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Open Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump
by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 14, 2016
How to Make America Great Again and Bring Peace and Abundance to the Entire Humanity
Georgi Stankov, December 14, 2016
Dear President-Elect Donald Trump,
I have arduously supported your election campaign through articles on my website and to a much greater extent behind the veil, even though this may not be visible at first sight. But one should not underestimate our power as nothing happens on this earth against our will, which is the will of All-That-Is.
Regarding your goal to “make America great again”, I can help you more than any other human being on this planet. Ultimately it will not be the American Greatness you envision in the context of the national state as this is not the divine plan for this planet. But America and this planet will indeed become very soon a much better place to live in where wars, poverty, injustice and the hazards of criminal undemocratic regimes will no longer exist.
In order to achieve all that one needs a much bigger reform of human thinking and doing than just improving a little bit the existing governmental and national structures and institutions. I assume that this fact is well comprehended by you and your team of advisers and future governmental experts.
I can render you the ultimate trump (pun intended) in the hand how to unleash the greatest revolution in the history of humankind and win an immortal place in the Pantheon of human leaders.
I have discovered the Universal Law of Nature and have revolutionized physics and science by showing that all known current physical laws are mere mathematical derivations of one single law of nature – the Universal Law. This was suspected for many years by all leading German and European physicists before WW1 and between the two world wars. This basic idea was buried after WW2 by the American cabal scientists who began to dominate modern empirical science and distorted the leading ideas of its founders by fractionalizing the holistic world view of the great thinkers in the past. Deliberately, of course, as to hide the truth from the people who we really are and much to the detriment of humanity as we witness today and you have lamented rightly so in many of your speeches at the rallies during your election campaign.
The new General Theory of Science of the Universal Law is the greatest gift to humanity of all time and it comes from the highest levels of Human and Divine Providence. When properly understood and implemented as an educational program in schools and universities, it will revolutionize human civilisation and will offer unlimited technological resources and possibilities for progress and abundance. Based on it we can very easily begin to use free photon energy and eliminate all fossil resources and thus save the environment without hampering the economy.
We can also very easily develop a vast array of advanced technologies based on superconductivity that will bring about unseen prosperity to all people.
But first and foremost this new theory will set the people free from the dark ruling cabal against whom you have won only the first battle but may easily lose the war if you decide to use only their established governmental means and institutions to curtail them and would not be ready to think and act out of the box. This should be cogent to you and all your advisers.
The recent, hopefully failed coup d’etat of the neo-liberals and the dark, deep, globalist US government blaming you to be a Manchurian candidate of the Russians should make you very thoughtful what a precarious balancing act on a tight rope high above the political circus tent you have been engaged in without any real safety net. Forget the army and all the generals you have surrounded yourself with. I can render you this absolute safety net from an unexpected direction you have not even dreamt of. It only depends on how “smart you really are”, as you say yourself, in order to appreciate this unique chance and an unconditional offer on my part.
In order to give you a glimpse into what you can achieve for humanity if you decide to support the introduction of the new General Scientific Theory of the Universal Law, first in the USA and from there worldwide, and thus make your country great again and a leading nation in spiritual and intellectual sense, I am printing below an official announcement I have made to major scientific universities and institutions worldwide.
You only need to embrace this opportunity and urge the scientific community in your function as president-elect to take an honest, competent and unprejudiced look at this new theory that may, and has indeed, scared them in the past as it offsets all their false scientific ideas on nature and the world we live in. Such is the fearful nature of human beings, but it is time for humans to overcome their fears and march forward and you are the best person to do it.
With best regards
Dr. Georgi Stankov
Announcement on the New Theory of the Universal Law
by Georgi Stankov, July 02, 2014
Herewith I announce the donation of
ONE MILLION EURO (€ 1 000 000,-)
to the first scientific institution that recognizes the eternal validity of the New Theory of the Universal Law and complies with the following rules as set below.
This donation is linked to the readiness of the scientists to analyse and verify in an impeccable scientific manner the validity of the new Theory of Physics and Cosmology of the Universal Law as discovered by myself in the 90s and extensively elaborated and presented in three of my scientific books, two of which can be found as free ebooks on this website
Stankov’s Universal Law Pres www.stankovuniversallaw.com
Volume II: The Universal Law. The General Theory of Physics and Cosmology (Full Version)
http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/volume-ii-the-universal-law-the-general-theory-of-physics-and-cosmology-full-version/ (the pdf file download is at the bottom of the introduction)
Volume III: The General Theory of Biological Regulation. The Universal Law in Bio-Science and Medicine
The German Volume I on Physics and Mathematics (1997) is available as a book:
The new Theory of the Universal Law has been officially presented by myself at the annual conference of DGB (German Physical Society) in Regensburg, Germany in 1998 and is documented in its annals.
Since then no scientist has been able to refute this theory, although I announced an official prize of 100 000 DM at that time for the first scientist who would be able to achieve this in an impeccable scientific manner, e.g as a publication in an international journal on physics.
The Objective of this prize competition was fairly simple:
“Does Nature need more than 100 distinct physical laws to operate as a harmonious Whole, as present-day conventional physics erroneously claims (see all textbooks on physics) or does Nature obey one single Law of Nature as discovered by Dr. Georgi Stankov in 1994 and anticipated as a possibility – “Weltformel (World Equation)” – by Einstein, Weil, Kaluga and other famous physicists and theoreticians between the two World Wars?”
This prize announcement is still valid.
To qualify for my donation, the scientific institution should summon a panel of top-scientists (physicists and theoreticians) in order to check theoretically and experimentally, as shown below, the revolutionary character of the new General Theory of the Universal Law and confirm the impeccability of all scientific proofs presented in my comprehensive textbook (Vol. II) on the new physics. These experts must be fully aware of the deficiencies of current physical theory (e.g. of the standard model) and cherish the sincere quest for scientific truth beyond petty human vices, such as greed, fame or simple excessive scientist’s ego.
As soon as the scientific institution confirms officially the beginning of the scientific exploration of my new theory by a panel of worldwide renowned scientists, I will transfer one third of the donation to this institution. When the panel announces its official verdict, e.g. through a scientific publication in an international journal proving the validity of the new theory of the Universal Law, the second third of the donation will be transferred.
Let me underline at this place the fact that the new Theory of the Universal Law confirms all mathematical results obtained in physics so far and only rejects most of the non-mathematical, descriptive explanations of these results. This fact alone elucidates why it is impossible to reject the new Theory of the Universal Law, as it will be tantamount to rejecting all empirically verified results in physics and why I do not consider this possibility in this offer.
The last third of the donation will be transferred when the institution makes an official nationwide announcement to all mainstream mass media about the existence and validity of the new
Physical and Mathematical Theory of the Universal Law
and its major application as
General Theory of Biological Regulation.
Thus the first scientific institution to qualify for my donation will also officially acknowledge the beginning of the “New Age of Science” as embodied by the new Theory.
I recommend all scientists interested in the New Theory of the Universal Law to begin with the following Table
which shows for the first time in the history of physics and science the integration of all fundamental physical constants at one glance.
As it should be well known, until now gravitation cannot be integrated with the other three fundamental forces in the standard model. This is the greatest fallacy of modern conventional physics that discredits it as a valid theory of nature. This table shows how all gravitational constants and fundamental quantum masses are united with all fundamental constants of electromagnetism and thus with the other two fundamental forces, weak and nuclear. The full derivation of these constants is elucidated in Volume II.
For an introduction into the theoretical background of the new theory of the Universal Law the scientists should read my essay
The Universal Law of Nature
I wish all scientists in search of the scientific truth about Nature a full success in comprehending and implementing the new Theory of the Universal Law.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
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by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 12, 2016
by Georgi Stankov, December 12, 2016
Punctually to the auspicious 12.12 portal that will open humanity for the final ID shift, I have decided to publish this PostScript. Two events yesterday triggered this decision. First Dominique Lagae, the moderator of the PAT resource page on Facebook, asked me as follows:
“List of recommended articles + request
Dear George,
We have quite a few members now that are totally unfamiliar with your website. I wrote this in the group:
“I want to compile a list of recommended and essential reading on Dr. Stankov’s website which I would post as a note that can be found in the Files section, e.g. as gateway articles for new members who are unfamiliar with the material and for all to brush up our understanding. I welcome any recommendations.
Much Love,
Dominique “
Members are submitting their favorite or recommended articles. Apart from your own, I would like to ask if you would be willing to write an introduction, as this will be published as a note that is always available in our Files section. This will, imho, greatly encourage both new and long time readers to focus on your material. While I have allowed for a variety of sources that can further the understanding of the Ascension in progress and embolden the candidates, I sense that the focus is shifting and getting blurred, I can vouch for that myself (!) . The members that are well-versed seem to prefer to do this inner work in silence, which is their prerogative. Like I said before: just trying to keep the noses pointed in the same direction.
This is obviously a request and I hope you will be willing to meet it.
Love and Light to Carla and You,
To which I replied:
“Dear Dominique,
I agree with this observation which I have also made on a broader scale regarding the entire light worker community (and humanity as a whole). It is a very discouraging trend indeed and I do not know what to suggest. Obviously stupidity and disinformation is spreading vastly these days and the people do not want to learn anything meaningful.
What else can we do but to advise them to read more. If they do not sense this necessity from within, there is little we can do about it and all additional instructions will not achieve anything. They have the log function on my website and can scroll down to any article they are interested in or they can even read the ten volumes which Erik Westhoven has compiled and I have published on the home page. I have tried to keep my website didactic and easy to overview so that everybody can navigate there without much effort or confusion that many other websites display which I have studied and tried to avoid.
With love and light
Then today I read a very insightful article by Ghassan Kadi on the Saker’s website which tackled one of my favourite topics:
Where have all the flowers (and the Peace Movement) gone?
This prompted me to write the following comment to the author:
“Dear Ghassan,
you have spoken from the bottom of my heart and I have written myself a few articles dedicated to the lost ideas of the flower power and hippie movement, to which I belonged as a young man, in the murky waters of recent human history. We need more such historical retrospections in order to understand what happened with humanity thereafter and why it ended up where it is now. Here is one article I wrote on the same topic in 2012 which very well coalesces with your historical survey for the sake of keeping the historical tradition alive:
When Did the Seduction of Humanity Begin?
By the way the Saker’s man of the year – the American people who voted for Trump – did not come from nowhere and there is little from recent history that explains this sudden revolution. They are the product of our light work as light warriors of the first and last hour that transmit the light of the Source onto Gaia and humanity and cleanse the dark energies of humanity for many years so that they can open their limited agnostic minds and eventually progress on the spiritual ladder in the current End Time.
I have discussed this issue many times with the Saker in the past , e.g. here
and would like to recommend the readers of his website to begin to open their minds to the transcendental dimension of all human existence which was so inherent to the flower power and the hippie movement and got completely lost in the years after that. Without this higher vantage point of view, one would not truly understand any political event on the ground (as discussed on Saker’s website) and would succumb to such naive explanations as this one recently published in the Russian website Katehon:
The key mental deficit of humans is their complete lack of gnostic knowledge and understanding that has nothing to do with any of the current organized religions but the more so with Neoplatonism which was the original source of Renaissance (beginning with the Neoplatonic academy in Florence) and the driving force of any true progress of western civilisation in the last 2000 years since Plotinus wrote his Enneads. For further literature see here:
Dr. Georgi Stankov
This response then prompted me to re-read one more time my answer to Saker’s question:
Who Is Really in Charge of This Planet?
While doing so, I realized that a re-publication of this article from December 2015, one year ago, will serve for all the new members on the PAT Facebook website as an introduction to the basic tenets of our world view as ascended masters and Logos Gods of Gaia regarding what is happening on this planet in the current End Time.
And here is this publication one more time to which our dear PAT member Jerry commented as follows:
“Response to Saker’s article
All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW. What a great summary article and what a dumb as expected response from Saker. To be fair to him however I know it was a bit much for him to swallow so because I am seeing the number 11-11 a lot again I have summarized the major ideas in 11 steps below:
1. This earth has been ruled for at least 26,000 years by the dark off world and other dimensional entities through their hybrids and human recruits.
2. The dark over the centuries have used every institution including the church, education, medical and financial to further their agenda.
3. They have used every trick and power at their disposal to hijack the very purpose for us incarnating which was not to clear karma or to win salvation but to activate the light body.
4. Especially effective have been their dumb down tactics, which has increased exponentially in the last twenty years through television, social media, and pop culture to foster the belief of the human as a helpless, dumb and ineffective sack of shit with no hope of ever changing this condition through his own power.
5. The off world forces of light support energetically the ascension of the earth and mankind but can not directly interfere with this process. The work has to be done with boots on the ground and that’s us (PAT)
6. Prophets including Jesus helped create the energetic environment for ascension that us as warriors of the first and last hour are completing.
7. The prophecies of the Bible and other religious text are being fulfilled through the work of the Planetary Ascension Team
8. The dark, including their human stooges, have been defeated as of December 21, 2012 but have continued to perform as if programmed on autopilot because they are.
9. Nothing can stop the eventual outcome which will be ascension of earth and a portion of humanity to the 4D and the Warriors of the first and last order to 5D and beyond.
10. All of this has already occurred. Time is irrelevant and non-existent outside this false but shattering matrix.
11. What task still keep us here. It is the economy stupid. And when it crashes, all lingering doubts concerning business as usual will be gone and this phase of our mission will be completed”
Who Is Really in Charge of This Planet?
Georgi Stankov and the Saker, December 9, 2015
Dear Saker,
I do not understand why all Westeuropean powers, such as France, GB and Germany, the latter in a cogent breach with its constitution that forbids this country to participate in any war, unless directly attacked, and defines it as a capital crime, are in such a hurry to participate in a dirty proxy war in Syria where there is nothing to win and everything to lose? This question considers the fact that the ruling cabal in these countries know exactly how bad the situation in the Middle East is.
Do they know more than we do and what is it?
My working hypothesis is:
1) The western cabal know that there will be an imminent financial and economic crash of the western banking system. They can survive this fiasco only if they have started a new war before that, so that they can use the two circumstances to dismantle present-day restricted democracy by establishing, first, martial law and then the dictatorship of the NWO. If there is only a financial crash without an external excuse (danger) and distraction for the masses, the blame will fall entirely on the ruling cabal and they will be ousted from power. All ruling governments in France, GB and Germany are now minority governments and will lose power in the next elections, and they know that, as Marine Le Pen has just showed in France.
2) France and Germany use the Syrian proxy war to emancipate from the American hegemony by waging it to the same goals as advocated by Russia – eliminating ISIL – which are contrary to that of the USA, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Israel is already cooperating with Russia in this direction. If Russia is successful in closing the Turkish border and cutting all the supply lines for ISIL and thus allowing the Syrian army of Assad to take control over most of the country, the terrorist “causa bella” will no longer exist and there will be no excuse for the Anglo-Saxon Empire to bomb and destroy Syria any further. If this happens, the Westeuropean continental countries will be on the winning side and this will allow them to distance from the losers USA and GB, which has de facto already left the EU. This is probably the main reason why Italy is not participating in this dirty proxy war as the Renzi government wisely anticipates this outcome.
3) There is always the big danger that the Syrian conflict can explode to a nuclear world war. Why then fueling this conflict by engaging in a war that cannot be conventionally won? Do the European cabal such as Merkel, Cameron, Hollande and Co. know that there must be a new world war at any price and only want to occupy the best position for the Day after Armageddon in a catastrophic mad Max world? I am reading the discussions in Germany, France, GB and Italy and they do not make any sense to me at all, even from the bellicose western NATO alliance point of view. Instead utter insanity. And the masses are in a deep slumber and no opposition is in sight, it is even worse than in the USA and I thought it can’t get worse than that. Canada is in the same cesspool.
4) This leads to my final conclusion that the western ruling cabal have succumbed to the idea of the inevitability of WW3 which they know they could not win and are now driven by the naked fear to be let out in a postwar apocalyptic scenario of naked survival. That is why they must participate in this senseless war in the Middle East at any price, where Turkey, the heir of the former crumbled Ottoman empire, is the wild card, as its invasion in Iraq proves beyond any doubt after they shot down a Russian fighter jet over Syria in retaliation for destroying the Erdogan clan’s oil business. How much crazier can it get?
My take is that any explanation of what is happening now on the world stage must consider the impending financial crash of the Western financial system which is the 500 pound gorilla in the room. You can find a large sample of actual articles on the economic and financial collapse here:
What is your take? I would highly appreciate if you can write an article on this key issue upon which the future of mankind depends in the coming days from your unique perspective. We are all seekers of the truth which is always multifaceted.
With best regards
Dear George,
Thank you for your very interesting email. Believe it or not, we often have this conversation (about the true goals of the EU and US elites) between the various Saker Blog Team Leaders. I personally do not have any answer to offer that I would be comfortable with. For me the big question is: are the leaders of Europe (or the USA) truly rational actors or do they act simply on a “where I sit is where I stand” basis – could it be that there is no more truly rational basis to their actions?
The same goes for the issue of war: some of us in the Saker community feel that the West actually *wants* a war, while others feel that this is all a pretense and that the west most definitely will not commit the folly of forcing Russia to go to war.
I am not at all sure that I understand this issue and I don’t feel that I am qualified to voice an opinion.
Let me ask you a deceptively simple question:
Who do you think is *really* in charge in the West? Where is, in your opinion, the real center of power? Who is in command?
Kind regards,
The Saker
Dear Saker,
this is the key question to a proper understanding who is in charge of this world and who is writing the script. Actually, as you do in the Saker’s community, we have also discussed this issue at length in our PAT group and have achieved a remarkable unanimity.
For many eons of time, since the fall of Atlantis, the destiny of humanity was in the hands of very dark entities from the astral plane that have severed their connection to the source long time ago, even before they came to this planet. The details are unimportant now. These non-human entities can incarnate upon wish in human bodies. Altogether we speak of the “Unholy six” which includes the Reptilian shape-shifters, the Greys, their mercenaries, the Zeta reticuli and three minor species such as the underground Deros that are also known as the “Men in Black” who are responsible for the dirty jobs such as the distribution of plagues in the past.
The Greys are the actual masterminds of all dark plans to enslave humanity and establish the NWO, but are in smaller numbers than the Reptilians who are military experts and also control the banking system through the infamous thirteen ruling families, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schroeders, etc., but first and foremost through the insidious British Royal family that ruled the British Empire and the latter ruled the waves for a very long time.
The Zeta reticuli are an insectoid species that is doomed to extinction as its DNA is degenerated and that is why they need human DNA to improve their genetic basis. The massive unexplained culling of cattle in the USA and the abduction of many humans in the 60s and 70s was part of the big genetic program of the Zeta reticuli to improve their dying species. They had signed some treaties with the US deep government after WW2 to give them some minor new 4D technologies but did not comply to their promise not to abduct humans.
Here we are talking about biological incarnations of alien races on this earth. Above them are the excarnated archons from the astral plane (4D) who control the whole scenario of enslaving humanity in the End Time from these planes. From there, they have restricted access to parallel timelines and manipulate them as good as they can to achieve the best possible outcome from their perspective, which is the worst outcome for humanity.
While the Reptilians are excellent shape-shifters and can disguise as humans to acquire leading positions in finance, politics and even entertainment, the Greys very rarely incarnate as humans but exist in biological form in underground bases. This also holds true for most Reptilians who are not shape-shifters. The Greys have also a program for human clones and they can reproduce any politicians if he does not play to their plans and kill him and exchange him with a clone. The so-called Nordic type clones which one can find in politics and finance are for the most part Grey clones. This happened for instance three times with Bill Clinton, one time, to my knowledge with Hillary Clinton, who were exchanged with clones. Hillary has in addition several doubles (check all her pictures to find out for yourself).
Berlusconi was also killed and exchanged with a clone when he was attacked by somebody who injured him in the face several years ago, while his bodyguards were sitting there idle and allowed this to happen (find the video and watch it.). After that he disappeared in a hospital and came out as a different person. Later on he was indicted as a punishment by the ruling western cabal who despise traitors. The reason – he became a friend with Putin and had big plans with oil pipelines from Russia to Italy and West Europe. And so on. I can talk for hours about these facts and many of them are discussed on our website which is a seamless chronicle of the ascension scenario in the End Time that underlines all aforementioned facts.
I know some of the major bases of the Greys and Reptilians on this planet as I have been attacked many times by them. But the most insidious attacks come from the archons from the astral plane which have the power to derail any human psyche if it is not strong enough. I know that as I have led a constant battle with them every day and night for the last 15 years and can smell them many light years away against the cosmic radiation.
And here we come to the major factor in this whole drama – the forces of light that actually determine what is happening on this earth and all parallel earths, as there are infinite parallel timelines which we constantly change and visit. But they do it in an invisible manner for the most part of the agnostic humanity which at best describes this exact coordination of human life as destiny, fate or simple coincidences. Only for us, the light warriors of the first and last hour (see below) are all these relationships and interactions visible and comprehensible.
From this you can see that your question is inherently limited as it advocates the linear anthropomorphic 3D perspective that excludes any realities beyond the very limited five human senses. This is the key hindrance for any adequate discussion between agnostics and light gestalts who have an unlimited contact to their higher selves and know from this higher vantage point of view what is happening on this earth and who is responsible for that.
Usually we are defined as “crazy” by these agnostic people, but this is a cheap survival strategy based on fear that must exclude any transcendental knowledge beyond the limited angst-reality of such agnostic people. This psychological aspect of limited human cognition is widely discussed by myself and the PAT on our website and it is the chief hindrance to spiritual evolution and eventually ascension.
Now back to the major protagonists in this final drama. On the side of the light are the Agarthans from the Inner Earth, who are 5D light beings and cannot materialize in this low vibrating 3D reality. They have underground cities of light such as Telos under Mt. Shasta etc. (There is also the Galactic Federation but we will leave them for now aside).
It is notable to mention that when my dual soul Carla transfigured her carbon-based body into crystalline light body on August 13, 2013, shortly after we met for the first time in Munich, she consciously visited Telos and met with the Agarthans. Carla is the first incarnated human being who achieved that. I backed her up in this first ascension of a human being of this kind and then transfigured a week later, although I first ascended in 2000.
There are further highly advanced human civilisations such as the Hyperboreans who extent to 7D and 8D. We are in telepathic contact with both civilisations and if you make the effort, you will find quite a few messages which we have received personally from them and I have published on my website such as this one:
The Agarthans are the heirs of Lemuria which existed before Atlantis and was also destroyed while part of these souls have ascended in the meantime. On June 4th this year we created New Lemuria which will be the new 5D earth (see link above).
This humanity is now on the verge of ascension to 4D and 5D.
The details are presented in great length and almost seamlessly on my website. We have personally participated in all these events and report them in full consciousness. None of this is known to the rest of the agnostic humanity. By “us” I mean the group of highly evolved souls, the captain of which I happened to be. They are called the “Planetary Ascension Team” (PAT). This was not planned initially that way but it had to happen as there was nobody else to do this dirty and tedious work of cleansing Gaia and humanity from dark human and archon dross. My website is the PAT website.
All the true PAT members have already ascended and are now present here only as avatars in physical bodies as they are the actual directors of the current End Time drama, which the other people cannot understand from a conventional anthropocentric point of view.
Please bear with me that I cannot explain all the facts to you in this limited email. You have to read my website which contains in the meantime almost 3000 articles on the End Time scenario in all its facets and 15 comprehensive books of more than 6000 pages. It is the biggest real time ascension archive of humanity and every single word is true, even though many events have not happened on this timeline but on parallel earths.
I am personally an incarnated Elohim and the same holds true for my dual soul Carla Thompson who channels the Elohim, our monad, which is the source of creation of this multiverse. I am also channelled by the source and this is how I discovered the Universal Law and established a complete theory of physics, bio-science and philosophy which is the greatest intellectual achievement in the history of this humanity. You can find all the books on my website for free.
In past human civilisations this knowledge was common to many people. I have had many important incarnations in Lemuria and Atlantis, which I partially remember and there are many advanced souls now who know me from these past lives and have reported similar memories to me.
Now back to ascension – this is the cosmic process that actually determines the history of mankind and the current End Times.
Ascension is a very common phenomenon that happens each time an incarnated soul population on a 3D or 4D planet reaches a certain level of spiritual growth. On the earth, planetary ascension happens every 26 000 years which is known as Kali Yoga. We have left the old Kali Yoga in 2012 and are now in the last phase before final ascension. This ascension is carried by the PAT, the captain of which I am as an Elohim. The PAT members are the conduits of the source energies which increase the frequencies of Gaia and humanity, so that they can ascend. The group, also known as the light warriors of the first and the last hour, is unique in the whole multi-verse as we have accomplished ascension of many planets time and time again and are the experts of ascension.
However never before has such a dark planet as the earth ascended from this current low-frequency density into 5D together with its population. In most cases the population is extinguished by a magnetic pole reversal first. This is a unique experiment and that is why there were many challenges and delays. Initially it was supposed that we should ascend in 2012, but this date was postponed because humanity did not awaken to the necessary threshold of ascension. As I said, it is all documented on my website. Check all the volumes below.
Now to your initial question in an expanded form: While it seems superficially that the Powers That Were (PTW and not Be, PTB) such as the invisible archons from the Orion (Greys) / Reptilian empire and their human stooges as dark entities or clones rule this world physically as politicians and banksters, the actual power lies entirely within the forces of light, which is essentially the source (the Elohim), also known as “God” in religions, through their incarnated emissaries of light – the PAT.
As I said, all the members of this group ascended last year and since then are the creator gods (Logos Gods) of this earth on the way to final transfiguration into light. However they are needed on the ground to the very last moment as bearers of the light and as creators and directors of the ascension scenario.
Carla, my dual soul, with whom I now live in Canada, and myself are Elohim of the first and the third cause and together we create whole new galaxies and worlds, such as the new Golden galaxy, to which this earth is now rapidly ascending. We created Gaia 5 (5D) two years ago and if you go to this link you can find all the details:
Everything that happens now on this earth has already happened and the dark ruling cabal cannot change anything. There are infinite outcomes on infinite parallel timelines after Carla and I single-handed (from the fulcrum of our Elohim souls) created the first seven earths in May 2013. Use the log function on my website – go there and read all the messages and information on this creation.
Since then, numerous 3D and lower 4D worlds have been created and destroyed by magnetic pole reversals and /or nuclear wars of the ruling cabal on these timelines and then, either the NWO was established, or these timelines were depopulated. I and Carla have consciously experienced at least 7 such MPR and ID splits in the last three years, which means with direct visual experiences as reported on this website, and numerous others as energetic waves as also reported by myself and many PAT members who make the same experiences as ourselves.
While lower timelines are severed, this uppermost mother planet ascends like a multiple-stage propulsion rocket to higher dimensions, while shedding off catastrophic dark energies. Now we are in the last throes when this interdimensional shift will happen on this last timeline. Before that the Orion matrix must collapse however. But make no mistake, only in November we had several huge nuclear wars on near-by timelines that were separated. They must happen, so that this mother planet is saved and continues to ascend. If there is no WW3 yet here, this has nothing to do with human responsibility as this is the most irresponsible species in the whole universe.
This uppermost mother planet consists of infinite timelines that are constantly separated and destroyed and descend to lower dimensions as we speak (I write) now. Many soul fragments make dreadful experiences on such timelines while leaving their empty human shells here, which are incarnated by new old souls as walk-ins. This topic is also widely discussed on this website based on personal experiences of the PAT.
So who is in charge of the events on this planet?
Superficially, the dark ruling cabal, the human minions of the Orion / Reptilian empire of the archons as Reptilian shape-shifters, clones or dark human incarnated souls that have vowed to serve the dark archons between incarnations. They are ruled more or less by the thirteen Reptilian families who control the financial system. The elected politicians are their stooges who can be exchanged any time if they do not follow. The masses have no say, and everything we see in politics and you discuss on your website is a camouflage for the masses and an indirect indication for us how advanced the ascension process is.
However the situation has radically changed in the last several months. In particular on October 28th all dark criminal soul fragments were ejected by the PAT from this timeline after we eliminated and severed all archons from the astral planes of this uppermost mother planet in a series of astral battles since 2012 and even earlier.
Which means, we do no have any dark energies on this uppermost mother planet any more, but only empty holographic magnetic images of them as sluggish human energies before they are eliminated in the final phase of the ascension to 4D and 5D. All dark western politicians on power are soulless human bodies now and this explains their current insanity. That is why since then Russia has been so victorious in its battle against the dark western cabal. It is because the light has won on this planet, and by the light I mean in the first place the PAT. Difficult to chew, but this is the whole and only truth.
Read here, there is also a personal comment on you in this article:
Based on this elaboration I see now the final throes of the dark western cabal as demonstrated by their lemming behaviour to insist in participating in a war they can never win and where they will lose everything. This is the final act of the ascension scenario when the dark ruling cabal will eject themselves from power, so that we can finally ascend. It may happen before Christmas or shortly thereafter – linear time does not matter as it is an illusion of the human mind. Everything happens in the Now and there is only the Now.
The key factor for the collapse of the matrix is the financial crisis and the impending collapse of the Orion monetary system that dominates all the other efforts of the desperate ruling cabal in the west to survive. They know that they have lost the battle with the light, of which Putin and Russia are simple human images, and that their demise is inevitable. Hence no matter what they do, they have already lost.
To them I have a very practical advise which we attributed to Mao as youngsters: “If you feel a cock in your asshole do not move as not to make pleasure to the enemy“. Unfortunately the dark ruling cabal has not heard of this Mao’s saying and do everything in hectic now as to please us as spectators with their final futile attempts to avoid their inevitable death like in a classical Hitchcock suspense thriller.
I hope this is sufficient as an introduction to our multidimensional approach which explains holistically what is happening on this planet before it finally ascends.
With love and light
The Journey of the Planetary Ascension Team – Books
compiled by Erik Westhovens
Every post of Georgi Stankov with the PAT (Planetary Ascension Team) that are shared on stankovuniversallaw.com are documented in separate volumes (ebooks). Every ebook can be downloaded for free.
The latest volume is regularly updated with the latest posts.
Part I
January 15, 2011
February 16, 2012
download PDF
987 pages – 10.1 MB Part II
February 18, 2012
July 30, 2012
download PDF
999 pages – 23.4 MB Part III
July 30, 2012
December 23, 2012
download PDF
957 pages – 16.3 MB Part IV
December 24, 2012
May 24, 2013
download PDF
1169 pages – 12.9 MB
Part V
May 25, 2013
October 25, 2013
download PDF
1260 pages – 26.7 MB Part VI
October 26, 2013
May 30, 2014
download PDF
251 pages – 3.1 MB Part VII
June 13, 2014
January 8, 2015
download PDF
996 pages – 104.7 MB Part VIII
January 9, 2015
June 7, 2015
download PDF
925 pages – 53 MB
Part IX
June 8, 2015
January 31, 2016
download PDF
1307 pages – 86.9 MB Part X
February 10, 2016
July 12, 2016
download PDF
795 pages – 53.9 MB
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your email. You describe a reality which is so far from the one I know that I don’t really know what to do with it. More relevantly, what you describe directly contradicts the dogmatic anthropology of the Church and the consensus patrum on the nature of the human condition. This is a major problem for me as I do most definitely believe that God has always communicated with mankind, by means of His prophets and the revelations they pass on to us, and that His message has always been unchanging and consistent.
Thus, when I see the teachings of the Orthodox Church today, they are what I call “upward compatible” not only with the 2000 year-long history of the Church, but also with all the Scriptures. In contrast, the model you describe is in direct contradiction with what the Fathers taught and, therefore, not one I can adopt.
Please forgive me my candor.
Kind regards and many thanks,
The Saker
Dear Saker,
I can find a grain of truth even in your dogmatic orthodox point of view. Who are the prophets through which God communicates with humanity? – We are these prophets in the current End Time? Do you expect that God himself will communicate with humanity? Humanity is not ready yet as it is entirely agnostic, or rather closed to the higher realms. We are not.
And even this orthodox expectation is based on a profound illusion. If you are open to your higher self, which is the divine origin or even God, then you do not need any prophets through which God should communicate with you.
Most believers in organized religions are closed to the divine source – that is why they need organized religions to tell them what to do. And when they open to their higher selves, they usually leave the religions and seek their own spiritual pathway. Religions have significantly contributed to the dumbing down of humanity as we see it nowadays and especially Christianity works in cahoots with the dark ruling cabal to achieve this goal. Why? I will explain below.
Who do you believe Jesus was? – He is a mythological composite of the historical personality Apollonius of Tyana, about whom I and other PAT members have written a lot of articles (go to search function). And most of the PAT members, including myself, were incarnated at that time and were part of the Apollonius movement of spiritual awakening of humanity that was so powerful in the Antiquity that it had to be hijacked by the Orion forces and the Reptilian Constantine, the Little, during the Synods Time.
I have written a comprehensive philosophical work on “Neoplatonism and Christianity” that elucidates this time of religious fraud which you can find on my website written in German. I know your Orthodox beliefs as I have studied them in detail as they are the same in Bulgaria, which is the cradle of Eastern (Russian) Orthodoxy as you may know and all your liturgies are using old Bulgarian language (church Slavonic language) which I can use myself very well.
Besides, I know the academic studies of Russian scholars on early Christianity very well and most of them are very poor or there are none. I did a four years research it the theological library in Freising where 250 000 books since the 8th century are collected and where the former pope Ratzinger became a priest when there was still a seminary there. The Freising library is the oldest and one of the most renowned library north of the Alps (there are older in Italy).
I have studied the history of early Christianity from the 1st to the 6th century, and also later, at a time when Russia was heathen. It was actually pagan until much later and only became truly christianized when Bulgaria was conquered by the Turks in the 15th century and most Bulgarian theologians came to Russia (mainly Kiev) and began to truly propagate the Christian Orthodoxy. The two apostles of Slavonic Orthodox Christianity Kiril and Methodius were Bulgarians (Macedonians) from the region of Thessalonike, where my family also comes from, and propagated Christianity on behalf of the Byzantine Empire to civilize the heathen Slavonic Barbarians in the 9th century. This is elementary history of Orthodox Christianity, which at that time was not even called Orthodox as there was nothing else. Catholicism emerged only after the final schism in the 13th century and even until the 15th century there were significant attempts to bridge the gap (e.g. the Councils of Constance and Florence)
Hence I do not know where you get your information about the Christian teachings from, which were entirely developed in Egypt, Alexandria by the great gnostic and Neoplatonist Origenes and later on by his disciples in Minor Asia (current Turkey) during the early Byzantine time. None or very little of this history is known in Russia or to Russian scholars and the same holds true even more so for the Anglo-Saxon world. The only relevant theological and historic studies can be found in Central Europe for historical reasons which I will not discuss now as they are very complex. Therefore I wonder really where do you get your Orthodox teachings and beliefs from and please do not tell me that you read only the Bible, which is the same for Orthodox and Catholics.
While reading this morning my response to you from yesterday evening, I realized that I have forgotten to explain a key question which I will do here for the sake of completion, although I do not expect that you will understand it or believe me:
Why do the dark archons and the “Unholy Six” from the Orion /Reptilian empire want to dumb down humanity, establish the NWO, and enslave it?
Very simple! Because these dark entities have severed their connection to their souls and thus receive very little vital energies through their higher and lower chakras that keep them alive in the 4D and as incarnates on 3D. No sentient being can exist without the life-spending force of the soul which is a spark from the source. This should be cogent even to Christian believers.
The incarnated human souls have instead still more or less an intact connection to the source and receive much more divine energies to exist and thrive as incarnated human personalities. That is why all dark entities are energetic vampires that sponge at the astral planes on the energies coming from the human souls to their incarnates in 3D. More than 90% of this vital energy is taken away by the dark archons and the rest by their human stooges on the ground with all kinds of heinous means.
All developments in the last years aim at steeling the vital and creative energies of the humans, through Hollywood trash entertainment that harnesses the emotional energies of the masses, through wars that harness their fears, through HAARP and chemtrails that destroy their brains and poison their bodies, through electronic gadgets such as iphones that distract them from their inner higher selves, etc., etc.
The objective of all dark measures and psyops of the dark ruling cabal and their astral masters, the archons, is to dumb down all humans and to lower their frequencies as to make them believe they are weak vulnerable biological species that are an easy prey to dark influences – dark magic and rituals – which have become the core of most current organized religions, including Orthodox Christianity. You as an Orthodox believer do not even perceive it. This is how the Church exerts its power over you.
The dark forces from the astral plane know that humans are very powerful creator beings, real gods, who have a direct connection to the source and can be redeemed, while they live in a rebellion against heaven. They must stay in the astral 4D planes as long as they do not consent to enter the karmic cycle and go through the same calamities, as most human souls since the Fall of Atlantis, before they can be redeemed and eventually ascend in 26,000 years from now on. That is why they hate humans so much and would love to destroy them as they also have no respect for the sanctity of life. They are trying to lower their frequencies with all possible means as to make them their permanent slaves and a source of vital energy for them.
As they knew that ascension will take place in the current End Time, which is essentially liberation of the incarnated human personalities from the energetic vampirism of dark forces through raising their frequencies and making them sovereign enlightened beings, they try to prevent our ascension with all possible means and have intensified their genocide war on humanity. Here is where we stand now. What you superficially observe at the political stage is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg as you do not consider the energetic and eschatological depth of the observed events on the ground.
Finally, let me make one important last observation. In your response to me you have completely ignored the key information I gave you.
We believe only in the new theory of the Universal Law which is pure science, pure new modern physics, bio-science, ethics, philosophy and social sciences and can be experimentally proven contrary to any religious beliefs, including yours.
You can read my scientific books to gain a glimpse into the complexity and depth of this theory, but I do not expect you to understand it. However, I have written also five books on Gnosis that amalgamate all basic theological concepts in the New Gnosis of the Universal Law.
What I wrote to you regarding the explanation as to what is happening on this planet in the End Times and who is in charge of it, has nothing or very little to do with this pure theory of the Universal Law, in which we all believe as it comes directly from the Source and is valid throughout the multiverse, while in my response to you I am talking only about the derailed history of a small planet. I am flabbergasted again and again how my discussion partners always fail to register the basic information I gave them, which only indicates the myopic exclusiveness of their Weltanschauung, which in your case has been caused by false Orthodox dogmas that shut down any critical mind. Sorry, for being so blunt, but this is the bitter truth.
With best regards
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by Georgi Stankov Posted on December 12, 2016
by Georgi Stankov, December 12, 2016
Punctually to the auspicious 12.12 portal that will open humanity for the final ID shift, I have decided to publish this PostScript. Two events yesterday triggered this decision. First Dominique Lagae, the moderator of the PAT resource page on Facebook, asked me as follows:
“List of recommended articles + request
Dear George,
We have quite a few members now that are totally unfamiliar with your website. I wrote this in the group:
“I want to compile a list of recommended and essential reading on Dr. Stankov’s website which I would post as a note that can be found in the Files section, e.g. as gateway articles for new members who are unfamiliar with the material and for all to brush up our understanding. I welcome any recommendations.
Much Love,
Dominique “
Members are submitting their favorite or recommended articles. Apart from your own, I would like to ask if you would be willing to write an introduction, as this will be published as a note that is always available in our Files section. This will, imho, greatly encourage both new and long time readers to focus on your material. While I have allowed for a variety of sources that can further the understanding of the Ascension in progress and embolden the candidates, I sense that the focus is shifting and getting blurred, I can vouch for that myself (!) . The members that are well-versed seem to prefer to do this inner work in silence, which is their prerogative. Like I said before: just trying to keep the noses pointed in the same direction.
This is obviously a request and I hope you will be willing to meet it.
Love and Light to Carla and You,
To which I replied:
“Dear Dominique,
I agree with this observation which I have also made on a broader scale regarding the entire light worker community (and humanity as a whole). It is a very discouraging trend indeed and I do not know what to suggest. Obviously stupidity and disinformation is spreading vastly these days and the people do not want to learn anything meaningful.
What else can we do but to advise them to read more. If they do not sense this necessity from within, there is little we can do about it and all additional instructions will not achieve anything. They have the log function on my website and can scroll down to any article they are interested in or they can even read the ten volumes which Erik Westhoven has compiled and I have published on the home page. I have tried to keep my website didactic and easy to overview so that everybody can navigate there without much effort or confusion that many other websites display which I have studied and tried to avoid.
With love and light
Then today I read a very insightful article by Ghassan Kadi on the Saker’s website which tackled one of my favourite topics:
Where have all the flowers (and the Peace Movement) gone?
This prompted me to write the following comment to the author:
“Dear Ghassan,
you have spoken from the bottom of my heart and I have written myself a few articles dedicated to the lost ideas of the flower power and hippie movement, to which I belonged as a young man, in the murky waters of recent human history. We need more such historical retrospections in order to understand what happened with humanity thereafter and why it ended up where it is now. Here is one article I wrote on the same topic in 2012 which very well coalesces with your historical survey for the sake of keeping the historical tradition alive:
When Did the Seduction of Humanity Begin?
By the way the Saker’s man of the year – the American people who voted for Trump – did not come from nowhere and there is little from recent history that explains this sudden revolution. They are the product of our light work as light warriors of the first and last hour that transmit the light of the Source onto Gaia and humanity and cleanse the dark energies of humanity for many years so that they can open their limited agnostic minds and eventually progress on the spiritual ladder in the current End Time.
I have discussed this issue many times with the Saker in the past , e.g. here
and would like to recommend the readers of his website to begin to open their minds to the transcendental dimension of all human existence which was so inherent to the flower power and the hippie movement and got completely lost in the years after that. Without this higher vantage point of view, one would not truly understand any political event on the ground (as discussed on Saker’s website) and would succumb to such naive explanations as this one recently published in the Russian website Katehon:
The key mental deficit of humans is their complete lack of gnostic knowledge and understanding that has nothing to do with any of the current organized religions but the more so with Neoplatonism which was the original source of Renaissance (beginning with the Neoplatonic academy in Florence) and the driving force of any true progress of western civilisation in the last 2000 years since Plotinus wrote his Enneads. For further literature see here:
Dr. Georgi Stankov
This response then prompted me to re-read one more time my answer to Saker’s question:
Who Is Really in Charge of This Planet?
While doing so, I realized that a re-publication of this article from December 2015, one year ago, will serve for all the new members on the PAT Facebook website as an introduction to the basic tenets of our world view as ascended masters and Logos Gods of Gaia regarding what is happening on this planet in the current End Time.
And here is this publication one more time to which our dear PAT member Jerry commented as follows:
“Response to Saker’s article
All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW. What a great summary article and what a dumb as expected response from Saker. To be fair to him however I know it was a bit much for him to swallow so because I am seeing the number 11-11 a lot again I have summarized the major ideas in 11 steps below:
1. This earth has been ruled for at least 26,000 years by the dark off world and other dimensional entities through their hybrids and human recruits.
2. The dark over the centuries have used every institution including the church, education, medical and financial to further their agenda.
3. They have used every trick and power at their disposal to hijack the very purpose for us incarnating which was not to clear karma or to win salvation but to activate the light body.
4. Especially effective have been their dumb down tactics, which has increased exponentially in the last twenty years through television, social media, and pop culture to foster the belief of the human as a helpless, dumb and ineffective sack of shit with no hope of ever changing this condition through his own power.
5. The off world forces of light support energetically the ascension of the earth and mankind but can not directly interfere with this process. The work has to be done with boots on the ground and that’s us (PAT)
6. Prophets including Jesus helped create the energetic environment for ascension that us as warriors of the first and last hour are completing.
7. The prophecies of the Bible and other religious text are being fulfilled through the work of the Planetary Ascension Team
8. The dark, including their human stooges, have been defeated as of December 21, 2012 but have continued to perform as if programmed on autopilot because they are.
9. Nothing can stop the eventual outcome which will be ascension of earth and a portion of humanity to the 4D and the Warriors of the first and last order to 5D and beyond.
10. All of this has already occurred. Time is irrelevant and non-existent outside this false but shattering matrix.
11. What task still keep us here. It is the economy stupid. And when it crashes, all lingering doubts concerning business as usual will be gone and this phase of our mission will be completed”
Who Is Really in Charge of This Planet?
Georgi Stankov and the Saker, December 9, 2015
Dear Saker,
I do not understand why all Westeuropean powers, such as France, GB and Germany, the latter in a cogent breach with its constitution that forbids this country to participate in any war, unless directly attacked, and defines it as a capital crime, are in such a hurry to participate in a dirty proxy war in Syria where there is nothing to win and everything to lose? This question considers the fact that the ruling cabal in these countries know exactly how bad the situation in the Middle East is.
Do they know more than we do and what is it?
My working hypothesis is:
1) The western cabal know that there will be an imminent financial and economic crash of the western banking system. They can survive this fiasco only if they have started a new war before that, so that they can use the two circumstances to dismantle present-day restricted democracy by establishing, first, martial law and then the dictatorship of the NWO. If there is only a financial crash without an external excuse (danger) and distraction for the masses, the blame will fall entirely on the ruling cabal and they will be ousted from power. All ruling governments in France, GB and Germany are now minority governments and will lose power in the next elections, and they know that, as Marine Le Pen has just showed in France.
2) France and Germany use the Syrian proxy war to emancipate from the American hegemony by waging it to the same goals as advocated by Russia – eliminating ISIL – which are contrary to that of the USA, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Israel is already cooperating with Russia in this direction. If Russia is successful in closing the Turkish border and cutting all the supply lines for ISIL and thus allowing the Syrian army of Assad to take control over most of the country, the terrorist “causa bella” will no longer exist and there will be no excuse for the Anglo-Saxon Empire to bomb and destroy Syria any further. If this happens, the Westeuropean continental countries will be on the winning side and this will allow them to distance from the losers USA and GB, which has de facto already left the EU. This is probably the main reason why Italy is not participating in this dirty proxy war as the Renzi government wisely anticipates this outcome.
3) There is always the big danger that the Syrian conflict can explode to a nuclear world war. Why then fueling this conflict by engaging in a war that cannot be conventionally won? Do the European cabal such as Merkel, Cameron, Hollande and Co. know that there must be a new world war at any price and only want to occupy the best position for the Day after Armageddon in a catastrophic mad Max world? I am reading the discussions in Germany, France, GB and Italy and they do not make any sense to me at all, even from the bellicose western NATO alliance point of view. Instead utter insanity. And the masses are in a deep slumber and no opposition is in sight, it is even worse than in the USA and I thought it can’t get worse than that. Canada is in the same cesspool.
4) This leads to my final conclusion that the western ruling cabal have succumbed to the idea of the inevitability of WW3 which they know they could not win and are now driven by the naked fear to be let out in a postwar apocalyptic scenario of naked survival. That is why they must participate in this senseless war in the Middle East at any price, where Turkey, the heir of the former crumbled Ottoman empire, is the wild card, as its invasion in Iraq proves beyond any doubt after they shot down a Russian fighter jet over Syria in retaliation for destroying the Erdogan clan’s oil business. How much crazier can it get?
My take is that any explanation of what is happening now on the world stage must consider the impending financial crash of the Western financial system which is the 500 pound gorilla in the room. You can find a large sample of actual articles on the economic and financial collapse here:
What is your take? I would highly appreciate if you can write an article on this key issue upon which the future of mankind depends in the coming days from your unique perspective. We are all seekers of the truth which is always multifaceted.
With best regards
Dear George,
Thank you for your very interesting email. Believe it or not, we often have this conversation (about the true goals of the EU and US elites) between the various Saker Blog Team Leaders. I personally do not have any answer to offer that I would be comfortable with. For me the big question is: are the leaders of Europe (or the USA) truly rational actors or do they act simply on a “where I sit is where I stand” basis – could it be that there is no more truly rational basis to their actions?
The same goes for the issue of war: some of us in the Saker community feel that the West actually *wants* a war, while others feel that this is all a pretense and that the west most definitely will not commit the folly of forcing Russia to go to war.
I am not at all sure that I understand this issue and I don’t feel that I am qualified to voice an opinion.
Let me ask you a deceptively simple question:
Who do you think is *really* in charge in the West? Where is, in your opinion, the real center of power? Who is in command?
Kind regards,
The Saker
Dear Saker,
this is the key question to a proper understanding who is in charge of this world and who is writing the script. Actually, as you do in the Saker’s community, we have also discussed this issue at length in our PAT group and have achieved a remarkable unanimity.
For many eons of time, since the fall of Atlantis, the destiny of humanity was in the hands of very dark entities from the astral plane that have severed their connection to the source long time ago, even before they came to this planet. The details are unimportant now. These non-human entities can incarnate upon wish in human bodies. Altogether we speak of the “Unholy six” which includes the Reptilian shape-shifters, the Greys, their mercenaries, the Zeta reticuli and three minor species such as the underground Deros that are also known as the “Men in Black” who are responsible for the dirty jobs such as the distribution of plagues in the past.
The Greys are the actual masterminds of all dark plans to enslave humanity and establish the NWO, but are in smaller numbers than the Reptilians who are military experts and also control the banking system through the infamous thirteen ruling families, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schroeders, etc., but first and foremost through the insidious British Royal family that ruled the British Empire and the latter ruled the waves for a very long time.
The Zeta reticuli are an insectoid species that is doomed to extinction as its DNA is degenerated and that is why they need human DNA to improve their genetic basis. The massive unexplained culling of cattle in the USA and the abduction of many humans in the 60s and 70s was part of the big genetic program of the Zeta reticuli to improve their dying species. They had signed some treaties with the US deep government after WW2 to give them some minor new 4D technologies but did not comply to their promise not to abduct humans.
Here we are talking about biological incarnations of alien races on this earth. Above them are the excarnated archons from the astral plane (4D) who control the whole scenario of enslaving humanity in the End Time from these planes. From there, they have restricted access to parallel timelines and manipulate them as good as they can to achieve the best possible outcome from their perspective, which is the worst outcome for humanity.
While the Reptilians are excellent shape-shifters and can disguise as humans to acquire leading positions in finance, politics and even entertainment, the Greys very rarely incarnate as humans but exist in biological form in underground bases. This also holds true for most Reptilians who are not shape-shifters. The Greys have also a program for human clones and they can reproduce any politicians if he does not play to their plans and kill him and exchange him with a clone. The so-called Nordic type clones which one can find in politics and finance are for the most part Grey clones. This happened for instance three times with Bill Clinton, one time, to my knowledge with Hillary Clinton, who were exchanged with clones. Hillary has in addition several doubles (check all her pictures to find out for yourself).
Berlusconi was also killed and exchanged with a clone when he was attacked by somebody who injured him in the face several years ago, while his bodyguards were sitting there idle and allowed this to happen (find the video and watch it.). After that he disappeared in a hospital and came out as a different person. Later on he was indicted as a punishment by the ruling western cabal who despise traitors. The reason – he became a friend with Putin and had big plans with oil pipelines from Russia to Italy and West Europe. And so on. I can talk for hours about these facts and many of them are discussed on our website which is a seamless chronicle of the ascension scenario in the End Time that underlines all aforementioned facts.
I know some of the major bases of the Greys and Reptilians on this planet as I have been attacked many times by them. But the most insidious attacks come from the archons from the astral plane which have the power to derail any human psyche if it is not strong enough. I know that as I have led a constant battle with them every day and night for the last 15 years and can smell them many light years away against the cosmic radiation.
And here we come to the major factor in this whole drama – the forces of light that actually determine what is happening on this earth and all parallel earths, as there are infinite parallel timelines which we constantly change and visit. But they do it in an invisible manner for the most part of the agnostic humanity which at best describes this exact coordination of human life as destiny, fate or simple coincidences. Only for us, the light warriors of the first and last hour (see below) are all these relationships and interactions visible and comprehensible.
From this you can see that your question is inherently limited as it advocates the linear anthropomorphic 3D perspective that excludes any realities beyond the very limited five human senses. This is the key hindrance for any adequate discussion between agnostics and light gestalts who have an unlimited contact to their higher selves and know from this higher vantage point of view what is happening on this earth and who is responsible for that.
Usually we are defined as “crazy” by these agnostic people, but this is a cheap survival strategy based on fear that must exclude any transcendental knowledge beyond the limited angst-reality of such agnostic people. This psychological aspect of limited human cognition is widely discussed by myself and the PAT on our website and it is the chief hindrance to spiritual evolution and eventually ascension.
Now back to the major protagonists in this final drama. On the side of the light are the Agarthans from the Inner Earth, who are 5D light beings and cannot materialize in this low vibrating 3D reality. They have underground cities of light such as Telos under Mt. Shasta etc. (There is also the Galactic Federation but we will leave them for now aside).
It is notable to mention that when my dual soul Carla transfigured her carbon-based body into crystalline light body on August 13, 2013, shortly after we met for the first time in Munich, she consciously visited Telos and met with the Agarthans. Carla is the first incarnated human being who achieved that. I backed her up in this first ascension of a human being of this kind and then transfigured a week later, although I first ascended in 2000.
There are further highly advanced human civilisations such as the Hyperboreans who extent to 7D and 8D. We are in telepathic contact with both civilisations and if you make the effort, you will find quite a few messages which we have received personally from them and I have published on my website such as this one:
The Agarthans are the heirs of Lemuria which existed before Atlantis and was also destroyed while part of these souls have ascended in the meantime. On June 4th this year we created New Lemuria which will be the new 5D earth (see link above).
This humanity is now on the verge of ascension to 4D and 5D.
The details are presented in great length and almost seamlessly on my website. We have personally participated in all these events and report them in full consciousness. None of this is known to the rest of the agnostic humanity. By “us” I mean the group of highly evolved souls, the captain of which I happened to be. They are called the “Planetary Ascension Team” (PAT). This was not planned initially that way but it had to happen as there was nobody else to do this dirty and tedious work of cleansing Gaia and humanity from dark human and archon dross. My website is the PAT website.
All the true PAT members have already ascended and are now present here only as avatars in physical bodies as they are the actual directors of the current End Time drama, which the other people cannot understand from a conventional anthropocentric point of view.
Please bear with me that I cannot explain all the facts to you in this limited email. You have to read my website which contains in the meantime almost 3000 articles on the End Time scenario in all its facets and 15 comprehensive books of more than 6000 pages. It is the biggest real time ascension archive of humanity and every single word is true, even though many events have not happened on this timeline but on parallel earths.
I am personally an incarnated Elohim and the same holds true for my dual soul Carla Thompson who channels the Elohim, our monad, which is the source of creation of this multiverse. I am also channelled by the source and this is how I discovered the Universal Law and established a complete theory of physics, bio-science and philosophy which is the greatest intellectual achievement in the history of this humanity. You can find all the books on my website for free.
In past human civilisations this knowledge was common to many people. I have had many important incarnations in Lemuria and Atlantis, which I partially remember and there are many advanced souls now who know me from these past lives and have reported similar memories to me.
Now back to ascension – this is the cosmic process that actually determines the history of mankind and the current End Times.
Ascension is a very common phenomenon that happens each time an incarnated soul population on a 3D or 4D planet reaches a certain level of spiritual growth. On the earth, planetary ascension happens every 26 000 years which is known as Kali Yoga. We have left the old Kali Yoga in 2012 and are now in the last phase before final ascension. This ascension is carried by the PAT, the captain of which I am as an Elohim. The PAT members are the conduits of the source energies which increase the frequencies of Gaia and humanity, so that they can ascend. The group, also known as the light warriors of the first and the last hour, is unique in the whole multi-verse as we have accomplished ascension of many planets time and time again and are the experts of ascension.
However never before has such a dark planet as the earth ascended from this current low-frequency density into 5D together with its population. In most cases the population is extinguished by a magnetic pole reversal first. This is a unique experiment and that is why there were many challenges and delays. Initially it was supposed that we should ascend in 2012, but this date was postponed because humanity did not awaken to the necessary threshold of ascension. As I said, it is all documented on my website. Check all the volumes below.
Now to your initial question in an expanded form: While it seems superficially that the Powers That Were (PTW and not Be, PTB) such as the invisible archons from the Orion (Greys) / Reptilian empire and their human stooges as dark entities or clones rule this world physically as politicians and banksters, the actual power lies entirely within the forces of light, which is essentially the source (the Elohim), also known as “God” in religions, through their incarnated emissaries of light – the PAT.
As I said, all the members of this group ascended last year and since then are the creator gods (Logos Gods) of this earth on the way to final transfiguration into light. However they are needed on the ground to the very last moment as bearers of the light and as creators and directors of the ascension scenario.
Carla, my dual soul, with whom I now live in Canada, and myself are Elohim of the first and the third cause and together we create whole new galaxies and worlds, such as the new Golden galaxy, to which this earth is now rapidly ascending. We created Gaia 5 (5D) two years ago and if you go to this link you can find all the details:
Everything that happens now on this earth has already happened and the dark ruling cabal cannot change anything. There are infinite outcomes on infinite parallel timelines after Carla and I single-handed (from the fulcrum of our Elohim souls) created the first seven earths in May 2013. Use the log function on my website – go there and read all the messages and information on this creation.
Since then, numerous 3D and lower 4D worlds have been created and destroyed by magnetic pole reversals and /or nuclear wars of the ruling cabal on these timelines and then, either the NWO was established, or these timelines were depopulated. I and Carla have consciously experienced at least 7 such MPR and ID splits in the last three years, which means with direct visual experiences as reported on this website, and numerous others as energetic waves as also reported by myself and many PAT members who make the same experiences as ourselves.
While lower timelines are severed, this uppermost mother planet ascends like a multiple-stage propulsion rocket to higher dimensions, while shedding off catastrophic dark energies. Now we are in the last throes when this interdimensional shift will happen on this last timeline. Before that the Orion matrix must collapse however. But make no mistake, only in November we had several huge nuclear wars on near-by timelines that were separated. They must happen, so that this mother planet is saved and continues to ascend. If there is no WW3 yet here, this has nothing to do with human responsibility as this is the most irresponsible species in the whole universe.
This uppermost mother planet consists of infinite timelines that are constantly separated and destroyed and descend to lower dimensions as we speak (I write) now. Many soul fragments make dreadful experiences on such timelines while leaving their empty human shells here, which are incarnated by new old souls as walk-ins. This topic is also widely discussed on this website based on personal experiences of the PAT.
So who is in charge of the events on this planet?
Superficially, the dark ruling cabal, the human minions of the Orion / Reptilian empire of the archons as Reptilian shape-shifters, clones or dark human incarnated souls that have vowed to serve the dark archons between incarnations. They are ruled more or less by the thirteen Reptilian families who control the financial system. The elected politicians are their stooges who can be exchanged any time if they do not follow. The masses have no say, and everything we see in politics and you discuss on your website is a camouflage for the masses and an indirect indication for us how advanced the ascension process is.
However the situation has radically changed in the last several months. In particular on October 28th all dark criminal soul fragments were ejected by the PAT from this timeline after we eliminated and severed all archons from the astral planes of this uppermost mother planet in a series of astral battles since 2012 and even earlier.
Which means, we do no have any dark energies on this uppermost mother planet any more, but only empty holographic magnetic images of them as sluggish human energies before they are eliminated in the final phase of the ascension to 4D and 5D. All dark western politicians on power are soulless human bodies now and this explains their current insanity. That is why since then Russia has been so victorious in its battle against the dark western cabal. It is because the light has won on this planet, and by the light I mean in the first place the PAT. Difficult to chew, but this is the whole and only truth.
Read here, there is also a personal comment on you in this article:
Based on this elaboration I see now the final throes of the dark western cabal as demonstrated by their lemming behaviour to insist in participating in a war they can never win and where they will lose everything. This is the final act of the ascension scenario when the dark ruling cabal will eject themselves from power, so that we can finally ascend. It may happen before Christmas or shortly thereafter – linear time does not matter as it is an illusion of the human mind. Everything happens in the Now and there is only the Now.
The key factor for the collapse of the matrix is the financial crisis and the impending collapse of the Orion monetary system that dominates all the other efforts of the desperate ruling cabal in the west to survive. They know that they have lost the battle with the light, of which Putin and Russia are simple human images, and that their demise is inevitable. Hence no matter what they do, they have already lost.
To them I have a very practical advise which we attributed to Mao as youngsters: “If you feel a cock in your asshole do not move as not to make pleasure to the enemy“. Unfortunately the dark ruling cabal has not heard of this Mao’s saying and do everything in hectic now as to please us as spectators with their final futile attempts to avoid their inevitable death like in a classical Hitchcock suspense thriller.
I hope this is sufficient as an introduction to our multidimensional approach which explains holistically what is happening on this planet before it finally ascends.
With love and light
The Journey of the Planetary Ascension Team – Books
compiled by Erik Westhovens
Every post of Georgi Stankov with the PAT (Planetary Ascension Team) that are shared on stankovuniversallaw.com are documented in separate volumes (ebooks). Every ebook can be downloaded for free.
The latest volume is regularly updated with the latest posts.

Part I
January 15, 2011
February 16, 2012
download PDF
987 pages – 10.1 MB Part II
February 18, 2012
July 30, 2012
download PDF
999 pages – 23.4 MB Part III
July 30, 2012
December 23, 2012
download PDF
957 pages – 16.3 MB Part IV
December 24, 2012
May 24, 2013
download PDF
1169 pages – 12.9 MB

Part V
May 25, 2013
October 25, 2013
download PDF
1260 pages – 26.7 MB Part VI
October 26, 2013
May 30, 2014
download PDF
251 pages – 3.1 MB Part VII
June 13, 2014
January 8, 2015
download PDF
996 pages – 104.7 MB Part VIII
January 9, 2015
June 7, 2015
download PDF
925 pages – 53 MB

Part IX
June 8, 2015
January 31, 2016
download PDF
1307 pages – 86.9 MB Part X
February 10, 2016
July 12, 2016
download PDF
795 pages – 53.9 MB
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your email. You describe a reality which is so far from the one I know that I don’t really know what to do with it. More relevantly, what you describe directly contradicts the dogmatic anthropology of the Church and the consensus patrum on the nature of the human condition. This is a major problem for me as I do most definitely believe that God has always communicated with mankind, by means of His prophets and the revelations they pass on to us, and that His message has always been unchanging and consistent.
Thus, when I see the teachings of the Orthodox Church today, they are what I call “upward compatible” not only with the 2000 year-long history of the Church, but also with all the Scriptures. In contrast, the model you describe is in direct contradiction with what the Fathers taught and, therefore, not one I can adopt.
Please forgive me my candor.
Kind regards and many thanks,
The Saker
Dear Saker,
I can find a grain of truth even in your dogmatic orthodox point of view. Who are the prophets through which God communicates with humanity? – We are these prophets in the current End Time? Do you expect that God himself will communicate with humanity? Humanity is not ready yet as it is entirely agnostic, or rather closed to the higher realms. We are not.
And even this orthodox expectation is based on a profound illusion. If you are open to your higher self, which is the divine origin or even God, then you do not need any prophets through which God should communicate with you.
Most believers in organized religions are closed to the divine source – that is why they need organized religions to tell them what to do. And when they open to their higher selves, they usually leave the religions and seek their own spiritual pathway. Religions have significantly contributed to the dumbing down of humanity as we see it nowadays and especially Christianity works in cahoots with the dark ruling cabal to achieve this goal. Why? I will explain below.
Who do you believe Jesus was? – He is a mythological composite of the historical personality Apollonius of Tyana, about whom I and other PAT members have written a lot of articles (go to search function). And most of the PAT members, including myself, were incarnated at that time and were part of the Apollonius movement of spiritual awakening of humanity that was so powerful in the Antiquity that it had to be hijacked by the Orion forces and the Reptilian Constantine, the Little, during the Synods Time.
I have written a comprehensive philosophical work on “Neoplatonism and Christianity” that elucidates this time of religious fraud which you can find on my website written in German. I know your Orthodox beliefs as I have studied them in detail as they are the same in Bulgaria, which is the cradle of Eastern (Russian) Orthodoxy as you may know and all your liturgies are using old Bulgarian language (church Slavonic language) which I can use myself very well.
Besides, I know the academic studies of Russian scholars on early Christianity very well and most of them are very poor or there are none. I did a four years research it the theological library in Freising where 250 000 books since the 8th century are collected and where the former pope Ratzinger became a priest when there was still a seminary there. The Freising library is the oldest and one of the most renowned library north of the Alps (there are older in Italy).
I have studied the history of early Christianity from the 1st to the 6th century, and also later, at a time when Russia was heathen. It was actually pagan until much later and only became truly christianized when Bulgaria was conquered by the Turks in the 15th century and most Bulgarian theologians came to Russia (mainly Kiev) and began to truly propagate the Christian Orthodoxy. The two apostles of Slavonic Orthodox Christianity Kiril and Methodius were Bulgarians (Macedonians) from the region of Thessalonike, where my family also comes from, and propagated Christianity on behalf of the Byzantine Empire to civilize the heathen Slavonic Barbarians in the 9th century. This is elementary history of Orthodox Christianity, which at that time was not even called Orthodox as there was nothing else. Catholicism emerged only after the final schism in the 13th century and even until the 15th century there were significant attempts to bridge the gap (e.g. the Councils of Constance and Florence)
Hence I do not know where you get your information about the Christian teachings from, which were entirely developed in Egypt, Alexandria by the great gnostic and Neoplatonist Origenes and later on by his disciples in Minor Asia (current Turkey) during the early Byzantine time. None or very little of this history is known in Russia or to Russian scholars and the same holds true even more so for the Anglo-Saxon world. The only relevant theological and historic studies can be found in Central Europe for historical reasons which I will not discuss now as they are very complex. Therefore I wonder really where do you get your Orthodox teachings and beliefs from and please do not tell me that you read only the Bible, which is the same for Orthodox and Catholics.
While reading this morning my response to you from yesterday evening, I realized that I have forgotten to explain a key question which I will do here for the sake of completion, although I do not expect that you will understand it or believe me:
Why do the dark archons and the “Unholy Six” from the Orion /Reptilian empire want to dumb down humanity, establish the NWO, and enslave it?
Very simple! Because these dark entities have severed their connection to their souls and thus receive very little vital energies through their higher and lower chakras that keep them alive in the 4D and as incarnates on 3D. No sentient being can exist without the life-spending force of the soul which is a spark from the source. This should be cogent even to Christian believers.
The incarnated human souls have instead still more or less an intact connection to the source and receive much more divine energies to exist and thrive as incarnated human personalities. That is why all dark entities are energetic vampires that sponge at the astral planes on the energies coming from the human souls to their incarnates in 3D. More than 90% of this vital energy is taken away by the dark archons and the rest by their human stooges on the ground with all kinds of heinous means.
All developments in the last years aim at steeling the vital and creative energies of the humans, through Hollywood trash entertainment that harnesses the emotional energies of the masses, through wars that harness their fears, through HAARP and chemtrails that destroy their brains and poison their bodies, through electronic gadgets such as iphones that distract them from their inner higher selves, etc., etc.
The objective of all dark measures and psyops of the dark ruling cabal and their astral masters, the archons, is to dumb down all humans and to lower their frequencies as to make them believe they are weak vulnerable biological species that are an easy prey to dark influences – dark magic and rituals – which have become the core of most current organized religions, including Orthodox Christianity. You as an Orthodox believer do not even perceive it. This is how the Church exerts its power over you.
The dark forces from the astral plane know that humans are very powerful creator beings, real gods, who have a direct connection to the source and can be redeemed, while they live in a rebellion against heaven. They must stay in the astral 4D planes as long as they do not consent to enter the karmic cycle and go through the same calamities, as most human souls since the Fall of Atlantis, before they can be redeemed and eventually ascend in 26,000 years from now on. That is why they hate humans so much and would love to destroy them as they also have no respect for the sanctity of life. They are trying to lower their frequencies with all possible means as to make them their permanent slaves and a source of vital energy for them.
As they knew that ascension will take place in the current End Time, which is essentially liberation of the incarnated human personalities from the energetic vampirism of dark forces through raising their frequencies and making them sovereign enlightened beings, they try to prevent our ascension with all possible means and have intensified their genocide war on humanity. Here is where we stand now. What you superficially observe at the political stage is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg as you do not consider the energetic and eschatological depth of the observed events on the ground.
Finally, let me make one important last observation. In your response to me you have completely ignored the key information I gave you.
We believe only in the new theory of the Universal Law which is pure science, pure new modern physics, bio-science, ethics, philosophy and social sciences and can be experimentally proven contrary to any religious beliefs, including yours.
You can read my scientific books to gain a glimpse into the complexity and depth of this theory, but I do not expect you to understand it. However, I have written also five books on Gnosis that amalgamate all basic theological concepts in the New Gnosis of the Universal Law.
What I wrote to you regarding the explanation as to what is happening on this planet in the End Times and who is in charge of it, has nothing or very little to do with this pure theory of the Universal Law, in which we all believe as it comes directly from the Source and is valid throughout the multiverse, while in my response to you I am talking only about the derailed history of a small planet. I am flabbergasted again and again how my discussion partners always fail to register the basic information I gave them, which only indicates the myopic exclusiveness of their Weltanschauung, which in your case has been caused by false Orthodox dogmas that shut down any critical mind. Sorry, for being so blunt, but this is the bitter truth.
With best regards
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