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Monday, December 17, 2018
Individuality Within Unity
The Arcturians
Through Suzanne Lie
Through Suzanne Lie
It was within Gaia’s first core program that She, the planetary being
will be called on to accept the great challenge of being the format for
If She, Gaia, is successful with this challenge, She will be able to
serve as the “transitional planet” She was meant to be and to begin the
transmutation from a third/fourth-dimensional, planetary reality into a
fifth-dimensional, planetary reality.
It was for this reason, that the forces of darkness have attacked Gaia
again and again. The dark ones attacked Gaia, not because they thought
they were stronger. They attacked Gaia because they knew that Gaia’s
planetary body was destined to be the “Initiation Point” of the
transmutation of the entire Sol Galaxy.
The dark ones knew that if they could disrupt Gaia’s planetary energy
patterns, they could thwart the inter-dimensional plan to use Earth as
the focus of transmutation of the entire Galaxy.
Yes, many of you have been feeling this shift, and many of you have been
sharing the information that you have been channeling. You were among
the first humans who were able to receive and document your messages
from us, as well as to stay true with your “birth assignment” for your
entire adult life.
We are grateful for all of your dedication, and we wish to commend you
all for your dedication. We know that there are many challenges within
your NOW. Also, because you are leaders, you are among the first ones to
feel “The Chaos before Great Change.”
Chaos comes before a change to “break up old patterns” of thinking and
feeling, as well old behaviors that come from the combination of those
thoughts and feelings.
We are happy to say that, eventually, this chaos will ease, and you will
all be able to begin to relax into your new higher frequency of
reality, as well as your new relationships that will be based on being
your true SELF without concern of judgment or confusion.
You will be happy to know that as you enter this higher frequency of
reality, you will be free of the 3D tasks that you most dislike. This
freedom will allow you to move into higher and higher octaves of your
chosen birth path.
Do you remember when you felt you needed to “do everything” as no one
understood you enough to be able to “share your load.” Many of you were
concerned that you would be overtaken by the third-dimensional mundane
tasks of daily life.
That behavior was appropriate at the time because you were among the
first “way showers.” However, because your message, behavior, or life
choices were unique to many others, you were judged.
However, you did not allow the opinions of others to stop your deep
investigation of a new reality that you had found within your own Higher
SELF. NOW, you are able to move into a different relationship with your
reality because more and more humans are awakening to a possible
reality that was buried deep in their heart and mind.
More and more, you can look at the aura of others and see that they are
ready for a few words, or more, about why they are feeling so different.
Even though a higher state of consciousness does make one feel much
happier, more loving, and much closer to Nature, it can be threatening
to others that have not yet awakened.
Fortunately, as your consciousness expands more and more, you will find
that you have more friends and family with whom you can share your
multidimensional reality. Then, once that “possible reality” is shared,
these relationships often become more intimate.
By “intimate,” we do not mean in a sexual manner, however that too will
expand. The expanded intimacy we are speaking of is the deep fulfillment
of finally being able to be “ALL of you” and no longer needing to “hold
Can you please forgive yourself for holding back?
We ask that you acknowledge that those who are afraid to change will
often scorn those who are the initiators of a higher octave of reality.
It is important that you, the awakened and awakening ones, totally
understand that there are no mistakes or accidents.
If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, then your Higher
Self has created that situation for you so that you can become stronger.
Just as an athlete uses weights to become stronger, our leaders will
use experiences to become stronger.
While in your fifth-dimensional SELF, you will realize that YOU chose
all that has occurred in your past, as well as within your present and
in your upcoming future. But, before the teacher can teach, the teacher
must learn.
One thing that we, your Galactic Family, are asking you to
learn/remember within this NOW is the process of learning how to
maintain your individuality while you are simultaneously fully merged
with the collective…
Your fifth-dimensional expression of SELF remembers that individuality
can, and does, exist within the collective. Your “individuality”
represents the manner in which your Core SELF is expressed through your
Collective SELF, as well as within the Collective Society that you have
chosen to create and/or experience.
Yes, each and every one of you has a “Collective SELF,” who represents
the collection of every incarnation that you have ever experienced on
Gaia. Those of you, who have promised to assist with planetary
ascension, has been called on to go into every incarnation you ever had
on Earth and balance the polarities of light and dark.
You may think that that task is impossible, but that is only because you
are thinking in terms of separation and time. As you move more and more
into your fifth-dimensional consciousness, you will realize that time
is an illusion of the third, and to a lesser extent, of the fourth
In fact, while you are “home” on your fifth dimensional Star Ship and/or
fifth dimensional Homeworld, you are aware that time and space are a
construct of a third dimensional reality. Third dimensional realities
are still often run in a hierarchal manner in which there are
judgments that certain persons or places are “better” or “worse.”
Whatever reality you choose to create, and/or participate in, is the NOW
that you created. When you feel complete with that NOW, your
consciousness is free to flow into another experience of NOW. We could
not say that each NOW is different, as the terms of “different” or “the
same,” are not considered in a fifth dimensional reality.
Instead, your fifth dimensional consciousness flows into a component of
the NOW that you choose to perceive, and an experience which is much
like flowing into a portal. Within this portal, there are many thoughts,
emotions, experiences, and events into which your consciousness may
Within that flow, it is always NOW. The past is not over and the future is infinitely within you.
Imagine that you are within a huge ocean. Within the depths of that
water, there is no right, left, up, or down. However, in this case, you
are flowing within an “Ocean of Light.”
The Light that creates this ocean is YOUR light, the light that you have
collected and created during all your incarnations on Earth, as well as
all your incarnations on any other reality. In other words, YOU are the
source of the light that shines, and flows, over, under, around, and
through you.
Within that same fifth dimensional and beyond NOW, you are the light of
all those who share your journey. Hence, all the “individual lights”
from all the “individual beings” intermingle with all the “collective
light of every ONE.”
This is how you will experience “being the ONE.” The ONE is NOT separate
in any manner. In fact, the ONE it is the great initiator of all
realities of Light that are the entireONE.” Fifth dimensional
beings, as well as even higher dimensional beings, often visit Gaia to
experience the unknown feeling of “separation.”
Just as living within “Unity with ALL Life” is a unique experience for
those who resonate primarily to their third dimensional frequency of
reality; the experience of “Individuality” is a unique experience for
those who primarily resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond.
Therefore, within this NOW of Planetary Ascension, we, the Golden Ones, are offering you the experience of Being within the ONE. We hear you ask, “How do I accept your offer?” Our answer is much like our above description of flowing within the ONE.
The “ONE” is not a place. The ONE is a state of consciousness. Moving
into, and enjoying the experience of the ONE, is a two-way adventure in
which you are moving into what you have always known, but being
surprised by this experience because you have forgotten that it is your
innate, fifth dimensional reality.
As confusing as it sounds, being in the third dimension makes you forget
the experience of being the fifth dimensional SELF that you have ALWAYS
been. However, in order to remain in touch with your fifth dimensional
SELF, and fifth-dimensional reality, you may feel that you need to
forget about your third dimensional reality, or believe that your third
dimensional experiences are “just illusions.”
Therefore, in order to remain connected to your third dimensional
reality, you may feel that you need to forget your fifth dimensional
reality. Then, if you also want to remain in touch with your “real 5D
reality,” you will need to remain connected to our fifth dimensional
You may have believed that you have never had fifth dimensional
experiences because you have been “unconscious” of that experience.
Fortunately, within this NOW, many of you are on the cusp of realizing,
and hence perceiving, your realities in the fifth dimension and beyond.
These experience has informed you that there is a reality that is more
loving, feels better, and appears to be higher dimensional.
Simultaneously, you are experiencing a third dimensional reality that is
challenging, based on time and work, and you see every person, place,
situation, and thing, as outside of your personal vessel.
Fortunately, more and more of you are also experiencing the “ONE” You,
who is actually multidimensional. This multidimensional YOU is coming
into your dreams, your meditations, your sleep, your creativity, and
your daily life.
How do you experience this YOU? In fact, more and more of you are
beginning to remember a reality in which you experienced “being within
the ONE of the fifth dimensional NOW.”
“Would it be possible for me to experience this new reality within my daily?” your third dimensional self ponders.
“Of course,” answers your fifth dimensional self, “In fact, you are
already doing so, but you forget that experience as soon as your state
of consciousness returns you to your physical world.”
You see, your perceptions are based on your state of consciousness!
“Could my third dimensional self merge with my Fifth Dimensional SELF,
so that you could experience both worlds within the ONE of the fifth
dimension?” you ask.
Our answer to you is that you are already merged into ONE, but the
third dimensional “land of illusion” has distracted you from this fact
by making you believe that you would lose your individuality if you
merged with this higher ONE, who is a component of your true,
Multidimensional SELF.”
“I don’t want to be distracted any longer. I want to remember that I am my fifth dimensional SELF!” we hear you say.
“Then we, and your Fifth Dimensional SELF, must ask you if you BELIEVE
that YOU can orchestrate the merging of your daily self with your fifth
dimensional self?”
“Yes, I want to believe! I will believe.” We hear you say, but we also
wish to ask you, “Are you ready and willing to take the risk to go ahead
and believe what you want to Believe—rather than believe what you
are afraid is true?”
Are you ready to repeat again and again:
“I choose to BELIEVE that
I can merge my daily life with my fifth dimensional SELF!”
Say the above mantra every day for 7 Days!
You can say these words out loud, write down,
whisper them and/or think them.
The important thing is that you imprint this decree in your brain, in your heart,
and into your daily life!
and into your daily life!
The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie
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