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Thursday, August 23, 2018
8-23-18Activating Your Expanded Perceptions--Arcturians
The Arcturians and Suzanne Lie
As the frequency
of our reality expands into the higher dimensions, our consciousness is
also expanding. Then, as our consciousness expands, so does our
perceptions. This duel expansion occurs because Gaia is changing, as
well as ALL Her life forms. However, we can only perceive that which we
are ready to believe.
It is for this reason that some people are able to communicatewith Higher Beings, seeStarships, and feelwhen
they are resonating to a slightly higher frequency of reality.
Fortunately, as more and more of humanity is able to allow themselves
this innate gift of higher dimensional perceptions, they will become
more and more “common.”
Humanity’s innate
abilities have too often been held in secret because of the fear of
judgment from others. However, as the brave pioneers push away their
fear of judgment and accept their own innate multidimensional
perceptions, more and more of humanity will be able to accept that this
is the NOW to accept our own innate abilities.
Humanity has been
taught by those who wish to have power over others, that they are “just
humans.” However, within this NOW more and more humans are perceiving
reality FREE of the 3D filter that has kept them in the “land of
There has always
been higher frequencies of reality, but those who perceived them were
punished, or even killed for speaking of the true multidimensional
perceptions that they truly had. Therefore, these inter-dimensional
experiences greatly diminished or completely disappeared.
within this NOW, more and more of humanity is allowing these higher
dimensional messages to enter into their consciousness, and even sharing
these communications with others. Just as we have special talents in
our daily lives, certain expanded perception will be stronger or will
come “on line” to our mundane consciousness first. However, all of us
have allof these expanded perceptions as they are an innate component of our true multidimensional nature.
More of us would
be consciously aware of these perceptions if we had not suffered
judgment from others who were afraid of that which they could not
understand. However, as more of us awaken to this higher dimensional
information, there will be far less fear and judgment. Then, more and
more of us will feel comfortable to “come out” and share our newly
awakened, or long hidden, expanded perceptions.
As with all
spiritually enlightened endeavors, we cannot try to force our expanded
perceptions. The Path to awakening is like a river in which we must stay
in the center current to allow ourselves to easily be carried along
with the flow. If we struggle or “work hard” we only push ourselves out
of the center current and into the many eddies and whirlpools of third
dimensional life.
One of the main
keys to restoring our innate “psychic” perception is to listen to the
still, small voice within that whispers into our mind, heart and body.
Just as our physical body uses our five sense to inform us of what we
are hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and touching, our body also
alerts us to incoming information that resonates to the expanded
frequencies of our higher consciousness.
Inherent and
latent within our earth vessel is our higher consciousness, which is the
receiver of our ever increasing expanded perceptions. Fortunately, the
more we accept and understand these higher dimensional communications
with our SELF and other Higher Dimensional Beings, the more we awaken
and expand our innate, multidimensional consciousness.
Through merging
with, downloading, and integrating our Multidimensional SELF into our
third dimensional earth vessel, we simultaneously upload our
innate multidimensional operating system which we forgot, or pushed
aside, so as to “not be different.” However, if we do push aside our
innate abilities, we will be differentfrom our true SELF.
On the other hand,
if can bring these expanded perceptions online within our physical
brain, perceptions, thoughts and emotions, our physical brain will be
able to integrate the fifth dimensional information that was once “too
different” for us to perceive and thus to difficult to accept.
However, if we can be consciously awareof
these higher dimensional perceptions, our brain, which is our own
biological computer, can signal to our body to respond to these higher
frequencies of information. Whenever we respond to this higher
information we expand our consciousness beyond threshold of our old
third dimensional operating system.
Remember, we do
not just raise our consciousness; we expand it. As we expand our
consciousness, our thinking, our expectations and our perceptions will
more easily align with our innate fifth dimensional SELF.
Our fifth
dimensional expression of our Multidimensional SELF has, too often, been
a secret in order to avoid conflict or judgment. In fact, we even kept
our “Higher SELF” as a secret from our own third dimensional self.
However, as we allow ourselves to consciously receive information from
our fourth, fifth, sixth dimension and beyond Multidimensional SELF, we
will also receive information from our own first, second, and third
dimensional physical body.
Our physical body
resonates to the same frequency as our physical planet. However, as Gaia
expands her resonance into the higher frequencies, our physical bodies
will innately join our personal self with our planetary self. In this
manner, person and plane will become ONE!
As we become ONE
with our planet, we become ONE with our reality. As people and planet
become ONE, we-persons and planet-will activate our higher innate,
multidimensional reality and our multidimensional perceptions that we
were ALL were born with.
Unfortunately, the
limitations and problems of physical life made many of us forget the
wonderful communications with unseen beings, trees, flowers, as well as
other beings on Gaia that most of experienced during our childhood.
When we moved into
our exploration of the limitations of individuality, we became separate
from our body, separate from our animal instincts, separate from our
Multidimensional SELF, separate from what we called “Heaven,” separate
from the planet and separate from Nature, and separate from our own
higher dimensional perceptions.
Therefore, I will
post one of these higher dimensional perceptions at a time in my
Blog. In each posting I urge you to ponder each higher perceptions. I
suggest that you us the:
WHO - WHAT – WHERE – WHEN – and WHY format to deeply look at each of the innate abilities that you ALL have.
I hope you all
chose to post what you have discovered in the comments section. You do
NOT need to identify yourself unless you want to. I present this
exercise in order to assist us all to welcome back our Multidimensional
SELF into our consciousness and into our daily life.
In this manner we
can better assist dear Gaia, and the reality that we share with Her. to
awaken to the fifth dimensional reality that is HERE NOW. In fact, the
fifth dimension has ALWAYS been with us, just beyond our limited
physical perceptions.
Our true,
Multidimensional SELF is always with us, but the challenges of our third
dimensional life has often made us FORGET our own innate expanded
perceptions that we have ALWAYS had.
We will begin NOW with Your Instincts
Instinct, which is
an innate "knowing," is a second dimensional ability based on our
"primitive self" who has the ability to tune into the planet to know
where there is water, what food will heal us or poison us, and the
location of our "tribe."
If we "give a
horse his head," he will find water. Animals in the wild know what food
they are meant to eat and what food will hurt them. Animals know when a
predator is staking them or simply sharing the waterhole. In our quest
for evolution we lost some of our basic survival skills.
Our instincts are
usually a physical sensation, which our left-brain, logical self, has
been trained to ignore. However, as we regain our Whole Brain Thinking,
we begin to become close friends with our OWN earth vessel.
As we awaken, we
begin to realize that WE are not our body. WE are IN our body. Our
physical form is one of many forms that surround our consciousness.
However, without our physical body we cannot continue to play in the 3D
In other realities
when we held a tribal consciousness, or when we had to survive off the
land, our instinct was one of our most important perception. Our
instincts are able to pull together information from our five physical
senses that are just below our threshold of third dimensional
However, when a
distant vision, quiet sound, faint order, or sense of a being so close
we can feel it, but not see it, is are more and more a common in our
daily life. Something is happening that is allowing the beginning of a
new, higher frequency, of reality to enter into humanity’s
often thought of perception that something, someone or something that we
cannot see, hear or touch is coming into our conscious awareness. When
the “imagined perception” of the right hemisphere of our brain is able
to share it’s perception with the left hemisphere, it is put through our
brains “editing system.”
In order for us to
allow that which was once “just our imagination” to be considered as,
maybe being the truth from a higher frequency of our reality, our daily
thinking is face with challenge of “do we trust that vision as real, or
is it just our imagination?”
Maybe this
“imagination,” which has lived in our right brain of imagination, is now
entering our left brain to be considered if this perception is a true
Within our right
brain, our instincts gives us the possibility of perceiving information
that is subliminal to the daily life perceptions of our left brain.
Unfortunately, if we still deny our right-brain perceptions because we
have become trapped in our logic, we will not perceive or receive those
When we say, “I am
having a feeling.” Or “I sense that I am being watched,” these messages
are arising from the instincts of our right hemisphere. When we give or
attention to “right brain messages,” we reinforce our instincts and
invite then to remain active in our lives.
All of our
expanded perceptions are much like muscles. If we respond to and use
these messages in our daily life, they get stronger, but if we don’t use
them, we forget them—sometimes forever. Fortunately, messages from the
higher dimensions of our body and our consciousness often return again
and again until we give them our attention.
On the other hand,
sometimes a “higher message” that has been ignored may not return for a
very long time. Fortunately, you ALL can ask your Higher SELF, your 3D
Self, and/or an Inner Guide questions.
These questions
will give you answers—but only if you believe that you CAN receive these
messages, and of course, only if you are not afraid of seeing your own
inner truth.
If you would like
to share any inner messages, and/or questions that you receive, or have
received from your Higher SELF and/or your Galactic friends, please
share them with in the comment section of this Blog.
Thank you so for participating in this on-line MAKE ASCENSION NORMAL Course.
Please take this opportunity to share any of your experiences, and/or questions with the other readers.
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