Friday, August 6, 2021

share: The New General Theory of Science of the Universal Law

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The Cognitive Deficiencies of the Scientists that Prevent Them From Grasping the Beauty and Simplicity of the New Theory of the Universal Law

An Enlightened Discussion Among PAT Members
October 25, 2018
Image result for salvador dali , paintings photos
Melting Watch, 1954 by Salvador Dali
Georgi Stankov
There will come a time (hopefully very soon) when human science will be understood for what it truly is – a total and utter delusion generated by skewed agnostic minds of generations of innumerous “scientists” during many centuries of futile empirical research and total exclusion of the epistemological origin of human consciousness. Until now both scientists, being the alleged spearhead of scientific knowledge about Nature, and all humans who follow them blindly have failed to understand that All-That-Is is Only Energy E that consists of infinite systems and levels which are defined entirely by their constant specific amount (quantum/package) of energy E(A), which we define in the new physical and mathematical theory of the Universal Law as an action potential. Subsequently we have only one Universal Law of Nature that can be presented as a mathematical equation, as the simplest equation in mathematics – the rule of three:
E/E(A) = f.
In this case, the dimensionless quotient of these two magnitudes is arbitrarily defined as frequency f and the reciprocal value of it t = 1/f is currently defined in physics, in the SI system, from a mathematical point of view (and there is no other point of view) as time. We call it “conventional time” in order to make a distinction to frequency, which is now defined as “absolute time” f.
From this it follows that there is only Energy and its infinite systems and levels with a specific constant amount of energy manifesting as repeating action potentials and that the only third magnitude in All-That-Is is frequency. Therefore, there is no space and no linear time. Both magnitudes, or dimensions, are an artificial creation of the human mind, precisely, they are the illusory product of its cognitive limitations to perceive energy as an unity; instead the human mind separates it unconsciously (physiologically) into space and time (space-time) in all its perceptions as I have proved beyond any doubt in the new theory of the Universal Law. This is the cognitive origin of all human illusion of separation from the Source and the quell of all blunders in science and everyday life.
At the same time the beauty and simplicity of the Universal Law, which Wendy praises below and I fully concur with her, is completely lost to the human race. When I discovered the Universal Law as a mathematical equation in 1994 and explained it first from a cognitive, theoretical and epistemological point of view, I had no idea of the aesthetic beauty which this simple equation was holding for me and hopefully soon for the rest of humanity. Then I began step by step to unravel the complicated equations and mathematical presentations in the numerous textbooks on physics that have created such an enormous artificial complexity and inconceivable obfuscation of the true nature of All-That-Is as Energy that I was mesmerized by the beauty, harmony and elegance of the physical universe that was suddenly revealed to me and I felt privileged to be able to decipher God’s scripture in every detail.
Since then this ecstatic feeling has accompanied me every day of my life and I am unable to comprehend why conventional scientists are unable to share with me this exquisite beauty of Nature, just as many members of the PAT are doing with a growing understanding in the meantime. Of course, we have discussed on this website a lot the cognitive, spiritual, moral and intellectual deficiencies of the scientists that are not any different from those of the average human population and make this crumbling 3D reality such a wasteland. And we are fully aware that what you think is what you experience as first comes the internal idea and only then the external reality as a physical experience.
But it is still an inexplicable riddle to me, and to many PAT members as expressed in their correspondence below,  how it is possible to approach, for instance, 10,000 physicists in 2017 with a comprehensive open letter and introduce them into the new Propaedeutics of the Universal Law and nobody – I underline, NOBODY – even responds. What is wrong with this debased human species? And how come the scientists who are considered to be in this human society experts on Nature and know “what holds the pieces together” are in fact the most recalcitrant and stubborn deniers of true knowledge?
When the time will come and the Universal Law will be fully accepted on this planet, there will be for a very long time only one theme of relevance that will dominate the collective discussion worldwide:
What specific mental, emotional, intellectual and ethical deficiencies have prevented millions of scientists and billions of human beings incarnated on this earth in eons of time to comprehend the simple truth, the beauty and exquisite elegance of Nature =All-That-Is as our Creation and as embodied in the simple three-rule-equation of the Universal Law.
The shock wave that this insight into the abysmal stupidity of the human race will unleash in the minds, predominantly of the new crystalline children that carry the knowledge of the Universal Law in their pristine energetic structure of Adam Kadmon, will be the only and most powerful motor of change for humanity from a perceived weak, humble biological creature to an immortal, eternal, transgalactic race of Creator light beings.
If there is such a thing as “Original sin” as fake Christian religion preaches to the masses, then it is the rejection of the existence of the Universal Law of All-That-Is by the scientists and the rest of humanity and their deliberate “Fall from Grace” into utter ignorance about the true Nature of themselves and the world of hell humans have created for themselves with this rejection. From a higher vantage point of view of all sentient beings in this multiverse, who know that they are unlimited creators of their and any other reality, this is indeed the biggest sin one can commit.

The PAT Discussion
Interesting articles
Dear George,
I read two interesting articles in the mainstream that shows that the scientists are beginning to question time and realize the importance of Oneness. I discussed it with our team and we think that you might be interested. As Mark said, they need the Universal Law. I think the “time” is coming.
With love and light,
Jet (from China, translator of my articles and books on the Universal Law)
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