Wednesday, August 8, 2018

104, sharing,archive, Ison,Respuestas de un extraterrestre de Andrómeda

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Carl Jung:
“What you resist, persists.” 

“A dream is a small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens up to that primeval cosmic night that was the soul, long before there was the conscious ego.”

 Carl Jung
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Vídeo 104
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de Andrómeda - vídeo ciento cuatro - 15 de septiembre del 2013.

Queridos amigos, sé que ya estamos mucho tiempo sin mensajes, pero Mythi ha estado ocupado fuera del sistema de nuevo, atendiendo emergencias distintas a la nuestra. 

Aquí la siguiente información después del regreso de su flota a nuestro planeta.

–En la actualidad, la información tiene que ser muy subjetiva, ya que cualquier información relevante puede alertar a las fuerzas de sus élites, dándoles oportunidad de prepararse y cambiar sus planes. 

Hay una expectativa de observadores Pleyadianos con respecto a los conflictos "tipo teatro" que van a ser desencadenadas por sus élites para provocar la reacción en cadena planeada para que se reduzca la población del planeta.

 Las fuerzas de sus gobiernos ya están posicionadas para desatar el caos económico y social allí en cualquier momento.

- Recordando, el planeta Tierra está a punto de finalizar su estabilización hasta el comienzo del próximo año. 

Brumas extrañas causadas por la interacción del manto del calentamiento en el planeta debido al aumento de la radiación incidente y la fricción causada por los movimientos tectónicos evitarán que la gran mayoría busque más eventos definitorios en el sistema solar. 

La sonda "Deep Impact" enviada especialmente por su gobierno para filmar y analizar el seudo "cometa" Ison fue declarada muerta, pero sólo "al público". 

La sonda que su gobierno mantiene en órbita alrededor del planeta Marte, -por no mencionar el gran telescopio montado en la ciudad humano-reptiliano de Marte, que se encuentra en el cráter Hale-, no publicará ninguna foto o imágenes de Ison, porque no quieren que ustedes vean la realidad de los eventos.

 El evento "ISON" marcará el inicio de la finalización de la estabilización del sistema solar en su conjunto y el planeta Tierra tendrá que adaptarse físicamente al sistema.

La corteza estará en movimiento y aumentará su diámetro en un 5% aproximadamente, lo que provocará grandes cambios climáticos y cataclismos hasta el final de este movimiento. 

El sistema de "Nibiru" será parte de esta influencia estabilizadora en los próximos meses, así como el planeta Taus. 

Su "Sistema de detección del espacio cercano" estará apagado para no filtrar información, ya que este sistema tenía un gran número de sectores conectados y no quieren correr el riesgo.

- Preocupense más por sus gobiernos que crean obstáculos para evitar su supervivencia que por los acontecimientos del cosmos. 

Si sus gobiernos no quieren ayudarles, traten de asegurarse de que no impidan sus intentos de supervivencia. 

Sus animales están muriendo en grandes proporciones y toda la cadena alimentaria de los océanos se está deteriorando. 

Mucho tendrá que hacerse después de que todo el polvo se asienta, una vez finalizada la estabilización del planeta. 

Ustedes recibirán ayuda por que es necesario reconstruir la nueva sociedad marcada en la nueva frecuencia del planeta. 

Esta asistencia incluye la descontaminación física y la corrección de los problemas de salud causados por la fuerza de los venenos administrados por sus élites en las últimas décadas a la población del planeta. 

Tenemos la tecnología para revertir todos estos procesos físico-químicos.
- Indirectamente contestaré varias preguntas, estén atentos a los mensajes orales procedentes de falsos representantes de razas como Pleyadianos, Arcturianos, o cualquier otro vinculado a la Comunidad Galáctica. 

Ninguna de estas razas tiene representantes "Tipo portavoz" en el planeta Tierra, por lo que cualquier persona que está hablando o enviando mensajes en nombre de estas razas no es una persona seria. 

Ninguno de los Pleyadianos u otras razas que están trabajando encubiertos en sus poblaciones darían ninguna entrevista o declaración pública sin los permisos correspondientes.

- Como he dicho antes, hay varias grandes bases subterráneas de distintas razas distribuidas por la corteza del planeta o incluso debajo de los océanos, y en la superficie hay algunas ciudades que pueden ser completamente camufladas por campos de fuerza, que se encuentran en grandes bosques y zonas montañosas

Estos sitios serán de gran ayuda y protección en tiempos de reconstrucción de la nueva sociedad en el planeta. 

- Se confirma que el 22 por ciento de la población de la Tierra es lo suficientemente despierta para entrar en el nuevo estado de conciencia necesario para vivir en una sociedad de nivel uno.

 Con base en el hecho de que ustedes han estado sufriendo una desinformación sistemática y adoctrinamiento por sus élites, este número es significativo para la Comunidad Galáctica. 

Traten de no centrarse exclusivamente en sus religiones, pero traten de aumentar su poder de la contemplación en relación con el universo como una sola casa, donde posiblemente se puede llegar a vivir en una multitud de planetas y de sociedades, como parte de su desarrollo a través de los niveles de la tercera dimensión. 

La iluminación de su aura se compone de energía cuántica acumulada, se trata de una simple suma o resta de energía positiva o negativa generada por sus acciones, las de de sus hermanos y de su sociedad. 

Su lugar en la cadena de desarrollo universal se define por la cantidad de esa energía acumulada por ustedes.

 Un lugar mejor o peor depende únicamente de ustedes. 

Nadie los juzgará, nadie va a analizar sus capacidades o sus pecados, sólo ustedes, y ustedes serán sus propios jueces.

 Más energía positiva que tengan, mayores serán sus auras y sus derechos en la elección de su próxima sociedad nivel uno para continuar con su desarrollo, ya que serán libres para encarnar en cualquier otro planeta, no sólo en el planeta Tierra, como se les fue impuesto hasta ahora y durante todo el nivel cero. 

Pueden estar seguros que la libertad de elección se gana; no se puede comprar o recibir como regalo.

- Amigos, creo que nuestra flota no dejará el planeta en los próximos meses, por lo que estaremos disponibles para revelar hechos materiales en las proximidades de los eventos importantes. 

No puedo dar ninguna comunicación con suficiente antelación para no alertar a los gobiernos a tomar medidas que podrían convertirse en estos eventos de banderas falsas.
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Video 104
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and four - September 15, 2013. Dear friends, I know that we are already a long time without posts, but Mythi been busy outside the system again, taking care of emergencies other than our own. Here follows information after his fleet return to our planet. - The information at present, have to be very subjective as any relevant information can alert the forces of thy elites to prepare and change their plans. There is an expectation of observers Pleiadeans with respect to conflicts "theater" that are to be triggered by your elites to cause the chain reaction they plan so that there is a reduction in population on the planet. The forces of your governments are already positioned to unleash the economic and social chaos there anytime. - Remembering the planet Earth is about to finalize its stabilization until the beginning of the year. Strange mists caused by the interaction of the heating blanket on the planet, due to the increase of the incident radiation and the friction caused by tectonic movement, will prevent the vast majority look more defining events in the solar system. The probe "deep impact" sent especially by your government to film and analyze the pseudo "comet" ISON was declared dead, but just "to the public". The probe that your government keeps orbiting the planet Mars not to mention the large telescope mounted on the Martian city human-reptilian located in Hale Crater, will not post any photos or footage from ISON, because they do not want you to see the reality of events. The event "ISON" mark the beginning of the completion of the stabilization of the solar system as a whole and planet Earth will have to adjust physically to the system. The crust will be moving and increasing its diameter by Approximately 5%, which will cause great climatic changes and cataclysms until the end of this movement. The system "Nibiru" will be part of this stabilizing influence in the coming months, as well as the planet Taus. Your "Space Fence Detection System" will be off to not leak information because this system had a large number of sectors connected and they don’t want to risk. - Worry more about your governments creating hindrance to prevent your survival than with the events of the cosmos. If your government does not want to help you, try to make sure they do not hinder you in your attempt at survival. Your animals are dying in large proportions and the entire food chain of your oceans is deteriorating. Much has to be done after all the dust settles after the stabilization of the planet. You will receive help as far as is necessary to rebuild the new society marked out in the new frequency of the planet. This assistance includes physical decontamination, and corrections of the health problems caused by force of poisons perpetrated by your elites over the past decades in the population of the planet. We have the technology to reverse all these physico-chemical processes. - Indirectly answering several questions, be attentive with spoken messages coming from false representatives of races as Pleiadeans, Arcturians, or any other linked to the Community Galactica. None of these races have representatives "type spokesperson" on planet Earth, so anyone who is talking or sending messages on behalf of these races are not serious people. None of Pleiadeans or other races who are working undercover into your population would give any interview or public statement without the proper permits.
- As I said earlier, there are several large underground bases of various breeds distributed by the planet's crust or even under the oceans, and on the surface there are some cities that can be completely camouflaged by force fields, located in large forests and mountainous areas inhospitable. These sites will be of great help and protection in times of reconstruction of the new society on the planet.
- It is confirmed that 22 percent of the Earth population is awake enough to get into the new state of consciousness necessary for living in a society level one. Based on the fact that you have been suffering a
systematic disinformation and indoctrination by your elites, this number is significant to the Community Galactica. Try not to focus exclusively on your religions but try to increase your power of contemplation in relation to the universe as a single house, where you can possibly come to live in a multitude of planets and societies, as part of your development through the levels of third dimension. The lighting of your aura is composed of quantum energy accumulated, it is a simple addition or subtraction of positive or negative energy generated by your actions, for your brethren and your society. Your place in the chain of universal development will be defined by the amount of that energy accumulated by you. A better place or worse depends solely on you. No one will judge you, nobody will analyze your abilities or your sins, only you, and you will be your own judge. The more positive energy you have the greater your aura and your rights in choosing your next society level one to continue your development, you will be free to embody on any other planet, not only on planet Earth as it was imposed upon you so far during the zero level. Be assured that freedom of choice is won; you cannot buy or receive as a gift. - Friends, I believe that our fleet will not leave the planet in the coming months, so I will be available to disclose material facts in the vicinity of important events. I cannot do any communication well in advance not to alert your governments to take steps that could become these events in false flags.
Video 105
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and five – October 17, 2013. Mythi, what news on the Ison? How was the interaction with Mars and how it should be with the Earth? How are you envisioning these next months? - Friends, the news that we have are worrying. The Ison has not interfered with Mars or any other planet yet, it is underlain orbits and the balance of the system. The Ison is not a problem for your planet; do not be fooled by an expectation of "destruction" generated by the theater mounted by your governments. The fact that governments have turned off the monitoring systems is part of the theater designed to distract attention. The natural restructuring problems that are about to happen are directly linked to the great energy field which the solar system is passing by, liquefying the core layers of the planets causing magnetic changes, the realignment of the axes of rotation according to the movement of the planets crust, and causing the surface growth foreseen for this actual phase. All planets, including your Sun are going through this injection of energy, accelerating the processes, like you to increase the tension in a lamp so that it is more hot and "lit". The system Nibiru will be visible, but its influence is no longer a problem by the distance which was recalculated by Krulians in its passage.

On questions about the Moon is changing position, to reason this fact, the Moon is orbiting the Earth led by the force of gravity on the planet. If this tangential point of gravity changes with the movement of the Earth's core to a new declination of course the moon will be forced to follow this tangency. This may cause besides change of position with respect to the Earth's crust, a rotation in the face of the moon as seen from Earth. - Many billions of objects as comets, asteroids and minor planets are gravitationally locked to the solar system in the Oort Cloud and in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. All these objects are also being greatly affected, causing electrical discharges and jets of escaping gases from cracks and holes that act as propulsion, causing their movement, clashing against each other and many will be attracted to the center of gravity of the system reaching your sun and provoking large solar flares. In a very simple explanation is a symptom like when you heat the corn to make popcorn. This is causing many objects on a collision course with the system planets, including Earth. Some of these objects are being monitored, but will be used by your governments to increase the anarchy that they intend to impose on the planet as a whole. When things really heat up, they have already prepared their places to hide.

- We know that for every object that we trap in your atmosphere will be a false event ready to wreak havoc, planted by your own governments. They have set up the show, now plan to only put out the light, to start. You will undergo a major sequence of events "planned", added to the natural events that will succeed. - Be prepared to face the attacks of your governments against you, paralyzing the global economy and removing the population's basic needs such as energy, water, food and communications. They take advantage of natural events on the growth of the crust allies to objects and solar emissions that will reach your atmosphere to install chaos with social bankruptcy. Decisions about reducing population are already taken by all the leaders of all the countries involved, with the exception of some countries in the Middle East and Asia only. - They know that we have access to activation codes of nanocomponents by cellular frequencies, so they also will try more direct methods such as vaccinations and nanocomponents with self timers’ activation. Avoid any attempt to vaccination "treatments" or shelters on the part of your governments. They have to run with the plans now because events are already knocking on the planet. - With respect to your nature, many animals will still continue dying in the oceans and on land for premeditated destruction of ecosystems, poisoning, radiation, and lack of magnetic orientation by weakening and changes in the geomagnetic field of the planet. The remaining food will not be enough to keep the populations due to the erratic behavior of your atmosphere. The HAARP system is still being used to cause dense fog, swirls and hurricanes. The intention is to cause chaos and administer it by force. We will be on standby for when the time comes we appear openly, and can help communities abandoned to their fate. - I cannot speak much more details at the time not to interfere with the sequence of events, but I hope I have given you an idea of what might happen during this season. Depends on you are always prepared and alert to the isolation
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