 100 years, the U.S. has suffered a gradual but immense devaluation in the dollar’s real buying power. We witnessed the first long-term fiscal depression in the nation’s history. We saw the removal of the gold standard. We saw the dismantling of the greatest industrial base in the history of the world. We have struggled through the implosion of the derivatives and credit bubble, which Fed officials have openly admitted responsibility for. And now, we are on the verge of the final implosion of a massive equities bubble and the collapse of the dollar itself.
All of these developments require careful planning and staging, not recklessness or random chance. Free-market economies tend to heal and adapt over time. Only constant negative manipulation could cause the kind of steady decline plaguing the U.S. ever since the Federal Reserve was forced into being.
The Fed has had multiple opportunities to strengthen the economic lifespan of America, but has ALWAYS chosen to take the exact opposite actions needed, guaranteeing an inevitable outcome of crisis. The goal of internationalists and international bankers is to acquire ever more centralized authority, and thus, ever more centralized power. The U.S. is an appendage to the great vampire squid, an expendable tool that can be sacrificed today to gain greater treasures tomorrow. Nothing more.
But this reality just does not seem to sink into the skulls of certain people. They simply cannot fathom the idea that the Fed is a saboteur. Not a bumbling greed fueled monster, or even a mad bomber, but a careful and deliberate enemy agent with precise destruction in mind.
Case in point; the recent institution of the Fed rate hike program. No one really gets it and no one is asking the right questions. Why, for example, did the Fed begin raising rates in December? No one asked them to take such measures. Certainly not day traders in the market casino; they were too busy enjoying the fiat inflation of biggest equity bubble in the encyclopedia of humanity. The politicians weren’t demanding any drawback of Fed stimulus, they were too busy enjoying the fraudulent recovery afforded by the recapitalization of too-big-to-fail banks. So, again, why bother promoting rate hikes that are essentially guaranteed to cause a market crisis?
Some might argue that the Fed must raise rates slightly so that they have room to cut them again when their stimulus schemes eventually fail. This is certainly possible, however, such an action only reinforces the position that the Fed is deliberately undermining the U.S. system. To hike rates now only to then cut them immediately after would result in the end of faith in the central bank’s ability to administer our financial structure. A crash would occur regardless.
I do not believe the Fed intends to cut rates again, at least not until it is already too late to stall a full spectrum breakdown in stock markets. Even though the majority of analysts, mainstream and independent, hold the position that the Fed is unlikely to raise rates for a second time (or ever again), I am not convinced that this is the plan. The question remains — why begin raising rates at all if the goal is not to bulldoze forward and squeeze the U.S. economy?
As I wrote in my article “The Global Economic Reset Has Begun,” the Fed has a habit of doing exactly what it says it is going to do. They may fool the public as far as the exact timing of policy changes, but they never back away from the policy changes themselves. I cannot find a single instance in the history of the central bank in which they announced future measures and then didn’t eventually follow through within the year. This is how I predicted the first rate hike in December of last year, and it is why I believe another rate hike is coming this summer. Fed officials today have been adamant that at least two more rate hikes will be initiated in 2016. If they do not enact these hikes, it will be the first example that I will have witnessed or seen in research in which they “backed off” completely from a policy initiative.
Some analysts argue that this makes no sense. The Fed has spent the better part of the past eight years trying to keep equities markets alive. Why would they now risk crashing the same markets with rate hikes that will cut off corporations and banks from cheap or free overnight loans? Why would they strangle the steady stream of stock buybacks that have been supporting the markets for the past few years? Why risk the fragile rice paper psychology of the markets? Why would they kill the “golden goose”?
As the recent jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows, our fiscal foundations are crumbling and eventually, the fundamentals of our economy will overwhelm central bank orchestrated optimism anyway. Keep in mind, the report of only 38,000 jobs added in May does not paint the full picture of the unemployment problem in America.
The BLS and the mainstream media consistently gloss over the REAL job loss statistics including U-6 measurements which indicate that more than 664,000 working age Americans were removed from unemployment rolls and are no longer “counted” as jobless. This brings the grand total number of workers without jobs or that are underemployed to nearly 95 MILLION! The BLS ignores these people in their primary calculations for the national unemployment rate, which magically dropped again last month to 4.7 percent.
While the “official” jobs numbers are bad enough to cause concerns among mainstream traders and economists, the real numbers are far worse.
Nearly every base economic indicator globally, from raw materials demand, to manufacturing and exports, to corporate earnings, to retail sales and employment are printing negative this year. Despite all of this, markets remains levitated (for now) because the insane assumption within the mostly inane world of stocks is that bad economic news ensures the fed will bow to market forces and support the equities bubble for another quarter. When the entirety of investment markets embrace a singular assumption, when the market has “no doubts”, this is when bad things happen.
I have to laugh when I hear the claim that the Fed “cannot raise rates” in light of the new data. The fed is not “trapped”; rather, it is the U.S. economy that is trapped with the Fed as the instigator. Obviously, the Fed was well aware of the real unemployment problem as well as numerous other negative data when they hiked rates the first time in December. So, let’s just say it plainly — The Fed is NOT dependent on data when making its decisions. The Fed does whatever it wants to do whenever it feels like doing it, and it is very likely that Fed policy decisions are made months in advance, while publicly scheduled policy meetings are designed just for show.
They may claim that they care about the latest dismal jobs report, or other detrimental fiscal developments, but they don’t. They have their own agenda and their own data points, many of which we will never be privy to.
I would also mention the fact that the Fed has raised rates during recessionary economic conditions on several occasions, including during the onset of the Great Depression; a move which Ben Bernanke later publicly admitted was the ultimate cause of the prolonged depression event. You can read my analysis of this in my article “What Fresh Horror Awaits The Economy After Fed Rate Hike?”
With May’s job report so negative even with all the BLS manipulation, it is presumed that the Fed will not hike rates again at their June meeting. I believe that the Fed is certainly capable of raising in June. The timing of the meeting, right before the vote in the UK on the Brexit referendum, is perhaps not a coincidence.
While I understand the argument that the Fed would be “better off” taking its time and raising in July or September, I want readers to entertain another possible scenario for a moment. Imagine if the Fed raised rates in June to everyone’s shock and surprise. Market turmoil is almost a guarantee. A hike in June BEFORE a Brexit event would also be easier to rationalize to the public than a hike after a Brexit event.
Imagine then that, again, to everyone’s shock and surprise, the Brexit vote is successful and the UK leaves the European Union (a supposed black swan that the IMF has warned will cause a global equities crisis).
At this point, who gets blamed for the resulting equities crash? The Fed? The citizens of the UK? Who? If the globalists wanted to trigger the next leg down in the global economy, I can’t think of better circumstances or a better smokescreen.
I also acknowledge the possibility that only one of these events might be necessary to increase market turmoil. But from the perspective of an evil-minded internationalist, wouldn’t it be spectacular to have both? I could be wrong, but it is something to think about…
If you want answers to questions on why the Fed takes the risks it does, or why internationalists engineer crisis events, I suggest you read my article “The Economic End Game Explained.” Suffice to say, the Fed serves the interests of globalists and Fabian socialists, not the interests of America as a nation, and the globalists know that chaos is the best method for influencing populations to accept a “new order.” I would also say that they are pulling the plug simply because this year is most opportune.
I don’t pretend to fully understand every detail of the timelines of globalists and the motivations behind them, but I do know that the evidence shows they have such timelines, and according to recent actions the clock appears to be running out.
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How the Cabal is Preparing the US Population for the Total Blackout of all Electric Grids and Electronic Networks This Summer With Mendacious Explanations » Stankov's Universal Law Press
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How the Cabal is Preparing the US Population for the Total Blackout of all Electric Grids and Electronic Networks This Summer With Mendacious Explanations
by Georgi Stankov Posted on June 22, 2016
Georgi Stankov, June 21, 2016
It is beginning to be getting very precarious for the defeated cabal. They know perfectly well what to expect this summer and that they have no chance to avert the “awe and shock” wave from the Source that commenced on June 17th and is gaining momentum now. When the threshold of total substitution of the current conditions of electricity in dense matter with the new conditions of superconductivity is reached, then a global blackout of all electric grids and electronic devices will be triggered. This is inevitable from an energetic point of view when the new 5D overlay will fully descend over this still 3D holographic model and the new paradigm of ascension will be introduced. To this the latest message of AA Michael channelled by Michael Love on June 19th has the following to say:
And this is what the Elohim told us this morning when they come to us to celebrate the summer solstice ID shift which happens to be at the same time the birthday of Carla:
“You are now living in 3D, 5D and 6D simultaneously where your creations are being refined and sent down for manifestation. The astral plane 4D has collapsed on this uppermost mother planet and no longer exists. Everything you have created so far such as the new energetic conditions of superconductivity and the corresponding 5D technologies, including the new Astral currency, exist already and can be immediately manifested when humanity meets the required conditions of social evolution. The new upper 4D worlds will be essentially 5D worlds in terms of their energetic potential of immediate Creation even though they will continue to consist of space-time forms of lesser material density. The descent of the new reality as a new holographic overlay can happen within the blink of an eye when the threshold is reached. The process to this end is in full sway…”
The statement of AA Michael that everything will be completed by the end of this year applies to the entire humanity that must go first through the dreadful experience of a total collapse of the old matrix with all its existing systems of control and suppression before they can sufficiently awaken to shift to this new 5D holographic reality. We shall ascend earlier and then unleash the actual paradigm change. In fact, there will be numerous different realities and levels of existence, where the incarnated humans will move according to their degree of soul evolution. We shall move to 6D entirely, where we already exist and create day and night as the Elohim confirmed one more time. Ascension for us will be just a shift of the focal point of our consciousness to 5D, 6D and higher dimensions. This will happen when humanity on this timeline will no longer need our presence as guarantors for their collective ascension. This point in time is impossible to be predicted, but as you all feel it beyond any doubt it is very close.
The outages and disruptions of major electronic networks and electric grids are much more serious and widely spread than the MSM are ready to admit. This is a sure sign that the A-Day is very near. Only today I received an email from a reader from Canada who confirmed what we also observe on a local scale with major Canadian banks:
“Dear Georgi,
I wanted to confirm with you that computer issues have been noticeable here too. I work for a major bank. We experienced a number of computer problems last week and, on Friday the 17th, our teller system was completely down for nearly an hour across Canada. No explanation was given to us low-ranking employees, but it was quite shocking to everyone.
Thank you so much for your continued efforts in this time of ‘unreal’ energy.
With Love,
I then asked Ara which bank was involved as to compare with our experience here and she just wrote back while I was writing this article:
“Hi Georgi, This occurred at Scotiabank. As far as I know, this system is used across Canada – and maybe in other countries too, as this is an international bank.”
We had problems with this same bank too in the last few days and also today as well as with RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) that was recently downgraded and to my information is already bankrupt. And just as I finished this article, Brad wrote to me:
“Dear George,
My friend called me from Los Angeles and first thing he said was that his car was having “electrical issues.” Then I talked to my brother about that and all the people short circuiting (especially at the Pride fest here over the weekend) and his car proceeded to short-circuit on the way home. Pretty new car….”
I hope this report gives you an idea that the systemic outages of electronic networks, electric motors, dynamos and other gadgets have commenced with full force and these disruptions will increase in the coming days before a threshold will be reached for the final total collapse of the electric grid worldwide. The HR always begin with small events that indicate the direction of future events as to help the people adjust to this new trend and be somewhat prepared psychologically for the Ultimate Blackout. Unfortunately most people disregard such warnings and will therefore be hit by the “awe and shock” wave in a total surprise that will put them indeed in a state of utter mental and physical paralysis.
This cannot be avoided. Even the dark cabal are beginning to prepare the American people for what they should expect this summer as they know what is coming. After all a whole department of the CIA and NSA are reading my website as the most reliable source worldwide regarding the progress of the planetary ascension. And this for free as we are very generous and gracious even with our enemies. Because we know that we have won.
Addendum: This news just came in:
Dear Georgi,
I just wanted to inform you about some interesting occurrence that happened to me today.
I have an EMF measuring application on my smart phone. Usually the magnetic field readings here in Vancouver BC area are ranging between 40 to 80 mTesla. Today (June/21/16), around 2:30 pm, I checked the app just for curiosity, and the reading was 0.0. I restarted the app – still 0. I switched than to my compass application, and strangely enough it was showing North being in the SE direction.
I knew exactly where true North supposed to be, as I was facing the North Shore mountains. About an hour later, I checked the app again and the field reading was back to normal – 49.5 mT, and compass was showing North in the right direction again.
I was wondering if you or any other PAT members noticed anything strange today.
Blackout: California In Power Grid Emergency: “All Customers Should Expect 14 Days Without Power”
Max Slavo, June 20, 2016
The entire Los Angeles metropolitan area and most of Southern California can expect blackouts this summer.
The power grid is under direct threat as a result of the unprecedented, but little reported, massive natural gas leaks at Alisco Canyon that was ongoing for four months as an intense summer heat wave sets in.
According to Reuters:
California will have its first test of plans to keep the lights on this summer…
With record-setting heat and air conditioning demand expected in Southern California, the state’s power grid operator issued a so-called “flex alert,” urging consumers to conserve energy to help prevent rotating power outages – which could occur regardless.
Electricity demand is expected to rise during the unseasonable heatwave on Monday and Tuesday, with forecast system-wide use expected to top 45,000 megawatts, said the California Independent System Operator (ISO), which manages electricity flow through the state. That compares with a peak demand of 47,358 MW last year and the all-time high of 50,270 MW set in July 2006.
That could put stress on the power grid, particularly with the shut-in of Aliso Canyon, following a massive leak at the underground storage facility in October [Editor’s Note: which was not stopped fully until mid-February 2016].
The large-scale natural gas disaster – which curiously escaped media frenzy and widespread environmental concern (seriously, should we believe that? Note, George) – has resulted in the shutdown of key storage facilities that supply most of the power for the southern portion of the state.
As summer demand for electricity to cool homes and businesses kicks into high gear, power plants are planning to shut down, with supply shortages triggering controlled blackouts and brownouts.
Reports say that “all customers” should expect to be without power a total 14 days – 2 weeks time – out of this summer. Some 21 million Californians stand to be directly affected:
All customers, including homes, hospitals, oil refineries and airports are at risk of losing power at some point this summer because a majority of electric generating stations in California use gas as their primary fuel. In April, millions of electric customers in Southern California were warned they could suffer power outages on up to 14 days this summer due to the closure.
Unlike some other gas transmission systems that can store large amounts of so-called linepack gas in pipelines, like PG&E Corp in northern California, SoCalGas cannot function with only pipeline or storage supplies.
Planned rolling brownouts have been done on a regular basis in Southern California since the days of Enron and the California energy crisis of 200o-2001, but the situation is getting more dire.
All this, as California’s historic drought problems continue to plague the state and restrict available services.
As Tess Pennington notes:
This puts stress of the other electrical grids who then compensate for the loss of energy to that existing grid. When these events take place, there is an overwhelming increase of power in homes and commerce to either generate heat, air conditioning or electricity. When this need overwhelms the grid, the utility company intentionally “shuts off the power to an area in order to reduce the load on an electricity generation and grid. The utility company turns it back on, and then shuts the power off in a different area, with outages in any given area typically lasting 60 to 90 minutes, according to the California Energy Commission. This is a last resort measure of utility companies to avoid an even worse situation — a total power blackout.
Of course, there is plenty of room for unplanned blackouts as well, as an increasingly vulnerable power grid nears the perfect conditions for a grid down scenario.
In the worst case scenario, these massive power outages, particularly if they are sustained for longer periods (authorities estimate up to 2 weeks without electricity is likely, though not necessarily in consecutive days), could interrupt other vital services – including grocery deliveries, water, gasoline at the pumps, and even communications.
The larger question is whether or not they want the grid to fail.
It is simple economic fact that the power companies stand to make more money of a power shortages during a crisis than they do during abundant and cheap energy.
Homeland Security and other government agencies have been preparing in secret for a grid disaster for several years now. (Here we have the cat out of the sack. Why don’t they improve the grid if they know it so well in advance and instead prepare secretly for this grid disaster? Because they know that they are helpless when it comes. Note, George)
Former DHS secretary Janet Napolitano ominously warned ahead of the Grid Ex II multi-agency drill that an unprecedented collapse of the power grid is imminent, and could result from a cyber attack, an EMP or a massive natural disaster:
The outgoing Homeland Security Secretary has a warning for her successor: A massive and “serious” cyber attack on the U.S. homeland is coming, and a natural disaster — the likes of which the nation has never seen — is also likely on its way.
An electrical grid joint drill simulation is being planned in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Thousands of utility workers, FBI agents, anti-terrorism experts, governmental agencies, and more than 150 private businesses are involved in the November power grid drill.
If the power grid fails, a lack of electricity and food delivery are only the first wave of troubles facing the American people. Police could face major problems with civil unrest. Of course, there also would not be any electric heating or cooling, which easily could lead to many deaths depending on the season. (source)
It seems that it is a matter of when, not if.
That’s why having an off-grid, alternative source of energy is essential for any prepper or level-headed individual, though many communities are now discouraging solar by requiring that it be connected to the grid and regulated by energy companies.
At a minimum, with an admitted potential for two weeks with the light out, you should have a one month supply of food for your family, as well as basic emergency supplies (including candles, flashlights, batteries and other light sources).
It is also prudent to:
Follow energy conservation measures to keep the use of electricity as low as possible, which can help power companies avoid imposing rolling blackouts.
Look into alternative power sources to supply your home with power.
Have ways to prepare food off the grid.
Keep your car tank at least half full because gas stations rely on electricity to power their pumps.
Be aware that most medication that requires refrigeration can be kept in a closed refrigerator for several hours without a problem. If unsure, check with your physician or pharmacist.
Know where the manual release lever of your electric garage door opener is located and how to operate it. Garage doors can be heavy, so know that you may need help to lift it.
Keep a key to your house with you if you regularly use the garage as the primary means of entering your home, in case the garage door will not open.
Have money on hand in case stores are not processing credit cards.
(Among other good ideas. Read more from Tess Pennington’s Are You Ready Series: Rolling Blackouts and Power Outages)
This isn’t just planning for the possible, this is planning for the inevitable, and even the California authorities admit it.
Read more:
NASA Signals Crisis: “California Has About One Year of Water Left”
GridExIII Drill Coincides with American Terror Threat: “ISIS Cells Could Attack Our Power Grid”
EMP Threat: ‘Within One Year 9 Out of 10 Americans Would Be Dead’
You’ve Been Warned: Why You Need to Be Ready for Total Grid Failure
NSA Chief Warns Black Energy Attack On U.S. Power Grid A ‘Matter Of When, Not If’ – Lights Out Scenario Not A Myth But A Coming Reality
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And this is what the Elohim told us this morning when they come to us to celebrate the summer solstice ID shift which happens to be at the same time the birthday of Carla:
“You are now living in 3D, 5D and 6D simultaneously where your creations are being refined and sent down for manifestation. The astral plane 4D has collapsed on this uppermost mother planet and no longer exists. Everything you have created so far such as the new energetic conditions of superconductivity and the corresponding 5D technologies, including the new Astral currency, exist already and can be immediately manifested when humanity meets the required conditions of social evolution. The new upper 4D worlds will be essentially 5D worlds in terms of their energetic potential of immediate Creation even though they will continue to consist of space-time forms of lesser material density. The descent of the new reality as a new holographic overlay can happen within the blink of an eye when the threshold is reached. The process to this end is in full sway…”
The statement of AA Michael that everything will be completed by the end of this year applies to the entire humanity that must go first through the dreadful experience of a total collapse of the old matrix with all its existing systems of control and suppression before they can sufficiently awaken to shift to this new 5D holographic reality. We shall ascend earlier and then unleash the actual paradigm change. In fact, there will be numerous different realities and levels of existence, where the incarnated humans will move according to their degree of soul evolution. We shall move to 6D entirely, where we already exist and create day and night as the Elohim confirmed one more time. Ascension for us will be just a shift of the focal point of our consciousness to 5D, 6D and higher dimensions. This will happen when humanity on this timeline will no longer need our presence as guarantors for their collective ascension. This point in time is impossible to be predicted, but as you all feel it beyond any doubt it is very close.
The outages and disruptions of major electronic networks and electric grids are much more serious and widely spread than the MSM are ready to admit. This is a sure sign that the A-Day is very near. Only today I received an email from a reader from Canada who confirmed what we also observe on a local scale with major Canadian banks:
“Dear Georgi,
I wanted to confirm with you that computer issues have been noticeable here too. I work for a major bank. We experienced a number of computer problems last week and, on Friday the 17th, our teller system was completely down for nearly an hour across Canada. No explanation was given to us low-ranking employees, but it was quite shocking to everyone.
Thank you so much for your continued efforts in this time of ‘unreal’ energy.
With Love,
I then asked Ara which bank was involved as to compare with our experience here and she just wrote back while I was writing this article:
“Hi Georgi, This occurred at Scotiabank. As far as I know, this system is used across Canada – and maybe in other countries too, as this is an international bank.”
We had problems with this same bank too in the last few days and also today as well as with RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) that was recently downgraded and to my information is already bankrupt. And just as I finished this article, Brad wrote to me:
“Dear George,
My friend called me from Los Angeles and first thing he said was that his car was having “electrical issues.” Then I talked to my brother about that and all the people short circuiting (especially at the Pride fest here over the weekend) and his car proceeded to short-circuit on the way home. Pretty new car….”
I hope this report gives you an idea that the systemic outages of electronic networks, electric motors, dynamos and other gadgets have commenced with full force and these disruptions will increase in the coming days before a threshold will be reached for the final total collapse of the electric grid worldwide. The HR always begin with small events that indicate the direction of future events as to help the people adjust to this new trend and be somewhat prepared psychologically for the Ultimate Blackout. Unfortunately most people disregard such warnings and will therefore be hit by the “awe and shock” wave in a total surprise that will put them indeed in a state of utter mental and physical paralysis.
This cannot be avoided. Even the dark cabal are beginning to prepare the American people for what they should expect this summer as they know what is coming. After all a whole department of the CIA and NSA are reading my website as the most reliable source worldwide regarding the progress of the planetary ascension. And this for free as we are very generous and gracious even with our enemies. Because we know that we have won.
Addendum: This news just came in:
Dear Georgi,
I just wanted to inform you about some interesting occurrence that happened to me today.
I have an EMF measuring application on my smart phone. Usually the magnetic field readings here in Vancouver BC area are ranging between 40 to 80 mTesla. Today (June/21/16), around 2:30 pm, I checked the app just for curiosity, and the reading was 0.0. I restarted the app – still 0. I switched than to my compass application, and strangely enough it was showing North being in the SE direction.
I knew exactly where true North supposed to be, as I was facing the North Shore mountains. About an hour later, I checked the app again and the field reading was back to normal – 49.5 mT, and compass was showing North in the right direction again.
I was wondering if you or any other PAT members noticed anything strange today.
Blackout: California In Power Grid Emergency: “All Customers Should Expect 14 Days Without Power”
Max Slavo, June 20, 2016
The entire Los Angeles metropolitan area and most of Southern California can expect blackouts this summer.
The power grid is under direct threat as a result of the unprecedented, but little reported, massive natural gas leaks at Alisco Canyon that was ongoing for four months as an intense summer heat wave sets in.
According to Reuters:
California will have its first test of plans to keep the lights on this summer…
With record-setting heat and air conditioning demand expected in Southern California, the state’s power grid operator issued a so-called “flex alert,” urging consumers to conserve energy to help prevent rotating power outages – which could occur regardless.
Electricity demand is expected to rise during the unseasonable heatwave on Monday and Tuesday, with forecast system-wide use expected to top 45,000 megawatts, said the California Independent System Operator (ISO), which manages electricity flow through the state. That compares with a peak demand of 47,358 MW last year and the all-time high of 50,270 MW set in July 2006.
That could put stress on the power grid, particularly with the shut-in of Aliso Canyon, following a massive leak at the underground storage facility in October [Editor’s Note: which was not stopped fully until mid-February 2016].
The large-scale natural gas disaster – which curiously escaped media frenzy and widespread environmental concern (seriously, should we believe that? Note, George) – has resulted in the shutdown of key storage facilities that supply most of the power for the southern portion of the state.
As summer demand for electricity to cool homes and businesses kicks into high gear, power plants are planning to shut down, with supply shortages triggering controlled blackouts and brownouts.
Reports say that “all customers” should expect to be without power a total 14 days – 2 weeks time – out of this summer. Some 21 million Californians stand to be directly affected:
All customers, including homes, hospitals, oil refineries and airports are at risk of losing power at some point this summer because a majority of electric generating stations in California use gas as their primary fuel. In April, millions of electric customers in Southern California were warned they could suffer power outages on up to 14 days this summer due to the closure.
Unlike some other gas transmission systems that can store large amounts of so-called linepack gas in pipelines, like PG&E Corp in northern California, SoCalGas cannot function with only pipeline or storage supplies.
Planned rolling brownouts have been done on a regular basis in Southern California since the days of Enron and the California energy crisis of 200o-2001, but the situation is getting more dire.
All this, as California’s historic drought problems continue to plague the state and restrict available services.
As Tess Pennington notes:
This puts stress of the other electrical grids who then compensate for the loss of energy to that existing grid. When these events take place, there is an overwhelming increase of power in homes and commerce to either generate heat, air conditioning or electricity. When this need overwhelms the grid, the utility company intentionally “shuts off the power to an area in order to reduce the load on an electricity generation and grid. The utility company turns it back on, and then shuts the power off in a different area, with outages in any given area typically lasting 60 to 90 minutes, according to the California Energy Commission. This is a last resort measure of utility companies to avoid an even worse situation — a total power blackout.
Of course, there is plenty of room for unplanned blackouts as well, as an increasingly vulnerable power grid nears the perfect conditions for a grid down scenario.
In the worst case scenario, these massive power outages, particularly if they are sustained for longer periods (authorities estimate up to 2 weeks without electricity is likely, though not necessarily in consecutive days), could interrupt other vital services – including grocery deliveries, water, gasoline at the pumps, and even communications.
The larger question is whether or not they want the grid to fail.
It is simple economic fact that the power companies stand to make more money of a power shortages during a crisis than they do during abundant and cheap energy.
Homeland Security and other government agencies have been preparing in secret for a grid disaster for several years now. (Here we have the cat out of the sack. Why don’t they improve the grid if they know it so well in advance and instead prepare secretly for this grid disaster? Because they know that they are helpless when it comes. Note, George)
Former DHS secretary Janet Napolitano ominously warned ahead of the Grid Ex II multi-agency drill that an unprecedented collapse of the power grid is imminent, and could result from a cyber attack, an EMP or a massive natural disaster:
The outgoing Homeland Security Secretary has a warning for her successor: A massive and “serious” cyber attack on the U.S. homeland is coming, and a natural disaster — the likes of which the nation has never seen — is also likely on its way.
An electrical grid joint drill simulation is being planned in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Thousands of utility workers, FBI agents, anti-terrorism experts, governmental agencies, and more than 150 private businesses are involved in the November power grid drill.
If the power grid fails, a lack of electricity and food delivery are only the first wave of troubles facing the American people. Police could face major problems with civil unrest. Of course, there also would not be any electric heating or cooling, which easily could lead to many deaths depending on the season. (source)
It seems that it is a matter of when, not if.
That’s why having an off-grid, alternative source of energy is essential for any prepper or level-headed individual, though many communities are now discouraging solar by requiring that it be connected to the grid and regulated by energy companies.
At a minimum, with an admitted potential for two weeks with the light out, you should have a one month supply of food for your family, as well as basic emergency supplies (including candles, flashlights, batteries and other light sources).
It is also prudent to:
Follow energy conservation measures to keep the use of electricity as low as possible, which can help power companies avoid imposing rolling blackouts.
Look into alternative power sources to supply your home with power.
Have ways to prepare food off the grid.
Keep your car tank at least half full because gas stations rely on electricity to power their pumps.
Be aware that most medication that requires refrigeration can be kept in a closed refrigerator for several hours without a problem. If unsure, check with your physician or pharmacist.
Know where the manual release lever of your electric garage door opener is located and how to operate it. Garage doors can be heavy, so know that you may need help to lift it.
Keep a key to your house with you if you regularly use the garage as the primary means of entering your home, in case the garage door will not open.
Have money on hand in case stores are not processing credit cards.
(Among other good ideas. Read more from Tess Pennington’s Are You Ready Series: Rolling Blackouts and Power Outages)
This isn’t just planning for the possible, this is planning for the inevitable, and even the California authorities admit it.
Read more:
NASA Signals Crisis: “California Has About One Year of Water Left”
GridExIII Drill Coincides with American Terror Threat: “ISIS Cells Could Attack Our Power Grid”
EMP Threat: ‘Within One Year 9 Out of 10 Americans Would Be Dead’
You’ve Been Warned: Why You Need to Be Ready for Total Grid Failure
NSA Chief Warns Black Energy Attack On U.S. Power Grid A ‘Matter Of When, Not If’ – Lights Out Scenario Not A Myth But A Coming Reality
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