Friday, July 9, 2021

share-21 - 5 Signs, The Slow Drip of the Coup

Russiagate – The Slow Drip of the Coup to Take over Russia | Armstrong Economics: Little by little the truth is starting to surface with respect to the blackmail of Yeltsin and the attempt to take over Russia during the 2000 election. Now the former British National Crime Agency international corruption boss, Jon Benton, says he was ordered to stop an investigation into Russian money laundering. He was the head of the UK international corruption. He says that a senior official from the Foreign Office told him to shut down his investigation. Why? The Daily Mail has reported that his perspective was that the Government was not tackling Vladimir Putin's cronies who stash their wealth overseas. Benton claims he was given a 37-page dossier about London-based money laundering by Russian crime syndicates linked to the Kremlin. The entire problem is that he has, unintentionally, misinterpreted the order to shut the investigation down. That directive was not to protect Putin's friends, but to prevent the truth coming out about the attempt to stage a coup led by the New York bankers to seize control of Russia. The governments have gone after Putin's friends using the Magnitsky Act. So Benton's interpretation does not make sense. It was far more likely that someone paid to
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Gov Cuomo says People are Fleeing NY Because of Weather not Taxes | Armstrong Economics: New York State Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo has blamed the upstate extremely cold weather (Global Warming) for the reason people have been fleeing his state NOT taxes. This comes as no surprise, for Democrats are closet Marxists and love more taxes and assume the people love to be taxed and always ask for more. Like the Global Warming people who ignore all history before 1850, Cuomo prefers to ignore the fact that the American Revolution slogan was: "No Taxation Without Representation" The stunning thing is how politicians always play with fire and never learn from the past. Since 1500, there have been 354 tax rebellions in the world. Back in 2014, French vegetable farmers set a tax office and a building on fire in protest. I don't think that had to do with weather. In fact, there is an average of every 1.46 years for a tax rebellion somewhere in the world. I moved to Florida to get closer to Global Warming - TRUE. But my lawyer also told me if I died, to tell my family to drag my body across the river before they told the State of New Jersey. Then, even if we held a conference in Hong Kong, we had to pay almost 10% to the State of New Jersey just for the privilege of being giv

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The Millennial Crisis | Armstrong Economics: There is a serious economic crisis brewing that few seem to be paying attention. According to a new survey from Zillow Group Inc. (ZG - Get Report), approximately 22.5% of millennials ages 24 through 36 are living at home with their moms or both parents, up nine percentage points since 2005 which was 13.5% and the most in any year in the last decade. Between the student loans which cannot be discharged thanks to the Clintons (to get the support of bankers) even after they find that degrees are worthless when 60% of graduates cannot find employment with such a degree and the fact that taxes have escalated to nearly doubling over the last 20 years that is predominantly state and local, the affordability of buying a home has been fading fast. Despite the fact that millennials are eager to enter the real estate market, they're bearing the brunt of the challenge directly caused by the combination of taxes and nondischargeable student loans. Now 63% of millennials under the age of 29 cannot even afford the cost of homeownership, according to a CoreLogic and RTi Research study. The expense, in fact, is their number one reason for remaining a renter. In their research, they concluded that
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Marriage on the Decline but So is Divorce? | Armstrong Economics: The big hoopla is that the divorce rate has declined among Millennials. University of Maryland professor Philip Cohen found that from 2008 to 2016, the U.S. divorce rate dropped by 18%. Around the globe, the number of unmarried women has been rising The numbers seem to point to women and men are not simply postponing marriage, but forgoing it altogether. Indeed, in the USA, the trend is moving to just live together. Many are saying it is just cheap to live that way these days. Among women in their late 30s or early 40s, 29% are unmarried in Denmark. In Italy where the family has been more of a tradition, still, 18% remain unmarried in the same group. Cross over the Mediterranean to Lebanon and the number is 22% and move to Libya and it jumps to 32%. In the United States, one in six women remains unmarried in her early forties or almost 17% which is a record high with the same level in Japan. What is happening is the age difference is rising to return more to the historical norm. Boys just mature slower than girls and as the younger girls give up on the same age boys, the marriages are lasting longer as they did before Holywood turned lust into love at first sight. Curious to watch

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Solar Minimum – Biggest Decline Maybe Ever | Armstrong Economics: The sun is entering perhaps one of the deepest Solar Minima in thousands of years. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018. This is really alarming. Since the start of 2018, there have been totally spotless days for weeks. The sun's ultraviolet output has sharply declined and this is not going to end well. We can see that this decline in Solar Cycle #24 has been a rapid decline that is twice as fast than any previously. Already the the upper atmosphere is losing heat energy. NASA has conceded that if the current trend continues, this could become a dramatic cold period far worse than many people suspect. The Global Warming crowd is leading the world down a dangerous path because they have been paid $1 billion to create fake research in order to raise taxes as they have been doing in Europe and Canada. Our computer us projecting a very serious decline in sunspot activity. This will be the backdrop to the rise in agricultural prices we see between 2020 and 2024. Of course, thanks to the Global Warming people, it will be too late to prepare.
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Why Capital Flows Are the Only Real Guide to Market Trends | Armstrong Economics: QUESTION: Hello Martin I wish all the best for you. The work you make every day to rise up our understanding about the world is amazing and make me feel a huge respect. it is very inspiring. I'm a small customer of your private blog. I don't know if you answer that kind of request. I want and I need to understand WHY the dxy was in bull market between march 2000 and feb 2002, from 102 to 113. you are unbelievable when times come to understand economic history. I can't find any explanation about this period M2 supply decreased softly the twin deficit stood around 2% with no hope of getting better and it reversed after 2002 to 8% !!! Interest rates were declining stock indexes were very bear from the tech turnmoil Gold was bottoming from 420 to 380 with a reverse pattern during summer 2001. the dxy rise more than 3% after the bottom of gold in 1 year ! how could this DXY get up 10% higher in 2 years ??? what is the secret of history I miss ???? I believe there is something to learn with that period ! kind regards CD ANSWER: While the Euro began really in 1999, the physical notes did not come into circulation until 2000. The euro hit its all-time high shortly after its launch at the s
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Guantanamo Bay & Covering Up Mistakes | Armstrong Economics: QUESTION: You once mentioned that Guantanamo Bay was a violation of human rights and Obama had pledged to close it when he ran for office the first time. Yet it is still open. Why is America acting in a manner it condemns others? FG ANSWER: The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base they call GTMO. It is on the coast of Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. Since the inmates have been detained indefinitely without trial and several detainees have allegedly been tortured, the operations of this camp are considered to be a major breach of human rights by Amnesty International. I fully agree. I have some actual Washington sources on this subject. They tried to release some quietly and sent them back in jeans and T-Shirts. They were killed back home because (1) these people are not terrorists, and (2) they assumed they were now working for the CIA. These people have NEVER been given a trial because there is no evidence. If they were terrorists, they would have put them on trial and paraded them as a huge victory. You must ask - Why have they not done that? The famous Guantanamo prisoner, the only one put on trial, and he was acquitte
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Beware of the Real Debt Crisis on the Horizon – not the BS on TV | Armstrong Economics: We have to come to the reality that from 2019 onward, we are headed into a Pension Crisis that will be serious. Many are starting to yell about the debt crisis. They lump on private debt and yell its a bubble. What they miss entirely is the fact that we face more than a decade of crises that would have been avoidable, had governments been actually managers and central bank had not tried to keep using Keynesian Demand Side Economics that even Paul Volcker warned back in 1978 had failed. This is by no means prophecies of doom and gloom. Unfortunately, they are prophecies not even of a pessimist, but only facts that are comprehensible simply using a pocket calculator and not even a computer. The Pension Crisis is the end of Socialism. Promises that were made which were never sustainable but were a scheme to win votes. Then the money needed to pay the pension required 8% interest annually. Then the central banks enter the game and mess everything up even more. Instead of DIRECTLY aiding the economy, they lower rates and HOPE that the banks will pass it along. They never did. The banks parked the money at the Excess Reserve Window that the Fed has still not closed. The cost of pensions
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Did Victory Become our Guardian Angel? | Armstrong Economics: QUESTION: I was told that Michael the Arc Angel was fashioned after Victory. Is that true? ANSWER: Well it is hard to say that he specifically was fashioned after the ancient image of Victory, which goes back to Greek times - pre-Roman. There is the Greek statue in the Louvre of Victory or Nike standing on the prow of a ship. You obviously see the wings after which Christians at least adopted the image of an angel. The personification of military Victory is, at least on the coins, one of the most enduring of Roman depictions. The direct counterpart to the Greeks' Nike, Victoria figures prominently not only as one of the most generic coin types but is also heavily rendered in Roman friezes, statuary, and jewelry from one end of the empire to the other. It would be difficult to find an emperor who did not strike a VICTORIA AVG issue whether the reign was beset by wars or enjoyed prolonged peace. So pervasive is the iconography of this martial protector that even the most ardent Christians were unable to dislodge her primacy in the populace. To avoid the potentially disastrous conflicts that might have stemmed from prohibiting her imagery and adulation it was decided to simply Christi
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Draining the Swamp & Why the New York Times is Trying to Overthrow Trump | Armstrong Economics: There has never been any president who has been so attacked and hated by the media in the history of the nation. Now the New York Times has done a piece claiming that Trump was handed over $400 million from his parents and he is neither a self-made man nor did his parents pay taxes on handing him that money. All of this hatred is clearly designed to protect the corruption in government. They just hate him and the people who voted for him because they wanted the DRAIN THE SWAMP. The one thing about history is the fact that nothing seems to ever be a first. Following the collapse of the Roman Monetary System during the 3rd century which bottomed in 268AD, most people who just like to blame the government for hyperinflation never really seem to do their investigation of events because they always ASSUME that they know the cause and just look for the facts that support their predetermined conclusion. There was an emperor who came to power in 270AD who appears more like the same script of Trump's DRAIN THE SWAMP. The debasement of the coinage was indeed pervasive. However, much of this was NOT official, but the corruption of the bureaucracy. The corruption in the bureaucracy was reflect
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