Wednesday, September 12, 2018

107_108_Atonianas,Krulianos,Arcturianos,Ison,Nibiru, Respuestas de un extraterrestre de Andrómeda

Vídeo 107
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de Andrómeda - vídeo ciento siete - 23 de noviembre del 2013.

- Este es un mensaje corto, siempre para mantenerlos alertas.

Estamos trabajando juntos y desarrollamos un plan de acción con la flota de naves de recuperación Atonianas, bajo el mando de Krulianos, que viajaron desde el cinturón de Kuiper a su luna. 

Estas naves espaciales estaban trabajando para recoger minerales raros, pero se trasladaron a esta nueva posición y fueron instruidos acerca de las tareas que serán necesarias en el momento. 

Parte de nuestra fuerza también está trabajando con los Arcturianos en este momento. 

Un montón de cosas que hacer.

- Amigos, estén preparados para la sintonización final del sistema solar. 

Con el paso de ISON por el Sol y su desglose en objetos más pequeños dirigidos a puntos específicos en el sistema, el Sol va a sufrir cambios radicales en el comportamiento, y todos los planetas, incluyendo la Tierra que orbita cerca, también pasarán a través de cambios físicos y geomagnéticos. 

Hemos hablado mucho de eso, y estoy seguro de que no tendré que repetir todos los consejos que les he asignado anteriormente. 

Estén preparados para enfrentar un posible período de vida con momentos en los que no se puede confiar en la tecnología de la que se dispone en este momento, ya que funciona sobre la base de los suministros centralizados de electricidad. 

Sigan el consejo dado previamente y revisen sus planes de acción. Sus gobiernos han hecho todo lo posible, para omitir el tamaño y la "composición" del fenómeno Ison, pero no pueden tapar el sol con un dedo para que nadie se entere de los acontecimientos. 

El fenómeno ISON se compone de partes que juntas son dos veces del tamaño de la Tierra. 

Prepárense para efectos tectónicos y atmosféricos generados por estos ajustes.

- Comprueben lo que sus gobiernos están haciendo y que es lo que sus élites están proporcionando. 

Muchas banderas falsas van a suceder en los próximos meses, observen los movimientos de las empresas y de los gobiernos que migran fuera de ciertas zonas ya que son acciones planificadas sobre desastres "artificiales".

 A sus gobiernos compuestos y administrados por sus élites dirigentes, se les ha informado por contactos de razas que intercambian favores desde hace mucho tiempo con ellos acerca de todo lo que va a pasar, así que por favor observen con atención todo lo que van a hacer en los próximos meses. 

Prueben ahora mismo mantenerse en comunicación como se les ha explicado anteriormente, si es posible, prueben la comunicación entre ustedes con algunos de sus compañeros que están siguiendo nuestros consejos y conversaciones durante estos últimos dos años.

 No se preocupen demasiado por los cambios que ya estaban previstos desde que fueron colocados aquí. 

Vamos a estar viendo todo, por lo que posiblemente entraremos en acción más directa con ustedes.

¡Todo saldrá bien!

 Estén bien, y que la fuerza esté con ustedes.

Vídeo 108
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de Andrómeda - Vídeo Ciento ocho -26 de Noviembre del 2013.

-Amigos, contestando a algunas preguntas y aclarando algunos puntos a muchos que nos siguieron desde el principio, he aquí una breve explicación de los hechos.

-El Paso del sistema de Nibiru, que debió ocurrir el año pasado, fue desviado por los Krulianos a petición de científicos de la Comunidad Galáctica porque causaría un reajuste del sistema de una manera muy violenta. 

Por esta razón, el sistema de Nibiru ahora sigue su órbita original, pero en una posición más allá del sistema solar. 

Lo mismo sucedió con el cometa llamado "Elenin" que fue destruido al pasar por el sistema en el momento equivocado, ya que podía causar más daños que traer soluciones. 

Hubo un cónclave de diferentes "comunidades galácticos" que juzgaron muy cautelosamente estas acciones de nuestra "Comunidad Galáctica regional", pero entendieron la necesidad de proteger esta colonia en su paso al nivel uno de relaciónes interraciales. 

Por lo tanto, fueron incorporados objetos artificiales en ISON para este reajuste de frecuencias y órbitas, que se realizaron de la manera menos intrusiva posible, en sustitución de las acciones naturales del sistema Nibiru.

- ISON fue un asteroide que se soltó de la Nube de Oort, en 2005, y ya estaba en ruta natural rumbo a su sistema solar, al igual que cientos de otros, y esta ruta fue elegida para ser la ruta de todos los objetos artificiales que se han añadido al mismo. 

Sus científicos están todavía gateando, están totalmente engañados " creando” una órbita de entre 400.000 y más de 500.000 años para este conjunto de objetos, mientras que está pasando a través del sistema solar por primera y última vez.

-Esta es una gran operación que dio lugar a la aplicación de una enorme cantidad de recursos.

 Hagan que todo valga la pena, estén mentalmente y físicamente preparados para tomar las iniciativas que hemos discutido muchas veces en reuniones anteriores, a ser aquellos que tal vez estén físicamente aquí para ayudar y participar en este nuevo comienzo. 

Vamos a estar aquí para ayudar durante la reanudación de las nuevas comunidades. Miren dentro de ustedes, porque sólo heredarán esta nueva cultura los que merecen este alto nivel de frecuencia individual. 

Es hora del sistema solar de completar la transición al "Nivel Uno" de frecuencia, y esta nueva luz será visto por todos los que ven este cuadrante de la galaxia, una nueva raza, una nueva civilización participante en las actividades del universo estará viviendo aquí.

-Con El tiempo, se erigirá un monumento, mencionando a todas las razas que colaboraron y asistieron en la creación y supervivencia de esta civilización en estos últimos miles de años, y estas razas lo firmarán y serán sus "padrinos" para siempre. 

Estas razas serán parte de su historia como colonizadores y mentores de la nueva raza de los terrícolas. 

Yo y mi flota nos sentimos orgullosos de participar en esta formación de una nueva raza, amigos míos.

Que la fuerza y la integridad estén con todos ustedes!

Vídeo 109
Respuestas de un extraterrestre de Andrómeda - Vídeo Ciento nueve-12 de diciembre del 2013
Mythi, existe la posibilidad de que la Luna sea destino catastrófico de un gran meteorito, o la Tierra, en esta configuración actual del sistema solar por parte de los objetos de Ison?
-No, su Luna está protegida desde hace mucho tiempo por razas que mantienen bases en varios lugares de su superficie. En el último medio milenio, ¿tienen registro de alguna marca de un nuevo gran cráter en la luna, que apareczca como resultado directo de un choque de grandes meteoritos? No, sus astrónomos pueden haber registrado muchos
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Video 107
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and seven – November 23, 2013. - This is a short message, provided to keep you alert. We are working together and developing a plan of action with the fleet with ships of recovery Atonians, under the command of Krulians, who traveled from the Kuiper belt to your moon. These spaceships were working to collect rare minerals but were relocated to this new position and instructed about the tasks which will be required at the time. Part of our strength is also working with the Arcturians right now. Plenty of things to do. - Friends, be prepared for the final tuning of the solar system. With the passage of ISON by Sun or its breakdown into smaller objects directed at specific points in the system, the Sun will undergo radical changes in behavior, and all the planets including Earth that is orbiting nearby, also pass through geomagnetic and physical changes. We've talked a lot about it and I'm sure you will not need to repeat all the advice given to you earlier. Be prepared for a possible period of life with moments where you cannot rely on the technology that you have at the moment, based on centralized supplies of electricity. Follow the advice previously given and revise your plans of action. Your governments have done everything, to omit the size and “composition” of the phenomenon ISON but cannot cover the sun with a sieve for everyone to follow events. The ISON phenomenon is composed of parts which together are twice the size of Earth. Prepare for tectonic and atmospheric effects generated by these adjustments. - Check what your governments are doing and what your elites are providing. Many false flags are going to happen in the coming months, be watching the movements of companies and governments migrating out of certain areas which are being planned actions on "artificial" disasters. Your governments compounds and administered by your ruling elites, have been told by contacts with races who exchange favors long with them about everything that is going to happen, so please watch carefully everything they will be doing in the coming months. Try right now to keep in communication as previously explained, if possible, test the communication between you with some of your companions who are following our advice and conversations during these past two years. Do not worry too much about the changes they were already planned since you were placed here. We'll be watching everything, and so possibly go into more direct action with you. Everything will work out! Be well, and may the force be with you.
Video 108
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred eight – November 26, 2013. - Friends to take some questions and clarify a few points to many who followed us from the beginning, here's a brief explanation of the facts. - The passage of Nibiru system planned for last year, was diverted by Krulians at the request of scientists from the Community Galactica because it would cause a realignment of the system, in a very violent way. By this fact, the Nibiru system now follows the original orbit, but in position beyond the solar system. The same happened with the comet named "Elenin" that was being destroyed by going through the system at the wrong time, and would cause more damage than solutions. Happened a conclave of different "galactic communities" who judged very cautious these actions of our "Community Galactica Regional," but they understood the need to protect this colony in switching to level one of interracial relationship. Therefore, artificial objects were incorporated into ISON for this realignment of frequencies and orbits were performed in the least intrusive manner possible, replacing the natural actions of the Nibiru system.
- The ISON was an asteroid that come loose from the Oort Cloud in 2005, and was already in the natural route for your solar system, like hundreds of others, and was chosen to be the route of all artificial objects that were added
to it . Your scientists are still crawling, are totally deceived "creating an" orbit of 400000 to more than 500000 years for this set of objects, as it is passing through the solar system for the first and last time. - This is a major operation that resulted in the implementation of huge amount of resources. Make it all worth it, be mentally and physically prepared to take the initiatives we have discussed many times in previous meetings, to be those who may be physically here to help and participate in this new beginning. We will be here to assist in the resumption of new communities. Look within you because only inherit this new culture who deserve this high of level of individual frequency. It is time the solar system complete the transition to the "level one" of frequency, and this new light will be seen by all who see this quadrant of the galaxy, a new race, a new civilization participant in the activities of the universe will be living herein. - With over time, will be erected a monument referencing all races that generated and assisted in the creation and survival of this civilization in these past thousands of years, and these races will sign it and these will be your "godfathers" forever. These races will be part of your history as colonizers and mentors of the new breed of earthlings. Me and my fleet we are proud to be participating in this formation of a new breed, mine friends. That the strength and integrity be with you all! Video 109
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and nine – December 12, 2013. Mythi, there is possibility of our Moon be cataclysmic target of a large meteor, or the Earth, in this current setting of the solar system by ISON objects? - No, your Moon is protected so long ago, by the races which maintains bases in various locations in it's surface. In the last half millennium, you have registered some brand new big crater on your moon appearing as a direct result of a clash of large meteors? No, your astronomers may have logged many hundreds of small meteorites that are routinely clash against your Moon but nothing really big. This is due to the fact that large meteors that have opened large craters were systematically "targeted" to the Moon by the builders of the system that led to the beginning of life possibility on the planet. Large meteors were aggregated to balance exactly its diameter and mass. It is no coincidence that the moon causes "total eclipse of the Sun", which is focused diametrically with the average distance of its orbit around the planet Earth and your Sun. To mount a binary system like the Earth and the Moon is not the work of chance, but a great work of space engineering. - With regards to ISON complex, it will be part of the alignment as I have told you, planet Earth to expunge the traces of destruction and dirt that you have accumulated in this 20th century, need modifications resulting in this changes, so that the new social step of the planet is established. I believe that all who are following the facts, are having one of the most bizarre years of their lives, but all well-informed with the truth of the facts know accept and assist with these changes, whether drastic or not. Do not ask questions about where is safe and where is not. All who think insurance will be surprised by changes in the events, and many survive well in areas now considered "at risk." Trust in fate, have your free frequencies of the static generated by your current social system, be your consciences rather than mere followers of doctrines imposed. Change with the planet instead of being purged of it. - Observe the movements of your elites, like rats they are the first to run for cover where they consider "safe". Do not fear, we will appear to help when you least expect it. The fleet of ships that rested on the dark side of the moon is already in the atmosphere of Earth, orbiting and taking preventive measures as per the guidelines received for this mission. Try to have quiet conscience, inner peace, assured that you are an important part of this vast universe, and especially, the understanding that we are all brothers.
- One thing that will make the difference is that "each of you is a Christ or a messiah", the messiah, with whatever name your different cultures wishing to give him, is not a person, is a state of mind of an entire society consciously prepared to change for the better. Be assured that do not will come a "being" designed to save you, you are your saviors, no one is more responsible for your evolution than yourself. The "Messiah" is within every man of good will, and if every man of good will helps save at least an equal, he will have been the "messiah" for this brother. Do not place your hopes in doctrines and promises of a savior, be a savior yourself, if not of others, savior of yourself. Video 110
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundred and ten – December 28, 2013. - My friends, as you were able to prove by the media, changes have been noted in the frequency of the Sun and he calmed the high level of activity that was having. This was caused by ISON set during its passage. The interference of the Community Galactica, in these finishes for adjustments of the solar system will be minimal, the Arcturians finalized all procedures of containment that were keeping the major volcanic systems close to population centers, this means that the planet was released to his nature answer all adjustment measures being applied by this task force. Be assured that this was the least traumatic way to stabilize not only the frequency of planet earth, and also of all other celestial bodies of the system. - Every change causes some involuntary movements inherent to that is being pre-defined. A stone thrown into a calm lake will cause sequential and harmonic waves, which over a short time will not be perceived, and everything will be calm again. The volume of the mass of the "stone" thrown in the lake will make its level increases slightly, and it is this small increase that will make all the difference to the next stage. Only your governments could prevent the waters of the lake back to normal balance at the correct time. They want to cause movements that may interfere with the natural factors and this will only cause delays in stabilizing this new stage. We have disrupted the plans of fairly called PTB, but we cannot interfere with all events deliberately planned by them. Answering some pendent questions with great volume of requests: - The anomaly of the Baltic is not a spaceship, is an ancient monument resembling a ship, made to contain certain artifacts of communication between a humanoid colony developed here and their mentors there Approximate 32,000 years ago, long before the colonies of Atlantis. These "artifacts" contained
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