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The Mechanism of Gravitation – for the First Time Explained
by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 4, 2017
The Most Important Article on the Internet !
Georgi Stankov, April 4, 2017
“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” – Galileo Galilei
Although modern physics has commenced with the measurement of gravitation (Galilei), it has been unable to develop a theory of gravitation that unifies this force with the other fundamental forces, such as electromagnetic, weak and strong forces. This shortcoming of physics is generally acknowledged. While gravitation has been elevated to mystery, physics has degenerated to an esoteric search for the hypothetical “graviton” through which this force should be mediated in empty space.
This cognitive misery of modern physics is self-inflicted – it stems from the wrong assumption that space is vacuum, in which gravitation is transmitted through hypothetical fields or particles as so called “long-range correlation”. None of the physicists so far has been fully aware of the fact that gravitational and electromagnetic fields are abstract mathematical concepts that have been introduced through human consciousness – the semantic (and not the experimental) search for their real meaning reveals that they are partial perceptions of photon space-time. The latter is an aggregated set that includes the level of gravitation, the level of electromagnetism, the level of weak forces and infinite other levels, of which we have no idea at present.
For this reason we speak in the new Axiomatics of infinite levels of space-time, whereas conventional physics reduces the physical world to only four forces (levels) in the standard model. As all parts of space-time are U-subsets that contain themselves as an element, the element being space-time, we enjoy the degree of mathematical freedom of aggregating the infinite levels of space-time to one level (space-time), two levels (axiom of reducibility), or n-levels of space-time (n = continuum = infinity).
Therefore, we need not know all the levels of space-time to describe the physical world. This task is impossible – one cannot depart from the parts which are infinite to define the Whole. This approach is a vicious circle, to which present-day physicists are addicted by defining the abstract physical quantities they have introduced in an a priori manner through mathematics with the help of other physical quantities, e.g. acceleration through mass, charge through current, etc.. This kind of physics is a Sisyphean labour – it does not enlarge our knowledge and is doomed to failure.
The inability of traditional physics to explain gravitation is a particular symptom of this cognitive malaise. The only correct approach from an epistemological point of view is to depart from the Whole to comprehend the parts. This is the essence of the Universal Law. As all levels manifest the properties of the Whole which is a closed entity (conservation of energy), we can aggregate the parts to appropriate sets and acquire the necessary information. This information consists only of space-, time-, or space-time relationships – it is equivalent to the continuum (1).
For instance, we can describe the visible universe – the total set of space-time that we can assess at present – as an interaction between two levels: the photon level and the gravitational level that includes all matter. The result of this dynamic interaction is the extent of the visible universe as a circumference, which is a basic cosmological constant that I first derived from the Universal equation (for further information see equation (37) in Volume II):
SU = c2/G = [1d-space]-quantity
When expressed in meters, this quantity is a relationship to the anthropocentric surrogate of 1 m. The gravitational level incorporates all gravitational objects, such as planets, suns, white dwarfs, neutron stars, red giants, quasars, pulsars, solar systems, black holes, galaxies, including radio-galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, local groups and so on.
As we see the gravitational level can be subdivided into infinite levels as each of the aforementioned gravitational systems can build a corresponding level, e.g. planet level, solar level, galactic level etc. As all levels are open U-subsets that contain themselves as an element, and space-time is a closed entity, it is not possible to distinguish between these levels in real terms, that is, to separate them. Nevertheless, each abstract definition of a level that is a distinct object of thought has a real correlate in space-time because such thoughts are U-sets and contain themselves and the Whole (the primary term) as an element. Only N-sets, such as the idea of vacuum (the void, the nothing, that contains energy, something, as an element), that exclude themselves as an element have no real correlates and should be excluded from scientific thinking.
This preliminary philosophical introduction intends to liberate the reader from false expectations that have been nurtured for centuries in the cultural tradition of scientific agnosticism and have prevented scientists from understanding the mechanism of gravitation, beginning with Galileo Galilei, Newton, Kepler, Einstein to the present day. Although such expectations exhibit an astounding resistance to logical arguments, the simple mechanism of gravitation as presented below is an adequate remedy against this mental blockage – its simplicity is an aspect of the new axiomatic approach in physics which I first introduced in science with the discovery of the Universal Law.
The motion of planets or other gravitational systems is conventionally assessed by Kepler’s laws and Newton’s law of gravity. These laws are applications of the Universal Law for the space-time of gravitational rotation (see Volume II, chapters 3.5 & 3.6). In this context it is important to observe that
Any real motion in space-time is a rotation.
Let us now consider the rotation of the earth around the sun. The earth’s orbit is an ellipse with the sun at one focus. The closest distance to the sun is called perihelion rmin = 147.1×109 m, the farthest distance to the sun is called aphelion, rmax = 152.1×109 m. The semimajor axis a equals half the sum of these constant distances a = 149.6×109 m. The numerical eccentricity ε of the earth’s orbit is ε = 0.016677. It is obtained from the linear eccentricity defined as the distance between the focus and the centre of the ellipse divided by the semimajor axis a:
ε = 0.5(rmax– rmin )/a = 0≤SP(A)≤1.
For the two distances we get: rmax = a(1 + ε) and rmin = a(1 – ε).
This simple geometry is the method of definition and measurement of gravitation in classical mechanics. What is the epistemological background of this traditional geometric approach to celestial motion? The linear eccentricity Δr can be regarded as [1d-space]-quantity of a new gravitational system that results from the interaction between the sun and the earth (axiom of reducibility) – it is constant for each planet because it reflects the constant space-time of the resultant system.
The numerical eccentricity ε is a relationship of two [1d-space]-quantities that belongs to SP(A). It assesses the relative change of the space-time of the photon system that is confined by the earth during its revolution around the sun. The background of this conclusion is fairly simple. If ε approaches zero, the earth’s orbit will become a circle. However, this is not possible in the real physical world – it would mean that the space of the new system should be zero, that is, its space-time should also be zero. This never happens as all systems have energy and thus space-time.
This example illustrates why we never encounter ideal circular motion in the real physical world:
All real rotations of gravitational systems are ellipses or approximate this geometric form.
In the ideal case of circular motion, the distance of the earth to the sun would remain constant during its revolution. This would mean that there should be no relativistic change in the space-time of the photon system confined by the circular orbit of the earth with the sun at its centre because the radius of this orbit represents a constant distance for all points of the orbit to the sun. Therefore, if the planet would have an ideal circular orbit, there should be no Doppler effect between the earth as a source and the sun as a receiver.
In real space-time, the earth moves away from the sun when it revolves from perihelion to aphelion and approaches the sun when it revolves from aphelion to perihelion. Thus the actual orbit of the earth affects a relativistic change in the space of the photon system confined by the earth’s elliptical rotation. When the earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, the space of the photon system expands; when it moves from the aphelion to the perihelion the space shrinks. This relativistic change of the space leads to a reciprocal change in the time f of the photon system that can be assessed by the Doppler effect (for further information see previous publication).
Before we proceed with our explanation of gravitation, we shall solve at this place a basic epistemological problem of conventional physics that hinders an understanding of gravitation in terms of the Universal Law. The earth’s approaching to the sun and its subsequent receding from the sun along its orbit can be regarded as distinct motions and described as attraction and repulsion. Thus any real rotation, such as gravitational rotation, consists of a period of attraction and a period of repulsion. The two phenomena, attraction and repulsion of celestial bodies, result from the reciprocal behaviour of space and time.
The same applies to the products of such rotations – the waves and oscillations that occur follow the Doppler effect. This can be illustrated with the following example. If a mass particle oscillates around its fixed point when a wave is propagated in a medium, we can describe the motion of the particle either as repulsion or attraction with respect to the fixed point (see also restoring force in Hooke’s law, Volume II).
We encounter the same phenomenon in electromagnetism. It is an established fact that charges with the same sign repel, while charges with opposite signs attract. Unfortunately, charge is an area – in most cases the cross-sectional area of the antinode (the position of maximal displacement in a standing wave system) – so that positive and negative signs of charges are pure convention within mathematics (see Volume II, chapter 6.2). They are mathematical symbols with which constructive and destructive interference of superimposed waves is formally assessed (see Volume II, chapter 4.3).
The elementary idea of “attraction“ and “repulsion“ in physics is an intuitive perception of the reciprocal character of space and time.
This fundamental new insight affects another significant simplification in our outlook of the physical world. This fact is totally confounded in present-day physics. The latter encounters insurmountable problems in providing a consistent interpretation of attraction and repulsion of charges in electromagnetism in contrast to gravitation where only attraction is considered, notwithstanding the fact that Coulomb’s law and Newton’s law of gravity are mathematically identical equations as I have proved in Volume II.
In reality, gravitational attraction is a one-sided perception of this force when it acts at a small distance, for instance, when an object is attracted by the earth in a “free fall“. In this particular case, the path of motion is given as a straight line. However, any translation in space-time is a portion of a larger rotation and thus a geometric abstraction of the latter. For instance when an object falls to the earth and the earth is rotating around the sun, the aggregated path of its free fall will not be a straight line pointing to the centre of the earth as gravitation is usually presented in classical mechanics, but a complex superimposed rotation with a reference to the sun. As the free fall is rather short in terms of duration, there is not enough time to observe the period of attraction and the period of repulsion. We only observe the period of attraction from a limited human point of view. If we consider, instead, a comet that approaches the earth and then recedes away from it, we can describe the comet’s orbit in terms of attraction and repulsion.
As we see, these two terms are of anthropocentric origin – they represent unilateral, local perceptions of the reciprocity of space and time during rotation, which as the universal motion of space-time. From this elaboration, we come for the first time in the history of physics to the following fundamental conclusion:
There is no principal difference between gravitation and electromagnetism as levels of space-time. Both levels of space-time engender attraction and repulsion of systems during an interaction. Attraction and repulsion of gravitational objects and electric charges are a consequence of the reciprocity of space and time that manifests itself as rotations.
Note: Remember that all gravitational bodies have a charge (cross-sectional area) and each charged particle has a mass (energy measured as energy relationship to a reference system), that is, it is subjected to gravitation – therefore they cannot exhibit different properties.
This conclusion is of paramount cognitive importance for our further elaboration of gravitation and electromagnetism as both levels can be described as superimposed rotations (fluctuations) in terms of wave theory. The latter are the universal manifestation of the reciprocity of space and time.
This property is also described in philosophy as the dialectical principle, whereas this principle was first introduced in Antiquity and only much later exploited and totally obfuscated by the German idealistic (Hegel, Kant) and later on materialistic (as dialectical materialism) schools of philosophy. Currently there is a profound confusion in science regarding the reciprocity of space and time although this fundamental property is the only topic of the theory of relativity, which neither Einstein, nor all the physicists after him, truly understood.
Only after I discovered the Universal Law in 1995 was this fundamental property of space-time, perceived dialectically as space and time by limited human senses and consciousness, fully recognized and appreciated from a theoretical and cognitive (epistemological) point of view. It is very important to stress this fact at this place so that my readers can better understand the profound blunders that have infested this only exact natural science – physics – which modern humanity has to offer in order to explain the physical reality we live in.
Evidently, the space-time of the photon system confined by the earth’s orbit is subjected to relativistic changes when this planet completes one revolution around the sun. When the earth rotates from perihelion to aphelion, it moves away from the sun. We call this half of a revolution a period of repulsion. The escape velocity ve from the sun during this period is obtained from the tangential velocity of the earth – it is a vector defined by the straight line connecting the earth with the sun that points away from the sun (see parallelogram method of vector addition).
The tangential velocity of the earth alters its magnitude continuously during its revolution around the sun. The same is true for the escape velocity: ve begins to grow as soon as the earth leaves perihelion and achieves a maximal value ve(max), which is a specific constant of the planet, somewhere between perihelion and aphelion. After that it begins to decrease continuously and becomes zero at aphelion, because the tangential velocity is perpendicular to the major axis at this point. When the earth moves from aphelion to perihelion, we have the reverse situation.
In the period of attraction, the velocity of attraction va to the sun behaves as a mirror image to the escape velocity ve in the period of repulsion. The tangential velocity of the earth is the universal quantity of the kinetic space-time of this gravitational system. The relativistic change, to which the kinetic space-time of the earth is subjected during its revolution around the sun, is propagated to the space-time of the enclosed photon system. This change is mediated through the vertical energy exchange between this material system (planet) and the photon system.
The relativistic changes of space, time, or space-time during the vertical energy exchange between the rotating earth and the enclosed photon system can be assessed by the Doppler effect, which is the universal manifestation of the reciprocity of space and time as I have proved in my previous article. The gravitational force that occurs between the earth and the sun and determines the earth’s orbit is propagated through this vertical energy exchange as an “action at a distance“. The presentation of this interaction from a dynamic point of view is essential for an understanding of gravitation.
We ought to observe that neither Newton’s law of gravity, nor Kepler’s laws give any explanation of the actual mechanism of gravitation – these laws merely assess some secondary quantities of the gravitational level of space-time, such as force and acceleration. These laws have no epistemological background. This is considered a major deficiency of classical mechanics.
There are several didactic alternatives how to explain gravitation as vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time depending on the preferred quantities of the primary term. I shall implement here a mixed approach to gravitation by using the conventional quantities of classical mechanics, such as mass, density, acceleration, distance and velocity as to make it easier for all conventionally thinking physicists and laymen to finally understand the
mechanism of gravitation as a vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time.
Although I shall discuss gravitation from a dynamic point of view, the mathematical calculations that will be discussed are of static character. As physics has not yet developed a mathematical theory that describes space-time in a dynamic way, we are constrained to use traditional data. Besides, it is not the objective of this article to introduce novel dynamic methods of mathematical calculus in physics, but to prove that there is only one law of nature and that space-time has only two dimensions (constituents) that are canonically conjugated and behave reciprocally. Nevertheless, I shall show how such sophisticated methods can be principally implemented. Therefore my approach will be essentially epistemological and descriptive.
We begin our discussion with the primary axiom – space-time = energy exchange. When this axiom is applied to the earth as a particular gravitational system, it postulates that its space-time remains constant because it reflects the closed character of space-time. This is defined at present as conservation of energy (first law of thermodynamics). This aspect of space-time – to manifest itself in constant amounts (quants) of energy – is for instance assessed by Kepler’s second law of gravitation. It is applied geometry that assesses the constancy of space-time as constant area of the photon system encircled by the earth’s orbit, as I have explained in this publication with respect to the Pythagorean theorem:
At the same time the earth is an open system – it interacts with the universe through its vertical energy exchange with the photon level. We can describe the earth as an input-output system that exchanges energy with the universe through the photon level, for instance, gravitational, electromagnetic and thermodynamic energy. This input-output process of vertical energy exchange is described by several conventional laws of thermodynamics, such as Stefan Boltzmann law and Wien’s displacement law. These laws describe the emission and absorption of photons by matter. I have discussed these applications of the Universal Law in detail in chapter 5.5 on thermodynamics in Volume II.
Thus emission and absorption of photons describes the vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time that takes place in both directions. As mass is an important quantity in mechanics – for instance, in Newton’s law of gravity the gravitational force FG is given as a function of the mass of the interacting objects – we shall use the quantity mass to explain the mechanism of gravitation.
As photons have a mass (see my previous publication), when an object of matter emits photons, it loses mass; when it absorbs photons, it gains mass. This input-output process is in balance for each system with respect to the universe, that is,
input (resorption) = output (emission).
This is the reason why space-time of systems is constant although they are open and exchange incessantly energy. When applied to material objects, this condition is called “blackbody radiation“ in thermodynamics. The concept is an N-set – it considers a blackbody as a closed system: “An object that absorbs all the radiation incident upon it has an emissivity equal to 1 (certain event) and is called a blackbody.“(2) This intuitive idea of the closed character of space-time in thermodynamics is basic to the definition of Stefan-Boltzmann law (see Volume II, chapter 5.5).
Indeed, all particular laws can only be defined when the properties of the primary term are considered. The mass of the photons depends on their frequency mphoton = mp f , where mp is the mass of the basic photon (for further information see here). As all systems are U-sets – they contain themselves, i.e., space-time, as an element – the mass of the basic photon mp is part of the macroscopic mass Mmol of gravitational objects (see Volume II, equations (46), (46a) and (46b), and previous publication):
Mmol = mp(npr fc,pr + nn fc,n +ne fc,e)nNA,
where npr, nn, ne = number of protons, neutrons and electrons of the substance, and n = number of mols of the object.
In this elaboration, we can alternatively use Planck’s equation E = h f = EA f of photon energy without affecting the final conclusions.
Both Stefan-Boltzmann law of the power of radiation P = eσAT4 = EA f (Volume II, equation (80)) and Wien’s displacement law of the wavelength of maximal radiation λmax= B/T (Vol II, eq. (81)) assess the space-time, respectively, the space (wavelength) of the emitted photons, as a function of temperature T (chapter 5.5). I have proved in my previous article and in the section “Thermodynamics” in Vol II that temperature is a quantity of time T = f (chapter 5.1).
The new Stankov’s law of photon thermodynamics confirms that any thermal gradient at the material levels leads to a corresponding thermal gradient at the photonic level during radiation, which is a specific vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time (see Vol II, chapter 5.7). With this law I have eliminated the insane idea of growing entropy (thermodynamic death (?)) in the universe which is also known as the second law of thermodynamics. This law is in blatant antinomy to the first law of thermodynamics postulating the conservation of energy and must be discarded as a false idea (see Vol. 2, chapter 5.6). Such paradoxes and contradictions have made physics to “fake science” and it is a conundrum to me why physicists are not aware of this fact and do something to improve their science.
In the present discussion, I shall not consider the energy exchange of the earth with the rest of photon space-time. I assume that the input is equal to the output (primary axiom). The same holds for the sun. We shall only describe the relativistic change in space and time of the enclosed photon system during one revolution of the earth around the sun.
However, we do not say that the earth is a closed system – we merely use the notion of the primary axiom in the sense of “ceteris paribus“ (other things the same). This is an a priori condition in any mathematical presentation of real space-time – for instance, we can only build equations under the condition of ceteris paribus. This abstract assumption is especially popular in economics (3).
When the earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, the escape velocity ve increases continuously to the maximal value ve(max) and after that decreases continuously to zero at aphelion. This relativistic change in the kinetic energy of the earth produces an equivalent change in the space-time of the expanding photon system confined by the earth’s orbit. This change is assessed by the Doppler effect fx = (1 – ve/c) fo, where fx is the actual frequency of the photons emitted from the earth to the photon system; fo is the baseline frequency.
Based on the aforementioned geometric approach in celestial mechanics, fo is the hypothetical constant frequency of the photons, which the earth would emit if its orbit were an ideal circle, that is, when the numerical eccentricity ε is set zero. In this case, the distance of the earth to the sun would be constant – for instance, it can be set equivalent to the semimajor axis a (see above).
During the period of repulsion, the frequency of the photons emitted by the earth as a source continuously decreases with respect to the sun and the enclosed photon system as a receiver. The maximal redshift will be observed at ve(max). Moving from the point of ve(max) to aphelion, the redshifts of the earth will continuously decrease. At aphelion, there will be no redshift at all, because ve = 0 and fx = fo. The change in the frequency Δ f during the period of repulsion can be assessed by differential calculus. The maximal change Δfmax is achieved at ve(max). It is inversely proportional to the maximal linear eccentricity a of the earth’s orbit (see equation of numerical eccentricity ε above):
ε = Δr/2a = (rmax– rmin)/2a.
When the universal equation is applied as a rule of three, we obtain a simple relationship between the numerical eccentricity of the earth’s orbit and the change in frequency of the enclosed photon system:
ε = Δr/2a = fo/Δ fmax = SP(A)
The maximal escape velocity ve(max) of each planet can be obtained from astronomic tables. From ve(max) and the maximal change Δ fmax we can determine the maximal redshift of the earth by calculating the Doppler effect.
We can now apply the same procedure to the period of attraction when the planet moves from aphelion to perihelion and determine the maximal velocity of attraction va(max). It will correspond to the maximal violetshift. If we use differential and integral calculus, we can calculate the magnitude of these quantities for each point of the planet’s orbit and thus determine precisely the relativistic changes in space (distance from the sun) and time (frequency) of the photon level during one revolution.
The frequency of the photons determines the energy of the photon system E ≈ f. The same is true for its density ρ. If we now apply the universal equation for one complete revolution, we obtain another valuable relationship:
Erepulsion : EAttraction = ρRepulsion : ρAttraction =ve(max) : va(max) = constant = 1
The space-time of the enclosed photon system changes relativistically within one revolution. From perihelion to aphelion, space continuously expands and photon frequency decreases in a reciprocal manner as observed by the redshifts. The density of the enclosed photon system decreases in the same manner and achieves its minimal value ρmin at aphelion.
This minimal density gradually increases during the period of attraction. The overall density of the period of repulsion is equal to that of the period of attraction. The same holds for the energy exchange and the maximal velocity of the two periods (conservation of energy).
The revolution of the earth around the sun can be regarded as an action potential or alternatively as an interaction between the earth and the photon system (axiom of reducibility). In this elaboration, we regard energy exchange between the sun and the photon system under the condition “ceteris paribus“. We apply the same condition to the energy exchange between the earth and the universe.
During one revolution of the planet, we observe the reciprocal behaviour of the LRC of the two contiguous levels (third axiom of application, see Axiomatics) – the level of matter, as represented by the earth, and the photon level, as represented by the enclosed photon system. When the earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, it emits photons with a decreasing frequency and mass mphoton = mp f , that is, the earth loses continuously less and less mass to the photon system. As the input from the universe is unchanged, the earth, so to say, “gains weight“ during the period of repulsion. The planet exhibits maximal mass and density at aphelion, which is the farthest distance to the sun: rmax = [photon-space]max.
At this point, the enclosed photon system behaves reciprocally to the earth – its energy, LRC, mass and density, being proportional to the frequency of the emitted photons, reach their minimal values. According to Newton’s law of gravity, the gravitational force is proportional to the mass of the interacting objects. From this it follows that earth’s gravitation augments during the period of repulsion and achieves its maximal value at aphelion, where the mass of the earth is maximal. At this point, the attraction of the earth to the sun begins (period of attraction).
At the end of the period of attraction, that is, at perihelion, which is the shortest distance to the sun, the mass of the earth is minimal and the planet begins to move away from the sun. During the period of attraction, the earth emits photons with growing frequency (violetshifts) and mass: so to say, the planet begins to “lose weight“. At perihelion, the earth has a minimal energy, mass and density. At the same time, the enclosed photon system reaches its maximal energy, density and mass, and the smallest space.
The gravitational force between two objects is proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to their square distance as stated by Newton’s law of gravity. To compensate for the diminishing mass of the earth, the distance to the sun begins to augment, so that the overall gravitational energy remains constant. The earth begins to move away from the sun.
These descriptions are circumlocutions of the axiom of reciprocal behaviour of the LRC of contiguous levels which is a practical application of the universal reciprocity of space and time. This is one possible explanation of gravitation as a rotation with respect to the law of gravity.
Alternatively, we can describe the turning points at aphelion and perihelion with the restoring force in Hooke’s law (see Vol II, chapter 3.2). We can regard the space-time of the photon level as an elastic medium (ether). When the enclosed photon system expands maximally at aphelion, photon space-time at the opposite side of the earth contracts and develops a restoring force that brings the earth back to the sun. When the space-time of the photon system reaches its maximal state of contraction (maximal restoring force) at perihelion, it begins to expand by taking the earth with itself. This phenomenon can be observed in fluids and elastic matter.
Such didactic presentations are descriptive iterations of the basic property of space-time – the reciprocity of space and time. They visualize the mechanism of gravitation by showing that it obeys the Universal Law, which is ubiquitous in all physical phenomena. The mystery of gravitation is thus de-mythologized once and for all.
The revolution of the earth around the sun is a periodic event of constant space-time EA, which repeats infinite times E = EA f. If we regard the orbit of the sun as a revolution path around the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way, we shall obtain for the earth’s orbit an eccentric wave oscillating around the sun’s orbit. This example shows that all gravitational rotations can be described in terms of superimposed waves, which are U-sets and contain themselves, that is, space-time, as an element. In this sense, we can regard the universe as the total set of all superimposed rotations which are systems or levels of the primary term. This holds for macrocosm and microcosm. The elementary particles can also be regarded as rotating systems of space-time (see Vol II, section “quantum mechanics”).
This presentation includes a new aspect that facilitates our understanding of gravitation dramatically. We depart for the first time in the history of physics from the vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time and show that it follows the Universal Law, just as any other energy interaction. The crucial fact is that photon space-time exhibits the same properties as matter, for instance, photons also have a mass which is energy relationship.
Current physics preaches instead that only matter has a mass, while photons are „massless“ particles. This novel explanation of gravitation was enabled by major breakthroughs in classical mechanics, wave theory, electromagnetism, thermodynamics and quantum mechanics as presented in Volume II. It shows that gravitation is a particular energy exchange, just as electromagnetism and heat, and can be consistently integrated with other forces (levels of energy exchange) as is shown on one page in Table 1. This simple interpretation of gravitation in the light of the Universal Law eliminates the search for the hypothetical “graviton” as obsolete and transforms physics from “fake science” to true science that departs from the primary term of our consciousness.
1. It can be proven that Shannon’s definition of information is an iteration of the primary term.
2. PA Tipler, Textbook of Physics, p. 531 (older edition)
3. See, for instance, K. Lancaster, Introduction to modern microeconomics, Rand McNally College Publishing Company, Chicago, 1974, p. 12.
Nota bene: This article is defined as the most important publication on the Internet and in the scientific literature as it contains the explanation how to overcome gravity and create new technologies based on anti-gravity. This will be the greatest scientific revolution of this humanity.
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by Georgi Stankov Posted on April 4, 2017
The Most Important Article on the Internet !
Georgi Stankov, April 4, 2017
“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” – Galileo Galilei
Although modern physics has commenced with the measurement of gravitation (Galilei), it has been unable to develop a theory of gravitation that unifies this force with the other fundamental forces, such as electromagnetic, weak and strong forces. This shortcoming of physics is generally acknowledged. While gravitation has been elevated to mystery, physics has degenerated to an esoteric search for the hypothetical “graviton” through which this force should be mediated in empty space.
This cognitive misery of modern physics is self-inflicted – it stems from the wrong assumption that space is vacuum, in which gravitation is transmitted through hypothetical fields or particles as so called “long-range correlation”. None of the physicists so far has been fully aware of the fact that gravitational and electromagnetic fields are abstract mathematical concepts that have been introduced through human consciousness – the semantic (and not the experimental) search for their real meaning reveals that they are partial perceptions of photon space-time. The latter is an aggregated set that includes the level of gravitation, the level of electromagnetism, the level of weak forces and infinite other levels, of which we have no idea at present.
For this reason we speak in the new Axiomatics of infinite levels of space-time, whereas conventional physics reduces the physical world to only four forces (levels) in the standard model. As all parts of space-time are U-subsets that contain themselves as an element, the element being space-time, we enjoy the degree of mathematical freedom of aggregating the infinite levels of space-time to one level (space-time), two levels (axiom of reducibility), or n-levels of space-time (n = continuum = infinity).
Therefore, we need not know all the levels of space-time to describe the physical world. This task is impossible – one cannot depart from the parts which are infinite to define the Whole. This approach is a vicious circle, to which present-day physicists are addicted by defining the abstract physical quantities they have introduced in an a priori manner through mathematics with the help of other physical quantities, e.g. acceleration through mass, charge through current, etc.. This kind of physics is a Sisyphean labour – it does not enlarge our knowledge and is doomed to failure.
The inability of traditional physics to explain gravitation is a particular symptom of this cognitive malaise. The only correct approach from an epistemological point of view is to depart from the Whole to comprehend the parts. This is the essence of the Universal Law. As all levels manifest the properties of the Whole which is a closed entity (conservation of energy), we can aggregate the parts to appropriate sets and acquire the necessary information. This information consists only of space-, time-, or space-time relationships – it is equivalent to the continuum (1).
For instance, we can describe the visible universe – the total set of space-time that we can assess at present – as an interaction between two levels: the photon level and the gravitational level that includes all matter. The result of this dynamic interaction is the extent of the visible universe as a circumference, which is a basic cosmological constant that I first derived from the Universal equation (for further information see equation (37) in Volume II):
SU = c2/G = [1d-space]-quantity
When expressed in meters, this quantity is a relationship to the anthropocentric surrogate of 1 m. The gravitational level incorporates all gravitational objects, such as planets, suns, white dwarfs, neutron stars, red giants, quasars, pulsars, solar systems, black holes, galaxies, including radio-galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, local groups and so on.
As we see the gravitational level can be subdivided into infinite levels as each of the aforementioned gravitational systems can build a corresponding level, e.g. planet level, solar level, galactic level etc. As all levels are open U-subsets that contain themselves as an element, and space-time is a closed entity, it is not possible to distinguish between these levels in real terms, that is, to separate them. Nevertheless, each abstract definition of a level that is a distinct object of thought has a real correlate in space-time because such thoughts are U-sets and contain themselves and the Whole (the primary term) as an element. Only N-sets, such as the idea of vacuum (the void, the nothing, that contains energy, something, as an element), that exclude themselves as an element have no real correlates and should be excluded from scientific thinking.
This preliminary philosophical introduction intends to liberate the reader from false expectations that have been nurtured for centuries in the cultural tradition of scientific agnosticism and have prevented scientists from understanding the mechanism of gravitation, beginning with Galileo Galilei, Newton, Kepler, Einstein to the present day. Although such expectations exhibit an astounding resistance to logical arguments, the simple mechanism of gravitation as presented below is an adequate remedy against this mental blockage – its simplicity is an aspect of the new axiomatic approach in physics which I first introduced in science with the discovery of the Universal Law.
The motion of planets or other gravitational systems is conventionally assessed by Kepler’s laws and Newton’s law of gravity. These laws are applications of the Universal Law for the space-time of gravitational rotation (see Volume II, chapters 3.5 & 3.6). In this context it is important to observe that
Any real motion in space-time is a rotation.
Let us now consider the rotation of the earth around the sun. The earth’s orbit is an ellipse with the sun at one focus. The closest distance to the sun is called perihelion rmin = 147.1×109 m, the farthest distance to the sun is called aphelion, rmax = 152.1×109 m. The semimajor axis a equals half the sum of these constant distances a = 149.6×109 m. The numerical eccentricity ε of the earth’s orbit is ε = 0.016677. It is obtained from the linear eccentricity defined as the distance between the focus and the centre of the ellipse divided by the semimajor axis a:
ε = 0.5(rmax– rmin )/a = 0≤SP(A)≤1.
For the two distances we get: rmax = a(1 + ε) and rmin = a(1 – ε).
This simple geometry is the method of definition and measurement of gravitation in classical mechanics. What is the epistemological background of this traditional geometric approach to celestial motion? The linear eccentricity Δr can be regarded as [1d-space]-quantity of a new gravitational system that results from the interaction between the sun and the earth (axiom of reducibility) – it is constant for each planet because it reflects the constant space-time of the resultant system.
The numerical eccentricity ε is a relationship of two [1d-space]-quantities that belongs to SP(A). It assesses the relative change of the space-time of the photon system that is confined by the earth during its revolution around the sun. The background of this conclusion is fairly simple. If ε approaches zero, the earth’s orbit will become a circle. However, this is not possible in the real physical world – it would mean that the space of the new system should be zero, that is, its space-time should also be zero. This never happens as all systems have energy and thus space-time.
This example illustrates why we never encounter ideal circular motion in the real physical world:
All real rotations of gravitational systems are ellipses or approximate this geometric form.
In the ideal case of circular motion, the distance of the earth to the sun would remain constant during its revolution. This would mean that there should be no relativistic change in the space-time of the photon system confined by the circular orbit of the earth with the sun at its centre because the radius of this orbit represents a constant distance for all points of the orbit to the sun. Therefore, if the planet would have an ideal circular orbit, there should be no Doppler effect between the earth as a source and the sun as a receiver.
In real space-time, the earth moves away from the sun when it revolves from perihelion to aphelion and approaches the sun when it revolves from aphelion to perihelion. Thus the actual orbit of the earth affects a relativistic change in the space of the photon system confined by the earth’s elliptical rotation. When the earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, the space of the photon system expands; when it moves from the aphelion to the perihelion the space shrinks. This relativistic change of the space leads to a reciprocal change in the time f of the photon system that can be assessed by the Doppler effect (for further information see previous publication).
Before we proceed with our explanation of gravitation, we shall solve at this place a basic epistemological problem of conventional physics that hinders an understanding of gravitation in terms of the Universal Law. The earth’s approaching to the sun and its subsequent receding from the sun along its orbit can be regarded as distinct motions and described as attraction and repulsion. Thus any real rotation, such as gravitational rotation, consists of a period of attraction and a period of repulsion. The two phenomena, attraction and repulsion of celestial bodies, result from the reciprocal behaviour of space and time.
The same applies to the products of such rotations – the waves and oscillations that occur follow the Doppler effect. This can be illustrated with the following example. If a mass particle oscillates around its fixed point when a wave is propagated in a medium, we can describe the motion of the particle either as repulsion or attraction with respect to the fixed point (see also restoring force in Hooke’s law, Volume II).
We encounter the same phenomenon in electromagnetism. It is an established fact that charges with the same sign repel, while charges with opposite signs attract. Unfortunately, charge is an area – in most cases the cross-sectional area of the antinode (the position of maximal displacement in a standing wave system) – so that positive and negative signs of charges are pure convention within mathematics (see Volume II, chapter 6.2). They are mathematical symbols with which constructive and destructive interference of superimposed waves is formally assessed (see Volume II, chapter 4.3).
The elementary idea of “attraction“ and “repulsion“ in physics is an intuitive perception of the reciprocal character of space and time.
This fundamental new insight affects another significant simplification in our outlook of the physical world. This fact is totally confounded in present-day physics. The latter encounters insurmountable problems in providing a consistent interpretation of attraction and repulsion of charges in electromagnetism in contrast to gravitation where only attraction is considered, notwithstanding the fact that Coulomb’s law and Newton’s law of gravity are mathematically identical equations as I have proved in Volume II.
In reality, gravitational attraction is a one-sided perception of this force when it acts at a small distance, for instance, when an object is attracted by the earth in a “free fall“. In this particular case, the path of motion is given as a straight line. However, any translation in space-time is a portion of a larger rotation and thus a geometric abstraction of the latter. For instance when an object falls to the earth and the earth is rotating around the sun, the aggregated path of its free fall will not be a straight line pointing to the centre of the earth as gravitation is usually presented in classical mechanics, but a complex superimposed rotation with a reference to the sun. As the free fall is rather short in terms of duration, there is not enough time to observe the period of attraction and the period of repulsion. We only observe the period of attraction from a limited human point of view. If we consider, instead, a comet that approaches the earth and then recedes away from it, we can describe the comet’s orbit in terms of attraction and repulsion.
As we see, these two terms are of anthropocentric origin – they represent unilateral, local perceptions of the reciprocity of space and time during rotation, which as the universal motion of space-time. From this elaboration, we come for the first time in the history of physics to the following fundamental conclusion:
There is no principal difference between gravitation and electromagnetism as levels of space-time. Both levels of space-time engender attraction and repulsion of systems during an interaction. Attraction and repulsion of gravitational objects and electric charges are a consequence of the reciprocity of space and time that manifests itself as rotations.
Note: Remember that all gravitational bodies have a charge (cross-sectional area) and each charged particle has a mass (energy measured as energy relationship to a reference system), that is, it is subjected to gravitation – therefore they cannot exhibit different properties.
This conclusion is of paramount cognitive importance for our further elaboration of gravitation and electromagnetism as both levels can be described as superimposed rotations (fluctuations) in terms of wave theory. The latter are the universal manifestation of the reciprocity of space and time.
This property is also described in philosophy as the dialectical principle, whereas this principle was first introduced in Antiquity and only much later exploited and totally obfuscated by the German idealistic (Hegel, Kant) and later on materialistic (as dialectical materialism) schools of philosophy. Currently there is a profound confusion in science regarding the reciprocity of space and time although this fundamental property is the only topic of the theory of relativity, which neither Einstein, nor all the physicists after him, truly understood.
Only after I discovered the Universal Law in 1995 was this fundamental property of space-time, perceived dialectically as space and time by limited human senses and consciousness, fully recognized and appreciated from a theoretical and cognitive (epistemological) point of view. It is very important to stress this fact at this place so that my readers can better understand the profound blunders that have infested this only exact natural science – physics – which modern humanity has to offer in order to explain the physical reality we live in.
Evidently, the space-time of the photon system confined by the earth’s orbit is subjected to relativistic changes when this planet completes one revolution around the sun. When the earth rotates from perihelion to aphelion, it moves away from the sun. We call this half of a revolution a period of repulsion. The escape velocity ve from the sun during this period is obtained from the tangential velocity of the earth – it is a vector defined by the straight line connecting the earth with the sun that points away from the sun (see parallelogram method of vector addition).
The tangential velocity of the earth alters its magnitude continuously during its revolution around the sun. The same is true for the escape velocity: ve begins to grow as soon as the earth leaves perihelion and achieves a maximal value ve(max), which is a specific constant of the planet, somewhere between perihelion and aphelion. After that it begins to decrease continuously and becomes zero at aphelion, because the tangential velocity is perpendicular to the major axis at this point. When the earth moves from aphelion to perihelion, we have the reverse situation.
In the period of attraction, the velocity of attraction va to the sun behaves as a mirror image to the escape velocity ve in the period of repulsion. The tangential velocity of the earth is the universal quantity of the kinetic space-time of this gravitational system. The relativistic change, to which the kinetic space-time of the earth is subjected during its revolution around the sun, is propagated to the space-time of the enclosed photon system. This change is mediated through the vertical energy exchange between this material system (planet) and the photon system.
The relativistic changes of space, time, or space-time during the vertical energy exchange between the rotating earth and the enclosed photon system can be assessed by the Doppler effect, which is the universal manifestation of the reciprocity of space and time as I have proved in my previous article. The gravitational force that occurs between the earth and the sun and determines the earth’s orbit is propagated through this vertical energy exchange as an “action at a distance“. The presentation of this interaction from a dynamic point of view is essential for an understanding of gravitation.
We ought to observe that neither Newton’s law of gravity, nor Kepler’s laws give any explanation of the actual mechanism of gravitation – these laws merely assess some secondary quantities of the gravitational level of space-time, such as force and acceleration. These laws have no epistemological background. This is considered a major deficiency of classical mechanics.
There are several didactic alternatives how to explain gravitation as vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time depending on the preferred quantities of the primary term. I shall implement here a mixed approach to gravitation by using the conventional quantities of classical mechanics, such as mass, density, acceleration, distance and velocity as to make it easier for all conventionally thinking physicists and laymen to finally understand the
mechanism of gravitation as a vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time.
Although I shall discuss gravitation from a dynamic point of view, the mathematical calculations that will be discussed are of static character. As physics has not yet developed a mathematical theory that describes space-time in a dynamic way, we are constrained to use traditional data. Besides, it is not the objective of this article to introduce novel dynamic methods of mathematical calculus in physics, but to prove that there is only one law of nature and that space-time has only two dimensions (constituents) that are canonically conjugated and behave reciprocally. Nevertheless, I shall show how such sophisticated methods can be principally implemented. Therefore my approach will be essentially epistemological and descriptive.
We begin our discussion with the primary axiom – space-time = energy exchange. When this axiom is applied to the earth as a particular gravitational system, it postulates that its space-time remains constant because it reflects the closed character of space-time. This is defined at present as conservation of energy (first law of thermodynamics). This aspect of space-time – to manifest itself in constant amounts (quants) of energy – is for instance assessed by Kepler’s second law of gravitation. It is applied geometry that assesses the constancy of space-time as constant area of the photon system encircled by the earth’s orbit, as I have explained in this publication with respect to the Pythagorean theorem:
At the same time the earth is an open system – it interacts with the universe through its vertical energy exchange with the photon level. We can describe the earth as an input-output system that exchanges energy with the universe through the photon level, for instance, gravitational, electromagnetic and thermodynamic energy. This input-output process of vertical energy exchange is described by several conventional laws of thermodynamics, such as Stefan Boltzmann law and Wien’s displacement law. These laws describe the emission and absorption of photons by matter. I have discussed these applications of the Universal Law in detail in chapter 5.5 on thermodynamics in Volume II.
Thus emission and absorption of photons describes the vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time that takes place in both directions. As mass is an important quantity in mechanics – for instance, in Newton’s law of gravity the gravitational force FG is given as a function of the mass of the interacting objects – we shall use the quantity mass to explain the mechanism of gravitation.
As photons have a mass (see my previous publication), when an object of matter emits photons, it loses mass; when it absorbs photons, it gains mass. This input-output process is in balance for each system with respect to the universe, that is,
input (resorption) = output (emission).
This is the reason why space-time of systems is constant although they are open and exchange incessantly energy. When applied to material objects, this condition is called “blackbody radiation“ in thermodynamics. The concept is an N-set – it considers a blackbody as a closed system: “An object that absorbs all the radiation incident upon it has an emissivity equal to 1 (certain event) and is called a blackbody.“(2) This intuitive idea of the closed character of space-time in thermodynamics is basic to the definition of Stefan-Boltzmann law (see Volume II, chapter 5.5).
Indeed, all particular laws can only be defined when the properties of the primary term are considered. The mass of the photons depends on their frequency mphoton = mp f , where mp is the mass of the basic photon (for further information see here). As all systems are U-sets – they contain themselves, i.e., space-time, as an element – the mass of the basic photon mp is part of the macroscopic mass Mmol of gravitational objects (see Volume II, equations (46), (46a) and (46b), and previous publication):
Mmol = mp(npr fc,pr + nn fc,n +ne fc,e)nNA,
where npr, nn, ne = number of protons, neutrons and electrons of the substance, and n = number of mols of the object.
In this elaboration, we can alternatively use Planck’s equation E = h f = EA f of photon energy without affecting the final conclusions.
Both Stefan-Boltzmann law of the power of radiation P = eσAT4 = EA f (Volume II, equation (80)) and Wien’s displacement law of the wavelength of maximal radiation λmax= B/T (Vol II, eq. (81)) assess the space-time, respectively, the space (wavelength) of the emitted photons, as a function of temperature T (chapter 5.5). I have proved in my previous article and in the section “Thermodynamics” in Vol II that temperature is a quantity of time T = f (chapter 5.1).
The new Stankov’s law of photon thermodynamics confirms that any thermal gradient at the material levels leads to a corresponding thermal gradient at the photonic level during radiation, which is a specific vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time (see Vol II, chapter 5.7). With this law I have eliminated the insane idea of growing entropy (thermodynamic death (?)) in the universe which is also known as the second law of thermodynamics. This law is in blatant antinomy to the first law of thermodynamics postulating the conservation of energy and must be discarded as a false idea (see Vol. 2, chapter 5.6). Such paradoxes and contradictions have made physics to “fake science” and it is a conundrum to me why physicists are not aware of this fact and do something to improve their science.
In the present discussion, I shall not consider the energy exchange of the earth with the rest of photon space-time. I assume that the input is equal to the output (primary axiom). The same holds for the sun. We shall only describe the relativistic change in space and time of the enclosed photon system during one revolution of the earth around the sun.
However, we do not say that the earth is a closed system – we merely use the notion of the primary axiom in the sense of “ceteris paribus“ (other things the same). This is an a priori condition in any mathematical presentation of real space-time – for instance, we can only build equations under the condition of ceteris paribus. This abstract assumption is especially popular in economics (3).
When the earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, the escape velocity ve increases continuously to the maximal value ve(max) and after that decreases continuously to zero at aphelion. This relativistic change in the kinetic energy of the earth produces an equivalent change in the space-time of the expanding photon system confined by the earth’s orbit. This change is assessed by the Doppler effect fx = (1 – ve/c) fo, where fx is the actual frequency of the photons emitted from the earth to the photon system; fo is the baseline frequency.
Based on the aforementioned geometric approach in celestial mechanics, fo is the hypothetical constant frequency of the photons, which the earth would emit if its orbit were an ideal circle, that is, when the numerical eccentricity ε is set zero. In this case, the distance of the earth to the sun would be constant – for instance, it can be set equivalent to the semimajor axis a (see above).
During the period of repulsion, the frequency of the photons emitted by the earth as a source continuously decreases with respect to the sun and the enclosed photon system as a receiver. The maximal redshift will be observed at ve(max). Moving from the point of ve(max) to aphelion, the redshifts of the earth will continuously decrease. At aphelion, there will be no redshift at all, because ve = 0 and fx = fo. The change in the frequency Δ f during the period of repulsion can be assessed by differential calculus. The maximal change Δfmax is achieved at ve(max). It is inversely proportional to the maximal linear eccentricity a of the earth’s orbit (see equation of numerical eccentricity ε above):
ε = Δr/2a = (rmax– rmin)/2a.
When the universal equation is applied as a rule of three, we obtain a simple relationship between the numerical eccentricity of the earth’s orbit and the change in frequency of the enclosed photon system:
ε = Δr/2a = fo/Δ fmax = SP(A)
The maximal escape velocity ve(max) of each planet can be obtained from astronomic tables. From ve(max) and the maximal change Δ fmax we can determine the maximal redshift of the earth by calculating the Doppler effect.
We can now apply the same procedure to the period of attraction when the planet moves from aphelion to perihelion and determine the maximal velocity of attraction va(max). It will correspond to the maximal violetshift. If we use differential and integral calculus, we can calculate the magnitude of these quantities for each point of the planet’s orbit and thus determine precisely the relativistic changes in space (distance from the sun) and time (frequency) of the photon level during one revolution.
The frequency of the photons determines the energy of the photon system E ≈ f. The same is true for its density ρ. If we now apply the universal equation for one complete revolution, we obtain another valuable relationship:
Erepulsion : EAttraction = ρRepulsion : ρAttraction =ve(max) : va(max) = constant = 1
The space-time of the enclosed photon system changes relativistically within one revolution. From perihelion to aphelion, space continuously expands and photon frequency decreases in a reciprocal manner as observed by the redshifts. The density of the enclosed photon system decreases in the same manner and achieves its minimal value ρmin at aphelion.
This minimal density gradually increases during the period of attraction. The overall density of the period of repulsion is equal to that of the period of attraction. The same holds for the energy exchange and the maximal velocity of the two periods (conservation of energy).
The revolution of the earth around the sun can be regarded as an action potential or alternatively as an interaction between the earth and the photon system (axiom of reducibility). In this elaboration, we regard energy exchange between the sun and the photon system under the condition “ceteris paribus“. We apply the same condition to the energy exchange between the earth and the universe.
During one revolution of the planet, we observe the reciprocal behaviour of the LRC of the two contiguous levels (third axiom of application, see Axiomatics) – the level of matter, as represented by the earth, and the photon level, as represented by the enclosed photon system. When the earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, it emits photons with a decreasing frequency and mass mphoton = mp f , that is, the earth loses continuously less and less mass to the photon system. As the input from the universe is unchanged, the earth, so to say, “gains weight“ during the period of repulsion. The planet exhibits maximal mass and density at aphelion, which is the farthest distance to the sun: rmax = [photon-space]max.
At this point, the enclosed photon system behaves reciprocally to the earth – its energy, LRC, mass and density, being proportional to the frequency of the emitted photons, reach their minimal values. According to Newton’s law of gravity, the gravitational force is proportional to the mass of the interacting objects. From this it follows that earth’s gravitation augments during the period of repulsion and achieves its maximal value at aphelion, where the mass of the earth is maximal. At this point, the attraction of the earth to the sun begins (period of attraction).
At the end of the period of attraction, that is, at perihelion, which is the shortest distance to the sun, the mass of the earth is minimal and the planet begins to move away from the sun. During the period of attraction, the earth emits photons with growing frequency (violetshifts) and mass: so to say, the planet begins to “lose weight“. At perihelion, the earth has a minimal energy, mass and density. At the same time, the enclosed photon system reaches its maximal energy, density and mass, and the smallest space.
The gravitational force between two objects is proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to their square distance as stated by Newton’s law of gravity. To compensate for the diminishing mass of the earth, the distance to the sun begins to augment, so that the overall gravitational energy remains constant. The earth begins to move away from the sun.
These descriptions are circumlocutions of the axiom of reciprocal behaviour of the LRC of contiguous levels which is a practical application of the universal reciprocity of space and time. This is one possible explanation of gravitation as a rotation with respect to the law of gravity.
Alternatively, we can describe the turning points at aphelion and perihelion with the restoring force in Hooke’s law (see Vol II, chapter 3.2). We can regard the space-time of the photon level as an elastic medium (ether). When the enclosed photon system expands maximally at aphelion, photon space-time at the opposite side of the earth contracts and develops a restoring force that brings the earth back to the sun. When the space-time of the photon system reaches its maximal state of contraction (maximal restoring force) at perihelion, it begins to expand by taking the earth with itself. This phenomenon can be observed in fluids and elastic matter.
Such didactic presentations are descriptive iterations of the basic property of space-time – the reciprocity of space and time. They visualize the mechanism of gravitation by showing that it obeys the Universal Law, which is ubiquitous in all physical phenomena. The mystery of gravitation is thus de-mythologized once and for all.
The revolution of the earth around the sun is a periodic event of constant space-time EA, which repeats infinite times E = EA f. If we regard the orbit of the sun as a revolution path around the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way, we shall obtain for the earth’s orbit an eccentric wave oscillating around the sun’s orbit. This example shows that all gravitational rotations can be described in terms of superimposed waves, which are U-sets and contain themselves, that is, space-time, as an element. In this sense, we can regard the universe as the total set of all superimposed rotations which are systems or levels of the primary term. This holds for macrocosm and microcosm. The elementary particles can also be regarded as rotating systems of space-time (see Vol II, section “quantum mechanics”).
This presentation includes a new aspect that facilitates our understanding of gravitation dramatically. We depart for the first time in the history of physics from the vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time and show that it follows the Universal Law, just as any other energy interaction. The crucial fact is that photon space-time exhibits the same properties as matter, for instance, photons also have a mass which is energy relationship.
Current physics preaches instead that only matter has a mass, while photons are „massless“ particles. This novel explanation of gravitation was enabled by major breakthroughs in classical mechanics, wave theory, electromagnetism, thermodynamics and quantum mechanics as presented in Volume II. It shows that gravitation is a particular energy exchange, just as electromagnetism and heat, and can be consistently integrated with other forces (levels of energy exchange) as is shown on one page in Table 1. This simple interpretation of gravitation in the light of the Universal Law eliminates the search for the hypothetical “graviton” as obsolete and transforms physics from “fake science” to true science that departs from the primary term of our consciousness.
1. It can be proven that Shannon’s definition of information is an iteration of the primary term.
2. PA Tipler, Textbook of Physics, p. 531 (older edition)
3. See, for instance, K. Lancaster, Introduction to modern microeconomics, Rand McNally College Publishing Company, Chicago, 1974, p. 12.
Nota bene: This article is defined as the most important publication on the Internet and in the scientific literature as it contains the explanation how to overcome gravity and create new technologies based on anti-gravity. This will be the greatest scientific revolution of this humanity.
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