Saturday, April 24, 2021

share, Arcturian Message ~ Darkness to Light, Awakening with Suzanne Lie

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Arcturian Message ~ Darkness to Light

Arcturian Message

Darkness to Light

The Arcturians shared some important updates regarding the current state of affairs in the world today.

They go into detail about what it means when they say, "The darkest night before the dawn."

They mention that the "Power Over" matrix will be eliminated and only those of us who are grounded into the Earth will be able to withstand the high frequency.


We all have a responsibility to contribute to this shift in frequency, and the alert has been sounded to call each of you into action.

Please listen to the full message below and join us next Friday if you wish to gather in unity with others who want to actively contribute. Details are below.   

Power of Here and Now
We continue our emphasis on building power within
to co-create our empowered reality as we prepare to
actively step into 5D awareness.

Focus upon the Power of Here and Now as you master your thoughts and emotions and focus on your moment to moment awareness. Recognize your innate value and interconnectedness to all life. Acknowledge your responsibility to uplift yourself and others as you embody truth and empowerment. Focus on your inner power and calmly ground your expanded awareness.
Together we can all make a positive contribution.
Change begins within!
LIVE Webinar with Dr. Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians
Friday, June 29, 2018
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Event Fee: $44.00
 * Register NOW *
 BONUS! All registrants receive a FREE copy of the helpful guide, Finding the Calm in the Midst of Chaos: Combining Thoughts and Emotions to Create Peace and Clear Thinking.

Obtain direct guidance from the Arcturians and align with others to connect with and ground higher awareness in the world.
Unable to attend live? No problem! Go ahead and register,
and we will be pleased to share the recording with you.

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