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Awakening with Suzanne Lie

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

You Are Not Alone (Arcturian Update)

(The Arcturians said some amazing things here, so please check it out.)

10-5-2017 Arcturian Update - Part 2


Shawnna, Sue and the 
Arcturians through Sue Lie

ARCTURIANS: When humanity is able to accept that they are NOT the most evolved species, their arrogance, which is usually a disguise for fear, will diminish enough that we will be able to show them that they are ready to move into that next stage of evolution.

Humanity will also reveal their readiness by showing and sharing their open hearts and clear minds, which enable them to perceive and communicate with a higher frequency of reality. Humanity will then be able to “believe in,” as well as “be in connection with” their own higher expressions who resonate to the higher dimensions.

In other words, once humans realize that they are NOT the most evolved beings, they will be able to open their consciousness to Higher Beings, who are often their own Higher SELF. It is an innate ability of humanity to be able to identify, as well as resonate to, a higher dimension. When humans have remembered that innate ability, they will be able to resonate to, and consciously experience, two realities at once.

Once humans remember that they are able to resonate to many different realities within the same NOW, they will be more able to accept the fact that there are Higher Beings that are often higher expressions of their own human self. These Higher Beings resonate to fifth dimensional and beyond worlds such as Venus, Arcturus, The Pleiades, and Andromeda.

There are also other Higher Dimensional Beings, such as Angels, Archangels, Elohim and Ascended Masters who are ready to assist any and all humans who are ready to experience and process their return to their own Higher SELF.

As you, humanity, call to these Higher Beings and to the Higher Frequencies of reality, you actually create an open portal through which these Higher Beings, Higher Frequencies, and Higher Concepts can travel through the portal into each person’s consciousness.

Because each human is made of the same Earth, Air, Fire and Water as the planet, each and every human serves as a portal into the body of Gaia. By opening the portal of their Crown Chakra and allowing the higher frequencies of reality to travel through their Kundalini, into their Base Chakra, down your legs, into your feet and into the core of Gaia.

We want you all to know that each and every human is able to serve as an open portal through which you can also send your consciousness UP into your Fifth Dimensional Self and beyond.

Feel your fifth dimensional SELF and beyond as YOU…

Feel your Fifth Dimensional Self on the Star Ship…

Feel your Fifth Dimensional Self on your Homeworld…

Feel your personal self who is currently walking the Earth…

Feel how ALL of these versions of YOU are expressions of your Fifth Dimensional SELF...

We now ask you to be aware that there are more and more Fifth Dimensional Beings that are walking the Earth within your NOW. The reason why they are walking the Earth is because, when the grounded humans fully remember how to open up to, and activate, their Fifth Dimensional perspectives, they will see that there are Lightbody Galactics walking right next to them, standing right next to them, and sitting right next to them.

Then they will realize that they will not be able to have any doubt that they are NOT alone.

Gaia, and Gaia’s sisters in the Pleiades and Venus, are not going to allow the destruction of planet Gaia. The destruction of planet Earth will not be allowed. And, all the other planets, who are also living beings, as well as the beings that inhabit those planets, will send their unconditional love and assistance to their dear sister Gaia.

There are also many beings, Earthlings, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedens, Tau Cretans, Venusians and many more, who are all represented on the inter-dimensional Starships.

Now most of these Starships still resonate to the Fifth Dimension. Therefore, it is only when your consciousness resonates to the Fifth Dimension that you, the grounded humans, will be able to perceive the fifth dimensional phenomena of the Fifth Dimensional Ships and the Fifth Dimensional Beings that are walking amongst you right NOW.

SHAWNNA: What a wonderful recognition that we are not alone, that there is a grand reunion ahead, and it’s happening NOW! As you’ve mentioned, if we take notice of those around us, we can sense this presence in our daily, physical life. We will be able to look around and think "Oh, that’s a Galactic person hiding, not hiding, but impersonating a human." I can tell, we can tell. We can sense it.

What a beautiful gift to have this Higher Guidance around us, and isn’t this the perfect time to present this important truth to Humanity, so we can give them hope? Look at what’s happening in the world. If every person knew what the truth was, what is really there, and who our Galactic family really is, the reunion would instantly change our reality.

ARCTURIANS: Yes, it would, and will, change reality in an instant. And you, dear humans, are closer than you realize, because you are all within the darkest night. The United States, which was always meant to be the flashpoint for the landings, is in the darkest night before dawn.

Even the protectorates of the United States are in the darkest nights before the dawn. So many of the citizens, the animals, the plants, earth, air, water and light have suffered within this darkest night.

We wish you all to know that you are all coming to the Starships at night,

and you are all able to come into in the special rooms of Healing.

Have you ever had a very challenging day and finally you fall asleep, even though you feel awful. Then, when you wake up, you feel great? Well congratulations, you took a trip up to the Ships and got to go into one of those wonderful bed-type structures where you lay down on this wonderful bed, and a dome comes down over you, then you fall of into a deep, deep sleep.

Then, your consciousness travels up into the reunion with your Higher Dimensional Selves, for some all the way up to your Twelfth Dimensional Self. How far you go depends on how far you are able to expand your consciousness, and then you come back. As your journey ends, the dome over the “bed” opens, and you are fine. You are healed!

Now, there are many, many inventions that are on your planet, Right NOW, that can make a huge difference in your ability to bring Gaia back to her beautiful, calm self. But these inventions are all being held back by selfish leaders who want a broken country that is easier to control.

Therefore, it is up to the daily people, of your daily life, to band together and say,

“No, we want those inventions. We want those wonderful things that have already been invented!" However, the Illuminati has hidden them and have not allowed you to benefit from wonderful inventions, such as some of the things that Tesla created.

We speak of these truths to all of you because we want you to know that the third dimensional world of getting up, going to work, picking up the kids, coming back, making dinner, having dinner, is fine, and even wonderful, but that’s not all that is. There is something much more. Something much, much, more!

SHAWNNA: What if each of us aligned with our mission and discovered for ourselves what ‘more’ means to us, because it is unique for each person? Consider this your active call to explore this. Because we are all being called now to step into action and contribute to bringing all that we’ve spoken of into the enlightenment of all humanity.

This truth, this equality, and this technology is OURS, and we have a right to adopt and utilize it in order to transform humanity because we deserve it, and it is time!

We are no longer going to allow this subjugation because it is our time to thrive!

ARCTURIANS: Yes, it is humanity’s time to thrive. BUT, humanity has to stand up for itself. When you come to that crossroad where you DO band together and STAND UP FOR YOUR SELVES, you will be able to activate all of your chakras and move into your fourth Dimensional Self!

Then, you will be able to allow your body

to birth forth into your Fifth Dimensional Lightbody.

At first, your human perspective may not perceive that shift. Your human perspective may just see your human self because each frequency of consciousness maintains a frequency of perception. Therefore, until your frequency of consciousness resonates to the fifth Dimension, you may not be able to perceive the Fifth Dimension. But you CAN imagine it…

And “imagination is Fifth Dimensional thought!”

You may not be able to perceive your own Lightbody, which many of you have already awakened and already live within, and, in fact, use in a daily manner. But think of the courage, the courage that even without the knowledge that you are protected and guided by your own fifth Dimensional Multidimensional Lightbody, you still forge ahead.

You still think of Gaia, you still think of humans, you still think of plants, you still think of animals. This is why Gaia is ascending, because the humans of Gaia are so courageous.

Even though so many of you are completely unaware of your own Higher Frequencies, you somehow find the courage to act as if you knew about these Higher Frequencies. And it is that ‘acting as if’ that is the key.

It’s much like learning a dance. If your brain is engaged instead of just your feet, you may say ‘Oh, I should do it this way. Oh, I did it that way. No, I did it wrong. Oh, what did she say?’

Well, you’re never going to learn this way because you will have doubt. But if you just relax and trust your feet, you’ll find that you are actually doing that dance. It is the same with all of reality.

If you can just allow yourself to be your Higher Frequency of Self, you may be very surprised at what you experience, as well as how these experiences deeply change you. However, remember that you are not going to be your Higher Frequency of Self all the time.

To bring your fifth dimensional consciousness into your daily life, you’re going to have to meditate, and you’re going to have to do something that you love, or draw, or run, or walk, or dance, or listen to music, to be able to move into a deep state of meditation and higher states of consciousness.

But, if you can remember that you have that “YOU” within you when you are standing in line at the grocery store, sitting in the dentist’s chair, helping your kids with their homework, driving in traffic, etc. etc. then you will begin to LIVE fifth dimensionally.

All of those third dimensional tasks, are just part of the Great Illusion that you MUST live for this now! However, as you begin to realize and identify an illusion as an illusion, you will gradually, bit by bit, step out of that illusion and step into that Higher Frequency of reality.

SHAWNNA: The power of having that daily connection, and that recognition that you are not alone, that you’re always guided by your Higher Self WILL change your relationship with reality.

If you set an empowered intention, and start your day walking with your Higher Self, walking with Gaia, asking her to walk with you, you become connected to your SELF and to Gaia. Then, you know that you will make decisions each and every day, moment by moment, managing your emotions and setting the highest intentions for the day. Then, one day, that will become your new life, if it isn’t that way already.

What a beautiful way to contribute, to call upon that connection and that experience of your Soul! We’ve been here before, we’ve done this before. We are not new to this, we are explorers, we are blazing a pathway. Like you said, it’s just another dance that we are learning.

Therefore, just go with the flow. follow that guidance, surrender into what your Soul is guiding you to do. Then we will all gather and celebrate the great victory that is ahead.

ARCTURIANS: Yes, it is the second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day calibration and recalibration back into your Multidimensional Consciousness. Your Multidimensional Consciousness is YOU, you never lost it, but you did forget it.

Coming into that Third Dimension and going through the challenges and the hardships of a Third Dimensional reality has made many of our Beloved candidates to take an Earth vessel forget their true Self and to fall into the illusion of being “just a Third Dimensional human.”

Now you are a Third Dimensional human, but that is NOT “just a human.” You are a Multidimensional Human, and we invite you all right now to take a moment to:

Close your physical eyes…

Feel your aura around your body…

Feel that as soon as you do so, you automatically straighten your spine you can feel that the Kundalini is moving up and down your spinal column.

Hence, you automatically put your feet on the floor because you know that with this degree of inner power, you want to make sure that you are grounded, and that you share this power with Gaia!

Perhaps, you feel a buzzing in your head, or you feel a tickling above you Crown Chakra, or you may feel an interesting sensation in your Third Eye.

Very often, you might see Violet Light, which is the Highest Frequency of Light. It is this Violet Light that takes you into that next octave of Light.

We remind all of you that everything is Light. It is just when that Light holds a Third Dimensional density, it is easy to forget that it is Light.

Then, it appears to become dense earth, liquid water, a cloudy sky and/or a firing of the synaptic junctions within your body. But just as this is occurring on a Third Dimensional level, it’s also occurring all the way up into your fifth dimensional SELF.

In closing, we would invite you all to perceive your portal, the portal that you have been creating. The portal through which you are able to expand your consciousness to fully remember that you are a Multidimensional Being and to intimately experience your Fifth Dimensional body of Light.

Now, it may take a lot of practice, because you’ve had a lot of incarnations that have told you, ‘Oh, you are just a human being.’

And so we say to all of you, be patient with yourself. For many, many, many incarnations, you’ve only been able to perceive, conceive and live as a third dimensional being.

You are NOW expanding your consciousness to accept the truth, that YOU are a Multidimensional Being in the process of expanding beyond the:

Fourth Dimensional Frequency of creativity, dreams, flowing, singing, dancing, enjoying…

Into your Fifth Dimensional experience of being HERE NOW.

And allowing yourself to just ponder that HERE and NOW.

For many humans, their consciousness is one place, and their body is in another.

Therefore, we remind you to pull your consciousness into your body

Begin living in the HERE and NOW while in your Third Dimensional Self…

Then expand that HERE and NOW into the creative acts of your Fourth Dimensional Self…

THEN, as you slip into your meditations, dreams, imaginations and Higher Creativity,

feel that your Self, your LIGHTBODY SELF, is HERE in the NOW.

Blessings to you all!

Shawnna would you like to say anything in closing?

SHAWNNA: Yes, I just wish to say thank you so very much for your guidance today.

We appreciate all of the efforts of each and every one of you. What you have done, what you will do, and what your Higher Selves are doing to assist all life on Gaia.

All your contributions are being recognized. We are grateful for every ounce of effort you put into your expansion into a Higher state of awareness. Every one of you who contributes to this process is helping exponentially.

It is an amazing expansion of the Light and of the humanity that awaits each and every one of us. So stay strong, connected, keep your head up, and let’s do this together because

you are not alone.

We ALL have important work to do.

Again thank you each of you for your listening and for contributing in the way that you have, and that you will.

ARCTURIANS: Thank you. We are so happy that you join us. Blessings to you all.

SHAWNNA: Thank you.

(Please share this message with others)

Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:49 AM

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