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Being the Master of Your Reality--The Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie
Being the Master of Your Reality
By the Pleiadians through Suzanne
Dear Ones,
are the members of your Pleiadian family. Some of you who will read
this message may be wondering why you have been experiencing challenges,
and/or fears. On the other hand, some of you may be have a wonderful
if you can realize that your “state of consciousness” has a great deal
to with your own inner self, you will feel more in control of the
situation. Then any fears or angers can be perceived, not as a bad day,
but as a personal challenge to adjust your state of consciousness into a
higher sense of your own SELF.
this manner, you will have a better chance of becoming the Master of
your emotions. Being the Master of your emotions, does not mean that you
do not feel difficult emotions such as fear, anger, confusion, etc.
Being the Master of your Emotions usually means that you take a moment
to find a way to leave that difficult situation and go inside to have a
talk with your SELF.
is this manner that YOU can become the Master of your Emotions. What we
mean by being the “master of your emotions,” is that you are the Master
of your emotions and your emotions are NOT the Master of you. Your
emotions are messages to you brain that are telling you what your body
and mind are “really” feeling, instead of what they “should be feeling.”
are not good or bad. Emotions are messages from your mind and your
body. If you see that the gasoline gage is very low, you do not need to
be upset. You have a choice to say, “OK getting gasoline comes first.”
Or, you can become angry and upset with yourself, or even upset with the
car that “NOW you have to get gasoline!”
you have a state of Mastery over your emotions, you will begin to
realize that emotions are a non-verbal way that your body, and or your
mind, can give you important information. If one has gained some mastery
over their emotions, they can be perceived as bringers of important
body does not speak English, or whatever your primary language is.
However, your body does speak emotions. If you allow yourself to be
“non-reactive” to your emotions, and listen carefully, you will greatly
expand your sense of SELF and your interactions with your daily life.
you will feel much stronger and more in control of your reality. It is
helpful if you are able to chose to believe that YOU chose the
experience your emotions because they give you important information.
example, the emotion of fear has a purpose of preparing you to expand
your consciousness, and focus on your vision and hearing in a clearer
and more directed manner. In fact, fear, will direct your attention to
something that you may not have noticed before. Then, if there is
danger, your vision, hearing, and body is ready to totally focus on that
bring this topic up today because your reality is ready to expand more
and more beyond the limitations of the third dimensional daily life, and
into the greater focus, courage and alignment with your fourth
dimensional reality.
your Pleiadian Family, are telling you to perceive fear as a message
instead of an enemy. Yes, if there is actually an enemy, then fear will
prepare your body for battle. On the other hand, sometimes you may
experience fear when you perceive, and/or come into contact with
something that is very different.
you allow yourself to react, rather than focus on the situation, you
may misjudge what is occurring and create a difficult situation rather
than an important situation. We, your Pleiadian Family, are giving you
this information to prepare you for the increased sightings of our
Starships that you may be having, or have already had.
people may look directly at one of our Starships and choose NOT to
perceive it, even when others may be saying, “Hey, look! There is a
Starship.” We, your Pleiadian family, want you to know that we are here
to assist you during the extremely challenging NOW of preparing the
humans of Earth for our “First Landings.”
course, we Pleiadians have been landing on Earth for longer than you
could remember, but we always remained cloaked. However, now we wish to
tell you that if you see a cloud that looks like a Starship, it is
actually a Starship that is cloaked to look like a cloud.
have increasingly been television shows and movies about our landing
that are NOT based on fear. For that we are very grateful. The fact that
humanity is now able to talk about Starships and Galactic Beings with
curiosity rather than fear, is also a sign the humanity is beginning to
awaken to the fact that Earth is NOT the only planet that has life
fact, we can perceive by our different manners of observing Earth that
more and more humans are becoming increasingly ready to accept that fact
that, no only are there other planets that are inhabited, but many of
beings of these planets look very humanoid, and are member of Earthlings
Galactic Family.
don’t you land now?” we hear you ask. The answer is because there is
not yet a higher enough percentage of humans who would be able to
welcome us with love and love. In fact, instead, they would shoot up
bombs, which would only fall back to Earth and destroy their own planet
those of you who are awake know, Gaia has MANY “planetary health
issues,” which are about 99% because of humanity. We, your Galactic
Family, do NOT want to frighten you, but we will NOT allow Gaia to be
destroyed by the very inhabitants of Her body that will be the ones to
destroy Her.
you have not noticed, Gaia has been quite upset lately, because She is
have more and more difficulty recovering from the deep wounds that
humanity has left on, and inside, Her Planetary Body. It is the NOW for
humanity to expand their consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth
you feel that you have moved into a higher frequency of consciousness,
which allows you to have a more empowered sense of your SELF worth, your
sense of SELF will become increasingly fourth dimensional. With a
fourth dimensional SELF esteem, you will feel more creative, confident,
and able to explore the next frequency of reality.
there are different versions of the same realities that can only be
perceived by humans via different frequencies of consciousness. As an
example, you may go to the same work place Monday through Friday.
Monday and Tuesday may be wonderful days in which you feel you have
contributed to the whole in a positive way. You may feel that you have
been noticed and appreciated. On these days, you consciousness can more
easily perceive higher frequencies of reality.
on a different day, you may experience a very different version of that
same reality. You may be easily distracted, and/or have difficult
confrontations with your boss or fellow workers. This would be a day in
which you frequency of consciousness is much lower.
may even allow yourself to become the “victim” to that day. “What is
wrong with every one?” you may ask. Or, you could realize that this was a
day in which your state of consciousness dropped and you were unable to
create a peak experience for yourself.
is your state of consciousness that directs your perceptual field. When
you are having a bad day and your state of consciousness is lower third
dimensional, you will even have difficulty focusing on your drive home
from work.
will then walk in, slam the door, ignore you spouse, push away your
children who want to hug you, and get a drink. On that day, in that
state of consciousness, you do not even see your spouse or your
children. Obviously, you would NOT see one of our Starships.
if you have had a great day and feel good about your self, you will
drop off to pick up what you know your family needs, and walk in the
door with a smile, hugs, kisses and the treat for the kids, and the
launder that needed to be picked up from the cleaners.
that day, you WILL see our Starship. In fact, you will rush home and
take your family to exact place that you saw our Ship and happily share
your experience. “Take me aboard!” the children will happily cry. “Not
yet,” we will answer, “but we can come into your dream world.
course, most humans will not hear our response, but it is the children
who will likely be the first ones to see us. You are all aware of your
third dimensional life, as that is the reality you have been living.
However, the children will be the first ones to be able to “believe”
that they are actually seeing our Ships.
are usually much more in-touch with their fourth dimensional
perceptions. They are the most aware of the “reality of their
imagination,” and they are most inclined to remember the dream they had
about a very tall, very nice being in a blue suite with light skin and
blond hair.
adults may be frightened, children are more inclined to be excited.
They are also the ones who will remember the “dream” they the other day
about those nice people who talked to them about their Starship and life
on a different planet.
do not become afraid of our conversation. Instead, they can’t wait to
draw a picture of it or play Starships with their friends. That is they
will do these things is their parents are not too frightened by another
reality. “I can barely handle this reality?” they may say. “How could I
ever handle another reality too?”
do they know that many of them are, indeed from “another reality” to
which they return on a regular basis—but they FORGET! What if adults
were as opened and creative as children? What if adults could remember
their own childhood experiences and the great dream of Starships they
had last night?
if humanity was able to BE their true Multidimensional SELF and Gaia
was dearly loved and cared for by ALL Her human residents.
Now that is a great dream to have at night, as well as in the daytime.
What if you were the Master of your Reality? What reality would you Choose?
Blessings from your Galactic Family. Give us a call.
We ARE here NOW!
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