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This matter is copyright to Atlanticobr, Captain Bill channel, broadcast on YouTube Site. This is the written version of the Mythi videos. Redistribution or commercial printing will be treated as misappropriation of rights. Publication is not allowed without the prior assignment of rights.
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Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 55, 31 de julio del 2011.
Maya pregunta, ¿si nada pasara en los próximos 30 días con respecto a la aparición del “objeto celestial”, dejarás de compartir tus conocimientos con los terrícolas?
-Mira Maya, si no pasara nada sería porque algo habría ocurrido.
This matter is copyright to Atlanticobr, Captain Bill channel, broadcast on YouTube Site. This is the written version of the Mythi videos. Redistribution or commercial printing will be treated as misappropriation of rights. Publication is not allowed without the prior assignment of rights.
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Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 55, 31 de julio del 2011.
Maya pregunta, ¿si nada pasara en los próximos 30 días con respecto a la aparición del “objeto celestial”, dejarás de compartir tus conocimientos con los terrícolas?
-Mira Maya, si no pasara nada sería porque algo habría ocurrido.
Si la Comunidad Galáctica decidiera cambiar la trayectoria de la estrella enana, lo cual es muy improbable, esto cambiaría los acontecimientos.
Yo podría estar estudiando la evolución de vuestro comportamiento antes de que ocurra una catástrofe inminente pero no es lo que yo estoy haciendo en estos momentos.
Si no ocurriera nada, yo podría dejar de contestar vuestras preguntas si esto fuera lo mejor para vosotros.
De todas maneras, mi misión o trabajo aquí ya casi ha terminado, pero yo participaré en los primeros contactos que vuestra civilización establezcan con la nuestra.
Pero estar preparados para que no os cojan por sorpresa los acontecimientos del final de esta Era.
Soren pregunta, ¿que ocurriría si el cometa sólo fuera un cometa y la estrella enana no viniera? ¿Buscará la gente información en otros lugares para saber cual será el cambio o transformación en el futuro cercano?
-Soren, las últimas noticias confirman que la velocidad del cuerpo (el núcleo del viejo planeta) que precede a la estrella enana se ha acelerado mucho en su trayectoria hacia el Sol porque no se trata de un cometa ordinario, es tan gigante como una estrella enana y tiene un campo gravitatorio muy fuerte, y lo acompañan algunas astronaves mas pequeñas.
Soren pregunta, ¿que ocurriría si el cometa sólo fuera un cometa y la estrella enana no viniera? ¿Buscará la gente información en otros lugares para saber cual será el cambio o transformación en el futuro cercano?
-Soren, las últimas noticias confirman que la velocidad del cuerpo (el núcleo del viejo planeta) que precede a la estrella enana se ha acelerado mucho en su trayectoria hacia el Sol porque no se trata de un cometa ordinario, es tan gigante como una estrella enana y tiene un campo gravitatorio muy fuerte, y lo acompañan algunas astronaves mas pequeñas.
Este cuerpo celestial será el primero que aparecerá a principios de septiembre.
Podréis ver como se aproxima desde septiembre y deberéis prepararos para los acontecimientos subsiguientes.
Va a emitir una fuerte luz azul que todo el mundo podrá ver.
Cuando pase tan cerca de la Tierra en octubre y noviembre, su trayectoria cambiará debido a la gravedad de la Tierra y se perderá en el espacio.
Es lo que llamáis la Kachina azul.
Su campo gravitatorio producirá cambios mayores en el planeta, y podrá atraer asteroides del cinturón de asteroides que podrán caer en vuestra región del Oriente Medio.
La estrella enana no se aceleró tanto como el seudo cometa masivo y será visible unos meses más tarde como lo que llamáis la Kachina roja.
No sabemos si estos cambios o comportamiento han sido debidos a los Krulians o la Comunidad Galáctica pero sabremos que el cambio de velocidad de los dos afectará a su llegada o acercamiento a la Tierra.
Parece que la diferencia de sus velocidades de acercamiento se deben a una relación natural entre la masa, la inercia, y la intensidad de cada uno de sus campos gravitatorios en relación con el Sol.
No ha cambiado cuando
van a ocurrir los acontecimientos. Estar preparados para cuando pasen estos cuerpos celestiales porque las consecuencias van a ser las que se habían predicho, con un incremento de la actividad volcánica, cambios impredecibles del clima o tiempo, cambios grandes en las corrientes oceánicas, y el fallo de las centrales de energía y los satélites, todo esto desde septiembre a diciembre de este año.
van a ocurrir los acontecimientos. Estar preparados para cuando pasen estos cuerpos celestiales porque las consecuencias van a ser las que se habían predicho, con un incremento de la actividad volcánica, cambios impredecibles del clima o tiempo, cambios grandes en las corrientes oceánicas, y el fallo de las centrales de energía y los satélites, todo esto desde septiembre a diciembre de este año.
En el 2012 se continuarán estabilizando los fenómenos atmosféricos y los ajustes tectónicos del planeta, y culminará con el cambio definitivo de la polaridad geomagnetica en diciembre del 2012.
En el 2013 se empezarán a reconstruir las comunidades principales que se adaptarán a la nueva realidad.
Jose pregunta, ¿Mythi, es cierto que se podría transportar o mover a Nibiru en unos segundos? ¿Se ha decidido si Nibiru va a llegar? ¿Si viniera, por que lo dejarían llegar? ¿Es lord Anu el líder de la Comunidad Galáctica? ¿Es esta entidad un miembro de la Comunidad Galáctica o son una raza beligerante?
-Jose, como ya expliqué, es posible alterar las órbitas y las velocidades si se hiciera un estudio detallado de todas las posibles consecuencias a corto, medio, y largo plazo. No es posible mover instantáneamente objetos celestiales.
Jose pregunta, ¿Mythi, es cierto que se podría transportar o mover a Nibiru en unos segundos? ¿Se ha decidido si Nibiru va a llegar? ¿Si viniera, por que lo dejarían llegar? ¿Es lord Anu el líder de la Comunidad Galáctica? ¿Es esta entidad un miembro de la Comunidad Galáctica o son una raza beligerante?
-Jose, como ya expliqué, es posible alterar las órbitas y las velocidades si se hiciera un estudio detallado de todas las posibles consecuencias a corto, medio, y largo plazo. No es posible mover instantáneamente objetos celestiales.
Lord Anu no existe, la junta de la Comunidad Galáctica la componen un grupo de representantes de todos los afiliados, no la dirige una persona sola.
Si que existen mas sociedades belicosas que no belicosas pero hoy en día esos ejércitos se usan para proteger a la Comunidad contra los agresores.
Varias asociaciones de razas que son descendientes de insectos y algunas razas de reptiles no aceptan las normas de coexistencia de la mayoría de las comunidades humanoides de la galaxia.
Algunas de estas asociaciones paralelas tienen una cantidad suficiente de potencia de fuego o armas para crear problemas mayores en ciertos sistemas solares.
Existen problemas en todos los aspectos de la tercera dimensión pero siempre tratamos de solucionarlos con acuerdos mutuos.
Un amigo pregunta, ¿Mythi, Betelgeuse, que es el sol en la constelación de Orion, está a punto de explotar en el 2012 como lo dijo la NASA?
-El sol que llamáis Betelgeuse en la constelación de Orion explotó hace muchos siglos pero tardaréis 38 años en saberlo.
Un amigo pregunta, ¿Mythi, Betelgeuse, que es el sol en la constelación de Orion, está a punto de explotar en el 2012 como lo dijo la NASA?
-El sol que llamáis Betelgeuse en la constelación de Orion explotó hace muchos siglos pero tardaréis 38 años en saberlo.
La desinformación es fundamental para que vuestras élites puedan crear una realidad virtual que dure todo el tiempo que puedan, con lo que previenen que os organicéis y preparéis para los acontecimientos futuros.
Chuck pregunta, ¿Mythi, cuando va tu raza a aterrizar e informar a los humanos que no somos los únicos seres vivos? Cuando dejarán de existir nuestros gobiernos para que podamos ser libres en el planeta? ¿Que frecuencia tiene una persona a la que le preocupan las cosas del planeta más que otras personas?
-Chuck, las razas de humanoides que son amigos de esta colonia estarán presentes durante los acontecimientos mayores que van a ocurrir al final de este año y durante la reubicación a zonas seguras.
Chuck pregunta, ¿Mythi, cuando va tu raza a aterrizar e informar a los humanos que no somos los únicos seres vivos? Cuando dejarán de existir nuestros gobiernos para que podamos ser libres en el planeta? ¿Que frecuencia tiene una persona a la que le preocupan las cosas del planeta más que otras personas?
-Chuck, las razas de humanoides que son amigos de esta colonia estarán presentes durante los acontecimientos mayores que van a ocurrir al final de este año y durante la reubicación a zonas seguras.
Puedes estar seguro que vuestros gobiernos harán una campaña en contra nuestra, se quejarán de que tenemos malas intenciones, y tratarán de que la gente se oponga a nosotros, y llevarán a la población a campos de detención previamente construidos para controlar a los supervivientes.
Me gustará ver lo que pasa, vosotros daros cuenta que la propaganda dirá que los extraterrestres son peligrosos.
No dejéis que las élites os engañen cuando intenten reducir la población, todos los extraterrestres que intenten contactaros durante estos acontecimientos son razas amigables supervisadas por la Comunidad Galáctica.
Los lideres actuales del planeta son fundamentalmente marionetas del sistema impuesto por las élites; muchos no están de acuerdo con lo que pasa pero no tienen una personalidad lo suficientemente fuerte para dimitir.
Estas personas de mente débil no serán compatibles con la nueva frecuencia del planeta y no permanecerán aquí en la nueva generación.
Mira, sólo se necesita una gota de veneno para envenenar un vaso lleno de agua.
La nueva Tierra filtrará todos estos venenos potenciales y tendrá agua limpia.
Jack pregunta, ¿se espera que haya un gran terremoto en el norte del Japón, de una magnitud del 8, 9 o 10? ¿Sabes cuando va a ocurrir?
-Jack, hasta finales de este año las interacciones gravitatorias producirán muchos movimientos tectónicos en el planeta.
Jack pregunta, ¿se espera que haya un gran terremoto en el norte del Japón, de una magnitud del 8, 9 o 10? ¿Sabes cuando va a ocurrir?
-Jack, hasta finales de este año las interacciones gravitatorias producirán muchos movimientos tectónicos en el planeta.
Es difícil predecir los días exactos porque intervienen muchas variables. El Japón es una región con
mucha población y en estos momentos es la zona mas crítica o peligrosa en el planeta.
mucha población y en estos momentos es la zona mas crítica o peligrosa en el planeta.
El Japón podría perder mucho territorio y la situación se podría volver catastrófica en cualquier momento a partir de mediados de agosto. Aprovechando la pregunta, el territorio de América del Norte está a punto de sufrir cambios graves en el mismo período, y esto generará caos en toda América del Norte, y también le afectará a las Caribes y a América Central.
La secuencia de acontecimientos afectará a Europa, Asia, Oceanía, América del Sur y a los polos.
Rose pregunta, Mythi, la gravedad es una fuente enorme de energía, hay gente que ha inventado este tipo de energía pero fueron ridiculizados y desaparecieron. ¿Sabes de que hablo?
Si Rose, la interacción de la gravedad es lo que mantiene el balance del universo.
Rose pregunta, Mythi, la gravedad es una fuente enorme de energía, hay gente que ha inventado este tipo de energía pero fueron ridiculizados y desaparecieron. ¿Sabes de que hablo?
Si Rose, la interacción de la gravedad es lo que mantiene el balance del universo.
Cuando tengáis la tecnología y materiales apropiados, podréis usar la gravedad para construir aparatos que funcionen continuamente, lo cual os permitirá tener una fuerza impulsora limpia y gratis.
La gravedad que mantiene el balance de los sistemas es la clave para que se muevan las astronaves.
La interacción con los campos gravitatorios es la palanca que controlan los rayos unipolares magnéticos, los cuales permiten que las astronaves grandes puedan volar en los sistemas solares.
Cuando una astronave se quiere desplazar de un planeta a otro en un sistema solar, usa los túneles de energía gravitatoria que conectan a los dos planetas.
Van a una velocidad que es la mayor que es posible en estos túneles.
Por ejemplo, nuestra astronave de servicio puede viajar desde la Tierra a la Luna en cuatro minutos usando los túneles de energía gravitatoria.
Vuestros gobiernos tienen almacenadas muchas tecnologías como estas pero las mantienen secretas.
Su intención es utilizarlas en otra etapa económica porque si las usaran ahora las élites que controlan la industria moderna perderían el control del mundo.
Mensaje a todos: amigos, vosotros sois un grupo que quiere obtener información de esta crisis que desde el año pasado ya empezó a afectar al planeta y a los seres vivos.
Mensaje a todos: amigos, vosotros sois un grupo que quiere obtener información de esta crisis que desde el año pasado ya empezó a afectar al planeta y a los seres vivos.
Algunos temen estos cambios, otros opinan que es la única manera para que el planeta se cure física y espiritualmente.
El cambio es inevitable, vuestro grupo tendrá una función activa para influenciar la conducta de aquellos que estén dispuestos a escuchar vuestras recomendaciones.
Una vez que la población general se de cuenta de los hechos, vuestro trabajo empezará a tener sentido y puede que ayude a otros.
Cuan vulnerables seréis en las zonas más afectadas, que no tendrán ni comunicaciones ni electricidad, dependerá de cuan bien os hayáis preparado para estos acontecimientos sin desesperaros.
Mi consejo es que escribáis una lista de donde poder comprar los artículos que necesitaréis para sobrevivir lejos de las ciudades grandes.
No necesitáis correr, hacerlo sólo cuando veáis los hechos que de verdad están ocurriendo.
Una vez que se anuncie que hay algo visible en el cielo, tendréis unos días antes de que el sistema monetario se colapse, así que podréis rápidamente comprar los artículos de la lista que consistirá en un generador eléctrico pequeño, combustible, una cocina eléctrica, instrumentos, objetos de iluminación, linternas, pilas recargables, encendedores desechables, medicinas como analgésicos, anti-inflamatorios y antibióticos, y todos los alimentos que caduquen a largo plazo que podáis almacenar.
Tratar de comprar granos o cereales que no sean transgenéticos porque los están modificando a propósito para que se vuelvan estériles.
Tratar de conseguir una radio de comunicaciones con una antena que se pueda instalar en vuestro vehículo o donde os vayáis a refugiar para poderos comunicar con otros.
Tener cuidado cuando uséis la radio porque los grupos rebeldes os localizarán para robaros vuestras provisiones.
Utilizar las radios sólo cuando sepáis que vuestras autoridades o gobiernos no estén buscando grupos de gente en vuestra región.
No os olvidéis de quedaros con vuestros ordenadores pequeños y los discos con información de vuestra cultura, costumbres locales, información acerca del planeta antes de que cambie para poder enseñarlo a las generaciones futuras; es muy importante para que salvéis vuestra cultura.
Estáis en el planeta por razones pre-determinadas, no es ninguna coincidencia que estéis participando en todo esto, daros cuenta que vuestra participación en el cambio de Era del planeta formará parte de vuestro currículo durante toda la eternidad.
El período en el que la Tierra se volvió madura y equilibro su áurea, y se estableció contacto con los compañeros o miembros del universo.
Durante este período padeceréis los abusos de vuestros corruptos gobiernos, sufriréis por el sufrimiento de vuestra gente, os daréis cuenta de las cosas no son ideales en una sociedad justa, quien sabe si os estáis preparando para rescatar e implementar estas ideas que se imprimieron con hierro y fuego en vuestra consciencia para que os convirtáis en los líderes sociales, y asesores conscientes en vuestras futuras encarnaciones en este mundo nuevo.
Yo estaré orgulloso de mi contribución y se lo diré a mis descendientes si con esta conversación he sido capaz de ayudar a algunos para que entendáis el concepto de la vida.
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Video 55
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video fifth five - July 31, 2011.
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Video 55
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video fifth five - July 31, 2011.
Maya asks, if nothing happens in those next 30 days regarding field of vision for the supposed 'celestial object' will you stops 'channeling' your wisdom to the Earthlings? - See Maya, if nothing happens, it will be because something happened. If the Community Galactica resolved by changing the trajectory of the dwarf star, which seems highly unlikely, this could change the facts. I could be doing with you an experience for my records to measure your degree of behavioral evolution, before an imminent catastrophe, which right now also is not the case. So if nothing happens for no accountable reason, I can stop answering questions if that's best for you. Anyway, my mission here is almost finished, but I should get to participate in the first contacts between our civilizations. But, be prepared not to get caught by surprise by the events of this end of Age. Soren asks, what happens if the comet turns out to be just a comet and no dwarf star shows up? Will everyone look to the next info site that tells of an impending future transformation?
- Soren, according to news reports, the body (old planet nucleus) which precedes the Dwarf Star has accelerated greatly in approach to the Sun, because it is not an ordinary comet, it's massive as a Brown Dwarf with a big, strong gravitational field, and is accompanied with some smaller spacecraft. The first one will appear at the beginning of September is this celestial body. You will be able to view from September this approach and are ready to take initiatives for your preparation for the events that follow. It will emit a light, strong and blue that everyone can see. After this passage so close to Earth in October and November, he will be off the track by Earth's gravitational force and will be lost in space. You may consider it the Blue Kachina. Its gravitational field will cause major changes in the planet, and some asteroids in the asteroid belt will be attracted by it in the wake of the passage, and could hit the Earth on your region of the Middle East. The Dwarf Star did not accelerate as much as the pseudo massive "comet", and should be viewed in sequence with a few months apart as the Red Kachina. We do not know if Krulians, or Community Galactica has something to do with this behavior, but we'll find out what the exact timing of this change of approach speeds between the two. It seems that difference in acceleration approach is a natural relationship between the concentration of mass, inertia, and the intensity of the gravitational field strength of each with respect to the Sun. The schedule of events remains unchanged. Be prepared for this passage because the effects are those that have been previously forecast, increased volcanic activity, weather unpredictable, large changes in ocean currents, energy networks and satellites deactivating, all between September and December this year. During 2012 the atmospheric phenomena and tectonic adjustments
to the planet will continue to stabilize, which will culminate in the definitive change of polarity of the geomagnetic grid in December 2012. In the year 2013 will begin the restoration of the main communities to be rebuilt and adapted to this new reality. Jose asks, Mythi, is it true that Nibiru can be transported within seconds? Is Nibiru arrival yet to be decided? If so, why would they do it? Is lord Anu Community Galactica leader? Is this entity a fellow member of CG or from a warlike race? - Jose, as I just explained, orbits and speed can be changed when a thorough study of all possible consequences exists in the short, medium and long term. There is not this concept of instant transfer of celestial bodies. There is no lord Anu, the board of Community Galactica is not headed by a single person is a majority consensus of representatives of all affiliates. There are admittedly more warlike societies than others, but today these forces are used to protect the common set against aggressors. There are several associations of races descended from insects and some breeds reptilians who do not accept the rules of coexistence of the most humanoid galactic communities. In these parallel associations, some of them, with enough firepower often are causing major problems in entire solar systems. There are problems in all levels of the third dimension but we are always trying to compromise and settle on consensus. A friend asks, Mythi, Betelgeuse, the sun in the constellation Orion is about to explode, as announced by NASA for 2012? - The sun that you call Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion has exploded many centuries ago, you're only going to realize that 38 years from now. The issue of misinformation is crucial to the creation of a virtual reality by your elites to get as long as possible, thus preventing your organization for future events. Chuck asks, Mythi, when will your species land and inform the humans there is other life out in space? When will our governments not exist and we may run free on the planet? What level of frequency is a human when he cares more for his planet goods than he cares for other humans? - Chuck, the humanoid races who are friends of this colony, should be present during major events at the end of the year and during the relocation to areas where you feel they should be ideal for your relocation. You can be sure that there will be remaining campaigns of your government, against our contact, alleging bad intentions in our actions, including forging attacks and extermination of people trying to drive the population against us and taking them to detention camps previously defined for screening of the surviving population. This was a subject I wish to act further, but be prepared for a major campaign alleging the dangerous aliens. Do not be mistaken by the elites in their attempt to reduce the population, all aliens who attempt to make contact with you in these events, races are friendly and supervised by the Community Galactica. The current leaders of the planet are mostly puppets of the system imposed by the elites; many of them do not agree with the situation but has no personality strong enough to abandon their positions. These weak-minded people will certainly be out of the new frequency band of the planet and will no longer be here the next generation. See, you only need a drop of poison to contaminate a full glass of water droplets. The new Earth will filter all of these potential poisons and make the flow with clean water. Jack asks, a large Earthquake is expected in the north of Japan, magnitude 8.9 or 10. Do you know when this will happen?
- Jack, until the end of this year the gravitational interaction will cause a lot of tectonic movements on the planet. Precise dates are difficult to estimate because many variables are added to these events. Japan is a densely populated place and most critical region of the planet at the moment. Japan may lose much of its territory, from mid-August the situation could become catastrophic at any time. Taking advantage of the question, the North
American territory is about to undergo major changes in this same period, and this will trigger a process of chaos in the whole of North America, also involving the Caribbean and Central America. Europe, Asia, Oceania, South America and poles will be affected in the sequence of events. Rose asks, Mythi, gravity is a huge energy source. People have developed it only to be ridiculed and disappear. Do you know what I’m talking about? - Yes Rose, the interaction of gravity is what keeps everything in balance in the universe. When you have the right technique and the right materials, you can use gravity to create devices that can run continuously, generating driving force clean and free of charge. The gravity that holds the balance of the systems is the key to moving spacecraft. The interaction with the gravitational fields is the lever that beams magnetic unipolar controlled, which will drive the big ships through the solar systems. When you want to move a spacecraft from one planet to another in a solar system, it uses the tunnels of gravitational energy, which keeps the planets connected with each other. The speed obtained is as high as possible in these tunnels. Just as an example, our spacecraft of service can travel from Earth to the moon through the tunnel of gravitational energy in four minutes. Your governments have in stock many of these technologies but it is classified information. They intend to use in another economic context, because if they used in the present context, would cause a loss of control of your elites who dominate the current industrial park. Message to all: Friends, you are a group interested in being informed about this crisis is already affecting the planet and the living since last year. This crisis will pass through a period of chaos, only the prepared will understand and accept the events consciously. There are those who fear these times of change and there are those that look like the only way the planet be cured physically and spiritually. Change is inevitable, you will be aware as a group an active role in the conduct of all who can hear your guidelines. Once symptoms become clear to the general population, the role of you will start to make sense, and may be a difference for others. The vulnerability of you without communication or electric power in the region’s most affected, will depend on your preparedness for these situations without despair. My advice is that you make a list where you can purchase the items necessary to maintain essential for survival far from large cities. It is not necessary to run, do it only when viewing the facts actually happening. In reporting something visible in the sky, you will have a few days to the monetary system collapses, so you can quickly get the list previously organized, consisting of items like a small generator, fuel, electric stove, tools and implements, material lighting, lanterns and rechargeable batteries, disposable lighters, medications such as analgesics, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics, and all long-term food you can store. Try to buy non-transgenic grains because they are being deliberately modified to cause sterility. Try to get a radio communication and antenna that can be installed in your vehicle or your place of refuge to communicate with other groups. Be careful in the use of radios for the insurgent groups will know your location to take possession of provisions. Use radios only when you are sure that your authorities are not looking for clusters of people in your region. Do not forget to carry your little computers and disks with information about your culture, your local customs, information about the planet before changes to be displayed to new generations; it is very important to the rescue of your culture.
You're here on the planet for reasons pre-defined, is not mere coincidence that you were chosen to participate in all this, imagine that your participation in this passage of the Age of the planet will be in your curriculum for all eternity. The period in which the Earth has reached maturity and balance the aura, and came into contact with your fellow creatures of the universe. During this period, you will experience the excesses of your corrupt governments, will suffer for the suffering of your people, assimilate the concepts of everything that is not ideal for a just society, who knows you are being prepared to lead the revival and implementation of these ideals forged by iron and fire in your consciences to become social leaders, and counselors aware, in your future incarnations in
this new context. If my small part in this conversation may have helped some of you to review your concepts of life, has been a contribution that I'm proud when I tell these experiences to my descendants.
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- Soren, according to news reports, the body (old planet nucleus) which precedes the Dwarf Star has accelerated greatly in approach to the Sun, because it is not an ordinary comet, it's massive as a Brown Dwarf with a big, strong gravitational field, and is accompanied with some smaller spacecraft. The first one will appear at the beginning of September is this celestial body. You will be able to view from September this approach and are ready to take initiatives for your preparation for the events that follow. It will emit a light, strong and blue that everyone can see. After this passage so close to Earth in October and November, he will be off the track by Earth's gravitational force and will be lost in space. You may consider it the Blue Kachina. Its gravitational field will cause major changes in the planet, and some asteroids in the asteroid belt will be attracted by it in the wake of the passage, and could hit the Earth on your region of the Middle East. The Dwarf Star did not accelerate as much as the pseudo massive "comet", and should be viewed in sequence with a few months apart as the Red Kachina. We do not know if Krulians, or Community Galactica has something to do with this behavior, but we'll find out what the exact timing of this change of approach speeds between the two. It seems that difference in acceleration approach is a natural relationship between the concentration of mass, inertia, and the intensity of the gravitational field strength of each with respect to the Sun. The schedule of events remains unchanged. Be prepared for this passage because the effects are those that have been previously forecast, increased volcanic activity, weather unpredictable, large changes in ocean currents, energy networks and satellites deactivating, all between September and December this year. During 2012 the atmospheric phenomena and tectonic adjustments
to the planet will continue to stabilize, which will culminate in the definitive change of polarity of the geomagnetic grid in December 2012. In the year 2013 will begin the restoration of the main communities to be rebuilt and adapted to this new reality. Jose asks, Mythi, is it true that Nibiru can be transported within seconds? Is Nibiru arrival yet to be decided? If so, why would they do it? Is lord Anu Community Galactica leader? Is this entity a fellow member of CG or from a warlike race? - Jose, as I just explained, orbits and speed can be changed when a thorough study of all possible consequences exists in the short, medium and long term. There is not this concept of instant transfer of celestial bodies. There is no lord Anu, the board of Community Galactica is not headed by a single person is a majority consensus of representatives of all affiliates. There are admittedly more warlike societies than others, but today these forces are used to protect the common set against aggressors. There are several associations of races descended from insects and some breeds reptilians who do not accept the rules of coexistence of the most humanoid galactic communities. In these parallel associations, some of them, with enough firepower often are causing major problems in entire solar systems. There are problems in all levels of the third dimension but we are always trying to compromise and settle on consensus. A friend asks, Mythi, Betelgeuse, the sun in the constellation Orion is about to explode, as announced by NASA for 2012? - The sun that you call Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion has exploded many centuries ago, you're only going to realize that 38 years from now. The issue of misinformation is crucial to the creation of a virtual reality by your elites to get as long as possible, thus preventing your organization for future events. Chuck asks, Mythi, when will your species land and inform the humans there is other life out in space? When will our governments not exist and we may run free on the planet? What level of frequency is a human when he cares more for his planet goods than he cares for other humans? - Chuck, the humanoid races who are friends of this colony, should be present during major events at the end of the year and during the relocation to areas where you feel they should be ideal for your relocation. You can be sure that there will be remaining campaigns of your government, against our contact, alleging bad intentions in our actions, including forging attacks and extermination of people trying to drive the population against us and taking them to detention camps previously defined for screening of the surviving population. This was a subject I wish to act further, but be prepared for a major campaign alleging the dangerous aliens. Do not be mistaken by the elites in their attempt to reduce the population, all aliens who attempt to make contact with you in these events, races are friendly and supervised by the Community Galactica. The current leaders of the planet are mostly puppets of the system imposed by the elites; many of them do not agree with the situation but has no personality strong enough to abandon their positions. These weak-minded people will certainly be out of the new frequency band of the planet and will no longer be here the next generation. See, you only need a drop of poison to contaminate a full glass of water droplets. The new Earth will filter all of these potential poisons and make the flow with clean water. Jack asks, a large Earthquake is expected in the north of Japan, magnitude 8.9 or 10. Do you know when this will happen?
- Jack, until the end of this year the gravitational interaction will cause a lot of tectonic movements on the planet. Precise dates are difficult to estimate because many variables are added to these events. Japan is a densely populated place and most critical region of the planet at the moment. Japan may lose much of its territory, from mid-August the situation could become catastrophic at any time. Taking advantage of the question, the North
American territory is about to undergo major changes in this same period, and this will trigger a process of chaos in the whole of North America, also involving the Caribbean and Central America. Europe, Asia, Oceania, South America and poles will be affected in the sequence of events. Rose asks, Mythi, gravity is a huge energy source. People have developed it only to be ridiculed and disappear. Do you know what I’m talking about? - Yes Rose, the interaction of gravity is what keeps everything in balance in the universe. When you have the right technique and the right materials, you can use gravity to create devices that can run continuously, generating driving force clean and free of charge. The gravity that holds the balance of the systems is the key to moving spacecraft. The interaction with the gravitational fields is the lever that beams magnetic unipolar controlled, which will drive the big ships through the solar systems. When you want to move a spacecraft from one planet to another in a solar system, it uses the tunnels of gravitational energy, which keeps the planets connected with each other. The speed obtained is as high as possible in these tunnels. Just as an example, our spacecraft of service can travel from Earth to the moon through the tunnel of gravitational energy in four minutes. Your governments have in stock many of these technologies but it is classified information. They intend to use in another economic context, because if they used in the present context, would cause a loss of control of your elites who dominate the current industrial park. Message to all: Friends, you are a group interested in being informed about this crisis is already affecting the planet and the living since last year. This crisis will pass through a period of chaos, only the prepared will understand and accept the events consciously. There are those who fear these times of change and there are those that look like the only way the planet be cured physically and spiritually. Change is inevitable, you will be aware as a group an active role in the conduct of all who can hear your guidelines. Once symptoms become clear to the general population, the role of you will start to make sense, and may be a difference for others. The vulnerability of you without communication or electric power in the region’s most affected, will depend on your preparedness for these situations without despair. My advice is that you make a list where you can purchase the items necessary to maintain essential for survival far from large cities. It is not necessary to run, do it only when viewing the facts actually happening. In reporting something visible in the sky, you will have a few days to the monetary system collapses, so you can quickly get the list previously organized, consisting of items like a small generator, fuel, electric stove, tools and implements, material lighting, lanterns and rechargeable batteries, disposable lighters, medications such as analgesics, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics, and all long-term food you can store. Try to buy non-transgenic grains because they are being deliberately modified to cause sterility. Try to get a radio communication and antenna that can be installed in your vehicle or your place of refuge to communicate with other groups. Be careful in the use of radios for the insurgent groups will know your location to take possession of provisions. Use radios only when you are sure that your authorities are not looking for clusters of people in your region. Do not forget to carry your little computers and disks with information about your culture, your local customs, information about the planet before changes to be displayed to new generations; it is very important to the rescue of your culture.
You're here on the planet for reasons pre-defined, is not mere coincidence that you were chosen to participate in all this, imagine that your participation in this passage of the Age of the planet will be in your curriculum for all eternity. The period in which the Earth has reached maturity and balance the aura, and came into contact with your fellow creatures of the universe. During this period, you will experience the excesses of your corrupt governments, will suffer for the suffering of your people, assimilate the concepts of everything that is not ideal for a just society, who knows you are being prepared to lead the revival and implementation of these ideals forged by iron and fire in your consciences to become social leaders, and counselors aware, in your future incarnations in
this new context. If my small part in this conversation may have helped some of you to review your concepts of life, has been a contribution that I'm proud when I tell these experiences to my descendants.
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