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Ascension Dynamics

Georgi Stankov, June 9, 2018
Over the years we have discerned, foreseen and predicted many events and ascension scenarios based on intimate knowledge and analysis of the motives and plans of the dark cabal – the “powers that were” (PTW). They are called PTW because the PAT neutralized them the moment we gathered around this website and first opened the stargate 11.11.11. It was the groundbreaking event that guaranteed the success of the planetary ascension and sealed the progressive dismantling of the ruling cabal from power.
All unwanted developments and scenarios, which we perceived with astute clarity of mind that is only inherent to light warriors of the first and the last hour, have been discussed and rejected by the PAT on this website in the Now moment as we know beyond any doubt that Creation can only occur in the present moment and any projections and expectations in the future have no power of creation. They are weakened by the underlying assumption that we are subjected to linear time which is the profound surrender of any incarnated personality to the illusory limitations of 3D space-time and the linearity of time described as human history and experienced reality. This topic has been a recurrent motif in all our disquisitions on this website, hence I assume it is well understood by all my readers.
Plausible scenarios discussed by the PAT in the past happened on lower or parallel timelines and affected only indirectly this ascending timeline which moved to higher and higher frequency levels with each new wave that downloaded energies from the source and with each portal we have opened throughout these years. The concept of multidimensionality of all existence should be the underlying world view of any enlightened human being. Only then can one understand what is currently happening on this planet and with humanity that is about to firmly move to 5D and higher dimensions, the nature of which is multidimensionality. It is a daily experience for us since many years:
Living Daily the Multidimensionality of Ascension
Gaia is already in the higher dimensions as it is a living multidimensional being, and so are we, the ascended masters from the PAT, who dwell between the 7th and 9th dimensions, some of us even higher. Therefore when you read some channeled messages about ascension, they are all meant for those light workers who are now barely entering their LBP and are slowly moving to upper 4D and lower 5D levels and for whom we have paved the pathway to ascension as otherwise they would not be where they are now. This puts the entire new channeling and other esoteric literature into the right perspective and explains why most of the authors do not really get what is happening on the earth and resort to new age language of worn-out commonplace ideas that clearly display conceptual cluelessness, void of any first-hand personal experiences with the energetic waves and events of the ascension process and their direct impact on Gaia, humanity and beyond.
For instance, nobody outside the PAT has remotely grasped and realized at the intellectual level the arrival of the new red giant sun of magnetic energies on April 13 and what profound impact it has on all life on earth at the subatomic quantum level. Subsequently everything that has happened since then and has been reported on this website is not part of their world view. In reality all the channeling and other writings in the esoteric literature which I am following daily as to gauge the level of confusion among this tiny group of humanity that can claim partial enlightenment in order to increase the precision of my predictions, are one utter redundancy of the “love and light illusion”. They are recently garnered with increasing complaints about the symptoms of the LBP – the same symptoms they radically rejected seven years ago when we first discussed them on this website and accused us of making ourselves important by inventing these symptoms, while true ascension can be done effortlessly and without any pain if one does it correctly, what we obviously were unable to do because we were doing everything wrong. So much about the “divine stupidity” (sancta simplicita) of the new age movement and why we are confronted with huge educational problems when the events will begin to unfold, as we cannot rely on these failed individuals but only on our own power and creative potential to enlighten humanity and open the gates of ascension to the masses.
That being said  – and I must admit that I hate to complain about the obvious and annoying intellectual and cognitive deficits of the new agers and their inability to open to new contents in order to progress, but I have to, as I see it as a major problem in the next phase of the ascension process to be addressed –  let me now inform you about the latest energetic events.
During Carla’s second visit in Rome between May 31st – June 4th we had again massive downloads of source energies, extreme cleansing similar in intensity to the one when we helped the dragons reclaim the earth as their mother planet on May 17th in Savona. At the same time we expanded our protuberance field and light portal to Rome and further south, as well as in all four directions. Currently the city of light encompasses the entire Italy, down to Sicily, Greece, most of the Balkans, France, Germany, Benelux, most of Spain and Portugal, Hungary, and the other Easteuropean countries in Central Europe.
This expansion of the light is associated with the expulsion of the worst and darkest representatives of the ruling cabal. As Carla was told in Rome, this can happen very cautiously as to avoid a serious event such as the triggering of a new world war by these insidious ones.
We still have no clear idea how the removal of such dark entities unfolds in practical terms, whether there is a new walk-in soul of the light or whether they are simply substituted by aliens in physical bodies. Most probably both methods are used. It may as well be that some of the dark ones are left without a soul fragment as soulless physical shells. One must bear in mind that most of the ruling cabal are reptilian shape-shifters and, when their soul fragments are retrieved, their bodies are very vulnerable and incapable of coping with the new higher vibrational energies coming from the Source. One only has to watch the recent marriage of prince Harry on video and see how pale and listless all the Reptilian relatives belonging to his family father’s side looked and how painfully they were hit by the light which the American bishop emanated during his sermon to know what I am talking about.
This can serve as a template to envision how the dark ones are now being taken away by the forces of light in preparation for the final shift and the big change. The logic behind this strategy is that all the dark entities incarnated in human bodies must be neutralized when the ID shift comes in order not to be in the position to do anything hideous. Instead they will be exposed as the “naked king and queen” as in Anderson’s fairy tale (“The Emperor’s New Clothes”), because they have always been that but now can no longer hide. This is a very important psychological moment during the upcoming shift.
When it arrives, there will be a total vacuum of power in all western capitals and corridors of former power. The current heads of state are already presenting themselves as the laughing stocks they are – be they the 3M (Merkel, May and the gay lad Macron), or the unpredictable Trump who has just suggested to invite Putin to G7, implying that the other six have thrown him out of this summit, while it was the USA that forced its European vassals to adopt the devastating sanctions against Russia that cost them more than 200 billion $ trade losses each year. If this is not an ape theatre, what else?
How long will these jokers play their antics before the people turn away from them with disgust and come to us to learn how to ascend and acquire unlimited abundance, freedom, and above all bliss? Just sit and think for a moment about this impending scenario and try to envision the entire psycho-mental dynamics behind this profound paradigm shift. It is very important to do that as we create only in this way and the more our visions converge and expand, the more successful and quicker our creation of the new earth will be.
Now let me tell you what happened yesterday that goes in the same vein. Early in the morning Henry Bizon from UK reminded me that the Bilderbergers have gathered this year in Turin, Italy:
“I just noticed something in the alternative media, which you might already be aware of – but in case not, you may find it interesting that today was the start of 66th Bilderberg meeting in Turin – Italy (Thursday 7th – Sunday 10th June), just a stone’s throw from the area you are/have been staying in. Surely this is a divinely orchestrated co-incidence?”
To this I responded as follows:
The Bilderbergers have, contrary to their stooges in politics, a knowing of what is going on and they locate their meetings where the light is as to profit from it and eventually harness it for their heinous goals. However, this time they will not succeed. .. Turin is also not far away from CERN and last October CERN created a black hole in order to prevent ascension and pulverized the physical earth. We created immediately a new replica and this was the original pristine world we wrote about at that time. The Elohim also forbid us to write about this terrible event which I experienced as very heavy and depressing as not to create fears and when I tried to mention this event several weeks later they deleted my finished article. Hence this part of Europe that has displayed some of the darkest experiments of the cabal is now being conquered by the new city of light and all their attempts to influence this progress from the periphery are doomed to failure.”
Half an hour later as we sat around the kitchen table and discussed this event -the Bilderbergers having their annual meeting in Turin, not far away from where we live – something dramatic happened. All of a sudden the famous Gran Madre di Dio di Torino  (The Great Mother of God to whom a famous church in Turin is dedicated) appeared to Daniela who knows Torino very well. She appeared to her as a pillar of light coming from this church and asked for help to bring light to her city of Turin.
The Bildergergers were in Turin to make use of the dark energy of infamous magicians who have lived in this city of great contrasts, of light and great darkness, especially of the dark heritage of the reptilian Gustavo Rol, who Carla immediately recognized as the “diabolo” ( the devil) when she saw his picture on the internet. The aim of their meeting in Turin was to quench the city of light in Northern Italy by exploiting our light energies for their dark purposes. They have always done precisely that as they have severed themselves from the Source and can only sponge on the light from other human beings.
We, however, were very attentive and made a massive invocation and created a huge portal/vortex of light immediately after Mother Mary appeared to us and focused it onto Turin in the north. We blasted away all the dark ones from the Bilderberg and asked the dragons to take them away.
No later than 10 minutes I was channelled all of a sudden that there was a big mothership of the Galactic Federation that was hovering above our house. I went on the balcony and saw a big round cloud above the city that represented the visible contour of this huge mothership. I was told telepathically by the crew that the Galactic Federation has removed all dark entities from the Bilderberg meeting in Turin, so to say, they were lured to come to Turin in a kind of a booby-trap, so that they can be removed from there en masse. There was a lot of rejoicing coming from the aliens on the mothership.
I told this to Carla, Daniela and Denise and they also saw the mothership. Then Denise had a vision how the Bilderbergers came together for their first dark magic session yesterday morning and were stunned that they cannot tap into any dark energies and felt very uncomfortable by the most powerful energies of light that were sweeping over them and have engulfed the whole city of Turin. They have never felt so powerless.
It is remarkable that, contrary to previous years, this time the Bilderberg meeting is barely mentioned in the media, which shows that it has lost all its past relevance, even for such fanatical “conspiracy theorists”  as Alex Jones who used to send correspondents or go himself to the Bilderberg meetings to report directly and attack them.
Yesterday, the last-ditch effort of the dark cabal to turn around the tide was curtailed by us and I leave it to my readers to speculate how come that this meeting was organised this year exactly in Turin, Northern Italy, within the confines of our Infinity Portal, where we are busy building the new city of Light New Raetia that is scheduled to manifest this year and from where all change due to ascension will begin for this planet.
Indeed, there is not a single day without some big surprises and major actions, and we all are well advised to stay alert and open to all inner impulses coming from our HS as they are now navigating us with incredible precision in our final steps leading to transfiguration and ascension.
Finally, I would like to discuss in this context a key topic that has been a central theme on this website. I have exposed and explained the numerous and very intricate lies and deceptions of the ruling cabal and their banksters in the financial sector and how they try to crash the banking system and the economy in the End Time as to enslave humanity, establish the NWO, and prevent our ascension, which is the ultimate goal of these dark ones. They know that they cannot ascend and are doomed to a very long and painful incarnation cycle to redeem themselves and that is why they try to prevent the ascension of humanity and this planet which they have conquered and exploited for eons of time in order to avoid this negative outcome for them, which is at the same time the salvation of humans from their perennial enslavement.
The machinations of the dark cabal in the financial sector was a key piece in their strategy to impoverish and enslave humanity. Most of the problems we see nowadays are financially created as is the case here in Italy, which is, while de facto bankrupt, even less indebted than the USA.
Only yesterday I published the German translation of my pivotal article “The Mother of All Bubbles” which Ingrid and Otfried translated with great dexterity, for whose help I am very much obliged and happy to receive in these final, most crucial days. After all, Germany will play a major role in the new city of light and the Germans must know exactly what is happening on the world stage and in the financial markets. Especially at this moment in time when they have realized that Germany has been a faithful servant of a bad master – the Empire of Evil – for a very long time. Currently the antics of the erratic Trump, the best unguided human missile, are about to destroy most effectively the old matrix, and the Germans are now being made aware of it in a ruthless manner. Being a servant of a bad master is an archetypal role in the incarnation cycle of any human being, or nation, and it is a sign of maturity to finally recognize this fact and reject false loyalty. The next step is to recognize your own sovereignty and creationary potential.
The Germans are now still lingering in the first phase between painful recognition of the truth and shameful resentment of the fact that they have been so blind, so stupid, and so servile for such a long period of time. When this poignant admission is realized to the full extent, they may begin to recognize their own potential as responsible creator beings, but they will definitely need our active support as ascended masters from the city of light as the Germans are essentially cowards and will never make the first step in the right direction, unless they have the support of the big brother, be it an American cowboy or the Russian bear. And if both do not work, there is still the Chinese dragon (As soon as Merkel had a fallout with Trump on the Iranian nuclear deal and the new tariffs that hit the EU and Germany hard, she travelled to Putin and then to China which shows that this country and government are not capable of independent sovereign policy from within.). Until the Germans realize that the solution is on their doorstep, in the gestalt of us as ascended masters.
Therefore, I decided to add to this report my urgent message to Trump and the old humanity from last year where I have summarized one more time the major machinations of the banksters of the dark cabal in finance and economics in order to underline why there can be no conventional solution of all human problems within the 3D matrix. But also to explain why we have transcended the point of financial crash on this uppermost mother planet because the cabal has lost the war against the light, against us, and we no longer need such drastic events.
While the financial crash was inevitable on all lower timelines which we have been severing since 2011, since we opened the stargate 11.11.11 and secured the success of the planetary ascension, it will not occur on the current ascending timeline. And the credit for that should be entirely given to the PAT for preventing this negative outcome by recognizing all the major crimes of the cabal and exposing them on this website, thus delegating their manifestation to lower timelines. This is the great power of our creations as ascended masters and Logos Gods.
What I expect with the manifestation of the new city of light is a swift and seamless transition to a new system of payments based on the Astral currency and I am now working very diligently on creating the new world emission bank of Astrals in New Raetia in Northern Italy based on new advanced 5D technologies. It is not a coincidence that the most radical anti-EU and anti-euro party in Europa has its stronghold in Northern Italy – lega nord. This is already a home run, not only for us but also for Italy as the mother land of old and ripe souls who are impatiently awaiting their transition to the city of light, where we the PAT will welcome them and guide them into their true nature as immortal, multidimensional, transgalactic beings, free of all bare necessities of 3D life.

Urgent Message to Trump and Old Humanity – Abolish the Fed or Die
The Greatest Fraud of All Time and How it Leads to the Introduction of the New Astral Currency
Georgi Stankov, February 25, 2017
Know Your Enemy as to Know How to Defeat Him 
Herewith, I will explain why the introduction of the Astral currency project as a reset of the failed Orion monetary system is of such paramount importance in the final stage of the ascension scenario. This article also explains why Trump has no chance to be successful in his presidency and be able to implement his ambitious economic program to revive the ailing US economy, unless he abolishes the Fed and takes full control of the emission of the national currency in the next few days, which is highly unlikely for him to do given the conceptual chaos of his administration in the first month of governance. Hence his presidency is doomed to fail and this will accelerate our ascension and the beginning of our true mission as ascended masters and stewards of the new humanity.
There is no doubt that all the machinations of the cabal banksters in the last 100 – 200 years were aimed at establishing a total financial dictatorship on this planet at the End Time. The goal was to prevent the planetary ascension and that of many old and ripe souls who have incarnated at this auspicious time to experience individual ascension and move to a new level of incarnation experiences in higher 4D and 5D worlds as this is now scheduled for spring equinox after Gaia made the crucial Intergalactic shift to the new Golden Galaxy on February 14th. The reason why the dark side wanted to prevent our ascension is that they need us as energetic fodder after these dark archons and their human minions have severed their connection to the source at the ego-mind and at the soul fragment level and need badly these vital energies in order to survive.
Everything else that is happening in finance, economics and politics is subjugated to this end. This is the most difficult part to understand for most people, including all the agnostic critical experts who “seek the calf under the bull”, to quote a German saying and are incapable of grasping the bigger transcendental picture. Not so the PAT and all the readers of this website. Therefore allow me to put the pieces together one more time so that you can gain the utmost clarity on the cusp of our ascension and the beginning of our true mission as Logos Gods and Ascended masters in the impending transition period.
The spearhead of the dark ruling cabal is essentially composed of the members of the 13 ruling banksters families with reptilian DNA and mainly of Khazarian origin, many of them as shape-shifters and quite a few as genetic modified Nordic type of clones. There are roughly 300 dark entities belonging to these families that control the global financial system. This number is not of great relevance for my subsequent elaboration as I will concentrate only on the financial facts, but it needs to be said here as to get the full picture and to show why the dark faction on this planet is actually not bigger than the PAT (planetary ascension team) in terms of numbers and much weaker in terms of light power and creationary potential.
The actual global attack of this spearhead of the dark ruling cabal against humanity began on December 13, 1913 when they founded the privateFederal bank (Fed) in the USA. The owners of this private central bank were at that time, and still are, the following 10 private banks:
1. Rothschild Bank of London
2. Rothschild Bank of Berlin
3. Lazard Brothers of Paris
4. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
5. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
6. Warburg Bank of Hamburg
7. Lehman Brothers of New York
8. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
9. Goldman, Sachs of New York
10. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Please observe that six of the owners of the Fed are European banks. This is very important to keep in mind as to understand the logic behind the conspiracy of the banksters I shall reveal to you below. As mentioned above, all in all, there are about 300 extremely powerful individuals, mostly foreigners, Europeans (Bilderberg) who own the FED and indirectly also control the ECB. They were also the ones who introduced the euro thus fulfilling their plan for the NWO in Europe which they developed immediately after WW2.
And here is how the Fed operates as the biggest Mafia (cartel) organisation in the world that exploits the American population and from there the rest of the world:
1. After several attempts to push the Federal Reserve Banking Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson’s campaign for President. In 1913, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Federal Reserve Act through Congress just before Christmas, when most Congressmen were on vacation. Naturally, President Wilson passed the Act when he was elected as a pay back to the bankers. This is how this criminal organisation was established through a constitutional fraud and why it is so easy to abolish it from a legal point of view (see below).
2. According to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, the US Congress has the power to print money:
Clause 5. To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
According to the Supreme Court, the Congress can not transfer its power to other organization like the Fed. Notwithstanding this legislation, the Fed is the only organisation that emits dollars in the USA. Each time a politician tried to reverse this situation and to empower the congress with the emission of dollars he was either killed or eliminated from power.
The most prominent victim was John F. KennedyOn June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed by J.F. Kennedy with the authority to basically strip the Federal Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. On November 22, 1963 he was assassinated by the dark cabal in Dallas.
The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. They have safely concluded that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid and can be implemented any moment by the Trump government that will begin to operate independently of the banksters cabal and finance his ambitious program of economic revival  of the USA on its own. However, to my estimation it is unlikely that Trump will make this bold decision, especially after he has surrounded himself with numerous Wall Street banksters as financial advisers. They are the proverbial Trojan horse in the WH or the “fifth column” in Trump’s administration, which he promised to tear down in his speech at the CIA headquarters on Jan 21st alluding to their destructive role since he came to power.
Indeed, Donald Trump does not need a new executive order that would stir a lot of resistance in the democratic camp and the deep government but to simply activate this still valid executive order, while referring to the legacy of the legendary J.F. Kennedy. This smart act will silence his democratic opponents and effectively eliminate the Fed without the need of auditing it in tedious legal procedures through the Congress. Trump has already officially announced that he will replace the hapless cabal stooge Yellen as head of the Fed:
Read here: Donald Trump Wants to Replace Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen
He has also announced that he would conduct a full audit for the first time in the history of the Fed, so that he has already demonstrated his will to act against this criminal central bank. Until now there has been only one partial audit of the Fed and I will  refer below to its sensational result that has been deliberately neglected by the entire MSM, and also by the alternative media due to ignorance, although it plays a central role in the current subjugation of Europe under the thumb of the Fed and US banksters cabal as this can been seen in Germany, but also in France and GB, that have given up their national sovereignty and follow blindly the orders of the Empire of Evil:
Read Here: Donald Trump On The Economy
Now you understand why it is highly likely that Donald Trump may be assassinated as his predecessor John F. Kennedy and he himself knows how high this risk is:
Why Trump Is in Danger of Being Assassinated by the US Dark Establishment
3. Although the Fed is required to give back most of its profits to the Treasury Dept., there is no organisation that has the power to audit the Fed (not even the Congress or the IRS). This creates a huge opportunity for “creative accounting” in this Evil Empire of Accounting Gimmicks  to hide the gargantuan Fed profit that robs the US tax payers trillions of dollars annually. I shall explain below how. Every year a few Congressmen introduce a legislation to audit the Fed and every year the legislation is defeated. The Fed has the most powerful, invisible lobbying power there is.
4. The owners of the FED own the controlling interests in ALL major media in the US which Trump now declared fake news and the enemies of the people. For instance, Rockefeller, through Chase Manhattan bank, controls CBS and ABC and 28 other broadcasting firms. Each of the other owners of the Fed also have controlling interest in the US and EU media. This explains why the MSM have been silent about the Fed scam and oppose so vehemently Trump, while only the alt-media support him. The Fed fraud is the biggest and longest cover-up in the US today. Sometime ago one of my readers wrote to me that he could not find an official website of the Fed and read what they are doing. The official Wikipedia entry on Fed is utter fraud when compared to the information I am giving here.
And here is how the Fed profits at the expense of the US citizens and the rest of the world:
1. The US government runs a deficit annually, currently more than 1, 25 trillion each year. When Obama began his presidency, the state deficit was below $1o trillion. When he left the office to Trump, the deficit he piled in eight years already exceeded $20 trillion. To cover this gargantuan deficit, the US government issues bonds, state obligations, which is national debt. These are bought entirely by the Fed. Since the Fed has the power to print money, it can buy any amount of the US Government bonds at almost no cost, save for the expense of printing money (approximately 3 cents per $100). But since the Fed buys bonds by generating money with a click on the computer, as Ben Bernanke, better known as Helicopter Ben, boasted in front of the Congress, their profit is actually 100% and not 99.97% as some experts surmise.
Basically, the Fed exchanges something that costs nothing to this central bank with US Government Treasuries that embody the entire wealth of the nation.
This is the greatest fraud of all time!
Since the Fed cannot be audited by the IRS or by the Congress, most of this profit can go anywhere the private owners of the Fed want it to. By the way this profit is tax-free!? Below I shall show how trillions of dollars that belong to the American nation were clandestinely transferred abroad.
2. After buying the bonds, the private owners of the Fed can either:
a)  Keep the bonds and collect the interest the US Government now OWES them.
b) Sell the bonds to the US tax payers or foreigners through commercial and investment banks, hedge funds, pension funds etc. In either case, the private Fed owners have profited almost 100% except for the costs to print cash money where they lose 3 cent per 100 dollar. This is one reason why the central banksters want to abolish cash as the ECB has already begun by abolishing the 500 euro banknote. Remember one more time, the Fed is a privately owned corporation, just like the Federal Express. The profit of the Fed goes entirely to the Fed owners who are private banks, most of them foreign banks, that are exempted from taxes.
This is the ultimate tax haven on this planet and the greatest robbery of all time.
3. And here is how the greatest financial scam of all time is done. The US Government owes the private Fed owners the interest on those bonds which it pays from the taxes which it collects from the people. We are talking of billions of dollars stolen from the tax payers that are transferred each year to the Fed as interest rates on bonds. Currently it is estimated that more than 50 percent of all tax revenues in the USA are spent to pay past and present interest rates on the governmental debt. And the only corporation that profits from this scam is the private Fed bank and its owners who do nothing to take full possession of the US treasuries and national wealth. They simply print the money out of thin air to buy the bonds, as I repeatedly stress in all my articles on finance. In exchange for that they receive on top of their 100% net profit huge amounts of money in form of interest from these bonds which are paid by the people’s taxation.
4. As I said, this is the perfect Ponzi scheme: in order to pay for the bonds’ interest, the US Government taxes the US population. When a US citizen holding US Government bonds receives his/her return of investment on the bonds, essentially the money he/she receives is the tax money he/she is paying to the Government. And in addition the interest from bonds has to be declared by the private buyer of bonds as revenue to the IRS and he/she pays a second time income tax on it. This is the classical “double taxation” which is the most insidious form of double exploitation of the masses by the banksters and the state mob – the Orion cartel of the One World Bank.
5. When the owners of the Fed receive the interest on the bonds they’re holding, they are receiving that money for free as they have bought them with money printed out of thin air. Not only that, the Fed owners receive the money tax-free. However under the law the Fed is required to return its profit back to the US Treasury. But in reality neither the Congress, nor the IRS have the power to audit the Fed. The Fed uses this preferential treatment by the state authorities to profit by employing blatant accounting gimmicks.
Every year the Fed profits by more than a trillion dollars by buying US Government bonds to account for the state deficit. Yet it only returns approximately $20 billion to the US Treasury. The rest of the profit is declared to be spent as operational expense. The Fed expects the US citizens to believe that its operational expenses amount to more than 1.25 trillion dollars annually!!! And most of the Americans do not bother to question this obvious scam of gargantuan proportions that happens in front of their eyes.
The truth is, these profits are spent as dividends to its ten shareholders, six of which are foreign banks!!!!  This is the perfect recipe to push the US government and economy into bankruptcy and this is the actual plan of these 300 godfathers of the One World Bank how to install the NWO. Before that they must eliminate the Empire of Evil as a national state and transfer its wickedness to a new one world government. That is why the globalist cabal now oppose Trump’s presidency dedicated to national revival (America first) through their stooges in politics, mass media and through paid colour revolution with the help of neoliberal street mobsters.
The Financial Conspiracy of the Banksters Mob to Install the NWO in the Historical Perspective
The plan of the dark ones has always been to inflate and destroy the current fiat currencies which they introduced in 1971 when Nixon abolished the gold standard. In order to achieve this goal they also started destroying the world economy since the late 80s when massive mergers took place in all western economies and many profitable companies were bought by the banksters mob and then systematically destroyed (buyouts). There are many Hollywood movies that describe these reckless criminal practices.
In the 90s, this trend was accelerated when most of the industrial production in the USA, Canada and Western Europe, with the notable exception of Germany, was transferred to China and other cheap labour emerging countries. This was a key topic in Trump’s election campaign and his economic program as this transfer of industries abroad and the subsequent de-industrialisation of the US economy is indeed the major cause for the real huge unemployment in the USA that is now roughly 30% (105 million Americans in working age are without a job according to official statistics), with many low-paid jobs at the end of the Greatest and Longest Depression of all time that has impoverished the American and Western European people. It is precisely this impoverishment of the American people, the forgotten deplorables in fly-over America, that led to the political movement behind Trump and heaved him to power as I prophetically anticipated some time ago. This “wrath of the ants” will ultimately contribute to the collapse of the Orion matrix that was planned to end up in the NWO because the people are beginning to awaken to their plight and to understand who is responsible for their misery. This kind of dialectical backlash was not in the planning of the dark cabal for the End Time and that is why they are so desperate now.
The discrepancy between the real economy and the financial Ponzi bubbles scheme grew into infinity in the last several decades. Currently all the financial monies and assets in circulation exceed more than 500 times the GDP of the world industrial production. This gargantuan bubble is the perfect condition for a financial apoptosis (sudden financial death) of the western banking system.
After that the banksters cabal intend to immediately introduce a global reset of the failed financial system by blaming its collapse on its alleged complexity and not on their deliberate machinations. In this way they will promote their plan for a new global currency under the auspices of One World Bank for One World Order. They are forging this plan since many decades as I shall show below.
When all the major fiat currencies such as dollar, euro and yen default and the banks shut down in the west, there will be first a total bail-in of the banks at the expense of the savers who will lose all their savings through this planned criminal and blatant expropriation. Such bail-in laws have been introduced in all Western countries in the last few years, in particular in all EU countries, in the USA and Canada.
At the same time when all the bank accounts of the people will be robbed by the cabal banksters as they did three years ago in Cyprus in a despicable test run, cash will be eliminated. The banks have already began with the elimination of cash as this has been announced many times by the MSM end of 2015 and increasingly so throughout 2016 and this year.
Read also: The War on Cash – A Model for a Global Financial Collapse
After that the central banksters cabal intend to introduce a new worthless digital currency which will operate in the same manner as the Fed dollars currently, but with the critical disadvantage to the people that there will be no cash and anybody who does not comply with the NWO can be deprived of digital money. The cabal also plan to introduce implanted chips for the use of this digital currency and this is the proverbial “Mark of the Beast” already announced in the bible (John’s revelations)
This reset was planned to be introduced in 2014 when the West sponsored the Nazi coup d’etat in Ukraine and the dark cabal was euphoric that this will lead to the collapse of Russia in this same year. The MSM were full of such apocalyptic forecasts as you must all remember, as we discussed this crisis in numerous articles on this website. Shortly before that the chief bankster of the IMF, the Reptilian-Madame Christine Lagarde, who is in the meantime indicted for fraud in France, held a weird cabalistic speech where she announced the global reset of the financial system in the summer of 2014 under the use of dark numerology, expecting that Russia will collapse before that. Watch this female Reptilian monster in this video as to get a feel for their insidious, abominable character:
In 2014, the plan of the banksters cabal for a global financial reset was prevented by the forces of light, by the PAT in the first place as the light warriors on the ground,  and by the resilience of Russia that successfully opposed the aggression of the Kiev Nazi junta against the Russian population in Southeast Ukraine. However, this reset was only postponed as the cabal have not given up on their ultimate plan to crash the fiat currencies and establish a new world currency. They know from remote viewing done by their secret services that assesses possible future timelines that they have to accomplish this goal at the latest by 2018 (see below), otherwise they will be ousted from power. As Rumi’s HS confirmed one more time, the plans of the cabal are based on very limited gnostic knowledge and the perpetuation of the same idiotic heinous tactics that have led to success in the past, but are no longer supported by the crystalline grid of ascended Gaia and source energies that flood this uppermost mother planet in the End Time. However, one should not underestimate the stubbornness of the dark ruling cabal that will ultimately lead to their demise this year.
In order to realize how determined the cabal are and how specific and far-advanced their plans for a global financial reset have always been, here is an article that was published in the Rothschild run magazine The Economist in 1988, two years before the Iron Curtain fell and 14 years before the Euro was introduced. Read it and judge by yourselves as you must know exactly with what kind of adversaries we have to deal with when we shall introduce our new Astral currency this year on this uppermost mother planet:
“Flashback 1988: “Get Ready For A World Currency by 2018″ – The Economist Magazine!
Title of article: Get Ready for the Phoenix
Source: Economist; 01/9/88, Vol. 306, pp 9-10
THIRTY years from now (2018), Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let’s say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favoured by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today’s national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century.

At the beginning of 1988 this appears an outlandish prediction. Proposals for eventual monetary union proliferated five and ten years ago, but they hardly envisaged the setbacks of 1987. The governments of the big economies tried to move an inch or two towards a more managed system of exchange rates – a logical preliminary, it might seem, to radical monetary reform. For lack of co-operation in their underlying economic policies they bungled it horribly, and provoked the rise in interest rates that brought on the stock market crash of October. These events have chastened exchange-rate reformers. The market crash taught them that the pretence of policy co-operation can be worse than nothing, and that until real co-operation is feasible (i.e., until governments surrender some economic sovereignty) further attempts to peg currencies will flounder.…
The new world economy
The biggest change in the world economy since the early 1970’s is that flows of money have replaced trade in goods as the force that drives exchange rates. As a result of the relentless integration of the world’s financial markets, differences in national economic policies can disturb interest rates (or expectations of future interest rates) only slightly, yet still call forth huge transfers of financial assets from one country to another. These transfers swamp the flow of trade revenues in their effect on the demand and supply for different currencies, and hence in their effect on exchange rates. As telecommunications technology continues to advance, these transactions will be cheaper and faster still. With uncoordinated economic policies, currencies can get only more volatile.….
In all these ways national economic boundaries are slowly dissolving. As the trend continues, the appeal of a currency union across at least the main industrial countries will seem irresistible to everybody except foreign-exchange traders and governments. In the phoenix zone, economic adjustment to shifts in relative prices would happen smoothly and automatically, rather as it does today between different regions within large economies (a brief on pages 74-75 explains how.) The absence of all currency risk would spur trade, investment and employment.
The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF. The world inflation rate – and hence, within narrow margins, each national inflation rate – would be in its charge. Each country could use taxes and public spending to offset temporary falls in demand, but it would have to borrow rather than print money to finance its budget deficit (Do you recognize the same pattern of enslavement of the national state and the people as described for the Fed and the USA above? Note, George). With no recourse to the inflation tax, governments and their creditors would be forced to judge their borrowing and lending plans more carefully than they do today. This means a big loss of economic sovereignty (the NWO greets you, note George), but the trends that make the phoenix so appealing are taking that sovereignty away in any case. Even in a world of more-or-less floating exchange rates, individual governments have seen their policy independence checked by an unfriendly outside world.
(That is why the cabal forced the globalisation in the last several decades as to enclose the world population in their pre-planned financial trap as represented by the current Orion monetary system which I have extensively discussed. This globalisation could only be effectively achieved if new communication technologies such as the internet were introduced as I have discussed in my pivotal article on “The Dialectics of Human Mind Devolution in the End Time“. At the end precisely these new technologies turned out to be the cabal’s Waterloo. That is how the divine dialectics of human evolution operates in the End Time by converging opposite ends to achieve the desirable result of global awakening and ascension. Please observe that when this article was written the Internet was still in its infancy, but the cabal’s plan for the NWO was already in full display for all enlightened and insightful people to see. Note, George) 
As the next century approaches, the natural forces that are pushing the world towards economic integration will offer governments a broad choice. They can go with the flow, or they can build barricades. Preparing the way for the phoenix will mean fewer pretended agreements on policy and more real ones. It will mean allowing and then actively promoting the private-sector use of an international money alongside existing national monies. That would let people vote with their wallets for the eventual move to full currency union. The phoenix would probably start as a cocktail of national currencies, just as the Special Drawing Right is today (which is the IMF, see above, note, George). In time, though, its value against national currencies would cease to matter, because people would choose it for its convenience and the stability of its purchasing power…
The alternative – to preserve policymaking autonomy – would involve a new proliferation of truly draconian controls on trade and capital flows. This course offers governments a splendid time. They could manage exchange-rate movements, deploy monetary and fiscal policy without inhibition, and tackle the resulting bursts of inflation with prices and incomes polices. It is a growth-crippling prospect. Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes.”
This article was written in the aftermath of the first big financial crisis in 1987 that was deliberately engineered by the 300 banksters cabal in their long-term attempt to implode the world economy and introduce their world currency as a stepping stone to the NWO of total enslavement of humanity. The above article is thus of historical significance as it is the masterplan of the banksters cabal for the installment of the NWO in the End Time and covers the last period of 30 years of human 3D history. I wished more people would remember it as it appeared before the world wide web era and cannot be easily found on the Internet.
After that the world economy experienced a series of severe economic and financial crises that were organized by the One World Bank as to crash the national economies and the fiat currencies and to install their global Phoenix currency. The most notable crises were the Asian crisis in 1997, the Russian crisis in 1998, the LTMC default and the almost financial collapse of all big US banks in 1998, the Dot-Com bubble crisis that was systematically engineered between 1997 – 2000 and burst in 2000 to 2003. This was the first major robbery of the ordinary people who had invested a lot of money in the new markets and lost all of it.
I have written a very detailed in-depth analysis that for the first time in the history of economics proves how the Fed is crashing the economy by creating a series of bigger bubbles and how it will destroy the Trump presidency if it is allowed to do so:
After 2003 the banksters started systematically with their biggest bubble so far – the subprime mortgage scam between 2003 and 2007 that led to the greatest financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression in 2008 when the entire investment banking on Wall Street was wiped out within one week in October after the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. This crisis gave birth to the Greatest and Longest Depression of all time, the last throes of which we observe these days.
Every financial crisis which the banksters cabal created was used by the latter to prepare the next bigger bubble crisis in the hope that this will open the ultimate opportunity for them to crash fully the global economy and install the NWO under one global digital currency and cashless society consisting entirely of financial slaves. Trump is aware of this danger as he said in his famous interview with Reuters in January 2016 when he expressed the faint hope that the banksters cabal would burst the bubble before he is elected as president.
This statement was the logical follow-up to the historical interview which Alex Jones conducted with Trump on December 2nd, 2015 where the journalist asked Trump the most disturbing and key question of all: “Does he come too late to save the economy“, as this happened with Gorbachev who inherited the collapse of the Soviet Union after 20 years of stagnation under Breznev and an almost two years of post-stalinist purges under the decrepit and mentally sick KGB head Andropov. Trump was not able to give a definitive and convincing answer to Alex Jones, which shows that he knew very well about the danger that looms from the banksters cabal. This partially explains why he has surrounded himself with Wall Street banksters as an alleged “firewall” against Fed’s atrocities.
I have personally lived through these years of communist stagnation in the Soviet empire as a dissident and knew that Gorbachev had no chance to save the Soviet Union, just as I can conclude from my higher vantage point of view, now living on the West coast and intimately following the developments in the USA on the other side of our south border, that Trump has no chance to succeed against the heinous plans of the banksters cabal behind the Fed, unless he annihilates them in a sudden and surprising coup.
By the way Alex Jones, who helped Trump to be elected more than any other single person, was the only journalist to whom Trump declared solemnly that he would not disappoint him – the champion warrior against the NWO – which is already sensational given his current hostile attitude towards the fake MSM media which he declared to be the enemies of the people. This is indeed a historical achievement of Trump, as he, who wins the battle for the minds of the people, also wins the war against the globalist elite and prevents the establishment of the NWO, as Alex Jones preaches with growing conviction each day. But this knowledge alone is not enough for Trump to survive the coming onslaught which the banksters cabal behind the Fed plan for the financial system this year. He must act now and he must act decisively and with a surprise by abolishing the Fed with the Kennedy’s executive order before the deep government learns about his plan. However, I do not reckon with that and that is why I am so confident that we shall introduce the new Astral currency as ascended masters this year and crash the Orion financial system in a most efficient way.
As you all know, the 2008 crisis led to the greatest bail-out program in the history of modern capitalism where the huge losses of the too-big-to fail banks were socialized and the profits were privatized among the 0.0001% of the richest cabal in the west who possess now more wealth than 90% of the world population. This bail-out robbery was multiplied by ZIRP of the central banks for 9 years in a row, and since 2015 by NIRP, that have eradicated the foundation of free market capitalism, impoverished the middle class in the west as a prerequisite for the NWO, and turned vast portions of the population into jobless paupers that are entirely dependent on state alms and food stamps. The ideal citizens of the NWO.
(Watch also latest Hannity’s speech at CPAC on the plight of the American people under Obama during the Greatest Depression of all  time.)
During the ongoing 2008 crisis, the Fed committed probably its greatest crime in its history that surprisingly was first revealed by the MSM and then quickly covered up and forgotten. This crime gives you a clue as to how the Empire of Evil completely suppressed and corrupted Europe by exploiting this crisis. If we witness today how such big countries as Germany, France and Italy behave as the most despicable stooges of the Empire of Evil and have committed themselves uncritically to its criminal, hegemonic destructive foreign policy in Libya, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine to the detriment of their citizens and economies, then the explanation is found in this unbelievable crime.
Please observe that this gargantuan fraud was revealed by the only partial audit of the Fed in its history and the credit for it should be given to Bernie Sanders. That is why the cabal feared him even more than Trump as a future president as he knows better than any other politician where the biggest fraud in this Empire of Accounting Gimmicks lies and that is why the cabal prevented him in a fraudulent manner to win rightfully the nomination of the DNC against Killary Clinton.
“The Fed’s $16 Trillion Bailouts Under-Reported
Forbes, September 20, 2011
The media’s inscrutable brush-off of the Government Accounting Office’s recently released audit of the Federal Reserve has raised many questions about the Fed’s goings-on since the financial crisis began in 2008.
The audit of the Fed’s emergency lending programs was scarcely reported by mainstream media – albeit the results are undoubtedly newsworthy.  It is the first audit of the Fed in United States history since its beginnings in 1913.  The findings verify that over $16 trillion was allocated to corporations and banks internationally, purportedly for “financial assistance” during and after the 2008 fiscal crisis.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) amended the Wall Street Reform law to audit the Fed, pushing the GAO to step in and take a look around.  Upon hearing the announcement that the first-ever audit would take place in July, the media was bowled over and nearly every broadcast network and newspaper covered the story.  However, the audit’s findings were almost completely overlooked, even with a number as high as $16 trillion staring all of us in the face. 
Sanders press release, dated July 21st, stated:
No agency of the United States government should be allowed to bailout a foreign bank or corporation without the direct approval of Congress and the president.
The report serves as a clear testimony of the Fed’s emergency action plan to bailout foreign corporations and banks in a time of crisis, but the GAO report does not berate the Fed; rather, it provides a lucid explanation of where the money was allocated and why.”
I remember this news very well as this was a central piece of my forecast that the financial system will collapse in 2011 shortly before the 11.11.11 portal was opened by the PAT. Eventually this happened on lower timelines. Most of the money that the Fed transferred from the USA went to bail-out European banks and defaulted countries such as GB, Ireland, France and Italy in the course of the 2008 crisis. This financial injection of the Fed was as big as the GDP of the entire EU economy.
Since then these banks and countries are under the thumb of the Empire of evil and this explains their subservient behavior which prompted Putin to the statement that it does not make any sense for him and Russia to negotiate with the European vassals as the big shots are called in Washington. The current refugee crisis in Europe and the fact that all agreements of the EU with Turkey were written by CIA NGOs and not by the Europeans themselves, shows how far enslaved the Old Continent already is by the Empire of Evil.
This overview on the NWO plan of the ruling banksters cabal in the End Time reveals how urgent and important our Astral Project is in order to offset this plan and promote a peaceful transition of humanity to higher dimensions. One can not stress this fact often enough. The invocation of the PAT written by Denise Godber last year is a powerful tool to achieve this goal. We must act now in the firm conviction that the success of the Astral Project is a fait accompli and that it is only a matter of a short linear time when it will manifest on this uppermost mother planet. We must not lose track of our major goals.
And we must be alert to the very last minute and know exactly what cards the dark cabal from the One World Bank will play in this last phase in the ascension process as to counter it with our knowledge and focused attention. As soon as a new fraudulent attempt of the dark side is revealed by us, it is doomed to fail. It is a cat and mouse game and the dark cabal are the mouse condemned to death. This reminds me of my tomcat who was an incredible mouse hunter and caught every day several mice in the farm-house where we lived at that time. He never ate them but could play for hours with them by letting them run away and catching them again until they were mouse-dead. And this is exactly what we are doing now with the dark cabal. We give them the wrong illusion that they have any chance of success and then let them die like the mice in the claws of my tomcat in the very last moment, in the knowledge of our total superiority over our foes in this unique cosmic drama.
Unfortunately this would mean also the end of Trump’s short intermezzo as US president. But he has already achieved more than any president in the history of this country by paving the way for our appearance as ascended masters and Logos Gods of Gaia and humanity this year.

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