Dear readers, once again we offer love through these messages of hope
and information. You are the way showers and as such, some of you are
experiencing criticism from those around you who want you to be more three-dimensionally involved and who interpret your "silence" as doing
Because you are aware of the bigger picture, you are bringing in and
holding Light for the collective. It may seem as if you are doing
nothing, but in reality you are doing everything. You are the mechanics
helping to keep the engine of ascension running, creating a new world
consciousness. Never believe that resting in silent awareness of Oneness
and truth, is doing nothing.
Be patient, dear ones, for there is much more to come. Try not to get
emotionally involved in troubling situations, but rather learn to step
back as observers, silently and secretly knowing that a spiritual
reality always underlies the outer scene. Staying centered and aligned
with truth rather than with appearances opens you to receive information
from within about what is going on.
Take this understanding with you into the voting booth as it will enable
you to intuitively bypass the rhetoric and political bluff towards the
candidate most closely aligned with unselfish motives. Spiritual gifts
are to be lived and utilized in every moment of ordinary daily living,
not to be filed away and called upon only for special occasions.
Be prepared to hear about the exposure of pockets of dense, dark energy.
Practices, beliefs, and actions long hidden from the majority are
beginning to surface. The Light created by every enlightened
consciousness as well as that flowing through now open spiritual
gateways is dissolving heretofore closed doors, allowing access to hidden
places that have served the energetically dark.
Many will be shocked by some exposures, especially those who remain
asleep in third dimensional living. They will deny or say that the world
has reached a new low, but nothing being exposed is or will be new,
rather these things are only now being brought to light and this will
continue for some time yet.
Current events are forcing many who have been living comfortably in
duality and separation to begin examining their personal belief system
which is an important step toward awakening. Moving to a new level of
awareness always begins with introspection, a pondering of the aspects
of one's life that have begun to feel complete--physically, emotionally,
mentally, and spiritually.
Ascension is not a one time event as many believe, but is infinite. As
you attain and live from each new level of spiritual understanding, more
unfolds that moves you beyond your present level and in into the next.
Evolution is the infinite process of remembering one's self to be SELF
and all that this means. This is what mankind has been doing in each of
their hundreds of lifetimes.
Evolution is slower and more of a process in three dimensional energy
because the density of the physical body only allows it to integrate the
higher Light frequencies gradually. Each individual's readiness is
determined by their Higher Self.
Know that conditions of good human-hood are no more real than bad
human-hood. Most religious teachings give you techniques for attaining
"good human-hood" and everyone rejoices when a "bad" appearance changes
into a "good" appearance. As creators, never forget that if you believe
in and seek human good, you are automatically in alignment with human
bad for they are simply two ends of the same three-dimensional duality
You, as spiritually aware individuals, are ready to cease seeking for
good appearances while trying to eliminate the bad ones. Your work now
is to realize that the Divine Consciousness you are, is already whole
and complete. When you attain that state of consciousness, it will
automatically manifest outwardly as what appears as human "good" in
accord with your individual needs or preferences.
Because there is only ONE, consciousness is always seeking to align with
Itself. Each person's consciousness acts like a magnet drawing to them
whatever energies are in alignment and then automatically expressing
important to ask yourselves; "What am I holding as truth in my
Because wholeness and completeness are qualities of Divine
Consciousness, they are the reality, held infinitely in place by Divine
law. At this point, your primary goal must become the realization that
every quality of God is already fully present within you even if it
doesn't seem that way, rather than dillydallying around in third
dimensional concepts and beliefs which can only serve to keep you
experiencing them.
Truth is infinite and real but for the most part mankind's awareness of
it has been blocked because third dimensional energy is unable to align
with anything higher. The higher frequencies of Light now flowing to the
collective are enabling many to align with and receive information from
previously unavailable sources in the higher dimensions. Because of
this, many of you are starting to have or are having more psychic
Lives lived completely in third dimensional energy are like going to a
movie where the curtain remains closed. You hear and see bits and
pieces, but are unable to actually understand what is really happening,
and so make up what you think is happening. Every person there will have
a different story based on their life experiences and states of
consciousness. This is what every life lived fully in dimensional energy
has been lifetime after lifetime.
The curtain is opening, the wizard is being exposed as nothingness, and
mankind is beginning to see. Some will try and are now attempting to
re-close the curtain, because having it remain shut is comfortable and
familiar. Others are desperately holding the curtain shut because they
do not want you to see the real story. Know that you have the power to
choose how you want to view the movie.
As good as things may have seemed in the past, everything still
resonating with old energy is quickly becoming obsolete in order to make
room for new universal awareness. Always remember that nothing real can
ever be lost, but rather simply returns again and again in higher and
better forms. Do not grieve the past dear ones, everything real is
forever held in place by Divine Law. Relationships may change, but the
love the creates them is forever.
Rest when you feel the need, eat lighter and more nutritious foods or
don't eat at all if you are guided to. You are experiencing tremendous
change on many levels at this time that often leave you feeling tired,
sick, and depressed. Try not to immediately run toward three-dimensional
solutions for your discomfort because drugs alter your energy field.
Use natural remedies if you feel the need for relief from "ascension
symptoms". It is better to just ride them out in trust, resting often
and listening to your intuition.
Some of you continue to struggle in an effort to keep certain parts of
your life working the same way they have in the past. In order for
anything to "work" (relationships, friends, foods, entertainments etc.)
there must be energetic alignment. Your inner work has shifted your
frequencies to new levels, leaving you out of alignment with many things
that up to now have been a big part of your life. This does not mean
that any of these things were wrong, it simply means that you have
graduated and are no longer in energetic alignment with them.
Because your energy has become more refined, certain foods that you
enjoyed in the past have become energetically denser than your personal
energy. This is often the point at which some become vegetarian. If you
enjoy and want to continue eating meat, choose that which holds clean,
healthy, happy energy and not energies of fear and suffering.
We have spoken of all these things before, but it is important to
reiterate because many, even those seemingly very awake, continue to
resist truth if or when it interferes with their lifestyle, choosing to
look first to commonly accepted third dimensional information for
answers, rather than going within and allowing their intuition to guide
them to what may actually turn out to be a seemingly three dimensional
You are ready, more than ready, to be the truth you know. If you choose
not to, you align yourselves with much that is rapidly dissolving. Gaia,
who is a living soul and not a ball of dirt, is ascending, and you can
go with her if you choose.
Like it or not, ascension is happening.
Cease from the struggle and rest in what is.
We are the Arcturian Group
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