Friday, November 24, 2017

74 - Nibiru, Siberia, meteorito, Respuestas de extraterrestre de galaxia Andrómeda – ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA

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Vídeo 74

Respuestas de un extraterrestre de la galaxia Andrómeda – vídeo 74, 20 de febrero del 2012.

...Estimados amigos, el retraso del "vídeo 74" se debió a que en los dos últimos meses tuve muchos percances. 

Además, debido a las entrevistas que este pasado año mantuvo con nosotros, el consejo de la Comunidad Galáctica oficialmente le pidió a Mythi que dejara de comunicarse, pero ahora ha recibido su consentimiento para continuar comunicándose "extra oficialmente" con nosotros.

Para reanudar las conversaciones empezamos en este vídeo con algunas consideraciones de Mythi.

Muchos os preguntáis acerca del sistema Nibiru y lo que se espera que pase en los próximos meses. 

Bueno, he recibido la comunicación de que pusieron al sistema Nibiru en su ruta original y pasará finalmente desde octubre a diciembre de este año.

A principios de este mes de febrero los Krulians instalaron en Siberia otras dos sondas de control de núcleo grande. Los Pleyadianos informaron a la Comunidad Galáctica que a partir del próximo mes de marzo eran inminentes los conflictos generalizados entre las naciones del planeta. 

Vuestro gobierno alteró su agenda para compensar las interferencias directa que la Comunidad Galáctica llevo a cabo en el último año como ya os había contado, con respecto al retraso del sistema Nibiru y la contención artificial de los acontecimientos tectónicos y volcánicos. 

Ahora que se ha vuelto a poner al sistema Nibiru en su recorrido original, no será posible controlar con medios artificiales la tensión de la corteza del planeta.

Venus, Saturno y Júpiter sufrirán muchas erupciones volcánicas y modificaciones de sus superficies que podréis observar fácilmente. 

El sol estará muy inestable a partir del próximo mes como consecuencia de que se aproximará su pequeña estrella binaria. 

No dudéis de que la naturaleza sólo se calmará cuando encuentre su nuevo punto de equilibrio cuando la frecuencia del planeta a finales de diciembre de este año alcance completamente el "nivel uno".

La Comunidad Galáctica me dijo que no mencionara las predicciones de los acontecimientos regionales, pero todos los volcanes ubicados en las regiones tectónica y en las fallas geológicas se volverán muy activos al entrar el sistema Nibiru en el sistema solar.

La Antártida pronto soltará grandes masas de hielo al océano porque en esa región la actividad volcánica ya es muy grande. 

En este año el clima del planeta se volverá más extremo, con lluvias torrenciales donde llueva y sequías en muchas regiones que antes eran fértiles.

Los posibles conflictos militares serán una gran disculpa para abandonar las zonas afectadas por los cataclismos, y a mucha gente se la dejará a su destino. 

Tener cuidado con las "falsas banderas" cuando los seres humanos luchan contra otros humanos esto sólo se debilita al planeta Tierra. 

En las situaciones adversas cuanto más ayuden los humanos a otros humanos en todos los grupos étnicos, más se debilitarán vuestras élites gobernantes. 

El cuerpo sólo puede defenderse cuando las células se juntan para curarse de la enfermedad. 

Vosotros sois las células de vuestro planeta, para curar las enfermedades que han causado las élites perniciosas, os tendréis que unir en vez de auto-destruir.

Varias razas que trabajan juntas están ampliando algunas bases subterráneas de los extraterrestres en varias partes del mundo, para que puedan recibir parte de las poblaciones regionales de los seres humanos que por la información de los Pleyadianos se sabe que las élites los iban a abandonar. 

Habrá muchos ruidos en estas regiones pero no se verá nada.

Algunos últimamente me preguntasteis acerca de algo que habéis visto y se llama "caminantes de la noche". 

...Bueno, estos seres son descendientes de una raza de insectos llamado "Zigs", que son muy inteligentes y poseen una gran capacidad de telequinesis. 

Tienen unas cuantas bases de investigación aquí en vuestro planeta, habitualmente construidas en depósitos de agua dulce. 

Son amables y totalmente inofensivos para vosotros.

Nuestro amigo Jerry pregunta, Mythi, los que practican visión remota (televidentes) aquí en la Tierra saben todo acerca de la presencia de la Comunidad Galáctica y las actividades de los amigos del espacio. Ellos han visto un acontecimiento futuro que le perturba a muchas personas. Predicen el impacto de un meteorito en el océano que desplazará a muchas personas de las costas. 

Yo también tuve un sueño similar durante mi infancia anormal. 

Los tele-videntes han visto el colapso de la magnetosfera. 

Mi pregunta es, ¿permitirá la Comunidad Galáctica que esta visión ocurra o están los televidentes viendo fantasmas de acontecimientos posibles en el horizonte de la cuarta dimensión?

-Jerry, los datos sensibles están diseñados para diferentes etapas de desarrollo y auto limpieza del planeta. 

En este paso de la Tierra al "nivel uno" todo el ambiente es energía sensibilizada, como una luz de neón que parpadea y finalmente se enciende e ilumina. 

Es posible que muchos podáis ver lo que llamamos "las tendencias de prescripciones temporales" en estos "destellos de la luz." 

Estas imágenes se generan en el nivel de la energía, en realidad no existen, pero retratan la creación de acontecimientos físicos con la confluencia de acontecimientos que se producen en la actualidad. 

Para todas las "tendencias de prescripción temporal" existen desviaciones periféricas que se pueden añadir o eliminar y que cambian los acontecimientos futuros en el nivel físico. 

El dicho que utilizáis "El futuro le pertenece a Dios" es un concepto erróneo. 

El futuro está escrito en el nivel físico por todos los que pueden afectar a que "desviaciones periféricos" se añadirán o no, y esos sois VOSOTROS. 

En otras palabras, la energía que es responsable de crear el futuro está en el aura del planeta; 

tiene la misma dimensión que el planeta, es una capa de energía biomagnética que la generáis vosotros directamente. 

Esta masa de energía biomagnética es tan fuerte que prácticamente envía señales de socorro o de buena fortuna a través del espacio. 

Independientemente de cuan físicamente maduro sea el planeta lo que puede producir reordenamientos tectónicos y ocasionar problema a los habitantes, la energía biomagnética no cambia porque sólo la alimenta el nivel de conciencia y el desarrollo de la raza que vive en el planeta.

Es posible que este año nos permitan contactaros directamente, y la gente como vosotros estaréis mejor preparados para explicar a vuestros compañeros que la Comunidad Galáctica tiene buenas intenciones. 

A menudo ayudas a un polluelo que se cayó del nido para volverlo a poner en su lugar correcto, que él no conoce tus intenciones y tratará de picotear tu mano por si acaso. 

Nosotros sabemos que esto también sucede con los humanos ingenuos. 

Somos como artistas, tecnólogos, filósofos, curiosos y sentimentales como vosotros, nuestro objetivo es conseguir una armonía social en todos los niveles de los humanoides, de lo contrario la evolución no tendría ningún sentido.

Me mantendré en más contacto con el capitán Bill para ayudarle a resolver algunos problemas, de forma que podamos continuar observando los hechos y manteneros informados de todo lo que se pueda decir "extra oficialmente."


Video 74

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video seventy four- February 20, 2012. 

Dear friends, the delay in the “Video 74” were due to many mishaps happened with me in these last two months. Besides Mythi have been officially asked by the board of the CG, because of the interviews was with us this past year, we were only able to communicate normally pass after receiving the consent of them to continue to communicate "extra official with us. I will to you in this video, some Mythi considerations for the resumption of contacts. Many of you are wondering about the system Nibiru and what is expected for the coming months, well, we received the communication, the system Nibiru was released in its original route and its approach and will make a final passage from October until December this year. The Krulians installed two more large-core control probes in Siberia earlier this month of February. The Pleiadeans informed the CG of the imminence of widespread conflict between nations of the planet from next March. The agenda of your government was readjusted to compensate for the direct interference of the CG during the last year as I have already related to you, regarding the backwardness of the system Nibiru and the artificial control of tectonic and volcanic events. Now with the release of the Nibiru system in its original route, there will be no more ways to artificially control surface tension of the planet’s crust. Venus, Saturn and Jupiter will suffer many volcanic eruptions and easily observable surface modifications for you. The sun will present major instabilities from next month as a result of the approximation of its small binary. Be assured that nature will only settle down looking for their new equilibrium point when the frequency of the planet goes completely to the "level one, at the end of December this year. I was advised by the CG not to mention more regional forecasts of events but, all volcanoes located in tectonic regions and geologic faults will become very active as this entry "system Nibiru in the solar system. The Antarctic is releasing large ice masses in the ocean soon, due to large volcanic activity that is already happening in that region. The planet's climate will become wilder this year, pouring rain, where it rained, and drying many once fertile regions.

The possible military conflicts will be a great excuse for the abandonment of those areas affected by cataclysms, and many people will be left to its fate. Beware of false flags, when humans fight humans, only weaken the planet

Earth. The more human, of all ethnic groups, can help to cope with adverse situations, cause more weakness to your ruling elites. Diseases of the body can only be fought when the cells are united to rehabilitate from an illness, you are the cells of your planet, to cure diseases caused by your pernicious elites, you will have to unite and not self-destruct. There are some alien underground bases being expanded in various parts of the world in a joint effort of various breeds, to receive part of regional populations of humans, which, according to Pleiadeans, are previously defined as targets of abandonment by your elites. Too much noise will be heard but not seen in these regions. Some of you asked me about lately called beings seen by you as “night walkers”. Well, these beings are descended from a race of insects named “Zigs”, very intelligent and possess a great ability of telekinesis. They keep a few bases of studies here on your planet, usually built on deposits of fresh water. They are friendly and totally harmless to you.

Our friend Jerry asks, Mythi, the Remote Viewers here on Earth know everything about the presence of the CG and the activities of the space friends. They have seen a future event that disturbs many people. They predict a meteor impact on the ocean that will displace many people from the coasts. I also had a similar dream during my abnormal childhood. The Remote Viewers have seen the collapse of the magnetosphere. My question is: will the CG allow this vision to come to pass or are the Remote Viewers seeing phantoms of potential events on the horizon of the 4th dimension? - Jerry, what can realize is that sensitive data are designed for different stages of development and self cleanup the planet. In this passage from Earth to "level one" whole environment is sensitized energy, like a flashing neon light to finally turn on and illuminate. Many of you may see what we call "temporal trends of prescription" for these "flashes of light." These images are generated energy level, does not really exist, but portray the creation of physical events through the confluence of events generated in the present time. For all "prescription time trend" there are peripherals deviations that can be added or taken out of context that conforms future events in the physical level. The saying used by you "The future belongs to God" is a misconception. The future is written on the physical level by all who can influence which "deviations peripherals" will be added or not, that is YOU. In other words, the energy responsible for shaping the future lies in the aura of planet; it is the same dimension of the planet, as a layer of biomagnetic energy generated directly by you. This mass of biomagnetic energy is so strong that practically sends distress signals or good fortune through space. Regardless of the physical maturation of the planet that can generate tectonic rearrangements and relationship problems with their inhabitants, but, the biomagnetic energy is not changed because it is powered only by the level of conscience and development of the race that lives there.

During this year, could possibly be allowed direct contact with your people, and people like you will be better prepared to guide your fellows about the good intentions of the CG. Often you get a puppy that fell from the nest to replace in the right place, he does not know of your intentions and will try to peck your hand just in case. We know this also happen with the human naive, unsuspecting about us. We are as artists, technologists, philosophers, curious and sentimental as you, we aim at social harmony at all levels of humanoid, otherwise, there would be no sense for development. I'll be more in touch with CB helping him solve some problems so we can continue to follow the facts and informing you of everything that can be released "extra official. Video 75

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video seventy five - March 07, 2012. Friends, the sun is under direct influence of the system Nibiru, and Pleiadeans planet that orbits the sun in orbits slightly larger than Mercury. The Krulians were discharged the function of relieving stress from the sun and let nature take its course, its mothership is orbiting close to the sun, waiting for instructions. Everything done so far has been to avoid the anticipation of the governments of mass culling of populations. Now, the cycle of natural events was released by the Community Galactica for the planet Earth to organize according to the needs generated at this frequency shift, and his elevation to the respective level, within the context of a galactic development. All atomic missiles are neutralized, an atomic war is being prevented dynamically by Pleiadeans. The system Nibiru will be close to the sun in a very short time, and it is that is causing any increase in solar activity that has already been explained to you several times. Everything that was said so far and all were disappointed not to have happened last year will happen from now, because everything was cleared to happen. Those who are prepared to contact the rescue groups extraterrestrials may be brought into the bases being actively expanded for this purpose. What we can do for groups more prepared we will do, since the intervention order will be given at the right time. CB has received hundreds of emails requesting estimates of regional events, but were forbidden by the Galactic Community to detail these details, because in many cases are unpredictable given the many variables involved. Be prepared for the forecasts given to you before, try to re-read everything already mentioned and take all the development initiatives to address the problems. As I mentioned earlier, your society relies on technologies very faint, if they lack communication and energy, the chaos will be definitively established globally. Nuclear plants that are in operation, will be neutralized by Pleiadeans in an emergency task force if governments do not comply with the order of dismissal. Again, be prepared for when the distribution of food, energy and fuels begin to fail. Have your stocked to follow through with your plan of evacuation of major cities and go to areas with access to natural resources because these are the only features that will exist after a widespread collapse. Belfoth asks, So is our solar system really a heliohelix shape like the DNA double helix or is it elliptical as our traditional models suppose? - Belfoth, the solar system is elliptical orbitally speaking, and has double helix movement between the orbits of the planets that surround it, creating a horizontal balance point or center of inertial gravitational energy, so that there are no resulting vectors perpendicular to its rotational relative position in the galaxy.

Mecha asks, all subatomic particles are held in position by what can be thought of as bars of electricity, when i place a voltage across a subatomic particle by pushing this pattern of gradients making up dc current in one side, if i maintain its motion/ electrical oscillations that are of a very high frequency and perpendicular to this electric force going in, out the other side of the particle parallel to the electric current going in get an elongation or shortening of the bar of electrical force. - Mecha, see, subatomic particles are grouped by fields of force, it is easier to understand than "power bars". When applied to a potential energy cohesive groupings of atoms, this can cause an electric current which is actually a dynamic exchange of subatomic particles that is, the potential difference enters a subatomic particle at a time in the next atoms and these atoms, in an attempt to re-stabilize, transfer a subatomic particle to the subsequent atom, and this exchange chain results in the expulsion of a particle at the other end of the set. The subatomic particle that entered at the beginning may never get to the opposite extreme, but someone else out instead. The less inter-atomic spaces, combined with the more subatomic particles contain the atoms of the composition, the lower the resistance of an exchange of subatomic particles and the larger the field of energy released by the set (or matter in question). I hope I have understood and answered your question. Vikram asks, Mythi, would these statements be correct? "time is a sensation caused by relative motion in space" and "all forms of matter are quantum energies integrated into an atomic hence subsequently a molecular form" - Vikram, time is not a sense of movement, is a resulting physical / chemical reactions of all "cyclical formations." Cyclic formations” is all that has a predetermined expiration date after being created. The duration of this period of "shelf life" is the time to be perceived by the participant in this particular cycle. - The energy quantum is like clay, it combines particles, atoms and molecules according to pre-established plans to create. All the third dimension is created in the same way, using the same energy which creates and recycles all matter available. It's like you have different fruits in one basket, all collected in the same place, with very different flavors and consistencies, leaving exactly the same land with the same chemical composition. The way the matter is aggregated to produce the "differences" are different formulations of quantum energy used. Nature uses the appropriateness of all living species, whether animal or vegetable, as a pre-programmed system that adapts to the conditions available, the needs of each species to a cyclic existence. Nothing will live where there is not a possibility to adapt naturally to all the elements that needed to be quantified. - Friends, I'll be in touch through here this year because my mission was confirmed by a further 11 months. We are really busy and asked but I'll always be in contact with CB. Stay well all.

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